Mutant Chronicles

Anyone playing it?
I know it is a shameless 40k ripoff with a pinch of Cyberpunk but it still feel drawn to it.

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  1. 10 months ago

    Nah mate we're playing 5e

  2. 10 months ago

    Give a quick rundown on it. I remember the art was awesome and there was some sort of militant cyber-papacy or something, but not much else.

    • 10 months ago

      Never played it but i read the pdf for 1st edition.
      Basically imagine if warpfrickery started happening before humanity expanded beyond solar system.
      You have a bunch of major corpos that are de facto USA, EU/Russia, British Empire, Japan, some new technophile corpo, wannabe UN and a Brotherhood that focuses on guiding the corpos to fight the warpfrickery (Dark Legion) instead of each other.
      Also earth is a shithole divided between techno barbarians and remnants of actual Russia.
      Also giga shoulder pads, even for 40k standards.

      • 10 months ago

        do you still have the pdf for the 1st edition? are there any supplement and adventures? would you be willing to upload them to the vola?

        • 10 months ago

          Just look for the trove torrent
          It has everything

          • 10 months ago

            Didn't they upload the base rules forever ago?

            Mutantpedia is your friend. They have everything.

            While true, it doesn't take much to be better than some genetically engineered doofus with daddy issues who can't even t-pose without crushing his own skull between his shoulder armor.

            Also, Bauhaus is love.

            Now *that's* an Inquisitor to fear!

            Thanks to the two of you

  3. 10 months ago

    I got the corebook for $7 on clearance.

  4. 10 months ago

    only thing I remember it was 40k but with corporations instead of the Emperor as the head figure

    • 10 months ago

      So battletech

      • 10 months ago

        factions are more visually distinct than btech factions.

  5. 10 months ago

    I wish I could get people to play with me. Mutant Chronicles is fricking awesome.

    I keep debating buying some stuff for Warzone Eternal when it comes out, but I just know people will sneer at it while jerking off to their fricking space marines.

    • 10 months ago

      venusian rangers> space marines

    • 10 months ago

      just look at this drip

  6. 10 months ago

    yeah. I've been waiting for news about the warzone kickstarter before making a thread but they still haven't uploaded the rules.

    • 10 months ago

      Didn't they upload the base rules forever ago?

      do you still have the pdf for the 1st edition? are there any supplement and adventures? would you be willing to upload them to the vola?

      Mutantpedia is your friend. They have everything.

      venusian rangers> space marines

      While true, it doesn't take much to be better than some genetically engineered doofus with daddy issues who can't even t-pose without crushing his own skull between his shoulder armor.

      Also, Bauhaus is love.

      just look at this drip

      Now *that's* an Inquisitor to fear!

      • 10 months ago

        Space Marine pauldrons move up and down with the shoulders, moron. Stop embarrassing yourself when we're talking about the same pauldrons here.

        • 10 months ago

          Bull. Fricking. Shit. This butthole's shoulder armor comes down to his fricking elbows. That Venusian Ranger has a way bigger range of motion before that armor becomes a problem. And even then, there are hinges on the last section to allow even more mobility.

          Space Marine armor is a shit design that restricts motion more often than not.

          only thing I remember it was 40k but with corporations instead of the Emperor as the head figure

          Not really. There are the corporations, the Brotherhood (basically magic space church) and the Dark Lehion (interdimensional alien horrors).

          The closest thing to a single leading figure for humanity is maybe the Cardinal, but the corporations still spend 99% of their time actively trying to dick each other over. With the rare exceptions of the Brotherhood and the Cartel getting Doom Troopers together to frick up a Dark Legion citadel there is very little unity in humanity.

          factions are more visually distinct than btech factions.

          Well sure, considering the amount of cross pollination of units in BT having that same level of visual distinction is tough.

          • 10 months ago

            >Space Marine armor is a shit design that restricts motion more often than not.

          • 10 months ago

            The pauldrons turn upside down when he lifts his hands, moronic mongoloid.
            That's how it's always been since their introduction.

            • 10 months ago

              He still can't bring his arms more than maybe 20 degrees out from his body, which was the original statement you illiterate waste of oxygen.

              • 10 months ago
              • 10 months ago

                You just don't know how Astartes armour works.

  7. 10 months ago

    >Anyone playing it?

    >a shameless 40k ripoff

  8. 10 months ago

    Funny, a friend and I were just talking about this game. I picked up loads of PDFs for the 3rd edition Savage Worlds books a few years years ago on Humble Bundle. Never played it though.

  9. 10 months ago

    I bought a bunch of Mutant Chronicles miniatures off of ebay last year because I think they're cool, but I don't know shit about the game beyond it having cool art.

  10. 10 months ago

    Mutant Chronicles is weird, but it should've been weirder still.

    As I understood it, it was originally meant as a mashup of two Swedish RPGs: some post-apocalyptic thing called "Mutant" and a (then) obscure horror game called "Kult". Fast forward and you had the 3ed of Mutant Chronicles which is honestly the best.

    The single biggest most glaring problem with Mutant Chronicles is that everything it does, you can do with W40K and more. Want evil magical cults? Clergy with psychic powers? Big guns and shoulder pads? Corporations fighting amongst themselves? You can take all of that and drop it whole cloth as is into a system that was gobbled up by the Warp 30,000+ years ago and just returned to the physical universe. Rename the planets (which honestly make no sense in MC anyway), reskin the Dark Symmetry stuff to be Chaos stuff (which is easy enough to do), and run with it.

    "But I want MC! Not W40k!!1!"

    Okay, so then run MC by the book. It's perfectly viable on its own already. It's got a kind of neat metaplot you can pursue, or you can just focus on the zombies and wars.

    "But it still feels too much like W40k, just with more zombies and less headtube skulls!!1!"

    I think the trick at that point is to find inspiration in game's the Kult roots. "Reality is a lie, Death is an illusion" and all that. The Dark Symmetry is designed to keep human souls from Ascendancy, trapped in a cycle of reincarnation, with Apotheosis into becoming a Nepharite and serving the Dark Symmetry the only (permitted) escape from the cycle. The different planets are just manifestations of Metropolis, Gaia, Inferno, etc. and the FTL space travel used is really just another lie. History is another; the "future" setting of MC may as well be set later today, with the Dark Symmetry filling the gaps with more lies. When players (and PCs) start picking too much at the lies, then the Nepharites start coming after them. But that should be more of a "late game" thing.

    • 10 months ago

      MC always felt way more grounded to me than 40k, which is part of the appeal. The smaller scope, the lower tech and a more human element are what give the setting it's charm.

      40k just feels crazy and over the top with it's genetically engineered super soldiers, laser weapons, giant mechs and planet destroying spaceships.

      • 10 months ago

        40k scales though. The old FFG TTRPG books hinted at it, with lines devoted to everything from a common Guardsman to a Rogue Trader to an ancient Chaos Marine. The RAW just didn't really do that great a job with the scaling. Wrath and Glory tried to fix that to some extent, but people loved the old system and it's since been brought back.

        But yeah, I can see the appeal to MC for someone wanting a more down to earth (no pun intended) play style.

        You might also look into Fading Suns if you haven't already. It's basically "what if 40k, but the characters were more toned down and the Empire was less into skulls and total fascism?" It gets too wrapped up in its medieval European analogs and metaphors (and jokes) at times, but it's another solid option setting wise (I'm not convinced any of the different official systems are all that good a choice though).

      • 10 months ago

        >MC always felt way more grounded to me than 40k, which is part of the appeal. The smaller scope, the lower tech and a more human element are what give the setting it's charm.
        Also Luna is basically Blade Runner.

    • 10 months ago

      >As I understood it, it was originally meant as a mashup of two Swedish RPGs: some post-apocalyptic thing called "Mutant" and a (then) obscure horror game called "Kult".

      • 10 months ago

        Sorry forgot to add: Absolutely not, moron.

    • 10 months ago

      Not exactly, Kult is completely another game (and one of the best I ever played, but I'm talking the original, not the recent powered by the apocalypse shit)

      It is true that a lot of art is the from the same author and that some creature use the same names, but they are totally unrelated (like Nepharites in MC being the apostoles' generals in the world, while in Kult being basically Hellraiser)

      Thati said I played it a lot and still play it: a great and funny game, with rules full of errata (first edition has errata for the errata...), it has a lot of similarities with W40K (especially if you consider the Dark Age of Technology), but it is a fun little game.

      Third edition I liked for a lot of the fixing they have done, but I didn't like some retcon they made (especially one of the author'wife self insert - the whitestar's Tzarina)

      • 10 months ago

        Oh right! I totally forgot about that game.

        >but I didn't like some retcon they made (especially one of the author'wife self insert - the whitestar's Tzarina)
        God, Whitestar as a while was a fricking mistake. It was made to pander to the idiots online who jerk off about Russians all day and how "badass" they are.

        I know Sons of Rasputin have been a thing for ages, and they felt less like wank than Whitestar. No, it's totally cool that Whitestar has nukes and threatens to wipe Luna City off the face of thr solar system. Frick that shit.

        I also didn't like all the backstory they added for the DL with good gods or some shit like that. I like that the Legion is sort of an unknown entity, mysterious and vague. Makes them scarier than some long past war with good god/alien who lock them away.

        I feel myself uncomfortable because I didn't feel any particular dislike for White Star back when I've read about them.
        I'm russian though, so I don't know... I mean, I didn't feel any particular excitement about them either. I do know I've liked some of the White Star art, for what it takes. Picrel in particular is fricking A.

        • 10 months ago

          I agree that they had some cool art, but as a long time fan of the setting they felt so forced.

    • 10 months ago

      >As I understood it, it was originally meant as a mashup of two Swedish RPGs: some post-apocalyptic thing called "Mutant" and a (then) obscure horror game called "Kult".

      Sorry forgot to add: Absolutely not, moron.

      Close. It was Mutand Rymd that was a mixup of the cyberpunk version of Mutant and Kult. It became a little weird so the creators made Mutant Chronicles to smoothen ut the wrinkles.

      • 10 months ago

        The Kult part is unclear and probably inaccurate but it kinda explains stuff like Nepharites being both in MC and in Kult.

    • 10 months ago

      "this other setting is kinda like mutant chronicles" isn't a problem it just means you have more of what you like.

  11. 10 months ago

    I read one of the books, the one set one Venus where they rescue a seer or oracle. The scifi movie was an incredbile damned shame.

  12. 10 months ago

    Not the RPG, but I remember the Doomtrooper card game. Don't think I have any anymore, though.

    • 10 months ago

      they made a steam version of the card game.
      its decently fun.
      some fa/tg/uy awhile ago said that the meta is broken for the ccg though when i brought it up awhile ago.

      • 10 months ago

        Huh. I'll check it out, but I can say that from what I've seen in the sample screenshots, I'm not a fan of their card design.

  13. 10 months ago

    Never played it, but read some books and I damn love the setting.
    Pretty muich the same thing about Warhammer for me, but at least Warhammer has video games. New ones, I mean - all the MC has is an arcade shoot'em up.

    • 10 months ago

      I still wish we got a X-COM inspired game about Doomtroopers. Send them on missions, recruit from different corps, partner up with Brotherhood agents and frick up some heretics and citadel.

      Shit would rock.

      • 10 months ago

        Frick yeah. It sounds absolutely rad.

      • 10 months ago

        That reminds me of the final planned video game before Target Games was shut down by Paradox. The map sketches were just so full of character.

        • 10 months ago
          • 10 months ago
            • 10 months ago
              • 10 months ago

                8 total. This one is definitely Mishima.

              • 10 months ago
              • 10 months ago
              • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        Necropolis 2350 for Savage Worlds kinda' sorta' fits that bill. It has random mission generator tables alongside pre-made missions and a campaign, multiple corps who work together except when they aren't, a theocratic fascist state trying to hold everything together even if it means they have to let the people they protect die, and (somewhat) rival factions in the alien lich necromancers humanity is fighting against.

        I mean, if we're talking MC and W40k, may as well throw this one into the mix.

  14. 10 months ago


    Yes, these were for WarZone Online, and some screenshots did come out before the project was cancelled:

    • 10 months ago

      Oh right! I totally forgot about that game.

      Not exactly, Kult is completely another game (and one of the best I ever played, but I'm talking the original, not the recent powered by the apocalypse shit)

      It is true that a lot of art is the from the same author and that some creature use the same names, but they are totally unrelated (like Nepharites in MC being the apostoles' generals in the world, while in Kult being basically Hellraiser)

      Thati said I played it a lot and still play it: a great and funny game, with rules full of errata (first edition has errata for the errata...), it has a lot of similarities with W40K (especially if you consider the Dark Age of Technology), but it is a fun little game.

      Third edition I liked for a lot of the fixing they have done, but I didn't like some retcon they made (especially one of the author'wife self insert - the whitestar's Tzarina)

      >but I didn't like some retcon they made (especially one of the author'wife self insert - the whitestar's Tzarina)
      God, Whitestar as a while was a fricking mistake. It was made to pander to the idiots online who jerk off about Russians all day and how "badass" they are.

      I know Sons of Rasputin have been a thing for ages, and they felt less like wank than Whitestar. No, it's totally cool that Whitestar has nukes and threatens to wipe Luna City off the face of thr solar system. Frick that shit.

      I also didn't like all the backstory they added for the DL with good gods or some shit like that. I like that the Legion is sort of an unknown entity, mysterious and vague. Makes them scarier than some long past war with good god/alien who lock them away.

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah Whitestar weren't ideal, but mostly because they were just doubling down on an already well-served faction identity. Between the amalgam continental Europe of Bauhaus (which included House Romanov) and Sons of Rasputin, we didn't really need another Russian faction in the game (and all their cool art could have simply been rolled in to the Sons who already had a post-apoc Cossack vibe to them).

        Given that Earth/Dark Eden was a zany place with a lot of room for weird factions, wasting time on something the game already did wasn't great.

        But at the same time, they weren't egregious enough to really ruin things, they were just kind of there, a new faction, taking up space. It also could have been much worse (frick, they could have canonized the massive setting changes that Target moved to in 2nd Edition Warzone, that would have been fricking terrible).

        3rd Edition is definitely still my favourite iteration (if only because it is more complete than anything Target managed), but Whitestar will always elicit a resounding "why?" from me.

        • 10 months ago

          Yeah, they weren't a deal breaker but absolutely felt like a "why though?"

          >frick, they could have canonized the massive setting changes that Target moved to in 2nd Edition Warzone, that would have been fricking terrible
          Wait, what in 2nd edition drastically changed stuff? It's been a hot minute since I read through the lore from edition to edition.

          • 10 months ago

            All I remember is more units and new sculpts for all the corporations.

            • 10 months ago

              Yeah, that was all I remembered.

              God I want Eternal to do well and hopefully see sweet new models for my beloved Jungle Kommandos.

              they made a steam version of the card game.
              its decently fun.
              some fa/tg/uy awhile ago said that the meta is broken for the ccg though when i brought it up awhile ago.

              I downloaded it because I loved that game back in the day. But it wanted me to join their discord or something before I could do basically anything?

              • 10 months ago

                how long ago did you dl? its been updated recently.

              • 10 months ago

                Tail end of June, I think. That was when I bought my new laptop.

  15. 10 months ago

    >a shameless 40k ripoff
    it's not
    it's world war 1 in space

  16. 10 months ago

    this wasn't bad for a minis game fiction book

  17. 10 months ago

    Holy shit, a mutant chronicles thread!

    I've been slowing working away at painting up some of my old armies to introduce my nephew to wargaming through Warzone. Bashing out a small force of each megacorp, brotherhood. and the dark legion. Dealers choice of which edition to use, leaning on Resurrection since that was my jam from 2014 onwards. Pic related is my custom stormtrencher warlord, he was kitted out to FRICK in melee, loved it. Trying to cook up a scenario for my nephew though that'll be exciting to fight through, but not be a ballstomp. Considering either an exfiltration scenario in a venusian jungle table(high visual interest, exciting narrative and mechanical hook) or a last stand against waves of Dark Legion mooks and Big Guys(who doesn't love point scoring and wholesale slaughter?).

    • 10 months ago

      Is that a Warhammer jetpack? Looks rad.

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah, recast jump pack from the 3rd/4th ed chaso raptors. Love that bit, used it extensively for stormtrencher kitbashes before Prodos put out their upgrade bits.

  18. 10 months ago

    Imperial Corporation or bust.

    • 10 months ago

      That's an odd way to spell Bauhaus.

      • 10 months ago

        >Muh homebuilders

        • 10 months ago

          Hey, at least they didn't unleash cosmic horror beyond comprehension because they had to fricking touch everything.

          One of my favorite settings, along with Fading Suns.

          I never really delved into Fading Suns, but I remember seeing the minis for Novle Armada and thinking they looked pretty dope.

          • 10 months ago

            Sticky fingers bring in the cash, it's not our fault that the damn thing was tainted.

            This is a mishima board


    • 10 months ago

      This is a mishima board

      • 10 months ago

        >This is a mishima board
        So mass produced cheap garbage that rips off other peoples designs?

      • 10 months ago
  19. 10 months ago

    One of my favorite settings, along with Fading Suns.

    • 10 months ago

      Patrician taste anon.

      • 10 months ago

        I thank thee.

        Hey, at least they didn't unleash cosmic horror beyond comprehension because they had to fricking touch everything.

        I never really delved into Fading Suns, but I remember seeing the minis for Novle Armada and thinking they looked pretty dope.

        Both are kitchen sink settings that accommodate every kind of trope and player.

        • 10 months ago

          Nice, I'll have to take a closer look sometime.

          • 10 months ago

            Do so. Noir, special troopers, empire building, dungeon raiding.

  20. 10 months ago

    I dont get it, its mutant chronicles but there are very few mutants

    • 10 months ago


      Close. It was Mutand Rymd that was a mixup of the cyberpunk version of Mutant and Kult. It became a little weird so the creators made Mutant Chronicles to smoothen ut the wrinkles.

      its similar to why warhammer 40k isnt called imperiums horizon.

    • 10 months ago

      >There are very few mutants
      Means the Brotherhood are doing their job.

      This is a mishima board

      Best I can offer is the glory of Cybertronic.

      • 10 months ago

        >the glory of Cybertronic.
        There's nothing glorious about Brain Grease my cybernetic dude.

  21. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      I wish we had more lutheran pictures.

  22. 10 months ago

    I wish they ripped off more from Kult.

    The Death Angels and the Archons are good source material for having Chaos (or order for Archons) gods equivalent

  23. 10 months ago

    Name your favourite weapon from the Mutant Chronicles-verse.
    I choose Murdoch's Enhanced Invader Assault Rifle from the Dawn of War expansion.

    • 10 months ago

      I am a simple man with rather primitive tastes.

      • 10 months ago

        Even as a devout Bahuaus bawd, I gotta agree here. It's just so fricking iconic.

        But, just to wank off my preferred faction, I'll also toss in the Twin-Rotary Shotgun

    • 10 months ago

      The Gehena Puker. The ugliest flame-thrower around, but so iconic.

      • 10 months ago

        That's true, it is iconic.

        For the record, in that edition some Imperial weapon punches very hard compared to most of its equivalent. The standard invader is one, and then there is their fricking missile launcher.

        Really? I never really looked at their stuff in 1st edition. Mostly because I play a good faction.

        >MC always felt way more grounded to me than 40k, which is part of the appeal. The smaller scope, the lower tech and a more human element are what give the setting it's charm.
        Also Luna is basically Blade Runner.

        >Luna is basically Blade Runner
        This is also true, and fricking awesome. Played a campaign once that was Cartel agents in Luna City hunting heretics and it was a good time. Right up until the Soulslayer showed up.

        So this is basically just a reskinned Rouge Trader, right?

        Oh please, enlighten us how you came to that conclusion.

        • 10 months ago

          I saw
          >shameless 40k ripoff
          in the OP and deliciously/dangerously cheesy 80's inspired art with not!bolters and demons.

    • 10 months ago

      For the record, in that edition some Imperial weapon punches very hard compared to most of its equivalent. The standard invader is one, and then there is their fricking missile launcher.

      • 10 months ago

        >their fricking missile launcher.
        I love it.

  24. 10 months ago

    40k lite. Kitchen sink as said. Make a campaign that the pcs travel from Luna(megalopolis) to a venusian or martian steadhold and you satisfy a lot of player needs.

  25. 10 months ago

    40k rips off a million other things, so it is not a shame to rip it off in turn.

  26. 10 months ago

    Looks cool

  27. 10 months ago

    So this is basically just a reskinned Rouge Trader, right?

    • 10 months ago

      Not at all

  28. 10 months ago

    Did this thread get shadow sage'd?

    • 10 months ago

      Looks like it ol' chap

      • 10 months ago

        Dissapointing, but I'm more curious as to why than mad at it being so.

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