My god. What have they done....

My god

What have they done....

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 8 months ago

    This is a waste of a thread anyway so I might as well ask here:

    What's up with those ribbed single pauldrons anyway?
    For that matter what's up with those ribbed/bolt piercing marines tend to have above one eyebrow?

    • 8 months ago

      Service studs you tourist.

      • 8 months ago

        Service studs? I'm not a homosexual like you.

    • 8 months ago

      Additional armor plates bolted onto the pauldron and service studs

    • 8 months ago

      The theory how I understand is the left pauldron is the one that is more presented towards the enemy, and the modification doesn't so much reinforce the armour but causes otherwise penetrating shots break the armour rather than going through.
      I don't really get it but it's not just extra plating or more angles for shots to bounce off.

    • 8 months ago

      >What's up with those ribbed single pauldrons anyway?
      Molecular bonding things that reinforce the armor.
      >For that matter what's up with those ribbed/bolt piercing marines tend to have above one eyebrow?
      Service studs given to Marines for every 10? 100? years of service

    • 8 months ago

      >ribbed/bolt piercing
      You mean studded right.

      • 8 months ago

        No, ribbed.

        For her pleasure.

    • 8 months ago

      IIRC canonically the studs on the right shoulder of the mk.6 armor were originally a callback to the mk.5 armor, which used "molecular bonding studs" to attach layers armor plates together because the mk.5 was a jury-rigged stopgap design created to make new armors as fast as possible as the losses during the Horus Heresy mounted up. Mk.6 was developed near the tail-end of the Heresy and represented the first proper new armor design developed after the start of it (mk.5 is really more of a collective term for various field-repairs and alteration intended to speed up armor production), and its original designers included cosmetic studs as a symbolic callback to surviving through the dark period that mk.5 represented.
      Granted, this is probably been retconned with HH 2nd edition, where every Legion has access to mk.6 seemingly from the start of the Heresy, when originally the only Legions who got it before the end of the Heresy were the Raven Guard and the Alpha Legion (who stole the plans from RH).

      The studs on a Marine's face are service studs, each awarded after set years of service. However, it's never been clearly established how many years you have to serve to get a stud and whether it varies between Legions/Chapters.

      • 8 months ago

        >However, it's never been clearly established how many years you have to serve to get a stud and whether it varies between Legions/Chapters.

        At least part of the system definitely varies between chapters. On the Advanced Space Crusade box Ultrasmurfs and Space Puppies have forehead studs whereas the Emperor's Scythes have stud earrings.

        The numerical values for studs is probably different for chapters based on the three examples given on the box.

        Emperor's Scythes. One black at bottom and one red/orange at top for 250 years.
        Ultramarines. Three dark in bottom row, one orangish at upper right, one smaller yellowish at upper left for 360 years.
        Space Wolves. One black above right eye, one reddish above left eye for 180 years service.

        From such a small set of examples it's impossible to say if the system differs but speculating that there is some sort of system implied, the following is simple and sensible:
        250 = 1 x 200 + 1 x 50
        360 = 3 x 100 + 1 x 50 + 1 x 10
        180 = 1 x 100 + 1 x 80 or 1 x 120 + 1 x 60

        With such a limited number of examples and two equations linearly dependent equations (x + y = 250, x + y = 180) we can't say definitively, especially as colour and size colour may matter.

        Being space vikings 120 + 60 makes sense because vikings used base 10 and base 12. That may be over thinking it though because it's pretty obscure for even early 90s GW writers to know, but the idea of base 20 being old fashioned counting is common. Nothing definite about what the numbers are but it seems very likely they are different.

        • 8 months ago

          >two equations linearly dependent
          I should have said linearly dependent variables but unequal constants so inconsistent.

      • 8 months ago

        thanks bro
        some good lore, clears up my confusion

  2. 8 months ago

    Better proportions.

  3. 8 months ago

    I don't get it

  4. 8 months ago

    He stops skipping the leg day.

  5. 8 months ago

    Improved the proportions. Goodbye weightless, wasp-waisted Buzz Lightyear Marine.

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