My question is, do you personally prefer Street Fighter or King of Fighters, and for what reason?

My question is, do you personally prefer Street Fighter or King of Fighters, and for what reason? They are similar yet very different.

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  1. 2 years ago

    I don't play fighting games because I suck at them as a genre, but if I were to play a fighting game I choose street fighter because Sakura is an angel and I want to cum inside of her.

    • 2 years ago

      But Yuri is an angel too. And I want to cum inside her.

      • 2 years ago

        Frick your right... Frick them both, it's Turtle time. Why do fighting games have so many hot Japanese girls?

  2. 2 years ago

    Fatal Fury

    • 2 years ago

      This. FF is the one true "street fighting" series.

  3. 2 years ago

    Both are good. I wish SF had a team battle option like KoF though.

    • 2 years ago

      couldn't you do that in the Alpha/Zero series?

      • 2 years ago

        Not that I was aware of. The only thing I've seen similar is Japan 3 on 3 single elim tournaments which are much more hype than your regular tournament.

  4. 2 years ago

    What's the difference between these two games?

    • 2 years ago

      One version is for professionals, the other is for amateurs.

    • 2 years ago

      Pro has gameplay tweaks and two new characters (Dan & Joe). It was also ported on PS1 for some weird reason.

    • 2 years ago

      one is played only by Spics

  5. 2 years ago

    >better aesthetic
    >chains are fun and easy
    >movement is more varied and fun

    • 2 years ago

      >chains are fun and easy
      Doesn't this game have incredibly complicated combos that require you to dash after every normal?

      • 2 years ago

        Some characters have complex dash links, but that's mostly a high level thing. Basic chains are something all the characters can do and will serve you just fine at low and intermediate levels.

  6. 2 years ago

    I dont play fighting games becauae there are far too many asian girls. I ****** real men.

  7. 2 years ago

    Kof just always seemed low budget to me as a dumb kid. I was always into SF/X-Men series and Tekken as a kid, never even got into KoF until CvS1 came out. Man I missed out on some good games because I was ignorant

    • 2 years ago

      Pretty much this. I never got the appeal to KOF thinking it looked trash yet I had no problem playing other neo geo games like Metal Slug. Now with each year we get worse and worse capcom games yet I'm unable to jump into kof because I never started all those years ago.

    • 2 years ago

      Pretty much this. I never got the appeal to KOF thinking it looked trash yet I had no problem playing other neo geo games like Metal Slug. Now with each year we get worse and worse capcom games yet I'm unable to jump into kof because I never started all those years ago.

      What the frick? KoF looked absolutely gorgeous back then.

      • 2 years ago

        Compared to other fighting games that were right next to them they looked dated. Time zone a popular arcade n Australia didn't even have Kof cabinets most of the time.

      • 2 years ago

        Nah man, compared to everything else 97/98 the kof games looked like 1992 era arcade graphics. Even the MVS cabs looked super old and ghetto. The only place I ever saw them at was liquor stores. Little did I know, that's the actual appeal of the whole thing lmao

  8. 2 years ago

    I didn't really get into fighting games until recently actually. I'm gonna out myself as a zoomer but idfc, it's just the truth of the matter. It wasn't until late 2019 that I really played fighting games because Terry got announced for Smash Ultimate and I hadn't heard of him before because the Neo Geo wasn't anything I'd heard much about in my time playing games. I'd just purchased a Sega Saturn at the same time and I wanted to start importing games. What better to start with than games featuring this interesting character just announced for smash, right? As for why I didn't do the same for Ryu in Smash 4 and Ken for base ultimate, I just never really cared for street fighter characters. They're cool and all, and the games are plenty fun but personally they didn't ignite much a spark. So I started with KoF 96 and Real Bout Fatal Fury. Fell in love instantly, as soon as I heard that arranged version of Big Shot in Real Bout against the stunning bridge backdrop, I knew that this series was for me, and then playing KoF after that seeing all these other crazy characters from a bunch of other SNK properties sealed the deal. I am now the proud owner of a Neo Geo CD and several entries into the Fatal Fury and King of Fighters series. I've since bought and played some SF games and they kick ass too, I love Alpha 2 and Alpha 2 Gold, but frick man, KoF and Fatal Fury just do it for me on another level. Thanks for reading my blog.

  9. 2 years ago

    Kof is a cheap game made for third world people. Its looks ugly sounds ugly and plays ugly. Street fighter and 3s in particular is for the sophisticated intelligent gamer

  10. 2 years ago

    I like and play both but I tend to prefer Street Fighter.
    In my experience KOF is more about making the most out of your opportunities, whereas Street Fighter is more about finding as many opportunities as you can.
    I find punishing my opponent and opening them up to be more interesting and fun than squeezing the most potential out of a combo as I can.
    Street Fighter is also a great deal more beginner friendly, which is always nice whether you're new to the genre or just picking up a new version.

    • 2 years ago

      SF above all other fighting games, simply for the gameplay (mainly in SF3 and SF4).
      Though I do respect KoF, and I wish it was more interesting to me. They have a really cool cast of characters and the games look really pretty (12, 13, and 15). KoF is more fast-paced than SF, and the combos can go on for too long to feel special; compare SF4 with KoF13, where long and cool combos are more scarce in SF4, so they feel special and get you hyped, even if you were a casual viewer. When everyone has long combos and they use them all the time, it makes the game less of a "back-and-forth".

      I recognize this art style. Is this the guy who draws really nice buttholes?

  11. 2 years ago

    I'm more of a Soul Blade/ Soulcalibur kinda guy...

  12. 2 years ago

    street fighter has better music and hentai

  13. 2 years ago

    Which one will make people reply to me saying "based"?

  14. 2 years ago

    KOF allows a wide variety of styles and real mastery can take years of play. SF's is 1-on-1 so you can't really do something like mix a fun low tier with two good characters to mix things up; if you want to be competitive you're always stuck playing a small handful of characters.

    • 2 years ago

      Does it really take years of mastery to pick rugal?

      • 2 years ago

        the only games where rugal is good are ones where he's not selectable. kof02 rugal is only available in a romhack. kof98 rugal is G tier bad.
        and by years of mastery, I mean competitive mastery. there's no rising star in KOF, every relevant tourney player has been playing minimum 5+ years

        • 2 years ago

          >every relevant tourney player has been playing minimum 5+ years
          That's because no one in developed countries cares about SNK fighters

  15. 2 years ago

    KOF is a crossover tag-team game.
    The proper rival of Street Fighter is Fatal Fury.
    And I do prefer Fatal Fury, I just like the bi-plane system, many claim it's "gimmicky" but I think it adds dyamics. It's like saying supers are "gimmicky", maybe, but they also add actual gameplay so not really, and the same happens with FF's plane system.

    • 2 years ago

      Real Bout 2 is fighting game (but I also respect RBS fans).

      • 2 years ago

        *peak fighting game

    • 2 years ago

      That is what I was thinking when I saw this thread. KOF vs MvC or some such thing would be fair. Compare tag games against each other. E.G. Kizuna Encounter vs Tekken Tag. Also, I like tag fighters over non tag fighters. Always.

  16. 2 years ago

    KOF because they are more consistent than SF games. What do I mean? The series for the most part has kept a similar art style until XII, XVI being the two main shifts in art. Every SF look to different from each other 4-5 looking the most similar. KOF doesn't do too many updates, and if they do is some years later. KOF basicially has 3 different eras of gameplay, Original team based, Striker era, and Tag team, In KOF XII they returned to the original team based system. SF is 1 on 1. They only allow 1 Special Super Move in the main numered series. KOF has more characters in most games.

    • 2 years ago

      >They only allow 1 Special Super Move in the main numered series
      SFA, SF4, and SF6 aren't like that. Don't know about about 5.

      • 2 years ago

        Thats why I like Alpha series the best. And although they are part of the main series they don't have a roman numeral thats why I said numebered. As far I remember in 4 & 5 you can only select a Super you can't perform 2 or 3 distint ones in a match.

        • 2 years ago

          You can have 2 ultras in USF4 at the same time, along with a super. For Gen, that's 4 ultras and 2 supers.

          • 2 years ago

            Gen would never really run double ultra though. U1 for most match ups is best for its raw damage and allows you to play a bit more defensively.

            And what does this hop benefit

            Hop gives your opponent less time to anti air and an even quicker empty jump in crouching low attack.

            That is what I was thinking when I saw this thread. KOF vs MvC or some such thing would be fair. Compare tag games against each other. E.G. Kizuna Encounter vs Tekken Tag. Also, I like tag fighters over non tag fighters. Always.

            Kof still plays more similar to SF than VS series games.

  17. 2 years ago

    I'm a KOF man because I know how to do short hops.

    • 2 years ago

      And what does this hop benefit

  18. 2 years ago

    as good as KoF is ive never played one on par with Super Turbo or 3rd strike, so I main those games

  19. 2 years ago

    Is KOF more difficult?

    • 2 years ago

      I'd say yeah.

    • 2 years ago

      The short answer is "Yes".
      I don't think it's more difficult to be competitive at one than the other, but KOF is much harder to learn.
      It has most of the systems that Street Fighter has, but adds more systems on top of that. They're good systems, they add a lot of depth, but for a new player who is still learning the basics they complicate things a lot.
      In addition, you have to learn at least three characters instead of just one.
      Even the people I know who prefer SNK games recommend starting out with a Street Fighter game and getting comfortable with that before jumping into KOF.

  20. 2 years ago

    I prefer Street Fighter, but King of Fighters is just as good.
    I got much more exposure to Street Fighter in my youth in the early 2000s. I would occasionally see various Street Fighter or Marvel cabinets back then whenever I would go to bigger cities, but wouldn't see a KoF cabinet in person until sometime in the 2010s at a decidedly retro arcade. I never played any KoF at home growing up either, but I definitely played lots of SFII and Third Strike.
    I wouldn't try KoF at all until the 2010s on my PC, and I think they're cool games. I just find their reputation of having more difficult execution a little daunting and haven't really put in the time to get good at them. I've played less than two hours of each game, probably less than an hour of most of them.
    Plus, none of my friends are interested in the series and only really know how to play Street Fighter and Smash Bros.

    Are 98 and 2002 the versions that most people play? Are the other versions worth playing? I really haven't played much of the series but am kinda interested.
    Was the new one good?

    • 2 years ago

      98 and 2002 are the most popular, at least on Fightcade.
      Almost all of the games have something unique to them. Most people tend to favor the games which are the last version of their engine, but you can't really go wrong by picking out any random entry and giving it a go.
      I haven't played any of the new 3D games because I'm still salty about them killing off the XIII sprites. I will carry this salt to my grave.

      • 2 years ago

        12 and 13 were really pretty, but so is 15.
        Can't fault you for hating 14, it was genuinely ugly, but don't confuse it with 15.

        • 2 years ago

          >12 and 13 were really pretty, but so is 15.
          Nah, XV is not pretty. Improvement from XIV, but it's still bad.

          • 2 years ago
            • 2 years ago
  21. 2 years ago

    Prefer KoF. For some reason, I find it far less complicated than Street Fighter, inputs seem easier to do. Street Fighter makes me feel like my thumbs are moronic. The motion that would have been a perfect quarter roll, half, or full circle input in KoF results in nothing when I play SF. That said, Capcom on the whole has a better variety of characters.

    • 2 years ago

      >Capcom on the whole has a better variety of characters.
      I always felt like KoF did

  22. 2 years ago

    hops have never felt good as an input to me physically, it's a constant layer of friction that's the base of the game.

  23. 2 years ago

    I like both equally, but looking more closely off the top of my head:

    Blue Mary
    Fio Germi
    Hotaru Futaba

    Cammy White
    Kasugano Sakura
    Juri Han
    Lucia Morgan
    Kazama Akira

    It seems Capcom knows what I like more.

  24. 2 years ago

    why does it seem kof is less colored than fatal fury? sprites are bland and full of dithering. they also seem smaller. also gameplay feels stiffer. that and music and plane switching and characters is why i like fatal fury more

    • 2 years ago

      I suspect KoF used smaller sprites because of the 3-on-3 theme and technical limitations, then stuck with it. On the other hand it does have fantastic background art and visual effects.
      KoF went for the "cool" aesthetics while other SNK games use the more traditional arcade/anime style which was popular in the 90s.

  25. 2 years ago

    I don't know how to short hop or hyper short hops consistently, so SF.

  26. 2 years ago

    It's KOF. And it comes down to the style and characters. Both series are inspired by manga from the time, and while it varies per character, KOF is generally more down to earth and seems to take cues from seinin manga series. The characters are often subtle while still being stylish and conveying distinct personality. The representation of real fighting styles is pretty creative also. Daimon one of the best Judoka characters even if he isn't as true to the art as someone like Goh from VF. The karate characters also have more variety in them than SF shotos.
    Another thing people underestimate is the level of interaction between characters. KOF was one of the first games to have unique voice lines and animations between rounds depending on the match up. For me this went a long way in fleshing out the world and overall vibe of the tournament. It seems kinda nerdy to think about but if you look at Tekken, which didn't even have unique character voice lines at round start until 4, you can see a huge gap in personality.
    Just my opinion. Here's the obligatory Shinkiro art

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