>My schizo delusions that don't exist are INSANE!

>My schizo delusions that don't exist are INSANE!
Why hasn't anyone done anything about these guys? And how have they managed to spread so many lies about zelda to so many people?
>There's a timeline
>Demise made a curse that made him come back to life forever and also ganondorf is him
>The King of Hyrule is evil and also he tortures people in the shadow temple
>The fish people turned into bird people
>TP is only 100 years after ocarina
>that concept art book is canon
>Funko Pop "remake" is good
And many more, some I don't even want to mention because I know you coomer tards will be obnoxious about it. Anyway, these guys have wasted years and years of their life maintaining this narrative and they keep going crazier and crazier because they're too moronic to admit that they made a mistake. No one ever told them that just because they made a mistake for a long time doesn't mean they should keep making it. Something is wrong with their brains though if they can't figure that out on their own. They have been trained to do this. To maintain lies. They refuse to stop.

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  1. 10 months ago


  2. 10 months ago

    >>My schizo delusions that don't exist are INSANE!
    nintendo literally released an official book about the timeline

    • 10 months ago

      Holy shit you're one of them! Also your only sentence in this reply is a lie.

      • 10 months ago

        This is a real page ripped out of the the Hyrule Historia. You can hate clickbait gays all you like, I'll be right there with you. but there is infact a timeline, and they cared enough to share it.

        • 10 months ago

          You're a moron and you need to have a nice day right now. RIGHT NOW. I didn't even say anything about clickbait, I hate you, because you're a liar and you know this page of yours means nothing. Do you know what hyrule historia is? A concept art book. Full of random crap and unused ideas. Not a single thing in it is canon. It even included a portion of the manga for crying out loud. You know what Tears of the Kingdom is? A finished Zelda game.

          • 10 months ago

            >Aonuma: The Wind Waker is parallel. In Ocarina of Time, Link flew seven years in time, he beat Ganon and went back to being a kid, remember? Twilight Princess takes place in the world of Ocarina of Time, a hundred and something years after the peace returned to kid Link’s time. In the last scene of Ocarina of Time, kids Link and Zelda have a little talk, and as a consequence of that talk, their relationship with Ganon takes a whole new direction. In the middle of this game [Twilight Princess], there's a scene showing Ganon's execution. It was decided that Ganon be executed because he'd do something outrageous if they left him be. That scene takes place several years after Ocarina of Time. Ganon was sent to another world and now he wants to obtain the power...

            There is a timeline. Unless you're gonna say Aonuma's wrong too. I'm pretty sure TP and WW are finished games, too.

            • 10 months ago

              >Out of context meme quote
              >Thinking everything this guy says is canon to the video games because he works on them.
              >Thinking that this quote was in wind waker and tp or that any of this was mentioned in either game.

              • 10 months ago

                >out of context meme quote
                You can read the interview yourself. This was back in 2007 before the Historia was ever released. The question was "when do these games take place" and that was the answer.
                >ND: –When does Twilight Princess take place?
                >Aonuma: In the world of Ocarina of Time, a hundred and something years later.

                Also isn't this the same site that claims that "the three hekkin timelines merged into one like in older scrolls and it's KANON!!!!"

                I wouldn't know, I just remembered seeing that interview years ago and went to find it, the original site that it took place on closed down.

              • 10 months ago

                This interview is not canon. It was just a guess he made based on what he knew and his own personal headcanons at the time. It's easily disproven by just playing the game because it does not take place in the world of ocarina of time and if it did it would have to be trillions of years later at the earliest.

              • 10 months ago

                >his own personal headcanons
                I'd take his headcanons over yours, considering he worked on those games

              • 10 months ago

                >it would have to be trillions of years later
                You were doing pretty good at appearing deranged up until this point but you made the bait too obvious.

              • 10 months ago

                What are you talking about and how stupid can you be?

              • 10 months ago

                Why would TP need to be "trillions" of years later?

              • 10 months ago

                >if it did it would have to be trillions of years later at the earliest.
                Interesting fan theory. You've celarly done a lot of homework concerning the Zelda timeline.

              • 10 months ago

                You lost.

              • 10 months ago

                >Out of context meme quote
                >Thinking everything this guy says is canon to the video games because he works on them.
                >Thinking that this quote was in wind waker and tp or that any of this was mentioned in either game.

                Old quotes don't matter because Miyamoto and Aonuma will switch to whatever what's most convenient and most consistent to present time
                >oh yeah Ura Zelda is Master Quest, it definitely wasn't more ambitious
                >oh yeah Majora's Mask is always Link's dream and basically non-canon
                >oh yeah Peach is a strong girlboss character like in the movie and always was

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah. The same happens for Mario quotes where you can tell Miyamoto is just coming up with things on the fly.

            • 10 months ago

              Also isn't this the same site that claims that "the three hekkin timelines merged into one like in older scrolls and it's KANON!!!!"

          • 10 months ago

            ai poster or schizo

          • 10 months ago

            Absolutely based, Anon.

            Zelda timeline garbage has always been nonsense, the games are meant to be viewed stand alone. Some have some connections, and some are direct sequels, but that's it. The greater franchise isn't connected and doesn't need to be.

            • 10 months ago

              >Some have some connections
              Like OoT and WW?

              • 10 months ago

                Yes, and TP and OoT, they include nods and connections every now and then for fun or as nods to the fanbase.

                But they don't have some massive planned our timeline hidden in Miyamoto's office that they draw their lore from. And they clearly do not want to you autistically try put all the games together.

              • 10 months ago

                Then I have news for you about how based OP is. I'm in agreement with you. The connections are unplanned and inconsequential at best beyond setting the stage or having Ganondorf again or just a little nod to the player, like the Deku Tree dialogue in WW. OP, however, is a complete moron in utter denial of even these little connections.

              • 10 months ago

                I feel also with totk, Nintendo is entering a phase of no longer giving a shit trying to maintain any loose connections out of references. Im sure they treat the last two main games as a reboot of sorts and are just going to base everything around them as a bedrock now and just ignore any timeline they did have set uo, however loose it was.

              • 10 months ago

                I'm positive this is the case. It feels like such an obvious soft reboot that trying to tie it into the previously loosely connected material is pointless.

              • 10 months ago

                >But they don't have some massive planned our timeline hidden in Miyamoto's office that they draw their lore from. And they clearly do not want to you autistically try put all the games together.
                I don't think anybody thinks this. I think people just naturally want to put 2 and 2 together because people naturally search for patterns and connections.

              • 10 months ago

                >But they don't have some massive planned our timeline hidden in Miyamoto's office that they draw their lore from.
                >And they clearly do not want to you autistically try put all the games together.
                Disagreed big-time, they clearly fricking did, otherwise why was part of SS's advertising expressly making it out to be the start of the timeline?

          • 10 months ago

            >Out of context meme quote
            >Thinking everything this guy says is canon to the video games because he works on them.
            >Thinking that this quote was in wind waker and tp or that any of this was mentioned in either game.

            >nothing is canon except what *I* say is canon
            frick off, moron.
            also the way you post makes you seem like a mentally ill maniac

            • 10 months ago

              Only the games are canon, everybody knows this.

              >I played the game, he's strong and handsome. End of the discussion.
              Holy fricking shit is this some yaoitard with a crush on Link who therefore wants to discredit all the prior games because their Links aren't "perfect enough"

              That guy wasn't me lol but he is right. Dude is strong and handsome, nothing wrong with saying that. It's the truth.

          • 10 months ago

            meds, now.

            Not really, it’s a really easy, simple and linear timeline if we count only the 3-D games + DS titles. It only gets murky and weird if you add the 2-D ones + Minish Cap.

            > it's really easy if we just ignore the part that is complex.
            i don't care about anything in this thread, but man, you are all very stupid and probably mentally ill.

          • 10 months ago

            You are mentally ill.

            The literal game directors and writers of the Zelda series (Miyamoto and Aonuma) explained the timeline for each game as they came out, all the way since Ocarina of Time. They said exactly the same things that were later put into the Hyrule Historia. People like you were too stupid to understand what they meant at the time, just like you are now. Everyone with a brain understood how the split timeline worked when it was explained.

        • 10 months ago

          So which is the timeline where sages crafted the Master Sword?

          • 10 months ago

            The Twilight Princess timeline. Hope this helps! 🙂

            • 10 months ago

              >okay, the Hylians crafted the Master Sword to help stop Ganon's army during the imprisoning war
              >just kidding, it's in the temple of time with no explanation
              >just kidding, the ancient sages made it
              >just kidding, the goddess made it and some ancient Link asked dragons to buff it up

          • 10 months ago

            SS Link and Zelda were the sages.

            • 10 months ago

              >SS Link and Zelda were the sages

              • 10 months ago

                What's the problem?

        • 10 months ago

          I wish there was a Zelda game that actually embraced how full schizo the whole Hyrule geography/timeline is, and actually confronting whatever gods determined this Zelda cycle exist.
          It's a shame cause the TP manga touches upon it, and they'll never have events of a prior game be directly referenced, even if it's a direct sequel. Like how TotK never references anything directly from BotW, being purposefully vague.
          It's so frustrating, cause it could be some insane timey wimey inter-dimensional kino.

          • 10 months ago

            Isnt that the plot of Hyrule warriors?

        • 10 months ago

          how is this a timeline?

          • 10 months ago

            What do you mean? It shows when each game happens in each possible progression. The one game in which time travel is involved is also used as a point where one timeline branches into three concurrent ones.

        • 10 months ago

          I've a feeling they just forced that time line anons

          • 10 months ago

            I always felt from day 1 it was incredibly forced and half baked. This was further reaffirmed when they would just randomly shift shit around after a new game came out.

            Zelda fans should be demanding from Nintendo more narrative coherence like in the early days of the franchise. But I don't see how people hold on to the notion that the entire Zelda series can neatly fit in together and that the timeline makes sense, especially after BOTW and TOTK. I just don't see it.

            • 10 months ago

              It hasn't been totally coherent since LttP. Sure, within some set of games it's been coherent, but between older entries? Nah.

      • 10 months ago

        You're a moron and you need to have a nice day right now. RIGHT NOW. I didn't even say anything about clickbait, I hate you, because you're a liar and you know this page of yours means nothing. Do you know what hyrule historia is? A concept art book. Full of random crap and unused ideas. Not a single thing in it is canon. It even included a portion of the manga for crying out loud. You know what Tears of the Kingdom is? A finished Zelda game.

        Your posting style is deranged.

    • 10 months ago

      And Blizzard released a lorebook for Warcraft that doesn't mean anything at all, zelda lore is as profound as dark souls

      • 10 months ago

        >zelda lore is as profound as dark souls
        Damn didn't know it was that good.

  3. 10 months ago

    I hate that YouTube is just a neverending onslaught of clickbait and padding your videos with inane bullshit

  4. 10 months ago

    Are Zelda timelinegays still upset about the downfall timeline? I remember that was quite a stir when it came out.

    • 10 months ago

      More than likely. I wouldn't know, it's not like click on these videos. Though I garuntee that what they're really mad about now is tears of the kingdom and how it proves everything they have ever said in their lives inarguably wrong.

  5. 10 months ago

    Zelda fans really have a hard time reconciling that there is an official timeline and it's just shit.

    • 10 months ago

      There isn't one, just die! Also it's not even shit, but it still doesn't exist.

      • 10 months ago

        there's clearly one. you're so moronic

    • 10 months ago

      the issue with the "official timeline" is that we've gotten two now, and there are revisions to the timeline in the second version to accommodate new games that came out after the original timeline. The problem is that the revisions aren't just adding the new games to the timeline, they're *moving games that were already placed on the timeline to a different place on the timeline*.

      It completely invalidates the entire timeline, because if they're going to change a game(s) position on it to better suit later games, then every game's placement is arbitrary.

      • 10 months ago

        The only retcon they've made to the timeline was shift around the order of Link's Awakening and the Oracle games. It barely even makes a difference since, IIRC, they still maintained it was the same Link.
        I don't see how this invalidates the timeline. If they start saying SS happens after OoT or something major like that, then you'll have a point.

      • 10 months ago

        Skyward Sword's entire existence with a "first Zelda" that doesn't correspond with the first Zelda in Zelda 2 is all I need to see Nintendo doesn't care about continuity. It's there for the fans, it's canon, but it sucks.

  6. 10 months ago

    these games are standalone, the timeline is a meme

    • 10 months ago

      Not really, it’s a really easy, simple and linear timeline if we count only the 3-D games + DS titles. It only gets murky and weird if you add the 2-D ones + Minish Cap.

  7. 10 months ago

    >There's a timeline
    There is, but it has no continuity, so caring about it is pointless.
    >Demise made a curse that made him come back to life forever and also ganondorf is him
    Yes, but this is shit writing.
    >The King of Hyrule is evil and also he tortures people in the shadow temple
    Never heard this one.
    >The fish people turned into bird people
    This is true. Medli's ancestor is a Zora.
    >TP is only 100 years after ocarina
    The different games have no continuity, so again, thinking about such things is pointless. It's somehow 100 years, but also within a single horse's lifespan.
    >that concept art book is canon
    >Funko Pop "remake" is good
    These are both rightfully bad takes.

    • 10 months ago

      >there is
      No there is not. Stop being stupid and use your own brain please.
      >yes but shit writing
      No, this never happened. It's a lie and you're a moron. Like I said, if you have a brain, please use it. And play the game.
      >Never heard this one
      You're lucky.
      >this is true
      No it isn't frick you. "How can there be both Zora AND Rito in the same timewine NINTENDOE???" You're one of those people I take it.
      >it's somehow 100 years
      No it isn't!

      • 10 months ago

        Explain to me how Medli's great great grandparent was a Zora without the Zora turning into the Rito then?

        This is only in windwaker. Obviously BOTW's rito are of different origin. As I said, each game lacks continuity with the others.

        • 10 months ago

          Zora married a Rito. Did Hylians turn into gerudo just because hudson has a gerudo daughter? Also another thing, if we're talking about evolution or whatever, did monkeys turn into humans? NO! We don't know anything and there is no evidence that anything turned into anything. People just made that up to fit as a part of their mythos, this fake "zelda timeline" narrative. We do not know why her ancestor was a Zora. We don't know what it means. Shut the frick up.

          • 10 months ago

            But unlike Hylians and Gerudo, there are no instances of a Zora and Rito couple having a child, or the Zora being able to have a child with the other races at all. Even if it was possible, the lack of any Zora in the game would imply that the Rito outbreed and subsumed the Zora.

            We don't know how it happened or why, but the fact that the Rito and Zora are connected in WW is not speculation, it's fact. This isn't me trying to connect the games or anything like that, this is just from the content that is in WW itself.

            Personally I believe their transformation was magical in nature, possibly a blessing from Din to save them from the flood. Natural evolution doesn't make sense in Hyrule.

            • 10 months ago

              >they are connected is fact
              No it's not. Name a single piece of evidence. You're only saying that there isn't any evidence for other possibilities. Well there isn't any for this one either. We know one thing and one thing only. That one Rito had one Zora family member.
              >a blessing from din
              The golden Goddesses have been mia since the beginning of time dude. Name one time they ever appear or do anything in the games other than create the world in ocarina. Also, why you choose Din specifically?

              • 10 months ago

                >They are not connected.
                >One Rito had one Zora family member.
                This is all it takes.

                >The golden Goddesses have been mia since the beginning of time dude.
                They were in Ocarina, but in WW they returned to flood Hyrule. Though they don't do this in WW, they've left behind dragons that carry a part of their power in several of the games.
                >Also, why you choose Din specifically?
                Because the rito live on death mountain which has always been associated with Din, and they possess Din's pearl.

              • 10 months ago

                >all it takes
                This is a joke right?
                >they returned to flood hyrule
                I don't remember their names ever being mentioned in that legend.
                >left behind dragons
                Nah, never happened.

              • 10 months ago

                >I don't remember their names ever being mentioned in that legend.
                There are only so many gods. Since we know more than one was responsible for the flood, at least one golden goddess was involved.
                >Nah, never happened.
                Really? Where did the dragons in SS come from? Why are the dragons in BOTW named after the golden goddesses? Why do we constantly find new magical artifacts and creatures that are aligned with one of the golden goddesses?

              • 10 months ago

                >the dragons in botw
                Dude play Tears of the Kingdom right now.

              • 10 months ago

                That only reinforces the connection the dragons have with the goddesses because the secret stones are of divine origin.

              • 10 months ago

                No they aren't. You made that up.

              • 10 months ago

                The Zonai are regularly described as being like gods, and took the secret stones from the heavens. The Zonai are basically Zelda's angels or aasimar.

              • 10 months ago

                You are again making things up. They're not angels but you are insane and stupid.

                Why do Zelda fans go utterly insane over a lore book, something that virtually any long running Japanese series has? Hyrule Historia is nothing unusual, but people get their panties in such a bunch over it

                >lore book
                There isn't a lore book.
                >hyrule historia
                Concept art, random crap as an excuse to make more money from the anniversary. It's just paper with a price tag, many such examples.

              • 10 months ago

                They flooded Hyrule, they're also (more or less) in the Oracle games

              • 10 months ago

                Oh yeah the oracle games are like the only ones I have not played. That and hyrule warriors because I hate the gameplay and also I'm mad that the fanfiction game got so much more voice acting than the real thing. Btw I don't believe you that they are in the oracle games lol.

            • 10 months ago

              >But unlike Hylians and Gerudo, there are no instances of a Zora and Rito couple having a child, or the Zora being able to have a child with the other races at all.

              We don't know that, because the games don't show us those kinds of things, it's never confirmed nor denied.

              >Even if it was possible, the lack of any Zora in the game would imply that the Rito outbreed and subsumed the Zora.

              You literally, literally, literally go to the island of the Zora. But it's been destroyed already, so they're all gone.

              • 10 months ago

                >You literally, literally, literally go to the island of the Zora
                It's an ordinary grassy island, it doesn't look like any previous or future Zora dwelling, it looks exactly like another fricking Hylian town if anything. The only thing that even remotely connects it to the Zora is that Jabun has a name sort of like Jabu-Jabu.
                Also, nobody knows what the frick a Zora is.

  8. 10 months ago

    You guys did play TotK, right? That was literally Nintendo beating people over the head and screaming "We don't care and never have".

    • 10 months ago

      Well yeah, but that just means they shouldn't have made one to begin with if they didn't care. Just made things more complicated for everyone. They clearly had an idea of "these games come after these games" earlier on and dropped the idea some time after, but they can't just undo what they've already put out.

      • 10 months ago

        Exactly. They slapped one together to shut fans up, but now its too late to backtrack.

        • 10 months ago

          >made it for the fans to shut them up
          This is another made up lie that is repeated like a religion, only this one is Ganker instead of pooptube. There is no evidence for this.
          >too late
          Even if they did make a timeline which they didn't they can do whatever they want. How could it be too late?

        • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        They never made one. It was just some random shit one guy threw together for fun as like a what if for the concept art book. It was an unused concept, and it was in the unused concept book. It wasn't Nintendo's fault that morons decided to make it a new religion.

    • 10 months ago

      >That was literally Nintendo beating people over the head and screaming "We don't care and never have".
      They cared enough to make it, keep it, continue to feature it and they've made a new one and put botw and totk in it.
      There are two groups screaming. The ones who want zelda to have some semblance of sense, consistency and decent lore. And then there's the morons who don't care about anything other than defending nintendo and think totk was acceptable.

    • 10 months ago

      Which itself is paradoxal since Botw absolutely is connected in blatantly states ways to the past game, which makes its sequel confusing. They should have just waited for a completely new game and just out right stated its a full on reboot of the IP completely unconnected to anything story related before it.

  9. 10 months ago

    I'm sorry but you guys should seriously stop giving a shit about the Zelda timeline or lore when they literally had the entire hylian race be born from a Black person and a goat anthro having sex.

    • 10 months ago

      This isn't true where did you get this from? You're thinking of that new gay bear game I think.

      • 10 months ago

        Did you not play the game? Hylian race was literally born from space goats having sex with women.

        • 10 months ago

          Bro... what the frick are you talking about? The Zonai were already gone by the time Rauru and Sonia wed. TotK also makes a distinction between Hylians and Zonai.

        • 10 months ago

          >space goats
          There aren't any space goats.
          >Hylian race
          Was already around in the earliest point in the game. Sonia was a hylian. We see many others too, holding spears and stuff.

        • 10 months ago

          >reading comprehension
          what a moron

  10. 10 months ago

    Why are morons still trying to come up with a Zelda timeline. It’s like Final Fantasy in that the games are each their own standalone story that occasionally gets a direct sequel but that’s about it. Sometimes the games might have some easter eggs referencing the other entries but that’s about all the connection they have. Trying to find an overarching timeline in Zelda games is as moronic as trying to find one in Mario games, there just just isn’t any.

    • 10 months ago

      >as moronic as trying to find one in mario games
      No it isn't. Mario having a timeline is not nearly as stupid. Have you played Mario games? They're not like the Zelda games.

    • 10 months ago
  11. 10 months ago

    >Noooo stop pointing out how much the new game fricked up the story!!!
    >Ripping information straight from official Zelda documentation is misinformation! Schizo Qanon conspiracy!!!!

    • 10 months ago

      >the story
      Okay anon I'm not mad, yet, but are you trying to tell me that you believe there is a quote "overarching plot" to the entire zelda franchise? This they were in the middle of some kind of arc?

    • 10 months ago

      >official zelda documentation
      You mean not from the games, the only canon things. But instead from the unused concept art book?

  12. 10 months ago

    With Zelda the best way to approach the continuity is to assume each game is an entirely different story unless previous entries are integral to the plot of the game in question. So for an example Majora's Mask needs to have OoT precede it in order to function properly. Same with Wind Waker and OoT. So by that logic you can surmise that prior to Wind Waker OoT and MM happened and that's the story of Wind Waker, which isn't necessarily connected to any other game besides OoT and MM. Except when it obviously is connected because Phantom Hourgalss needs Wind Waker in order to make sense and same for Spirit Tracks. So you could say there is a continuous story of OoT, MM, WW, PH, ST, and this story isn't really connected to the story that seeds itself from BotW for example.

    • 10 months ago

      tl;dr Zelda games aren't connected to each other unless it is explicit and obvious that they are. they are mostly separate stories.

    • 10 months ago

      You don't need Ocarina for Wind Waker to work. It is never said in the game why the hero never returned, or that it was the oot ganon that got sealed or that it was the hero of time that sealed him.

      • 10 months ago

        There are big stain glass artworks of the seven sages from OoT in one of the rooms in Hyrule castle in WW.

        • 10 months ago

          Sowhat. Also post image. Iirc they didn't look anything like the ocarina sages.

          • 10 months ago


            scroll down to the "Gallery" section.

            • 10 months ago

              Nabooru obviously wasn't taking this pompous "artist's rendering" thing very seriously.

      • 10 months ago

        It literally says the words "hero of time" in the intro.

        • 10 months ago

          Did it? Oh well. Hey technically doesn't mean anything. Modern Link is called the "hero of hyrule" which according to timeline gays is the name of nes link.

          • 10 months ago

            modern link is the hero of the wild

          • 10 months ago

            >The entire intro which literally screeches "THESE ARE THE EVENTS OF OCARINA OF TIME" doesn't mean anything.
            Fricking idiot.

            • 10 months ago

              But it didn't. It just showed your standard Zelda story. It could have been like ANY game, or more likely it could have been no game.

              • 10 months ago

                i wonder why it has all the oot sages in the castle and why everybody from old hyrule is jerking off the hero of time

              • 10 months ago

                Could have been any hero.
                >the sages
                irrelevant in every way. Why bring them up?

                >Ganondorf is the same as OoT ganon
                >Items are the same as OoT items
                >Literally kokiri
                >The entire fricking plot revolves around OoT and hyrule's mistakes

                >ganondorf same
                How? Both his design in the intro and in the game look nothing like his ocarina appearance. Plus he doesn't use magic and can't fly in wind waker.
                >items are the same
                Lmao every retro zelda has the same items.
                Relevant how?
                >the entire plot revolves around oot
                No it doesn't it's about the great sea and the people who live there. It's about Link trying to save his sister and kill a Black person.
                >hyrule's mistakes
                What do you mean?

              • 10 months ago

                >irrelevant in every way. Why bring them up?
                There are literal portraits of the OoT sages in WW under a statue commemorating the Hero of Time.

              • 10 months ago

                >a statue commemorating the hero of time
                Bullshit. If you mean OoT Link, there is no statue of him. I would remember that shit damn well.
                >so it's easier to understand
                Translation: So the autists don't have an aneurysm. It's not canon it's there for morons who need "lore" to understand anything. For people who care not for gameplay or anything that actually matters in a game. And all of this is again things that were not in any of the games.

              • 10 months ago

                Well the game talks about the Hero of Time at the beginning of the game, so one can infer that the statue is of him, yes.

              • 10 months ago

                youre the autist if you dont understand that its supposed to be oot link

              • 10 months ago

                Are we just gonna ignore the fact that the deku tree talks to you as if you were OoT link and its fully translated in replays?

              • 10 months ago

                He's literally ignoring that yes, see a few posts above.

              • 10 months ago

                The deku tree does not do this. We don't know that this "hero of time" is the Ocarina Link. Hero of time is never mentioned in Ocarina of time or mm or ANY other game besides wind waker. If you are going by the games, aka the only canon source, the "hero of time" is a wind waker original title.

              • 10 months ago

                see for deku tree indeed "doing this"

              • 10 months ago

                and see this for hero of time mentioned in OOT

                also see
                the transcript of all dialogue in the game. for convenience sake, its 11 times.

              • 10 months ago

                >The deku tree does not do this

                hero of time directly mentioned in windwaker. the rest of the dialogue reveals he confused windwaker link with someone from "a long time ago"

                >Hero of time is never mentioned in Ocarina of time

                Nabooru : Kid, let me thank you. Heheheh...look what the little kid has become
                in the past seven years--a competent swordsman!

                By the way... I really messed up... I was brainwashed by those old
                witches and used by Ganondorf to do his evil will... But isn't it
                funny? That a person like me could turn out to be the Sage of
                Spirit! And now, I'm going to fight them as one of the six Sages!
                Heh heh... I'm going to pay them back for what they did to me!

                Kid... No... Link, the Hero of Time! Instead of keeping the promise
                I made back then, I give you this Medallion! Take it!

                btw nabooru is hot and botw gerudo can never compare to her beauty

              • 10 months ago

                >Hyrule's mistakes
                >What do you mean?
                Replay the fricking game
                Specifically the ending and red lions dialogue

              • 10 months ago

                I don't have a gamecube anymore... Anyway if I remember right hyrule didn't make any mistakes. It's not their fault the hero of time never came back.

              • 10 months ago

                This man is denying reality kek

              • 10 months ago

                show me where on the timestamp he touch-sorry, where it says ocarina of time

              • 10 months ago

                no it doesnt.

                Why are you schizophrenic?

              • 10 months ago

                >riding on a donkey
                >is a kid
                >dresses like ww Link
                It's unconnected.

            • 10 months ago

              no it doesnt.

          • 10 months ago

            >where in the games?
            >NO NOT THAT ONE

          • 10 months ago

            windwaker link also doesnt become the hero of time, or hero of hyrule, he becomes the hero of winds. hes not link, or related to link as said in game.

            • 10 months ago

              Hero of winds is never said in any game, it's another timeline schizo thing.

              thats a good question, that completely skips over the fact that: he did.

              It's not canon or official, it's just something one random guy made up to fill up one page in the book that only exists as an excuse for money. So he did not release anything that would screw up the way the staff makes the game, he released something to get a little cash. Because it was not a part of the series.

              This man is denying reality kek

              >reality is what the pooptubers told me to say, not what I actually experienced when I played the game
              If you even did.

              Half of the book is stuff that made it into the games.

              No it isn't. It's either concept art or random shit somebody wrote down. Those weren't in any game, I would know I played them all and in none of them can you even view concept art.

              • 10 months ago

                >it's just something one random guy made up to fill up one page
                yeah. his name?

                eiji aonuma

              • 10 months ago

                >No it isn't.
                Yes the frick it is, I own the damned thing.

            • 10 months ago

              >hes not link, or related to link as said in game.
              He's A Link, just a brand new kind of Link. We know the reincarnation cycle got fricked WW since OoT Link left that timeline but we also WW Link jump-started it again since he has a successor in Spirit Tracks.

              • 10 months ago

                hes not the hero of time. its said ingame. he's a different legend, the hero of winds.

              • 10 months ago

                Of course he's not the hero of time. Only OoT Link is the hero of time. TP Link isn't the hero of time either.
                Every Link gets his own title, what is that supposed to prove exactly?

              • 10 months ago

                No, every link does not get a title. It's just timeline homosexualry that you are referring to. The only "hero of" title in any of the games is hero of hyrule and hero of time. Hero of Hyrule is a title for more than one Link, and probably so is hero of time.

                Well the game talks about the Hero of Time at the beginning of the game, so one can infer that the statue is of him, yes.

                You don't know that the one they speak of is OoT Link and even if you did what does that have to do with the statue?

                youre the autist if you dont understand that its supposed to be oot link

                I'm just a guy who actually played the game. In fact, didn't he look just like wind waker link in the intro?

              • 10 months ago

                >You don't know that the one they speak of is OoT Link and even if you did what does that have to do with the statue?
                You're making it to the Olympics.

              • 10 months ago

                >doesn't try to respond or argue

                >I'm just a guy who actually played the game. In fact, didn't he look just like wind waker link in the intro?

                >doesn't try to argue or respond
                Could it be because you are unable to? And could that be because I am correct?

              • 10 months ago

                You can't argue with a literal denial of presented facts.

              • 10 months ago

                >I'm just a guy who actually played the game. In fact, didn't he look just like wind waker link in the intro?

        • 10 months ago

          it says the hero of time never returned

    • 10 months ago

      the timeline isn't really concerned with story connections, but rather history. prior to BotW everything was placed neatly in a historical timeline. the devs decides with BotW to just include as many homages and callbacks as they could, even tying both Zora and Ruto into the main plot, which means a retcon is in order. before then Anounuma said Zora evolved into Rito but clearly they do not want that to be the case now.

  13. 10 months ago

    There is no storyline, because it's a LEGEND - every game is literally a story being told, but the details of the story change as it passes from generation to generation, or civilization to civilization
    >Link could travel through time with an ocarina...
    >Link had a magic shrinking hat...
    >Link could turn into a wolf...
    >Link was a sailor on a remote island...
    But the core of the story is always the same:
    >a hero named Link rescues a Princess named Zelda from an evil king named Ganondorf

    • 10 months ago

      This isn't true either. Play tears of the kingdom. Or minish cap, or majora's mask, or phantom hourglass or spirit tracks or skyward sword.

      • 10 months ago

        It'd be pretty normal for a storyteller to make up another story about a character in a popular legend.

  14. 10 months ago

    Why can't people just accept that there is no timeline to Zelda games, but it is a neat little adventure where the MC and the heroine gets recycled multiple times together with a lot of different things that are similar but not the same to the other games, like Final Fantasy?
    The MC is iconic enough for it.

    • 10 months ago

      because there literally is connections between the games and a few of them rely heavily on those connections

      • 10 months ago

        >and a few of them rely heavily on those connections
        No except these are sequels

    • 10 months ago

      >Why can't people just accept that there is no timeline to Zelda games
      Because Nintendo has quite literally told us for over 30 years that there is indeed a timeline.
      Why do you gays keep insisting on this "disconnected/retold stories" headcanon that has absolutely no basis on anything?

    • 10 months ago

      I explained it didn't I? They have been trained to maintain lies for no reason, even when it is detremental to themselves. This is a side effect of that. Some autist got excited about new "lore" when they saw that part in the concept art book and told everyone it was fact, and these guys bought it. Now, five thousand years later they are still defending it to the death, even though it has been proven 100% wrong. They're scared of what will happen if they admit they were wrong.

    • 10 months ago

      People think that games having some sequels means you can build an entire overarching timeline around it. It's moronic. And then Nintendo attempted to pander to these morons. So now we're here. Anyone with half a brain can see the a coherent timeline for Zelda became impossible fairly early on.

      • 10 months ago

        Completely coherent? Yeah Nintendo blew that for sure. But there is a throughly between the larger majority of the games, even if the details get iffy.

        Timeline denial is moronic. Just because it's bad doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

        • 10 months ago


  15. 10 months ago

    timeline discussion and theories are a zelda pastime. this "wHo CaReS lOL" attitude came about only recently is peddled exclusively by zoomers who are not true fans. gtfo of our threads if the timeline is too complicated for your goldfish brain, we're having F U N.

    • 10 months ago

      >timewine fun
      New take but a bad one. Nothing is fun about any of this. Kys.
      >not true fans
      That's you. You're fans of pooptubers, not a fan of zelda. If you even played the games you would know they were lying.
      >too complicated
      That's fricking you! You're the ones who say that! We don't think it's complicated, you do! We understand completely, but it's also a lie.

    • 10 months ago

      >"wHo CaReS lOL" attitude came about only recently is peddled exclusively by zoomers who are not true fans.
      No, it mostly likely came from how blatantly Nintendo themselves clearly do not fricking care, otherwise BOTW and TOTK would not exist.

      Why do you guys care about story in Zelda games anyway?

      I think it used to be cool even if somewhat generic. Skyward Sword ruined that though, then BOTW/TOTK ruined it further.

    • 10 months ago

      >"wHo CaReS lOL" attitude came about only recently is peddled exclusively by zoomers who are not true fans.
      No, it mostly likely came from how blatantly Nintendo themselves clearly do not fricking care, otherwise BOTW and TOTK would not exist.

      I think it used to be cool even if somewhat generic. Skyward Sword ruined that though, then BOTW/TOTK ruined it further.

      >this "wHo CaReS lOL" attitude came about only recently is peddled exclusively by zoomers who are not true fans. ?

      I've been a fan since I played Link's Awakening on my original gameboy, and I've always called out timeline threads and the autists that inhabit them as being ridiculous nonsense for a series that's clearly meant to be akin to classic FF style "Similar pieces, but different beats".

      I'm glad you morons are getting shit on, because you became absolutely obnoxious ever since Hyrule Historia got released.

      • 10 months ago

        its like a fun little puzzle that i can put together and the pieces are my fun video games 🙂 sometimes the pieces dont quite fit right so its fun to imagine what pieces would fit there 🙂

      • 10 months ago

        >game 1
        >direct sequel to game 1
        >prequel to game 1
        >prequel to game 3
        >alt-timeline sequel to game 4
        >alt-timeline sequel to game 4
        >prequel to all existing games
        That's mainline Zelda from its inception to 2016. You going to tell me again how they're not meant to be connected?

      • 10 months ago

        Your concept would be extremely gay, not because it ignores generational time line shit, but because it completely defeats the point of each Link having more then one adventure following their first appearance, lessening the impact of being a roaming adventurer and treating each one as just a completely toilet paper protag.

  16. 10 months ago

    >youtuber has shit opinion
    frick off

    • 10 months ago

      It's a whole religion. There are several of these people who keep on saying this shit over and over and over again all over youtube. It's not just a one time thing. And it's been like this for like a decade or something.

  17. 10 months ago

    The timeline is for gays anyway.

  18. 10 months ago

    Why do Zelda fans go utterly insane over a lore book, something that virtually any long running Japanese series has? Hyrule Historia is nothing unusual, but people get their panties in such a bunch over it

    • 10 months ago

      Because regardless of how dumb it comes off the fact remains that Nintendo published and endorsed it. After once a decade of saying it exists. This isn't Zelink or Vaati throwing up fanfiction on YouTube, Nintendo's word is law with regards to their properties.

      If Nintendo didn't want there to be a timeline then it would've been 100% possible to just not do it. No one ever questions the timeline of the a Mario games. Miyamoto never said or implied that there was a timeline to the Mario games. The difference being that Nintendo lied and then got angry with fans for believing them.

      • 10 months ago

        >nintendo's word is law
        Wrong. One random moron making a "timeline" for fun and later putting it into the unused cocept book isn't even their word to begin with, but regardless only what are in the games is canon.
        >Nintendo lied

        • 10 months ago

          The timeline is real until something disproves it. Just because it's bad and confusing isn't enough. Nobody asserts that the triforce hunt in WW isn't real because it's bad.

          • 10 months ago

            >I decided that something has to disprove it
            You don't get to decide on random rules, that is not how this works. The timeline is not real, that's the truth. And you are the only one who saying that it's bad or confusing you moron. Not to mention, Tears of the Kingdom absolutely did disprove the narrative that you are still defending to this day.

        • 10 months ago

          Actually it wasn't one random moron it was 2 random morons. They being Auonuma and Miyamoto. In publication with Dark Horse in partnership with Nintendo. Therefore it is officially endorsed by Nintendo. Up until 2018 when Hyrule Historia was superceded by Creating A Champion, also by Nintendo.

          What you're doing is seeing the actual creators and producers of these games who are giving context into why and what the settings and assets mean and plugging your ears and saying "nah that doesn't count." Not realizing that the people who are mad about the timeline are mad for the same reasons. Nintendo can't keep their story straight up until Breath of the Wild where they stopped trying. If Nintendo came out and said from the beginning that each game was its own individual world divorced from the others then this would never be a conversation. But because they, being Auonuma and Miyamoto, made it clear that there was an overarching narrative then the onus is on them for creating that expectation.

          • 10 months ago

            >nah it doesn't count
            But it does because??? Because they work at nintendo that means every random word that leaves their mouth is some piece of some damn puzzle? And also the unused concept art book that also has pages from the damn manga is canon because? Because Nintendo? It's not like Nintendo wanted an easy way to make more money from the anniversary, no they were leaving behind CLUES anon! Kys, you are so stupid.
            >keep their story straight
            Holy shit another one, or are you the same one? You believe, honest to god, that the whole series is one story?
            >made it clear that there was an overarching narrative
            They never said this or implied this. You have no brain.
            >creating the expectation
            You did that.

            • 10 months ago

              >They never said this or implied this
              They literally have.

              • 10 months ago

                Tell me what they said and when they said it. If they said "The entire zelda series is a single long story and every game is a part of that story" everyone would know about it. But they didn't say that. There is no "overarching plot" and you are crazy.

              • 10 months ago
              • 10 months ago

                See they didn't say that. Look at the image. read it. It's not there.

              • 10 months ago

                Oh man you're really, really dumb aren't you?

              • 10 months ago

                Stop talking to yourself! If you so strongly believe that these unrelated games are actually all one story, then why don't you explain that story to me? What kind of arc is happening right now? What led up to it and name one possibility of where it could be going?

              • 10 months ago

                It's a story of cycles. It's very Eastern.

              • 10 months ago

                >There is a document on my computer that has a stamp on it that says "Top Secret." I actually haven't even shown it to many of the staff members. One of the special privileges of being the producer of the series is that I have the right as we're finalizing the game's story to then decide where it fits in.

                >[Aonuma says he is afraid that revealing the official Nintendo timeline would lead future Zelda teams to focus on the story more than the gameplay.] People start to focus in on the storyline and gaps in the timeline. [This is a] backward way of creating a game.

                Aonuma in an October 2011 interview with Gametrailers concerning the existence of a Zelda timeline. That there is one in existence but he doesn't tell the staff where each game fits because they'd get too concerned with the story of the game rather than the mechanics within it.

              • 10 months ago

                In other words it doesn't exist. If the people who make the game don't know about it then they can't put it in the game. And if it's not in any of the games in the entire series then it's not a part of the series. Therefore it doesn't exist and is at most anouma's headcanon. But in reality it isn't even that, because the quote is clearly a joke.

              • 10 months ago

                The opinion and intentions of the actual creator doesn't count? Do you even hear yourself?

              • 10 months ago

                If he intended for there to be a timeline then he would have put it in the game.
                >the opinion
                Is not a part of the game. It's a headcanon. Well actually a joke, but if it's not then it's a headcanon.
                >the creator
                Is not Auonuma

              • 10 months ago

                and then, in the same month, they released the official timeline, which he could of said no to lmao. he literally went "its in my head tots bro" and then stamped okay on sending out the timeline

              • 10 months ago

                Yes, now you're getting it. He shouldn't just said no. The intelligent thing to do would've been to say no. There was nothing stopping him from saying no. But he said yes and some fans had no reason to believe he was lying then the only recourse would be for them to figure out the timeline that he's so adamant exists. That's not the fans fault. That's his fault. If he didn't want to be bound by a fictional history then he should've stopped putting on the chains.

              • 10 months ago

                even more funnier, he could of not...of been the co-author of it. he literally wrote some of it.

                >official timeline
                Lies. How many times must I remind you that it was an unused concept in the unused concept art book. Not to mention this proves you wrong because if the quote wasn't a joke and the timeline was official, why would he release it when he said he didn't want the staff to know? Did he not expect any of them to EVER see the book?

                as above, the guy your saying didnt release the official time line...wrote part of the official timeline. then released it.

              • 10 months ago

                There is no official timeline, and if there was then why would he release it? Didn't he keep it secret so his staff didn't focus on it?

              • 10 months ago

                heres a direct link, to the entire book
                here it is on amazon, its 26 bucks
                and heres the cover page, with aonuma's name listed as a supervising director. i went ahead and screenshotted and put a nice little red circle around it, just for you.

                any other questions

              • 10 months ago

                >official timeline
                Lies. How many times must I remind you that it was an unused concept in the unused concept art book. Not to mention this proves you wrong because if the quote wasn't a joke and the timeline was official, why would he release it when he said he didn't want the staff to know? Did he not expect any of them to EVER see the book?

              • 10 months ago

                >unused concept art book
                You keep saying this but the book is filled with final concept art.

              • 10 months ago

                Nah. Either way concept art is not canon dumb frick.

                even more funnier, he could of not...of been the co-author of it. he literally wrote some of it.

                as above, the guy your saying didnt release the official time line...wrote part of the official timeline. then released it.

                >wrote part of the official timeline
                Ignoring the word official which is untrue here, who told you aunuma wrote part of it?

              • 10 months ago

                It literally has canon art.

    • 10 months ago

      I really don't know. It's not like it matters much or that loregays are getting in the way of just playing the damned games.
      >playing games
      Figured it out. It upsets Ganker because nobody here plays games.

    • 10 months ago

      Its the only Nintendo game that has some kind of story so they go apeshit trying to make it deep when its obvious that except direct sequels each zelda game is his own universe

      • 10 months ago

        The Metroid games have a single story as well. A third of the rage pointed at Other M was in regards to how the events in that game are chronologically impossible with the other games.

        • 10 months ago

          Wasn't Other M explicitly made like that because the creator was mad at Metroid Prime trilogy?

          • 10 months ago

            We only have circumstantial evidence for that. Like Samus claiming that game was the first time she's ever run a joint mission with the Feds even though the entirety of Prime 3 was her running a joint mission with the Feds. But if we're only going by what the creators actually said, that game exists because 1. He wanted to tell a more cinematic story of Samus. That C word was a fricking slur between 2010 and 2020. And 2. because he wanted to real show the character of Samus.

            I don't need to say how much this enraged literally everyone who was ever invested in Metroid at that time. MercurySteam made damn sure not to present Samus similarly in Samus Returns. And Sakamoto made sure not to do that shit again when he wrote Metroid Dread

  19. 10 months ago

    >There's a timeline
    >Demise made a curse that made him come back to life forever and also ganondorf is him
    These are true though. Mostly. The Demise curse is less straightforward direct reincarnation

  20. 10 months ago

    Zelda has no timelines. They made one just to make you shut up, but you still b***hed about it when Zelda BOTW came. Just enjoy the game from what they are and stop thinking about timelines. It will help your health and sanity a lot.

    • 10 months ago

      Don't make me tap the sign.

      • 10 months ago

        Headcanons, made up lies, that kind of stuff. Maybe if you play the games...

        • 10 months ago

          The games that constantly reference each other?

          • 10 months ago

            These people will deny that WW is a direct sequel anon.

          • 10 months ago

            They don't do that. Breath of the wild does mention some of the other games but you know what it doesn't mention? The zelda"toober" narrative that you refuse to stop repeating. Not a single one of these quotes you mentioned or a single page from the concept art book are ever mentioned or shown in any zelda game.

            • 10 months ago

              You haven't played the games.

              • 10 months ago

                I have played them, every single one of them basically. It is you who haven't, but are so confident in your pooptube sources because they keep repeating it and you are trained to believe your own lies. Now, either leave or make more of a fool of yourself by attempting to show one time any of this crap was mentioned in the games.

              • 10 months ago

                You haven't played the games.

              • 10 months ago

                I have played them, you haven't. And you know that you have lost. you will not post a time when any of these things were mentioned in the games because they never were. I know this because I played them. You know this deep down, not because you played them, but because you know you haven't and that I have.

              • 10 months ago

                You haven't played the games.

  21. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      I wish both were good. Zelda's game designers are incompetent buffoons though, and Genshin is gatcha.

  22. 10 months ago

    Aonuma literally created a timeline and Nintendo literally sold a book about it.
    Does the timeline shit suck ass? Yes. Are totkgays bending over backwards to try and deflect and defend how fricking dogshit its plot and story is? Also yes.

    • 10 months ago

      YOU FRICKING LIAR! have a nice day! How the hell is an unused concept art book about one specific page that unlike the entire rest of the book isn't concept art for any specific game, and is never ever mentioned on any other page in the whole book??? And where are you getting this information that Aunoma made that shit?

    • 10 months ago

      TotK’s story is better than 90% of the shit preceding it

    • 10 months ago

      You can't name anything wrong with the story because it is amasing. Why even bring it up? Because you are paid to, that's why.

  23. 10 months ago

    op, are you the same guy who thought botw link was not a link, and wouldnt accept that windwaker link wasnt a link either?

  24. 10 months ago

    >there had to be 2 Zeldas and 2 Masters swords for ToTK to make sense
    it just doesn't make any sense

    • 10 months ago

      How does it not make sense? She travelled back in time. When you go back in time to before you were born, and stay there until after you are born, then there are two of you. If you bring something with you then there will be two of those things. Like what part of this is hard for you?

  25. 10 months ago

    >Zelda fans have become so schizophrenic that people now deny that Wind Waker is connected to OOT.
    >Just flat out ignore the entire game's kino intro.

    • 10 months ago

      Intro doesn't say it's connected to Ocarina of time.

      heres a direct link, to the entire book
      here it is on amazon, its 26 bucks
      and heres the cover page, with aonuma's name listed as a supervising director. i went ahead and screenshotted and put a nice little red circle around it, just for you.

      any other questions

      I don't click on links, no matter what. And also I don't open images that morons send me. You didn't answer my question. If it's officail and canon, why would he release it in a book anyone could buy? He wants to keep it a secret from his staff.

      • 10 months ago

        thats a good question, that completely skips over the fact that: he did.

        • 10 months ago

          He didn't though. It's a non canon book, full of unused concept art. That was what the book was about, showing what didn't make it into the game.

          • 10 months ago

            Half of the book is stuff that made it into the games.

          • 10 months ago

            an excerpt from aonama talking about the book
            >Chapter 2, “The Full History of Hyrule,” arranges the series in chronological order so it’s easier to understand
            >Thinking of that way of developing the games, it may be correct to say that the story is an appendix to that. I even think that setting Skyward Sword as the “first story,” was merely a coincidence.

          • 10 months ago

            ill refer back to his name, on the first page on the book as seen here:

            heres a direct link, to the entire book
            here it is on amazon, its 26 bucks
            and heres the cover page, with aonuma's name listed as a supervising director. i went ahead and screenshotted and put a nice little red circle around it, just for you.

            any other questions

            i also zooomed waaaay in for your zooooomer eyes and zooooomer brain so you could see it in the thumbnail, no opening required!

      • 10 months ago

        >Ganondorf is the same as OoT ganon
        >Items are the same as OoT items
        >Literally kokiri
        >The entire fricking plot revolves around OoT and hyrule's mistakes

  26. 10 months ago

    Honestly this problem exists because OoT and WW didn't really do a good job with what they set out to do, and the FS games are entirely superfluous. Like with LttP you have the imprisoning war backstory, the knights of Hyrule, and the forging of the Master Sword alongside the sealing of Ganon, and it doesn't really line up with OoT. The larger details are there, sure, but nothing else makes sense. And then WW comes out as a retelling of LttP, so it seems like LttP is totally retconned... except not really, because... downfall timeline? If OoT did a better job with the imprisoning war and WW didn't exist it'd be largely fine, I think. But BotW/TotK are clearly trying to reboot things to avoid the timeline clusterfrick.

  27. 10 months ago

    >wind waker gay
    >timeline obsessed troony
    I think not

  28. 10 months ago

    They’re legends of zelda, not confirmed history. The games are like bible stories.

  29. 10 months ago

    Have Zelda Theorists ever gotten crazier than this? Like, I want to know more about the bargainers, but this is a whole hour to say nothing substantiated. It all culminates in 10 minutes of replaying clips of audio from earlier in the video as if that's a dramatic conclusion.

  30. 10 months ago

    I don't know what you are talking about but ToTK is just a retelling of OoT with added furries and done in a way that makes every other game in the franchise non canon. Even BoTW feels disconnected from it.
    Aonuma obviously hates Zelda and should have been kicked off it when he pulled his stupid WW trick and nearly ran the series into the ground between MM and BoTW, and I say this as somebody who liked BoTW/ToTK.

    • 10 months ago

      Eiji Aonuma has entirely given up on the timeline

      >“I guess I would leave it to the fans and hope they will continue to discuss this among themselves,” Aonuma said, “and I’ll be looking forward to see where those discussions lead.”

    • 10 months ago

      It's not entirely his fault, OoT wasn't properly connected to LttP. Though WW does have the unique property of coming across as Aonuma seething about OoT.

    • 10 months ago

      >just a retelling of OoT
      This is insane. There is not a single event of Ocarina in Tears. Name just one homosexual.

      • 10 months ago

        That not more far fetched than zoomers and game journalists trying to say it's a retelling of Zelda 1

      • 10 months ago

        Ganondorf's entire plan in the flashbacks was just ripped straight out of OoT. That and the The imprisoning war, you know that thing they mention 500 times in the game.

        • 10 months ago

          And there's also the fact that Ganondorf swears fealty under false pretenses in both games difference being in one he was doing it to steal the Triforce and in the other he was doing it to steal the Secret Stone. Zelda fears him but her warnings isn't taken seriously until it's too late in both games. And both games feature a Zora that wants to frick Link.

        • 10 months ago

          >entire plan in the flashbacks
          What you mean where he punched Sonia really hard and took her secret stone? Where he used a fake Zelda to lure her out and then afterwards turned into a glowing red version of himself? Or when he tried attacking the kingdom of hyrule with modulgas? None of that was in Ocarina of Time. Several of those things like secrets stones and queen sonia don't even exist in ocarina of time. And the imprisoning war also was not a thing so I am just lost.

          And there's also the fact that Ganondorf swears fealty under false pretenses in both games difference being in one he was doing it to steal the Triforce and in the other he was doing it to steal the Secret Stone. Zelda fears him but her warnings isn't taken seriously until it's too late in both games. And both games feature a Zora that wants to frick Link.

          It was completely different dude. In tears Zelda was an adult, and the King was a zonai and not zelda's father and he knew that Ganondorf was evil. Also Link wasn't there and wasn't going to be born for at least five hundred sextillion million years. Also Zelda was inside, and there was a queen. And it was way earlier in the kingdom's history, and the castle looked so different. But yeah the scene did resemble that ocarina scene in one way, but it's still one scene, not a retelling of the whole thing.

          • 10 months ago

            Get back to ranting how there is no mention of The Hero of Time in OoT.

    • 10 months ago

      >and nearly ran the series into the ground between MM and BoTW
      He got lucky with Twilight Princess. People were incredibly desperate for something like it.

  31. 10 months ago

    Anon is having to do a lot of mental gymnastics to NOT connect WW to OoT.

    • 10 months ago

      i dont know why hes saying its not connected, but it is. however, link leaves and disappears, windwaker link is not related to that link, and the hero of time is gone, and its a different legend.

      • 10 months ago

        >windwaker link is not related to that link, and the hero of time is gone, and its a different legend.
        True. All in game. Just like the connections to OoT he is denying.

        • 10 months ago

          no, thats wrong. there are entities in WW who have actually met the hero of time and know who it is

          • 10 months ago


            • 10 months ago

              the deku tree. hes, uh, the one who also confirms that windwaker link is not the hero of time.

              • 10 months ago

                Oh, well yeah sure. Of course he met the Hero of Time before he disappeared.

  32. 10 months ago

    >nintendo releases timeline book
    >has a big disclaimer saying it's subject to change
    >they change it

  33. 10 months ago

    stand aside, no one can grasp the complexities of this franchise but me

    • 10 months ago

      this is really good, everyone ITT is a bunch of bozos compared to this ingenuity

    • 10 months ago

      actually makes sense
      timeline autists win again

  34. 10 months ago


    >Show me where you can see the concept art in any game then.
    You're moving the goalposts. You said it was full of unused concept art and I corrected you that it is full of finalized concept art.

  35. 10 months ago


    >How do you know it was him? There were many many people involved with the book. But regardless even if it was him, it doesn't change a single thing. What I said is true.
    because he was the supervising editor. as already linked to, multiple times.

    • 10 months ago

      >supervising editor
      You think the supervising editor wrote every line in the book?

      >There is no connection.
      Other than all of the direct connections, of course.

      Not a single one. Please play the game. The only way it could even be considered a connection is if these were the only two zelda games, and even then wind waker would be more like a loose reboot.

      • 10 months ago

        another quote from aonuma about hyrule historia (its a set of three, encylopedia, art and artifacts and hyrule historia)
        >"In books like the recently released The Legend of Zelda Encyclopedia, we revealed where each Zelda game fell on a timeline and how their stories related, but we didn't do that for Breath of the Wild. There is a reason for that. With this game, we saw just how many players were playing in their own way and had those reactions I just mentioned.

        no...he supervised it. and stamped: "yes" onto it.

        • 10 months ago

          So what if he approved some random crap in a non canon concept art book that they were only putting out for a quick buck? What is that supposed to mean? It's paper with a price tag. There is no grand puzzle for you and your pooptuber friends to figure out.

          • 10 months ago

            well, that he then later said after the release of the botw that is was indeed the timeline. theres that.

            • 10 months ago

              Again him saying shit doesn't mean shit. Have you played the games? It's not in any of the games. The games contradict it. It's not canon.

      • 10 months ago

        You haven't played the games.

      • 10 months ago

        hero of time directly mentioned in windwaker. the rest of the dialogue reveals he confused windwaker link with someone from "a long time ago"

        • 10 months ago

          "Hero of time" doesn't mean anything. You know that "hero of time" was never said in Ocarina right? It was only said in wind waker.

          You can't argue with a literal denial of presented facts.

          You don't present facts, you make shit up.

          • 10 months ago

            >You don't present facts, you make shit up.
            Enjoy your headcanon anon.

          • 10 months ago

            Nabooru : Kid, let me thank you. Heheheh...look what the little kid has become
            in the past seven years--a competent swordsman!

            By the way... I really messed up... I was brainwashed by those old
            witches and used by Ganondorf to do his evil will... But isn't it
            funny? That a person like me could turn out to be the Sage of
            Spirit! And now, I'm going to fight them as one of the six Sages!
            Heh heh... I'm going to pay them back for what they did to me!

            Kid... No... Link, the Hero of Time! Instead of keeping the promise
            I made back then, I give you this Medallion! Take it!

            btw nabooru is hot and botw gerudo can never compare to her beauty

            • 10 months ago

              Anon blown the frick out.

            • 10 months ago

              Meh doesn't matter anyway. Any Link can be called that. Modern Link is called the hero of hyrule, same as nes once was.
              >nabooru is ACK
              Stop cooming. Thank me later.

              • 10 months ago

                Severe mental gymnastics.

              • 10 months ago

                >it doesnt matter
                lmao, we finally hit the stage "passive aggressive concession"

              • 10 months ago

                I'm not being aggressive.

                Severe mental gymnastics.

                Is it? When the hero of time as shown in the intro is clealry not an adult and looks just like wind waker link?

              • 10 months ago

                You've lost.

              • 10 months ago

                Explain. How have I lost? And do you really believe that?

              • 10 months ago

                Why would he explain something when the entire thread you have been avoiding explaining your shit?

              • 10 months ago

                What do you want me to explain?

                >any link can be called that
                sure, but deku explicitly calls him that, then says hes not. links NOT "whatever made up term here".

                Yeah he says he's not the hero of time. Your point?

              • 10 months ago

                well, for starters, when you said "it was never said", it was. what other things would you like clarified. i could repeat aonuma's several quotes about the hyrule historia being the timeline, windwaker links not link, deku literally confusing wind waker link for oot link...

                just ask, ill link you to the posts you already saw

              • 10 months ago

                I am so confused you moron. What is your point?
                >literally confusing ww link for oot link
                Prove it. It's possible but not proven also, what is your point?

              • 10 months ago

                >Prove it

                hero of time directly mentioned in windwaker. the rest of the dialogue reveals he confused windwaker link with someone from "a long time ago"

                deku tree confusing windwaker for oot

                also included, the hyrule historia page indicating these two are linked, a book with eija aonuma's blessing
                links of quotes from aonuma about the hyrule hystoria here

                another quote from aonuma about hyrule historia (its a set of three, encylopedia, art and artifacts and hyrule historia)
                >"In books like the recently released The Legend of Zelda Encyclopedia, we revealed where each Zelda game fell on a timeline and how their stories related, but we didn't do that for Breath of the Wild. There is a reason for that. With this game, we saw just how many players were playing in their own way and had those reactions I just mentioned.

                no...he supervised it. and stamped: "yes" onto it.

                heres a direct link, to the entire book
                here it is on amazon, its 26 bucks
                and heres the cover page, with aonuma's name listed as a supervising director. i went ahead and screenshotted and put a nice little red circle around it, just for you.

                any other questions

                >There is a document on my computer that has a stamp on it that says "Top Secret." I actually haven't even shown it to many of the staff members. One of the special privileges of being the producer of the series is that I have the right as we're finalizing the game's story to then decide where it fits in.

                >[Aonuma says he is afraid that revealing the official Nintendo timeline would lead future Zelda teams to focus on the story more than the gameplay.] People start to focus in on the storyline and gaps in the timeline. [This is a] backward way of creating a game.

                Aonuma in an October 2011 interview with Gametrailers concerning the existence of a Zelda timeline. That there is one in existence but he doesn't tell the staff where each game fits because they'd get too concerned with the story of the game rather than the mechanics within it.

              • 10 months ago

                >doesn't prove it
                >posts a page from the non canon concept art book
                I don't get what you are trying to say. We're talking about the Zelda series, in which only the games are canon and this book specifically has proven to be non canon many times over.
                >deku tree confusing www link for oot link
                PROVE. IT. It's possible, but there's no proof. Not that it matters like at all. What does it have to do with the timeline that doesn't exist?
                >anuma's blessing
                You can't get over this can you? How moronic are you that you already forgot that I proved this to be irrelevant using a few simple words. It was only minutes ago.

              • 10 months ago

                >deku tree confusing www link for oot link
                >PROVE. IT.

                hero of time directly mentioned in windwaker. the rest of the dialogue reveals he confused windwaker link with someone from "a long time ago"


              • 10 months ago

                OH MY GOSH FRICKING PROVE IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
                I'm going insane! How many times have I told you that this is not proof? Huh? HOW MANY??????? He doesn't say "Oh I thought you were the Link from Ocarina of Time". He says "I thought you were the Hero of Time" which could mean any hero.

              • 10 months ago

                There's no way this is OP. There's no way he's lost it this bad. My fricking sides.

              • 10 months ago

                the tab in my browser for this thread is
                >my schizo delusions tha-
                its perfect

              • 10 months ago
              • 10 months ago

                >non canon
                quote from aonumra about hyrule historia and its timeline

                another quote from aonuma about hyrule historia (its a set of three, encylopedia, art and artifacts and hyrule historia)
                >"In books like the recently released The Legend of Zelda Encyclopedia, we revealed where each Zelda game fell on a timeline and how their stories related, but we didn't do that for Breath of the Wild. There is a reason for that. With this game, we saw just how many players were playing in their own way and had those reactions I just mentioned.

                no...he supervised it. and stamped: "yes" onto it.

                the timeline itself, connecting oot to ww

                >Prove it
                deku tree confusing windwaker for oot

                also included, the hyrule historia page indicating these two are linked, a book with eija aonuma's blessing
                links of quotes from aonuma about the hyrule hystoria here

                the deku tree ocnfuses ww link for oot

                hero of time directly mentioned in windwaker. the rest of the dialogue reveals he confused windwaker link with someone from "a long time ago"

                the page showing aonumas name as a supervising director on hyrules histora

                heres a direct link, to the entire book
                here it is on amazon, its 26 bucks
                and heres the cover page, with aonuma's name listed as a supervising director. i went ahead and screenshotted and put a nice little red circle around it, just for you.

                any other questions

              • 10 months ago

                >quote from aonumra about hyrule historia and its timeline

                another quote from aonuma about hyrule historia (its a set of three, encylopedia, art and artifacts and hyrule historia)
                >"In books like the recently released The Legend of Zelda Encyclopedia, we revealed where each Zelda game fell on a timeline and how their stories related, but we didn't do that for Breath of the Wild. There is a reason for that. With this game, we saw just how many players were playing in their own way and had those reactions I just mentioned.

                no...he supervised it. and stamped: "yes" onto it.

              • 10 months ago

                oops, wrong quote

                Hyrule historia is a non canon concept art book. It was put out to get extra money and they used the anniversary as an excuse to do it.

                see above

              • 10 months ago

                >a page from the non canon concept art book
                Black person the whole damn thing is on Nintendo.com.

              • 10 months ago

                Is nintendo.com a Zelda game?

                I played SS and witnessed Demise making the curse that caused his will to reincarnate as Ganondorf. He did it by saying what he was doing verbally, which is moronic, but then, Skyward Sword is moronic as a whole, so that's par for the course.
                I played OOT and witnessed the Shadow Temple, where inscriptions on the wall denote it as a place where the darker side of Hyrule's history lies.
                I played WW and saw the Rito sage be a direct descendant of a Zora sage.
                I played TP and could easily tell that this was actually I don't recall seeing any good proof for that 100 year figure, but I also can't recall anyone expressing it.
                Now why don't you try playing the real things?

                >witnessed demise make a curse
                But he didn't do that! PLAY the game!
                >the HEKKin shadoe tempwe
                Kys right now. What part in the shadow temple says anything bad about the king or that anything bad was done in the temple?

              • 10 months ago

                >But he didn't do that! PLAY the game!
                I played the game. Why don't you take a look at it?

                >What part in the shadow temple says anything bad about the king or that anything bad was done in the temple?
                The part where it's filled with torture devices and official royal symbology, implying that those torture devices were condoned by the royalty.
                Now what about Medli?

                People think that games having some sequels means you can build an entire overarching timeline around it. It's moronic. And then Nintendo attempted to pander to these morons. So now we're here. Anyone with half a brain can see the a coherent timeline for Zelda became impossible fairly early on.

                >Anyone with half a brain can see the a coherent timeline for Zelda became impossible fairly early on.
                The first two Zelda games were a direct duology. Link is the same guy between both. ALTTP is a prequel to both, and OOT is a prequel to ALTTP.

              • 10 months ago

                >The first two Zelda games were a direct duology. Link is the same guy between both. ALTTP is a prequel to both, and OOT is a prequel to ALTTP.
                I know. You didn't refute what I said at all. I'll repeat myself: a series having some sequels does not mean you can build an entire timeline around it. It has been obvious with anyone with a brain that a coherent timeline for zelda became impossible fairly early on.

              • 10 months ago

                >I know. You didn't refute what I said at all.
                It only became incoherent with the release of Twilight Princess when they went full moron and made three branches off of a game that only ever tried to justify two. The downfall timeline is a bit of a band-aid fix- it's obviously a retroactive addition, and yet, ironically, it fits ALTTP's backstory better than the child or adult timeline. The complete absence of a hero able to wield the Master Sword in a world legitimately threatened by Ganondorf, that is.

              • 10 months ago

                >watch this video
                Don't need to, I know the scene well. He doesn't make any curse. The curse of which he speaks is the white man's burden. He's not magically making himself come back forever just by saying it, and without there being any special effects or anything I mean come one. If he could just make shit like that happen by saying it then why didn't he just say "I will not die now" or "Zelda will ride me for all eternity."? What he's really doing is spitiing facts because he can't die without making himself feel like he didn't really lose. He's saying facts that their descendants will always have to fight evil bbecause evil will always come back and their descendants are white so it's their job. He's pretending that the spirit of the hero and the divine bloodline are the losers because they have to keep fighting forever. It's like the green goblin calling spider-man an idiot for being a hero. Learn to read between the lines, it isn't hard when the lines are a mile apart.
                >torture devices
                Kek not a single one.
                >what about medli
                You tell me, what about her?

              • 10 months ago

                >The curse of which he speaks is the white man's burden
                Demise is a fricking demon you moron. He doesn't have literal descendants. He is referring to his will being incarnated in Ganondorf.
                >Kek not a single one.
                Spinning blades, guillotines, the X-shaped bindings, none of this means anything to you?
                >You tell me, what about her?

                The Zora Sage refers to one who carries her bloodline. This is later revealed as Medli. How does a Rito carry a Zora's bloodline if the Zora did not become the Rito?

              • 10 months ago

                How does Mattison carry Hudsons bloodline if Hudson didn't become a gerudo?

              • 10 months ago

                Your point has absolutely nothing to do with mine unless you're going to tell me the Rito magically showed up from nowhere and fricked the Zora into extinction.
                We are shown that the inheritors of everything to do with the Zora race are the Rito. The Zora no longer exist, the Rito do. Do the fricking math.

              • 10 months ago

                >has nothing to do with mine
                Yes it does
                >unless this because I say so
                You're a moron.
                >rito magically showed up
                We don't know where they came from. No one does. It's you who thinks that we need to know, and so it's you who make up random crap and defend it religously.
                >fricked the zora into extinction
                I don't get it. First of all you think the Zora are extinct? Second of all why would they need to be fricked that way?
                >inheritors of everything to do with the zora
                Not one thing.

              • 10 months ago

                >We don't know where they came from. No one does. It's you who thinks that we need to know
                We know where they came from. They evolved from the Zora.
                >First of all you think the Zora are extinct?
                They ARE fricking extinct. Not one exists anywhere in the world which should've been perfect for them. The only source that gives any reason why the Zora wouldn't have taken over the world when it flooded is one that you also refuse to use.
                >Second of all why would they need to be fricked that way?
                Because otherwise there'd be no reason for Medli to descend from one.
                >Not one thing.
                The title of sage is passed down by blood from a Zora to a Rito.

              • 10 months ago

                >We know whwere they came from they evolved
                You made that up.
                >they are extinct because.................. they are?
                >Also the timeline is canon and they appear again in botw, but they're still extinct!
                As for taking over the world, that's moronic, they aren't hylian.
                >there'd be no reason for medli to be descended from one
                There's also no reason for her not to be dude.
                >the title of a sage
                Okay they have nothing else from the zora though.

              • 10 months ago

                If there were even one Zora left in the world, then that Zora would have more blood in common with the Zora sage than Medli does.
                Therefore, the fact that Medli is the closest blood relative to the Zora sage is a twofer: There are no more remaining Zora, and the Rito somehow carry on the bloodline of a Zora.
                The natural assumption is that whatever is left of the Zora civilization is part of the Rito species and culture.

              • 10 months ago

                >bwahahaha but all capitalised
                Wow he doesn't know
                >demise has no descendants
                I didn't say he did. I was talking about the descendants of Link and Zelda. That should have been obvious because they are white. They are the ones who have to fight evil because it will never stop coming back.
                >gullotines spinning blades
                Kill people. Using an execution device as a torture device would be moronic, but you wouldn't know that because you are only repeating morons over and over again.

              • 10 months ago

                >Wow he doesn't know
                If your entire understanding of Zelda lore is that only the parts that sound like le based racist rhetoric are correct, your understanding of Zelda lore is backwards. Cart before horse bullshit.
                >I didn't say he did. I was talking about the descendants of Link and Zelda.
                And? The fact is that he also has a "descendant" in the form of Ganondorf.
                >Kill people. Using an execution device as a torture device would be moronic
                The use of execution as a psychological weapon and not as a last resort to keep someone contained is generally considered cruel and unusual punishment; analogous to torture. The creation of elaborate and theatrical execution chambers and devices is indeed bloody, dark, and torturous.

              • 10 months ago

                wind waker link is 16 or so

              • 10 months ago

                What the frick, he's 12. Look at him, listen to his voice.

              • 10 months ago

                chinese cartoons are crazy dude

              • 10 months ago

                >any link can be called that
                sure, but deku explicitly calls him that, then says hes not. links NOT "whatever made up term here".

          • 10 months ago
  36. 10 months ago


    >There is no connection.
    Other than all of the direct connections, of course.

  37. 10 months ago

    Caring about the zelda """timeline""" is like caring about the Ys timeline. They're almost all self-contained adventures with forgettable plots so who gives a frick.

    • 10 months ago

      It's fun and makes autists really, really mad for some reason and that makes it twice as fun.

  38. 10 months ago


    >No reason to even suspect that spirit tracks link is a reincarnation.
    Why wouldn't you assume he's a reincarnation? That's literally how the series works unless stated otherwise.

    • 10 months ago

      But it was stated otherwise you claim, that there was no longer reincarnation because oot lin left the timeline.

      • 10 months ago

        WW doesn't say there's no more reincarnation anymore period, just that a new Link didn't show up when Ganon came back.
        The whole point of the Triforce quest is to make WW Link a "true" Link so why wouldn't he reincarnate when needed?

        • 10 months ago

          Because if youre such a loregay you should know this is the timeline that link left.
          So he doesnt exist
          For all intents and purposes OoT link vnaished from this timeline

  39. 10 months ago

    The Zelda "Timeline" has been nonsensical since its (the timeline's) very inception, and only gotten worse with each game entry. Obviously the first few games were made to be .... games, not a continuing storyline, so they had to make some shit up, and paste some shit together haphazardly.

    They never tried this again with any other franchise, imagine a Mario timeline.

    • 10 months ago

      The first sequel was a direct continuation of the first game.
      The next sequel started the different Link and Zelda stuff but went out of its way to present itself as a prequel to the first game instead of completely separate.
      You are full of shit.
      The timeline only fell apart when Aonuma took control and begin his decades long sulk that Koizumi got the better promotion.

  40. 10 months ago

    Zelda canon and timeline autism is what happens when you're an adult taking a gaming franchise primarily targeted at adolescents way too seriously.

    You're not the target audience, you're a grown ass man. Go read Hemingway or something.

    • 10 months ago

      2023 to 1986 is 37 years, this is the time gap between today and the first legend of zelda game

      1986 to 1952 is 34 years, time between zeldas first game and hemmingways last released book.

      someone talking about zelda today is talking about older media then someone talking about hemmingways old man and the sea, when zelda first came out

  41. 10 months ago

    OP has been cornered like a little rat israelite. Let's see how this slime skillfully escapes the truth.

  42. 10 months ago

    >monitoring the meticulous blowing the frick out of OP

    You love to see it!

  43. 10 months ago

    whats funnier is this guy was actually watching these lore videos in its entirety, and LOTS of them, as evident by him having a literal list of complaints in the OP post, but still doesnt seem to know a single fricking thing about these games

    why even watch this shit if you spent half of the run time staring at your fricking phone instead?

    • 10 months ago

      >lore videos
      Fake made up religion that these drones are trained to maintain. As I have said. I know everything about most of these games because I've played most of them.

      You lost.

      How? Explain how the words "hero of time" being in Ocarina makes it so that the "timeline" in the non canon book is canon?

      • 10 months ago

        >I know everything about most of these games because I've played most of them.
        Except that OoT Link was called the Hero of Time in game, of course.

        • 10 months ago

          Yeah I forgot one thing. Answer the question though.

          • 10 months ago

            >Yeah I forgot one thing
            You forgot the crux of your argument.

            • 10 months ago

              Not an argument. Why are timeline believers like this? They look for gotchas in order to appeal cultured about zelda games they've obviously
              never even played, let alone completed. You are a sheep.

              >You don't present facts, you make shit up.
              Enjoy your headcanon anon.

              Again, not an argument. I hate you I hate you hate you people.

              • 10 months ago

                >I hate you I hate you hate you people.

              • 10 months ago

                He's deranged because he has a sane emotional response to you?

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                Nope, and I'm glad someone else is here.

                Completely coherent? Yeah Nintendo blew that for sure. But there is a throughly between the larger majority of the games, even if the details get iffy.

                Timeline denial is moronic. Just because it's bad doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

                >it's bad
                Only you are saying this. Only. You. I am saying there is no timeline. You are saying that it's bad because youpoop told you to.

                I really like all those theories especially the one about ganon being the incarnation of demise and the king being a piece of shit

                The King is the King of the Divine Bloodline, who by birthright rule the Holy Kingdom of Hyrule and subjugate all lesser peoples. How the frick does it ever cross your mind that someone like him would ever do anything "bad"?

                >OP is resorting to samegayging to make it look like someone is on his side
                What fun.

                But I don't need to it turns out, nor do I care what it looks like to you. I was fighting on my own for a moment there.

              • 10 months ago

                >Nope, and I'm glad someone else is here
                lol sure

              • 10 months ago

                >The King is the King of the Divine Bloodline, who by birthright rule the Holy Kingdom of Hyrule and subjugate all lesser peoples. How the frick does it ever cross your mind that someone like him would ever do anything "bad"?

              • 10 months ago

                Anon what are you trying to say?

                >what are the rothchilds, or the british royal family, or any of these other "special" families who consider themselves above everyone else
                Just a coincidence that they're all pieces of shit like the "king" of hyrule.

                I don't know anything about these guys but I do know that they don't have the blood of the perfect goddess hylia. The divine bloodline in zelda is a specail family, and they are above everyone else even if they don't consider themselves to be.
                What's your problem now? How is the king a "piece of shit" and how is he not a king?

              • 10 months ago

                >Anon what are you trying to say?
                I am trying to say that you are batshit insane if you think the morals of the Zelda universe are governed by wild real-life identity politics.

              • 10 months ago

                Anon you made me lose because I still don't get it. Please explain it in a better way.

              • 10 months ago

                The King of Hyrule is not automatically morally in the right nor obligated to subjugate other species.

              • 10 months ago

                But he's never morally wrong. And he is obligated to subjugate other species because he is hylian, that's how it works. That's why all the other races are tribes within the kingdom of hyrule and why they would fight a war for it to be that way.

              • 10 months ago

                One Hylian King endorsed the creation of the Shadow Temple. At some point, the King clearly saw fit to hide it. Not even stop using it, but HIDE it. Clearly, either this is one king who changed his mind, or two kings disagreeing, neither of which would be possible if descent from the goddess meant you always had the correct moral stance.

              • 10 months ago

                >the king hid it
                lmao you're not even pretending to not be quoting poop tubers now. Post any evidence jk I know there is none.

              • 10 months ago

                >nobody in Kakariko Village knows what the frick it is
                >Sheikah almost extinct

              • 10 months ago

                I'm sure you're joking now but if not HOLY SHIT you are dumb! Ahem, which part of this has to do with the king?
                >Umm, it was in the same video that said the king killed all the sheikah
                Which part n the damn game, makes you think that the king hided it? And how does there being very few sheikah relate to the king? HOW DOES ANY OF THIS HAVE A SINGLE THING TO DO WITH THE KING??

              • 10 months ago

                >Ahem, which part of this has to do with the king?
                The King had the power to ensure the Sheikah didn't fade to nothing, and chose not to. If Hyrule's leadership is automatically morally right, then they should either never have enlisted the aid of the Sheikah in the first place, or should not have allowed them to dwindle. The fact that the Sheikah are tied to a place that reflects badly upon the morality of Hyrule itself is further suspect.

              • 10 months ago

                >wild real-life identity politics.
                This happens all the time in bloodlines and succession.
                >original founder that builds everything, good leader, becomes rich, everyone likes him
                >son is either corrupt bastard at worst or a weaker imitation of father
                >if he's generally a good leader, son, grandson, or great-grandson becomes a corrupt fiend eventually deposed
                Repeat the cycle long enough and you've basically got the history of the world.

              • 10 months ago

                The anon I was replying to insisted that the king of hyrule was always good and morally right and beloved and incapable of doing any wrong. There was no cycle, in his mind.

              • 10 months ago

                >I don't know anything about these guys but I do know that they don't have the blood of the perfect goddess hylia
                Wait I thought the timeline wasn't real? This implies that something established in Skyward Sword is related to the royal family of Ocarina of Time. Are the games NOT standalone? Nowhere in OoT does it state that the royal family is part of a divine bloodline.

              • 10 months ago

                looks like we have another one of those dense souls who can't tell the difference between blatant story elements and background details. Have you tried playing any of the handheld titles or four swords adventure? Everything is standalone in the Zelda "universe" is standalone, just different reused settings or references.

              • 10 months ago

                Oh so some things count and some don't, that totally makes sense.

              • 10 months ago

                >what are the rothchilds, or the british royal family, or any of these other "special" families who consider themselves above everyone else
                Just a coincidence that they're all pieces of shit like the "king" of hyrule.

              • 10 months ago

                >all pieces of shit
                Bloodlines tend to deteriorate after a while because whoever built the thing they control up had all the right qualities to be a good, competent leader, while everyone who succeeds him just comes off a shallow imitation or a complete butthole who can't handle power and money. Almost never does this turn itself around where they can hold onto the bloodline and whatever they're controlling.

                This can apply equally both to empires and corporations.

            • 10 months ago

              It had nothing at all to do with my so called argument. What does it have to do with timeline PLEASE tell me!

              they are the dragons in botw aren't they?

              Nope, the dragons are spirits that serve the springs. I assume they’re meant to be similar to the ones in SS who serve Hylia.

              No! Play the fricking video games you moron! they're Black folk who ate the secret stones!

              • 10 months ago

                >my so called argument
                You can say that again.

  44. 10 months ago

    >the Hero of Time in the intro could totally be DIFFERENT Hero of Time
    >loregays are reaching to think it's the same one
    I love this thread.

  45. 10 months ago

    look im just here waiting for the link smutt to finally get posted

    • 10 months ago

      Well since OP has already been blown out I'll try summoning some for you. Ahem.


      That should do the trick.

      • 10 months ago

        >blown out
        No brain having moron. Have you even tried reading the thread? What kind of fricking sheep are you?

        WW doesn't say there's no more reincarnation anymore period, just that a new Link didn't show up when Ganon came back.
        The whole point of the Triforce quest is to make WW Link a "true" Link so why wouldn't he reincarnate when needed?

        >to become a true Link
        Something you just made up. That was never in the game.

  46. 10 months ago

    Now that OP has been exposed as an ESL speedreader, what's next for him?

    • 10 months ago

      That's a lie though. Grow a brain now. So that (you) can read the thread. Where's your proof that there's a timeline? Where did you prove me wrong? You didn't. You just mentioned that I forgot that hero of time was said in ocarina, something that is irrelevant in every way. You latched onto it as if it's a weapon you could use to defeat me and then decided that's what you did BUT YOU DIDN'T. Everything I have said is true except I forgot that one thing which was irrelevant. You have won nothing. You have lost by giving up.

      • 10 months ago

        I am so confused you moron. What is your point?
        >literally confusing ww link for oot link
        Prove it. It's possible but not proven also, what is your point?

        >Prove it

        hero of time directly mentioned in windwaker. the rest of the dialogue reveals he confused windwaker link with someone from "a long time ago"

        deku tree confusing windwaker for oot

        also included, the hyrule historia page indicating these two are linked, a book with eija aonuma's blessing
        links of quotes from aonuma about the hyrule hystoria here

        another quote from aonuma about hyrule historia (its a set of three, encylopedia, art and artifacts and hyrule historia)
        >"In books like the recently released The Legend of Zelda Encyclopedia, we revealed where each Zelda game fell on a timeline and how their stories related, but we didn't do that for Breath of the Wild. There is a reason for that. With this game, we saw just how many players were playing in their own way and had those reactions I just mentioned.

        no...he supervised it. and stamped: "yes" onto it.

        heres a direct link, to the entire book
        here it is on amazon, its 26 bucks
        and heres the cover page, with aonuma's name listed as a supervising director. i went ahead and screenshotted and put a nice little red circle around it, just for you.

        any other questions

        >There is a document on my computer that has a stamp on it that says "Top Secret." I actually haven't even shown it to many of the staff members. One of the special privileges of being the producer of the series is that I have the right as we're finalizing the game's story to then decide where it fits in.

        >[Aonuma says he is afraid that revealing the official Nintendo timeline would lead future Zelda teams to focus on the story more than the gameplay.] People start to focus in on the storyline and gaps in the timeline. [This is a] backward way of creating a game.

        Aonuma in an October 2011 interview with Gametrailers concerning the existence of a Zelda timeline. That there is one in existence but he doesn't tell the staff where each game fits because they'd get too concerned with the story of the game rather than the mechanics within it.

      • 10 months ago

        >something that is irrelevant in every way
        lmao, even

        • 10 months ago

          That's a great argument anon. I hate you, we all hate you.

          >There's a timeline
          >Demise made a curse that made him come back to life forever and also ganondorf is him
          >The King of Hyrule is evil and also he tortures people in the shadow temple
          >The fish people turned into bird people
          >TP is only 100 years after ocarina
          >that concept art book is canon
          Every single one of those lines is true moron

          Holy shit you're stupid.

      • 10 months ago

        Just because he said "OP" doesn't mean he's talking about this thread's OP. The first post of this thread doesn't say "OP" anywhere, in fact, OP could refer to any poster on Ganker.

        • 10 months ago

          Dude. Did you read the post you responded to?

          You are a broken sad little man

          Because I like video games more than your stupid youpoop slop(of which there are countless, infinite, going on forever copies of)?

          • 10 months ago

            You have no proof the anon you're responding to was talking about this thread's OP. He could've meant any OP on the website.

  47. 10 months ago

    Are they even mentioned in newer games or have they pretty much been retconned?

    • 10 months ago

      they are the dragons in botw aren't they?

      • 10 months ago

        Nope, the dragons are spirits that serve the springs. I assume they’re meant to be similar to the ones in SS who serve Hylia.

  48. 10 months ago

    >There's a timeline
    >Demise made a curse that made him come back to life forever and also ganondorf is him
    >The King of Hyrule is evil and also he tortures people in the shadow temple
    >The fish people turned into bird people
    >TP is only 100 years after ocarina
    >that concept art book is canon
    Every single one of those lines is true moron

    • 10 months ago

      >If I say it's true then it suddenly becomes reality!
      No. You are just contrarians at this point. Stop watching youtubers and play the real things.

      • 10 months ago

        I played SS and witnessed Demise making the curse that caused his will to reincarnate as Ganondorf. He did it by saying what he was doing verbally, which is moronic, but then, Skyward Sword is moronic as a whole, so that's par for the course.
        I played OOT and witnessed the Shadow Temple, where inscriptions on the wall denote it as a place where the darker side of Hyrule's history lies.
        I played WW and saw the Rito sage be a direct descendant of a Zora sage.
        I played TP and could easily tell that this was actually I don't recall seeing any good proof for that 100 year figure, but I also can't recall anyone expressing it.
        Now why don't you try playing the real things?

      • 10 months ago

        Thank you anon.

  49. 10 months ago

    on the bright side, op sorta answered his own question. you cant do anything about crazy schizophrenic posters/video makers, even if you directly link to them evidence.

    hes been at it for 4 hours already

    • 10 months ago

      I know you are the same poster I've been talking to, curious how you avoid answering such a simple question about the OoT timeline that you resort to posting like an outsider. It's almost as if providing for proof regarding your Deku Tree headcanon was futile. Fricking fraud.

      Can anyone work out a possible theory as to why OP is so far in denial about incredibly basic facts?
      Is he an assblasted pre-OOT purist who considers the newer games a retcon?
      Is he a BOTWslurper offended by the notion that Zelda games used to confine themselves to something resembling logic in their storytelling?
      What fricking gives?

      Can you work out a possible excuse for any of your timeline bullshit? No, you cannot, because if you tried you would lose.

      • 10 months ago


        >non canon
        quote from aonumra about hyrule historia and its timeline
        the timeline itself, connecting oot to ww
        the deku tree ocnfuses ww link for oot
        the page showing aonumas name as a supervising director on hyrules histora

        • 10 months ago

          What am I supposed to read from there that I haven't disproved already? I'm waiting for your fricking "proof" and all you give me is a poorly formatted post.

          • 10 months ago

            why dont you link me to your proof, so i can just relink my proof again. i could copy and paste the post, or just link you to

            >non canon
            quote from aonumra about hyrule historia and its timeline
            the timeline itself, connecting oot to ww
            the deku tree ocnfuses ww link for oot
            the page showing aonumas name as a supervising director on hyrules histora


          • 10 months ago

            >What am I supposed to read from there that I haven't disproved already?
            You haven't disproven that Aonuma is directly responsible for Hyrule Historia as well as the Zelda games. Nor have you disproven that he has stated in interviews that Hyrule Historia is canon to the Zelda series.

      • 10 months ago

        >the same poster
        >the thinks there's only one

  50. 10 months ago

    Can anyone work out a possible theory as to why OP is so far in denial about incredibly basic facts?
    Is he an assblasted pre-OOT purist who considers the newer games a retcon?
    Is he a BOTWslurper offended by the notion that Zelda games used to confine themselves to something resembling logic in their storytelling?
    What fricking gives?

  51. 10 months ago

    I am sorry anon, you were right. There are no TLoZ timelines, all of my arguments are made up or parroting a youtuber's headcanon. I will avoid posting disinformation in the future. Thank you.

    • 10 months ago

      I accept your apology, just avoid talking about games you haven't played in the future. You may go now.

    • 10 months ago

      You're welcome.

      >giving a frick about "muh time line" in the first place and not just enjoying the games.

      I don't give a frick, I'm mad at the people who do and trick others into it. It makes other gullible people unable to enjoy the kino and I hate it. Btw Tetra was probably Zelda again by the time she got married.

      • 10 months ago

        >tetra literally got princessification
        that's my fetish!

  52. 10 months ago

    >giving a frick about "muh time line" in the first place and not just enjoying the games.

  53. 10 months ago

    Why do you guys care about story in Zelda games anyway?

    • 10 months ago

      Why do you care if people do, zoomer? We were here before you. Move along.

      • 10 months ago

        I'm 29

        • 10 months ago

          And it's 2023, not 2003, zoomer.

  54. 10 months ago

    I really like all those theories especially the one about ganon being the incarnation of demise and the king being a piece of shit

  55. 10 months ago

    >OP is resorting to samegayging to make it look like someone is on his side
    What fun.

    • 10 months ago

      have a nice day

  56. 10 months ago

    hes not even thinking critically about it at all. he should be mentioning that aonuma wasnt even there for the first 4 games, and didnt create it, which would make his involvement in hyrule historia a bit suspect.

    but miyamoto was, and hes listed on the first page and approved hyrule historia. whoops.

    • 10 months ago

      Hyrule historia is a non canon concept art book. It was put out to get extra money and they used the anniversary as an excuse to do it.

  57. 10 months ago

    These people just make videos to keep a weekly schedule to make money. They don't care about being right.

  58. 10 months ago

    people always get bent out of shape seething at loregays and calling them autistic or whatever but fail to remember that its fun to be a loregay

  59. 10 months ago

    Seriously. It's like everyone forgot that the timeline wasn't even considered until AFTER Ocarina of Time was released, it wasn't fan-service or some intricate design they've been planning for years or anything like that. It was an afterthought because people started asking - 'Wait, where does this all fit together?' Yet here we are with pages upon pages of theories and interpretations trying to make sense of it all.
    There's more evidence for Link being left-handed than in favor of most of these elaborate timelines schizos come up with

    • 10 months ago

      zelda 1 had zelda 2, which takes place after zelda 1. Then came alttp which was supposed to be a prequel to zelda 1, then came oot which was supposed to be the alttp prequel

      • 10 months ago

        Black person, just because there's some random sequencing in the games doesn't mean that it all connects into a consistent timeline or that any thought was given to connect these pieces beyond nostalgia bait

        >ALttP being a prequel to the original game
        sorry pal but according to developer interviews and official release material since then it's retconned as an alternate world parallel to the NES titles

        Don't take it personally though, can't reallg blame ya for being a zoomer.

        • 10 months ago

          >according to developer interviews and official release material since then it's retconned as an alternate world parallel to the NES titles
          ... The official timeline places it as a direct prequel to the first two games.

          • 10 months ago

            >the official timeline
            that piece of shit has been discarded already, read the thread and have a nice day afterwards. moron.

            Zelda lore should be concerned with tonal consistency first and "the message" second. The idea that every other plot element would fall away in favor of "le based perfect king who never does anything wrong" at the drop of a hat is backwards.
            >Ganondorf is completely unrelated to him
            Ganondorf is an incarnation of his will.
            >What are you even talking about at this moment?
            So the Shadow Temple looks completely morally okay to you, then? Nothing at all foreboding or possibly wrong about it?

            Look, I'm not saying that tonal consistency isn't important for Zelda lore, nor am I advocating for the perfection of King Zora as some sort of moral monolith, but I highly doubt he's just going to tell his subjects to swim away and let his kingdom flood in times of crisis. That's just ridiculous.

            • 10 months ago

              >that piece of shit has been discarded already
              Only by the schizophrenic OP.
              >nor am I advocating for the perfection of King Zora as some sort of moral monolith
              What the frick are you saying here? This argument was over whether the King of Hyrule could do any wrong.

  60. 10 months ago

    >Funko Pop "remake"
    what the frick does this even mean

    • 10 months ago

      You are very lucky to have somehow never heard about it.

      >Wow he doesn't know
      If your entire understanding of Zelda lore is that only the parts that sound like le based racist rhetoric are correct, your understanding of Zelda lore is backwards. Cart before horse bullshit.
      >I didn't say he did. I was talking about the descendants of Link and Zelda.
      And? The fact is that he also has a "descendant" in the form of Ganondorf.
      >Kill people. Using an execution device as a torture device would be moronic
      The use of execution as a psychological weapon and not as a last resort to keep someone contained is generally considered cruel and unusual punishment; analogous to torture. The creation of elaborate and theatrical execution chambers and devices is indeed bloody, dark, and torturous.

      lmao, KEK even. I suppose it's nice for you to not think you have a responsibility to this world though.
      >he has a descendant
      No he doesn't. Ganondorf is completely unrelated to him you fricking moron! Have you no brain????? You're just making me mad on purpose now.
      >use as a psychological weapon
      What are you even talking about at this moment? Dude, can't you tell that you're doing mental gymnastics, making stuff up to defend your wrong views?

      • 10 months ago

        Zelda lore should be concerned with tonal consistency first and "the message" second. The idea that every other plot element would fall away in favor of "le based perfect king who never does anything wrong" at the drop of a hat is backwards.
        >Ganondorf is completely unrelated to him
        Ganondorf is an incarnation of his will.
        >What are you even talking about at this moment?
        So the Shadow Temple looks completely morally okay to you, then? Nothing at all foreboding or possibly wrong about it?

        • 10 months ago

          >tonal consistency
          We're talking about tone now? Dude it's zelda, the tone changes every game. And that's not an exaggeration. I'm not even mad, I'm just confused how you don't know that.
          >plot element would fall away
          What do you mean by fall away?
          >le based perfect king who never does anything wrong
          I mean man's not perfect but he never does anything morally wrong. That's canon. He comes from the goddess herself. Plus, have you played the games? That was rhetorical, I know you didn't. In the games no hyrulean king has ever done anything bad. They always put back the shopping cart or whatever you morons say.
          >ganondorf is an ACK
          No he's not! Stop lying right this instant! where are you even getting this? I mean I know where but I want you to admit it.
          >the shadow temple looks morally okay
          It looks like a place where the sheikah, who were given dominion over shadow by divine right, also known as the "shadow people" do their thing. It's where they honor their element. It's not like they actually use the guillotines in there. Alot of this shit you have to use platforming to get to. Why have an execution chamber at the end of a mario level? How are they going to get people who don't want to die over there?

          • 10 months ago

            thats why the walls tell you about hyrules bloody history, because nobody ever did anything wrong

            • 10 months ago

              It could be talking about a completely different kingdom called Hyrule, just like how there's two countries called Congo in real life. You have no proof that "Hyrule's bloody history of greed and hatred" refere to the Hyrule the games take place in.

              • 10 months ago

                Ever heard of Occam's Razor? Unless you have a solid, objective reason why this should be the case- something actually supported by the games, not "The king is Hylian and therefore can do no wrong"- then the assumption is it's the same Hyrule.

              • 10 months ago

                I'm just pulling your leg by engaging in the same kind of deranged argument as OP. Him denying that "Hero of Time" means "OOT's Link" in WW was just too funny. You have no proof I made this post btw.

            • 10 months ago

              I don't remember it saying anyone in hyrule ever did anything wrong, let alone the damn king.

              >Dude it's zelda, the tone changes every game
              There are overarching tonal elements that express themselves differently with each game. Link always being some bumpkin from nowhere near the region's center of political power is a consistent aspect of the series tone, for instance. There is no character who is incapable of doing wrong in Zelda except Hylia, who herself is a relatively recent addition to the series' lore. Nobody is worshipping Hylia in the time of OOT, for instance.
              >What do you mean by fall away?
              I mean that if you place "the king is epic white man who is always right" before the actual plot, the plot becomes incoherent.
              >I mean man's not perfect but he never does anything morally wrong. That's canon. He comes from the goddess herself.
              Those two sentences have absolutely fricking nothing to do with one another.
              >where are you even getting this?
              From Skyward Sword, when Demise, who looks like Ganondorf, says that an incarnation of his hatred will follow those with divine blood for the rest of time.
              >It's where they honor their element
              That's an artful explanation. Now can you give me a reason why it's hidden behind Kakariko Village, why the Sheikah barely seem to exist anymore, or why Hyrule's history is expressly considered bloody by the people who made and used this "place of honor"? How about why violent spirits inhabit it?

              >doesn't know what tone means
              >Link always being some bumpkin from nowhere
              Play the video games, this is a lie. Modern Link is a knight, he lived in the castle. He was born into the royal guard anon. Born into it. And from the time he was like five he was already a better swordsman than any adult. Then there was ss link who was a knight in training from skyloft, which is certainly not nowhere. Iirc four swords adventures link was already a knight as a kid. And I think spirit tracks link was ging to be a royal engineer, and his mentor was one of the first princess of new hyrule's best friends.
              >no character is incapable of doing wrong
              Enter Link, Zelda, the King Impa, and every single hylian in totk.
              >nobody is worshipping hylia
              >the plot becomes incoherent
              How? It doesn't change the plot because it's already a part of the plot. But even if it wasn't, how would it change anything to add it?
              >coming from the goddess means nothing
              You think Zelda always being absolutely perfect and heroic and always being the one to save the day and sacrifice herself for what is right has nothing to do with her coming from the goddess?
              >looks like ganondorf
              You're blind.
              >incarnation of his hatred
              Metaphor, also translation error
              >why it's behind kekirko
              That used to be their village. It's not like they can move a whole temple.
              >why the sheikah barely seem to exist anymore
              How in hell is this relevant? Also how would I know? Does anyone need to know?
              >why it's considered bloody
              Because the white guys have to always fight evil all the time. Evil is always trying to take over the kingdom.
              >violent spirits
              Are redeads even spirits? Anyway it's because ganondorf took it over and put monsters in there, like all the other temples in the game.

              • 10 months ago

                >Modern Link
                Lol? Lmao even? Such a thing doesn't exist.
                >Then there was ss link who was a knight in training from skyloft
                He wasn't even in the top five most popular of a school with a single digit count of students. That's as bumpkin as you can get in a setting with one fricking location.
                >Enter Link, Zelda, the King Impa, and every single hylian in totk.
                They're all capable of doing wrong.
                >How? It doesn't change the plot because it's already a part of the plot
                No, it's not. the King expressly disregards Zelda's warnings about Ganondorf in OOT.
                >You think Zelda always being absolutely perfect and heroic and always being the one to save the day and sacrifice herself for what is right
                This isn't even true. She's petulant, childish, and in plenty of games just as unworthy to her own power (at first) as Link is.
                >has nothing to do with her coming from the goddess?
                No, it doesn't. At best it's the Triforce of Wisdom coming through.
                >You're blind.
                Giant muscular body, dark skin, vibrant red hair, stocky build, wields large swords. That's an incredibly distinctive mental image that calls to mind Demise and Ganondorf.
                >Metaphor, also translation error
                Source for either?
                >That used to be their village.
                Used to be, huh? Okay. Why is the place of worship of the civilization that mostly pulled out of the town now sealed up? Why can't anyone reach this sacred site of the town's heritage?
                >How in hell is this relevant? Also how would I know? Does anyone need to know?
                If the Sheikah were completely noble and right, they would be able to persist in times of peace.
                >Evil is always trying to take over the kingdom.
                And why is this bloody history also considered dark, foreboding, and dangerous if it's simply meant to refer to the fact that evil always exists and good must always fight it?
                >it's because ganondorf took it over and put monsters in there
                Which somehow explains the deliberately evil architecture?

              • 10 months ago

                >modern link doesn't exist
                You uh, made me lost. Modern Link is the best player character ever made.
                >that's as bumpkin as you can get
                Nah. And there were other locations. Maybe try playing a video game?
                >capable of doing wrong
                Play the game? They can't. No matter how hard you try it won't let you. I've seen people try to be bad in botw and totk, you just can't do it. Even if you murder your own horse it will always be considered an accident no matter what and the god of horses will revive it for you.
                >the king disregards zelda's warnings
                That isn't morally wrong, it's another kind of wrong. Stupid at most.
                >petulant childish unworthy
                PLAY THE GAMES RIGHT NOW! Prease. Because this is untrue, obviously.
                >link unworthy
                What part of the the spirit of the hero do you not understand? What part of LINK don't you get?
                >it has nothing to do with the goddess
                Anon explain? Right now? You're a troon?
                >giant muscualr body
                Shaped completely different than ganondorfs. And much larger too.
                >dark skin
                Much different color you racist
                >vibrant red hair
                But his is made of fire kek
                >weilds large swords
                >incredibly distinctive
                >demise and ganondorf
                Already proved you wrong. death is free.
                Frick you. I don't want to. You find it homosexual. Also as for it being a metaphor, what did I say about reading between the lines?
                >why is it now sealed up
                I don't know. Why are you asking me this? Do you have a point or are you just curious? The games don't say why and we don't need to know why, but I know you think you need to because you're a homosexual. You have been trained.

              • 10 months ago

                >Modern Link is the best player character ever made
                Are you referring to BOTW/TOTK Link? What a silly way to talk about him. It's also untrue.
                >Nah. And there were other locations.
                You can only go to the pumpkin soup bar once you're a knight, and the surface is unknown to anyone who lives above the clouds so functionally, there weren't.
                >No matter how hard you try it won't let you
                Gameplay story disconnect.
                >PLAY THE GAMES RIGHT NOW!
                I have. BOTW Zelda is. WW Tetra is. ST Zelda is.
                >What part of the the spirit of the hero do you not understand?
                The part where he isn't automatically able to wield the master sword from the start of the game.
                >Anon explain? Right now?
                Triforce of Wisdom. Not Hylia. Frick Hylia, everyone with a brain hates Hylia.
                And yet phantom versions of him wielding swords clearly designed for him have done this multiple times.
                >Also as for it being a metaphor, what did I say about reading between the lines?
                When the game was advertised as explaining aspects of the fricking zelda series up to that point, I figure I'm allowed to make assumptions like this.
                >I don't know. Why are you asking me this?
                Because if it were good and morally justified, surely they'd be willing for the common folk to see it.

              • 10 months ago

                >what a silly way
                sigh. explain pls
                So name someone better. Damn.
                >functionally there were no other ack
                Dude who cares. What about modern link, or any of the other ones I mentioned? How are they bumpkins from nowhere?
                >gameplay story disconnect
                I'm done because I know now that you're trolling but man you made me mad. have a nice day!

              • 10 months ago

                >sigh. explain pls
                When SS was the latest game, nobody ran around calling SS Link "modern Link". He was just "Link", or "SS Link", or "Link from Skyward Sword".
                For you to do the same implies BOTW/TOTK is somehow the "definitive" Zelda- as if it's all going to be this one Link from here.
                >So name someone better. Damn.
                OOT Link is cooler in literally every regard except his ability to climb rocks.
                >What about modern link, or any of the other ones I mentioned? How are they bumpkins from nowhere?
                BOTW Link was just some random guard elevated to the highest possible position of champion. He felt out of place at every moment. Do you not even know the story of the game you supposedly want to defend here?
                Nobody is perfect. Your belief that Link must be because he's a protagonist is backwards.

                They have no connection other than that they are evil also Ganondorf became the king of the demon tribe because he was the most evil guy around and demise was also a king of the demon tribe once. Means nothing you fricking moron. I'm going to kill you. I hate you so much. Die now. Please bro...

                >They have no connection other than that they are evil also Ganondorf became the king of the demon tribe because he was the most evil guy around and demise was also a king of the demon tribe once
                And the fact that Ganondorf reincarnates due to the curse Demise cast upon the bloodlines of Link and Zelda.

              • 10 months ago

                I know I said that I was done but I will respond to this
                >as if it's going to be this link from here
                It fricking is! Are you dumb or moronic? You think this is retro Zelda, it's not! It's new Zelda and they have the perfect Link. They will never make a "new" link. In fact now, he is the only Link because I'm pretty sure the other heroes being named Link is no longer canon.

              • 10 months ago

                >It fricking is! Are you dumb or moronic? You think this is retro Zelda, it's not! It's new Zelda and they have the perfect Link. They will never make a "new" link. In fact now, he is the only Link because I'm pretty sure the other heroes being named Link is no longer canon.
                this reads like a Jiren power level post

              • 10 months ago

                >You think this is retro Zelda, it's not!
                I never even began to think that. God, if Zelda was always like this, it would've been dead on arrival.
                >they have the perfect Link
                Absolutely not. This Link is placid. He's boring. His only character trait is a bit of impostor syndrome and the ability to make a few slightly sarcastic responses.
                >They will never make a "new" link.
                They will within the next few games.
                >In fact now, he is the only Link because I'm pretty sure the other heroes being named Link is no longer canon.
                It definitely is still canon.

              • 10 months ago

                Link's character traits include
                >Stern(instantly jumping into action at the mere possibility of a reference to crime, in lurelin village in botw. I knew you would ask so there you go.)
                >fun loving
                >likes kids
                >dignified a bit
                >likes items
                >good with animals
                There doesn't need to be much. There are four main sides of him, Responsible/hero Link, Noble Link, Wild Link and Repressed Link. They are hidden in such a way to make him interesting but not mess with the gameplay experience. They did a good job. Did you play the game? That was a joke, I know you did not.

              • 10 months ago

                Sounds lame. Best Links are either autistic mutes or sarcastic buttholes.

              • 10 months ago

                >autistic mutes
                There are no links like this. The closest thing we get to it is edgy oot link, but edgy isn't always autistic.
                >sarcastic ACKhole
                You are a normie who has no soul. Being a jerk isn't fun, and Link isn't one just because (you) played the game. It wasn't meant for you, it was meant for real people.

              • 10 months ago

                >oot link
                Lmao. There is literally nothing edgy about OoT. He is an autistic mute for most of OoT and MM.

              • 10 months ago

                being mute IS edgy

              • 10 months ago

                >being mute IS edgy
                Mario is mute in a handful of his games, is Mario edgy?
                Kirby is mute in a handful of his games as well, is Kirby edgy?
                Mega Man is mute in most of his games? Is he being edgy?

              • 10 months ago

                >There are no links like this
                TP, SS and BotW. All Links in those games showcase autistic behavior.
                >edgy oot link
                OoT Link isn't edgy. Hell, besides a little blood here and there, there is barely anything "edgy" in OoT in the first place.
                Also, most of what we know about OoT Link as a character comes from cutscenes, where he typically has overreacts to everything, such as running away from Saria, attempting to escape from the gorons that wanted to hug him and swimming away from Ruto. Nothing edgy about him at all.

              • 10 months ago

                That's not Link. That's some idealized hero they introduced to replace him. The real Link is capable of showing all of these traits, but is also marred by a variety of downsides: He's uncertain, often traumatized by a forceful call to action he endured in the past, or simply by his own circumstances. He's capable of sarcasm and proper negative interactions, and of being playful with those he's close to. He's smart, often highly expressive, and empathetic, but he is above all else able to rise to the occasion.

                You're asking for a fricking source on if he drew the master sword? Why are you not even trying to pretend that you played the game?
                >he strugACK
                Play the game, read some of the diaries. He didn't talk because he was trying to give off the image of the perfect strong hero. He was trying to make himself look less normal human.
                >a perfect character is uniteresting
                Lmao you ever heard of Blossom? From the Powerpuff Girls? She is perfect, in the first two seasons specifically and I loved every moment of watching hr. Superman is perfect and everybody loves him. Link is perfect, and still interesting. Stop being wrong.
                >he canonACKly
                Kys right this moment because he did not and I have already proved this many times. And once again you are admitting to only watching you poopers and being unable to think yourself.
                >that's why link helps out at a ranch outside of hyrule that has no cows and no relation to malon in any way. Also songs are gentic, it's not like everyone in the world knows epona's song.
                Is canon, you know it, and m girls are not better. Holy frick this is so tiring man.

                >You're asking for a fricking source on if he drew the master sword?
                I'm asking for a source on how he was able to draw it from the very start of the game. If he couldn't, then he wasn't always worthy.
                >He didn't talk because he was trying to give off the image of the perfect strong hero
                That is an INCREDIBLY charitable reading. All I get from this is that he feels if he said something, it would be the wrong thing. He feels that because he has to try, he does not fit in the role.
                >you ever heard of Blossom? From the Powerpuff Girls? She is perfect, in the first two seasons specifically and I loved every moment of watching hr. Superman is perfect and everybody loves him
                Neither of those characters is perfect. Nobody loves a "perfect superman", because a hero who effortlessly accomplishes everything set before them is uninteresting.
                >Kys right this moment because he did not and I have already proved this many times
                Lol, lmao, no you haven't.
                >Is canon, you know it, and m girls are not better. Holy frick this is so tiring man.

              • 10 months ago

                Oh my gosh you really have not played no games and I'm sick of this. I already knew that btw, but like I can't keep correcting you for the sake of others.
                LISTEN HERE COMMON FOLK. From now on, don't listen to this moron or anything that he says! I'm done setting the record straight. I will leave soon so don't fall for any tricks without me. Please.

              • 10 months ago

                >you really have not played no games
                I agree with this statement.

                Remember everyone, the timeline is canon to every game up until BOTW, perfect characters are fricking boring, and any pairing of Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf is uninspired at best.

              • 10 months ago

                What, your opinion? Aka your lies. Also
                You adding that in there at that spot proves what you are. A redditor/twittrgay normielibtard. Kys right now. Perfect characters are great and you are a petty peasant who hates all things better than you because you are bad. It's that simple.

              • 10 months ago

                >Perfect characters are great and you are a petty peasant who hates all things better than you because you are bad
                please do keep going this is the best entertainment I've gotten all fricking week

              • 10 months ago

                OP has to be underage, no grown adult could ever conceive such immaculate bait intentionally.

              • 10 months ago

                What media are they being raised on to even consider flawless characters good? None of the examples OP gave were actually flawless characters, so what fricking gives?

              • 10 months ago

                Also another response because idk
                >oot is cooler except climbing
                That's gameplay stuff you're thinking about, not the actual character.

              • 10 months ago

                >some random guard
                Born into the royal guard, with the spirit of the hero who drew the master sword. At five he could beat all adult guards in a duel, multiple at a time. He became pirncess zelda's personal bodyguard and shortly after her love interest.
                >he felt out of place
                Frick you he did not. It's you who knows no fricking story.
                >nobody is perfect
                Link is. That's his character get used to it. In fact there are many characters like this in many things, you're a close minded homosexual.
                >because he's the protagonist
                Because I played the damn game and know the character. And because he has the spirit of the hero, who was so great in life that he was rewarded with eternal courtship with the goddess and then her divine bloodline.

              • 10 months ago

                >with the spirit of the hero who drew the master sword
                Source? As far as what you actually see in the game's story, he's just some guy who happened to have a dad in the Royal Guard.
                >Frick you he did not.
                Nope, he really did. That's why he struggled to talk with the other champions.
                >Link is. That's his character get used to it. In fact there are many characters like this in many things
                A perfect character is uninteresting. Link is not perfect.
                >And because he has the spirit of the hero, who was so great in life that he was rewarded with eternal courtship with the goddess and then her divine bloodline
                Are you one of those gays autistically obsessed with Zelink? The M-girl in every game up to BOTW was better. Hell, he canonically got with Malon after OOT, that's why Link is a farmer herding goats in TP.

              • 10 months ago

                I played the game, he's strong and handsome. End of the discussion.

              • 10 months ago

                >I played the game, he's strong and handsome. End of the discussion.
                Holy fricking shit is this some yaoitard with a crush on Link who therefore wants to discredit all the prior games because their Links aren't "perfect enough"

              • 10 months ago

                You're asking for a fricking source on if he drew the master sword? Why are you not even trying to pretend that you played the game?
                >he strugACK
                Play the game, read some of the diaries. He didn't talk because he was trying to give off the image of the perfect strong hero. He was trying to make himself look less normal human.
                >a perfect character is uniteresting
                Lmao you ever heard of Blossom? From the Powerpuff Girls? She is perfect, in the first two seasons specifically and I loved every moment of watching hr. Superman is perfect and everybody loves him. Link is perfect, and still interesting. Stop being wrong.
                >he canonACKly
                Kys right this moment because he did not and I have already proved this many times. And once again you are admitting to only watching you poopers and being unable to think yourself.
                >that's why link helps out at a ranch outside of hyrule that has no cows and no relation to malon in any way. Also songs are gentic, it's not like everyone in the world knows epona's song.
                Is canon, you know it, and m girls are not better. Holy frick this is so tiring man.

              • 10 months ago

                >curse on the bloodlines
                IS not real. You made it up. KYS

              • 10 months ago

                >they would be able to persist in times of peace
                Persist? What do you mean by that?
                >why is evil monsters and magic and shit constantly killing things considered dark and bloody and dangerous
                DUDE! Shit the frick up!
                >evil architechture
                Lol okay you're hilarious. And if you're srious, it's the shadow temple. They honor the darkness. They made it dark. Same reason the fire temple was made hot. And the water temple was made wet.

              • 10 months ago

                >Persist? What do you mean by that?
                I mean that there should still be Sheikah if Sheikah were good people existing in peacetime in a morally good kingdom.
                But there aren't. There's one left and one unofficial apprentice.
                >why is evil monsters and magic and shit constantly killing things considered dark and bloody and dangerous
                Why is fighting those evil monsters considered dark and bloody and evil?
                >And if you're srious, it's the shadow temple. They honor the darkness.
                a perfect reason for all the motifs of death and anguish, like the wall plates shaped like horribly distorted faces.

          • 10 months ago

            >Dude it's zelda, the tone changes every game
            There are overarching tonal elements that express themselves differently with each game. Link always being some bumpkin from nowhere near the region's center of political power is a consistent aspect of the series tone, for instance. There is no character who is incapable of doing wrong in Zelda except Hylia, who herself is a relatively recent addition to the series' lore. Nobody is worshipping Hylia in the time of OOT, for instance.
            >What do you mean by fall away?
            I mean that if you place "the king is epic white man who is always right" before the actual plot, the plot becomes incoherent.
            >I mean man's not perfect but he never does anything morally wrong. That's canon. He comes from the goddess herself.
            Those two sentences have absolutely fricking nothing to do with one another.
            >where are you even getting this?
            From Skyward Sword, when Demise, who looks like Ganondorf, says that an incarnation of his hatred will follow those with divine blood for the rest of time.
            >It's where they honor their element
            That's an artful explanation. Now can you give me a reason why it's hidden behind Kakariko Village, why the Sheikah barely seem to exist anymore, or why Hyrule's history is expressly considered bloody by the people who made and used this "place of honor"? How about why violent spirits inhabit it?

            • 10 months ago

              If you're even remotely paying attention to The Wind Waker or Twilight Princess you'd know that they outright contradict Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. For starters, they show what Hyrule looks like hundreds of 'years' after those two games take place As for Skyward Sword, well let me tell you, that game is filled with so many plotholes it makes Swiss cheese seem solid by comparison, the
              fact that Demise supposedly has anything to do with Ganondorf just shows that these developers are either too inept or too lazy to come up with new plots.

              Dancing around such obvious plot inconsistencies as if they never existed doesn't make you any smarter, moron-kun.

              • 10 months ago

                >For starters, they show what Hyrule looks like hundreds of 'years' after those two games take place
                ... And? Are you trying to fit all the games into ONE timeline?
                Skyward Sword is moronic, yes. Nobody contests this. But it's also part of canon, to try and work around it is just plain silly.

              • 10 months ago

                Look, moron-kun, it's not about trying to fit all the games into one timeline or anything like that.It's about seeing through this recycled narrative that Nintendo keeps using and reusing
                The fact that these game developers aren't skillful enough to create a coherent storyline should be clear by now. And yet for some reason, you schizos keep eating it up like it's some sort of gourmet meal. Do I really have to spell everything out for you Black folk? OP was right

              • 10 months ago

                I could accept the reuse of Ganondorf in the older games because it was an interesting take on a recurring set of characters. Link and Zelda were always a DIFFERENT Link and Zelda, but Ganondorf was always... that one, same character. It was an incredibly unique take on a relatively simple, and even admittedly lazy, premise. Witnessing the different directions the exact same root could go was fascinating.
                But now that they rebooted the entire series and reintroduced Ganondorf only to remove what little complexity he had and use him the same way as he was used 25 years ago, I feel I have the right to be insulted.

              • 10 months ago

                >But now that they rebooted the entire series and reintroduced Ganondorf only to remove what little complexity he had and use him the same way as he was used 25 years ago, I feel I have the right to be insulted.
                I think this is what bothers me. Zelda got the script flipped on her when unlike all the others, it's Zelda that had to go prove herself, not Link. And she had to go from being jealous and feeling inadequate to Link to lobotomizing herself for a bazillion years out of sheer faith in his ability. Link is always the same because he's the player character. So that leaves Ganondorf. He didn't have to be good just have his trope played with a little bit. But no he was played completely straight. What would he even do if he won? Just hang out in a land full of Bokoblins and Lynels?

              • 10 months ago

                For a very brief period in the era of BOTW, before I came to realize I was having no fun with the game, I was in the camp that said the idea of Ganondorf losing the ability to fully and corporeally incarnate but still feeling such raw and persistent hatred that he managed to cause a fricking apocalypse was fricking sick.
                And that's still infinitely better than what we got with TOTK. Because at least the undying, immortal, and instinct-driven mass of energy is something other than "man who aspires to gain power and overturn all existing authority without any apparent larger plans or goals".

              • 10 months ago

                >without any apparent larger plans or goals
                He's a very sensitive little photophobe 🙁

              • 10 months ago

                It's more annoying because The Calamity ended up being slightly more interesting, for what it is anyway. Everyone knew the legend of how Ganon is supposed to work so they just did it again. It didn't occur to anyone that the Calamity could learn and adapt. Suddenly the army of robots became death machines. The royal family was reduced to one. Castle Town was fricking vaporized. Hyrule Castle became his base of operations. Akkala, Hyrule's greatest fortress, was sterilized of life. Link fricking died. All civilizations were pushed to the edges of the map and never moved in a century. All in one night. The Calamity technically didn't lose because Hyrule, as it was, basically stopped existing. Zelda's greatest victory was reducing everything to a stalemate.

                By contrast Ganondorf is defeated by doing the same thing they did before but with the a Master Sword this time. Now that he can articulate what he's doing, you realize he's just an butthole. He wanted to take over Hyrule for no other reason than he didn't have it. Hyrule's 10,000+ years of history was defined by a salty fox and grapes metaphor.

              • 10 months ago

                And what bothered me is that they should've done some reason of WHY he wanted to delete everything.
                IDK, could've done something like "look at the Depths, it's a former Hyrule the gods discarded to start over, I won't give them the satisfaction of restarting the cycle so it's better if nothing exists"?
                Like frick, they did this with TWW Ganondorf already, like at least do more than two lines of dialog.

              • 10 months ago

                What's wrong with skyward sword? Link's outfit isn't the best one in the series I will grant you that, still a good game.

              • 10 months ago

                >What's wrong with skyward sword?
                Giving any reason for the repeated return of Ganondorf other than "because he's just that fricking evil and that fricking powerful" cheapened a villain who managed to scrape together some respectability despite only having relatively simple roles.
                Creating a being who is "balanced" and can assume responsibility for the whole triforce cheapened the entire series' mythos. A big part of the point of the Triforce is that it's (for the most part) unattainable; we only ever saw it be used successfully on screen one time in series history. Even "good" characters like Link and Zelda had one of its traits more prominently than the others.
                It also makes the mythos too... "safe". Rather than a matched set of three goddesses, we now have one pure good goddess everyone can worship without feeling guilty. You can't see how that's... I dunno, cheap? Lazy? Fricking boring?

              • 10 months ago

                They didn't give any reason for the repeated return of ganondorf other than that. It's always been that. In fact, ganondorf is never even mentioned in skyward sword. I'm not going to bother trying to make sense of the rest of what you posted because it's all lies that never happened.

                >Why hasn't anyone done anything about these guys?
                What exactly are you proposing should be done?

                Gun bullets.

              • 10 months ago

                That seems like an extreme reaction to people having headcanons my dude

              • 10 months ago

                Headcanons that are pushed as true/reality are really delusional

              • 10 months ago

                >It's always been that.
                Then why does Demise clearly try to impose a separate explanation? He is connected to Ganondorf. He's clearly meant to be. If you see these stories and refuse to make connections between ideas that practically SCREAM their connections to one another, that's on you.

              • 10 months ago

                They have no connection other than that they are evil also Ganondorf became the king of the demon tribe because he was the most evil guy around and demise was also a king of the demon tribe once. Means nothing you fricking moron. I'm going to kill you. I hate you so much. Die now. Please bro...

  61. 10 months ago

    Zelda isn't Kingdom Hearts or Metal Gear. There's no grand storyline spanning decades and covering 20 games. Each world exists in its own bubble. The bubbles touch occasionally but you aren't supposed to put much thought into it.
    >Here's how the BotW timeline connects to the Oracles timeline!
    Stop. That's not even what the creators want.

    • 10 months ago

      The bubbles were arranged in a few rough lines until BOTW came and threw them all over the place.

    • 10 months ago

      >kingdom hearts
      That doesn't have a grand storyline covering more than one game.

      • 10 months ago

        KH1, CoM, KH2, BBS, Days, DDD are all necessary to understand KH3. So I really hope KH4 is a soft reboot to bring in new players. The series can't sustain itself on 30 year old's who have been following along since they were 9.

        • 10 months ago

          Yeah but it's not grand, it sucks. And makes no sense.

  62. 10 months ago

    The timeline was fine until Tears of the Kingdom which is just moronic shit even on its own terms. As unsatisfying BotW's plot was, TotK is literally shit.
    BotW was the end of all three timelines as a 'timeline merge'.

    • 10 months ago

      This is an example of somebody just trying to piss us all off. Idk why people do this though. I mean, you can't even see our reactions anyway so why?

      • 10 months ago

        No reason to be upset.

      • 10 months ago

        He's completely right. The ones with the right to be pissed are the ones who're willing to acknowledge how shit it was. Anyone who gets pissy over saying the obvious needs to gtfo, they're a tumor dragging this series down.

        • 10 months ago

          But it's not shit, your brain is.
          >dragging the series down
          For liking totk, the best video game ever made? Or for not caring about your story which is something that you made up, but even if it wasn't this is a video game franchise, not a book series.

          • 10 months ago

            You are a broken sad little man

            • 10 months ago

              >you are a broken sad little man
              Thanks, I know.

              But let me ask you this: why does it hurt you so much for someone to have knowledge and an opinion that differs from yours? Is it because deep down inside you can't handle being wrong?

              • 10 months ago

                Dunno, I'm not the one ignoring all the evidence posted in the thread and attacking people for posting it
                You want anyone to blame for the timeline, you blame aonuma and nintendo, they literally created and keep updating it

  63. 10 months ago

    The original Zelda on NES was the 2nd game I ever owned and I always thought of the series as not being connected and instead each entry being a reinterpretation of the same story, hence the name "The LEGEND of Zelda". Like any legend the story gets passed down over the generations and is changed in some way with each retelling, which is why everything is similar but never quite the same.

    • 10 months ago

      The 2nd game is all about preventing ganon's return. Even at that point it had consistency.

  64. 10 months ago

    Idk why you gays think this ruins the time line.
    >Demise is obviously reincarnating its rage into someone like dorf.
    >we already had a 2nd dorf in four sword adventures
    >we know gerudo produce a male every 100 years or so
    >goat man arrived on the surface after skyward sword to help them hylians who also just returned to it to build Hyrule
    >they have to deal with a different gerudo embodying Demise's pissed offness during this time

    Nothing is changed, its open enough to still work fine. If anything, it adds the idea that Ganon is not just a single being, but is also reincarnated in the same way as Link and Zelda from different people, but baring the same curse. Plenty of ambiguous details to make everything fit as well as it did before.

  65. 10 months ago

    >OP gradually reveals himself to be a supremely butthurt TOTK fanboy seething because people pointed out to him that TOTK is completely disconnected from the rest of the series.
    Why are fanboys of really popular products so insecure?

    • 10 months ago

      I like that it's disconnected. It's too good for some of the other shit.

      Idk why you gays think this ruins the time line.
      >Demise is obviously reincarnating its rage into someone like dorf.
      >we already had a 2nd dorf in four sword adventures
      >we know gerudo produce a male every 100 years or so
      >goat man arrived on the surface after skyward sword to help them hylians who also just returned to it to build Hyrule
      >they have to deal with a different gerudo embodying Demise's pissed offness during this time

      Nothing is changed, its open enough to still work fine. If anything, it adds the idea that Ganon is not just a single being, but is also reincarnated in the same way as Link and Zelda from different people, but baring the same curse. Plenty of ambiguous details to make everything fit as well as it did before.

      Skyward sword didn't build the kingdom you moron. This is not connected to it. King Rauru and Queen Sonia did.

      • 10 months ago

        >Skyward sword didn't build the kingdom you moron. This is not connected to it. King Rauru and Queen Sonia did.
        Didn't say that, asswipe. The people from Skyloft returned to the surface and eventually became a part of what would become the first age of Hyrule. Its like saying the colonists didnt build a new nation, it was specifically the buerecratic section that did.

        • 10 months ago

          Nah, didn't happen. Probably. or maybe idk. You're wrong about everything else I think. I'm not going to bother looking at what you said. Maybe another time.

    • 10 months ago

      OP's just very underage. Hopefully.

  66. 10 months ago

    You hate it because it exposes your garbage baby peepee poopoo game as the frick shit prostitute trash that it is.

  67. 10 months ago

    >Why hasn't anyone done anything about these guys?
    What exactly are you proposing should be done?

  68. 10 months ago

    There is only one true mario timeline

    • 10 months ago

      where does the great ape war fall into this

      • 10 months ago

        Modern day America

  69. 10 months ago

    Listen up, TimelineBlack folk. Just because you're delusional enough to believe in conspiracies like a progressive stack of timelines doesn't mean that it actually exists.

    You know who else believed in manipulating history? THE israeliteS! Just like how they went around censoring anything that was remotely critical of their actions, timelineBlack folk are nothing but delusional revisionists trying to shove their hogwash down my throat!

    • 10 months ago

      oy vey its anuddah imprisoning war

    • 10 months ago

      >THE israeliteS!
      Yes we are aware Ganon is a major reason time is fricked, he is a Gerudo after all.

      • 10 months ago

        >he is a Gerudo after all.
        nah it's just him that's the problem. The other Gerudos like Nabroou and Riju stand against him, plus there's always a Gerudo sage that stands against him too in most games that have them. Only Gerudo that seems to be on his side are his moms.

        • 10 months ago

          and all the underling gerudo in oot who call him the great ganondorf

  70. 10 months ago

    What are you all even arguing about?

  71. 10 months ago

    >Nintendo shits out a cut down consolefied ARPG
    >consoleturds eat it up
    >make a sequel that has nothing to do with the first game but rehash the overworld's general layout and reuse character designs to save dev time and build a brand, didn't really put any effort into the lore or worldbuilding anyway so no harm done, and you don't need to since the games sell anyway
    >people insist on connecting it to the previous game
    >make another sequel that has nothing at all to do with the previous game outside some random references and the rehashed designs
    >your autistic moronic fanbase starts trying to piece together "how they're connected"
    >keep doing this until finally a decade later you make one game that actually directly references past events from one of the games in the intro (and basically nowhere else) to establish why the setting is a giant ocean instead of the same rehashed map
    >now everyone insists that there's some deep lore timeline and goes crazy trying to figure it out
    >capitalize on this by releasing a direct sequel to the fan favorite game and shit out a half-assed lorebook you made by connecting games by making some shit up that sounded plausible
    >make bank
    >go back to making up random shit for following games
    >your moronic fans STILL think there's some sort of "timeline" and that all the games were ever intended to fit together
    Nintendo are marketing geniuses

    • 10 months ago

      >wrong in the first fricking line and only gets wronger from there
      genuinely impressive, lol

      • 10 months ago

        Whatever moron

    • 10 months ago

      >Nintendo shits out a cut down consolefied ARPG
      There are no 'PC ARPGs' on the level of console ones.

      • 10 months ago

        Yes, you're absolutely correct about that one.

  72. 10 months ago

    Forget timeline arguments, embrace Linkle.

  73. 10 months ago

    You guys are going around in circles at this point.

  74. 10 months ago

    No seriously, what the frick are you gays even arguing about? Fricking turn based battle morons.

  75. 10 months ago

    >Why hasn't anyone done anything
    When you're so busy sucking their dicks and advertising for them my efforts would be in vain.

  76. 10 months ago

    There has always been a timeline, at least two separate ones since OoT and its been planned to an extent to exist since ALTTP. The real question is why hasn't anybody done anything about you zoomer revisionist having autistic meltdowns over things you don't understand?
    If your favorite Zelda is BotW then your opinion on anything Zelda as a franchise doesn't matter to anybody.

  77. 10 months ago

    i left, what did schizo op do, did he just ignore everything and continue?

  78. 10 months ago

    10/10 thread. OP is either a master battery or remarkably moronic.

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