My very first Pokemon game was BW. I never got to play when the older games came out.

My very first Pokemon game was BW. I never got to play when the older games came out. How was the feel for people who grew up in Gen 1-4?
Unova Pokemons for me are my favourites far above the original 151.

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  1. 7 months ago

    >Unova Pokemons for me are my favourites far above the original 151
    I don’t really get this, honestly. My first games were DP and that specifically lead to me liking some mons that aren’t in DP until the post game a lot, since that made them look rare.

    • 7 months ago

      Unova mons don't get much shine or throwbacks in later gens. I see Psyduck, Pikachu and Charizard so much that I get sick of it. While Unova get crumbs in return. Not even BW2 was safe from throwing back the most generic shillmons like Lucario etc.

  2. 7 months ago

    it was fun when people were openly enjoying it. by middle school, most people collectively decided it was an easy baby game, then it got popular again in college

  3. 7 months ago

    >My very first Pokemon game was BW
    KYS homosexual

    • 7 months ago

      Get off your period, Karen.

  4. 7 months ago

    I started with red. And each gen gave me favorites. What can be a problem is outdated mechanics. Like I cant play with single use tms.
    Also if you want to play always play the enchanced version.

  5. 7 months ago

    >How was the feel for people who grew up in Gen 1-4?
    pure kino. remember when i was a kid me and my brother playing red and blue together, the rarity of mew and ss anne truck myth. then me and my brother palying gold and silver together. finding ho oh for the first time on top of the tower.
    I played Emerald by myself because my bro grew out of pokemon by then, but frick i love that game so much, secret bases, swampert, planting berries, rayquaza. also yellow and ruby and leaf green were SOVL
    good times

  6. 7 months ago

    I went into BW blind and liked it a lot. Closest youo can get to that original feeling of wondering what exactly you can catch for your team, and I like most of the npcs too. One of my favourite pokemon games.

  7. 7 months ago

    Started with Sapphire, but I always thought the Unova games were good. I got a little into competitive around the BW era too. BW2 specifically could be the best overall Pokemon game, maybe.

    Replaying them again has been on my mind a lot lately

  8. 7 months ago

    I liked BW but I was not impressed. Then I played BW2 and loved it, it's one of my favorite games, it doesn't have the continuous interruptions of BW and its dex is very diverse.

    • 7 months ago

      This. I didn't like the main characters in BW nor the story but everything else was nice (though the repetitive music could be annoying sometimes as well as the ovbious Gen 1 expies). As a fan of the previous generations, B2W2 appealed to me much more.

      • 7 months ago

        The problem is that N does not mature at any time. He just pretends to listen to people but he doesn't.

        • 7 months ago

          He's a literal autist who's been groomed into being the perfect idiot hero, of course he's not going to listen to other people until you literally beat the sense into him.

    • 7 months ago

      fake fans gen 5 is only b/w

  9. 7 months ago

    The MGS hype around the starters killed it for me, koj*ma fans are somehow more insufferable than Taijiri or Masuda fans and they’re usually Black folk so very fitting for gen5.

  10. 7 months ago

    It felt like a marked shift away from the design philosophy of the previous 4 in an overall negative way that made them impossible to enjoy. There was a pervading sense of carelessness throughout every aspect of the game that was repulsive.

    If you didn't grow up with the prior 4, you would not have been conditioned to dislike BW / Gen V / Unova. You would not have noticed the downgrades on a visceral level.

    • 7 months ago

      >It felt like a marked shift away from the design philosophy of the previous 4 in an overall negative way that made them impossible to enjoy
      How? It's literally just taking what worked about Gen IV and cutting out the aspects nobody liked like the overly long load times, terrible mon distribution and HM bloat.

      • 7 months ago

        They heavily simplified designs (which also happened in Gen II)
        They disregarded balance and game logic (also happened in Gen II)
        They forced a story/plot into every moment of the game that was fundamentally inherently contradictory and inconsistent; the game even concludes with it
        They disregarded good spritework
        They decreased the difficulty of the battles
        They made the Low HP effect an intrusive and cacophonous song that interrupts every battle theme

        Those are just some of the sins of BW/BW2 compared to most of their predecessors
        They were major and ruined the games

        • 7 months ago

          >They forced a story/plot into every moment of the game that was fundamentally inherently contradictory and inconsistent; the game even concludes with it
          Again, Gen IV.

          • 7 months ago

            BW is notorious for being cutscene-laden to a degree no game before it could match
            And again entirely unprecedented, was its decision to give the entire finale (as confirmed by the literal credits roll) to N
            Despite the fact that the game tells you N was wrong and nothing he did or wanted to do mattered

            What Gen IV failed to do was show how Dialga and Palkia actually affect the world with their powers, and how they could possibly do what Cyrus wanted them to do akin to the clarity of Groudon's and Kyogre's efficacious capabilities.
            Nevertheless, this plot is both intermittent throughout the story to no more intrusive a degree than Kanto's through Hoenn's, and ends before you challenge the League. Unlike BW's.

            So no, not Gen IV. All Gen V.

            • 7 months ago

              >champion battle against your rival is unprecedented
              >It's bad because the antagonist was wrong

        • 7 months ago

          >Simplified designs

          Are you moronic or just pretending to be

        • 7 months ago

          >They heavily simplified designs (which also happened in Gen II)

          Don't say foolishness. The Gen 5 designs tend to be overly ornate and edgy. Style over substance. Few are truly memorable.

          • 7 months ago

            >The Gen 5 designs tend to be overly ornate
            that's false and also this includes detailing; see pidgey vs pidove
            >Style over substance
            there's not even much style either, nor substance

            • 7 months ago

              The first phases are usually very simple. Stupid.

        • 7 months ago

          >autist experiences a story that isn't completely surface level
          >"it's fundamentally inherently literally unironically genuinely contradictory!"

          • 7 months ago

            you are a child incapable of critical thinking
            BW's story and plot is abominably terrible and wastes the player's time with nothing

            grow up you moronic infant

            • 7 months ago

              The most you've done to explain your thoughts on this despite your pompous, overly verbose posts is that it's bad because the bad guy was wrong in the end.

              • 7 months ago

                The story is bad because N is wrong about Pokemon needing to be released, and the game never once supports his viewpoint. Now, if he's utterly wrong and the game never once hints otherwise, why is he given "N's Goodbye" and the last shot of the game being his literal face? Why does he accomplish literally nothing for the player other than healing them after their big battle if he's supposed to be a hero, as he's presented here as such?

                And if the game is supposed to be dealing with """mature""" themes like Pokemon slavery, why is not only N wrong, but Ghetsis and Team Plasma shown from the get-go to not give an actual single shit about it? He is a generic take over the world villain who abandons the pretense of the plot extremely early on. The plot is undermined before even the halfway point.

                The fact you needed me to type all of this out without knowing it already shows you are a moronic FRICKING UNOVABORT THAT IS INCAPABLE OF UNDERSTANDING WHAT A GOOD GAME ACTUALLY IS. Your lot worships utter fricking trash and it's invisible to you.

              • 7 months ago

                >The story is bad because N is wrong about Pokemon needing to be released, and the game never once supports his viewpoint.
                So yeah, again, this is your problem. That the bad guy was wrong. If you weren't too busy seething that you couldn't catch CHARIZAAARRDDD you might have noticed that N stops believing the indoctrination after his first battle with you. He only continues to fight you because he's testing your beliefs versus what he's been fed by Ghetsis, so he can be truly sure. He's not even a villain, he's a tool who's been lied to by Ghetsis all his life.
                >Why does he accomplish literally nothing for the player other than healing them after their big battle if he's supposed to be a hero, as he's presented here as such?
                What's he supposed to accomplish for you? Giving you a blowjob? You're the hero. He's your rival, one who you've spent the entire game affirming truth and ideals with. He's not a villain, your battles are more like a debate.
                >And if the game is supposed to be dealing with """mature""" themes like Pokemon slavery, why is not only N wrong, but Ghetsis and Team Plasma shown from the get-go to not give an actual single shit about it?
                So again, why is the villain bad? Well again, if you weren't too busy seething, you would have noticed that there ARE people in Team Plasma that do genuinely give a shit about what they're saying. From grunts to the Sages, there are people who do actually believe in the cause and were taken in by Ghetsis's bullshit. The plot is not actually about Pokemon slavery, the plot is about a propagandist using emotional manipulation to seize power.

                Fricking moron.

              • 7 months ago

                >That the bad guy was wrong.
                way to go, skipping the corollary that he's treated like the hero despite this, timmy
                >N stops believing the indoctrination after his first battle with you. He only continues to fight you because he's testing your beliefs versus what he's been fed by Ghetsis, so he can be truly sure.
                literally false and I'm done wasting my time replying to you, you stupid bort (redundant)

              • 7 months ago

                >way to go, skipping the corollary that he's treated like the hero despite this
                N isn't the bad guy, he's your rival with whom you affirm that Pokemon should be working alongside people.
                >literally false
                Instead of throwing bulbapedia pages at me, try actually playing the game. N speaks to your Pokemon in Accumula Town and gets another point of view for the first time. He then keeps confronting you so he can confirm the truth.

                Now stomp your feet and throw some more ad hominems at me, homosexual.

              • 7 months ago

                I don't want to intervene in your debate, but....One myth of fandom is to believe that N is a rival. This is false. N is an antagonist. He is part of the villain team, has no interest in Pokémon battles, and shares no goals with the player. That issue of ideals, the game forces them on you through N. If N is a rival, then so are all the villains (Gio, Cyrus, Ghetsis, etc.).

              • 7 months ago

                Anon, look up what a rival is. N fits what a rival is perfectly, moreso than official rivals.

              • 7 months ago

                I agree that N is not a rival story-wise, but functionally he does play the rival role for most of the game, in that he accosts you for battles in random towns/routes (as opposed to villainous team leaders whose battles are culminations of dungeons or big story moments). I think that was the idea behind the "N is a rival" claim before it got muddled by stupid people

              • 7 months ago

                (You)ing myself because I just discovered that they give N "Rival Strike" in masters EX, a skill otherwise reserved for rival characters, so I guess in some official context he's considered a rival

                ymmv on whether or not to care about masters EX in any capacity

              • 7 months ago

                But he is also considered a villain, but strictly speaking he is not a villain.

              • 7 months ago

                Imagine if N didn't fight with you so many times and just talked. His appearances would not have so much impact.

              • 7 months ago

                N fills the gameplay role of a rival alongside Cheren and Bianca, and he's also your ideological rival. Just like other rivals are there to battle so the both of you can grow as trainers, N battles you so the both of you can grow ideologically.

              • 7 months ago

                >unovabort unovabort
                You really couldn’t keep a straight face huh.

  11. 7 months ago

    Gen V begins the end of pokemon and the start of James Turner muttmon fakemon.

  12. 7 months ago

    gen 5 is garbage with the worst pokemon in existence cope and dilate

  13. 7 months ago

    this thread is probably bait, idk this board has become unusable even with filters. I hope you homosexuals die just in time to ruin your families’ thanksgiving tbh tbh

  14. 7 months ago

    Gen 5 is superior to any of the previous 4 gens

  15. 7 months ago

    I disliked gen 5 on release because the first four gens were a cohesive world and the fifth one did its best to break away from that

  16. 7 months ago

    Lickable Hilda pits and smooth Hilda thighs

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