
I remember when a friend got the first N64 in like the whole town, and in the afternoon there was a huge gathering in his living room with like 50 people (and it was a tiny townhouse) all waiting the unveil of Super Mario 64, we were all tripping, it seriously felt so surreal.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Huh. I don't remember anything like that. I don't even remember seeing any news or gossip that the N64 was being released.
    I just went over to my friends one day and he had one and we played it. It wasn't even that impactful seeing things in 3D. I would've been 7 at the time and already played NES and SNES games which were pretty effing cool, especially LoZ.

    • 2 years ago

      You probably just didn't appreciate computer graphics technology at the time. I was 8 in 1996 and I distinctly remember being very impressed with SM64.

      • 2 years ago

        I mean yeah it was cool and shit, but I wasn't "impressed" with 3D because except for video games that's how I already viewed the world. It may have been new to playing video games but it was less novel because I had already been experiencing it in real life, even with television.
        Graphics (and art) for games on NES and SNES was really more stimulating for my imagination than seeing more "accurate" representations of video games in 3D.

        • 2 years ago

          Congratulation for the most autistic post of this board

          • 2 years ago

            Well I'm sorry your life had been a sidescrolling adventure until you discovered 3D with the n64? Idk what to tell you, everybody but you was already living in three-dimensional space.

            • 2 years ago

              By this logic, you shouldn't be looking at porn at any kind throughout your life, as,

              "Idk what to tell you, but everybody but you was already fricking the baby-sitter".

              Unironically get fricked anon.

            • 2 years ago

              >life was a 2d scotformer until reading this post

    • 2 years ago

      >I would've been 7 at the time

      At 7 things are still new to you. you accepted SM64 as is because you were young enough to still be learning about the world. For 10-18+ year olds, you got used to games being a certain way, then you get this wave of 3D games coming out and it blows your mind. People couldn't just pull up a youtube video of stuff they didn't play before or wasn't in their local arcade.

      I really don't understand who these people are that though Mario being 3D was so amazing
      3D gaming was all over the place by then.
      Alone in the Dark came out in 1992 before even Doom. Sega had multiple highly succesful 3D arcade games like Virtua Fighter and Daytona USA. Descent had been out for like a year by then. Jumping Flash and Ridge Racer were on PlayStation.
      And that's just the games that were already out by then. Tekken 3 released only a few months later in the arcades and looked better than anything that would ever release on the N64.

      AITD and Doom, Virtua Fighter and racing games are nothing compared to the freedom of movement SM64 game you. that's part of the reason it was so impressive.

  2. 2 years ago

    I really don't understand who these people are that though Mario being 3D was so amazing
    3D gaming was all over the place by then.
    Alone in the Dark came out in 1992 before even Doom. Sega had multiple highly succesful 3D arcade games like Virtua Fighter and Daytona USA. Descent had been out for like a year by then. Jumping Flash and Ridge Racer were on PlayStation.
    And that's just the games that were already out by then. Tekken 3 released only a few months later in the arcades and looked better than anything that would ever release on the N64.

    • 2 years ago

      It was for the simple fact that it was the best looking 3D game at the time.

    • 2 years ago

      >I really don't understand who these people are that though Mario being 3D was so amazing
      Gaming media hyped Mario 64 like it was a religious experience and something never seen before. The Nintendo bonus goes a long way.

      Personally for me, nothing reached the levels of amazement I experienced with the original Need For Speed in 1994, shit seemed photorealistic for my young eyes.

    • 2 years ago

      It was not just the graphics alone, but the gameplay (and analog controls) combined with it that made it surreal. There may have been some, but I can't think of any 3D game that was as non-linear and "leisurely" before Mario 64, either.

      • 2 years ago

        >There may have been some, but I can't think of any 3D game that was as non-linear and "leisurely" before Mario 64, either.
        There were plenty on PC but you were (and still are) a console peasant.

        • 2 years ago

          And most of them were just click around and dickaround, or had ugly unaesthetic graphics. There’s a reason SM64 stood out

    • 2 years ago

      It was Marios first 3d game on a console designed for 3d graphics. It looked and felt like a cartoon.

      >Tekken 3 released only a few months later in the arcades and looked better than anything that would ever release on the N64.

      200 dollar console vs what was essentially a modified and upgraded PS1 (https://gamicus.fandom.com/wiki/Namco_System_12). Rayman 2 looks better than arcade Tekken 3, Tony Hawk 3, Banjo Tooie, Majora's Mask, Jet Force Gemini. I'm sure you remember Tekken 3 looking far better than it really was but by every possible metric the System 12 hardware was not capable of better than N64 graphics.

    • 2 years ago

      >I really don't understand who these people are that though Mario being 3D was so amazing
      You won't ever understand, because the excitement was about more than the raw graphics power, which outshined the PS1 by far, it was about the imagination and creativity of the world combined with technical power.

    • 2 years ago

      AITD looked like ass and is unplayable. homies were all about Doom.

  3. 2 years ago

    i remember the kiosk at toysrus
    i was blown tf away i was 11 and had been playing nes/snes before that

  4. 2 years ago

    i dont remember that but i remember pounding out your mom with my EBWC (extra big white wiener) while rekking gayoid soldiers in Quake 64. dont even ask about the setup, you wouldnt get it kid.

  5. 2 years ago

    Similar experience here, but it was at a birthday party on one of those massive crt big screens. Only time I ever saw a whole gathering of like 30 or more people crowded around a living room tv in awe of something, kids and adults alike. Was neat.

  6. 2 years ago

    every time I went over the N64 kids house he always wanted to play truth or dare after a few rounds of goldeneye or smash and always dared me to take my pants off. Fricking weirdo.

    • 2 years ago

      Then what happened?

  7. 2 years ago

    because idiot culture wasn't a thing yet so it didn't get stolen back then

  8. 2 years ago

    A family friend who is a professional animator got mario 64 the day it came out, and had people over to play it. When I got a turn I didn't know how to use the stick to move around and I got really embarrassed. I remember him saying, "Everything is going toward 3D now. I have to adapt."

  9. 2 years ago

    Is m64p currently the best emulator?

  10. 2 years ago

    >There was this game rental store near home
    >Both owners were super cool, let kids play all kinds of shit there, talked about games all the time
    >Great place to just chill for 2-3 hours a day
    >One day like every other, I enter the place
    >Owner walks up to me as I enter
    >"Hey we got the Nintendo 64"
    >I glance at the thing for the first time in my life, I'm 11yo
    >Super Mario 64 is being played, castle stage
    >The music is the first thing to enter my senses
    >My God those graphics

    You can put me inside a teleporter that'll get me to anywhere in space and time, I'll never again be so surprised by technology in my life

    Had to endure my SNES for a few more years before my dad could get me a N64 though lol

    • 2 years ago

      Also that fricking monkey playing SM64 on the save game screen for DKC3 on the SNES was SO FRICKING FRUSTRATING
      Luckily I really enjoyed DKC3, used to 103% it in one sitting back in the day.
      Good times.

    • 2 years ago

      I got an N64 for I think my 8th birthday in 1997. I remember having it set up in my bedroom playing Mario 64 on Bob-omb battlefield and everyone crowding round being amazed. Everything is a blur until a few months later on at Christmas when I got Mario Kart 64 and Goldeneye. Goldeneye blew my mind.

  11. 2 years ago

    things like this make me eternally happy i grew up with the Xbox 360 as my first console... when the xbone was announced, i could just watch full HD footage of any game i wanted, as well as full reviews and walkthroughs, without ever needing to visit anyone

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Jesus. Christ.

      I wept reading this soulless post. God have mercy on your soul.

      • 2 years ago

        French, English and German are already interrelated. There are no unmixed jars.

        • 2 years ago

          Sure, sure, everybody is the same, woman can be men, history is a skin color, whatever you say Black person.

          • 2 years ago

            Different anon here. French, English, and German people are all ancestrally Scandanavian. Not saying they all should mix.

      • 2 years ago


        I love retro games and the whole scene around it, but even you guys have to admit, some things are better now than they were before.

        iv read first hand accounts of people saying they couldnt get launch title X because it was sold out or scalped hard. these days you can just click buy on the relevant app store and you are good to go, and dont even need to wake up at midnight to secure a copy!

        imagine only being able to get a few games per year, and picking simons quest since it looked great, only to be let down and have nothing else to play. these days you just watch a review and know if its worth the price.

        • 2 years ago

          I mean, that wasn't what I said or even mentioned. TLDR I'm glad Blockbuster is dead too

          But if your first instinct of some random's childhood gathering as a kid, with a glowing memory of how things used to be to them, is that "wow I'm glad I can stay in my room now, sure is nice to be alone and consume from my box"

          Like Jesus Christ.

          • 2 years ago

            sorry, all either of you said was 'soulless', so i assumed it was because of modern luxuries (which seems everyone here hates). when i think multiplayer, i dont think of other PHYSICAL people, but thats probably a generational thing. i guess its like how on the "wonder years", the kids all hung out together after school doing literally NOTHING, and now boomers remember it as THE BEST TIMES OF THEIR LIVES lol

            • 2 years ago

              He got to frick Winnie copper, that was pretty cool

            • 2 years ago

              I don't think they "hate" modern luxuries, I think it's a mixture of normal, childhood nostalgia that occurs in adults, and that the new generation of humans are effectively growing up as cyborgs.

              And I don't mean cyborgs as in superhuman, I mean these people require phones, tablets, and media to dictate their lives. They're almost -less- than a human now.

              You mention that useless portion about kids doing nothing. Kids still do literally nothing, they just spend it now looking down at a 10" screen, alone in their box. Not like I care, but don't forget when you grow old like a boomer, you're gonna have to remember THE BEST TIMES OF LIVES as being in a room, alone, 24 hours in a day.

            • 2 years ago

              >hanging out with actual people sucks compared to being alone in your bedroom
              Extreme zoomer cope.

              • 2 years ago

                game lobbies, vr chat, hell, even 4chins are all "easy talking" chat rooms. im talking with more people now than boomers were with their 2 friends.

                He got to frick Winnie copper, that was pretty cool

                it was a kids show anon...they were just kids....

                I don't think they "hate" modern luxuries, I think it's a mixture of normal, childhood nostalgia that occurs in adults, and that the new generation of humans are effectively growing up as cyborgs.

                And I don't mean cyborgs as in superhuman, I mean these people require phones, tablets, and media to dictate their lives. They're almost -less- than a human now.

                You mention that useless portion about kids doing nothing. Kids still do literally nothing, they just spend it now looking down at a 10" screen, alone in their box. Not like I care, but don't forget when you grow old like a boomer, you're gonna have to remember THE BEST TIMES OF LIVES as being in a room, alone, 24 hours in a day.

                >>I don't think they "hate" modern luxuries
                i understand nostalgia when people get older, but if you look at any thread here, 99% of the time it seems people just dont like year

              • 2 years ago

                VR/Online chat is just phone calls from 2X years ago. While it is amusing, nothing can ever replace simple, physical interactions, especially during in the formation years of humans (up to 21). The person with early physical interactions will get the job/girl/success, while the cyborg will have borderline/actual autism.

                Nostalgia makes these people want to go "home", to where things were "simple". So in a way, they do hate year I suppose.

                "You can't truly go back to a place you once lived, because so much will have changed since you left, that it is not the same place anymore."
                >You can never go home again

              • 2 years ago

                I still talk with my 2 friends from childhood that played SNES with me after school. What relationship are you really going to form from some freak over discord?

            • 2 years ago

              Oh my G-d, yaaaaaaas…. We can all hang out separately in our own homes and just forward each other TicToks and take our fistful of anxiety medicine!!!! YAAAAAAS!!!!

        • 2 years ago

          >imagine only being able to get a few games per year, and picking simons quest since it looked great, only to be let down and have nothing else to play. these days you just watch a review and know if its worth the price.
          simons quest is a shit load off frick, literally ASS just like my youtube reviewer AVGN told me. Feeling sorry for the guy that got stuck with that turd

          • 2 years ago

            >>t. have never played simons quest

            1 and 3 were amazing, even today

        • 2 years ago

          the upside is that you explored every single part of every game and finished them. Nowadays with flash carts and emulators you have so much choice that it paralyzes you and you end up picking at little bits here and there a hundred times instead of really getting into a single game.

      • 2 years ago

        Such a dumb image. Italy and Germany are fake countries. Even the term "white" has more history than both of those.

  12. 2 years ago

    While SM64 may have been impressive at first glance after you actually played it it became kiddy shit in comparison to real games like what Saturn and PSX had to offer with Driver and Die hard trilogy.

    • 2 years ago

      You are the only person in history to consider die hard trilogy superior to mario 64. And I liked that light gun game on die hard trilogy

      • 2 years ago

        >better than Mario 64
        If we were to go by the quality of game and not ones pushed by major companies we would have Die Hard Trilogy and Wonderboy in Monster Land thread daily instead of Mario 64 and OoT.

  13. 2 years ago

    And then the ps1 came out

  14. 2 years ago


  15. 2 years ago

    Still remember how we got our N64 because it was so unexpected.
    My mum went to the electronics store as she regularly did looking for CDs and stuff, that one time I for once did not come with her because we had just been there like a week before that.
    Instead my brother went, and when they came back they brought - an N64 with Mario Kart. Just like that, no birthday in sight, no Christmas, nothing.
    What's so surprising is that my brother absolutely was not the vidya interested type, I was. Until that point I think I never even heard him mention the N64 before.
    I still have no idea how he convinced her to just like that buy the thing.

    • 2 years ago

      Hate to break it to you anon but i think your mum was having an affair.

  16. 2 years ago

    It's really fascinating to me how most Nintendo drones always seem to have the purchase of a video game console be a life defining moment for them

    • 2 years ago

      And they all have that stupid tri-force tattoo on their body, and get excited over the new capeshit film.

      • 2 years ago

        >posts reddit tier hollysoi reaction pic

        • 2 years ago

          That was kinda the point, matching the image with the post like that. Clearly you're so fricking smart, you already figured this out though, and had to point this out to this entire class.

          Good job champ. Now shut the frick up.

          • 2 years ago

            >m-merely pretending
            >talks like a woman and gets defensive
            it's time to go back

            • 2 years ago

              What the actual frick bro. How many woman in your life are telling you to shut the frick daily for this to happen to you?

              That's rough buddy. Massive keks for the woman shit though, that shit was practically just telling on yourself homosexual.

              • 2 years ago

                >tranime poster
                >reddit spacing
                >still talking like a woman, still getting defensive

              • 2 years ago

                >Everybody I don't like is a Woman
                >Pic telling trannies to neck and die is tranime posting

                Yeah bro, tell us more about your mental illnesses. I'm sure that you're not a complete fricking loser in this game of life, and should be taken seriously.

              • 2 years ago

                lol this Black person is mad

              • 2 years ago

                I'm just glad you actually read my image correctly this time Black person

              • 2 years ago

                >being this mad
                kek get owned moron

              • 2 years ago

                Get back to work wagie kek

              • 2 years ago

                >owns himself for 5 replies
                >last ditch insult is to say you make money
                lol, l8r sk8r

              • 2 years ago

                What in the frick did I just read though
                >l8r sk8r
                Holy shit subhumans exist

  17. 2 years ago

    does anyone know if a gameboy gameshark would work with a transfer pak?

    i have yellow and stadium, but no gameboy

  18. 2 years ago

    Please stop talking to yourself

  19. 2 years ago

    Got my N64 for my 10th birthday in 2000. Came with Donkey Kong 64 because I was obsessed with DKC 1,2,3 on my SNES. I opened the game first and instantly knew the bigger box was the N64 system. Me and my friends all freaked out and we set it up right away to play DK64 multiplayer. It had 2 controllers so it was a lot of swapping around and we didn't have any characters unlocked so that was interesting. I remember letting everybody else play because I knew I would stay up all night playing by myself and unlocking characters. A couple of my friends already had the N64 but they were still excited that we could all bring our controllers to each others houses and play 4 player games now.

  20. 2 years ago

    I remember the first time seeing one in the flesh. I'd already seen a Saturn in action before so i wasn't really blown away(Not that Sonic R did the trick either), and while 1080 Snowboarding was cool, fricking Quest 64 wasn't.

  21. 2 years ago

    This makes me want to ask for all the zoomers that are probably ITT:
    Did you guys ever have sleepovers? I assume they were pretty rare since you have online multiplayer from such a young age.
    Maybe for birthdays and that was it?

    • 2 years ago

      >ordering pizza
      >sneaking parents liquor
      >getting into fights over what game to play
      >farting on each other while sleeping
      good times.

    • 2 years ago

      My niece and nephew still have sleepovers. I imagine it’s mainly a younger kid thing these days, though

    • 2 years ago

      My wife’s brother is a zoomer and they still have sleepovers where they bring over their Xbox’s to each other’s houses

      • 2 years ago

        Well thats nice, glad to hear gaming parties aren't completely dead.

    • 2 years ago

      i am 18 and never had a sleepover. always wanted to though 🙁

  22. 2 years ago

    when they had the n64 out with mario 64 to play at walmart there was always a huge line of kids to play it

  23. 2 years ago

    I saw the Mario 64 demo on that Saturday morning show on ITV, along with the Turok one with the big explosion. I traveled for an hour on a bus to the nearest city just to get a look at a running N64, then had to wait another 30 mins while some excited kids finished their turn. That moment when I got to play it was pretty special. There was nothing like it in the world, this was coming from Super Nintendo with extremely basic 3d graphics. Bought the last N64 in the store about a month later after saving up my pay at my job. It was 250 squids, each game was 50-70 squids.

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