Never played Long War as I didnt like nuCOM enough to check its mods. But I love X-division for Xenonauts.

Never played Long War as I didnt like nuCOM enough to check its mods. But I love X-division for Xenonauts. Heard Long War is kinda like X-division, how do they compare?

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  1. 2 years ago

    frick, has it actually been two and a half years since I last played this mod
    I had fun playing it but I can't give firsthand reviews of anything after the first phase

  2. 2 years ago

    when the frick is xenonauts 2 coming out holy shit.

    • 2 years ago

      It's vaporware. Abandon all hope.

    • 2 years ago

      well see, it seems to be slowly progressing. wonder if there will be xdivision 2 one day...

    • 2 years ago

      It will come out and it will trash the stupid firaxes xcoms. TUs were better. The geoscape complexity wuz better. Xenonauts is basically a modern version of oldcom.

      All firaxes has done has simplified the xcoms for a wider audience.

      • 2 years ago

        >t will come out and it will BE trash

      • 2 years ago

        Maybe it'll actually come out in a couple of years, but it'll be soulless trash just like the frist one.

        • 2 years ago

          Your bad opinion is noted and disregarded.

  3. 2 years ago

    I played EU the other day but I got too bored from having to search for pockets of enemies all the time
    so I'm wondering too if LW is worth trying

  4. 2 years ago

    Never played X-Division but Long War was really fun. Play it on the hardest difficulty and be ready for people to die. The new classes and mech classes add a lot of depth in my opinion.

  5. 2 years ago

    Isn't x-division extremely autistic? Filtered me super hard at least.

    • 2 years ago

      Based on my last play attempt I just found the game to be padding everything to the extreme
      >the aliens "invade" in 4 phases, each phase lasts for a very long time
      >in each phase you practically need to capture every, single, rank of every enemy species to advance your research and manufacturing, this means you need to capture dozens of aliens every phase, capturing is not easy
      >you can research a large array of different weapons based on energy and kinetic weapons
      >however every alien species is vulnerable to certain weapon types, but are also resistant to some as well
      >the game gives you absolutely no indication what weapons are good or bad, now you have to research dozens of different weapons from different tech trees, then try to find out which ones are actually going to be useful against the aliens
      >also each individual weapon has to be upgraded multiple times, each new upgrade costs research (so more captured aliens) and limited resources that are hard to acquire, so you need to be very conservative with what you build
      >of course you have no fricking idea what weapons are good or shit so you waste limited resources making weapons that may or may not be good

      >this autism also extends to the air game where you have dozens of different aircraft and air weapons, all of which are very expensive and need very hard or impossible to acquire resources
      >all enemy UFOs are very hard to shoot down, you need to have autistic levels of micromanagement to shoot down basic enemy UFOs as they will act like schizophrenic cocaine addled children in regards to their maneuverability and damage output

      >just when you think you have gotten a handle on things, WHOOPS the next phase starts, all your weapons are shit again, all those resources you have gathered are useless for the next generation of weapons, your aircraft are quickly outclassed when they were already shit to start with, and now you have to research everything all over again

      • 2 years ago

        not really.
        >the aliens "invade" in 4 phases, each phase lasts for a very long time
        That is true, would not say it is a very long time, jut a long time. But the game length is long. I think there is also a 5th phase?
        >in each phase you practically need to capture every, single, rank of every enemy species to advance your research and manufacturing, this means you need to capture dozens of aliens every phase, capturing is not easy
        Capturing enemies is not always easy, but you also dont need to capture them at all times. You will get many opportunities to capture the specialists, as they are present in almost every mission and you only need one alive. The hard part are operatives of which some are rare to even encounter, but those are not that important as they only allow to upgrade some weapons from mk2 to mk3 which i useful but not neccesarry. Stunning is not that easy but also not that hard if you get the tools for it. If you have the right situation you can stun easy, if the situation is not right you can just blow them to pieces and stun them next time.

      • 2 years ago

        Capturing aliens becomes trivial when you unlock the Shock Gun (which I unlocked early in phase 2, so it's available pretty damn early). 1 handed (usable with a shield) and 1-shots 99% of enemies with like 150+ stun damage per shot. Only downside is 3 tile range and 2 round mag cap.

        >the game gives you absolutely no indication what weapons are good or bad

        Motherfricker literally every single stat is visible when you hover over the weapon with your mouse (and the icon with stats shows up in the barracks equipment screen before you even build any, so you don't even have to waste resources). They list damage, damage type, weight, TUs per shot(s), accuracy, mag capacity, suppression, armor mitigation, etc., etc., etc., etc.... if you can't use this bountiful amount of knowledge to determine what guns might be good in what situations, then you shouldn't be playing an XCom game; you should be playing Viva Pinata.

        Too many fricking dumbass scrub Gankerners in this comment section.

  6. 2 years ago

    >the game gives you absolutely no indication what weapons are good or bad, now you have to research dozens of different weapons from different tech trees, then try to find out which ones are actually going to be useful against the aliens
    there are way to know, research tells you.

    >also each individual weapon has to be upgraded multiple times, each new upgrade costs research (so more captured aliens) and limited resources that are hard to acquire, so you need to be very conservative with what you build
    Does not have to be, I am currently in phase 2 and useing only mk2 shotguns cause I dont have acces to mk3. It aint an issue. mk3 would be better sure, but it is not neccesarry. Mostly you need just mk2, and those are easy as they need only the common types of enemies captured, not the rare ones. And upgrading is expensive, yes. Makes you think about what to upgrade and what is not worth it. I would love an mk3 laser minigun, but it too expensive and mk2 does the trick.

    >of course you have no fricking idea what weapons are good or shit so you waste limited resources making weapons that may or may not be good
    partially true, but you can get the idea from the stats of the weapon before making them, and research wise you should research everything no problem anyway. Also From my experience there is no such thing as a bad weapon, each weapon is good and viable for its given situation.

    >all enemy UFOs are very hard to shoot down, you need to have autistic levels of micromanagement to shoot down basic enemy UFOs as they will act like schizophrenic cocaine addled children in regards to their maneuverability and damage output
    This is mostly about knowing how to shoot them down. Basic ufos can all be brought down with starting planes np, or the firt better planes withouth even having to interact with the controls. Alternatively there is better autoresolve for people like me who dont want to micro their way around alien fighters, those are a lot about micro.

  7. 2 years ago

    >just when you think you have gotten a handle on things, WHOOPS the next phase starts, all your weapons are shit again, all those resources you have gathered are useless for the next generation of weapons, your aircraft are quickly outclassed when they were already shit to start with, and now you have to research everything all over again
    That the point, you have to prepare for the next phase. Weapons from previous phase aint shit, they still good, next phase weapons are not neccesarrily always better. And the resources are still useful, next phase stuff is just more expensive (and gives you more as well), so you can still use the same resources from previous phase most of the time. And if you were outclassed in the previous phase you werent doing good. In my experience once you get most of the stuff from current phase that is when it gets easy and you are just waiting for the next phase to start to have some challenge again. Or you let a supply ship through to spawn a next phase base for fun.

  8. 2 years ago

    Overall I think xenonauts+meme division does a lot of things better than nucom+LW but there's a lot of tedium involved to the point where it isn't more fun than LW.
    >need to optimize the inventory slots constantly
    >gotta go above the weight limit and drop all the items that you wont immediately use at the start of the mission (shields, medkits, spare mg ammo, rockets, etc)
    >also need spare weapons and ammo to deal with some bullet sponge enemies (and their resist profile), otherwise you'll run out of ammo on the main weapon of your dudes
    >gotta go back to fetch some of these items after half of the mission
    >this is just to increase the survival odds of your morons
    >feels mandatory to do on missions that involve bases, be it def or offense
    On the other hand my main complaints of nucom+LW are the lack of map variety and how enemies get a free turn to run into cover the moment you see them.

    • 2 years ago

      >On the other hand my main complaints of nucom+LW are the lack of map variety and how enemies get a free turn to run into cover the moment you see them.
      Long War Rebalance at least solves that to a degree by letting the player scamper for cover if you discover aliens during your turn so you don't get screwed over because you moved one tile too far
      Xenonauts benefits from a dedicated mapmaker that has spawned enough maps in the community edition that its unlikely you will play the same map more than once during a standard (non-division meme) game. nucom suffers but I will credit that LW and LWR do change the deployment zones on many maps so you get to approach the same map from different angles.
      I still think X-Division is too grindy for its own good, even if my complaints might be exaggerated. More power to whoever enjoys it.

  9. 2 years ago

    haven't played x-division but Long War is very fun. very punishing but the amount of variation and improvements on the base game make it worth checking out, I can't go back to vanilla after playing LW for a few dozen hours

    • 2 years ago

      Those are rookie numbers. In x-division that is statistics after 2 missions. + 2 tanks, those things blow up faster then I can make them. Especially since I use them as bullet sponges to protect my soldiers.

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