Neverwinter Nights

It is the best *roleplaying* game ever made, if you count multiplayer into the equation. I'm heavily biased towards this game for reasons of nostalgia, but if you want to emulate an authentic PnP experience, this is pretty much the only game where you can do that.

Yes, it does have flaws in regards to its combat system and mechanical design for example, but for me the ability to play with a legit DM who has a ton of tools in his arsenal, or be a DM yourself, is in itself something that can eclipse other shortcomings such as combat in a roleplaying game. Besides, I've had much more fun dungeoning/PvPing/making character builds on a certain popular PW server than on any MMO I've played tbqh.

As for the singleplayer OC experience - yes, it's shit, I know. But ADWR is one of the best singleplayer RPGs and I'm not even fricking with you.

Also general Neverwinter Nights thread.

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

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  1. 6 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      not even a good game.


  2. 6 months ago

    not even a good game.

    • 6 months ago

      Go ahead and point out a game which is a more faithful adaptation to a legit roleplaying PnP experience then

      • 6 months ago

        There are a billion programs to simulate an actual tabletop session now. Once you've brought up multiplayer any argument you have has gone out the window. And even then nwn is pretty basic, the engine really can't do... well anything that isn't extremely basic combat and puzzles, really.

        • 6 months ago

          >Once you've brought up multiplayer, your arguments are invalid

          Why is playing multiplayer not an "authentic" experience or whatever the frick you're trying to say in a DnD game of all things?

          As for tabletop programs - sure, but they still are unable to simulate automatically most of the things happening in a DnD game and you'd still have to manually roll dice. Besides, there really isn't an option in a tabletop simulator which is similar to NWN's PWs, you always need to have friends online and available for the former and as for the latter - sure, there isn't an abundance in constant DM attention exactly, but it's pretty much pick up and play

      • 5 months ago

        Temple of Elemental Evil implements the tabletop rules more closely than both Neverwinter Nights games

        • 5 months ago

          He said a roleplaying experience, not rules.

      • 5 months ago
        Prince of washed tides

        >But ADWR is one of the best singleplayer RPGs and I'm not even fricking with you

        nay it's yet another fanmade module that forces you to play as a fighter+rogue hybrid, or you will get stuck in the game (UNLESS cheating/hacking/importing in an overleveled character from another module etc). not enough lockpicking or sneakiness? you get literally locked out from progress. not enough fighter levels and minmaxing? you just die from the next battle.

        can't effectively play as magic user or archer either because you need to "talk" to enemies to start battle, OR ELSE the entire game script breaks, and almost everyone attacks you.

        Shadowrun Genesis? Lone Wolf Saga if you count gamebooks.

      • 5 months ago

        Bad faith argument because D&D sucks ass anyways.

  3. 6 months ago

    Yeah, its fricking great. I loved both NWN and NWN2.
    I hate that my brain can't hack the old school UI and controls anymore. Every time I try to replay them or Baldur's Gate 1/2, my brain just shuts down and I uninstall within minutes.

  4. 6 months ago

    There's no minuses
    >Pre buffing doesn't last an eternity like in Owltrash games
    >Character works solo regardless of the class yet you can play in a group if you want
    >Levelcap of 40 bare minimum for a 3/3.5 system
    >3.5 system a bare minimum for a game based on dnd
    >No lgbt shit

    • 6 months ago

      NWN is not 3.5e
      >Levelcap of 40 bare minimum
      This is also an ENORMOUS negative for a 3e game as the ruleset cannot handle high level characters at all and high level adventures are terribly boring.

    • 5 months ago

      >no lgbt shit
      not true the guy (one of the jurors) in the bar in act 3 calls you a troony if you play as a female character who hits on him.

      • 5 months ago

        son, i dont know what you think "lgbt shit is" but im fairly sure nobody here is going to say its any crass joke about men being women or vice versa.

  5. 6 months ago

    It appears this OP was carefully designed to agitate all the known thread regulars, so it doesn't slide off the catalog under all the 1-line shitpost threads.

  6. 6 months ago

    >ADWR is one of the best singleplayer RPGs
    it's not even one of the best NWN modules you coombrained moron

    • 6 months ago

      Frick off, no one is as autistic as yourself to play Swordflight and gobble up encounter after encounter. Even excluding the coomshit, ADWR is kino

      • 6 months ago

        >no one is as autistic as yourself to play Swordflight and gobble up encounter after encounter
        Actually, Swordflight is surprisingly playable and even fun as a wizard. What is a repetitive overtuned grinding for every other class, is just a way for a wizard to properly flex his spellbook. And it's probably the only single player module where Craft Wands is heavily recommended and useful.
        It also gradually buffs most types of summons to be viable (and actually strong) on epic levels. Gated balors in chapter 2, familiars/animal companions in chapter 3, elementals in chapter 4 and undead+prestige class summons in chapter 5.

        • 6 months ago

          I got bored of swordflight after 15 minutes, uninstalled NWN and never played the game again.

    • 5 months ago

      finally someone is based, i agree

      i just wanna roleplay as a female in games lol

      I got bored of swordflight after 15 minutes, uninstalled NWN and never played the game again.


      >KOTOR is also made in Aurora and I'd assume it is a much less shocking statement to make that it was very good game
      The first game didn't age well writing-wise, but its visual design aged incredibly well.

      yes ! kotor 1 looked better than kotor 2, it felt like the characters got turned into cartoons

      You said ADWR is one of the best rpgs ever made in your original post and now youre desperately backpedaling to God even knows what you're trying to prove, that it's good if you have a really shitty dm and wanna play really shitty modules and hate all dnd mechanics even though 3e is 99.99999% fighting? I can't even imagine whats going on in your brain here.

      adwr is unique, there's not many experiences like it in the video game space, it's better than generic rpgs or games where they extent of roleplay mechanics just means grinding and stats

  7. 6 months ago

    Its lost to time now, but there was a period of at least a decade in NWNs history long long before EE where you'd see servers of 5-20 people who played there for years just to hang out with each other. Sometimes they even had stuff like community inside joke items, grave yards or memorials to players who stopped playing, a wall of humiliation for banned players, a server leader board, etc. Those communities always felt so old to me. Just walking around you could see its lore everywhere of shit that happened years ago that the map maker added and forgot about.

    • 5 months ago
      Prince of washed tides

      >see servers of 5-20 people who played there for years just to hang out with each other.

      just use MUDs or chatrooms, losers.

  8. 6 months ago


    Those NWN servers felt like Charwood Village but in real life.
    SL feels like flying over miles and miles and miles of post-apocalyptic malls and urban houses and occasionally finding survivors.

  9. 6 months ago

    One of the reasons nobody likes the NWN campaigns is because they played them like an autistic moron going around every area to click on every single openable container.

    That said, they should have put fewer containers with more treasure in them instead of having a locked chest contain 7 gold.

    • 6 months ago

      >quest offers you three different ways to enter the dungeon
      >"guess I better backtrack autistically and take all three paths for maximum loot and XP"
      >"why is this game so boring????"

      • 6 months ago

        People do this because in most games you can see everything in one run. Bioware should have made the 3 paths exclusive to the type of character you played. Example, one path requires nature characters to get through so a druid/ranger. One path is specifically for high level divine spell casters so druid/cleric. One path requires a lot of lockpicking and has traps, so rogues and bards would naturally get through them.

  10. 6 months ago

    NWN was awesome I don't understand the hate it gets here

    • 6 months ago

      People incorrectly expected it to basically be the spiritual successor of the Baldur's Gate franchise when it was an entirely different and much more ambitious game than said series, its forte laying in aspects different than the previous DnD titles.

      • 5 months ago

        >single character real time game that's shallow as a puddle
        >wtf how can you not like it

        I liked BG3 so I am considering playing this game as a prequel cause I heard you get to fight Mephistopheles in a DLC but the single character and real time parts might kill it for me

        • 5 months ago

          having you considered playing the prequel as the prequel. yknow the Baldurs Gate game before 3

          • 5 months ago

            no, the graphics are too bad
            NWN is at least 3D

    • 6 months ago

      >single character real time game that's shallow as a puddle
      >wtf how can you not like it

      • 6 months ago

        ok anon but this isn't an elder scrolls thread

  11. 6 months ago

    >Hello how are you doing
    >Good to see you
    >They say Ravenloft is the best RP server. I've never been. For the present, I must count Arelith the most glorious in NWN
    >I just installed the game. What am I in for?
    >My favorite module? ADWR. Lovely old stone buildings, and the writing is beautiful.
    >EE isn't so bad
    >Alright be seeing you

    • 6 months ago

      How is liking NWN an "NPC" thing considering it is dwarfed in popularity by a ton of other RPGs most of them unable to hold a candle to said game, frick off with that zoomer lingo

      • 6 months ago

        NTA but that's not really what the post was about, the joke is about the discussions that go on in these threads every time

      • 6 months ago

        These threads just repeat the same shit over and over again.

    • 6 months ago

      I wish more people tried Saleron's Gambit, it's incredibly good.

    • 6 months ago

      Looks like the thread already exhausted all these topics and fell halfway down the catalog.
      Meanwhile the Sam Hyde fallout shitpost thread has been up for over 2 months.
      Knight sisters has never been so over... Neverwinter has fallen

      • 6 months ago

        >Knight sisters has never been so over... Neverwinter has fallen
        Billions must play the OC.

      • 6 months ago

        >Knight sisters has never been so over... Neverwinter has fallen
        Billions must play the OC.

        These two gentlemen had great voice acting performance in OC.

  12. 6 months ago

    The community in those servers are dogshit, expect cliques of morons in discord that refuse to do anything but talk to their 3 homosexual friends and DM in their pocket. DO NOT PLAY

    • 6 months ago

      >expect cliques of morons in discord that refuse to do anything but talk to their 3 homosexual friends and DM in their pocket. DO NOT PLAY
      I'd blame Discord for this, but I know for a fact it was going before Discord was around.

  13. 6 months ago

    nwn2 was far better

    • 6 months ago

      Singleplayer campaigns wise, absolutely - yes. But when it comes to player created modules and online play, the original shits on the sequel

      • 6 months ago

        absolutely based. I wish I had some friends to play nwn with on Blackstone or nordock.

        • 6 months ago

          I myself am more of a RP server type of guy, though how are the dungeons and general PvE content faring in those servers you mentioned? Did some extensive PvE on Ravenloft a while ago and it did kinda open my eyes to how fun and exhilarating it can be to group up and run dungeons and whatnot

      • 6 months ago

        no way Jose
        the mechanics of the 2nd, the graphics and the overall game are simply better.

        the first one just feels way too clunky and janky nowadays

        • 6 months ago

          Are you fricking high? NWN2 feels infinitely clunkier than 1.

    • 6 months ago

      Frick I missed this one in my

      >Hello how are you doing
      >Good to see you
      >They say Ravenloft is the best RP server. I've never been. For the present, I must count Arelith the most glorious in NWN
      >I just installed the game. What am I in for?
      >My favorite module? ADWR. Lovely old stone buildings, and the writing is beautiful.
      >EE isn't so bad
      >Alright be seeing you


  14. 6 months ago

    Should I play EE or OG?

    • 6 months ago

      The Enhanced Edition. As much of a lazy cashgrab it is from Beamdog, it is basically the same as the OG with minor QoL changes, backwards compatibility with all the mods made for the original game, slightly better graphics and first and foremost - online support.

  15. 6 months ago


    No one cares avatargay

    • 6 months ago

      I care.

      • 6 months ago

        I don't

  16. 6 months ago


    No shit, it's crazy how fake and moronic these people are. Any rational person can see how awful NWN is.

    • 6 months ago

      ok but enough about BG3

      • 6 months ago

        No moron, you are literally a sub 65 IQ terminally moronic Black person if you defend NWN. I cannot believe you are even pretending to defend this terrible single player mmo.

        • 6 months ago

          chill man this isn't a BG3 thread

          • 6 months ago

            Black person, this is the game that killed crpgs for 15 years. Doesn't get worse than this.

            • 6 months ago

              Yeah, BG3 is going to kill crpgs for 15 years 🙁

            • 6 months ago

              homie what the actual frick? Did you get statutory raped on Arelith or some shit?

              • 6 months ago

                Dude, it literally killed rpgs for 15 years. Think of all the cancer aurora engine spawned. This was ground zero for shit like mass effect and dragon age.

              • 6 months ago

                Mass Effect I don't like either, as for DA:O - it is a solid game.

                It's fricking hilarious to attribute the CRPG genre's decline to a singular title and its engine which was groundbreaking for its time in regards to user friendliness and moddability, it spawned countless of fan created great RPG experiences other than ME and DA. Iirc, KOTOR is also made in Aurora and I'd assume it is a much less shocking statement to make that it was very good game

              • 6 months ago

                >KOTOR is also made in Aurora and I'd assume it is a much less shocking statement to make that it was very good game
                The first game didn't age well writing-wise, but its visual design aged incredibly well.

              • 6 months ago

                Visual design of what? It's 90% grey hallways.

      • 6 months ago

        Of course it's a nwn moron crying about bg3. Where else could such low quality posts come from?

  17. 6 months ago


    Yeah, this as well. Many more valid arguments can be made to decry NWN, but the engine? Frick outta here and go yiff in BG3

  18. 6 months ago

    NWN gays are on blast rn

  19. 6 months ago

    Friendly reminder that Drakensang: The River of Time mogs BG3 on every possible level.

  20. 6 months ago


    >avatargay has shit opinions
    so shocking

    • 6 months ago

      The fact that he likes BG3, KotC and Colony Ship should already tell you everything you need to know when you see him coming to every thread to spill his diarrhea.

      • 6 months ago

        I made a nwn thread like a month ago and he was the only person in the whole thread that could give me a decent beginners build. (he was right, the game is shit)

        • 6 months ago

          >a decent beginners build
          Grug have big strength
          Grug take wepon
          Grug hit monster with wepon
          Grug beat game

      • 5 months ago

        >The fact that he likes BG3, KotC and Colony Ship should already tell you everything you need to know when you see him coming to every thread to spill his diarrhea.
        Sounds based actually.

        Why do you morons fetishize bad games? I'm seriously asking. This board has a fascination with pretending mediocre shit was good and that good game are akshully le bad because of some dumb reasons that have nothing to do with gameplay

        • 5 months ago

          Let me guess, the games you dislike are mediocre shit and the games you like are good.

  21. 6 months ago

    Morons really missed the point of NWN being great for its wide variety of options to actually ROLEPLAY in a roleplaying game, not offering any sort of refutal to that statement. I swear, some of those homies did get raped on Arelith or their dom tiefling gf from Sinfar stole their mom's credit card info

    • 6 months ago

      What roleplaying, homosexual? How is this any different from loading up wow and going to the moonguard server, you moronic cringelord?

      • 6 months ago

        Black person, I literally told you multiple times. Boot up a PW if you like or grab a couple of friends(impossible scenario, I know) and see for yourself, it is obvious you never really played this game and explored its main appeal, why are you so confident in your moronic ass misinformed opinion equating NWN to RP WoW realms?

        >the mechanics are all terrible, but if you ignore literally everything, close your eyes and pretend, then it's fine
        Where have I heard this one before?

        But they aren't all terrible, besides my OP did emphasize on *roleplaying* in its pure form as where NWN is number one. It's time you morons finally admit that you don't really like RPGs with the RP in them

        • 6 months ago

          You said ADWR is one of the best rpgs ever made in your original post and now youre desperately backpedaling to God even knows what you're trying to prove, that it's good if you have a really shitty dm and wanna play really shitty modules and hate all dnd mechanics even though 3e is 99.99999% fighting? I can't even imagine whats going on in your brain here.

          • 6 months ago

            It still is one of the best RPGs, yes, for reasons unrelated to combat. Cope, seethe and yiff. No one is backpedalling here

            • 6 months ago

              What reasons? You haven't given a single reason. You just keep saying "muh servers" over and over.

              • 6 months ago

                I do since the game was made with that in mind and as its primary focus, how the frick is pointing out their importance in the discussion and opt-out? Many of the servers also alleviate the cumbersomeness of the mechanical side of the game by adding other classes/feats/tweaking certain shit and the presence of a DM in itself also fixes what may seem to be lacking via the toolset's enormous capabilities. Some of the all time favourite mods really work within the constraints presented and offer great experience as well. It is very moronic to gauge NWN by its singleplayer campaign and expansions.

              • 6 months ago

                But anon, all you get with a server is either a really bad module with really bad combat and boring dungeons, or a persistent server which is just like a way worse version of a generic dead korean mmo.

              • 6 months ago

                The only thing that's reasonable as an argument here is the really bad combat which is still, imo, a fairly subjective point to make and it really does depend on what said server added/removed/modified. I've been to very complex and detailed dungeons on certain servers, some of them revolving around elaborate puzzles, requiring a certain combination of specific gear or using certain skills, bosses with depth to them, all the stuff that makes(or at least made) MMORPGs fun for a lot of people. As for the module as a whole being bland, I mean it depends. There are Ravenloft, Planescape and even Star Wars servers, then there's some meh settings.

                >"people" can't resist the urge to come into a thread for a 20 year old game and shit it up
                NWN isn't exactly a hot topic. There is nothing novel to debate here. Let the NWN enjoyers have their thread, homosexuals.

                It has always been amazing to me how much of a hateboner people have for this game, refusing to even acknowledge its strong suits

              • 6 months ago

                >I've been to very complex and detailed dungeons on certain servers, some of them revolving around elaborate puzzles, requiring a certain combination of specific gear or using certain skills
                The depth simply isn't there. You can design more complex dungeons on grid paper in 5 minutes. Players cannot make any proactive decisions whatsoever as there is no interactivity and the reactivity is extremely limited. The version of 3e bioware has created is also extremely dumb and brings out its absolutely worst aspects.

              • 6 months ago

                Mileage does vary, admittedly, but interactivity and reactivity can indeed be scripted and I've seen examples of that. But yeah, some dungeons really are less inspired.

              • 6 months ago

                Mileage does vary, admittedly, but interactivity and reactivity can indeed be scripted and I've seen examples of that. But yeah, some dungeons really are less inspired.

                >Players cannot make any proactive decisions whatsoever as there is no interactivity and the reactivity is extremely limited.
                Mostly because map makers don't want to learn scripting or shy away from it. The NWN engine might not be as flexible as the WC3 engine, but you could do way more with it than the slop we got in PW servers. A lot of the dungeons I've seen look like shit I would make as a child learning the toolset for the first time.

                You haven't given any evidence as to why nwn is a good multiplayer rpg versus an mmo or a campaign like bg3. Like even OSRS has a living breathing economy where you can buy real life slaves from the third world and start territorial gang wars.

                NWN had the potential to be the greatest mmo because of the scripting engine. The community never made the most of it though. We got a lot of gamemodes and shitty mmo servers, but we never got a DOTA out of it.

              • 6 months ago

                The Star Wars server is pretty cool. You can get in a starship and fly around and stuff.

            • 6 months ago

              only in your deranged coombrain head

  22. 6 months ago

    >the mechanics are all terrible, but if you ignore literally everything, close your eyes and pretend, then it's fine
    Where have I heard this one before?

  23. 6 months ago

    >"people" can't resist the urge to come into a thread for a 20 year old game and shit it up
    NWN isn't exactly a hot topic. There is nothing novel to debate here. Let the NWN enjoyers have their thread, homosexuals.

  24. 6 months ago


    You haven't given any evidence as to why nwn is a good multiplayer rpg versus an mmo or a campaign like bg3. Like even OSRS has a living breathing economy where you can buy real life slaves from the third world and start territorial gang wars.

    • 6 months ago

      DM mode. Ease of producing new content.

  25. 6 months ago


    >I'm not even the anon you've been arguing with
    Yes you are. You can't make a thread boldly saying something is the best rpg ever then crawl into a corner and ball up into a fetal position like this.

    • 6 months ago

      >Someone vaguely disagrees with me
      >Must be samegayging

      Absolutely asinine schizoid, you'll just have to trust me that I'm not willing to talk with myself on a god forsaken imageboard just to defeat a random moron in an entirely non-consequential dispute

  26. 6 months ago


    Maybe you should frick off to some other shithole then.

  27. 6 months ago

    Anybody played the sands of fate trilogy? What's the consensus opinion? I'm finding chapter 3 an absolute slog.

  28. 6 months ago

    Hate BG3
    Hate Pathfinder
    Love NWN
    Simple as

  29. 6 months ago

    I'm surprised there is never anyone in the thread actively making something with how often it gets created. Its not even that hard. The thread would be way better off if there were at least a few people doing something like the RPG Maker thread.

    What gives?

    • 6 months ago

      you need a community of like minded and people, someone spearheading it, some good fricking content, and tutorials.

    • 6 months ago

      There were anons arguing about the toolset limitations and one guy knew a bunch of stuff about the EE version, so someone has been doing something even if he didn't post it. A few anons shilled a servers they were working on.
      That was ages ago though. I wouldn't be surprised if most of the people actually building stuff left for Discord or wherever they came from. The NWN threads feel way smaller than they used to be.

      • 5 months ago

        Which server is this?

        • 5 months ago

          Looks like Aurica. An in development invite only server based on Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts/Homestuck/Things deviantart girls from the 2010s were super into.
          It's really cool, has a lot of well done features, dungeons with FF14 style boss fights, a Materia system, and from what I hear from people who play it the main DM plot is really interesting.

          • 5 months ago

            I hear some of the rules are kind of crazy, and it has few people it likes to focus on.
            No idea how reliable my source is on the matter I don't play there.

    • 6 months ago

      It isnt 2000 anymore. Nwn was good for its time but now there are more boomer rpgs with a team behind them than there is time to play all of them. Anyone who wants to make a game has a bunch of engines available for free. If you just want to host a dnd session there is tabletop simulator. Why would you build something unless its something to play with your friends who also play the game.

      • 6 months ago

        >Anyone who wants to make a game has a bunch of engines available for free
        Making the controls, menus, and RPG mechanics is a years long task usually requiring a big team. You are not gonna shit out a better RPG than NWN, so if you're interested in making a story or a little world to roleplay in, you're probably better off making a NWN mod

        >now there are more boomer rpgs with a team behind them than there is time to play all of them.
        Weirdly most of them aren't very good and none of them offer a creation kit

        • 6 months ago

          Who cares about a creation kit. Just move on to the next rpg. A game studio will on average put out something better than whatever a guy makes in his basement. If you are making level to play with your nwn discord or something i guess it makes sense

  30. 6 months ago

    Anons I'm playing NWN 2 solo. Could someone help me setting up these obnoxious cameras, as well as regulating AI behaviour (if I put it on puppet mode they require babysitting on everything and if not everyone breaks formation, gets dangerously up front and blocking ways)? Understand that I'm coming from TB rpg and these things are a headache.

    • 6 months ago

      NWN 2 is the bad one.

    • 6 months ago

      NWN2 Aurora engine is unadulterated pain. Put the camera in exploration mode and use the mouse like it's Diablo. If your character is not a front line sort, give them a ranged weapon. If you have something like a melee rogue, you're forced to micromanage so unless it's your MC, just don't.

    • 5 months ago

      you have to change some of the camera settings in a text file because they didn't put a GUI element for them...

      yeah it's that bad

  31. 6 months ago

    I've got hundreds and hundreds of hours sunk into this game. Every year I end up playing for a few weeks on end. More games should have been made with an easy mapmaker to create modules. It reminds me in a way of the WarCraft 3 map editor. My biggest gripe with NWN is the limited map size. Baldur's Gate was more immersive in a way because each map was massive & you rarely broke immersion by having to switch zones. In NWN, I find myself systematically discovering each zone & just press Tab to see everything. It kills the sense of discovery because the map has such little detail. Nothing feels like a mystery. Baldur's Gate felt better in that it's world was more detailed & immersive. Going 3D was both a blessing & curse.

    • 6 months ago

      Couldn't just let this thread die could you?

      • 6 months ago

        We must summon the autist.

  32. 6 months ago

    I love Neverwinter NIGHTS!

  33. 6 months ago

    He's right about the roleplaying, NWN was the best for it. These days it's probably GTA5.

    I remember I played on a server that had scripted law/order on the cities. So you could be a thief and pick pocket and break into houses, but if you were spotted by an npc it would simulate calling the police on you and you would either escape and get arrested. It also had criminal trials and other scripted laws like murder/assault. If your record got bad enough you could be perma'd.

    Then there were separate cities with separate jurisdictions and certain characters would get exiled because they crossed the line where they were such criminals they'd be executed. It also had mining and crafting and other industries

    One of the guys I RP'd with turned out to be a pervert. We started off RPing but I figured out he was a dude with a female character and it was just weird.

    How many of you heard of ADWR through this web site?

    • 5 months ago

      >How many of you heard of ADWR through this web site
      Yes Ganker is notorious for spamming and/or shilling shitty meme garbage

  34. 6 months ago

    I can grind my favorite PW all on my own all day long. I don't even want company. Other players just take away all the challenge of soloing enemies meant for entire parties of high level characters.

    • 5 months ago

      Pretty based of you if you're still doing that in 2024, I remember those days.

      • 5 months ago

        >Pretty based of you if you're still doing that in 2024, I remember those days.
        Thank you, I have no life and I must grind.

  35. 6 months ago
    An Epic Tale of NWN Shenanigans - Grab Your Doritos and Mountain Dew

    Hey /tg/,

    Gather 'round, fellow adventurers, for I have a tale to share that will make your neckbeards quiver in awe. Picture this: the year is 2024, the scent of Cheetos fills the air, and the glow of computer screens illuminates a room where neckbeards and dice collide. It's the year of our Lord Gygax, and I've just embarked on an unforgettable journey in Neverwinter Nights.

    > Be me, level 7 Chaotic Neutral Rogue with a penchant for mischief
    >Assemble a party of misfits, including a Lawful Good Paladin, a Chaotic Evil Wizard, and a True Neutral Druid who talks to animals way too much
    >DM is a total bro, weaving a narrative that rivals Tolkien on a budget
    >Party stumbles upon a mysterious cave rumored to house ancient artifacts
    >Inside, we face puzzles, traps, and a dungeon layout that makes M.C. Escher look like a cartographer
    >Wizard rolls a Nat 1 on Detect Magic, spends the entire session convinced his staff is a cursed artifact
    >Paladin tries to convert the skeletons guarding the loot to his deity, forgets they're undead and not really into religion
    >Druid attempts to seduce a giant spider. Fails spectacularly.
    >Rogue, being the voice of reason, tries to disarm a trap and ends up blowing up half the party

    Fast forward, and we confront the BBEG, a lich with a flair for monologues.

    >Wizard: "I cast Fireball!"
    >Paladin: "In the name of my deity, I smite thee!"
    >Druid: "I talk to the lich's pet skeleton dog."
    >Rogue: "I grab the loot and sneak out while they're distracted."

    Unexpected plot twist: the loot was a cursed artifact, and now I've got a talking sword that won't shut up about the good old days when it was a legendary hero.


    So, /tg/, share your own epic NWN stories or critique my rogueish escapades. Let the dice gods be with you, and may your critical hits be ever in your favor. Stay classy, /tg/.

    • 6 months ago

      this is like a distilled form of every D&D story ever, pure kino

    • 5 months ago

      Sure copypasta fren,
      >be me
      >level infinity dungeon master
      >when I first got NWN, I was absolutely enthralled with the idea of making my own campaigns, so much so i did not even play the game but studied the engine for months because i had bought two prima games style magazines one with a coding primer and the other the reg. strat guide and just read them all the time
      >i bought a 2u rackmount for a song in the dot com crash auctions that always happened everywhere near me because i was living and working near silicon valley at the time
      >on that 2u rackmount i put my first pw
      >it was to be a good versus evil, but with the twist that there were two pw worlds on the same server were their own pw worlds, that intersected during basically boss fights, and hunting recurring nemesis type fights (think turks from FF) and each group of players would be the boss monsters for the other set's PW
      >i had come up with some code for dopplegangers, and finished the modelling, build a first tower, which was to be a mad artist thing haunted by cursed art treasures with special functions like a paintbrush that would warp reality etc.
      >these doppels could duplicate a player down to every item on them and in their pockets
      >i invited a friend of mine from a pw i was playing in to help test, and had put the doppel function on a ring on my dm char
      >i didn't realize i left the port open and a rando came in and promptly ganked my friend with his op multi pw world loaded item guy he was obviously trolling around with
      >so i zapped him and took on his form
      >then i legitimately killed him as himself
      He freaked out and disco'd, then i spent a little time afterwords checking out his gear and reading his ERP love letters in his pockets from other servers..freaked myself out a little since I didn't even realize the function could do all that esp. for items from other servers
      Real Shang Tsung moment. My friend was in awe and begged me to play it but i lost all that code later lol

  36. 5 months ago

    Are any of the PWs for NWNEE any good? Most of the NWN2s are basically done for.

    • 5 months ago

      Wow. What a convenient time to ask this totally organic question. The thread was almost archived.

      • 5 months ago

        >What a convenient time to ask this totally organic question
        Considering one of the last two semi populated NWN2 RP PWs is going down in Feburary due to the fact people are tired of paying $300~ a month for it, I guess.

        • 5 months ago

          There were a few totally inauthentic bumps before then so I just assumed it was the OP trying to keep the thread alive.

          • 5 months ago

            Get a life homosexual

        • 5 months ago

          sad, but nwn2 pws should have died many years earlier. the better balance of nwn2 doesn't make up for how fricked up the engine is

          • 5 months ago

            >Lets consolidate the playerbase into the same shitty servers even more

        • 5 months ago

          Damn, really? That sucks to hear.

        • 5 months ago

          Which one? Sword Coast Chronicles?

          • 5 months ago

            Lol, that's the one I play on. I was just starting to really enjoy myself.

            • 5 months ago

              I played there about five years ago, had a lot of fun. Are they shutting down for good? I thought they were just asking for money.

              • 5 months ago

                I think they just need money. Nothing had been officially announced as far as I know.

      • 5 months ago

        Awesome, time to shill

        Is anyone interested in a lvl 10 max RP pw? Pretty active (15-20 people), low magic etc

    • 5 months ago

      >PWs for NWNEE

      • 5 months ago

        >need brownie points to unlock classes

        • 5 months ago

          >need brownie points to unlock classes
          How is this any different than other PWs?

          • 5 months ago

            On arelith you have all classes available from the get go, they only gated some dumb gimmick races like pixies and giants behind the tokens you get for rerolling characters. Ravenloft requires application for prestige classes but the base ones are available, meanwhile haze forbids you to play a paladin or even a fricking commoner because they can't trust people with their character choices somehow?

            • 5 months ago

              Arelith locks off half of the prestige classes behind an application. They used to have it behind RPR but changed it.

              • 5 months ago

                arelith only locks RDD, Assassin, zhent/harper classes behind application.

                All of them besides a zhent/harper priest are dog shit in that PW.

      • 5 months ago

        Anon he said good

    • 5 months ago

      There's a few, Arelith and Ravenloft are the big ones. There's Haze, which is permadeath and that's all I know about it.
      Sigil: Planar Legends is the only Planescape server, so if you want surface level philosophy and high magic stuff that's your place.
      Thay has been getting more players lately, it's pretty edgy, as the setting should be. Slavery is a major mechanic.
      Star Wars: Legends of the Old Republic is a Kotor server, the main dev basically rewrote the entire ruleset so it's kind of its own game. You can get into a spaceship and fly around space.

      • 5 months ago

        >Star Wars: Legends of the Old Republic
        Just looked up a video and wow that's a lot more impressive than I was expecting. The SWG sound effects alone are really tempting me to reinstall NWN for it.

        • 5 months ago

          The admin has a habit of shadow banning people who don't break rules.

          • 5 months ago

            How do you get shadow banned from a NWN server?
            Come on Anon, tell us what you really did

            • 5 months ago

              You get banned without anyone being told why.
              Several people were banned because other people complained about them.
              It was confirmed no rules were broken but because there were so many complaints from people they got banned for "Wasting disproportionate amounts of staff time"
              I think you can find between three and six people banned for that reason.
              As for what I specifically did to get banned?
              I pvped someone who was sexually harassing another character to the point where I got both IC and OOC complaints from the player being harassed, so since the staff refused to step in I followed the pvp rules and told him to frick off or I would kick his ass.
              Then I kicked his ass and then he whined to his head dm friend.

              • 5 months ago

                In my experience "Wasting disproportionate amounts of staff time" is code for "Being a headache no one wants around". I know a guy who plays there, what was your character's name?

              • 5 months ago

                Who do you know that plays there still?
                As far as I know most the people from when I played have quit.
                But if you really want to know I played Tran, I already said enough to out myself to anyone that knows me.

              • 5 months ago

                >As far as I know most the people from when I played have quit.
                Sounds like it, when I asked all I got was a "No idea"

                Oh and if you want more horror stories.
                I found a DM giving a player rewards on dm client then logging in on their character to have softcore erp sessions with them.

                I watched a dm perma kill a character because that character was close with the character he wanted his character to get with.
                And then when he got called out on it and the other character rejected his he just ghosted the server.

                There was a dm that ran events only for his friends and claimed it was a timezone issue.

                One of the head dms got removed without any indication or warning he wasn't a great head dm but he was still treated shitty.

                I got removed from the dm team because I was going through post mortem depression over the death of my mother.

                >I got removed from the dm team because I was going through post mortem depression over the death of my mother.
                Anon I'm not going to go too hard on you because that's rough.
                But come on, did you really get kicked out because you were depressed or because being depressed made you do something you shouldn't have?

              • 5 months ago

                >Anon I'm not going to go too hard on you because that's rough.
                >But come on, did you really get kicked out because you were depressed or because being depressed made you do something you shouldn't have?
                I took a couple month break from running anything. And I was very open with I need time to grieve this was unexpected and I am not doing well mentally.

              • 5 months ago

                Oh and if you want more horror stories.
                I found a DM giving a player rewards on dm client then logging in on their character to have softcore erp sessions with them.

                I watched a dm perma kill a character because that character was close with the character he wanted his character to get with.
                And then when he got called out on it and the other character rejected his he just ghosted the server.

                There was a dm that ran events only for his friends and claimed it was a timezone issue.

                One of the head dms got removed without any indication or warning he wasn't a great head dm but he was still treated shitty.

                I got removed from the dm team because I was going through post mortem depression over the death of my mother.

              • 5 months ago

                >It was confirmed no rules were broken but because there were so many complaints from people they got banned for "Wasting disproportionate amounts of staff time"
                If no rules had been broken why weren't the people who submitted false reports banned instead? It's they who are wasting time.

              • 5 months ago

                You would need to ask the people who did it.

                You act like the nwn online community isn't known as a bunch of squabbling sycophants that will ban people arbitrarily.

  37. 5 months ago


    the rogue companion is shit in combat and a literal trap option for noobs. just buy more potions and have the barbarian guy break every lock and eat all the traps with his huge +trap save

    especially if you play some op caster class and buff him

  38. 5 months ago

    >Thread was nothing but nerds arguing about how to design the best homebrew server
    >Anons whining about how its ruining the threads
    >Nerds leave
    >Now thread is almost completely dead minus a few thinly veiled bumps when it gets towards the bottom of the catalog
    Be careful of what you wish for...

  39. 5 months ago

    how do persistent worlds work? like there's just dungeons and the enemies respawn?

    • 5 months ago

      Yes, usually on a respawn timer. Sometimes if someone just cleared it you have to wait a bit, but it’s not too bad depending on the population of the server and how popular an area it is.

  40. 5 months ago

    anyway i hate this game. some feats, abilities, and spells are so situational that you will NEVER use them.

    "damages an enemy by 3d6 if he has a dark coloured armor and his saving throw is an even number above 30, or an odd number below 30" what the frick? then i end up just being a cannon glass and the game gets boring.
    or like, apply 30 buffs before every. single. batle. and resting after. repeat.
    like i love this game but i also hate it. i don't know. some shit is too confusionary. why can't i see all the different armor class in my character sheet?

    • 5 months ago

      >anyway i hate this game. some feats, abilities, and spells are so situational that you will NEVER use them.
      Blame the edition, not NWN.

      • 5 months ago

        No, this is a NWN exclusive problem.

        • 5 months ago

          No it's not. That's intentionally built into 3E by the admission of the devs.

      • 5 months ago

        No, this is a NWN exclusive problem.

        "blame the edition"
        "nwn exclusive problems"
        Same problem in baldurs gate and icewind dale.
        perhaps d&d is just a shit system?

        from baldurs gate: "detect evil"
        "evil creatures near the caster glow red"


        • 5 months ago

          Nothing wrong with detect evil, the problem is that nobody builds the content that makes use of it. BG2 is the only game I can remember where there actually is a quest where it comes into play.

          • 5 months ago

            it's literally just one example out of dozens. 70% of spells in a given spell tier are useless. no one's gonna take remove fear or other situational bs, in the one encounter where it would have been useful, you'll still manage anyway, so unless you want to savescum and reload a won fight you just won to win it differently because you're autistic, it's all a bunch of crap.

  41. 5 months ago

    >best roleplaying game
    >has minimal roleplaying in it

    • 5 months ago

      Let me tell you the secret, these threads are made by and bumped by people who play on role-playing servers and are too embarrassed to own it and secretly hope someone else will push the conversation to their server.
      And they're right to be embarrassed, used to be when a nwn started dupshits from all over the place would swarm into air each other's dirty laundry.

      • 5 months ago

        You were totally right

        Looks like Aurica. An in development invite only server based on Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts/Homestuck/Things deviantart girls from the 2010s were super into.
        It's really cool, has a lot of well done features, dungeons with FF14 style boss fights, a Materia system, and from what I hear from people who play it the main DM plot is really interesting.

        • 5 months ago

          I was phone posting, so I can't prove it by posting yous, but both posts are me

          • 5 months ago

            Takes one to know one I guess.

            Is there a way to play an edition of Neverwinter Nights on Win 7 / 10 THAT ISN'T the Enchanted Edition?

            You prob need the latest patch. I think it was 1.68.

            • 5 months ago

              To be fair I don't play Aurica, I was just answering a question! I've got no intention of shilling for the places I do play.

            • 5 months ago

              I finally got it too work, but not because of the patch or other things listed on Pcgamingwiki, it seems you have to remove 4 files in the Miles folder

  42. 5 months ago

    >le ADWR is so le good
    No, you're just a coomer. It's cringe rapebait and little more than that.

  43. 5 months ago

    >combat is literally autoattacks with occasionally swapping a stance/power
    >spells are all just a variation of 'disable certain types of enemies' or 'do a flavor of damage'
    >the 'roleplaying' involves picking generic dialog options that do not take into account your character whastoever nor do they have any real skillchecks
    >interacting with the world does not exist besides opening containers and talking to people
    >Ugly as all fricking sin, even for the time, let alone now
    >Garbage, generic orchestral music that just repeats with no real variation or fades
    >Animations are below amateur level, once again, even for the time
    >3E ruleset that only moronic boomers like because they grew up with it, meaning the entire system is just +1s to skills, 90% of which are completely useless like riding or boring garbage that shouldn't be a dedicated skill like parry, UMD, concentration, etc.

    What exactly is good about this game? Virtually every other RPG ever made is infinitely more interesting than it. So tired of moronic boomers not able to have an ounce of objectivity and just realize they like an awful game. And this is coming from a boomer, too.

    • 5 months ago

      Multiplayer servers solve every single issue, including graphics, animations, skills etc. People like this game because of the dungeon master mode and the ease of modding, the level of interaction possible with these tools is close to unlimited.

      • 5 months ago

        nta but I for sure would not play NWN today if I didn't have nastolgia for its. Its one niche isn't as strong today now that game engines exist. The only advantage it has is the team nailed the art direction, sound design and ost. You don't get that when trying to build a game in an engine.

      • 5 months ago

        I mean no matter what, you're still playing some kind of hack of D&D 3.5e

  44. 5 months ago

    i fricked up and gave my character 8 points of bluff instead of persuade despite it not existing in the original campaign as the bluff skill came with the expansion. it's technically a server not single player cause im playing co op with a friend. how can i remove these 8 points from a skill and put them elsewhere, with console commands? something that won't frick up my save or char.

    • 5 months ago

      I'm not 100% sure, but
      >GiveXP 1000
      increases your experience, while
      >GiveXP -1000
      reduces it and can be used to respec. You can write any number instead of 1000, of course.
      However, you can't change your level 1 build this way.

      • 5 months ago

        that would change the hp that i rolled at every level up, and even if they stayed the same they might not be at the same levels, affecting level drains.
        8+8+6 is not the same as 8+7+7, if they level drain me they'd remove 7 hp instead of 6. that's if the total hp is even the same to begin with anyway. i just want to specifically remove the limitation that doesn't let me remove points from skills at level up

  45. 5 months ago

    a dance wth rogues is garbage, it even manages to be worse than rpgmaker games like violated heroine

  46. 5 months ago

    post you're are toons

  47. 5 months ago


    Toontown, but I think people said that before the game was out.

  48. 5 months ago


    >I don’t remember where exactly this came from

  49. 5 months ago

    Is there a way to play an edition of Neverwinter Nights on Win 7 / 10 THAT ISN'T the Enchanted Edition?

    • 5 months ago
      Prince of washed tides

      buy the old GOG version before EE fricks bought the license. or pirate it. also fanpatch needed to run the "old" version in Win10.

      I finally got it too work, but not because of the patch or other things listed on Pcgamingwiki, it seems you have to remove 4 files in the Miles folder

      i don't geddit. it's just a software surround sound imitator thing. you don't have to use it.

      finally someone is based, i agree

      i just wanna roleplay as a female in games lol


      yes ! kotor 1 looked better than kotor 2, it felt like the characters got turned into cartoons

      adwr is unique, there's not many experiences like it in the video game space, it's better than generic rpgs or games where they extent of roleplay mechanics just means grinding and stats

      >roleplay fem
      with some files tinkering you can use the loose clothing and bouncing boobs in ADWR in other modules too.

  50. 5 months ago

    I posted this in the other thread too but did anyone ever play NwN Diamond Edition and played on a server called Mike's BoTD? Or Badlands? I played like 15 years ago, I wonder if anyone is here from that time.

  51. 5 months ago

    I never played the game online and it's still one of my favorite games. Most of that comes from nostalgia but the beginning of the game in the city is absolute fricking kino.
    I used to sit in school and write notes on how to develop my character or what quest to do next.
    My PCs were dogshit back then so I played it years after the initial release.

    • 5 months ago

      I never finished the campaigns, but I always wanted to set up a server so a buddy and I could go through the entire story together.

      • 5 months ago

        It's really not that bad, I still think the first act is by far the best but the rest is alright.

        • 5 months ago

          That's the one where you are a new recruit and you have to go into the city districts to fix the problems associated with them, right?

          >the beginning of the game in the city is absolute fricking kino.
          That really is the high point aside from a handful of quests in later chapters. They blew all their energy there.

          >I always wanted to set up a server so a buddy and I could go through the entire story together.
          I tried this but my friend insisted we do voice chat which totally killed the mood of the game.
          NWN has kinda a shit story but the atmosphere is still great, and shooting the shit in voice chat kills that.

          Maybe you have a point. My friend always wanted to just be made level 40 and skip the game in which he'd get bored after 5 minutes, so maybe for the best. I still have the original install on my Windows 10 PC, and it works just fine. Maybe I should start from scratch. Always wanted to make a spider themed build but certain things were broken back then (like Giant Spider as a Druid companion had issues with stats so it wouldn't be very strong). Maybe a Spider-Man build instead?

          • 5 months ago

            Themed builds barely work in NWN

            • 5 months ago

              If I recall, suboptimal builds were still ok in the campaign as it was pretty forgiving.

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah I guess your henchmen could do the legwork. Last time I played it I was a r and my friend was a druid. I think we got the monk and fighter companion. We cruised through it but had to cheese our way through the final boss fight because there was no resting and he ran out of spells

              • 5 months ago

                >a r
                a rogue*
                I don't know why that got deleted

              • 5 months ago

                >here comes halfing DEATHhh
                That man carried me through thick and thin

              • 5 months ago

                i'm playing the original campaign rn and we're doing no henchmen although we do all their quests just before the end of a chapter. your friend *is* the henchman. the game is already easy as it is.
                we're a bard and a fighter. doing pretty good.

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah those are way betters classes for the OC

              • 5 months ago

                rogue and druid are just as good. the problem is with two henchemen you're probably underlevelled.

              • 5 months ago

                Who's going to be the front liner? If it was my rogue there would be no sneak attacks and he didn't build a druid/fighter hybrid. IIRC summons are too weak but he prob could have just buffed the shit out of them and healed them. It's been a long time so I don't remember how that went.

              • 5 months ago

                >Who's going to be the front liner?
                druids can frontline decently even with no animal companion. what do you think bark skin is for?

              • 5 months ago

                >is with two henchemen you're probably underlevelled.
                I read this but it didn't click until after I posted my last post. I forgot henchmen sap your XP. I'm pretty sure summons did too.

    • 5 months ago

      >the beginning of the game in the city is absolute fricking kino.
      That really is the high point aside from a handful of quests in later chapters. They blew all their energy there.

      I never finished the campaigns, but I always wanted to set up a server so a buddy and I could go through the entire story together.

      >I always wanted to set up a server so a buddy and I could go through the entire story together.
      I tried this but my friend insisted we do voice chat which totally killed the mood of the game.
      NWN has kinda a shit story but the atmosphere is still great, and shooting the shit in voice chat kills that.

  52. 5 months ago

    Liked it when it came out. Have zero desire to play it again. I even tried a few months ago, instantly refunded it. It's ugly, clunky and the level design sucks.

  53. 5 months ago

    the tablet version of this game is perfect to play while on a long road trip if you're not driving

  54. 5 months ago

    Has anyone played the star wars server? The server I usually play on has devolved into absolute shit and I'm thinking of checking it out, but there's some people I know there who I'd rather avoid. Is the server worth it?

    • 5 months ago

      idk how there can be people to avoid in an rp server, just ignore them lol

      • 5 months ago

        They're a DM.

    • 5 months ago

      I'm also curious, but don't have time to check it out myself.

      • 5 months ago

        This post reminded me I told myself that everytime I felt the urge to lurk imageboards I should just play games instead. Things have been way better since I started doing that. So I'm going to go do that even if the part I'm on right now is a slog that made me come back here.

        Thanks for unintentionally reminding me anon.

        • 5 months ago

          RP servers are known to be severely time-consuming, and I cannot afford to start playing on another one for long enough to form a substantial opinion, passive-aggressive anon.

          • 5 months ago

            retvrn to sessions
            round based rp chads cant stop winning

  55. 5 months ago

    Just beat the intellect devour in the OC,shouold I make my lvl 6 thief into a full fledged wizard or stick with my thief towards the end......?

    I was thinking of rolling with Feyduster & that one cold Axe for dual welding cool factor?

    Game's still hold up great mostly for the downright AMAZING music & ambiance throughout the every area

    • 5 months ago

      >shouold I make my lvl 6 thief into a full fledged wizard or stick with my thief towards the end
      I'm not the best with builds in this game but Rogue/Wizard multi-classing sounds pretty weird. You get an XP penalty if your classes are too far apart in level excluding prestige classes. The main advantage of rogue is you don't need Tomi to see traps for you, which makes the campaign slightly less tedious because it is absolutely full of them. Pickpocketing is a waste of skillpoints. The game is full of undead so your sneak attacks are kinda fricked, which Use Magic Device might be able to compensate for. There's a cleric henchmen you can get in the bar in the main city hub which can compensate for this. Not to mention the traps you can try stealing.

      >Game's still hold up great mostly for the downright AMAZING music & ambiance throughout the every area
      The city of Neverwinter is pretty great.

    • 5 months ago

      >shouold I make my lvl 6 thief into a full fledged wizard or stick with my thief towards the end
      Turning into a wizard is going to completely frick up your character. Though a *pure* rogue is also not a good choice due to a huge number of sneak immunes. At the very least, you should take a single level of Shadowdancer as soon as possible and abuse Hide in Plain Sight till the very end.

      >shouold I make my lvl 6 thief into a full fledged wizard or stick with my thief towards the end
      I'm not the best with builds in this game but Rogue/Wizard multi-classing sounds pretty weird. You get an XP penalty if your classes are too far apart in level excluding prestige classes. The main advantage of rogue is you don't need Tomi to see traps for you, which makes the campaign slightly less tedious because it is absolutely full of them. Pickpocketing is a waste of skillpoints. The game is full of undead so your sneak attacks are kinda fricked, which Use Magic Device might be able to compensate for. There's a cleric henchmen you can get in the bar in the main city hub which can compensate for this. Not to mention the traps you can try stealing.

      >Game's still hold up great mostly for the downright AMAZING music & ambiance throughout the every area
      The city of Neverwinter is pretty great.

      >I'm not the best with builds in this game but Rogue/Wizard multi-classing sounds pretty weird
      Dipping into a rogue is ideal for a pure wizard, but it slows your spellcasting progression - so it's not the best idea before at least level 18, if we're talking about somewhat challenging modules.

      • 5 months ago

        >Dipping into a rogue is ideal for a pure wizard, but it slows your spellcasting progression - so it's not the best idea before at least level 18, if we're talking about somewhat challenging modules.
        How do early rogue levels pay off when you get them that early? Do you just stock up on skill points or something and then dump them all into UMD or something?

  56. 5 months ago

    All I see are the same three modules being talked about (aielund, swordflight, adwr) are the other custom modules really not worth talking about?

    • 5 months ago

      ADWR is probably one of if not the best mods ever made for NWN, people are going to talk about it for as long as NWN is talked about.
      I am not familiar with the other two.

      However if you want another interesting if incomplete mod check out Avid and Apathy.

    • 5 months ago

      Saleron's Gambit is absolutely amazing. It does pretty much everything incredibly well, and nails the low level/low magic setting better than every other module.
      The henchmen are probably its only weakness - most of them are pretty bland, except the mercenary and the thief girl from chapter 2. Though I truly love modules where your party changes every chapter due to your companions having their own agenda.
      Tales of Arterra is solid, I enjoyed the overall story and its hand placed encounters. Chapter 1 isn't easy to get into due to the slow start and thoroughly hidden party members - but it ends on a high note, and chapter 2 is consistently good. Not the best series for a caster MC though - while you're going to reach level 22-23, you're showered with powerful equipment, both chapters have very little combat and your fighter companion can will solo most of it.
      Spells are as strong as ever, but the combat is too rare and you level up too fast to properly flex them. For all its flaws, a Wizard is fun as frick in Swordflight because you have enough enemies, money and experience to use every tool at your disposal, including crafting scrolls and wands. And the low power level nature of Saleron's Gambit allows you to truly appreciate even spells that would otherwise quickly become obsolete and useless.

      One notable thing about SG and ToA is how ~95% of the experience is granted by finishing quests. You don't have to slaughter armies of enemies to level up, and avoiding combat is a legitimate option.

  57. 5 months ago

    How does this pass for roleplaying?

    • 5 months ago

      Looks like banter, I've seen worse things.

      • 5 months ago

        You banter about piss?

    • 5 months ago

      That's pretty low iq but its nowhere near as bad as the sexual innuendo jokes.

      • 5 months ago

        I dunno innuendo at least when done well isn't screaming piss at the top of your lungs

    • 5 months ago

      I'm assuming you've missed a key context to the exchange here. Probably something that implies Guster pissed himself, Alyce trying to broach the topic tactfully, then Guster not hearing beause he's an old man.
      It's not exactly high brow but it's not like it's anything particularly awful.

      • 5 months ago

        Well it is someone elses screen shot so it is possible.

    • 4 months ago

      The rp quality on Sigil is generally pretty garbage, everybody wants to be an obnoxious quipping Marvel character and there's never any sense of gravity or seriousness.

      • 4 months ago

        That is disappointing, are there any good rp servers left?

        • 4 months ago

          I liked Baldurs gate sword coast chronicles for nwn2 but I haven’t been there for about five years or so

          • 4 months ago

            NWN2 just feels so much worse to play then 1.

        • 4 months ago

          I know a lot of people don't like the Ravenloft server but I would recommend it, I've seen some really good stuff on it. If you get into PVP it can really frick you over so there is an element of care and consequences in characters actions.

          • 4 months ago

            Personally I just don't like the culture there it is so hard to break into the ooc groups every time I have tried so I end up having no one to play with.

      • 4 months ago

        What do you expect from a server where everyone sets up their relationships with each other and conflicts out of character.

      • 4 months ago

        >Party member gets horribly devoured by eldritch Cthulhu monstrosity
        *Looks at the camera* Well, THAT just happened...How tentacruel!

  58. 5 months ago

    Is Arelith fun if I plan to solo the entire world,seems like a lot of fun with added classes & races......?

    I heard the switch version runs it pretty well?

    • 4 months ago

      playing a roleplay pw with console will be fricking awful dude, you cant type properly on that and a lot of the hak stuff the server needs to run is incompatible with console versions, you'll probably crash in any map made recently with new assets.

  59. 5 months ago
    Prince of washed tides


    MUDs are more lowfi, and you don't even need to install anything if you were using standard Win98 installs with basic Telnet prog pre-installed. even w/o Telnet, there were websites back in the 90s and 2000s that you could use to connect to MUDs, without any extra software to install.

  60. 5 months ago

    problem with NWN is that its 3.X based

    • 5 months ago

      that's really not a downside, 3.5e was a fine system with lots of utility that got stripped out later on

      • 5 months ago

        the only downside of 3.5 compared to today is that 5e is easier to learn and there's less to keep track of. If you're playing a video game where all the DM and player tracking is done for you, there's literally no problem with using the more complex system.

        • 4 months ago

          5e is marvel capeshit applied to fantasy.

          • 4 months ago

            No, that's 4E.

            • 4 months ago

              Every edition of D&D gets more flanderized than the previous.

  61. 4 months ago

    So I heard some rumors that a Sigil DM was erping a PC well on client
    Any of you know more about this?
    Sounds pretty on brand from what has been said about that server so far.

  62. 4 months ago

    You people are beyond pathetic. There is never discussion about fun things on PWs, good RP, nothing. Every single one just involves some anon posting drama garbage.

    "oh areleth mod cabal, sigil erp, i was driven out for x reason"


    • 4 months ago

      Then you share something positive anon
      If you don't have anything why do you think anyone else does?
      You could have posted I had a great time on server X this happened it was so cool
      Or post a story time about your characters
      Instead you choose to post this
      Stop expecting others to be the change you want to see.

      • 4 months ago

        >thinking I play PWs after seeing the disgusting playerbases on here

        I would say that they're dying, but truth be told I can't think of any better form of disuading new blood than the average PW poster in these threads.

        • 4 months ago

          I can
          playing one of the large pws
          They are mostly full of people who only care about their own enjoyment even at the detriment of others or the community as a whole, tightly knit cliques that force people out of the community at their leisure, and sycophants.

    • 4 months ago

      The reason for that is because to enjoy your time in a NWN server you have to be a personable, friendly person who can integrate with a group and has enough self confidence to enjoy being a little bit cringe.
      These are things that no one who regularly posts on Ganker can do, instead you get the vindictive weirdos who no one likes, and are convinced it's because of convoluted conspiracies about DM nepotist collusion rather than the fact that they're just an unlikable c**t..

      • 4 months ago

        You are also assuming the other party is willing to reciprocate.
        I have seen cliques tear down friendly outgoing people because they just don't like the way their character looks or their description, or because they didn't do something exactly how they wanted.
        It is very much a two way street and there are problems on both sides.

  63. 4 months ago

    why not just use a vtt and play actual tabletop?

  64. 4 months ago

    Hey anons, I made a shitty ass video on Mask of the Betrayer. It was kind of a spontaneous decision while I was replaying it and I've never even worked with video editing software before or written anything. I couldn't really achieve very good audio and I cut a couple of corners in regards to editing, but nevertheless I'd appreciate feedback if someone out there wants to waste their time watching it.


    • 4 months ago

      I think you need a pop cover? And your Ss are really harsh. I don't know anything about audio editing so I can't help you too much there.
      You need to edit your scripts down a bit, the whole Winter introduction is a bit too long for instance and the diversion about Obsidian's history and NWN2's OC campaign is distracting from the point. It takes about 4 minutes for you to start talking about MotB, and you still haven't really given a big hook.
      I think as well, some of your jokes are let down by your editing. The gag about how NPCs look with buffs on needs to be a little punchier, but there's a pause and fade in and out before and after the punchline.

      Overall I think you'd be pretty good at this once you refine your writing style and 'personality'. Don't give up on it anon!

      • 4 months ago

        Thank you, that's actually very helpful. Yeah, I was already thinking that if I ever do anything like this again, I'll spend way longer in preparation when it comes to making sound work, and make the format way shorter and more overview-like. I tried to cut this down (I know the story segment drags on a lot as well) but couldn't bring myself to do it in the end.

        I did actually get a pop filter and tried to kill the s-sounds via EQ (because none of the de-esser VST plugins I tried worked) but it didn't really work out very well in the end. Maybe I just need a new mic, who knows.

    • 4 months ago

      I only watched the first 15 minutes. I have no opinion on NwN 2 since I never played. (What accent is that by the way?).
      A little muffled which with your accent made certain words hard to hear. But your cadence and rhythm is pleasant and your overall tone is enjoyable to listen to.
      I liked how you gave relevant images/video with the script. Always like to see that, makes the video more engaging to see what the speaker is talking about.
      Good flow. Some of the jokes are corny, but in a good way. And you don't have too many jokes. Some of these essays get spammed with jokes to the point where it becomes hard to listen to, and you did not do that.
      Overall video was organized well. Since I only watched the first 15 minutes, this next feedback may/maynot be relevant: I think the game creator, sound, and gameplay information could be condensed. You could say "Obsidian Entertainment is has a history of trying new stories even if their gameplay can be sub optimal at times. In NwN 2 specifically you play in a arrow/click or WASD style using 3.5e mechanics, etc. The music score is done by the legendary XXX which you can hear now (audio sample) and will reoccuring through the video." That way you can hop into explaining the setting and the overall reason why you loved this DLC's story so much.
      Overall enjoyable and would eat food to/10.

      • 4 months ago

        Thanks anon, I really appreciate people actually taking time to look at it. I'll certainly try to be snappier about the script if I get enough free time to get another done.

        >What accent is that by the way?

        I'm Ukrainian, but my accent is a weird amalgamation of many different things since I've lived for quite some time abroad and have to speak 4 different languages on any given day. People can never quite place it, though I kind of like it that way. At the same time I have a terrible mess in my brain at all times and my pronunciation can indeed suffer for it.

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