Neverwinter Nights sound issue

I recently reinstalled NWN diamond edition from GOG and I'm running into an issue regarding the sound. After playing for about and hour, the sound started cracking and stuttering, even going off for a second or so. I've tried different sound configurations on the game menu and googled to no avail.
Anyone has had a similar issue? How did you fix it ? What causes it?
For the record, I had the game installed in this very same computar years ago and didn't have that issue. The only thing that's changed is the graphics card, I'm running the same OS (W7).

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  1. 2 months ago

    Sent you the fix. πŸ˜‰

    • 2 months ago

      Frick, I hate that. Every [solved] forum post from fifteen years ago has that answer. I don't remmember people being that moronic back in the day.

  2. 2 months ago

    What's your audio driver? Is it happening in other games?

    • 2 months ago

      >The only thing that's changed is the graphics card
      If it's an nVidia it's possible you now have its HD Audio installed and maybe that's conflicting somehow. Try your mobo's audio solution instead.

    • 2 months ago

      Just on NWN Diamond

      >The only thing that's changed is the graphics card
      If it's an nVidia it's possible you now have its HD Audio installed and maybe that's conflicting somehow. Try your mobo's audio solution instead.

      Yes, new card is an nVidia. Will try to change to motherboard sound card.

  3. 2 months ago

    OK, I think I solved it.

    I disabled the sound card from nVidia but that alone didn't work.

    I changed Client CPU Affinity to -2 AND ran the nwnmain.exe as admin and compatibility with XP service pack 2, instead of 3.

    I'm almost sure it's the SP2 instead of 3 what really did the trick. Will check it out in a minute.

    • 2 months ago

      Based anon writing up his discoveries in case someone else needed them in the future. Things like this

      Frick, I hate that. Every [solved] forum post from fifteen years ago has that answer. I don't remmember people being that moronic back in the day.

      happen way too often.

      • 2 months ago

        OP here yet again, tried different combinations and the thing that solved it is:

        On the nwnplayer.ini set Client CPU Affinity=-2 (it's 0 by default, 1didn't work either)
        Right-click on nwnmain.exe and on the properties tab check run as administrator and compatibility with Windows XP service pack 2, NOT 3.

        Enabling or disabling the nvidia sound card didn't do anything.

        So I'd say those two things is what finally did the trick with reasonable certainty.

        I'm pretty computer illiterate so it took a lot of digging on ancient forums. Apparently nwn diamond, as many old games, do not work well on multicore pcs. The client affinity thingy is what should make the game run on single core and the compatibility with xp sp2 does the rest.
        That's my guess, anyway.

        • 2 months ago

          Great job. If I ever see someone with the same issue, I will point them to this thread.

        • 2 months ago

          >nvidia sound card
          what do you mean by that? Does it show up as an extra sound device because the display port cable also passes sound in case the monitor has speakers?

          Also I keep seeing people shit on this game saying its only good for multiplayer. And I gotta ask. If the main campaign is SO bad and it has a frickton of DLC which from my understanding are different Campaigns, is it worth picking some and playing them? Also is there a connection with one another in terms of story so I need to play them in specific order? Having a quick look at Steam, sometime ago I got for pennies Dark Dreams of Furiae,Darkness over Daggerford,Infinite Dungeons,Pirates of the sword coast,Turants of the Moonsea and Wyvern Crown of Cormyr. I've never played a DND game because I find DND the tabletop terribly cringe and boring but this game looks fun so what is it?

          • 2 months ago

            There are 3 official campaigns, the Wailing Death which is quite hated, the Shadows of Undrentide which is shit but because it's not the Wailing Death some morons give it a pass, and Hordes of Underdark which is alright. HoU is technically sequel to SoD but it has barely any continuity despite sharing a protagonist. I didn't play the dlc campaigns so can't say much about them. Then there are fan campaigns and there's a lot of them, with Aielund Saga and Swordflight being one of the more famous ones. There are also persistent servers where players create their hugboxes and pretend they play MMO session of DnD.
            Don't feel dissuaded from trying out any of them, if you want. There is no clear good starting point and you should be able to finish any of these campaigns, as long as you don't frick up your character. Just be aware that some fan modules can be difficult, with Swordflight demanding a lot of build autism if you don't want to suffer.

          • 2 months ago

            >what do you mean by that?

            As I said, I'm pretty computer illiterate son I'm not really sure. In fact, I didn't even known graphic cards also acted as sound cards, go figure. The thing is that on control panel, under the sound tree, there were at least two nvidia cards. As I said, disabling or enabling those cards didn't affect the outcome one way or the other.

            >Also I keep seeing people shit on this game saying its only good for multiplayer.

            I haven't played NWN for about a decade, just reinstalled it recently again. Bear this in mind to properly asses my opinion.
            First, I never cared for multiplayer or persisten worlds, so I can't comment on that.
            Regarding the official campaings, the OC was supposed added as an afterthough, kinda a display of what the engine could do. The writing ranges from mediocre to subpar, has very little reactivity and the characters are pretty flat. Has little replay value, and it's one of the things you play if you're new to the game, to check how the mechanics work and such. Worth a run if you've never played NWN for that reason.
            Shadows of Unrentide has better writing, better reactivity and more replayable value, it should have been the OC. While not great nor groundbreaking, there was obviously more thought put into it.
            Hordes of The Underdark continues the story of SoU and takes the character to epic levels. It's pretty good and fun, but kinda loses a bit of charm compared to the former.

            • 2 months ago

              I played the rest of the official modules but don't have much memories of them, which means I found them enjoyable but unremarkable.
              Now, community made modules are a bit of hit and miss, but there's at least a handful that are worthwhile and even better than the official modules, a few of them:
              Crimson tides of Thetyr, fun campaing and fairly well written. Ends in a sort of cliffhanger, and the authro never made the follow up module, but otherwise I'd recommend it 100%
              Swordflight: made to appeal to hardcore gamers, has a big increase in difficulty compared to most modules, but one of the best, if not the best out there, if you're a hardcore DnD fan.
              Aielund saga: consisting on several modules this saga takes you from a lowly scrub killing rats on a warehouse to an epic character fighting for epic stakes. I'd say this is my all-time favorite.
              Bear in mind that some community modles require you to install resources outside of the base game and can be a bit of a chore and overwhelming at first.

              If you're 100% new to NWN, I'd recommend giving a shot to the OC, at least the prelude which works as a tutorial to see how the game mechanics work, keep playing if you're enjoying it, or stop if you don't.
              Start a game with a new character in SoU, if you don't like SoU, chances are you just don't like the game, so don't bother with it. If you like it, complete a playthrough with HotU and then look for community made modules.

            • 2 months ago

              If you want a deep dive into NWN1 community modules follow this link.

              • 2 months ago

                this really isn't that informative, but it does highlight some modules that are considered good. i think you can get the same results from looking at the old hall of fame lists.

              • 2 months ago

                She's autistic but a very good source for old school crpgs if you ignore her screeching.

              • 2 months ago

                Lilura is so autistic that all-inclusive list is actually no longer available on the site.

              • 1 month ago

                works for me πŸ™‚

                She's autistic but a very good source for old school crpgs if you ignore her screeching.


              • 1 month ago

                >works for me πŸ™‚
                And for me too after a minor fix πŸ™‚

                Ran into ((her)) on a forum a few years ago and ((she)) referred to ((herself)) as a she. I think it's weird thay a girl would be so autistic about 90's crpgs and DnD but I guess it could be possible.

              • 1 month ago

                It's even worse, she's Chinese.

              • 1 month ago


              • 1 month ago

                Ah, that explains it

              • 1 month ago

                >works for me πŸ™‚
                And for me too after a minor fix πŸ™‚

                Ran into ((her)) on a forum a few years ago and ((she)) referred to ((herself)) as a she. I think it's weird thay a girl would be so autistic about 90's crpgs and DnD but I guess it could be possible.


                Forever based for dunking on BG2

  4. 2 months ago

    i remember something i had to do to get it working right was rename nwnmain.exe to anything else.

  5. 2 months ago

    >I recently reinstalled NWN diamond edition from GOG

    install the fan patch even if you're not running Win10.
    that should have fixed CPU/modern hardware issues.
    if you read GOG forums, they would have told you the same?

    • 2 months ago

      If you mean the 1.69 non ofgicial fixpack, forgot to mention that I did ibstall it but it didn't fix tge issue.
      I checked several forums and don't really remmember from where I got the solution, maybe half from a forum and the other from another.
      Pretty sure the issue was caused by the game not working properly on multicore computers and

      OP here yet again, tried different combinations and the thing that solved it is:

      On the nwnplayer.ini set Client CPU Affinity=-2 (it's 0 by default, 1didn't work either)
      Right-click on nwnmain.exe and on the properties tab check run as administrator and compatibility with Windows XP service pack 2, NOT 3.

      Enabling or disabling the nvidia sound card didn't do anything.

      So I'd say those two things is what finally did the trick with reasonable certainty.

      I'm pretty computer illiterate so it took a lot of digging on ancient forums. Apparently nwn diamond, as many old games, do not work well on multicore pcs. The client affinity thingy is what should make the game run on single core and the compatibility with xp sp2 does the rest.
      That's my guess, anyway.

      fixes that. On my machine, at least.

  6. 2 months ago

    OP here yet again. I just thought about something that might be worth mentioning.

    Last time I played nwn diamond I downloaded the installers from gog and ran the game without the galaxy app. This time around I used the app. I've heard running diamond through the apo can cause issues with the saves which might become corrupted. This seems unrelated to the sound issue but perhaps there's something going on with gog galaxy that doesn't sits well with the diamond edition.
    For the record the sound issue didn't start right away, it took about 30 munutes to an hour of gameplay, but once it started it wouldn't go away.

    As a side note, I'm replaying the OC, and it's not as bad as I remmembered, still mediocre at best, but enjoyable if you just wanna run a DnD crpg on autopilot.

  7. 2 months ago

    any reason not to play the enhanced version instead? every redditor says it's the same game but improved and that even mods work.

    • 2 months ago

      They botched the driving camera, which is the only camera mode that doesn't suck (completely). Other than that I can't really tell. I got both versions and prefer diamond for no reason othe than the EE feels a bit off to me. Might not hapoen to you if you never played the original.

      • 2 months ago

        Apparently not every mod works. I saw some people claiming that EE Swordflight has bugged quests. I didn't dare to verify this myself.

        there's really no point to playing the ee unless you want couple of modules exclusive to it or you're really into the mp scene for some "improvements" they made. I'm not a fan of visual enhancements they started doing, but had they actually finished the project properly it would've been a valid point to play it over the original.

        >but improved and that even mods work.
        improve by leaving out expansion stuff in Diamond , adding ugly filters and somehow making the camera worse? you're fullmoronic or need to buy ads.

        calm down. i've never even touched the game. when researching the differences i only found people saying that EE was superior. well, thank you for disproving them. so, apparently every single ie game except planescape is better with the originals?

        • 2 months ago

          >calm down
          I just told you I prefer the original because the EE feels off and that it might not be the case for you if you never played the game before.

          >apparently every single ie game except planescape is better with the originals?
          NWN is on the aurora engine, but so far the original bg saga is better tgan the EE versions. PST just updated the graphics and not much else so it might be more palatable than the original for you if you're on the younger side. Can't speak for IWD EE since I've only played the originals.

    • 2 months ago

      Apparently not every mod works. I saw some people claiming that EE Swordflight has bugged quests. I didn't dare to verify this myself.

    • 2 months ago

      there's really no point to playing the ee unless you want couple of modules exclusive to it or you're really into the mp scene for some "improvements" they made. I'm not a fan of visual enhancements they started doing, but had they actually finished the project properly it would've been a valid point to play it over the original.

      • 1 month ago

        >I'm not a fan of visual enhancements they started doing
        Wait they're still updating it? Thought they dropped the support a long time ago

        • 1 month ago

          Beamd*g is doing squat, the community is constantly adding new things but some are adding them for a particular online server only.

    • 2 months ago
      i am real SEA curry. trustme.

      >but improved and that even mods work.
      improve by leaving out expansion stuff in Diamond , adding ugly filters and somehow making the camera worse? you're fullmoronic or need to buy ads.

  8. 2 months ago

    Anyone planning to check out the upcoming Dragon's Neck pw server?

    • 2 months ago

      nice to see they have their own website up
      >sorcerer has bloodline feats

  9. 1 month ago

    Never had any sound issues on W7. Do you have a Realtec sound chip?

  10. 1 month ago

    I'm replaying the OC and while the story and general campaign is pretty subpar, I'm kinda enjoying it more than expected. I had forgotten the ridiculous ammount of magic items the OC throws at you.

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