New HALO tabletop game by Mantic Games

>Coming to retail in Fall 2024, Halo: Flashpoint is the new tabletop miniatures game set in the Halo universe.
>At Mantic, we’ve had 12 years experience in designing great futuristic skirmish experiences, so you can look forward to a dynamic game that rewards tactical thinking, encourages bold playstyles, and creates awesome cinematic moments that authentically reflect the very best of the Halo universe.
>As well as being perfect for seasoned tabletop gamers, this will also be a brilliant game to welcome first-time miniature gamers – filled with incredible pre-assembled plastic miniatures and pre-coloured easy-assembly terrain!
>You and your opponent will be taking command of highly-trained Spartan fireteams that clash against each other using combat tactics and iconic weapons from the Halo universe.
>Once you’ve both mastered your battle strategies, you’ll be prepared for the dangerous foes and fresh conflicts waiting just over the horizon…
>The Halo: Flashpoint website launches with full information in late March 2024, and we’ll have the first game demos debuting exclusively at Adepticon 2024 – so make sure to drop by the Mantic Games booth!

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  1. 3 months ago

    >spartan only PvP

  2. 3 months ago

    it's about time. i got the Halo encyclopedia way back to supplement this day

  3. 3 months ago

    oh wait, only a wargame??? damn

  4. 3 months ago

    >pre-assembled miniatures

  5. 3 months ago

    > incredible pre-assembled plastic miniatures and pre-coloured easy-assembly terrain
    >all ugly 343 Spartan designs
    >no Covvies
    Hard pass

    • 3 months ago

      >no vehicles
      >no marines
      >no elites, brutes or any covenant in general
      >no odst
      >4v4 only mode with fast games only

      I'll pass

      How do you even know this
      The game isn't even out

      • 3 months ago
        Press release, in the OP even, says the player will be taking command of spartan fireteams with pre-assembled models. That isn't to say the possibility of Covenant or UNSC models in the future but going off what they're saying now it's just Halo MP on tabletop.

        • 3 months ago

          >. That isn't to say the possibility of Covenant or UNSC models in the future but going off what they're saying now it's just Halo MP on tabletop.

          > >Once you’ve both mastered your battle strategies, you’ll be prepared for the dangerous foes and fresh conflicts waiting just over the horizon…
          Sounds like it's coming, but wont be at release. Probably can it if there isn't enough uptake, too.

          • 3 months ago

            "Once you’ve both mastered your battle strategies, you’ll be prepared for the dangerous foes and fresh conflicts waiting just over the horizon…"

            You're really banking hard on an ambiguous statement to plaster over all concerns people have with what's already been hard confirmed. Either you're a viral marketer who knows something we don't or a delusional shill who wants people to buy into an unappealing premise on the vague promise that it MIGHT get more appealing later MAYBE.

      • 3 months ago

        could have had multi part kits based on the moronic amount of armor in infinite, complete missed opportunity
        >mk7 core kit assembles 1 spartan with an array of extra heads, shoulders, arms and weapons
        >mix and match how you like to make your own personal spartan across multiple core kits

  6. 3 months ago

    >no vehicles
    >no marines
    >no elites, brutes or any covenant in general
    >no odst
    >4v4 only mode with fast games only

    I'll pass

  7. 3 months ago

    Halo always had huge TTRPG potential, surprised it took them so long.

    • 3 months ago

      There was a 15mm game but closed in the span of an year because the company self destroyed itself for said game

      • 3 months ago

        That's because 343 literally just opened up a directory and gave the licence to the first company they could find with a name that was also something from Halo, without doing literally ANY RESEARCH OF ANY KIND on said company.

        So... they gave it to Spartan Games. The infamous poster child for ADHD game development. And also, for only having one game system which they use for EVERYTHING.

        So, we got Halo Fleet Battles. They didn't even TRY to make a ground type game for years, and when they did, it was in 15mm. Meanwhile their ship combat game (because that was literally the only thing the Spartan Games Ruleset could do even remotely well) decided to invent a slew of new ships that vaguely looked canonical, and forgot, straight up forgot, to ever do the Halcyon class. As in, literally the first human ship we see in the entire setting. The original hero ship of the franchise and... it's not in the game.
        But really, this was 343's fault as much as it was Spartans. If they'd done even the minimum level of market research, like the bare fricking minimum, they would have known how much of a mistake even offering the license to Spartan was. They also would have known that Spartan were clinically incapable of saying no to a new project, often at the detriment to previous ones, and just because theirs was a big expensive license didn't mean that it would be treated any differently when the next half-baked idea would pop into Spartan Game's head.

        There are still bits of that game I actually like, and it's probably one the best versions of The Spartan Games Ruleset they did (although I think Firestorm 2.0 just edges it out.) but, it doesn't excuse the fact that making a ship game with the Halo license first, and nothing else for years, is UNBELIEVABLY DUMB.

        • 3 months ago

          They aren't exactly showing a lot of careful thought by going with Mantic, the guys who only exist to make 40k and WHFB proxies either.

          You know who would have been better? You know who would have had at least a chance of producing a good game?
          Warlord Games, and I'll tell you why.
          So, it's basically an open secret that Mongoose Games sold them their entire model back catalog (where possible) hence why Warlord shat out that low effort third ed of Victory at Sea, how they got the rights to the Judge Dredd game and some of the models too.

          So, if we go back through Mongoose's old catalog, back to the early 2000's we find a tabletop game that might have been a good fit, with some modifications for Halo: Starship Troopers.

          Anyone remember that? Sure Mongoose handled it like a bunch of incompetants as always, but I literally don't remember a single complaint at the time about the ruleset itself.

  8. 3 months ago

    Buy an ad, homosexual.

  9. 3 months ago

    >authentically reflect the very best of the Halo universe.
    >The non-canon multiplayer

  10. 3 months ago

    I feel like everything worth discussing about this game has already been said itt. There is nothing to say about this game besides what's in the press release. Turn back now because I'm 100% certain this will become a moronic Ganker thread like the last one did.

  11. 3 months ago

    where the frick is my insurrection skirmish game

    • 3 months ago

      The Insurrectionists are fricking boring and have always been fricking boring.

  12. 3 months ago

    launching with spartans makes sense because they're the iconic face of the franchise, but it would've made a lot more sense to launch with a spartan fire team vs an elite fire team. the press release clearly implies more stuff is on the way, but you couldn't start with those?

    • 3 months ago

      No ODST's, by far the best part of Halo in my opinion, and they bin it...

      They don't have any intention of using the larger Halo fiction, Recognizable Space Marine is all they give a shit about.
      Wait, I hear you say, that's not what made Halo so popular in the first place!
      Well guess what? 343i and the companies that work with them are fricking morons.

      • 3 months ago

        "Once you’ve both mastered your battle strategies, you’ll be prepared for the dangerous foes and fresh conflicts waiting just over the horizon…"

  13. 3 months ago

    No ODST's, by far the best part of Halo in my opinion, and they bin it...

  14. 3 months ago

    I swear that the TV series, the Silver Timeline, is a deliberate humiliation ritual or something. Kwan is basically Rose Tico all over again, and about as welcome.
    I mean, fricking look at her.
    Also Master Chief fricks a prisoner

    • 3 months ago

      The people writing and directing these shows don't give a shit about making good entertainment, they're just shooting for prestige franchises so they can fail their way upwards into Hollywood. And if you don't believe that's a thing look at fricking Madame Web.

    • 3 months ago

      That's a woman? Jesus.

  15. 3 months ago

    >filled with incredible pre-assembled plastic miniatures and pre-coloured easy-assembly terrain!
    Good dammit. The one thing in would of gone for is modular minis to build my own spartian team. This is weak
    >No covies
    Why even make the game then? This shit is just pandering to zoomies who play infinity. I know you got to bring in new blood some how but landing to the lowest common denominator of entry is going to make the community and game garbage. The website better have something good.

  16. 3 months ago

    The wargame me and my neighbor made when we were kids using our halo megabloks is better than this

  17. 3 months ago

    This is like 20 years too late. No one gives a shit about the Halo IP anymore. The games haven't been good since Reach, the TV show was utter shit, 40k overshadows the frick out of it in the tabletop space, and Helldivers just mogged it forever as a gaming franchise. Just fricking bury the b***h out back behind the shed. It's over.

  18. 3 months ago

    >Spartan vs Spartan
    God what a fricking letdown

  19. 3 months ago

    What is a good trpg for Halo? I tried Mythic a while back and was put off by the sheer autism of human munitions.

    • 3 months ago

      I know there is a Genesys conversation for Halo called winter contingency, I'm sure there are some other adaptations you can cobble together.

  20. 3 months ago

    I'm really hoping only the starter set or something comes pre-assembled, it'd be beyond stupid to not have kits to build your own since that's such a huge thing with Spartans at least, and I mean if you're whole game is based around them at the start...

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