New patch is out! Version 2.2! Discuss!

New patch is out! Version 2.2!

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    the AI sucks and there is no online play so i dont see the point in playing
    combat is moronic too

  3. 2 years ago

    How do i make Decay work without resorting to the Devour vampire hero
    Bonehead actually works sort of because Archery and Legion work on lich attacks and lich skellies respectively but that seems to only get me so far-- so that would only serve as a starter hero to hand off later on to the devour hero

    • 2 years ago

      I play Hardcore dif and I think any hero is viable for Decay. Tough I agree caster heroes are much worse as starter because Decay is just so damn mana hungry to reanimate after battle while caster heroes needing to cast to do it mid battle.

      I usually try to play the macro game instead. Apart for going up to Champion statue before hiring 2nd and 3rd hero I usually instantly build Soul Beacon and Soul Transmuter before any major fight. They fill similar role to the Infirmary but they are better and undead cannot be healed.

      I pick spiders instead of zombies for the slow effect. Later I switch to Rot walkers instead of spider because they are waaay tankier and frontline is better becasue I have skelly archers and other ranged.

      For example Fearcap has both Bloodwarping and toxicology. Bloodwarping is very good for Decay because you inevitably be loosing tons of random trash troops so at least their deaths can be used for gaining power. And Toxicology I personally just consider it a busted ability especially combined with slow. It instantly poisons at the start of the battle and poison doesn't expire, messes up, positioning by knocking targets away and it is mana free.

      I just stand back like a coward and let them come to me while the poison keeps ticking. Fearcap starts the game with the Summon Frogs spell which is great to keep the enemy distracted and let the poison keep ticking longer before they actually reach my forces.

      Then I try to time the city building and army management for a break at the last day of week 2 since garrisons get stronger at the first day of the week.

      • 2 years ago

        >Bloodwarping is very good for Decay
        Can undead creatures be bloodwarped?

        • 2 years ago

          Yes you can. What is strange compared to Heroes3 is that Undead are affected by the morale stat while at the same time being immune to fear by nature. While at the same time they made morale add fear resistance since Delirium had such and overwhelming number of different fear effects.

          The patch notes said that negative morale on units can cause them to go panic in the same way as positive morale can cause them to go high morale mode. But is there even way in the game to have negative morale? I have never seen negative morale in game before.

          • 2 years ago

            why the frick can delirium style all over undead anyway? It looks fricking weird to see skeleton soldiers running in terror from delirium terror debuffs

            • 2 years ago

              >why the frick can delirium style all over undead anyway?
              They can't anymore thankfully, latest patch made "undead" its own creature trait (as it probably always should have been.) That makes undead creatures immune to fear.

          • 2 years ago

            >The patch notes said that negative morale on units can cause them to go panic in the same way as positive morale can cause them to go high morale mode. But is there even way in the game to have negative morale? I have never seen negative morale in game before.
            Don't think so.
            Also checked.
            It's not like mixing creature types lowers morale. So idk.

            Which magic school is actually good to put skillpoints into and build a mage around? RNG choosing which spells you get on levelup or when buying a magic building kind of fricks any kind of planning on what will be in your hero's spellbook..

            earth, air, whatever you need. summoning is broken as shit, so yeah.


            New patch is out! Version 2.2!

            what's even different? are mercurials still broken as frick? another 5% hp nerf won't change anything.

            the AI sucks and there is no online play so i dont see the point in playing
            combat is moronic too

            it really needed multiplayer or something. and yeah combat was neat at first but seems really lame now.
            the game did its job though, it got me to reinstall homm3 and play an actual good game instead. for that it gets the "quake champions" award of
            >there might actually be a good game somewhere buried underneath all these terrible design decisions
            >it will never be realized, so go play the better game from 20 years ago

            • 2 years ago

              >Quake Champions
              that fricking feel exactly

          • 2 years ago

            my eyes, is there no fricking consistency in the pixelart used? I PUKE

            • 2 years ago

              Does "sprites can't go higher than 24x24 pixels" count as consistency?

  4. 2 years ago

    I wanted to try this out but the mixels make me want to vomit.
    How can anyone try 'pixel art' like this? It's extremely simple to keep the same pixel size across the whole game, literally hundreds of indies did this already, why couldn't they?

    • 2 years ago

      I'm glad it's not just me. I think it is caused by the authors never having played low resolution games themselves so they don't understand what the purpose for pixelart was, and neither can they differentiate good pixelart from bad. You can see similar cargo cult stuff in other media, e.g. synthwave or steampunk.

      • 2 years ago

        >cargo cult
        I like how everyone is suddenly using this phrase and yet have no clue what it means.

        • 2 years ago

          It's not a difficult concept. And pixel art often is thoughtless imitation of previous games without a good reason for it. Especially if it uses mixels.

      • 2 years ago

        It's not a difficult concept. And pixel art often is thoughtless imitation of previous games without a good reason for it. Especially if it uses mixels.

        Devs do pixel art because it's easier to make look half decent than high resolution art.
        The pixel art in this looks like shit anyway, the chance the dev could pull of good high resolution shit is basically none.

        • 2 years ago

          Then the devs are completely inept and shouldn't have started making the game in the first place.

    • 2 years ago

      It's a combination of pixel art packs bought from a pixel artist (who is not terribly good but has a knack for making distinct shapes), implementing additional scaling of sprites with power (which is useful for some effects and awful for art consistency) and the dev making his own very workman like sprites for a year to keep the costs low.
      Don't forget that the game is made by one dude, not a studio.

  5. 2 years ago

    Which magic school is actually good to put skillpoints into and build a mage around? RNG choosing which spells you get on levelup or when buying a magic building kind of fricks any kind of planning on what will be in your hero's spellbook..

    • 2 years ago

      Spells appear randomly that is just how the game was made. With the difference of some specific ones like Town Portal which is automatically given out by the guild of mages at a certain level.

      Also if your hero has one of the spell schools in their skill tree it will automatically teaches the hero a spell of that school if you pick up a level on it, so it does help you.Wisdom gives you a % for learning spells upon level ups and Summoning also teaches you a summon spell.

      Then again if you look at the Lexicon the four magic schools were all built to be generalists, each has both damage spells, summons, buffs, debuffs etc. Some are slightly better in one of those roles than others but neither are strictly focused on just one field. And multiple cities do give you a lot to work with. Some do stand out at certain situations like Destroy undead vs. Decay, Transform vs. Wild and so on.

      Some faction's caster heroes have effects that trigger on casting a spell any spell will do so for those it is better to look for cheap spells you can spam during fight to keep the effect going.

      For example Order's Blessing, Wild's Liifespark, Decay's Malediction, Tide's Conflux, Earthen's Grudge. All have an effect that happens after you cast a spell. Some of these are better with buff spells, like buff spells almost guaranteed to activate Malediction on the troops you put it on, blessing's effect does stack with buff spells and so on. It is pretty varied.

  6. 2 years ago

    Do you have any tips for a new player? I have played two games so far on normal difficulty and the game seems pretty straight forward.

    I was wondering mainly about two things. Firstly can I reinforce troops manually or only when the battle pauses to let me do it? And second is there a way to select how many of a unit to field? It seems like I can either select all the units in a stack or drag them in one a time while holding shift. I wanted to use about half of a stack but it had 60+ units and I wasn't about to spend 2 minutes manurally dragging in 30 units one at a time.

    • 2 years ago

      Have some guides Anon!

      • 2 years ago

        >can I reinforce troops manually or only when the battle pauses to let me do it?
        Only when the game prompts you, it happens when a certain number of troops are permanently lost versus the number your hero can field at once and it will not go over that. For example you cannot do that you send in normal troops wait for them to die and then send in different troops that have the power to resurrect them to resurrect them and the have both at the field to go over your troop cap.

        >I wanted to use about half of a stack but it had 60+ units and I wasn't about to spend 2 minutes manually dragging in 30 units one at a time.
        It is in the guides but SHIFT + clicking on a stack will split it in half you can then split those stacks to half a swell. CTRL+clicking will take a single unit from the stack.

        Thanks. So far I'm enjoying the game. The combat helps set this game apart from similar games like HOMM and AoW. It's more fast paced and games are quicker which I think is good for an indie game like this.

      • 2 years ago

        What are these? Some jellyfish or weird old men with squiggly legs?

        • 2 years ago

          The former

        • 2 years ago

          They are indeed floating jellyfish. It has floating starfish and floating horsefish and mermaids on land. It has red demon giraffe, chad elementals, treasure elementals, war clown, kung-fu Pandas, phoenix parrots. It even has landwhales, LITERAL FRICKING WHALES with two legs and no hands. This game just doesn't give any fricks, and I love it.

          • 2 years ago

            You're not even mentioning the Flesh Wonder from Order? Literal body horror monsters from the Thing or Elden Ring. Flesh monsters supposedly created by the Order's Church from human corpses that can also MAKE MORE OF THEMSELVES mid-battle from human order corpses. Most of Order's units are fairly generic but this is one huge outlier.

            • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              At first I wondered why Order is one of the few factions that cannot resurrect the fallen allies in battle despite having priests. Horde has bloodwarpers, Earthen have enchanters, Lament has arbiters, Pillar has balancers, heck even Pyre the big-bad-demons has lady of the pit, although I never use them because lord of the pit are just plain better but it is there.

              Order are definitely not the "good guys" their lore says they are ruled by a tyrant-king and are expansionists. I would guess their ideas is that if you fall you do not get be resurrected as you were. You get to live but you will be part of these horrid flesh monsters as punishment for your weakness.

              • 2 years ago

                Idols can resurrect allies

    • 2 years ago

      from previous thread

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >can I reinforce troops manually or only when the battle pauses to let me do it?
      Only when the game prompts you, it happens when a certain number of troops are permanently lost versus the number your hero can field at once and it will not go over that. For example you cannot do that you send in normal troops wait for them to die and then send in different troops that have the power to resurrect them to resurrect them and the have both at the field to go over your troop cap.

      >I wanted to use about half of a stack but it had 60+ units and I wasn't about to spend 2 minutes manually dragging in 30 units one at a time.
      It is in the guides but SHIFT + clicking on a stack will split it in half you can then split those stacks to half a swell. CTRL+clicking will take a single unit from the stack.

  7. 2 years ago

    Played it for about a couple weeks.
    Game rounds up to build your base/army in the first 3 weeks and hope you don't get rawdogged by 2 neighbour opponents at the same time
    It could be better if it had some sort of diplomacy

  8. 2 years ago

    redpill me on this game, is it worth grabbing?

    • 2 years ago

      Are you looking for a more "streamlined" version of the heroes formula and do not mind the sometimes annoying pixel art then it is a great fresh air for just 18 bux. (Here I will mostly compare HH to Heroes3 becaude H3 is the most well known one)

      Battles are quicker but way waaay more chaotic and harder to predict than H3 due to being real time with a pause option and you having only limited control of your units that are all being present individually on the field instead of having the classic unit stacks o na hex grid. Some people find this loss of control annoying some love the controlled chaos.

      Because of the loss of control combat is also slightly more forgiving, there are several ways to regain lost units or gain extra units during/after combat depending on the faction/her/town. HH is geared more towards large stacks of lower tier units, high tier units, while powerful, do not make low tier units completely obsolete like in H3. Low tier units can still matter much even in the late game because army slots per hero are not limited, instead the total "power vale" of units a hero can field at once is limited. Heroes are also present on the battlefield like in H4 and can fight and take damage and their position can matter very much for some factions. Heroes "cannot die" in battle they are only KO'd and will retreat to your side of the battlefield and will regenerate their HP after a certain time this can happen multiple times as long as the battle is ongoing. Some spells can only be use while the hero is active but most can be used at any time.

      • 2 years ago

        part 2 of [...]

        While combat is chaotic and takes control away from you, the game gives it back to you elsewhere. In contrast to H3 where your hero picks 1 of two randomly offered skills from their pool on level up, in HH each hero have their own preset skill tree you can see, making it much easier to plan and build your heroes. The heroes do share a common pools of skills but they are distributed fairly differently on their skill trees and skills can level up to 5 instead of just 3. Each Faction has has 2 unique ones 1 for might heroes and 1 for magic heroes that they get at level one. Different skills are (mostly) balanced to be worthwhile to picks and remain useful during the whole game and they are geared towards the faction/hero But it doesn't stop there in HH magic items often also provide +1 level skills to heroes which they may not even normally have access to and to not take up a limited skill slot like in H3. Some skills can even influence the cost of hiring troops or the number of troops produced in town so army production rate is slightly less static and predictable than in H3.

        The four magic schools are designed to be more "generalized" each school have at least few options for buffs/debuffs/damage/summons etc. The majority of spells are very strictly combat focused so they can feel quite same-y but each school have a few unique spells/effects. Much like in H3 spells are picked up randomly from mage guilds but one can have some control over it by picking up skills in the spell school they want.

        Unlike H3, mana is a limited and precious commodity. Only the Arcane faction towns can instantly recharge mana, the vast majority of the time heroes have to make due with their natural mana regen which can be annoying but can make a difference between 2 fights. Thankfully many powerful spells (like say Town Portal) and faction specific spells cost no mana and instead have a cooldown per day(s).

        I've never played any strategy game in my life so that's why I asked
        I'm still not sure about it

        • 2 years ago

          It's as good a game as any to start with. If you want you can just play at easy difficulty and not worry about combat at all. Just press start and the battle plays out and then you can always increase difficulty when you figure out how the game works.

          Matches are faster than other games in this genre so that might appeal to someone who is new. You can finish a game on a tiny map in one sitting.

          • 2 years ago

            Also it's reasonable cheap so if you find that you don't like this type of strategy game you aren't out much.

          • 2 years ago

            Also it's reasonable cheap so if you find that you don't like this type of strategy game you aren't out much.

            Thanks for the info, I'll give it a try and see how it plays
            Thanks for the info btw

            • 2 years ago

              Sorry, I'm drunk

    • 2 years ago

      part 2 of

      Are you looking for a more "streamlined" version of the heroes formula and do not mind the sometimes annoying pixel art then it is a great fresh air for just 18 bux. (Here I will mostly compare HH to Heroes3 becaude H3 is the most well known one)

      Battles are quicker but way waaay more chaotic and harder to predict than H3 due to being real time with a pause option and you having only limited control of your units that are all being present individually on the field instead of having the classic unit stacks o na hex grid. Some people find this loss of control annoying some love the controlled chaos.

      Because of the loss of control combat is also slightly more forgiving, there are several ways to regain lost units or gain extra units during/after combat depending on the faction/her/town. HH is geared more towards large stacks of lower tier units, high tier units, while powerful, do not make low tier units completely obsolete like in H3. Low tier units can still matter much even in the late game because army slots per hero are not limited, instead the total "power vale" of units a hero can field at once is limited. Heroes are also present on the battlefield like in H4 and can fight and take damage and their position can matter very much for some factions. Heroes "cannot die" in battle they are only KO'd and will retreat to your side of the battlefield and will regenerate their HP after a certain time this can happen multiple times as long as the battle is ongoing. Some spells can only be use while the hero is active but most can be used at any time.

      While combat is chaotic and takes control away from you, the game gives it back to you elsewhere. In contrast to H3 where your hero picks 1 of two randomly offered skills from their pool on level up, in HH each hero have their own preset skill tree you can see, making it much easier to plan and build your heroes. The heroes do share a common pools of skills but they are distributed fairly differently on their skill trees and skills can level up to 5 instead of just 3. Each Faction has has 2 unique ones 1 for might heroes and 1 for magic heroes that they get at level one. Different skills are (mostly) balanced to be worthwhile to picks and remain useful during the whole game and they are geared towards the faction/hero But it doesn't stop there in HH magic items often also provide +1 level skills to heroes which they may not even normally have access to and to not take up a limited skill slot like in H3. Some skills can even influence the cost of hiring troops or the number of troops produced in town so army production rate is slightly less static and predictable than in H3.

      The four magic schools are designed to be more "generalized" each school have at least few options for buffs/debuffs/damage/summons etc. The majority of spells are very strictly combat focused so they can feel quite same-y but each school have a few unique spells/effects. Much like in H3 spells are picked up randomly from mage guilds but one can have some control over it by picking up skills in the spell school they want.

      Unlike H3, mana is a limited and precious commodity. Only the Arcane faction towns can instantly recharge mana, the vast majority of the time heroes have to make due with their natural mana regen which can be annoying but can make a difference between 2 fights. Thankfully many powerful spells (like say Town Portal) and faction specific spells cost no mana and instead have a cooldown per day(s).

  9. 2 years ago

    New Guide is out this time about Bodyguards because their mechanics are pretty obscure

    • 2 years ago

      >statue gives 1 free level of the Bodyguards skill
      You sure? Because I remember hiring heroes who get a whole bunch of extra levels right away. However, you have to recruit a whole bunch of them for that, I think.
      In fact, one of my fave things to do was getting a dozen or so heroes and sending expendable free troops at the enemy while avoiding wasting regulars (after all, the bigger the army, the more bodyguards you get).

      • 2 years ago

        I think the Bodyguard level will depend on the hero level but the statue will add one extra level on top. The hero level scales with either your main hero's level or just turns played. At least it seems to increase as the game goes on.

      • 2 years ago

        Thank you for pointing this out! I usually do not recruit heroes in the late game so I did not look into this before.

        I did some testing at Day 4 Week 6 from my last game with Pheonee. I recruited several level 9-10 heroes. However I could not replicate your screenshot, it is strange that the hero has no points on her skill tree despite being level 9 and instead has other skills while also not wearing items to provide those skills to her.

        Testing resulted in these. I got Pierro the clown twice so you can get duplicates of neutral heroes.
        A note that I hired them in an Order town with an Archmage Tribunal so they all got +1 level of Aeromancy for free. They generally seems to gain only +1 level on the Bodyguards skill.

        The only two outliers were Thezania and Cethelon I ma not sure how those two gained Level 3 Bodyguards without having it on their skill tree. I can theorize that they are either heroes that belonged to enemy players but once those players were vanquished they have the chance to turn up for remaining players as potential hires. Or some other roundabout ways of getting lost in battle without chance to flee so they need to be re-hired by their owning player and that somehow gives them an additional off-tree levels of Bodyguards.

        Or it could be just a bug/glitch.

        • 2 years ago

          Last I heard, the bodyguards bonus increased every three weeks or so. The longer the game lasts, the more skill the statue hands out to keep newly recruited heroes useful.

        • 2 years ago

          OK, disregard that earlier Rachnida. The savefile I loaded was from March and she kinda glitched into a Delirium hero and that's why her skill tree looks all screwed up. I just hired another one in the same savefile so this should look more sensible.
          I did some tests myself by hiring dozens of heroes in that savefile and my faction's heroes (Earthen) exceeded Bodyguard III only once. However, heroes of other factions and mercenaries are typically in IV-VI range.

          Last I heard, the bodyguards bonus increased every three weeks or so. The longer the game lasts, the more skill the statue hands out to keep newly recruited heroes useful.

          It's week 9 in my game and the skill on new heroes never gets lower than III so you might be onto something.

          • 2 years ago

            Last I heard, the bodyguards bonus increased every three weeks or so. The longer the game lasts, the more skill the statue hands out to keep newly recruited heroes useful.

            Thanks for all the help guys! The 3 weekly change does sound very likely. I am currently testing on Earthen I hired a level 4 hero on Day3 Week 3 in the main town and they got 1 level of Bodyguards so I guess it starts at Week 4 maybe? I will do more testing later and then update the guide.

            • 2 years ago

              After testing up to Week 13, results was that on Week 4 the bonus is level 2 Bodyguards and on Week7 and on it is Level 3 bodyguards and then it stayed level 3 until week 13 when I stopped testing.

    • 2 years ago

      Alright, updated the guide with the new findings.
      Once again thanks for your help guys!

      • 2 years ago

        Do you know how difficulty affects AI opponents? Sometimes when I play on Hardcore an opponent shows up with a huge army fairly early in the game and other times I never face an enemy army rated higher than 'moderate'.

        • 2 years ago

          Apologies, sadly I know very little on how the AI changed based on difficulty.

          >other times I never face an enemy army rated higher than 'moderate'.
          Could be just dumb luck that the AI players kept beating each other down and you were left alone and you arrive as the 3rd lucky one to conquer both after they are exhausted.

  10. 2 years ago

    It seems like massed cheap units is a more efficient strategy than trying to focus on the high tier units.
    I managed to get some really high power griffins but the early game felt harder because I tried to rush the griffin building and the hero skills didn't synergize with the units I had early game. When I finally got critical mass my army didn't feel stronger than usual anyway.

    • 2 years ago

      I think the main drawback was neglecting leveling the blessing skill, I think it is a fantastic skill. It is % based and stacks with other buffs so it buffs both high and low tier creatures by equal measure. It helps in the early game and it should directly transfer power to gryphons when you switch to them.

    • 2 years ago

      I decided to try how it goes. I am playing on Hardcore dif.

      I managed to hire the first gryphon hired on day 5 or week 2, the 2nd gryphon was spawned by Phenoee's mastery ability.

      Granted I had to sell all resources and the kitchen sink to raise the money for it and I was even lucky because there was a neutral trade post so I didn't even have to build a marketplace.

      The Golems in the army were created in a landmark the Paragons are freed hostages.

      In battle the army has ridiculously quick speed they run around like ants on crack. Pheonee always starts the game with a Haste spell and the items give a total of +5 speed this should stacks with the haste spell and the Level 3 blessing which should be +75%.

      Enemy stacks with mostly ranged units never stood a chance they were swarmed before they could fire arrows I barely lost a few militia. Even marksmen could just outrun enemies and kit them. Battles with fortifications were really hard tough because the movement speed was pretty much completely negated.

      I will try to break at the end of week 2 but I think it will be a costly battle.

      • 2 years ago

        There should be on option in siege battles to order your fliers and jumpers cross the walls.

        • 2 years ago

          Isn't that what the Scale option does? They'll fly over instead of attacking the wall.

          • 2 years ago

            He is correct, that is exactly what it does!

      • 2 years ago

        Much later, day 4 week 4 and MASSIVE DEVASTATION!

        I tested this fight with just 5 Seraphs the others are just mirages for meat shields. It was heavily mana intensive tough I had to keep casting cheap air spells rotating on Mirage, Force Field and Haste and even had to Holy light 2-3 times to keep all of them from dying. Thanks to constant Blessings the stats climb to big numbers.

        • 2 years ago

          and here is the hero Pheonee with gear and skills right after that battle.

          • 2 years ago

            screenshot cause I am moronic.

  11. 2 years ago

    If you capture an Arcane town that has the ziggurat upgrade as Delirium, you can park one of your Avatars on top of it to fully and automatically replenish your mana after every battle.
    Pretty fun literally spamming high level spells with every hero and not having to worry about mana at all.

  12. 2 years ago

    Redpill me on why this is worth my time and/or money.

    • 2 years ago

      Tinkering with heroes, their skills and armies is fun. If you like to watch your little soldiers run around, doing outrageous things, and can stomach the godawful graphics and procedural generation, then this cheap game might entertain you for a while.

  13. 2 years ago

    What determines whether a hero is sent back to the nearest town when they lose in battle VS just being killed?
    I thought it was just to do with whether or not there was a town that didn't have anyone currently resurrecting at it, but sometimes defeated heroes just stack up one one town and other times heroes die even if every town is free.

    • 2 years ago

      My gut feeling says it's the difficulty setting. The easier the game, the more chances your heroes get. Can't confirm though.

    • 2 years ago

      My gut feeling says it's the difficulty setting. The easier the game, the more chances your heroes get. Can't confirm though.

      It seems like indies never kill your hero. I was suicide bombing indies with a lone avatar for free XP and he never died for real no matter how many times I did it, but when I did the same thing to an enemy army with a different avatar to soften it up for my main army he died immediately.
      That was normal difficulty though.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm not exactly sure, but generally if they are attacked next to your city they seem to die.

  14. 2 years ago

    game is pixelated so bad it hurt my eyes within 5 minutes of playing, quit, uninstalled never looked back. Pixels the size of a fist. What in the actual fricking frick, just force windowed mode and call it Ant Game if you're that incompetent at art and that greedy to not hire a 2d artist

  15. 2 years ago

    What are factions with actually strong melee focus?

    >Order, kill every one with ranged arbalest rocket launcher spam and Cardanza or whatever that hero is
    >Horde, kill everyone with ogres and their huge rock spam
    >Lizardmen, kill everyone with lizarcher poison arrow spam
    >Pyre, kill everyone with flame juggler spam
    >Chinese, kill everyone with bows and guns (and those fricking super birds)

    Even Death has bone archers and liches
    Any hero with Archery is immediately OP and if they have Legion and/or Luck on top of it oh my god

    • 2 years ago

      >Talks about ranged being OP and not even mentioning Wild faction and Onomi who starts with Archery and has Ranger/Deadeye Mastery on T1 skill and Bloodlust on T2 skill right NEXT to the Mastery.

      Play a non-ranged focused hero? Or, go forbid, play harder difficulty? Watch your ranged focused army get overrun by vastly superior numbers. Or high morale triggered bloodlusted goblins or troggs/gargoyles/fairies, get polymorphed by Arbiters, getting teleported around by Chaos or Pyre spells or watch as Ash demons teleport behind you and then explode onto a swarm of fireflies that explode again.

      • 2 years ago

        >get polymorphed by Arbiters, getting teleported around by Chaos or Pyre spells or watch as Ash demons teleport behind you and then explode onto a swarm of fireflies that explode again.
        The AI players usually aren't smart enough to do these moves specifically against the ranged backline. They do like to summon Elementals in the center of ranged blobs.

  16. 2 years ago

    i think the game is over too fast, things go too fast

    • 2 years ago

      Personally, I like fast.

    • 2 years ago

      How long do you games last, in-game time?
      For me Large maps usually last 5-7 in game weeks on Hardcore diff.

    • 2 years ago

      I like that. Other games in this genre often take a very long time to finish.
      Not that long games are bad it's just nice that this one is different.

    • 2 years ago

      My last game ended at week 9 on a large map named Championship with 6 players. That is nmot really short and I was doing pretty well.

  17. 2 years ago

    >play game at hardcore +
    >sneaky snipe ai players towns one by one with dummy armies because theyre too dumb to station defensive troops

    This game is broken to the core
    I only took me like 5 matches to master it

    • 2 years ago

      Teach us your ways senpai!

  18. 2 years ago

    Can someone sell me on picking Gold Earthen over Enchanters?

    Enchanters are just so damn good I always favor them. They heal, they rez they are ranged and cause confusion on ranged attacks.

    Gold Earthen cost double the Enchanter's cost, growth only 7 vs. the Enchanter's growth 9 and deal less damage while being melee instead of ranged. Obviously they have Midas' Touch which is potentially an instant kill on every attack but I see it work so rarely and the gold created after combat is negligible.

    They got immortality but I found that if they die then by the time they return from dead state they are in the middle of the enemy crowd and just get instantly put down again wasting the immortality. I would much rather have an enchanter keep units healed and NOT DIE and resurrect another unit instead of waiting for a Gold Earthen to wake back up.

    • 2 years ago

      nope. i gave them an honest chance but enchanters are just better even one to one. and you get more enchanters than earthens!

    • 2 years ago

      Gold boys seem better as a side unit to clean up in non-doomstack fights. Their own durability is higher and midas touch wears down few-in-number strong units. If you're getting stomped on by top tier units then deathtouch units are the way to go for sure. The enchanters probably fit better into the average earthen unit comp since the res and healing keeps up their blob along with the grudge/stone spirits, but I don't think the goldies are useless.

    • 2 years ago

      I can choose between weird yellow/brownish and weird reddish blob. Wish this game had actual graphics, copy pasting stock photos from google images would have been better than this.

  19. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      As far as I know, the dev only directly controls updates on itch and Steam. The rest is up to publishers so he doesn't even know what versions are where.
      You could pester the guy on his discord, so he would kick the publisher. It worked for the EGS version

    • 2 years ago

      This is part of why i stopped bothering with GoG
      Especially with indie developers, the unsynchronized nature of updates really sticks up my craw
      Horribly ironic because GoG is supposed to be some indie dev paradise

  20. 2 years ago

    >version 2.2.3 is out
    >decay still sucks
    What the hell are they thinking?

    • 2 years ago

      >decay still sucks
      Could you please elaborate?

      • 2 years ago

        >weak units
        >low growth
        >necromancy drains your mana
        >beacon drains your resources
        Oh gee, I don't know

        • 2 years ago

          >weak units
          I think they are kind of average but they also have access to good traits.

          Skellies have warding baseline which makes them way more durable than thye appear and projectile protection on upgrade. They aren't much weaker than say a Halberdiers the difference is just -2 HP their damage and speed are identical. They are also undead so immune to fear.

          Zombies are indeed one of the worst units in the game but when upped to Rot walkers they have poison and one of the biggest HP for their tier.

          Tarantulas I never really bother with but they are the only non-undead units of the undead faction so there is that I guess they also apply both slow and poison while being speed 9 so they can actually do kiting runs.

          Ghost and Banshees are ethereal and are fliers making them great vs. masses of low weak tier units.

          The rest I don't use much more than just filler considering there are several neutral undead units as well.

          >low growth
          >necromancy drains your mana
          This is kind of true, their growth and prices are just average at best. They cannot be healed or resurrected. But they can raise permanent units practically mid battle to compensate which can snowball pretty hard. Even just a mid level hero can go into easy fights and come out with actually more units. Raising mid battle effectively is the make or break IMHO.

          >necromancy drains your mana
          This is annoying indeed so relying on it is only okay for late game since mana is precious, there is the option to drain at the end of from multiple fights and necro for zero mana eventually.

          >beacon drains your resources
          It only needs mercury so I do not know why are you using plural. Unless you mean that you actually need to build the Beacon buildings. I think they can provide a lot of extra units as long as you keep killing enemies and no loosing much, it is actually a double dip on killing enemies because you can raise them mid battle but the kill still counts for the Soul beacon.

          • 2 years ago

            >shilling this hard
            Are you going to claim next that Tide is the best faction?

            • 2 years ago

              dude, smug mermaid breasts

              • 2 years ago

                >not animated ship figurehead

              • 2 years ago

                >necromancy drains your mana
                It does because Necromancy is a common skill. It is not faction exclusive to Decay like it is for Necropolis in Heroes3. Several non-Decay heroes can learn Necromancy and it would dumb if every faction could just easily amass an undead army. The Arcane faction is already really good at it considering they have 3 heroes that have Necromancy on T3 so much free mana. Or they can just hire a Decay hero or Treiva that cute but fricking bullshit OP dwarf redhead. Or just use a Forlon Cloister if there is one

                Decay has Necromancy above their faction skills so Decay can actually double dip in making undead, you could say triple dip if oyu take the soul Beacon

              • 2 years ago

                Why would arcane EVER use Necromacy when they have creation?

                You know

                Tinkering with heroes, their skills and armies is fun. If you like to watch your little soldiers run around, doing outrageous things, and can stomach the godawful graphics and procedural generation, then this cheap game might entertain you for a while.

                this here?

                Since they got almost infinite mana creation is objectively better. You just need to find any random Easy neutral battle, blast out all your mana create your elementals, go back to town refilll mana and repeat the loop forever and get infinite armies.

            • 2 years ago

              Nah I honestly can't tell which faction is the best cause I do not play all of them. But I totally disagree that Decay sucks, I think they are pretty good.

              Their biggest downside I think is that they are very frontloaded, they just need to keep fighting and raising bigger troops and keep snowballing. If they suddenly suffer a big loss and the snowball stops they need to a lot get it going again. They do not have cushion mechanics like first aid tent, Infirmary, hospital or the healing skill like other factions. If they loose, they loose pretty hard.

  21. 2 years ago

    Is this good?

    • 2 years ago

      It's pretty alright, just don't expect deep gameplay

  22. 2 years ago

    So apparently there's some faction mods out there. Any good ones?

  23. 2 years ago

    Why would anyone EVER use Necromancy when you can use literally anything else?

    • 2 years ago

      Demonology is still worse

      • 2 years ago

        nah, mana is more precious than a cut of exp

        • 2 years ago

          Weird claim.
          In the beginning even tiny cuts to exp are crippling. Later, after level 15 or so, mana is plentiful even if exp cuts are barely making a dent.

          • 2 years ago

            early game using either is worse than nothing

  24. 2 years ago

    Even if you didn't want to use up mana on necromancy, you can just absorb until you get a 0 mana summon right?
    Seems alright to me.

    • 2 years ago

      I think absorbing only affects your next opportunity

      • 2 years ago

        I'm pretty sure it stacks until your next summon.

  25. 2 years ago

    Recent reviews are mixed with most of the top ones being negative. Are they right?

    • 2 years ago

      Are the negatives still the ones complaining about the AI cheating even on the easiest difficulty?

    • 2 years ago

      At a quick glance it looks like people are complaining that he's making a paid DLC now.
      The game is fun and in my opinion reasonably priced. It's fairly simple so it's not something I'll play forever but I have about 50 hours into it now and I'll probably play more in the future.

    • 2 years ago

      Tutorial guy here. Currently clocking in at 299 hours. Currently grinding a large 6 player map called Championship on Hardcore (Not playing Hardcore+ cause I am a coward) And I am still discovering stuff I never tried before. Currently learning Tide and trying Week 1 breaks and it was surprisingly smooth in my past 2 games.

      Since this is a large map there are considerably more utility buildings than basic mines which give options. And man on such a large map finding a lot of pearls can make a Big difference.

      I do acknowledge that there are still some bugs, I NEVER play any naval combat or naval maps because it can collapse pretty easily, last time I had the enemy's ship just despawn somehow and all of their units just automatically died as soon as they were fielded it was hilarious but also stupid.

      I also admit that the AI is quite braindead but I do not mind that I am just having fun. And on Large maps I actually still can get beaten by the AI if one or two of the 5 AI players manages to cannibalize their neighbors early game and snowball out of control. It is pretty random and rarely happens but it does happen sometimes.

  26. 2 years ago

    I can't be the only person who doesn't mind the pixel art. It serves its purpose well enough.

    • 2 years ago

      Honestly, I don't see an issue with it.

      • 2 years ago

        It's inconsistent and poorly made

        • 2 years ago

          I think the sprites look okay. If absolutely nothing else they do their job adequately. Units are distinct enough to be able to tell what's what at a glance, and that's all that matters for the gameplay.

          • 2 years ago

            Dude, the sprites look worse than HoMM 1 ones. That must be some kind of an achievement.

          • 2 years ago

            >If absolutely nothing else they do their job adequately
            and are very quick to produce. no way to have this many units/buildings/etc on this kind of (non-)budget otherwise

            • 2 years ago

              Come on now, the budget can't bd that small. Devs gotta eat something.
              And anyway, why the frick would you even start making something so large on no budget?

            • 2 years ago

              It's also piss easy to mod.

    • 2 years ago

      This. I do wish the hero portraits had more detail, though.

      • 2 years ago

        Rather than the portraits, I really wish the hero's unit sprite was unique per hero.

  27. 2 years ago

    So what's better, this or Song of Conquest? Never played Heroes before and the auto battler part seems kind of cool since I do kind of suck at TBS. Also whatever happened to that survey for a new race?

    • 2 years ago

      >So what's better, this or Song of Conquest?
      That would be a question of personal preference.
      >Also whatever happened to that survey for a new race?
      "Lovecraftian" faction won. It's in the game, called Delirium. Has some weird mechanics.

  28. 2 years ago

    Reminder that Colony is an officially sanctioned mod and is therefore the official 13th faction.

    • 2 years ago

      Sure, and?
      Also, I think some of the units from Colony are supposed to be included in the future updates.

  29. 2 years ago
  30. 2 years ago

    Two questions:
    1. Are dwarves in this game?
    2. Do they suck?

    • 2 years ago

      1. Yes, their faction is called "Earthen"
      2. No, they "ROCK". Okay jokes aside, I think they are good. Pretty straightforward and easy to understand faction.

    • 2 years ago

      Dwarves are great for tarpitting their opposition. Their unique faction skill involves turning their dead into earth elementals or angry spirits that keep on fighting.
      Take Brynjord, the basic dwarf-handler for example. The following assumes you upgrade every skill I mention to level 3, you can always upgrade single skill more if you have enough levels.
      >multiple dwarven casualties create tough earth elementals that can stay with your army permanently
      >create free spirit copies of 45% of your army every fight, copies are nearly as strong as regular units and don't count against the army limit
      >35% chance your casualty turns into a vengeful spirit with 90% health and damage
      >18% extra attack speed plus a stat increase of 45% damage and 15% move speed the closer a unit gets to death
      >six tier 1 units every day for free plus 15% health and damage to them
      >when units die they give huge boosts to attack and move speed to nearby allies, math is finnicky, but the boosts are quick to stack and after a few casualties your tarpit will devour the enemy alive
      >after fights upgrade a few surviving tier 1 units for free into high-tier berserker units which further get huge health, speed and damage boosts from allies dying
      >give all units 15 health and 3 damage, great for your tier 1 45 health 6 damage dwarf
      >increase the size of the army you can field at once by 35%, stacks with the free spirit copies
      >units explode into a random destruction spell 45% of the time, who needs spells and mana
      >make sure your units can outright ignore some hits from spells or high-tier enemies, this on top of your tier 1 dwarves having this ability innately
      Then there are the runes. Free skeletons for nothing but striking the enemy, because you picked up a free rune from town? Which further bolsters the tarpit? Pretty nuts if you ask me.

      • 2 years ago

        I would add to this to try and get a first aid tent as a very high priority. Earthen Towns do not have a workshop and thus no access to a first aid tent by default, a first aid tent complements their playstyle very very well so getting one is of great importance. They are available at other factions towns that have a workshop or workshops on the map. However they are lost if you loose a fight and are forced to retreat and need to be purchased again.

        But yeah Byonjord's swarm of Carvers can grind the opposition just down under their boots. They are slow but almost unstoppable like a glacier.

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