New World

Anyone here still play this? Don't know shit about the game other than how things weren't so great at the start. I've heard the game has undergone some significant changes since then though. Is this game worth picking up? What do you guys like/hate about it?

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  1. 11 months ago

    the peak was at launch, the game got worse with every update. The combat blows every other mmorpg out there but everything else sucks. It's a shame since it had potential to be the best in the market

    • 10 months ago

      >the peak was at launch
      The peak was prior to launch. Launch reworked half the game TWO WEEKS before it launched. They removed pvp on launch. It was DoA. You've clearly never played in any of the tests if you think the launch was good. Player retention was shit post launch BECAUSE of the casualization changes

      • 10 months ago

        PvPers are such a broken record.
        "This time it will be different!", "If this game was hardcore PvP it would have no issues and be more successful!". They're never proven right if a developer is foolishly enough to listen. And games that do appeal to them barely make any more or end up dying.

        • 10 months ago

          Yeah, Ark and Rust were total failures.

      • 10 months ago

        amazon's own fault. they used turbo autists as testers that exploited everything and showed how oppressive the pvp was. go watch that homosexual nerdslayer death of a game video. he literally admits that he spent the whole game greifing and it was fun for him, but then acts confused when they removed pvp from the game.

        • 10 months ago

          if they left it as a massively multiplayer pvp survival game it would still have hundreds of thousands of players. polished ark/rust with an interesting af setting? they would've killed it with zoomers.

  2. 11 months ago

    The game is getting better recently, devs are making good updates and season 2 will bring back some hype. It is in sale actually so i guess it is worth picking

  3. 11 months ago

    I just got into it, its nice how its not generic medieval fantasy and instead colonial era

    Combat and crafting is good, but 2/3s of the haircuts and faces being god awful means everyone looks alike

  4. 11 months ago

    I was there at launch and the grindy out the gate really turned me off it.
    Now its following the same arc as WoW so i see little reason to return.

  5. 11 months ago

    Nothing will top WoW because big studio devs are all trying to recreate the wheel with gimmicks.

    Wild Star came close but I think NCSoft is a pump and dump scam publisher that brings on board games just to get that initial buy in then let the project die while preparing the next scam.

  6. 11 months ago

    The combat is over-rated as frick and I'm lagging out the ass.

    • 11 months ago

      it's the best combat of any mmo on the market imo

      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          bdo feels good on pve but the pvp is atrocious be honest. Flashy movement with giant fullscreen aoe attacks, screen vomit cancer when there's more than 2 people and low skill ceilling isn't what I call good pvp. NW is way better in comparison.

        • 11 months ago

          No fricking way.
          New World > BDO any day of the week.
          Theres some bad weapon balance on New World (Like the greataxe on launch, idk if it ever got balanced) but at least there was no pay2win ghillie suit that made you invisible to other players

  7. 11 months ago

    I remember at launch the entire game had like 10 enemy models total. Literally didn't matter whether you were in the zombie swamp or pirate lagoon, always the same models and enemy types. Same goes for instants as well.

  8. 11 months ago

    they need to remove pve and focus on the pvp

    • 11 months ago

      Everyone said that PvE would carry the game and PvPers said they needed to focus on the PvP. Now the population is down to like 20k peak. Kek. PvE shitters always wrong. I bet half of the population is just war logging too.

      • 11 months ago

        It wasn't the pve that was an issue its the fact that mid development they switched from a pvp focus to cramming in pve stuff. This lack of focus killed both aspects. Despite what the pvp crowd claims a pvp focused game is always a low seller unless it involves guns and the name call of duty or battlefield. Normies don't want to grind for pvp they want to hop in a lobby join a match and go.

  9. 11 months ago

    this game was such a shit show on release that it basically killed it forever, i doubt they will come back like that no mans sky meme

  10. 11 months ago

    There are still people playing with fully duped gear / materials.

  11. 11 months ago

    So is it too late to get into this game? How long does end game pvp take to get to? p2w? gear score more important than skill?

    • 11 months ago

      There is no active endgame pvp

      • 11 months ago

        unfortunate, nevermind then

      • 10 months ago

        unfortunate, nevermind then

        There are no PvP servers so everybabby just chooses not to flag.

        The endgame grind is really bad. I got a full set of gears score 600 legendary from the season pass and for some reason it’s reduced to 550 or lower and my expertise is 505 to 510. I now have to grind out endgame activities like strong holds to raise the expertise should I can upgrade the legendary to 600.

        However, I cannot do any of the endgame dungeons, because I am not at the required gear score. I instead have to do strongholds, but nobody on my server does strong holds because they have since out leveled those areas in gear score. When I join the server at the beginning of July. It was a low population server and it is now at its population cap.

        The supposed final dungeon, known as the tempest, is behind one of the strongholds, and in the 57 hours of playtime I have only seen one person shout for the tempest.

        Ah guess you should have duped it when you had the chance. Or just buy it for RMT because I'm sure there are still thousands upon thousands of bots in the same locations 24/7 that will never ever be banned because it inflates the numbers of this failed game.

  12. 11 months ago

    Gotta admit, the game feels good different in the PTR. The event stuff is nice too. Think I'm gonna get back into it.

  13. 11 months ago

    On the relaunch i got persuaded into joining a guild that was racing to max lvl. It took all the fun away. Tbh after that happened, idk if Id wanna go back a third time

  14. 11 months ago

    How's ironman mode in this game?

    • 10 months ago

      It's not official but a lot of people do it because the game is shallow af

    • 10 months ago

      ironman is the only way i can still have fun in this game. it's a very comfy world with comfy and satisfying gathering/crafting and the best combat in an MMO. find a low pop server and get immersed. when that gets boring just stop playing for a while. the biggest issue for ironman was all the bots, but there are a lot less of them these days, especially on low pop servers.

      • 10 months ago

        ironman means pvp always on right?

        • 10 months ago

          no it means solo self found: no trading/tp/grouping outside expeditions. Most people do keep pvp on though for the extra mats.

          • 10 months ago

            Sounds fun

  15. 10 months ago

    I picked this up in the beginning of July for $15 on sale. I have about 57 hours of gameplay and just recently got to level 60 on a fresh start server. I really enjoyed the journey to level 60, the graphics scenery, zones, pacing, and music were really refreshing compared to the most recent theme park MMO’s.

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah typically the leveling process is pretty good. Especially first time around. But I've found most issues crop up at endgame. The story telling leaves some to be desired. It feels Very disney. Like it was made in a boardroom where they were constantly checking to make sure it was as risk free as they could. Consistently is also pretty bleh. They're sorta doing the "world building" process live instead of in development. And you can tell the issues its causing. Better than it was at launch. As for progression, the gypsum grind and umbral shard grind just feels bad. It feels too...mechanic? Too much like you're playing a game. Very uninspired and unsatisfying. Final issue I think props up is the combat. The game does a great job at representing knight/barbarian/range/and certain mage archtypes. But the rest feel horrible. Tank for the most part is bad (greatsword is probably the best tanking weapon to play in terms of fun+also viable). Healing feels absolutely horrible and doesn't have any archetype representation. They really need to introduce paladin, priest, druid, rogue, and maybe rework void to be more of a warlock archetype. After that I think it will make a lot of people happy. (Paladin, Rogue, and Druidic archetypes are routinely the most play classes in every mmorpg).

      We know they have another weapon coming that MAY be something paladin like. They've also confirmed they're doing something to progression. What that will actually be is anybodies guess. But well find out in about 3-4 months.

      • 10 months ago

        >Paladin, Rogue, and Druidic archetypes are routinely the most play classes in every mmorpg
        lol no they aren't

        • 10 months ago

          Looking it up, yeah rogues archetypes do seem off and on. I think it plays into how much it "feels" like the archetype. Pic related and in ESO the most popular class is that rogue because there's a lot of fanservice for the class. A stealth system, thievery, assassination, etc. Overall it seems like the Paladin/Cleric archetypes are routinely at the top of the metrics. Druid is often not too far behind or at the top too. From what I could tell, these trends mainly stick with Western games. Eastern MMORPGs often don't follow this trend. Instead putting a focus on "agility" type of archetypes like martial artists or knight based archtypes.

          So yeah Rogue - hit or miss. Neverwinter/ESO its one of the top archetypes. Gw2 and WoW it doesn't seem to be.

          Paladin/Cleric - Often one of the top archtypes across many western MMORPGs. I'm looping both of these into one because of the way weapons/armor are designed in New World you can easily have a "heavy armor" cleric or "light armor" paladin. Since New World lacks both and you can probably appease both crowds by introducing one.

          Druid/Nature Magic - Most popular in WoW, semi popular in the others.

          In short, I agree rogue probably wouldn't hold up to the statement. Paladin/Cleric definitely does. Druid is sorta middle ground.

          • 10 months ago

            Rogue archtypes have lost their niches in modern MMOs, specifically WOW clones because their niche has been stolen by hybrid classes.

            Why the FRICK would anyone roll a pure melee DPS class instead of a melee DPS class who can also tank or heal when needed, when the DPS roles are all hyperbalanced to be equal.

          • 10 months ago

            I think it depends on the game and how big the difference in outcomes is. A game like BDO has HUGE numbers of people playing the meta classes cause they're either +30% more money, or have braindead gameplay, or both. Very few people stick with classes for aesthetics in that game. Other games have people liking aesthetics but shying away from tank/healer responsibilities, even if the aesthetic is normally really popular.

      • 10 months ago

        There was storytelling ? With the same assets spammed all over the map and some generic af voice acting ?

        Even SWTOR had deeper storytelling and less recycled assets.

        I played at launch and came back recently just to find the game even more unstable than how i initially started playing it...

        I have a high end rig and can't maintain more than 60 fps on max settings, with huge dips to 40 fps in large towns and the game randomly freezing on it in the middle of my gameplay.

        What makes this game so resource intensive ? Even back then they were getting flack because it was frying 5000$ rig GPUs lol.

        Is it worth pushing back into the game ? Im lvl 22 at the moment. Worth a come back or not ?

  16. 10 months ago

    Season 3 and the expansion are going to revitalize the game. Screenshot this.

  17. 10 months ago

    i tried to get everything maxed but im softlocked cause dont have repair stuff and 0 gold xD
    so i stopped playing

  18. 10 months ago

    The endgame grind is really bad. I got a full set of gears score 600 legendary from the season pass and for some reason it’s reduced to 550 or lower and my expertise is 505 to 510. I now have to grind out endgame activities like strong holds to raise the expertise should I can upgrade the legendary to 600.

    However, I cannot do any of the endgame dungeons, because I am not at the required gear score. I instead have to do strongholds, but nobody on my server does strong holds because they have since out leveled those areas in gear score. When I join the server at the beginning of July. It was a low population server and it is now at its population cap.

    The supposed final dungeon, known as the tempest, is behind one of the strongholds, and in the 57 hours of playtime I have only seen one person shout for the tempest.

    • 10 months ago

      Just do your daily gypsums u asiatic

  19. 10 months ago

    Everything until endgame "works". The actual core gameplay is great, all the numbers and systems behind them have no thought put into them though. There are grind walls everywhere but no reward when you get past them.

  20. 10 months ago

    Where all my ironmen at?

    • 10 months ago

      Castle of Steel

  21. 10 months ago

    If you like open world pvp, Valhalla is the server to be on. Lots of flagged homies here.

    • 10 months ago

      but I play on SA

  22. 10 months ago

    Post your pronouns

    • 10 months ago

      >AGS is using the same devs to make their new LOTR mmo
      >LOTR MMO will have pronoun picker

  23. 10 months ago

    are muskets good again?

  24. 10 months ago

    >play on lowest pop server with a decent ping (for me it's castle of steel)
    >turn off chat
    >join least popular faction
    >always flagged
    only way to play imo.

    • 10 months ago

      are you me?

  25. 10 months ago

    Look at the numbers Albion Online gets. If AGS stuck to their original vision NW would be huge rn

    • 10 months ago

      >Was almost dead until they introduced a lot of PvE content and safe zones
      >Basically lives currently off of casuals who don't like to PvP 24/7

      Didn't prove your point there bud, try again.

      • 10 months ago

        >has way more players than New World

      • 10 months ago

        >Basically lives currently off of casuals who don't like to PvP 24/7
        What's wrong with that? Isn't that every PvE homosexual's complaint about PvP MMOs? That there's nothing to do outside of PvP? EVE and Albion (and previously UO) are successful because there is plenty of stuff for carebears to do with the ever present option of dipping their toe into the PK pool. New World undoubtedly would have performed better if it was simply an MMO survival game with Dark Souls combat as they originally envisioned it. Survival games are huge with zoomers and PvP MMO players have been salivating for a AAA MMO that caters to them. The reason most PvP MMOs suck is because they're only made by shitty little indy dev studios.

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