The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      I would've played femshep if they let us create an Asian femshep and switch voices to Japanese like in Bethesda/CDPR games

      But they didn't because EA is racist against Asian girls

      • 11 months ago

        uhh you quite obviously speak English so why would you wanna do that anyways?

        • 11 months ago

          Because Japanese sounds better and their voice actors deliver better performances
          Did you play Cyberpunk 2077 with Japanese voices? They localized and rewrote dialogue, making V's personality much better in the process
          It almost redeems the game which is quite an achievement

          Personally I would've preferred Korean but EA can't even give us Japanese

          • 11 months ago

            I think you're probably one of those people that just thinks everything sounds better in Japanese/Korean which basically growing up on Crunchyroll and Pocki will do to a person.
            Congrats on being a victim of this cultural disease. Personally I find very few eastern VOA's to be all that compelling in a western atmosphere and I guess since I didn't really grow up on anime, the entire "improvement" you speak of doesn't actually make any sense to me.

            • 11 months ago

              And you're one of those people that can't learn another language.
              Ubisoft games always have Japanese voices and it's always better than the original.

              • 11 months ago

                Not so much "can't" as don't really care to.
                The Japanese VOA I am familiar with as replacement VOA in some games that have it available always sounds exaggeratedly feminine and sexualized to me, but again, doesn't translate well because I'm not literally going to learn KOREAN to "make video games better"...that's beyond moronic.
                I get it, you have an asian girl thing, perhaps you wish you were an asian girl because thats common enough on Ganker too but as things go, saying their VOA is superior is absolutely hilarious as most anime characters and anime inspired video game characters, especially in a Japanese or Korean language model, literally sound like CARICATURES of teen age girls, as compared to say Jennifer Hale or Courtney Taylor or Laura Bailey.
                Even Melissanthi Mahut is better and Jo Wyatt in any other form but Jo Wyatt would sound stupid.

              • 11 months ago

                >literally sound like CARICATURES of teen age girls
                That's because Japan trains people for voicework, and they all end up sounding the same. It's an industry of its own and the VAs become something akin to idols once they make it big. Overexposure and this realisation has soured me on Japanese dubs, but I'd take them over American dubs any day. If the native language isn't English, American voicework is actually unbearable, and listening to a 40-something white woman try to sound 16 is a torturous experience.

              • 11 months ago

                Jennifer Hale sounds like a chainsmoking homeless crackhead. She got the job because western voice acting industry is barren.
                Laura Bailey sounds like some smug roastie that can't give a frick.
                Cherami Leigh sounds like some cumglued goblin and her delivery is just infuriating.
                And 2B was voiced by Runkachunk in the English dub. I don't even need to comment on that. Same how I don't even need to comment about Ashly Burch and Yong Yea. I can just point my finger at them and laugh at your entire industry.

                Listen dude I'm not sure if you've noticed but even one of the top bridge content creators for Skyrim on Youtube that is obviously Korean themselves run's Skyrim's VO in English with the subtitles in Korean and they've built one of the biggest Skyrim related mod channels that bridges between Tullius Channel and western modding scenes.
                No one thinks Skyrim in Korean sounds good, not even Koreans.

                Because Skyrim doesn't have a Korean dub, you silly ponce. Their follower mods speak in Korean. Koreans play CP2077 in Korean and they signed a petition, asking Bethesda to make Korean available for Starfield, like CDPR did.

                Japanese players all play Bethesda games in Japanese.

              • 11 months ago

                And they all look like this and have MNC installed.
                And every VO pack for japanese player character voices sounds like its all modeled off vocal training models built off stuff like Hentai Hotel and Action Taimanin and Genshin Impact so seriously you're not making a good case for anything here you're just proving you're a weeby creepo that likes flapping his sex junk around to the idea of being a pre-pubescent japanese girl.

            • 11 months ago

              I'm not a weeb, it's just that it sounds objectively better in these languages
              Not just because the Japanese/Korean sound better than English but also because of the aformetioned reasons such as voice actors and voice directors that actually care about delivery

              This makes them head and shoulders above English video game voice "actors"

              Cyberpunk 2077 is a bad game but it's a perfect example of what I'm talking about since it's actually a western game, and its VAs still got insanely mogged by the Japanese ones
              Same goes for Skyrim

              • 11 months ago

                Listen dude I'm not sure if you've noticed but even one of the top bridge content creators for Skyrim on Youtube that is obviously Korean themselves run's Skyrim's VO in English with the subtitles in Korean and they've built one of the biggest Skyrim related mod channels that bridges between Tullius Channel and western modding scenes.
                No one thinks Skyrim in Korean sounds good, not even Koreans.

              • 11 months ago

                I'll say it again, you're not arguing with a real person. It's one of those guys who make "cute asian girls!" threads on Ganker. You won't convince him of anything.
                It's like trying to convince a newborn weeb who just discovered their tendency to overact and scream at the top of their lungs, and has decided this is real acting, that playing western games in Japanese is not an inherently better experience.
                In fact, the only game I can think of in recent memory where this is true is Borderlands 3.

              • 11 months ago

                He's not convincing me because his arguments are bad and he's uninformed.

              • 11 months ago

                Dude I watched MACROSS before you were even born. Galaxy Rangers too, look them up they were the first major cross over manga to action cartoons.
                I've been gaming since the Atari 2600.
                I've been putting breasts on stuff in Bethesda games since Morrowind and currently get paid by the Nexus (though not as much today) for content I made 10 fricking years ago.
                My Skyrim install alone is 1750 different mods and would probably bring your shitbox to its knees even trying to load it.
                And I'm also an independent game developer and sell modular licensed content on Turbosquid, True3D, Unity and the Unreal markets.
                I guaran-fricking-tee you I know what I'm talking about.

              • 11 months ago

                You thought Skyrim had a Korean dub.

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah cause I don't play localizations I know it has a Japanese localization so I assumed it had a Korean one given the games popularity in Korea.
                Not a far assumption to make.

              • 11 months ago

                Except you went full silly sausage and tried to pass an argument that "Not even Koreans play Skyrim in Korean because they prefer English VA" lol lmaoao

              • 11 months ago

                Cause I assumed it had a korean localization idiot. Given the market in Korea for Bethesda games I'm very surprised it doesn't.
                But to not have really paid attention to there not being one isn't exactly an indication of anything, it would still sound absolutely hilarious in Korean.
                It would sound like RoT3K does in English dubs over here, hilarious and completely out of place.

        • 11 months ago

          you're talking to a kpop drone with artificial opinions, not a real, thinking person

          • 11 months ago

            >posts a korean game

            • 11 months ago

              One of these things is westaboo litwank, the other is a tool for social engineering that disappeared from twitter overnight when management changed

              • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago

            yeahhh I'm starting to think you're right.

    • 11 months ago

      >Femshep has better voice acting.
      >Maleshep has better default look.
      Both get to frick Liara if they want.

      • 11 months ago

        >Femshep has better voice acting
        lol no. Troon outed.

      • 11 months ago

        >Femshep has better voice acting.
        Bland robotic maleshep delivery > Troonhag voice

  2. 11 months ago

    i didn't read any of that, it's in all caps and you posted femshep
    only futahomosexuals like femshep

    • 11 months ago

      The shill gay that made that thumbnail posted femshep I just fricking yoinked it.

  3. 11 months ago

    I don't acknowledge any ME after the first one. 2 onwards may as well be a different fricking series.

    • 11 months ago

      It's amazing how much series changed after 1. I would be intrested in book that details what happened.

      • 11 months ago

        Casey Hudson happened.
        Then Mac Walters.
        Then "diversity" studios in Montreal.
        Leave it to fricking EA to take a franchise that had the potential to compete with Star Wars and turn it into a flaming pile of shit.

        • 11 months ago

          >a franchise that had the potential to compete with Star Wars
          I don't know about that. They cursed themselves by opening the IP with an ultimate ancient evil. The general state of things nowadays is also that you can only escalate. Smaller-scale stories don't sell anymore, so this plus the whole Reaper thing means you couldn't just take the Mass Effect setting and have, say, Citadel Noir where you investigate a criminal syndicate as part of C-Sec.

          • 11 months ago

            The original Mass Effect wasn't actually slated for a sequel when it was in its design and development phase. Sovereign was effectively originally written to be the ONLY Reaper and the reaper conversion tech was the explanation for how Sovereign had last shut down the universe in the Prothean era. It wasn't until very late in the development process that the writers decided that the story might have room for serialization so they expanded on the Reapers as an ultimate ancient evil to leave the potential for a sequel depending on how the original did on sales.
            As the original did fairly well for the studio and they were also riding high on DA:O's success, ME2 became a thing, and perhaps was the best game of the series at least from a writing and design standard, not to say it was a better RPG than 1, but it was definitely a better narrative driven action sci-fi a space at the time that didn't have much competition other than GoW.
            And even ME3, with its colossal frick up of an original ending (Directors Cut/Legendary Edition does somewhat fix this tho you still need a couple of mods to make it not make you wanna die) was a fairly strong entry up to the point where the Starchild appeared and everything you did was rendered down to nothing by a wedge character that had never even shown up in the writing prior to the last 15 minutes of that game.

            But in all THREE cases they were Mass Effect. Andromeda was nothing but a licensed product by comparison, the story barely made sense, it didn't really have much to do with the situation in the Milky Way and it was basically written like self insert fan fiction on literally every character.

            • 11 months ago

              Me2 is good. But it strays away from orginal setting quite bit. In 1. First contact war was 25 years before start of the game. Humanity was upstarts. They weren't liked by lot of aliens. And lot of human hated aliens. Ashley was openly racist and so on.
              Then 2 hit. And that's all gone. Humanity is everywhere and it looks like they have been there for long time. There isn't that tension between humans and rest of galaxy anymore. There isn't that xenophobic element anymore. Even-handed you are working for most hc element of Humanity.

              • 11 months ago

                Well the write that away by saying Humanity's role in saving the Citadel elevated them to high status amongst the council races and what not and they somehow make that work even if you decide not to save the council by turning the entire story into human jingoist propaganda that you even get some alien commentary on, depending on how your imports go.
                Again I'm not saying ME2 was a better RPG than ME1, I'm saying from a total production value and overall systemics point of view, it was a far better game....ME1 was a way better RPG and story, ME2 was a way better interactive sci fi movie, and ME3 was kinda a continuation on that except they tried to make it happen in Frostbite and, they let Mac Walters finish a story he had no capability of finishing without Karpyshyn involved.

                I mean in a way, even with the EA feature creep and obvious influence, I think you can also blame Muzkya and Karpyshyn and all the other original devhouse people that exited stage right before finishing the epic....they should have toughed it out for their vision...they didn't. All they had to do was deal with it to finish one game...then they could have left, and laughed their asses off at Andromeda after.

              • 11 months ago

                It's not just humanity running citadel sudendly. It's simply how they are everywhere. You go omega. And there is humans living there like nothing.
                Me2 loses that first steps into wider galaxy feel me1 had.
                Actually I would have liked if me1 was more about great unknown. It would have been nice if tali was first offical interaction between human and quarian. And through your interaction with her. You could have helped humanity to launch first diplomatic mission to migrant fleet.
                Personally I like setting in 1 more then in 2. I like 2. But that sudden change of whole setting makes whole game feel hollow.

  4. 11 months ago

    Bioware will get the axe by EA when the nextt Dragon Age and Mass Effect flop, sad case but it is what it is

    • 11 months ago

      Bioware got axe allready.
      Bioware is just generic name for their studios that make games with rpg elements. There is like 8 bioware studios

  5. 11 months ago

    It's mostly normalgays.
    I remember hearing some frick once calling DmC "Devil May Cry 5" way before the actual DMC5 was announced.
    So there's a fair chance normalhomosexuals will call it ME5 unless they explicitly title it Mass Effect 4

  6. 11 months ago

    Andromeda was still better than the steaming pile of shit some homosexuals call Mass Effect 3

    • 11 months ago

      No actually Andromeda was a steaming pile of shit from start to finish.
      Mass Effect 3 was only watery diarrhea in the last hour of the game.
      Get your stories straight.

  7. 11 months ago

    they're making another one? I didn't know kek
    I thought bioware shut down or something

    • 11 months ago

      They put out a very short teaser ages ago, I think it was Liara mumbling some shit? Honestly, when Ali Hillis starts droning on, my brain switches off.

  8. 11 months ago

    So, if you call it Mass Effect 4 you are admitting you're moronic enough to believe it won't be a pile of shit.

    • 11 months ago

      I'd like it to NOT be a pile of shit, a redemption arc for this IP would be nice.
      Given the fricking mess they've made of everything else including the fricking trainwreck that appears to be the development hell Dreadwolf is in.

  9. 11 months ago

    Isn't it agreed upon that new ME will be ME4 though. Nobody calls it ME5.

  10. 11 months ago

    Ok? Mass Effect 3 was dogshit too.

    • 11 months ago

      The last hour...definitely.
      It had weak spots in the earlire part of the game but I think it tied off some of the stories really well. Mordin's sacrifice being one of the best ever, losing Tali if you side with Han Garrel there were so many parts of that that were well written and good.
      Then of course theres the watery diarrhea starchild shit. And the RGB ending that is basically the same ending no matter what you choose and nothing you did even mattered.

      • 11 months ago

        I got a refund after 3 hours. Finding out it got even worse after those 3 hours felt good, and it felt good that it was rightfully shit on.

      • 11 months ago

        >Mordin's sacrifice being one of the best ever
        Except part where krogans are openly yelling how they burn galaxy down after reapers are driven away.
        It would have been better if it was some other cure.
        Maybe reapers chose to get rid of krogans by using plague. And man who share lions share of responsibility for krogan proplems. Still steps up and saves them. You could have whole element. Genopahge good. But we don't want to genocide krogans. They deserve their chanse.

  11. 11 months ago

    What absolute moronic logic. Devil May Cry fans aren't autistic enough to not recognise DMC2 as the second game, and that game is even worse than Andromeda.

    • 11 months ago

      But that's not the same. DMC2 is DMC2.

      Calling the next Mass Effect ME5 would be akin to calling DMC5 "DMC6" because some morons thought DmC is DMC5.

  12. 11 months ago

    >Go on dates with Asari
    >Cuddle Asari
    >Marry Asari
    >Sex the Asari
    >Impregnate the Asari

    Simple as

    • 11 months ago

      Gotta give Liara credit, I don't see Ashley out looking for you in the trailers.
      Though Ashley is best space racist girlfriend, if you're playing butthole Shepard runs.

    • 11 months ago

      enjoy your child not looking like you

  13. 11 months ago

    okay but are the qu*ri*ns in it because if they are they need to be exterminated

  14. 11 months ago

    I'm gonna start calling it ME5 just to piss you off, homosexual.

    • 11 months ago

      That just means you're a BioWare Social homosexual dildo riding troony, so your opinion is immediately discarded.

  15. 11 months ago

    I think it would probably be more apt to call it anthem 2

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