Nier Automata was never a good game

>shallow, braindead simple button-mashing combat
>your dash is not actually for positioning but just gives you a ton of i-frames. It's just a braindead react button that nullifies all damage, just spam it in any direction to prevent damage
>world is empty and soulless, filled with constant invisible walls, random garbage lying around arbitrarily, and bullet sponge enemies (if you run past will just lead to you being underleveled/undergeared)
>quest design is extremely basic and repetitive fetch quests
>camera has constant jarring forced switches
>free camera is terrible even after messing around with the options; really weird angle and constantly gets caught on walls in smaller spaces
>enemies are braindead hordes of harmless trash mobs with tons of hp
>bosses are boring fights against generic robots with basic attacks but absolutely massive pools of health
>enemies and bosses are extremely unbalanced since your damage and stats increase so much with upgrades. If you aren't wasting time wandering the empty world for shitty fetch quests, gathering crafting garbage, or grinding trash mobs, then the enemies quickly become massive sponges
>"open-world" game that is an on-rails linear path with invisible walls absolutely everywhere
>outside of the tutorial, items are absurdly cheap and you can just spam them with no downside
>pseudointellectual snoozefest story with completely unappealing characters
>tons of half-baked ideas like praying for player corpses, shitty tedious hacking sections, acting like saving is core to the story then you can like every two minutes including from the menu after the prologue, copying Souls bloodstain but doesn't matter because you never die and you lose very little if you do, all the half-assed shmup sections, etc.

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  1. 5 months ago

    Didn't read, both NieR are kino.

  2. 5 months ago

    yeah I quit after 4 hours, absolute snoozefest of a game

  3. 5 months ago

    nier 1 is so soulcrashingly boring

  4. 5 months ago

    Didn't read don't care but everyone agrees the only good thing to come out of this game is all the off-model and out of character porn

  5. 5 months ago

    DoD3 is the only good yoko game

  6. 5 months ago

    >your dash is not actually for positioning but just gives you a ton of i-frames. It's just a braindead react button that nullifies all damage, just spam it in any direction to prevent damage
    So Nier is a Soulsbourne game? I'll give it a try now. Thanks, op!

    • 5 months ago

      I'd say the game is like 10 times more braindead than a souls game

      • 5 months ago


  7. 5 months ago

    >shallow, braindead simple button-mashing combat
    Yeah kinda
    >your dash is not actually for positioning but just gives you a ton of i-frames. It's just a braindead react button that nullifies all damage, just spam it in any direction to prevent damage
    This is the same point
    >world is empty and soulless, filled with constant invisible walls, random garbage lying around arbitrarily, and bullet sponge enemies (if you run past will just lead to you being underleveled/undergeared)
    The world is pretty shit is there to just to present the story
    >quest design is extremely basic and repetitive fetch quests
    It's more about the characters or scenarios, if you look at it as a checklist yeah you're just fetching some nuts in the middle of the desert i guess
    >camera has constant jarring forced switches
    These are fine
    >free camera is terrible even
    Idk i never had any trouble with it
    >enemies are braindead hordes of harmless trash mobs with tons of hp
    You've already made this point
    >bosses are boring fights against generic robots with basic attacks but absolutely massive pools of health
    Not really, you have Adam and Eve, A2, the factory boss, the singer, the big fish and the centipedes, they were all pretty varied
    >enemies and bosses are extremely unbalanced since your damage and stats increase so much with upgrades. If you aren't wasting time wandering the empty world for shitty fetch quests, gathering crafting garbage, or grinding trash mobs, then the enemies quickly become massive sponges
    You don't really have to grind but you should upgrade your weapons a bit
    >"open-world" game that is an on-rails linear path with invisible walls absolutely everywhere
    You've already made this point
    >outside of the tutorial, items are absurdly cheap and you can just spam them with no downside
    They optional and let you bruteforce it without spending time upgrading shit
    >pseudointellectual snoozefest story with completely unappealing characters
    The story is fine

    • 5 months ago

      Don't quit your day job, anon.

  8. 5 months ago

    No, you fricking pedophile, I won't play baldurs gate 3 or spider man 2, I'd rather play NieR Automata once again, you can go back to sucking black wieners

  9. 5 months ago

    Didn't read but I agree. I had high expectations when I played it last year and it was so painfully boring that I dropped after 4 hours.

  10. 5 months ago

    I like it.

  11. 5 months ago

    It's kind of a platformer in 3D. A good one.

  12. 5 months ago

    Don't care, Ending E was kino and that's literally all that matters

    • 5 months ago

      >But the ending you get after replaying the game at least 4 times is good ! I swear !

      • 5 months ago

        Route B is replaying the game
        C and D take place after the A/B endings, dumbass,

        • 5 months ago

          Oh so you only have to finish the game 4 times to get the kino ending ? My bad then.

          • 5 months ago

            Playing a part of the story and getting a continuation of it in the same game until you reach the ultimate conclusion is somehow bad?

            • 5 months ago

              I'm just trolling you my homie. So how many playthrough do you need to do before getting the kino ending E ?

              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                Why are you lying anon ?

              • 5 months ago

                Two, you beat the game for the first time and that's Ending A, then you beat the game again but from the POV of your sidekick but he's actually OP as frick and it's a breeze, then your next playthrough is a continunation of the story with a new protag and many stuff shaken up. When you reach the end you make a choice and get either C or D ending, but from that point on you unlock Chapter Select and can simply load back to that choice and get the remaining ending after which you reach E.

  13. 5 months ago

    >your dash is not actually for positioning but just gives you a ton of i-frames. It's just a braindead react button that nullifies all damage, just spam it in any direction to prevent damage
    Dashes that are only for ""positioning"" are useless and shit game design. You only see this garbage in western games, by developers who couldn't craft a good combat system if their lives depended on it. There's no point in a dodge button that doesn't actually dodge attacks, and there's especially no point in it when you can just use basic MOVEMENT that doesn't lock you in an animation with recovery frames. Anyone who argues for this garbage is an idiot. I didn't read the rest of your post and don't care about anything else. I just came here to say this.

    • 5 months ago

      What about a dash that doesn't give you i-frames but lets you reposition fast so you can dodge an incoming hit?

  14. 5 months ago

    I agree. NieR was a masterpiece, Automata was a snoozefest.

  15. 5 months ago

    none of this is wrong and yet, I still managed to enjoy the game decently enough in until the B playthrough where I just dropped it before the good part out of boredom I guess

  16. 5 months ago

    ill never understand the "beat the game 4 times" complainers

    i didnt even really like the game but like up thru ending i think it was E the games just not finished yet, and it doesnt feel like it is either

    • 5 months ago

      >ill never understand the "beat the game 4 times" complainers
      Especially when it came to OG Nier, I beat Replicant and Gestalt and the "replay" takes you to the last stretch of the game that you can beat in less than an hour.

  17. 5 months ago

    Yes, nier is trash. But it is marketed well (depression-core.)

  18. 5 months ago

    Neir Replicant is great. Automata not so much

    • 5 months ago

      Got that backwards, son.

  19. 5 months ago

    didn't read + you smoke penis + cant wait for drakengard 5

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