>No, Arthas, you can't purge this city! >A better idea?

>No, Arthas, you can't purge this city!
>A better idea? Uh, uh, uh... I need to... uh... over here....

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  1. 6 months ago

    Well, how about you?

  2. 6 months ago

    Was there any downfall from Arthas? If so, at what point? Think it was on dwarf stuff.

  3. 6 months ago

    Women love to say no to an idea and then propose zero alternatives, just say “well I don’t know an alternative but i know it can’t be this!”

    That alone makes this plot line pretty realistic

    • 6 months ago

      You've never talked to a woman.

  4. 6 months ago

    >the plague kills people and turns them into undead
    >"ok lets kill them first so... they turn into undead"
    wow good job arthas

    • 6 months ago

      Just kill them twice, god damn.

    • 6 months ago

      They should’ve taken Uther’s vaccine. Then they would’ve protected themselves and others from the plague, right?

    • 6 months ago

      well it prevents the pain of being infected while alive. why didn't he just cremate them though?

  5. 6 months ago

    yea the writing was a bit of a clusterfrick

    • 6 months ago

      It wasn't as bad as Starcraft, at least.
      >I'm going to abandon my best agent Kerrigan to the Zerg because frick you, you sort of talked back or something, but we'll also make up some bullshit story about her killing my father in some later book to justify this critical point in the story
      The Culling thing was at least kind of believable as a horrible decision brought about from an impulsive stupid argument where nobody is willing to compromise, these sorts of things happen

  6. 6 months ago

    If you have a pure heart then you're immune to the plague. Mograine died and was reanimated with a spell to become one of the horsemen.

  7. 6 months ago

    made for BAC

  8. 6 months ago

    They could have saved the few who weren't cursed. In Aliens Ripley always made an effort to rescue marines and civilians.

    • 6 months ago


  9. 6 months ago

    Why didn't that chud Arthas just take the vaccine?

  10. 6 months ago

    Shitty writing is the norm for video games

  11. 6 months ago

    wasn't uther was the one opposing the purge, her disagreement was about arthas suspending all paladins form service and she left because she did not wanted arthas watch killing them?

    • 6 months ago

      Reminder that the mages of Dalaran were the ones at the start, literally the human campaign's intro, who proposed quarantine on the infected people of Lordaeron until they were sure what they were dealing with, and it was Arthas's dad the king that said
      >I will not institute quarantine without proof of your claims, Ambassador. The people of Lordaeron have suffered enough without becoming prisoners in their own lands.
      If they just listened to the mages, they could have at the very least greatly mitigated the damage the Scourge did.


      • 6 months ago

        >If they just listened to the mages, they could have at the very least greatly mitigated the damage
        infection was transmitted via tampered grain, quarantine would've done nothing since quarantined people still need to eat

        it was a failure on the part of the mages for not identifying a vector as obvious as the food, you would've literally been able to see it just by plotting a map of spread of the infection

        • 6 months ago

          If the quarantine was instituted and it still spread they could have come to that conclusion sooner. Quarantine makes sense until you know what you're dealing with.

  12. 6 months ago

    Anyone else think the first cracks in Blizzard were with Frozen Throne?

    >Felt rushed
    >New units underwhelming, not very useful, and stick out
    >Undead campaign sticks you with b***h desperate Arthas instead of conquering the world as glorious Undead. Rest of the campaign is shitty new mary sue girlboss and her uninteresting storyline because they ran out of ideas of missions
    >Human/Alliance campaign just introduces a new faction and opens more plot threads that will never get resolved, isn't really Humans at all
    >No Orc campaign at all
    >Naga are half-assed
    >The whole Illidan-fleeing-to-Outland plot was stupid and just introduced more plot threads
    >Final Arthas vs. Illidan cutscene is bad in-game graphics instead of a proper cinematic

    Maybe because I never had any interest in WoW and always wanted a WC4, but even at the time in 2004 Frozen Throne left a bad taste in my mouth even though I didn't hate it.

    • 6 months ago

      Sure, TFT was basically jsut a setup for WoW, but at the same time i didn't care because it did so much for the custom game scene.

    • 6 months ago

      I also prefer ROC but tft new units were good. Bat riders and gargoyles were super useful.

    • 6 months ago

      >Final Arthas vs. Illidan cutscene is bad in-game graphics instead of a proper cinematic
      Yet it's better than the Reforged version

    • 6 months ago

      >humans are... le racist!
      >muh queendom shall be called... le forsaken!
      >illidan's forces are... le persecuted minorities!

  13. 6 months ago

    >A better idea?
    Let them die a horrific painful death to the plague and rise as undead, forever damning their souls to hell in the process. Then sacrifice thousands of soldiers in an attempt to purge the city of said undead which might not even succeed.

  14. 6 months ago

    There definitely would be a better idea but there wasn't time to come up with one and it's better than letting Mal'Ganis do his thing

  15. 6 months ago

    The latter half of the human campaign is really disappointing story-wise, but fun to play.
    I like the timed mission where you're supposed to defend, because taking out the enemy bases instead is a fun little challenge especially on hard mode.

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