>No gyro. >No trackpad. >No battery included

>No gyro
>No trackpad
>No battery included
>No extra stuff like haptics on shoulder buttons/LEDs/microphone/speaker/3.5mm headset jack
>More input delay
>Rougly the same price as a PS5 pad

Why would anyone buy this over the PS5 pad for PC? Genuinely curious.

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  1. 1 month ago

    Looks cooler.

  2. 1 month ago

    Fewer moronic gimmicks is a selling point.

    • 1 month ago

      >Paying the same for less is a selling point
      I dont get it. But then against I also have no idea why people buy 41% keyboards.

      • 1 month ago

        >41% keyboards
        mindless consumers that have convinced themselves that they NEED less, they're mindless consumers. same story for the controllers.
        before you know it they'll convince themselves that the bugs aren't that bad

      • 1 month ago

        enjoy your battery draining parasitic features snoy

      • 1 month ago

        >PS4 controller
        >never use; battery dies in two hours
        >Xbox One OG BT Controller
        >Still working on same batteries for months
        there's nothing to get, you either tether yourself to a cord or you don't, simple as. oh no, stupid gimmicks aren't in a perfect controller. All it needs is alps and its perfect.

    • 1 month ago

      Gyro is not a gimmick. It is impossible to aim without it or computer aided assistance.

      • 1 month ago

        But why bother with it over a mouse and keyboard?

        • 1 month ago

          If you don't want to play games sitting at a desk like a troglodyte, it's nice to be able to use a controller and retain 90% of the aiming a mouse provides.

        • 1 month ago

          some games are ass with KBM and still have aiming, like GTA5 or MHW. Gyro on controller is literally best of both worlds

        • 1 month ago

          Using a lapdesk on a couch is kinda annoying, plus there's not a single one in the market for for purpose. I need one that's 100mm x 50mm and either 50% or entirely covered in mousepad. Would need to literally cut and sand and finish a board and then glue my mousepad to it kek.

      • 1 month ago

        >Has everything I need
        >feels good
        >doesn't make fricked up decisions like the analogy stick placements on ps controllers
        It's the best I've found since 360 controllers stopped being readily available

        When the frick would I be aiming with a controller

        some games are ass with KBM and still have aiming, like GTA5 or MHW. Gyro on controller is literally best of both worlds

        You can just switch between kbm and controller. When I get in a vehicle I take the controller, when I get out, I put it in my lap
        Most players won't get close with gyro compared to the average mouse user

        • 1 month ago

          >You can just switch between kbm and controller.
          90% of games tend to freak out when you try to switch between kbm and controller, either by ignoring one of them or causing lag spikes as the game switches button prompts or some other annoying issue.

          • 1 month ago

            That might be the case, I definitely notice it in some games when I make the switch but for GTA it works fine and for pretty much every single game I switch permanently so the delay isn't really bothersome

      • 1 month ago

        Controllers are for games that don't emphasize aiming. I've tried getting steam's input to work as a gyromouse for 90s first person classics and it just feels wrong.

        • 1 month ago

          It feels wrong because you configured it wrong.

          Don't get me wrong: valve royally fricked up by expecting normgroids to have to perform senior level QA on their own by tweaking a dozen variables of sensitivity, haptic feedback, and acceleration. Try a game on the Steam Deck like half-life or portal where valve tweaked it themselves and it's perfect.

    • 1 month ago

      Internal batteries and gyro aren't gimmicks, this is just an xboxgay cope to deal with the fact that they're the only ones missing out at this point

      • 1 month ago

        I prefer not having to charge my controller every 3 hours and paying $25 less for a new one. I don't even own an Xbox. Take your gimmicky gaySense and shove it up your ass.

        • 1 month ago

          you realize switch pro pad lasts longer than xbox pad?

        • 1 month ago

          How an xboxgay thinks rechargeable batteries are like:
          >play for 3 hours
          >low battery light comes on
          >have to plug it in for the rest of the day
          How rechargeable batteries are really like:
          >play for 2 weeks
          >low battery light comes on
          >keep playing for the rest of the day because even at low battery it'll still have enough charge
          >plug it in when sleeping
          >wake up and unplug it
          >play for another 2 weeks

        • 1 month ago

          >Duelsense loses charge
          >plug it in and continue playing
          >it charges while doing so

          >Xbox controller loses charge
          >have to find a batterypack that still has charge
          >or leave it on the charging station and quit the game for a few hourse while it charges

          10 years and you still use this cope that has more disadvanteges than a internal battery pack

          • 1 month ago

            You realize you can just plug in the Xbox controller with a USB-C cable and it doesn't need batteries, right?

            • 1 month ago

              >dude just keep playing wired haha
              do you seriously not see the advantage of being able to continue playing a game while your controller charges?

              • 1 month ago

                Are you missing the part where you'd just stick the batteries in a wall charger somewhere while still playing from your controller? The convenience is negligible.

              • 1 month ago

                what kind of fricking troglodyte buys 2 and just 2 eneloops

              • 1 month ago

                If that's the argument then how is this an issue? In the amount of time it would take you to just swap the batteries you'd have to get your charger to plug into the controller. Both are gonna take roughly the same amount of time with the battery swap taking a slight bit more than the charger. I don't get this argument. The controller with the built-in battery will require more charging overall (Roughly every six to eight hours) versus the Eneloops which will be roughly every twenty or so hours. The amount of time you save just by getting your charger will be more or less equal to the same person swapping the batteries since you had to charge your controller 2-3 times for every one time the battery person has to swap it, and the battery person can also just plug stuff in if they're not wanting to deal with batteries anyway because it doesn't need batteries to work.

            • 1 month ago

              Kinda hypocritical stance for a handheld gay tbh.

  3. 1 month ago

    the dpad and joystick position

  4. 1 month ago

    PS style stick positioning can be bad for people with big hands.
    Replaceable batteries are better in the long run in case built-in rechargeable battery dies.
    Most PC games prior to recent times only support XInput without additional layers like x360ce, ds4windows or steam controller layer.
    Most PC games don't utilize HD haptics, trackpad or any of the other tacked on features.

    • 1 month ago

      >PS style stick positioning can be bad for people with big hands.
      Then you buy pic related.
      >Replaceable batteries are better in the long run in case built-in rechargeable battery dies.
      All controller batteries are replaceable if you know how to read ifixit.com
      >Most PC games prior to recent times only support XInput without additional layers like x360ce, ds4windows or steam controller layer.
      If you don't know how to use computer software then you should really not be using a PC and should stick to consoles
      >Most PC games don't utilize HD haptics, trackpad or any of the other tacked on features.
      You can make any of the features work by customizing the software.

      anything similar to this quality/shape wise with gyro?

      Yes, pic related.

      • 1 month ago

        >Yes, pic related.
        but is it compatible with everything?

        • 1 month ago

          Yes if you know how to use a computer.

          >They don't need any drivers. At least not on Windows, Linux and Android.
          Because Windows, Linux and Android have custom drivers. The other platforms don't.
          I know you're a Playstation fan, but try to learn some reading comprehension, anon.

          Ah yes a playstation fan that uses a switch pro controller
          very cool

          • 1 month ago

            Clearly, you're the sort of person who just hates anything Xbox. I haven't purchased a new Xbox in 19 years, and I still have an Xbox Series X controller because it just works, without drivers or configuration, on any platform.

            >need special tools
            Oh no a screw you need from Amazon that comes in a set. The audacity

            Meanwhile, I just put standard AA batteries in my Xbox 360 controller and it works. I don't need to order a set of anything from Amazon.

            • 1 month ago

              Black person if you can't follow simple instructions on ifixit.com you should literally and figuratively not be playing on a PC, you're too stupid for that.
              and no not either the switch pro pad nor the PS5 pad needs special tools for disassembly, you need a fricking screwdriver and a credit card and that's it

              • 1 month ago

                >Black person if you can't follow simple instructions on ifixit.com you should
                Buy an Xbox controller instead, put a pair of AA batteries in it, and enjoy PC games.

                I should not need to disassemble my controllers to replace their batteries.
                Also, racism isn't permitted or appreciated on this website. Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

              • 1 month ago

                You were the one saying about things working straight out of the box (assuming that they do) We proved other companies do that better than snoygamesion and you are trying to justify your poor arguments with shit tier logic.

                Let me guess, you are Chinese and are mad that Indians beat you at controllers?

              • 1 month ago

                hey moron, what's easier than just popping in rechargeable batteries? fricking hell, your mother should have just aborted you.

              • 1 month ago

                moronic children thinks unscrewing a few screws is hard
                more at 10

              • 1 month ago

                Brainless mouthbreather thinks disassembling a controller is easier than just popping off the battery cover and putting new batteries in. I hope you choke on your Doritos and die.

              • 1 month ago

                Enjoy paying 15 bucks for a chink cell that fails in a week, buddy. Regular batteries are just objectively superior to li-on cancer.

            • 1 month ago

              >Meanwhile, I just put standard AA batteries in my Xbox 360 controller and it works
              i think you forgot something

              • 1 month ago

                These adapters were terrible and used to burn themselves out.
                Imagine having a wireless adapter and still needing to plug it in and unplug it when you're done.

        • 1 month ago

          on steam its easy enough to make it work. youll just have to get used to seeing xbox button prompts in game that dont match with what is on your controller.
          other launchers like epic games practically dont support it though.
          tried playing rocket league via epic the other day and it somehow maps the triggers to start and select. and while i could sort of fix it by just changing the button prompts to have select do whatever the triggers do, the main menu would still open via select, so the main menu would open when pressing the trigger.
          its a complete mess and epic simply doesnt support it.
          bought a $15 used wired 360 controller, cleaned it up a little and dont need to worry about incompatible games anymore.

      • 1 month ago

        I have to say I didn't like it at first but the switch pro became my favorite controller. Just wish they had different transparent colors like the N64 controllers.

      • 1 month ago

        No analogue triggers (or buttons)

      • 1 month ago

        I really hate how they all use the same letters but in different positions.

        • 1 month ago

          It's really not that hard. They just swap the A with B and X with Y. Both have clear names everyone around the world understands and can easily say+type instead of cragmillion hexagon on a green threadmill.
          Nintendo dropping the colourcoding for no reason sucks ass tho.

          • 1 month ago

            “It’s not hard it’s just the oposite”

            I mean yeah it’s not hard it’s just confusing when you are in game and a prompt shows up if you are used to a specific gamepad. Even PlayStation has X so even that one gets confused.

      • 1 month ago

        I would entertain switch controllers if only didn't switch the letter input for no reason. My brain is already programmed that x is horizontal, y is verticle, and so on.

        • 1 month ago

          >if only didn't switch the letter input for no reason.
          They've been using that layout since the SNES.

      • 1 month ago

        >All controller batteries are replaceable if you know how to read ifixit.com
        This is moronic, removable batteries are useful because you can replace them with charged batteries immediately when they run out and as such can charge the batteries independently of using the controller. There's also no reason to not make the battery easily replaceable, you should not need some internet guide to replace a consumable item.

        • 1 month ago

          Meh, I just buy 2 controllers and have one always charging.

        • 1 month ago

          There is no reason to have batteries to begin with that isn't fricking the consumer.

        • 1 month ago

          It's more moronic to defend this shit just so you can feel smug about knowing how to solder a fricking wire onto a pcb.

    • 1 month ago

      I have big hands and I prefer PS layout (I couldn't even get use to the xbox one).
      >Replaceable batteries are better in the long run in case built-in rechargeable battery dies.
      These batteries last years
      >without additional layers like x360ce, ds4windows or steam controller layer.
      You install 99+ softwares, that one doesn't take much effort (also likely Steam is installed anyway).

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      >Most PC games don't utilize HD haptics, trackpad or any of the other tacked on features.
      Not true in a post deck world.

      • 1 month ago

        Name 7(seven) PC games that supports gyro aiming.

        • 1 month ago


        • 1 month ago

          Every game on Steam with mouse controls

  5. 1 month ago

    >No bullshit gimmicks

    • 1 month ago

      i may hate xbox controllers, but the reason is comfort.
      Also there's converters that add it.
      >no gyro

      >mouse aim is a gimmick

      • 1 month ago

        aim is a gimmick
        Yes because you literally have a fricking mouse for that

  6. 1 month ago

    buy an ad, phil.

  7. 1 month ago

    anything similar to this quality/shape wise with gyro?

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      flydigi vader 3, it might look like chinkshit but the quality and feel is actually very good and the dpad blows everyone else out of the water

      • 1 month ago

        Thos one? I'm worried about the C/Z buttons being in a way, and 80 for a chink controller seems a bit much

        • 1 month ago

          I found you could easily just ignore those extra buttons, unless you have a really weird grip where your whole thumb is making contact. I was also skeptical of its quality until I got the controller in my hands, the plastics feel good and the buttons are great. Unironically better than a stock xbox controller imo

        • 1 month ago

          NTA, C and Z are lower profile than the main face buttons. I personally don't have a problem with them and extra buttons are always a good thing to have imo. Keep in mind they're membrane, not mouse switches like the main face buttons and have a different feel to them.
          You can get it for cheaper at aliexpress. I got mine with a case for $42 including delivery

          • 1 month ago

            >Keep in mind they're membrane, not mouse switches like the main face buttons and have a different feel to them.
            The main face buttons aren't membrane? What the frick

            • 1 month ago

              Mouse switches are more durable

              • 1 month ago

                absolutely not
                mouse switches double clicks is a thing and it's real comoon.
                mechanical switches are a fricking meme.
                membrane is more durable. it's called compliant mechanism.

  8. 1 month ago

    >No battery included
    That's a good thing. My Xbox 360 controller from 2005 still works, 19 years later. Just slap some fresh AAs in and it's good to go. Meanwhile, my Playstation 3 controllers (SIXAXIS and DualShock 3) have dead internal batteries that I cannot replace without special tools and supplies.
    >No extra stuff like haptics on shoulder buttons/LEDs/microphone/speaker/3.5mm headset jack
    The Xbox Series controller has a 3.5mm headset jack. You aren't even familiar with the controller that you're criticizing.

    Finally, the main reason people buy these is sheer compatibility: They work with anything and everything. Pairing is trivial and universal.
    PC, Mac, Linux, SteamOS, Android, iOS, Apple TV, and even stuff like newer Samsung televisions that run the Steam Link app.
    DualShock 4 and Sixsense aren't anywhere near this level. They need custom drivers.

    • 1 month ago

      >DualShock 4 and Sixsense aren't anywhere near this level. They need custom drivers.
      Here's from your post
      >You aren't even familiar with the controller that you're criticizing.

      They don't need any drivers. At least not on Windows, Linux and Android.

      • 1 month ago

        >They don't need any drivers. At least not on Windows, Linux and Android.
        Because Windows, Linux and Android have custom drivers. The other platforms don't.
        I know you're a Playstation fan, but try to learn some reading comprehension, anon.

    • 1 month ago

      >need special tools
      Oh no a screw you need from amazon that comes in a set. The audacity

    • 1 month ago

      >Meanwhile, my Playstation 3 controllers (SIXAXIS and DualShock 3) have dead internal batteries that I cannot replace without special tools
      A screwdriver isn't really a "special" tool, dumbass. And it's literally the only thing you need to replace a DS3 battery. It takes five minutes at most.

      • 1 month ago

        You still need to buy a proprietary battery. The Xbox uses rechargeable AAs you can find at any store.

        • 1 month ago

          >proprietary battery
          they're on amazon for 10 bucks

          • 1 month ago

            And AAs are in literally any store for cheaper.

            • 1 month ago

              are those AAs you speak of rechargeable

              • 1 month ago

                Yes, they are. A 4-pack of rechargeable AAs also costs $10 but the controller uses 2 of them, so you can have the other 2 on standby and get zero charging downtime. It's a much better system.

              • 1 month ago

                You know what's an even better system? Wires.

              • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      My Sixaxis still works good as day one but my DualSense's battery is already dead and cannit be used wired without a battery

  9. 1 month ago

    bought it new for half the price so I finally retired my wired 360 controller
    my only complaint is that sometimes the X button gets stuck if I happen to press too hard

  10. 1 month ago

    Much better dpad. The Dualsense is an improvement over the DS4's pad but it's still mushy compared to the nice crisp Xbox one

    • 1 month ago

      Xbox's is dogshit for older 2d games

    • 1 month ago

      Maybe my dualsense is an anomaly, but it's dpad is the worst I've ever used. Between that and haptics being a total meme I just played death stranding and returnal with m&k.

      • 1 month ago

        Person you're replying to is moronic. DualSense is easily one of the worst feeling d-pads I've ever used

  11. 1 month ago

    >fixed soon with leaked pad
    >that is a good thing
    >that is the best thing holy shi frick off with inbuild batteries
    >no garbage is a good thing
    >made up snoy shit
    >actual worth the price because it isn't cheap chinkshit
    Next thread.

    • 1 month ago

      >you don't need your dick.. and that's a good thing!

      • 1 month ago

        Anonkun we are not talking those type of joysticks. Please leave your rampant lust for cucks at the door while we discuss input device perihperals.

    • 1 month ago

      >that is a good thing
      Anyone who talks ill of the trackpad has no idea what they're talking about and can't think for more than five seconds. It's literally 9-17 different button inputs depending on if you want to implement diagonal sections on it or not and functions as a cursor if you want. There is no benefit to removing it because that real estate is empty 90% of the time anyway and you'll get a smaller controller which sucks absolute ass.

      • 1 month ago

        >on fricking PC
        >that has access to a mouse which is far superior in doing what a trackpad wishes it could do
        Opinion discarded, trashed and incinerated

        • 1 month ago

          >that has access to a mouse which is far superior in doing what a trackpad wishes it could do
          You realize a lot of people play from their couch, right? Also, that is literally just one single option for it, outside of that it functions as up to 16+ different buttons (8 physical button presses in eight directions, 8 touchscreen touches, and then gestures). No one has any argument against the touchpad outside of "I don't like it". It is literally better than back buttons, better than adding more buttons to the front, and gives you way more control over a lot of things when it's not a glorified select button.

  12. 1 month ago

    My only gripe is the USB-C port, after enough use USB-C tends to get jiggly and disconnect on occasion so I really wish the port was deeper in the controller to prevent that issue.

    • 1 month ago

      I had that issue till I bit the bullet and bought a 2pack of 20!!! fricking bucks usb cables. The high qualty actually makes a difference in not having the plug conenctions frick up and stay solid in place where it should even after leting it fall on the ground..

    • 1 month ago

      buy a magnetic usb-c cable and permanently leave the connector on the port
      you also do this for your phone
      thank me later

      • 1 month ago

        its based for charging your phone but would be annoying for gaming as it can easily disconnect

        • 1 month ago

          nah, having an easy disconnect like that makes it so you cant pull your pc off your desk if you walk away with your controller or something moronic like that. that's the reason why xbox controllers had that disconnect in the cable.

      • 1 month ago

        These are fantastic, I don’t own this particular brand but anything similar is awesome.

      • 1 month ago

        fricking magnets

    • 1 month ago

      >sony finally makes a USB-C connector lock for their controllers
      >only works for their overpriced $200 turbo autism controller

  13. 1 month ago

    forgot the part where you need 10 programs and drivers to emulate a xbox gamepad in every game outside steam

    • 1 month ago

      Meanwhile my xbox pad even works on old crusty rpgmaker games.

    • 1 month ago

      Meanwhile my xbox pad even works on old crusty rpgmaker games.

      you don't need any drivers.
      maybe stop getting information from 10 years old articles.

      • 1 month ago

        that's still true, i have the ds4 and the Switch Pro controller and literally 9 of 10 games don't work with those controllers natively

        • 1 month ago

          steam>game>add a non steam game to library>select executable file>add

          • 1 month ago

            press A to play>play woah!

      • 1 month ago

        Yes you do.
        There are two input standards on Windows: The older DirectInput standard and the newer Xinput standard.

        Xbox 360, One and Series controllers expose themselves as Xinput controllers:

        DualShock 4 and Sixsense expose themselves as DirectInput controllers:

        Most games these days only support Xinput. You need a piece of software (such as Steam's Controller Functionality) to translate DirectInput to Xinput.

        • 1 month ago

          It's insane how consumers let soyn get away with not shipping proper drivers with their controller. Even nintendos pads you plug in, they install first time and then you can use them fine.

        • 1 month ago

          You know what drivers are right..?

          • 1 month ago

            Yes, the Playstation controller drivers don't support Xinput, requiring the use of wrapper software.

            • 1 month ago

              And which driver do i need to install for a dualsense to work in windows?

              • 1 month ago

                You'll need the official Playstation drivers, and then you'll need wrapper software to get the controller to work in 99.9% of games.

              • 1 month ago

                >You'll need the official Playstation drivers
                Here's where you're wrong.
                You don't.

              • 1 month ago


                Windows downloads and installs the drivers automatically.
                You should go to bed and let the adults talk, okay?

              • 1 month ago

                I can literally show you how you're fricking wrong right now by installing windows 10 on a VM, disable the virtual ethernet adaptor, plug a dualsense into the guest and it'll instantly recognize the shit and it will work.

                But what would you give me if I do that?

              • 1 month ago

                pic related
                i use the w7 jp version to play language locked jp eroge

              • 1 month ago

                >plug PS4 controller into computer
                >it just werks
                Linux wins again.

  14. 1 month ago

    > Most copied controller.
    > Bad.
    > Just cuz I said so.

    LMAO. Cope more snoycuck.

  15. 1 month ago

    >No gyro
    Unnecessary gimmick not used by any game
    >No trackpad
    Unnecessary gimmick
    >No battery included
    Rechargeable AAs are infinitely superior to a built in time bomb
    >No extra stuff like haptics on shoulder buttons/LEDs/microphone/speaker/3.5mm headset jack
    Thank god there isn't more unnecessary garbage to break
    >More input delay
    A difference so marginal it can only be seen in measurements
    >Rougly the same price as a PS5 pad
    Yet it isn't

    Any more pressing concerns?

    • 1 month ago

      >not used by any game
      >works on any fps game on PC and adds mouse aim to controller
      why lie?

      • 1 month ago

        >playing a first person shooter on a fricking controller
        Thanks for playing

        • 1 month ago

          non-shooters like the witcher an have aiming in them, or a TPS
          also isn't it good if controller can do fps?

          • 1 month ago

            And all console games have ridiculous aim assist/lock on anyway which makes gyro obsolete.

            • 1 month ago

              >game has less autoaim for sticks
              >unplayable and getting wrecked, cant rocket jump
              >use gyro
              >good in any game with aiming, can rocket jump
              so this is the power.... of stick aim

            • 1 month ago

              >duuuhhh the game have qte why add gameplay?

  16. 1 month ago

    >comparing a Dual Sense with an Xbox One controller
    Highly disingenuous. Xbox Series controller is way better than launch Xbone controllers. Also both controllers suck ass compared to Gulikit KK3 Max.

  17. 1 month ago

    Also are we really gonna act like the shitty PS4 and 5 controller mic is a positive? LMAO

    • 1 month ago

      No you see sony having an always online NSA spy microphone in their controllers is actually a good thing because it is not the xbox one.

      • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      any added features is a positive as long as it doesnt drive up the cost

      No you see sony having an always online NSA spy microphone in their controllers is actually a good thing because it is not the xbox one.

      you know you can disable any input device in your OS?

      Battery lasts 4 hours
      >Xbox Series
      Battery lasts 36 hours

      switch pro pad lasts even longer
      why would you buy the xbox controller?

      • 1 month ago

        Switch pro controller doesn't have analog shoulders so it's really bad for racing games.
        >Just get a wheel
        I do have a direct drive wheel for sims, but arcadey racing games just aren't made for that sort of thing but you still want gradual throttle control.

        • 1 month ago

          I meant triggers

      • 1 month ago

        Easily replaceable batteries are nice. Personally I go for a Gulikit KK3 Max because it's literally a multi-console Switch Pro controller in the form of an Xbox pad + toggleable hair triggers and back buttons.

      • 1 month ago

        Yeah man just disable the always on spying microphone or camera in the softeare. Im sure that will work, especially on a console lmao.

        • 1 month ago

          >console war Black person can't read, enters a PC thread then proceed to spout bullshit about console wars
          i should've known

  18. 1 month ago

    >>No extra stuff like haptics on shoulder buttons/LEDs/microphone/speaker/3.5mm headset jack
    Good I don't want useless garbage that will drain the batteries faster.

  19. 1 month ago

    Battery lasts 4 hours
    >Xbox Series
    Battery lasts 36 hours

  20. 1 month ago

    All of that is irrelevant when Sony is refusing to evolve the Dualshock's archaic shitty symmetrical layout

    • 1 month ago

      And fisherprice toy ass button naming.

  21. 1 month ago

    Its better then whatever troony trash you like OP

  22. 1 month ago

    built in batteries are a meme.

  23. 1 month ago

    >no gyro
    >no trackpad
    >no internal battery
    >no extra gimmicks
    Not seeing the issue here you troglodyte
    >captcha H GAY AG

  24. 1 month ago

    Their fans are moronic dudebros solely responsible holding the rest of the industry back, because they think adding even one more button will make them gay sissies

  25. 1 month ago

    It actually works.

  26. 1 month ago

    >No microphone/speaker/3.5mm headset jack
    Anon are you by chance moronic?

    • 1 month ago

      Xbox controllers might as well not have one since their DAC is such ass.

  27. 1 month ago

    >No gyro
    >No trackpad
    >No extra stuff like haptics on shoulder buttons/LEDs/microphone/speaker/3.5mm headset jack
    Tell me a single PC game where all this is relevant
    >No battery included
    Yes, this sucks, but it's easy to fix by buying rechargeable AA.
    >More input delay
    If your PC sucks, yes, I have never had delay on my PC

    • 1 month ago

      You can turn controller into a wheel if you are autistic about car simulators
      Also every Switch game that requires gyro

      • 1 month ago

        If you are autistic from car games you will have at least a steering wheel with its pedals, and I have asked about PC games, not in an emulator, although you have a point there

      • 1 month ago

        >gyro steering
        lmao no, even the joystick is better than that

  28. 1 month ago

    even tho i'm a xbone pad enjoyer for pc, i have to say i'm kinda impressed by the durability of the switch pro after nearly 6 years and hundreds of hours in monster hunter and smash the pad still works perfectly with 0 drifting and also the battery is very very good

  29. 1 month ago

    >Why would anyone buy this over the PS5 pad for PC?
    Replaceable batteries. No amount of gimmicks can beat going from 0% to 100% charge in an instant.

  30. 1 month ago

    >everyone normal just uses xbox pads
    >snoys and exsnoys now steamies: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE use my pad pls please please

  31. 1 month ago

    How much input delay do steam input or ds4windows add to controllers?

    • 1 month ago

      no idea but the dualsense is faster on pc than on ps5

      >Why would anyone buy this over the PS5 pad for PC?
      Why would anyone buy a controller in the first place if they're on PC? The only reason I can think of is that the game you want to play has terrible (or no) M&KB support. Otherwise, there is no need.

      ive been using a controller since when mainboards still come with a game port
      your sentiment is a very new trend in pc gaming

  32. 1 month ago

    >has gyro
    >has gyro
    >has gyro
    >does not have gyro

    • 1 month ago

      >has gyno

      • 1 month ago

        Best post.

    • 1 month ago

      >People in charge of xinput, the standard controller interface
      Frick those homosexuals. Even devs that are starting to implement gyro in PC games have their hands shackled by this dogshit API.

  33. 1 month ago

    I prefer the Xbox series X controller. Fits well in my hands and does what I need it to. Has everything I need and nothing that I don't. Haptics would be nice though.

  34. 1 month ago

    >Why would anyone buy this over the PS5 pad for PC?
    Because the Playstation controllers have always sucked and are made for literal spastics with spastic hands.

  35. 1 month ago

    >Why would anyone buy this over the PS5 pad for PC?
    Why would anyone buy a controller in the first place if they're on PC? The only reason I can think of is that the game you want to play has terrible (or no) M&KB support. Otherwise, there is no need.

  36. 1 month ago

    >no 3.5mm jack
    they've had one since the second revision, chill out
    >more input delay
    [citation needed]

    yeah the controller sucks but don't just make shit up homosexual

  37. 1 month ago

    The DualSense is the best controller for PC thanks to the Steam overlay allowing me to program literal menus that pop up and can be navigated with the touchpad. Also aiming with the gyro is so much better, I outperform all of my friends that don’t use it.

    • 1 month ago

      THANK you
      monster hunter world would not be as fun without gyro and touch menus

  38. 1 month ago

    >frogfurry thinks steam is pc

    • 1 month ago

      steam is the best controller config software for any controller, even for the xbox pad

      • 1 month ago

        You don't need to config xbox buttons because they work by default, forgfurry.

        • 1 month ago

          so does the ps pads

        • 1 month ago

          >yes daddy developer PLEASE only give me ONE control setup PLEASE don't make it rebindable i LIVE for being treated like a b***h

  39. 1 month ago

    Is it just me for is the Xbox controller tiny as frick? Feels like it was designed for gamer girls or something

  40. 1 month ago

    I like the design and correct me if I'm wrong but I believe I heard somewhere taht xbox controller are sturdier than other controllers and don't break or drift that easily, I bought mine two years ago and accidentally dropped few times and still in one piece without a single scratch

    • 1 month ago

      the PS5 controller also seems pretty sturdy, though the trigger springs can give out kinda quick. I'm almost gone gonna have to replace the springs for the second time

    • 1 month ago

      >xbox controller are sturdier than other controllers
      partly true because gyro
      if you drop a pad that has gyro and a pad without gyro really hard, the pad with gyro will has its gyro break. and the pad without gyro will not have its gyro break because it doesn't have gyro.
      >drift that easily
      all 3 big makers use the same kind of potentiometer stick so they all drift as easy as each other.
      you'd need hall effect stick, that one doesn't really drift.

    • 1 month ago

      I rate my xbox pad sturdyness on almost gamecube tier. Incredible how long these little shits work and even when damaged they still work and refuse to die.

  41. 1 month ago


    because they use dinput, while xinput is being pushed as the "default".

  42. 1 month ago


    which is stupid because dinput is technically superior.

  43. 1 month ago

    >Why would anyone buy this over the PS5 pad for PC? Genuinely curious.
    first of all thats the xbox one controller, the Series X/S does not the problems you noted

    Now, lets get into features.
    >No gyro
    >No trackpad
    The trackpad is so poorly implemented in all ps5 games aside from ghost of tsushima and spider-man 2 I really wonder why it even exists. In 99% of games you just press it to open the menu.
    >No extra stuff like haptics on shoulder buttons/LEDs/microphone/speaker/3.5mm headset jack
    Haptics are TRASH and are so poorly implemented in all games on ps5 aside from Ghost of Tsushima and Spider-man 2. In 99% of games haptics feel so awful, and the devs dont know how to make it work and in some fps games (helldivers, gigantic) it actually works against you by being so cancerous. And also sometimes the devs are braindead so they just make the trigger go fricking insane by making so loud noise you can hear it through your headset

    Overall, buy an xbox series controller refresh that is coming up soon which will have haptics (cool idea but badly implemented which makes me hate it now) and wake up when you lift it. The refresh is coming in June ish. It also makes me sad because the dualsense is heavier than the series controller maybe due to haptics? I hope the refresh does not get heavier...

    • 1 month ago

      we're talking about pc.
      you can turn off any features that you dont like.

  44. 1 month ago


    >Microsoft designed them to work natively with Windows while Sony refused and only wanted you to use DS3/DS4/DualSense just with their consoles

    Frick is this revisionist history? Playstation didn't invent dinput, it was the standard before Microsoft came out with xinput to try and take over the PC controller market.

    • 1 month ago

      No one but sony themself is stopping sony from shippoing with the drivers to support what tech every single dev uses.

      • 1 month ago

        You mean xinput drivers. The api Microsoft 100% controls and exclusively only lets their own controllers use.
        Microsoft even has a proprietary fricking bluetooth frequency for their controllers to prevent 3rd party controllers on their consoles, and their controllers to just work natively on PC without the official dongle.

  45. 1 month ago

    I'm not paying ~$20 for gimmicks that I don't give a frick about like gyro and haptics. Having a built-in battery is also a downside when you can't easily replace the damn thing.

    • 1 month ago

      ~$20 more than the xbox controller*

  46. 1 month ago


    XInput is far less extensible than DInput, and M$ only updates the standard when they come out with new controller features (read: never). DInput allows essentially arbitrary numbers of buttons and axes, so you can have extra things like more analog buttons, or gyro axes, or just extra buttons. XInput only lets you have whatever is on the latest Xbox controller, nothing more, and even stuff like Haptic Triggers are only allowed in UWP games

  47. 1 month ago


    >Devs just won't add support for it.
    I think the reason is that xinput doesn't support gyro and any other features the dualsense has.
    The API is extremely limited.

  48. 1 month ago

    Because it's better
    It feels better to hold and the dpad is better, at least on the SeX controller
    It's literally the greatest controller of all time, EXCEPT for the gyro thing.

  49. 1 month ago

    >No battery included
    EU should force every gamepad to have easily accessible battery compartment. Internal batteries sandwiched between PCBs are a moronic idea.

    • 1 month ago

      >Internal batteries sandwiched between PCBs
      the dualsense does not have the battery sandwiched between pcbs.
      it's not even glued.


  50. 1 month ago

    Couldn't someone make a gyroscope add-on to slot into the battery pack and work with PC games/emulated Switch games?

    • 1 month ago

      That already exists, but they're generally kinda shit.

  51. 1 month ago


    Extra work. xinput is drag and drop and comes with UE and Unity and all the other popular game engines. dinput actually has to be manually implemented.

  52. 1 month ago


    If you use steam every single game will support ps pads, no exceptions. Even the non steam games by adding them to library.

    However, a lot of newer games do support PS pads even without steam (or any other software for that matter)
    I believe Helldivers 2 supports a ps5 pad and displays the correct buttons.
    A lot of indies also detects and correctly display PS buttons.
    Witcher3 even has dualsense's trigger haptics working.

  53. 1 month ago


    complexity, the only downside of DInput. You'd have to ask every player either a) exactly what controller they're using so you can map it right (even DS4 and DS5 controllers have different DInput mappings, despite having the same generic device name of "Wireless Controller") or b) include some form of arbitrary controller remapping in game that somehow accomodates every possible controller

    many indie games (especially those with linux ports) use SDL, which essentially just has a LOT of built in profiles for various controllers, but games often ship with whatever SDL version was it at the time so if you have a newer controller you basically have to mod the game. not ideal.

  54. 1 month ago


    >XInput just works
    Yeah, for exactly one controller. And everything else just kind of has to jank itself into working.

  55. 1 month ago

    20$ gamesir novalite chad coming through

  56. 1 month ago

    Console FPS should disable autoaim and force gyro.

  57. 1 month ago

    Gyro is severely underutilized in modern gaming IMHO. It makes fps games actually playable with a controller.

  58. 1 month ago

    It's Ergonomics and button layout are perfect and it works perfectly with PC.

    Only improvement would be adding an L3 and R3 button like steamdeck, but it isn't necessary.
    >Never use trackpad in game and when I have it is forced and Gimmicky.
    >Never use Gyro in games with the exception of Wii. And when I do with the exception of Lightgun shooters it's forced and Gimmicky.
    >Wtf are shoulder haptics and why should I care?
    >ummm you realize NO ONE asked for the removal of wired headset options.
    >It has more imput delay?

    Ps5 is fine as a controller but the bells and whistles since ps2 are unnecessary.
    Also PS5 isn't as compatible with PC games.
    I prefer the stick layout of xbox, but the Dpad of Playstation has always been superior.

  59. 1 month ago

    >>No gyro
    Unnecessary if you don't play shooters
    >>No trackpad
    Literally not one game actually uses it for any good reason
    >>No battery included
    Valid critique, but allows you to replace the battery when it dies
    >>No extra stuff like haptics on shoulder buttons/LEDs/microphone/speaker/3.5mm headset jack
    Most of those are unnecessary gimmicks
    >>More input delay
    Not after controller updates
    the same price as a PS5 pad
    Still cheaper

  60. 1 month ago

    I agree not having rechargeable batteries is moronic and/or greedy.
    The rest of the PlayStation controller “features” are gimmicks. PlayStation’s trackpad would be acceptable if they outsourced it to someone competent like apple

  61. 1 month ago

    For me it's:
    Best d-pad right now
    comfortable af
    Nice texture

  62. 1 month ago

    Gyro, trackpad, mic, speaker, and LED's are utterly worthless gimmicks that basically no PC game makes any use of - it has a hesdphone jack, though, and it can also be used for a mic/headset.
    Selling batteries separately is annoying, I give you that, and the price is a tall order. But you'll find me dead before I pay money for a shitty PS5 controller, one of the most uncomfortable and flimsy pieces of shit Sony ever produced.

    • 1 month ago

      >that basically no PC game makes any use of
      Tons and tons of games support them even on PC, natively might I add.

      The entire reason why barely anyone uses the features is because Xbox doesn't as it means more work for them for only one, maybe two, platform(s) to benefit from it and you typically only see it in some multiplats and exclusives. Light bar is useless, absolutely, same deal with the mic and speaker, but touchpad is what every controller should have going forward. Adaptive triggers are a gimmick, but at the same time various games have shown how you can implement them into half presses/full presses for different features so it can even do stuff for games and means more button inputs. Haptic feedback is also here to stay since every controller has it now, Xbox just has it in the triggers rather than the full one Switch and DualSense do.

    • 1 month ago

      >that basically no PC game makes any use of
      Tons and tons of games support them even on PC, natively might I add.

      The entire reason why barely anyone uses the features is because Xbox doesn't as it means more work for them for only one, maybe two, platform(s) to benefit from it and you typically only see it in some multiplats and exclusives. Light bar is useless, absolutely, same deal with the mic and speaker, but touchpad is what every controller should have going forward. Adaptive triggers are a gimmick, but at the same time various games have shown how you can implement them into half presses/full presses for different features so it can even do stuff for games and means more button inputs. Haptic feedback is also here to stay since every controller has it now, Xbox just has it in the triggers rather than the full one Switch and DualSense do.

      >one of the most uncomfortable and flimsy pieces of shit Sony ever produced.
      Missed this. The DualSense is the most comfortable controller I have ever held since the 360 controller, I have no idea what you are smoking. The Xbone and SeX controllers are significant steps back in ergonomics with the bumpers in particular being absolute ass compared to the 360's. They're smaller, lighter, have an objectively worse Guide button, the sticks are way worse than the 360's and in my experience wear the notched out faster than the 360 does, and while the D-pad is better that's all that's better.

  63. 1 month ago

    I have the wired version of it, works fine.

  64. 1 month ago

    >superior stick layout
    >no stick drift
    >pc, xbox ands switch support
    >2.4g usb receiver (superior to bluetooth)
    >back buttons
    >same price as base xbox controller
    Only problems are that battery gets drained fast and that gyro is locked behind switch mode, so no 2.4g and no analogue triggers if you want to use gyro. I guess the latter is the fault of xinput drivers

    • 1 month ago

      forgot pic

      • 1 month ago

        GAME SIR
        SHOW BOB

      • 1 month ago

        I can't get over the name.

        • 1 month ago

          Chinese are extremely, extremely bad at naming things because they know even less about how English or other Indo-European languages work than Japanese. Let's hear the names of some Chinese handheld brands:
          About the only Chinese handheld brand that's named really well that I can think of is Retroid, because they make devices running Android and designed to play Retro games. GPD (GamePad Digital) comes close because it makes sense as an acronym, but that company makes full-on handheld devices, not gamepads.

          • 1 month ago

            8bitdo is kinda ok. That shiggydiggy vader pro or whatever is another one that just does not sound like a real product.

            • 1 month ago

              Actually, no. 8bitdo is a stupid name.

          • 1 month ago

            It's funny how another chinese handheld company is called AYN and reviewers always need to clarify that AYN and AYA aren't the same company

    • 1 month ago

      forgot pic

      >shitty d-pad
      >no pc app, forces you to download mobile spyware to update its firmware or change settings
      >can't assign gyro activation to is back buttons
      All they needed to do was re-release the T4k with wireless connection options.

      • 1 month ago

        >forces you to download mobile spyware to update its firmware or change setting
        The reason I can change back button mappings without any software was one of the reasons I got this instead of the 8bitdo one that also often gets shilled here. Not sure what other settings you mean.
        And who cares about firmware updates on a controller?

  65. 1 month ago

    Because they are tech illiterate and can't set up Steam input or DS4 windows for games.

  66. 1 month ago

    D-pad is better for fighting games because it's clicky and not mushy like on PS5.
    And that is enough to cancel out all of those flaws you've brought up for me because I completely don't care about most of them and
    >>More input delay
    is only true if you use them wireless, which you wouldn't do if you wanted to get the lowest possible latency anyway.

  67. 1 month ago

    It's actually comfortable for non-child hands

  68. 1 month ago

    I just have a bunch of xbox controllers that friends didn't want

  69. 1 month ago

    All those "features and accessories" you listed are all worthless on PC

  70. 1 month ago

    How will xboxgays cope when the new controller has an internal rechargeable battery and they realize they've been missing out on the industry standard for a decade?

  71. 1 month ago

    Anti gyro Black folk have the lowest iq out of anyone on this board
    I guarantee if they played a game with well implemented gyro aiming for 5 minutes then had the gyro turned off they would immediately realize how good it is
    But they're too moronic and stubborn to try something new even if it's just better

    • 1 month ago

      We're talking about using controllers on PC though. Gyro only matters for shooters and you can just use your mouse and keyboard for those.

      • 1 month ago

        >Gyro only matters for shooters
        Black person even fricking dark souls have bow aiming you absolute troglodyte

      • 1 month ago

        You can implement gyro in any game you want via steam and playing games on mouse and keyboard is simply less comfortable
        I use gyro aiming in dragons dogma, monster hunter, resident evil games, literally any game that supports simultaneous mouse and controller inputs can use gyro incredibly well and easily

        • 1 month ago

          dont know if you know this but even in games that only support 1 input can have gyro enabled by just making the controller a keyboard and remap the buttons yourself, then have gyro act as a mouse ONLY when L2 or R2 button is pressed to a threshold.

    • 1 month ago

      No, these brainlets are the ones who turn off gyro in Splatoon after the tutorial and will b***h and moan about the lack of auto-aim while dogmatically refusing to turn on gyro.

      • 1 month ago

        Splatoon's problem with stick controls isn't the lack of autoaim, Splatoon's hitboxes are very generous. The problem with stick controls is that there is absolutely 0 acceleration curve. It makes for a really clunky experience because the camera control feels very stiff. They went out of their way to gimp stick controls in that game.

    • 1 month ago

      I just use a mouse if I want proper aiming.

      • 1 month ago

        What if you could aim just as well without having to be hunched over your keyboard slowly giving yourself carpal tunnel?

        >played a game with well implemented gyro
        list 5 games then

        Literally any game that allows mouse and controller inputs simultaneously

        • 1 month ago

          You're fricking yourself up way more using a controller. Keeping your hands so close together and slumping over with your elbows on your knees. Gyro is a meme because it will never be as good as a mouse.

          • 1 month ago

            >slumping over with your elbows on your knees
            What kind of moron sits like that. With a controller I can sit in any position or distance from my desk that I like
            >it will never be as good as a mouse
            Nevermind you're both moronic and stubborn

            • 1 month ago

              >With a controller I can sit in any position or distance from my desk that I like
              Except your hands are always going to be close together. Meanwhile, I can use a mouse and keyboard however I want.
              >Nevermind you're both moronic and stubborn
              Prove me wrong. I already have something that has worked perfectly for the past 30 years.

    • 1 month ago

      >played a game with well implemented gyro
      list 5 games then

      • 1 month ago

        dark souls1
        dark souls2
        dark souls3
        elden ring
        little witch nobeta

        >b-but you have to configure yourself!!!
        its a pc Black person you're supposed to configure stuff

        • 1 month ago

          Every game you mentioned have shitty gyro controls
          What the frick are you talking about

          What if you could aim just as well without having to be hunched over your keyboard slowly giving yourself carpal tunnel?
          Literally any game that allows mouse and controller inputs simultaneously

          >Literally any game that allows mouse and controller inputs simultaneously
          You seem to be moronic since thats not what a gyro is for

          • 1 month ago

            >Every game you mentioned have shitty gyro controls
            >What the frick are you talking about
            you're supposed to customize it dumdum

      • 1 month ago

        Any PC game or emulatable where you have to use aiming in any form.
        Last night I was playing Ninja Gaiden and had gyro for the bow aiming.

    • 1 month ago

      People who shill gyro are exclusively tendies who think their dogshit trash is relevant

      • 1 month ago

        Lol I don't even own a switch and use gyro exclusively on PC with dualshock 4's

  72. 1 month ago

    I have yet to play a game on my Steam Deck where I thought, Wow, I am sure glad I got this track pad.

  73. 1 month ago

    Should I get this? it's fricking hard to find original ds3/ ds4 or even xb360 controller nowadays, its all oem fake shit being labeled as oem original frick that bullshit.

    • 1 month ago

      might as well buy a knockoff switch pro controller
      that one has gyro and cheaper too

    • 1 month ago

      no I tried that it was awful and i returned it. Get a dualshock. its worth the extra money

      • 1 month ago

        isn't dualshock having too much crap to configure on PC? all that hassle and headache to setup

        • 1 month ago

          well you could not configure anything then

        • 1 month ago

          Steam already converts it natively as long as you tick the option in "Controller" and play it through Steam. If anything doesn't work you just boot up DS4Windows/DualSenseX and it does stuff automatically to convert it to XInput. More modern games are starting to natively support DS4/DualSense controllers and their features.

  74. 1 month ago

    >have a mouse
    >no game uses it
    >wire that shit
    >no game uses that homosexual shit, and you should have a real headset
    >wire that shit
    Also, I have 2 I've been using heavily for a year and a half with no stick drift.

  75. 1 month ago

    I use a chink one with battery that runs in anything (PC, PS3, Android, Ios, Switch) and it's comfy. Sony is overpriced garbage.

  76. 1 month ago

    >Why would anyone buy this over the PS5 pad for PC
    Why would I buy a walkman to play video games?

  77. 1 month ago

    this piece of shit only stayed connected to my xbone for two minutes at a time, my 360 controller still works like new

    • 1 month ago

      I had the opposite experience. My bone controller is nearly a decade old and still works like new. Meanwhile, all of my 360 pads have loose sticks with gigantic deadzones.

  78. 1 month ago

    LMAO all the coping with how internal battery is superior is hilarious.
    >Be me, bought a set of rechargable AA batteries back in like 2007 for my Xbox 360 for 20 bucks.
    >They just lasted forever, and in the event that they ran out just swap them and let them charge back.
    >Bought another set of batteries some years ago i don't even know why, they were discounted for 70% off but it was unnecesary.

    26 bucks spent in the last 18 years, didn't have to frick with any internal battery shit.

  79. 1 month ago

    the only reason i can think off is native PC support but even then Microsoft requires you to buy a moronic dongle to use it wireless

    • 1 month ago

      >too dumb to know it supports Bluetooth
      Consolepoors, everyone.

      • 1 month ago

        I got a few Xbone controllers, a first gen without bluetooth, a bluetooth model from the One X and an elite series 2.
        Bluetooth's alright, capable but I will say one thing: The first gen adapter is very good for latency & range.

        Having more options is never a bad thing given how crowded some network environments are.

        • 1 month ago

          The official dongle also uses Bluetooth, it just uses a different proprietary frequency instead of the standard 2.4.
          It's exactly the same tech, but it has less interference with wifi signals that also use the 2.4 band.

  80. 1 month ago

    It feels better.

  81. 1 month ago

    >No gyro
    >No trackpad
    >No battery included
    I consider these an equal con to "built-in battery is fricking trash"
    >No extra stuff like haptics on shoulder buttons/LEDs/microphone/speaker/
    All of those are gimmicks
    >3.5mm headset jack
    it does
    >More input delay
    >Rougly the same price as a PS5 pad

  82. 1 month ago

    >No gyro
    >No trackpad
    >No battery included
    >No extra stuff like haptics on shoulder buttons/LEDs/microphone/speaker/3.5mm headset jack
    >More input delay
    >Rougly the same price as a PS5 pad

  83. 1 month ago

    what is the best cheap gyro controller for pc?

  84. 1 month ago

    >still using this
    It just works.

    • 1 month ago

      same here but i need to buy a new one due to the right stick drifting to the left and increasing dead zone makes aiming annoying. can't find them anywhere anymore

      • 1 month ago

        >right stick drifting
        Shouldn't be happening 2bh. Did you buy a fake?

        • 1 month ago

          Why exactly it shouldn't happen? It's more or less inevitable due to the design of the analog stick design.

        • 1 month ago

          been using it for almost a decade (bought it to replace another that i had been using for years before that). it lasted longer than expected

  85. 1 month ago

    Okay, is there any future 3rd party controller that are good? 8bitdo or

    • 1 month ago

      8bitdo have a few alright 3rd party, kinda small wired (real not USB port) controllers for long term use & sessions and they have a couple hall effect wireless (shit) controllers but afaik they have yet to break into the market of competing with the first 360 wired controller.
      Oh and their pads mog the Xbone & elite bumpers but that's not hard given every xbone pad has design flaws when it comes to them.

      If they put in better sticks and an external strain relief they could have the best in the biz.

    • 1 month ago

      The inevitable Steam Controller 2

    • 1 month ago

      Apparently there's something that makes me think of pajeets that's good and has the new style of analog sticks which might be superior to traditional
      Had to look it up but apparently it's called "gamesir"

      • 1 month ago

        >makes me think of pajeets
        I knew exactly what controller you were talking about when you said this. Fricking gamesir lmao

  86. 1 month ago

    I actually just like how it feels. I never liked the PS controller layout. I dislike both sticks on the bottom. It is the best feeling controller to me.
    If it makes you feel any better, the Xbox leaks showed they're making an updated version of th controller with haptics, adaptive triggers, and a rechargeable battery.

  87. 1 month ago

    Out-the-box support.

  88. 1 month ago

    >No battery included
    mine had 2xAA batteries.

    • 1 month ago

      what brand

      • 1 month ago


        • 1 month ago

          Do they honestly have a brand of batteries?

          • 1 month ago

            no :^)
            they include Duracells with a controller, but i use chinese rechargable ni-zn batteries.

  89. 1 month ago

    >No battery included
    That's a good thing moron, switching a pair of eneloops out is faster than charging the controller.

  90. 1 month ago

    >bunch of gimmicky trash
    Who the frick cares. Xbox controllers are more comfortable. Symmetrical sticks and tiny handles are trash.

  91. 1 month ago

    Anyone got any tips for a wired (non-detachable) xbone controller with backpaddles for L3 and R3? Price doesn't matter.

  92. 1 month ago

    Significantly more ergonomic. It's also the king of compatibility. Nobody's wants the extra bloatware in the PS5 controller except for sony gays. There's a reason why MS hasn't changed the design since the 360 days.

  93. 1 month ago

    Feels great. Simple as.
    >No trackpad
    >No extra stuff like haptics on shoulder buttons/LEDs/microphone/speaker/3.5mm headset jack
    I don't give a frick about any of this. The lack of it is probably what makes the battery last so long.

  94. 1 month ago

    Once you use back buttons, you can't go back.

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