>no no no you don't get it. >its MEANT to be bad. >because like buddhism or something

>no no no you don't get it
>its MEANT to be bad
>because like buddhism or something

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  1. 2 years ago

    why is it bad?

    • 2 years ago

      too hard

      • 2 years ago

        too hard until you play the fricking game

  2. 2 years ago

    >me when I see another anon get filtered

    • 2 years ago

      >mfw www.youtube.com/watch?v=KN1nHTHP5R8 begins playing

  3. 2 years ago

    I didn't play it because it didn't look like I'd enjoy it, but I can respect its game design. I appreciate it when a game is pushing for a specific feeling and playstyle, and has the confidence to force the player to use that playstyle or just fricking die.

    I also admire how far removed the gameplay is from its themes. Normally that's a bad thing, but the fact that the game you play is such a small part of what's going on in that world is fascinating. When I first tried looking up the lore, I thought I had ended up on a nonsense video like that one guy's Dark Souls videos where he spends 90% of his time talking about prong damage. This game about exploring this abandoned-looking technologically-advanced world as a slug cat thing is about suicidal Buddhists? Get out of town!

  4. 2 years ago

    troony game

    • 2 years ago

      play cat thing
      fight to live
      yeah sure and i guess game with breasts everywhere is more of your taste and not troony at all

  5. 2 years ago

    So you gays really really think a game like this garbage is a better game than Ori...

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        So let me settle this once and for all.
        I Want you autistic gays to understand (if sadly it's not already clear) that
        >Ori isn't an indie game
        >Ori isn't a white blob
        >Rainworld isn't a metroidvania (it's barely a videogame really)
        >Im allowed to not be interested or like other games just because i should because of memes.
        >And even better if the community of those games is literal cancer.
        It's already enough that Ori games get constantly compared with a meme flash game (Hollow Knight) and an entire genre of mediocre indie metroidvania garbage, let alone with another poorly designed garbage meme game with a fanbase more autistic than hollowgays.
        Ori games have a lot of missconception and the fact that literally no one cares about Ori games on this board and that twitter artist homosexuals constantly depict those games togheter doesn't help.
        So im here to kindly ask all of you little homosexuals to GET THE FRICK AWAY FROM ORI IF YOU DON'T FRICKING LIKE OR DON'T CARE ABOUT IT.
        I don't care about your fricking preferences.
        JUST KEEP YOUR OPINION TO YOURSELF AND STOP RIDICULING ORI GAMES (Because Ori games are objectively "PRODUCTS" on another planet than both those garbage even if you autistic homosexuals don't understand it).
        I hope you little shit so stop acting like those games are related because they DONT.

        • 2 years ago

          Black person you're the one who brought up Ori

    • 2 years ago

      They're not even remotely similar

  6. 2 years ago

    God I want more games to use the procedural animation style RW uses, it looks so fricking good I can't play anything else now aaaaaaaa

  7. 2 years ago

    This game almost filtered me. I hated the shit out of it and almost refunded it. But I came back to it after walking away, kept pushing, and now it's one of my favorite games of all time.

  8. 2 years ago

    i got filtered today. i give up. hunter is too tough for me i can't even get to looks to the moon

    • 2 years ago

      which direction are you taking to get to Moon?
      Because Hunter Industrial is fricking AIDS

      • 2 years ago

        starting to realize that. im thinking i should just start over and go through subterranean instead... can't remember if i need light for that route. there's just so many lizards popping out everywhere in industrial i am having trouble making it to shaded capital

        • 2 years ago

          You can go through
          >Subterranean, which is AIDS due to the water (but easily the safest bet if you can dodge leeches)
          >Industrial, and get ganged by Cyan lizards and face multiple Red ones (which might as well be unkillable)
          >Exterior/5P, which is a pretty safe way to get some more cycles, but if you want to get to Moon you have to descend the Leg (which is full of Spitting Spiders for Hunter)

          • 2 years ago

            ohh, does 5p give you more cycles? that would help. i should try that route. i was thinking industrial would be easy since it's the "second" zone on survivor. i want to see what happens with this green neuron

            • 2 years ago

              5 extra cycles, and some dialogue

    • 2 years ago

      if you unlocked hunter you didn't get filtered
      I'd consider hunter a bonus challenge run than an integral part of the game tbh, it's not really the core experience

      • 2 years ago

        >it's not really the core experience
        it sure is the most fun one, however
        hard to go back to Survivor's movement having experienced the kino experience of Hunter

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