>no sales-number announcement for Rebirth

>no sales-number announcement for Rebirth
Day 1. Looking dark.

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    I assume it sold about 4m in pre-orders. They don't need to announce it with EVERY new Final Fantasy game just because they did it with all the other ones.

    • 3 months ago

      True, they don't HAVE to do anything until the quarterly report, but it doesn't scream of confidence that they aren't announcing it when they did it with the last 3.

      • 3 months ago

        these were all like 10 days after release

        • 3 months ago

          You can see that there are dates on the articles, right?
          XV's announcement was December 1st, and the game launched November 29th. Expecting an announcement as early as now might be a bit optimistic, but 10 days is flat out lying.

          • 3 months ago

            Yeah. 7R announcement was 11 days after release and XVI announcement 6 days after. Come back in one week, and kneel to Tetsuya Nomura.

            • 3 months ago

              >11 days
              No one is going to know what this game is in 11 days.

    • 3 months ago

      so still less than XV? LOL

      • 3 months ago

        XV was the most overhyped product on the planet. No FF game is ever going to sell that well again.

        • 3 months ago

          XV won

    • 3 months ago

      >I assume it sold about 4m in pre-orders.
      It most certainly did not.

      • 3 months ago

        This. For fricks sake are you people out of your minds? If this shit had sold 4m day one, they'd announce it on their site, Twitter, Twitch, tell every journalist, have every shill scream it from the mountain top and entice every fanboy to repeat it as a mantra. We'd never hear the end of it. Which is why the silence is so deadening, because if they had anything worth announcing they'd do it, and the fact that they aren't means they don't.

    • 3 months ago

      enjoy your "FF7 Remake project sales have reached over 9 million" announcement in two weeks

      • 3 months ago

        9 mill I'd a bit high. Especially PS5 only. Doubt.

        • 3 months ago

          Anon the joke is that remake already sold the other 7 million, it's what Sega does to bloat persona numbers by counting every single game with the title in it

    • 3 months ago

      >I assume

  2. 3 months ago

    Maybe they'll realese them once it's fully out on PC.

  3. 3 months ago

    Part III will be cancelled.
    Hopefully they shut down all AAA development and focus on lewd and sexist gacha games.

  4. 3 months ago

    schizos working overtime

  5. 3 months ago

    Hi Barry

    • 3 months ago

      Is Barry here with us now Anon?

  6. 3 months ago

    Na the sales number are coming out in an hour,
    source: homosexual OP from yesterday

    • 3 months ago

      Don't let me down, anon

    • 3 months ago

      Holy crap you're right, what I posted technically came out yesterday.

      • 3 months ago

        Yup, it's been silent since yesterday. Damming.

  7. 3 months ago

    brutally murder all salestards

    • 3 months ago

      Please. If they'd announced 10m sales day 1 you'd be over the fricking moon. You're just mad because the sales aren't good and you want them to be because you're personally invested in a soulless company.

      • 3 months ago

        Literally nobody praises games sales, in fact those who do are criticized for it

        • 3 months ago

          >and other things that literally never happen
          We saw rolling threads on Ganker for days, celebrating the 3 million sales of XVI.

    • 3 months ago

      I just want stillbirth to bomb because it's a souless demake. Once square dies I promise not to do this again.

  8. 3 months ago

    Expecting them to fold it all together and say something like "The Final Fantasy 7 Remake project has sold X units."

    • 3 months ago

      But at that point it's a guaranteed flop. Anything short of "Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has sold X million units in its first 24 hours" means its literally not enough to brag about. And considering they bragged about XVI doing 3m, that's not a very high bar for a AAA production.

  9. 3 months ago

    The word of mouth on this game won't be positive thanks to the confusing ending. Looks grim.

    • 3 months ago

      >confusing ending
      I'm confused about the beginning. Game opens up with the Zack timeline and implies that there are two Clouds in that timeline. Imagine people who didn't play the original and don't even know who Zack is

      • 3 months ago

        The multiverse/timetravel/many worlds/whatever shit never made much sense to me. Does the Sephiroth that appears in the R-universe overwrite the one that was there before? Is the original Sephiroth of that universe dead? Or did that universe not have a Sephiroth before he arrived from a different universe? Because he came from a universe where his plan fails, right? What about his original universe then? Does it no longer have a Sephiroth?

  10. 3 months ago

    this is barry bait

    • 3 months ago

      Embarrassing. No wonder Tabata was fired and is forced to scam people with fake ai quantum computer nft metaverse slop.

    • 3 months ago

      3 millions is great result. apologize to FF16.

  11. 3 months ago

    My co workers playing remake didn’t even know rebirth came out. There is either no genuine hype for this game or the marketing failed to reach the correct player base.

    • 3 months ago

      no one cares because the entire thing was just nostalgia bait and everyone got it out of their system with the first game. its already overstaying its welcome and mostly pissing people off the way they handled aeris. just cancel the third game and publicly apologize

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah, even XVI had a huge marketing budget. I live in a 3rd world shithole and even here a few buildings, busses and billboards had the XVI logo with Clive's face plastered on it. I haven't seen shit for Rebirth beyond the occasional waifu-thread on Ganker though.
      Say what you want about the game but it had one hell of a campaign.

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah but not only that, XVI got a paid YouTuber event, tons of influencers talking about it, TV/streaming ads and a ton of day-to-day shit that really made it clear that the next best thing was just around the corner.

        It feels like SE assumed that Remake convinced enough people to pay attention so that they didn't need Sony to market for them this time. There was this big meme going around when XVI showed such lackluster numbers that Sony was paying for advertisement of the game, but based on Rebirth's release I don't think that's true. I think that's something Square Enix need to ask for (and pay for) and that they didn't ask for this time.

      • 3 months ago

        Even the shill-campaign on Ganker seems lazy. This game's barely sustaining 1 thread at time of writing, with 3 threads (including this one) actively shitting on it. XVI had multiple "comfy" threads rolling for a few weeks after release, all with links to the game and the same 3 images, of course.

  12. 3 months ago

    He won

    • 3 months ago

      apologize to this man and clive.

      • 3 months ago

        I'm sorry.

        • 3 months ago

          >Tendies defending ff16 now
          Called it
          Next you Will defend rebirth to shit on ff17 or whatever is next

      • 3 months ago

        I'm sorry.

        >Tendies defending ff16 now
        Called it
        Next you Will defend rebirth to shit on ff17 or whatever is next

        no, barry won
        yoshitpiss btfo
        nomuragays lost

        • 3 months ago
          • 3 months ago

            >IV that low
            >remake that high

            where's me mallet

        • 3 months ago
  13. 3 months ago

    Part 3 will be lower budget like how the FF13 trilogy had a low budget for part 3.

    • 3 months ago

      TBF, a huge part of that was because they were spending money on fixing ff14 1.0, and that MMO and the crystal tools engine just cost a lot of money, so they didn't exactly have money to spare(13 sold fine btw). There were articles of how they basically took the Versus XIII team to help them revamp ff14 1.0 to 2.0, which basically made Versus XIII impossible to make, and I believe Nomura and the character artist were mad about that. Since it was going to take a long time, they decided to reuse assets from ff13 to make 13-2 and Lightning Returns, as well as use the rest or most of the lore while trying to make it fit. And they basically saved money while making a profit. I think I saw someone mentioned sometime ago that ff13-2 was the highest profit for them in that year, so it checks out. Btw, there is lag in certain areas of 13-2, specifically when there is a lot of stuff in the area, which tells you how much they were still struggling with the Crystal tools engine and just HD technology in general, something I believe Japan struggled in general because of either cost or just having a hard time using or incorporating new technology.

      Finally as a bit of extra information, Lightning Returns only had 1-1.5 years of development, but they tried to put as much details as possible and actually updated dialogue, pretty rare in FF honestly. They only had 1-1.5 years because they wanted to release it before the ps4 released(which I believe the ps4 still released before the game). This info was in a translated interview with the team. Personally, I still put Lightning Returns as my personal favorite "open world" game from Square Enix. After that, it would probably be ff12, which to be fair, there aren't many open world games that Square makes, at least for FF. Besides that, I honestly prefer zones over open world. I haven't played FF7 rebirth though. I started FF7R in January, but haven't picked it up after the Scorpion fight and running from the Reactor, so basically CH4. I honestly have never been into FF7, and I have generally been slightly on the negative side for characters(i like some) or story moments or lack of character moments, which is partially due to how some fans tend to act but it's definitely not all because of that. I get why people like it but I honestly always preferred Breath of Fire games over Old FF games, well at least bof3 and bof4. A bit long and personal, but oh well.

      Too bad that people are mixed over ff7 rebirth. But well i got a huge backlog before I can truly make my own opinion.

  14. 3 months ago

    What are the sales expectations?
    Would be difficult to sell more copies than remake.

    • 3 months ago

      The odds of it selling well were always against it:
      >a lot of people expected FF7 Remake to be an actual "remake" not bastardized fanfiction-tier slop, they won't fall for it twice
      >this is a direct sequel and thus you NEED to have played Remake to completion to really be welcome
      >releasing for a console no one owns and those that do use it exclusively for CoD/FIFA/sportsshit
      >XVI did a lot of damage to the "Final Fantasy" brand and a lot of people jumped ship

      I think the biggest mistake they made was thinking they had Remake-fans, like myself, "in the bag" without having to work for it.

      • 3 months ago

        >they had Remake-fans, like myself, "in the bag" without having to work for it.
        You are a demake fan so it kinda matches that they didn't put much effort into Rebirth since you like eating shit anyways LMAO

      • 3 months ago

        >I think the biggest mistake they made was thinking they had Remake-fans, like myself, "in the bag" without having to work for it.
        I can actually understand this. Any potential backlash from remake not really being a remake was squashed by fanboys. I've never actually seen anything like it in vidya tbh. 100% they would naturally feel it's in the bag already.

        • 3 months ago

          True. The defenders of Remake were obsessive. Even basic questions about time and place were squashed as "being filtered by NOMURA-KINO".

  15. 3 months ago

    Ill give these fricks the same timer that i gave for remake, if it doesn't release before i get story spoiled, im pirating it.

    • 3 months ago

      Do you want that day to be today Anon? Webm-related is actually a huge spoiler so be warned, this is the actual end of the game.

      • 3 months ago

        no frick square, i clicked, watched, and now i will pirate the game. This is on them, not you.
        also what the frick did i just watch? did his sword teleport?

        • 3 months ago

          It's sequel-bait, but the general consensus is: Cloud is having a schizo moment where he thinks he tried to parry Sephy's blade, but he didn't and Sephy kills her as always. How it makes any fricking sense that he starts off in front of Aerith and ends up behind her, despite not stopping the blade which is clearly covered in blood and her dying, but she's totally alive. It all makes anti-sense. I watched the scene in its entirety in YouTube and this scene is a massive clusterfrick even from a visual perspective, much less a story one.

        • 3 months ago

          The logical explanation is that Cloud imagined stopping him
          The actual explanation is that Sephiroth moved him into a different dimension for a second with timey wimey janny powers

        • 3 months ago

          It's sequel-bait, but the general consensus is: Cloud is having a schizo moment where he thinks he tried to parry Sephy's blade, but he didn't and Sephy kills her as always. How it makes any fricking sense that he starts off in front of Aerith and ends up behind her, despite not stopping the blade which is clearly covered in blood and her dying, but she's totally alive. It all makes anti-sense. I watched the scene in its entirety in YouTube and this scene is a massive clusterfrick even from a visual perspective, much less a story one.

          They just have to end it on a cliffhanger so that moronic fanboys will spend the next 3-5 years speculating, only for it to be disappointing, but who cares because it'll be disappointing AFTER they've bought FF7R3.

      • 3 months ago

        What in the actual frick is even happening there?
        Cloud blocks the sword, but then she gets stabbed anyway somehow?

        • 3 months ago


          It's sequel-bait, but the general consensus is: Cloud is having a schizo moment where he thinks he tried to parry Sephy's blade, but he didn't and Sephy kills her as always. How it makes any fricking sense that he starts off in front of Aerith and ends up behind her, despite not stopping the blade which is clearly covered in blood and her dying, but she's totally alive. It all makes anti-sense. I watched the scene in its entirety in YouTube and this scene is a massive clusterfrick even from a visual perspective, much less a story one.

          , I can't be arsed typing out all that shit again.

      • 3 months ago

        >everything that isn't stolen 1:1 from the OG is just an extreme close-up or a flat shot
        Say what you will about 90s CG, all of the PS1 FF games had fantastic artistry in their cutscenes.
        Toriyama has no fricking clue how to direct interesting motion, it's always just flat panning, flat tracking, and flat zooms. It retrospect, his fixation on Lightning makes sense, given that he has such a fetish for flat, boring shit.

        • 3 months ago

          >his fixation on Lightning makes sense, given that he has such a fetish for flat, boring shit.
          fricking hell anon. thanks for the kek.

        • 3 months ago

          Most of the iconic cutscenes from the original are ruined by shit like pic related anyway.

        • 3 months ago

          I'm willing to bet many of you didn't catch subtle moments like Lightning crying on Gran Pulse. Then again, I feel like many fans don't want to admit they prefer exposition dump character scenes. I swear I saw someone say the best scene of FF12 was when Vaan exposition dump his entire development, how he changed, and what he plans on doing now to Ashe in Jahara, why previously not really showing hints of that. I'm not saying ff13 never did this, but it shocks me how often it was in my replay of ff9 with many "you've changed", and if I remember correctly also in FF7. And if I remember correctly, there many parts where they just have characters ask Cloud to explain many things and he reexplains everything. Also Lightning gets mad early in the game and apologetic multiple times, so I wouldn't call her flat. To me, Tifa is flat mainly because of how she revolves around Cloud but also due to how many of her moments tend to be played as perfect always thinking about you waifu. Tifa has her moments but she honestly does not get much. I think the only other series that does so much character development exposition dump scenes is the Trails series.

          • 3 months ago

            Same commenter. I had a typo. Probably more, but this one is more egregious. Also I'm pretty sure Hamagauchi is the main director in Rebirth. Though, I am curious why Nomura moved to "Creative Director".

            Should be "I swear I saw someone say the best scene of FF12 was when Vaan exposition dump his entire development, how he changed, and what he plans on doing to Ashe in Jahara, when he did not really show hints of that previously." He may have shown a bit, i have to rewatch his scenes with Larsa, but it was definitely very little to go off of.

            • 3 months ago

              Very little to go off of is usually not subtle btw, but it can be.

              • 3 months ago

                Upper comment is from the same commenter. I just wanted to ad that sentence.

          • 3 months ago

            Kinda a long post but I was thinking about stuff. I saw a post above talking about the development and their issues with game engine and ff14 1.0 affecting things, well at least for the sequels. I think those are things to consider when talking about how they did scenes. And I actually heard there was issues with the PS3's unique cell architecture that wasn't mentioned by that post, but apparently it was rough working with the cell architecture at least for the early history of the ps3. I remember seeing youtube videos about that and commenters who were developers commenting on that, but they got better with it later only for the ps4 to apparently be more in line with PCs. It might not effect scenes but I do think it should considered when talking about the ps3.

            Now I also actually did a replay of ff9 as well and I'm not sure what that other guy is getting about with "shots". Many of the shots are exaggerated or yeah they can be cool like escaping and firing at the black waltz(the black mages scene was nice though), but ff13 definitely had good shots. There are also shots taken from far away in ff9 like the typhon scene but I think FF13 actually has a fare amount of shots that do that and are interesting/impactful like flying over gran pulse on bahamut or Cocoon falling down then being suspended by the crystal pillar are actually pretty good shots from faraway and I would say they are just as good or the same as ff9's typhon scene or ff12's final scene of having that air fortress falling. Heck another great one is when Brynhildr appeared before Sazh. That scene combined with that music and just seeing Sazh's expression of Vanille shielding him with Sazh then getting up and then just showing the gun on the side of Vanille's head(not at it) firing at Brynhildr before he moves in front of her to shield her is a great scene and a great shot, and I definitely seen both men and women cry at that scene. It's a closeup shot and it's a very good one. Now due to Rebirth, I have decided to get Remake(i don't have a ps4 so I wait for steam) but I haven't played a lot of it. So I don't know if the scenes in there are good or it's bad like what that other guy says. But I know that FF13 definitely has good shots with enough of them being varied and I personally felt they were either interesting or emotional. Some scenes are just talking or development of course but that's true for many ff scenes, they are just done with textboxes. Well at least before ff12.

            Thinking about it, the ff12 airship fight scene(before they enter the fortress) at the end was very zoomed in and honestly really funny with the accents but I wouldn't say that it was full of interesting motion, and that's true with many of the old ff scenes where sometimes they don't have much motion in their scenes but are just them having expressions of something that happened. Though my memory is hazy about 7 but I remember that with ff9. Now perhaps that other guy meant just interesting shots then sure so I guess those would count(though like anything it's subjective), but I believe ff13 did have have interesting shots. I don't want to assume, but I think the other guy just feels too strongly about old ff and negatively about new ff to the point where I think he is kinda exaggerating about shots of old ff and new ff scenes. The scenes in ff9 can be nice like the odin scene but I say ff13 has some equally interesting shots. I actually felt ff8 and ff12 had more "ehh" shots with a few nice ones(like the ff12 flying fortress falling), but that's my opinion.

            I like how you mentioned the Lightning crying scene in Gran Pulse, because that one is very brief and you have to pay really close attention because it's not very shiny and I think that's on purpose. Also she definitely didn't want to let Snow see that but I feel that he knows. There is actually other scenes too. You can see Vanille's Lcie mark due to the camera angles in the beginning of the game in the early scenes(as well as other hints that she is more than she seems) and I would say that's on purpose, so good camera work. Vanille hiding her tears in the rain where they don't show it but it's obvious with the way they do the camera work is another example. Or Hope closing the dagger symbolizing him letting go and and his grief, which I guess is more upfront but I liked it. Huh thinking a bit about it by stepping back, I actually feel that Hope and Snow actually have similar developments but they go in opposite directions, for example Snow actually gets lost and depressed after the first barthandelus fight to the point that Fang's comments on it(if you talk to her twice) and Lightning is there to cheer him when in contrast she is with Hope in the early game. Snow was very focused in the early game then gets lost later on, while Hope was the opposite where he was lost but gets focused later. Another one is Sazh staring at his gun and the chocobo chick shaking her head, that one is definitely more obvious but I'm surprised to see people miss that. Lightning of course had some too like her apology to Serah in the early game(when she is talking to the door) is kinda showing you that she feels guilty that links back up to her crying in Gran Pulse and her talk with Snow at Hope's house. But there is another one where she is walking away from the party but pauses when Sazh tells her it's suicide but continues walking after acknowledging it which I felt was a huge hint that she knows but is both lashing out in anger(they all go through different depression cycles) and is not sure what to do but also doesn't want to be a ceith so figures the other way is better, aka suicide which is what Sazh is thinking too. And this feeling of not knowing what they should do is something that each one feels and eventually starts firing off in quick succession as they do their resolutions(like Vanille and Sazh at Nautilus), this was actually something a streamer thought about and I thought that was cool.

            As a bit of a side note, watching that Vaan scene again, I have to agree that he does kinda announce his entire character and change. FF does do this in general, but I think it's fine sometimes for them to do this especially with build up. I think the problem with the Vaan and Ashe scene in Jahara is that Vaan basically feels like a foot note, so it comes off as one of the few memorable things about Vaan. But honestly it's the same with the other ff12 characters and it's probably cause of rough development.

            I don't think this would change that other guy's mind but whatever. I find it rare for online discussion to change someone's mind for any game, and I think people don't go into these discussion ready to think of something different or for a different perspective especially if they feel negative about something, which Ganker is known for negativity or circlejerking. Now if they are already positive about something then they would be interested in other positive views of a game or stuff they didn't realize. Now i'm sure people do change or acknowledge different perspectives and maybe that other guy will but after years on reddit or other gaming forums, I feel that people to tend be very set in their views, with the worst seeing it as embarrassing if they admit to changing that view, or I at least get that sense sometimes.

            It was actually funny when I ran into a discussion where someone slowly realized ff9 doesn't actually let you change your party until late into disc 3, but then they decide to quickly say ff9 did it better than other games despite the fact that there really isn't much left to fight where changing parties matter. Only the superboss, hades, and the little that is left of the story and that's not even getting into how the Lifa tree doesn't count as they take out Amarant anyway so you are left with a predetermined team.

          • 3 months ago

            Actually I think for the last sentence I'll actually change that to most jrpg series I played tended to have character development exposition dump scenes now that I think about it more. But Trails I think tends to be the worse at it since it's like every character and it's always in your face, even when they try to build it up it's always in your face, which I guess is weird to say cause stories should build up those scenes. They have to build it up in stories, but it's always done in a certain way that gets boring. Besides that there was a point in Cold steel 1 where I was like "well we are sitting/standing together here so one of you are gonna go in a huge backstory reveal and what you learned". They do sometimes have buildup but it feels so formulaic when it gets the scene. Formulaic is definitely the right word to describe Trails honestly.

            Yeah sorry. This became a weird rant on Trails. I got into it like 4-5 years ago and I always had a love/hate relationship with it, but as I go do through the series it started to become even more obvious in its formulaic writing(honestly it was always like this)… or I guess bland and predictable. As well as other personal opinions.

          • 3 months ago

            I guess another character, besides Tifa, I would consider flat is Jill Warrick. I remember a stream where people kept asking when was the last time Jill talked and then they would celebrate when she finally did. Honestly, despite Tifa at least saying more, she honestly falls flat similarly to Jill Warrick in terms of motivation, trope of being a character whose main trait is always being loyal to childhood friend except Tifa refuses to talk about the past which would have helped Cloud and sure she might be scared in the first few time but it lasted way too many times with what was happening, or dialogue that felt like she was meant to appeal to boys as a girlfriend who is always caring and will be like your mom(this is more for Tifa). I remember one dialogue where she was like "oh I guess we weren't that close" but it basically implies that even if you weren't thinking of her she was always thinking about you. Or Tifa's comment of "I wonder what Cloud thinks of me" when she literally trying to save him in his mind.

            Basically they didn't give her enough that defined her outside Cloud. I think someone on reddit said it best "we are told she feels this way but it goes nowhere or doesn't progress like expand more on her martial arts or why run a bar or how you feel about Avalanche's actions that affect the people" and "she is nice and all but I need more why's, because she is pretty bland with random hobbies like martial arts." But this is really related to how popular she is in relation to what she gets in the story and it's hard to pinpoint what she has that's not with Cloud as some of those questions are things other Avalanche characters are thinking. Of course people love the lifestream scene, and I get that but it doesn't change to me how singular she tends to be which ends up being flat as a main character but fine as a side character. At best outside of "she's nice and caring" she just gets "she is fighter guys" but that just her design the same way other characters like Selphie has nunchucks. TBF, I don't think many FF characters goes this far but it's more about how she just doesn't have motivation in anything besides revolving around Cloud, or how she doesn't talk about why she does certain things(like why pick up bartending) which to be fair many FF characters don't really talk about that either or at least they will mention 1-2 things. Yet Tifa gets chalked up as this great ff character when I feel that Tifa is.... to be nice about it I'll say not as great as people say. And this similar to Jill Warrick as well. People love to make a joke that people like Tifa because of two big reasons, and I actually feel there is a lot of truth to that due to the way i see people talk more about her in that way whether it be on forums or even looking at hentai. Once in a blue moon i see one actually talk about Tifa as a character, and I can at least see a few people mention how they felt Tifa was lacking in the story and her own personal arc. It's been a while, but I don't think I even really remember if early game Tifa even talk about her motivations with Avalanche, cause at some point I felt she was more associated with Cloud than Avalanche.

            I just remembered I never really liked how Tifa kept that whole promise thing they made as a kid against Cloud. Felt like it made Cloud feel guilty or forced or made it feel his motivation was not his own anymore in a way. And I just didn't like how Tifa thought that she can use that to make Cloud do some terrorism for her, which is a tall order to ask anyone even with the history and traumatic stuff that happened. I don't think they intended that for her but it's what I felt about it. Besides that, yeah she fell flat because she just revolves too much around Cloud. I always say that Tifa is a fine side character but not a really good main character and this is why. Well actually if I remember correctly Tifa tends to not do as much for large parts of the middle of the game especially after I think Cornellio, but it has been a while. Which is another thing about Jill Warrick who gets almost nothing about her thoughts or feelings for large chunks of the game and maybe prob only got like 1-2 scenes.

            Honestly kind of refreshing to find some on reddit that kinda feels similarly that doesn't involve her boobs or some paragraph that end up being summarized as caring overly nice waifu but it's rare. I'm not saying you can't have that, cause I do like characters have that, but you got have more or you will feel lacking in a way to me. I don't think Tifa or Jill Warrick is terrible. But I do think both tend to feel flat and very boring to me as the story goes on due to a lack of several things like scenes revolving other things beside main male character or even simple thoughts and motivations. Or to use your own words to end this, perhaps I'll say Tifa and Jill felt like flat, boring shit as the story went on(yes your words somewhat annoys me but at this point it's been many years...).

      • 3 months ago

        Lol what did I just watch?

        • 3 months ago

          A man given too much creative freedom.

        • 3 months ago

          SE brutally murdering their most iconic scene.

      • 3 months ago

        I was hoping there'd be something stupid from this scene to turn into templates like the choke and punch from TLOU2. But it's just boring and lifeless. You can tell it was outsourced to some bottom of the barrel pajeet CG studio.

  16. 3 months ago

    The PS5 is already just a glorified PS4 Pro, with Sony announcing it's at the end of it's lifespan.
    No wonder FF is selling bad.
    This and how modern Square is doing Remakes instead of going for the Atlus route.
    Persona 3 Reload is a huge success, even with the Game Pass thing.

    • 3 months ago

      >Persona 3 Reload is a huge success
      barely hitting 1 million while being on 5 platforms is not a huge success. Metaflop won't even get close to those lackluster numbers either

  17. 3 months ago

    its a flop
    barry won

  18. 3 months ago

    >PS5 exclusive
    They deserve every single bit of flop this launch produces.

  19. 3 months ago

    You know they don't HAVE to announce sales, right?
    They're obligated to show well or poorly the company did in their quarterly reports because they're a publicly traded company, but anything beyond that is completely voluntary on their side.

    • 3 months ago

      True. But as a publicly traded company they'd announce it if it was good news, right? So where is that announcement?

      • 3 months ago

        Maybe they're saving the news for a rainy day or when their stocks need a boost? Companies do that sometimes.

  20. 3 months ago

    Were people really expecting this shit to outsell the first part? Pure delusion. It might do half as well over the long term if word of mouth doesn't completely kill interest in it.

  21. 3 months ago

    Shoulda just kept it a 1:1 remake

    • 3 months ago

      True. Also that is a sad picture.

      • 3 months ago

        Its pretty accurate in terms of how it feels to be a FF fan right now

  22. 3 months ago

    Not gonna lie, I'm sure it'll sell more than enough, but part 1 made me swear to never buy a square game again after I felt ripped off. Shit awful, and I grew up playing square shit in the 90's. I think a lot of people felt the same about that game.

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah. I'm in the same boat. I essentially stopped buying Squareslop after Remake. Even XVI didn't manage to tempt me back and the more I see of Rebirth the worse it looks.
      All they had to do was to remake the game like everyone wanted.

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah, it's kinda fricked. The walking and talking + filler was just rough. I also bought a ps4 specifically to play it; and not only was it bad, but they didn't put the dlc on ps4. Never again. I will still play ff14 sometimes but newer FF games can frick right off.

        • 3 months ago

          I bought the PS4 for a few other games, but Remake was definitely an argument (at least I didn't get memed into the PS4 Pro). I can't go back to 14 either. I'd hate myself too much for giving SE money at this point. Last I played was Shadowbringers and I heard that was pretty much the peak anyway.

          • 3 months ago

            It was the peak. I have hope for new expansion but it's whatever. I'm a casual player.

      • 3 months ago

        Making the Yuffie shit PC + PS5 only was scummy as frick.

  23. 3 months ago

    I remember watching Advent Children for the first time and after the movie was over just sitting there confused and blank. The pacing and storytelling was just fricking awful. The story made no real sense, it was a mess.

    I should have fricking seen the 2 fricks in charge of that movie would frick this up.

    • 3 months ago

      This always bothered me about AC too. I was a huge fanboy at the time, and loved FF7 and Cloud and Sephiroth and thought this shit was so cool, but even then the movie spent 45 minutes doing nothing but talking (with one Tifa-fight in the church), then everything happened all at once in the last 30 minutes of the movie where they transitioned from the bikegays, to Bahamut to Sephiroth at breakneck speed.
      Who the FRICK edited this shit?

      • 3 months ago

        The pacing legit goes to scene, to random scene to random scene to scene. They don't show them traveling, a scene will go like this:

        Cloud and Tifa talking in her house.....fade to black.


        • 3 months ago

          NTA, but I agree. It also feels weird because it's not like they're even really saying anything important. If you played the game (and I'm assuming most people who watched Advent Children HAD played the original FF7) you don't really need all this dialogue between characters who you already know. The game spent 50+ hours fleshing out these characters, the movie doesn't need to put more time into pretending they're going to develop them when they're obviously done.

  24. 3 months ago

    why would i ever be more concerned with how the game sold than whether or not i get an erection from looking at tifa and the game plays good

    • 3 months ago

      Because I already know the game is the same remake slop and Tifa sfms will be made regardless of its quality?

      • 3 months ago

        stick to the subject, we're talking about "remake slop" not tifa SFMs
        the less time you spend actually talking about the fricking video game and more time talking about tertiary aspects like sales figures and that other people shouldn't buy or play it, the harder my wiener gets for tifa

        • 3 months ago

          The subject of this thread is the game's sales and success metrics anon

          • 3 months ago

            the subject of this thread is blatant pig shit and OP doesn't deserve to have his thread when this is the best he can do

            • 3 months ago

              No one ITT is responsible for your holy cow flopping. You can send an angry letter to Nomura if you really feel like blaming anyone.

              • 3 months ago

                >noooo you think i'm stupid for being obsessed with it doing badly that means you're obsessed with it doing well
                i really truly think you should have a nice day

              • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago

                sure you don't, that's why you bumped your thread when it was about to fall off the 'log
                have a nice day and take your thread with you

              • 3 months ago

                Okay you've changed my mind, it actually makes me very happy to see you this upset about a thread you like. Oh the time between my post and the one above me was 5 minutes, Ganker is a dead board and nothing here moves fast enough for anything to die in 5 minutes.

                How about you keep screaming, dancing for me and eating your own shit like you're doing now little monkey? Maybe you'll even get another (You)!

              • 3 months ago

                keep bumping your thread and having a meltdown, you're in control. you aren't being trolled, you are the troll here. mommy's proud of you

              • 3 months ago

                That was a lame one, you didn't even instruct me to kill myself that time. Let's see if you're desperate enough to reply even if I don't provide your precious (You).
                >you aren't being trolled
                Never doubted it. I knew you were moronic the second you posted.

                You're spending your time talking to someone you claim not to like in a thread you claim not to like about a topic you claim not to like. But by all means, keep complaining, watching you throw a fit is more entertaining than Rebirth.

  25. 3 months ago

    There are people who want SE to remake Chrono and Xenogears. Fricking morons. I have seen fricks say they want an FF7R-style remake for Gears and I shudder at the thought of it.

  26. 3 months ago

    Rebirth sold billions. Nomura is God.

  27. 3 months ago

    everyones waiting for pc release

  28. 3 months ago

    >nintenhomosexuals relentlessly shitposting 24/7 instead of playing the "games" they pretend to have

  29. 3 months ago

    >shitty company run by out of touch old farts sells low copies of unfun game
    They should just keep making shitty games and fool Sony into paying them for exclusivity.

  30. 3 months ago

    They're still counting, because it sells like hot cakes.

  31. 3 months ago

    why are the time jannies still around. i thought that shit was dealt with at the end of Returd

  32. 3 months ago

    Tifa belongs to Mario wiener.

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