Nobody would ever consider this one of the best games of all time.

Nobody would ever consider this one of the best games of all time.

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    It's the best RE game THOUGH

    • 5 months ago

      True. But no one will admit it. Especially now that RE2R and RE4R came out, so they can bank the tards in-between nostalgiatards and newcomertards where they can pretend it's a "classic"...but it's also a better classic than the classic, because it's gotten modern improvements.

      I think RE7 does all the cinematic shit WAY better than either game.

      The instance of Jack cutting of my legs, and me having to crawl to it while he's crouching above it, is stuck in my mind. And it also has the best level design out of all the recent RE's. And the best puzzles too. Not because they're particularly challenging or anything, but because of the genuine willingness to try and be fresh.

      • 5 months ago

        Too bad the game goes downhill the moment you leave the mansion and never recover it.
        >it also has the best level design out of all the recent RE's
        Not really
        >And the best puzzles too
        WTF? The "puzzles" are the dumbest of all RE games, even a fricking 5yr old kid could solve them

        • 5 months ago

          >The "puzzles" are the dumbest of all RE games, even a fricking 5yr old kid could solve them
          That shadow puzzle with the spider is mind bending though.

    • 5 months ago

      Frick of Black person. It was the absolutely worst """RE""" game, until 8 came out.
      This shit hurt the franchise more than any other game before it.

    • 5 months ago

      The last third of the game really falls off though.

  2. 5 months ago

    This is the first Resident Evil game I chose not to play, because it was too disgusting. Somehow they overdid it.

  3. 5 months ago

    hi, i'm Nobody

  4. 5 months ago

    better than the boring old shit you autists have been discussing for the last 20 years

  5. 5 months ago

    Maybe not but RE4R has become my favourite game of all time. RE7 is really good but it had issues. I actually enjoyed Village more than 7 but it seems the majority of people disagree with that.

    • 5 months ago

      >but it had issues.

      Easiest way to spot a moron. Anybody who doesn't understand how useless of a statement is, enough to even make it. You can be confident to easily dismiss. They have nothing of substance to offer up.

      • 5 months ago

        You sound like a woman, quit your nit-picking and whining.

  6. 5 months ago

    I think it is. It doesn’t have the replay value but my first playthough was no doubt one of my best experiences in gaming. It saved RE

  7. 5 months ago

    It isn't, and it's not even one of the best RE games. That said, it does represent a sort of sobering up after the previous night's crazy party (RE4, RE5) that perhaps got a little too weird (RE6). You're not quite all there and you can feel the hangover, but at least your head's screwed back on again.

  8. 5 months ago

    It's just kind of insane how radically different this game seems in every way from past RE games initially. Before it devolves into the escalation of monstrous bulbous abominations where you're wielding military gear by the end that every RE devolves into.

    I still remember when people were speculating about an RE7 with Leon as the protagonist again or something. I really respect the game, for trying to spin a whole twist on RE. And genuinely being different for it, in enough respects

    And you know what's EVEN MORE crazy? RE7 didn't actually save the franchise. RE6 still sold more than RE7 in the end. The Franchise never needed any saving. Just a lesson to remember that a developers creative endeavor, "saved" the franchise. The fact that some dude decided to not just continue with the generic action RE slop, and wanted to make something different. Something to remember, not because of the faces of RE. But on its own merit.

    • 5 months ago

      7 also had a manageable budget compared to 6. 6 is like 5 different games Frankenstein'd together and at no point did anyone involved step in and say "Is this too much?" 5 was the best selling Capcom game of all time pre-MHW, so they were probably fine with throwing a blank check at the sequel.

    • 5 months ago

      >RE6 still sold more than RE7 in the end.
      If there's one thing thing I've observed with RE is no one can fricking agree on what RE sold the most. Just quickly look up the starts shows plenty of instances of 7 selling better than 6.

      You're already acknowledging it save the series in a creative sense. Resident Evil could have continues going in the direction 6 took it and it probably would still sell well because it would have just became another CoD in being a shitty series that sell for some godawful reason.

      • 5 months ago

        it's combined sales of original releases and remasters. re4/5/6 kinda cheated their way into the ranks.

      • 5 months ago

        As per Capcom's own website Resident Evil 2 remake is the bestselling Resident Evil game of all time:

        7, 6, and 5 have all been previous record holders

        • 5 months ago

          they just keep changing the rules. list looked different when it was first published.

          • 5 months ago

            This is a March 2023 article using data from 2022
            >To find out, we pulled sales data from the handy list of Capcom's platinum-selling games it keeps on its corporate site, which is accurate up to the end of 2022

            • 5 months ago

              point is that back then they counted the sales of the remasters and put re5 in first place. they don't count them now and this created a confusion on which title sold best, like anon pointed out.

    • 5 months ago

      Black person its literely fps re1

    • 5 months ago

      >RE7 didn't actually save the franchise. RE6 still sold more than RE7 in the end. The Franchise never needed any saving.

      Not counting the diference about how RE6 costed and how RE7 cheap are you people alway forget how shit the RE brand was before RE7?
      >Umbrella corps
      >Both revelations are budget tittles
      >one starting on nintendo DS
      >the other copying shit from telltale like chapters coming separated

      All shit decisions that alongside RE6 being shit ruined the brand.

      • 5 months ago

        re6 is literally my favorite from the series

        • 5 months ago


          • 5 months ago

            it's fun with friends and it's cool how it was basically 3+ games in one. each storyline had different controls, UI, environments, characters, enemies, etc. felt like what arcade games could never be

  9. 5 months ago

    it is
    only because of a cute e-girl chasing you around
    >not installing eveline nude mod

  10. 5 months ago

    I enjoy the remakes but, in a way, I wish they'd never allocated resources to them, and had just gone all-in on numbered sequels that recaptured and reframed classic Resident Evil instead. It's a better way to "remake" something because you're doing something fresh at the same time. RE7 is great in itself and among my favourite REs, but it really feels to me like a solid foundation to iterate upon, and then unfortunately that just never happened.

    • 5 months ago

      >RE7 is great in itself and among my favourite REs, but it really feels to me like a solid foundation to iterate upon, and then unfortunately that just never happened.

      I'm curious as to what this means. Because I agreed, for a VEEEEEERY long time. But I think this is already technically the case. RE2R is basically RE1R, but completely improved, invigorated in the mechanical sense. It just lacks the decent macro gameplay that RE1 has, since the mansion is simply far more interesting to explore, and RE2R is incredibly railroaded. Actually dissecting this, is annoying for me to do. So the example I just give, for people that shouldnt be too moronic to understand is this:

      In the original RE2, there is a fire ladder. And that is the most meaningful "shortcut" and moment of "interconnectedness" in the entire game, and one of the most, in the entire franchise. The lack of this, completely sums up the flaw of RE2R's level design. Because morons unironically thing "omg!!!! a room connects to another room, oh my frick!" is interconnectedness. God, I hate talking about level design so much, because people are so moronic about it.

      Anyway. My point is that RE2R basically perfected the basic formula in EVERY way mechanically, but the level design flaw, plus the remains of flaws from the old games (RNG damage values) remain, that in my opinion, prevent the game from feeling like a truly cohesive experience. The randomness and sometimes trial and error nature of the game completely took me out of the experience. Tension was superficial now, because if I was annoyed by how many bullets I spent, I'd just reload my save until I got a more favourable dice roll.

      I think what RE7 excels at...atleast in the beginning, is being a very humble and focused experience. Its not perfect. But some of the best games ever, aren't perfect.

      My point, is that RE7 feels like it's trying to be itself. Rather than some "survival horror classic." It's confident in its identity.

      • 5 months ago

        The Alan Wake schizo posts again

      • 5 months ago

        Not him but if RE7 excels in any one aspect relative to the rest of the series, it is aesthetic cohesion. 7 still has issues with level design, namely in how obviously sequenced and linear everything is with very little in the way of meaningful backtracking or elaboration. However, one can say all that same about 8 but what that game lacks, and what 7 has in spades, is a holistic sense of place. More than any other entry, even arguably the first, 7 feels like a small, realistic patch of land that houses some fricked up shit. Even working from the testing area to the ship to the mines, it all makes some kind of sense when put together.

        • 5 months ago

          >namely in how obviously sequenced and linear everything is with very little in the way of meaningful backtracking or elaboration.

          the frick does this even mean? "backtracking" doesn't make good level design, and what the frick does "elaboration" even mean. I'm convinced you morons make up words every fricking day to describe your games in special ways. every fricking RE game is "sequenced" and there are more "sequenced" RE games than 7. Not that it matters, since not being "sequenced" doesn't suddenly make your level design "good". And then this is why I try to avoid the word "linear" what the frick does "linear" mean??? Dark Souls 1 level design is definitionally "linear" and it's world design is also even more linear than dark souls 2, which has multiple levels that can be done out of order, and multiple sequence breaks that aren't glitches, but nobody says it's world design is good? Frick. I shouldn't have even fricking spoke. Because I know for a fricking fact, nobody thinks about these concepts, enough for the shit that I'm saying to make sense, or else I wouldn't be saying it in the first place.

          I'm starting to realize that all these words I used to rely on to communicate shit about videogame structure "exploration", "interconnectedness", "linear vs non linear". Fricking mean nothing and now I don't know how to communicate the subtle differences that make the experiences of exploration and navigation completely different.

          And the worst part, is that I have nobody on this godforsaken board that I respect enough that could have a genuine back and forth that would be satisfying enough to reach some fruitful conclusion.

          Anyway. Whatever. I don't want to talk about it anymore. Sure RE7 is linear or whatever. Because that means so much.

          • 5 months ago

            Go back to the Alan Wake threads schizo

          • 5 months ago

            It wasn't really my intent to get caught up on 7's shortcomings so much as what it got right, but when I say those things about it it's largely from the heavily adventure-influenced, lock-and-key designs of the earliest RE games that it drifted away from around the time of 4. 7 pays lip service to that earlier level design philosophy, but in reality it's usually pretty transparent where you're supposed to go or what you're supposed to do. Earlier RE games aren't the most complex games of all time but it was also possible to not immediately know where to go next, and 7 by and large keeps progression so straightforward that it feels more like you just walk through the environments rather than really dive into them. Good examples of this is the mansion revisit, which unlocks 2 doors that access a grand total of like 3 small rooms, or how going back to the old house after beating Marguerite has you go upstairs in a short sequence of rooms and turn right back around the way you came. In older RE games, a single key would unlock more environment to explore, and even remembering all the places where said key can be used is part of the exploration itself. Ironically, the closest 7 gets to actually capturing that brand of adventure game exploration is the elevator part search on the ship and everyone seems to hate that part.

            TL;DR - 7 is clearly calling back to the level design sensibilites of early RE, but not really matching the depth, it's a very surface level interpretation.

            • 5 months ago

              > 7 pays lip service to that earlier level design philosophy, but in reality it's usually pretty transparent where you're supposed to go or what you're supposed to do.

              This is ridiculously subjective to the point of uselessness. I have had people tell me they struggle to figure out where to go in REmake and that the game is so hard, but I have never once been lost in an RE game. The part I like about it, isn't the difficulty itself. It's just the joy and challenge of mentally mapping where things are and where to put them. RE games are no Tomb Raider, if Dark Souls when It comes to navigation, or even Hollow Knight, part of that is due to having a map at all, but then, id just bring up hollow knight.

              >Earlier RE games aren't the most complex games of all time but it was also possible to not immediately know where to go next,

              The frick does this mean "possible"???? If you literally just explore everything and read everything, and have a decent memory there is never a moment you won't know where to go. There isn't actually any figuring out or understanding where you are relative to another space needed to progress. Not judgements of distance needed either. It's just following the trail that the game drops bread crumbs for you. This isn't bad, and is part of my point about "linearity". Since finding the breadcrumbs, and understanding what they mean is part of the fun and requires SOME thought process. It's just not very deep. It never has been.

              >environments rather than really dive into them.

              okay. I'm starting to think you are legitimately insane if you somehow think this applies more to ANY other resident evil game. the frick do you mean? "dive"???

              >Good examples of this is the mansion revisit, which unlocks 2 doors that access a grand total of like 3 small rooms, or how going back to the old house after beating Marguerite has you go upstairs in a short sequence of rooms and turn right back around the way you came.

              Compared to what? Cont'd:

            • 5 months ago

              > 7 pays lip service to that earlier level design philosophy, but in reality it's usually pretty transparent where you're supposed to go or what you're supposed to do.

              This is ridiculously subjective to the point of uselessness. I have had people tell me they struggle to figure out where to go in REmake and that the game is so hard, but I have never once been lost in an RE game. The part I like about it, isn't the difficulty itself. It's just the joy and challenge of mentally mapping where things are and where to put them. RE games are no Tomb Raider, if Dark Souls when It comes to navigation, or even Hollow Knight, part of that is due to having a map at all, but then, id just bring up hollow knight.

              >Earlier RE games aren't the most complex games of all time but it was also possible to not immediately know where to go next,

              The frick does this mean "possible"???? If you literally just explore everything and read everything, and have a decent memory there is never a moment you won't know where to go. There isn't actually any figuring out or understanding where you are relative to another space needed to progress. Not judgements of distance needed either. It's just following the trail that the game drops bread crumbs for you. This isn't bad, and is part of my point about "linearity". Since finding the breadcrumbs, and understanding what they mean is part of the fun and requires SOME thought process. It's just not very deep. It never has been.

              >environments rather than really dive into them.

              okay. I'm starting to think you are legitimately insane if you somehow think this applies more to ANY other resident evil game. the frick do you mean? "dive"???

              >Good examples of this is the mansion revisit, which unlocks 2 doors that access a grand total of like 3 small rooms, or how going back to the old house after beating Marguerite has you go upstairs in a short sequence of rooms and turn right back around the way you came.

              Compared to what? Cont'd:

              >Good examples of this is the mansion revisit, which unlocks 2 doors that access a grand total of like 3 small rooms, or how going back to the old house after beating Marguerite has you go upstairs in a short sequence of rooms and turn right back around the way you came

              Compared to what? The crank in OG RE2 only having 2 uses? the heart key having like 1 use? Or the sewer that's literally a braindead straight line? Or all of the cabin in RE1? Or literally every single aspect of RE3? Like are you hearing yourself? Not to mention that even if I give you your incoherent argument, RE2R will have multiple key uses and that game is STILL braindead linear, because most doors are only like meters away from the key, or the key is so obvious that you don't even have to think about it.

              Look. I don't care anymore, If I was rude, whatever. I don't find value in arguing with Resident Evil fans anymore, because I consider many of you in large part to be delusional. It's conversations like these that make me reconsider whether the resident evil series is even good at a fundemental level, or if I just enjoyed the novelty of my first experience with ink ribbons and a twist on metroidvania style exploration.

              Peace. Thanks for the convo I guess. Don't think we'll reach any satisfactory conclusion for me.

        • 5 months ago

          The way you type is incredibly annoying and cringe

  11. 5 months ago

    It's not, none of the resident evil games are tbh.

    That said, doesn't diminish my enjoyment of them. RE7 is my favorite one as well. The story gets stupid in the final chapters but the setting, atmosphere, the layout of the house itself is really fricking cool. That said, I live in Louisiana and no house down here has basements at all. There are salt dome mines as depicted in the game though. That said, I just love the atmosphere the swamp, it's a very underrated location to set a video game.

    • 5 months ago

      seriously the kino was too strong, it made me crave more horror games set in lousiana but there's none I think.

    • 5 months ago

      >It's not, none of the resident evil games are tbh.

      realizing this more and more honestly, but RE has too strong of a circlejerk on this board.

      would genuinely be curious what games adjacent to it that you might consider being one of the best games of all time, since it's rare that I hear this opinion, and I'm honestly looking for something to satisfy me after my RE burnout.

      7 is still the best of RE tho.

  12. 5 months ago

    Morons and people more or less new to the series would.

  13. 5 months ago

    It's fine. Cool setting with an Evil Dead/Texas Chainsaw feel to it. Then they frick it up by moving things to that boring ass boat section.

  14. 5 months ago

    any of you guys play all the DLC for the game? I did it last year to get all the achievements but I was shocked at how good some of the DLC was.

    Even the stupid shit like "Jack's Birthday" was fun, running around the mansion collecting food items for him as fast as possible was actually a lot of fun.
    Also all the challenge modes where you have to go through the mansion in one go without dying, that was really fun too. The actual story DLCs were pretty good.

    Also, that random ass Poker game mode where you lose your fingers one by one. Fricking kino

    there was so much DLC for this game too, like almost more content than playing through the actual game multiple times.

    • 5 months ago

      I was mostly disappointed by the dlc. only thing that ended up having replay value was 21 and night terror.

      • 5 months ago

        I'm still peeved the Chris DLC for RE7 had this cool parry system that CAPCOM dropped completely. It would've revived melee-only runs in a unique way since parrying would make melee combat actually viable as an elaborate tactic rather than simply a constant dance of dodging and stunlocking. Imagine if CAPCOM used the Not A Hero DLC as a way to introduce first-person melee combat with actual medieval swords, bayonets, and halberds in Resident Evil 8. Imagine if the Death Flower Dagger was an upgrade to the normal knife.

    • 5 months ago

      That's because 7 is a fricking great game and utterly full of soul. Ganker has eternally dogshit taste anon, never take anything on Ganker seriously.

  15. 5 months ago

    don't call aunt rhody at 3am

  16. 5 months ago


  17. 5 months ago

    It's hilarious that RE7 has only two maybe three indie games that took direct inspiration from it. Strangely I find myself comparing it to the Condemned Duology despite having little melee combat. I consider the claustrophobic, decaying swamp houses filled with demented Cajuns of RE7 somehow seem eeriely similar to the grimy, rundown subways, sewers, and apartments of Condemned. Also the combat is messy with blocking while still suffering damage taking precedence over outright dodging enemy animations or running past them. The whole "getting knocked down and fighting from a sitting position on the floor" was also interesting if a bit janky plus disorienting. All RE7 needed was more enemy encounter variety and less on-the-rails setpieces and it would be perfect.

    • 5 months ago

      >indies don't put any effort or care into making horror games
      what a shocker
      I'll be shitting myself on a filth floor balcony

    • 5 months ago

      >and less on-the-rails setpieces and it would be perfect.

      yes. if your problem is unstoppable cutscenes. nah, if it's some weird moronic reservation you have about "cinematic games". Its times like this, that I'm glad I'm generally open minded, because I'm realizing that crazy shit like, driving the car into jack or jack driving it into you, or having to crawl to your own foot. Are the experiences that stuck with me. They're perfect experiences for FPS that's supposed to be "immersive". Just makes the whole game feel like a different experience, and I say this as somebody who is literally objectively weak to FPS games, which I typically hate and still wish RE7 wasn't. But I appreciate that it made the perspective feel slightly more meaningful than just a type of genre staple.

      • 5 months ago

        Every Jack setpieces is great, interactive fun. Marguerite kinda sucks when you first fight her in that big fricking hole but her greenhouse fight is good enough. Lucas sucks. I hate the basic b***h traps he sets instead of actual puzzles and his main enemy type is MORE MOLDED and BIGGER MOLDED. At least Marg had giant bugs though the roaches were more fun to fight than the swarms. Eveline's end sequence also sucks since she has you stuck in an interactive cutscene till the end of the game.

  18. 5 months ago

    Only problem with it is the lack of molded variety
    And of course the story doesn't make sense but it's RE so whatever
    The family could've been bigger too. Some of the concept arts were really fricking great

    • 5 months ago

      Oh and the ship section sucks dicks

  19. 5 months ago

    >Texas Chainsaw Massacre ripoff
    >FPS because games like Outlast were trending at that time and also appealing to twitch streamers and VRhomosexuals
    >Shit story and characters (except Jack and his brother)
    >The "choice" you make has no impact whatsoever
    >No replay value
    You gotta be a massive moron to think this is the best game of all time

    • 5 months ago

      There's a lot of inspirations from the horror genre
      Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Saw Franchise with Lucas, Ring/Grudge/F.E.A.R. with Evy, Found Footage Stuff with the VHS', Swamp Thing in the Jack DLC

  20. 5 months ago

    No, but I did enjoy the first half or so

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