>"Nooo, you can't attack our super important sexy character!

>"Nooo, you can't attack our super important sexy character! She is right, you can't agree with the people you're working with, you HAVE to agree with her!"

Why do writers do this? Example are picrel, Ranni and the wild mage woman from BG EE

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  1. 5 months ago

    Because the story doesn't work if you stray from it. RPGs are about experiencing hand crafted narratives. If you want to make your own fun go play Minecraft.

    • 5 months ago

      Linear narratives are fine, it's when logic breaks down and it becomes heavy handed that it turns into shit. Or when the player is expected to care about something they clearly won't care at all about.

    • 5 months ago

      id experience her hand crafted narratives iykwim

      • 4 months ago

        i'd launch a rocket at her moon iykwim

      • 4 months ago

        That the generic but of every character in the game. Panam, Judy, the b***h from arasaka, the b***h in the bar... All same model.

    • 5 months ago

      >RPGs are about experiencing hand crafted narratives
      So this is why RPGs suck now

    • 5 months ago

      RPGs suffer horribly when the hand-crafted narratives become too narrow in the number and variety of paths they offer.

    • 5 months ago

      >Because the story doesn't work if you stray from it.
      Then story sucks balls
      >RPGs are about experiencing hand crafted narratives
      What a elegant name for predetermined shit
      > If you want to make your own fun go play Minecraft.
      Woke idiots don't understand that when you tell people to "go play old/different stuff", someone might actually follow your advice unironically. You don't have a self-sufficient cultural force, which is why you rely so much on nostalgia and other people's work. You think that if normies follow you, then you are on top. In fact, your hegemony is so fragile that you pee your pants at the mere image of a straight white man, so you can't allow such characters in your games. Am I wrong?

      • 5 months ago

        Honestly I'm surprised my shitpost got as many replies as it did.

      • 5 months ago

        the story doesn't work if you stray from it.
        >Then story sucks balls
        >>RPGs are about experiencing hand crafted narratives
        >What a elegant name for predetermined shit
        You're literally describing what a story is.
        >an account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment.
        If you there weren't predetermined paths for you to take then it wouldn't be a story.

        >Woke idiots don't understand that when you tell people to "go play old/different stuff", someone might actually follow your advice unironically. You don't have a self-sufficient cultural force, which is why you rely so much on nostalgia and other people's work. You think that if normies follow you, then you are on top. In fact, your hegemony is so fragile that you pee your pants at the mere image of a straight white man, so you can't allow such characters in your games. Am I wrong?
        Not him, but what lol? Minecraft is a game with no story, you just build and make your own shit, so makes sense he would recommend it for someone who is complaining about having to follow a story in a game.

        • 5 months ago

          >If you there weren't predetermined paths for you to take then it wouldn't be a story.
          Don't be picky about words. The Witcher is more predetermined than the character of Fallout 1, 2, New Vegas... Or even 3.

          >Minecraft is a game with no story,
          I know, my point was about the arrogant appeal to dissenters who can really leave your "brand new handcrafted woke stories"

          • 5 months ago

            >Don't be picky about words. The Witcher is more predetermined than the character of Fallout 1, 2, New Vegas... Or even 3.
            The Witcher 3 and Fallout 3 are almost identical in how they do their endings.


            You get a few different endings, combined with a bunch of plug and play stuff depending on some choices you made with other quests. They're both predetermined.

      • 4 months ago

        >schizo immediately brings up completely unrelated into a conversation about RPG stories (with zero prior mention of anything political) muh woke and muh straight white man
        meds, now

    • 4 months ago

      Nah go play Detroit become human.

      Reality is most developers are too lazy/underfunded not to make something linear..

    • 4 months ago

      >RPGs are about experiencing hand crafted narratives
      that's what a shitty dm would say

    • 4 months ago

      pretty sure RPGs are NOT about experiencing hand crafted narratives, by definition

      • 4 months ago

        What, your nogames ass thinks DM just makes it all up on the spot?

      • 4 months ago

        CRPGs are

        the stuff you morons want is literally insane and impossible. I'd much rather have a visual novel attached to great exploration and combat than what we currently have which is bad CYOA moviegaymes with shit combat and shit exploration because devs are spending their entire budget on trying to script and program 50 permutations to every interaction trying to please morons like you (and failing)

  2. 5 months ago

    I've started playing Cyberpunk recently. The start of the game was great, I could make the choices I liked and everything was enjoyable. All the side gigs available when you first get Johnny were also great.

    Then after you finish the first 3 or four story missions (not long before unlocking dog town DLC) it just gets kinda bad? more and more dialogue choice where no choice is one I like, or what V says is practically the opposite of what I thought the dialogue option was etc. Feels quite frustrating.

    Only just started the dog town missions of OP's picrel, and haven't liked or trusted hacker girl at all so far. Literally hacking into and messing with the chip that is the only thing keeping me alive for... no apparent reason?? unless showing a hallucination of herself to me is that important to her lol. She could have many times more easily just sent me a message or called me.

    Not to mention its nonsense she can hack the chip remotely at all. It's extremely secretive prototype tech from 50 years ago. It's not like it has inbuilt wifi or something either. Doesn't matter how good of a hacker she is, it makes no sense she can override the nanites that are rearranging your brain into Johnny's to show her instead.

    • 5 months ago

      Are you telling me you can't remotely hack into a closed off network whose entire OS, inftastructure and purpose is radically different from any other ever created?
      Guess it's a skill issue.

      • 5 months ago

        It's weird that a video game company would write a story where hackers are magic, did they fire everybody who knows anything about computers? I don't want to spoil it too much but the new ending is Mass Effect 3 levels of bad and Idris Elba's neck is all fricked up to the point where it broke my immersion.

        This is why I'm expecting a 'twist' reveal where she was the one that hacked the presidents ride herself for whatever reason. As such a 'Master Genius Hacker' has no chance of losing against some other hacker in controlling the transport. Yet can hack V's chip from orbit with next to no effort.

    • 5 months ago

      It's weird that a video game company would write a story where hackers are magic, did they fire everybody who knows anything about computers? I don't want to spoil it too much but the new ending is Mass Effect 3 levels of bad and Idris Elba's neck is all fricked up to the point where it broke my immersion.

    • 5 months ago

      >Not to mention its nonsense she can hack the chip remotely at all. It's extremely secretive prototype tech from 50 years ago. It's not like it has inbuilt wifi or something either.
      I mean, it is bullshit she could hack it, but once it's slotted in your head it could have network access, your head implants are constantly online.

    • 5 months ago

      Been playing the side quests before continuing with more main story and have run into another annoying thing. Why does the game try so hard to make you start a relationship with someone? I just help people out with their problems and half the dialogue choices are flirty.

      In the case of Panam, there has been multiple times where there is *only* flirty choices. I don't want to date Panam, she is nuts. She has the personality of a whiney immature teen rebelling against her parents, with a little bipolar or something mixed in. Can you imagine a relationship with a girl like that? After no more than the first month she would be screaming at you daily to do this or that. Always yelling, never being able to talk to you calmly etc. Not to mention she would want you to spend the rest of your life sleeping in tents out in a desert. Frick that.

      There only romance option that seemed viable personality wise was Judy, but she is lesbian so their is no chance. Then shit got uncomfortably gay with the detective dude even though I avoided all romance replies (even insisting on drinking lemonade instead of alcohol)

      I'm fine taking no romance routes, but is there going to be any other romance options? or is it just the gays and the psycho?

      • 5 months ago

        its easy to miss but half of the issues you run into in Act 2 are because Judy thinks its funny to purposefully withold information from people and then feel bad about it afterwards yet do it again. All of her irritation towards Maiko isnt political its because they were in an emotionally abusive relationship and similarly she refuses to adequately warn Evelyn because shes her new crush who doesnt love her back and she was mad at her for doing her own thing.

        im in two minds because i wouldnt call it poor writing as those are perfectly common behaviours but at the same time like you- i dont give a single frick about any of that, and no, your only real option is the sand woman- every other decent character you might like is killed for not being a puppydog to V. the ethos of the genre is at odds with trying to give the player what they might want- which is clearly telegraphed as fake because of the tenets of said genre being "you cant have what you want, sad endings only"

        • 4 months ago

          Viable doesn't mean ideal, I understand she isn't a great choice either.

          idk dude, if I was going to choose a romance option in a game, I just want a kind, caring, faithful, feminine and family loving girl as the choice in whatever game it is.

          "but they are boring, every girl needs to be clones that are very masculine or loose" unfortunately seems to be the view point of every video game developer if you want all of those traits in one girl.

  3. 5 months ago

    Aren't they all optional and you can just follow other quest lines? I only have played ER of those 3.

  4. 5 months ago

    I play retrorpgs not globohomosexual garbage

  5. 5 months ago

    Ranni is sex so its fine
    Wild mage girl? Mogged by Viconia. Nobody cares about her.

  6. 4 months ago

    Astroturf thread. Total CDPR Death.

  7. 4 months ago

    >Nooo, you can't attack our super important sexy character
    Usually western games don't let you kill kids

  8. 4 months ago

    lmao this game is straight up open world action fps after the 2.0 update

    • 4 months ago

      They dropped calling it an RPG and started calling it action/adventure at some point late in development, before it came out.

      I played the game at release and it was okay but meh. Disappointing. Might pick up this expansion if it's on sale for like $5 some day, that's about it.

  9. 4 months ago

    that is why i ALWAYS go for the option that negates if it is offered. unfortunately so many games just force you down a path. i love playing evil buttholes just so you can subvert the narrative. it almost always leads to a more interesting experience.

    • 4 months ago

      The "good guy" ending in Phantom Liberty leads to one of the worst (as in, least satisfying) endings in the game. Siding with Reed and handing over Songbird leads to everyone V knows moving on.

      Panam hates him, River relapses into drugs and crime, Judy moves on. Viktor is still around, but cucked by Corps. V is a nobody, with no clout or strength. Even Misty is gone; she is leaving for Poland. It's just V and Viktor, maybe Mama Wells for a few years-if that's anything.

      The best ending is still Don't Fear the Reaper.

      • 4 months ago

        Kerry still cares about V, though. Even without romancing him he's pretty supportive and sweet in his phone talk, so there's hope!

        Besides, beats choking out in space after Blue Eyes screwed you over.

      • 4 months ago

        Every ending seemed unsatisfying to me. While playing the game was fun, everything after the first 3rd of the base game story wise just fell to shit. Story lines weren't as interesting, woke politics in random places, every side character trying to start a romance with you (or the devs giving romance dialogue options) even after you have turned them down etc. It all feels just weird, uncomfortable and unsatisfying.

      • 4 months ago

        >The "good guy" ending in Phantom Liberty leads to one of the worst (as in, least satisfying) endings in the game.
        How can morons that fall for the most basic contrivances like this exist? The next step in bad writing from that ending is the game literally telling you to feel sad.
        >all V's friends leave him
        Then they were never his friends. V did all of them a solid, couldn't return the favor even in 10%. Misty, Vik (ironically ones who never need anything from him) and Kerry are the only real ones, everyone else can go choke on a dick.
        >V is a nobody
        Oh no, he can't murder people for money snymore, woe is he. V's a millionaire from all the gigs and he has done through the game, and if that wasn't enough, has a desk job at Langley waiting for him.
        No matter how hard writers try to frame it otherwise, V has it made in that ending.

        • 4 months ago

          >V's a millionaire from all the gigs and he has done through the game

          Check your credit account, anon. Militech drains your account and leaves you with only 80,000

          Even Arasaka doesn't do that to you in the devil ending

          • 4 months ago

            A bottle of absinthe costs about a hundred dollars, and that's a pretty bougie drink. I'm sure V can hustle it all back by eating instant ramen, and even then, 80k is not even remotely pocket change by any means.

            • 4 months ago

              true dystopic shit right there

          • 4 months ago

            Dumb Black person. You mean to say V's bankrupt in Don't Fear the Reaper? You have 0E$ there. Maybe got bankrupt from buying a penthouse exactly across his old apartment. I don't know why your bank account is zeroed, but it is in every ending. Knowing how spaghetti RED engine is, it's to prevent bugs or a bug itself.

            • 4 months ago

              no, you fricking idiot, not don't fear the reaper

              the new ending from phantom liberty

              you fricking idiot

              • 4 months ago

                >people who defend Tower ending are reddit spacing turd worlders with no English skills and reading comprehension
                Yeah, figured as much.

              • 4 months ago

                It's incredible. You are actually a fricking moron.

              • 4 months ago

                Lmao. Okay. I'll humour you and give you a free English lesson. But you need to do the needful, sir, and learn from it, and stop posting until you learn basic
                English and become functionally literate.

                >V's a millionaire from all the gigs and he has done through the game

                Check your credit account, anon. Militech drains your account and leaves you with only 80,000

                Even Arasaka doesn't do that to you in the devil ending

                claims that in Tower ending Militech steals your money, because in game mechanics it gets reduced to 80k€$

                Dumb Black person. You mean to say V's bankrupt in Don't Fear the Reaper? You have 0E$ there. Maybe got bankrupt from buying a penthouse exactly across his old apartment. I don't know why your bank account is zeroed, but it is in every ending. Knowing how spaghetti RED engine is, it's to prevent bugs or a bug itself.

                points out that you also lose all your money in Don't Fear The Reaper (The Sun) ending, where V supposedly is even richer than at the end of the game and can afford a penthouse. Therefore, he surmises, it's likely a bug and one shouldn't take it into account when talking about the endings.

                no, you fricking idiot, not don't fear the reaper

                the new ending from phantom liberty

                you fricking idiot

                (You) is a brownie most likely suffering from malnutrition caused mental moronation.

      • 4 months ago

        >V is a nobody, with no clout or strength.
        V is only weak because of muscle atrophy, a Cool build shouldn't even be that affected by it (but Cool is horribly underutilized for skill checks) and even an INT build could just learn to offload ram costs onto breached devices like the AIs do, hell some cyberware just does its job by just existing like subdermal armor and titanium bones so even cyberware isn't completely off the table

        • 4 months ago

          >build differences
          Just use the mod that increases the points you get per level, so that by the time you reach max level you have all stats maxed and most skills unlocked. (it leaves 12 or so points out as thats the number of skill points you can get from finding shards and things outside leveling)

          >inb4 but its too OP/roleplay accuracy
          Not really, it's only benefit is that it lets you use any weapon you like. With all the cybernetics you can fill yourself with, doesn't make much sense you can't use all the body options anyway. etc.
          As for story stuff, none of the stat checks changed anything significant except for intelligence and tech. Everything else only gave varied flavour text or let you skip a fight.

      • 4 months ago

        You realize that you can still pick the other endings if you side with Reed, right?


        >"Nooo, you can't attack our super important sexy character! She is right, you can't agree with the people you're working with, you HAVE to agree with her!"

        Why do writers do this? Example are picrel, Ranni and the wild mage woman from BG EE

        You haven't played PL.

        • 4 months ago

          >You haven't played PL.
          >implying you aren't forced to be her friend until the very last bit of 1 of 4 endings

          • 4 months ago

            When you first meet her at Gate K9, you are given options to express skepticism towards her promises and painful shock at her attempt to connect to the Relic.

            Furthermore, you are also given multiple opportunities to go against her wishes at various stages of the story, including at the ends of both routes.

            • 4 months ago

              >When you first meet her at Gate K9, you are given options to express skepticism towards her promises and painful shock at her attempt to connect to the Relic.
              But don't have the obvious option to tell her to frick off for screwing with the Relic, and if you walk away it's always treated like you just forget/take too long to save Myers.
              > you are also given multiple opportunities to go against her wishes at various stages of the story,
              Again every time you're doing that, except one ending betray Reed->betray So Mi (not during dialogues leading to the endings), you're forced to be her friend, if you're betraying her, can only tell her you're only doing this for her own good, are forced to talk with Reed about how much both of you want to save her. The one time you can tell her you're only helping her for the cure, you're forced to sound apologetic about it. At most you can cope with it and say V is being manipulative.

      • 4 months ago

        One of the best endings is gay male corpo v siding with the NUSA and romancing Kerry

        • 4 months ago

          You can throw in engram-Devil as well, although you'd have to headcanon V becoming Smasher v 2.0 for that to be a happy ending. But dialogue with him on a space station was worth everything I went through.

    • 4 months ago

      Corpo ending is fricking great. But everyone hates it because it means that your character doesn't have friends.

  10. 4 months ago

    can't vouch for the others but if you don't agree with Ranni you can just not do her route/ending.
    it's true that they should have let you fight her though. She's the only demigod that you can't fight (Miquella is busy being an egg/dlc bait and doesn't count)

  11. 4 months ago

    You can turn around when she hacks you and leave, with hilarious consequences.

  12. 4 months ago

    I really like Cyberpunk. I played it once when it launched on PC, then dropped it because it was clearly hidden early access. But played it again after the 2.1 update and I really, really liked it.

    I guess the reason it didn't grab me at first is because I just tried to blast through the story without doing any side gigs; the game was an unworkable mess, so obviously I didn't wanna do much of it. I didn't even meet River in my first playthrough. But my second playthrough was fantastic.

    Side-Gigs feel like they have an impact; they obviously don't, but you'll see or hear from someone while you're out and about and minor things in minor gigs feel like they have a lasting impression. When you talk to a Fixer, the conversation might have an option to mention a gig you did prior, or another event. It all feels super interconnected. Night City is fantastic to explore.

    The one complaint I have is regarding the Main Story; the Takemura stuff feels forced as frick. No matter what, it always feels like just going back to deal with Arasaka stuff even after all of Dog Town; like it was always the only option, and everything else was just pussyfooting around. All in all though I really enjoy it.

    • 4 months ago

      Corporations run the world. Like V explains to Johny: blow up Arasaka Tower and they just build a bigger one.

      Hell the only one who could stop Arasaka senior is Arasaka junior.

  13. 4 months ago

    >the wild mage woman from BG EE
    You can kill her without even talking to her in BG1, and in BG2 you can do it right after her unskippable entry cutscene. And while she's considered to be correct in what shes doing in meta terms, you can call her a moron at any time.

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