>not one game has ever come even close to matching the complex autistic spellbattling encounters of baldurs gate 2

>not one game has ever come even close to matching the complex autistic spellbattling encounters of baldurs gate 2
>It's been 20 years
How the frick did they do it

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  1. 2 years ago

    > autistic spellbattling encounters
    > whoever casts "Breach" + "Dispell Magic" + "Haste" wins

    ... are you sure about that?

    • 2 years ago

      >he tries to oversimply things because nuanced reality is uncomfortable

      • 2 years ago

        What's the nuance? Had one mage duel, you had them all.

      • 2 years ago

        what nuance lol it's literally this

        > autistic spellbattling encounters
        > whoever casts "Breach" + "Dispell Magic" + "Haste" wins

        ... are you sure about that?

        or whoever gets to cast time stop first wins

      • 2 years ago

        oversimplyfy what? any mage casting time stop has the ability to mega buff themselves or cast potentially lethal damage. it isnt nuanced at all.

      • 2 years ago

        it really comes down to breach spam and true sight support and anything that isn´t a mage is a meme opponent anyways. Then there are items like protection from undead scroll which trivialize many parts of the game.

    • 2 years ago

      >he tries to oversimply things because nuanced reality is uncomfortable

      What's the nuance? Had one mage duel, you had them all.

      >be me, t. boomlet
      >play bg2 when it is first released
      >assassin first playthrough, walkthroughs didn't exist
      >every single mage dies to stacked backstab poison
      git gud zoomers

      So what you're saying is you were an edgelord as a kid.

      what nuance lol it's literally this [...]
      or whoever gets to cast time stop first wins

      >Be Cavalier Paladin
      >Cast Protection from Evil
      >Hit stuff with the Holy Avenger
      >Kick ass and take names

      • 2 years ago

        It's hilariously bad how much this can break the game. I remember the last dragon fight before Irenicus took me 3 seconds to beat.

    • 2 years ago

      What's the nuance? Had one mage duel, you had them all.

      Is it more nuanced and complex than every other game, yes or no? Thank you.

      • 2 years ago

        ... No?

        Most of Tales of Maj Eyal spellcasters have to juggle many abilities and distibute talents based on items/runes/infusions they have to not frick themselves over and even then it's not enough to confront everything head-on since enemies can just block your sustainables and make your entire playstyle unsuable in seconds.

        Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup's magic is very volatile and requires a lot of investment to not suffer miscasts, yet the game by nature is very unreliable and can easily not give you the school book you trained for. Useless spells can be life-savers while poorly timed good spells can get you surrounded and chomped or worse - fail and randomly mutate you into increasing miscast chance further or summoning demons directly up your ass.

        • 2 years ago

          Oh you're asking me? Are you not sure of yourself? Okay the answer is yes.
          >Most of Tales of Maj Eyal spellcasters have to juggle many abilities and distibute talents based on items/runes/infusions they have to not frick themselves over
          Distribute talents?? We're talking about mage duel gameplay and you're talking about character building. Stay on topic.
          >enemies can just block your sustainables and make your entire playstyle unsuable in seconds
          I'm not sure how you think having a single play style that can be shut down randomly by the right enemy encounter constitutes "complex spell battling encounters".
          >Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup's magic is very volatile and requires a lot of investment to not suffer miscasts, yet the game by nature is very unreliable and can easily not give you the school book you trained for. Useless spells can be life-savers while poorly timed good spells can get you surrounded and chomped or worse - fail and randomly mutate you into increasing miscast chance further or summoning demons directly up your ass.
          Okay you think RNG causing your spells to miss or fail is deep gameplay. Thank you for exposing the source of your ignorance.

          • 2 years ago

            >Oh you're asking me?
            What kind of autist do you have to be to fail picking up on bafflement?!

            >We're talking about mage duel gameplay..
            ... Oh, the one that requires preparation? Like, spell memorisation? Except BG lets you memorise all the shit and use it on the go. In ToME you also have to customise things like intensity, synergy between passives and effects of sustainables ON TOP of getting the right spell rotation set. And depending on the items you found those should be mitigated into secondary options that back you up in case you're forced against the wall. But what would I know? Surely BGs that is all about picking BiS spells among a shitton of unusables is a more complexed game than the one that requires maintaing shifting balance between power and functionality and punishes relying on BiS repeatedly.

            >I'm not sure how you think ...
            Because "Breach">"Dispell">"Haste" is complex, totally. Every post chapter 3 enemy mage casts contingency on start of the battle and every time you breach it and have your melee/archer gib them. If you fail it's always followed by either a haste or a shitty debuff or invis. You have to be a moron to let any enemy mage live past round 3 cause they are always the priority and are always gibbable in 2 hits, the most dangerous shit are meelees and backstabbers, hense you haste for better positioning and 1 more APR. Shit like this will never fly in ToME. Also, it's not A SINGLE playstyle. It's CURRENT playstyle, regardless of what it is.

            >Okay you think RNG causing your spells...
            Oh yes, not having to account for failure in a game where failure to recover from the fail boots you back to beginning is OBVIOSLY less deep than the one where you can't fail at all and can reload on demand should things go to shit.

            • 2 years ago

              *"not having" >>> "having"

        • 2 years ago

          >... No?
          I agree with your post but god damn could you fricking zoomers please grow at least some kind of balls and stop putting these pussy uptalk question marks on statements?

          >Oh you're asking me?
          What kind of autist do you have to be to fail picking up on bafflement?!

          >We're talking about mage duel gameplay..
          ... Oh, the one that requires preparation? Like, spell memorisation? Except BG lets you memorise all the shit and use it on the go. In ToME you also have to customise things like intensity, synergy between passives and effects of sustainables ON TOP of getting the right spell rotation set. And depending on the items you found those should be mitigated into secondary options that back you up in case you're forced against the wall. But what would I know? Surely BGs that is all about picking BiS spells among a shitton of unusables is a more complexed game than the one that requires maintaing shifting balance between power and functionality and punishes relying on BiS repeatedly.

          >I'm not sure how you think ...
          Because "Breach">"Dispell">"Haste" is complex, totally. Every post chapter 3 enemy mage casts contingency on start of the battle and every time you breach it and have your melee/archer gib them. If you fail it's always followed by either a haste or a shitty debuff or invis. You have to be a moron to let any enemy mage live past round 3 cause they are always the priority and are always gibbable in 2 hits, the most dangerous shit are meelees and backstabbers, hense you haste for better positioning and 1 more APR. Shit like this will never fly in ToME. Also, it's not A SINGLE playstyle. It's CURRENT playstyle, regardless of what it is.

          >Okay you think RNG causing your spells...
          Oh yes, not having to account for failure in a game where failure to recover from the fail boots you back to beginning is OBVIOSLY less deep than the one where you can't fail at all and can reload on demand should things go to shit.

          >What kind of autist do you have to be to fail picking up on bafflement?!
          Next time you feel the need to perform bafflement, don't. Just be careful because this mindset may raise your chances of getting laid above 0% and into the single digits.

          • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        >Is it more nuanced and complex than every other game, yes or no?
        Damn, that was easy.

      • 2 years ago

        EYE Divine Cybermancy is far superior for spell caster duels.

        I am serious.

    • 2 years ago

      >sees someone praising something generally popular,, enthusiastically
      >reflexivley goes incel contrarian mode and tries to downplay/simplify the thing being praised
      I am shocked to see such a person on /vrpg/. Truly.

      • 2 years ago

        Do you copypaste these? I swear I saw the same comment with the same exact wording.

        • 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    >be me, t. boomlet
    >play bg2 when it is first released
    >assassin first playthrough, walkthroughs didn't exist
    >every single mage dies to stacked backstab poison
    git gud zoomers

    • 2 years ago

      So what you're saying is you were an edgelord as a kid.

  3. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Wouldn't the Sorceror Supreme actually be a Mage or even a Wild Mage in DND?

  4. 2 years ago

    most fun I had with a non-mage was a shadowdancer hybride. You can go invisible in combat and when you wear the cloak of nondetection the enemy mage true sight goes nowhere so no saving from next backstabby.

  5. 2 years ago

    I like Icewind Dale a bit more because there's more ways to AoE buff martial classes. BG2 had much better boss battles though.

  6. 2 years ago

    It's only nuanced because you need to remember two dozen various protective spells, half of which duplicates with merely a different name for cleric, druid, mage. So, it's not complex and the only skill involved is brute force memorisation.
    I.e. perfect for the midwits that like playing casters in DnD.

    • 2 years ago

      >brute force memorization.
      Yeah that's my main issue. In many cases the rules you need to remember are arbitrary abstractions like immunities by school or spell level. There's nothing cool or fun about thinking about that stuff, it's just arbitrary facts.

      • 2 years ago

        Exactly. The spell battles in BG would be laughably easy if the game would a) streamline all these spells, b) would explain its systems and c) would show all spells and effects affecting a target when mousing over it.

  7. 2 years ago

    I prefer icewind dale.

  8. 2 years ago

    The Pathfinder games are a more complex and autistic version of this. Too much so, in fact. Thats not what makes a game great.

  9. 2 years ago

    Is bg2 good? I never played a rpg before but I found bg2 disc set in the local junker and I'm curious

    • 2 years ago

      Its very good, yes.

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