Now obviously GF is never actually going to explain how exactly the Toxic Chain differed from Pecharunt's mochi in terms of subjugating people bu...

Now obviously GF is never actually going to explain how exactly the Toxic Chain differed from Pecharunt's mochi in terms of subjugating people but what do you think the differences are between them? An obvious one is that the Toxic Chain doesn't make you do the meme dance or constantly say 'mochi mochi' as evidenced by the Loyal Three. Another thing that can be inferred but is not as explicit is that while the Toxic Chain is more 'permanent' than the mochi (as the mochi mind control can seemingly be broken by messing up Pecharunt while the Toxic Chain remained on the Loyal Three even after Pecharunt went to sleep as a plushie and well, the Loyal Three died) it appears to be less overt as the mochi since the Loyal Three were acting with what looks to be their own will while those under the control of the mochi is clearly being forced to do what they do.
This makes me think that the mochi is a simple 'you eat it and now Pecharunt has control of you but has to actively control you and if his focus is sufficiently messed up, such as by his shit getting pushed in, the control breaks'; where the Toxic Chain is more insidious in that it does not instantly flip some mind control switch or exert total control, it instead subliminally influences those who wear it and 'reward' the 'correct' behavior and thoughts by gifting that with you desire most until eventually your own psyche is so warps that no overt control is needed as you willingly serve Pecharunt and want to as your desires become associated with serving him. Think of it like a subliminal force that whispers in your mind about how you could finally be somebody of value and no longer hate yourself if all you do is follow Pecharunt and obey him.
But how do you think it works and do you think the differences of how the control between the mochi and Toxic Chains work or even if you think there is any meaningful difference between them.
Also Pecharunt Thread I guess.

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  1. 5 months ago

    they're actual zombies, dead bodies revived from the with pecharunt's power. pecharunt was stirring back up when kieran punched the shrine

    • 5 months ago

      Interesting idea, are you suggesting that when Pecharunt first gave the Loyal Three the Toxic Chain it killed them and made them zombies even back before Ogrepon killed them or that the Toxic Chain has the bonus of being able to bring back the dead if the dead happened to have the Toxic Chain before dying?

  2. 5 months ago

    I just don't feel at peace with this DLC lore lol
    You'd think all these things like the spring, the masks and the Teranium would all have a direct connection but they really don't
    Same with Pecharunt

    • 5 months ago

      >the spring, the masks and the Teranium would all have a direct connection but they really don't
      They do, it's called Terapagos.

      • 5 months ago

        terapagos never went in that area, so no.

  3. 5 months ago

    Best hopes for a proper explanation are specials or a movie, but it's not like it would have been very hard to explain any of this.

    • 5 months ago

      nice get
      a pokemon horror movie/ episode special would be a nice angle for pecharunt

    • 5 months ago

      nice get
      a pokemon horror movie/ episode special would be a nice angle for pecharunt

      TPC and OLM have seemingly abandoned doing movies altogether since it's been years since we got the last movie so I doubt we're getting a movie, however a episode or special is possible

  4. 5 months ago

    The story of Pecharunt is actually based off of the Japanese folklore Momotaro.

    >When he matured into adolescence, Momotarō left his parents to fight a band of Oni (demons or ogres) who marauded over their land, by seeking them out in the distant island where they dwelled (a place called Onigashima or "Demon Island"). En route, Momotarō met and befriended a talking dog, monkey and pheasant, who agreed to help him in his quest in exchange for a portion of his rations (kibi dango or "millet dumplings").

    In Japanese instead of "mochi mochi" the characters say "kibi kibi" when they become zombified.

    • 5 months ago

      You need to know the story they are based on to understand
      People in Japan know the tale so they didn't need to explain how they are related in the game. It's pretty obvious that Pecharunt fed the loyal three the mochi (kibi dango) and made them its followers if you know. The Scarlet dex entry also explains it pretty clearly
      >It feeds others toxic mochi that draw out desires and capabilities. Those who eat the mochi fall under Pecharunt’s control, chained to its will.
      I guess that also means that the Loyal Three were forced to follow it against their will.

    • 5 months ago

      So wait, we could have had the zombies dialed up even further on the dumb scale with them saying Dumpy Dumpy?

  5. 5 months ago

    Well the lore video about Pecharunt makes it seem like there was no overt control put over the Loyal Three beyond using the mochi to get Okidogi to grab things for the old couple.

    • 5 months ago

      So it says that the mochi brings out the greed in everyone but why aren't the Loyal Three affected?

      • 5 months ago

        One wanted to be the strongest physically, other wanted powerful psy powers, and the last wanted to be the most beautiful. It's not exactly greed but deep desires? Maybe greed is just for humans in general... Example Nemona became even more obsessed with battles. Deep desires and greed also fits with the "treasure" theme of this generation.

        I do wonder how an old couple found out about the masks created in Kitakami.. and why they wanted these treasures in specific... It's just masks.

        • 5 months ago

          >I do wonder how an old couple found out about the masks created in Kitakami.

          It was mentioned that the reputation of the masks the man and ogerpon wore had spread beyond kitakami ingame.

        • 5 months ago

          I mean greed and deep desires can correlate, its not a mutually exclusive thing. The greed can be to become even stronger or even smarter, etc

          Like for example, with Nemona under the mochi control, she went out and caught and trained 2 new Kitakami mons

    • 5 months ago

      It's interesting that Munkidori and Fezendipiti already had powers and the Toxic Chain only made them smart and beautiful. The only one who didn't have any unique power beforehand was Okidogi and he was the first one. I don't know how this would be significant but it feels significant

      • 5 months ago

        I guess all Pech needed was a set of hands and a naturally trusting dog is easy to tame with a treat?

        • 5 months ago

          So Okidogi was a good boy?

          • 5 months ago

            Even for a bad master.

        • 5 months ago

          So Okidogi was a good boy?

          This could be me reading too much into it but when they were climbing the cliff, Okidogi was climbing while holding Pecharunt while Fezendipiti was carrying Munkidori which could imply that Pecharunt trust Okidogi the most which does make sense since Pecharunt would know Okidogi the most.
          Also as an aside, was it Pecharunt's influence that made the Loyal Three enjoy the adventure or did they truly, genuinely enjoy it?

          • 5 months ago

            The Loyal Tree keep their original eye color rather than purple, so they weren't mochi'd. I assume the poison chains work just like that, you can let a dogi off its leash if you trust it, but it's also a way for Pecha to assume direct control whenever he wants if things get out of hand. Pokeball friendship magic negates this though, and that's why he seethes when you send the Loyal Three against it.

            • 5 months ago

              Funnily enough you can briefly see Pecharunt did feed them some mochi right before the Ogerpon fight but their eyes didn't change color so that particular mochi was presumably giving them an extra boost or something, not that it helped them.

              Being a Ghost-Type doesn't necessitate actually being a ghost, just look at Decidueye

              Isnt Decidueye part of an hawaian species of owls that went extinct?

              Ones like Skeledirge/Alolan Marowak/Hisuian Typhlosion/Sensu Oricorio are some other good examples of Ghost types that aren't dead or anything, they seem to have incorporated a shadow/spiritual theme with these. Basculegion is also alive but is cloaked in the souls of dead Basculin.

    • 5 months ago

      So why didn't Pecharunt try feeding Ogrepon and the person some mochi to get them to give the masks to him and the Loyal Three? Did he think 'eh I don't need to do that I can just have the Loyal Three yoink the masks and then we can skedaddle'?

      • 5 months ago

        Because they were wearing the masks to begin with. Can't force feed people with their mouths covered

        • 5 months ago

          I'm not talking about force-feeding them I mean something more innocuous like leaving a plate of the mochi at the front of their cave or have the Loyal Three go and try and off them the mochi as a gift.

          • 5 months ago

            >leave a plate of mochi at the front of their cave
            That's extremely suspicious especially when Ogerpon and her trained lived in secrecy because of their looks being unnerving to the villagers. Leaving something at the door of the cave doesn't just mean they found their hideout but obviously also want something from them
            >offer them mochi
            This would have been better but then again Pecharunt is basically a baby and has no foresight whatsoever, I guess Munkidori as the brains of the team could've come up with a better plan than just "lol swindle the masks away while they aren't looking"

            • 5 months ago

              I could see it as Pecharunt coming up with the plan to just steal the masks and not think much about it because like you said he's basically just a baby and Munkidori decided to roll with it since the Loyal Three are Pecharunt's retainers and don't want to question Pecharunt (or perhaps can't question Pecharunt).

    • 5 months ago

      Does anyone else find it odd that the video doesn't talk about the Toxic Chain, like at all? I mean when presented with the Loyal Three we are told that Pecharunt used mochi to make them retainers and their powers and such but the Poison Chain is never mentioned, not even in passing, despite being shown in the video and acting as a conduit for the powers of the Loyal Three. It's rather odd since all it would take is a sentence going 'and Pecharunt gave them a Poison Chain to enhance their abilities' but no, nothing about it at all.

      • 5 months ago

        You're surprised that the video that's whitewashing the frick out of Pecharunt and the Lousy Three is avoiding touching the more iffy parts of it all?

        • 5 months ago

          They could easily whitewash the Toxic Chain and make it sound like a good thing Pecharunt is doing to help out his Retainer friends but to just flat out ignore it when it's right there is what makes it so odd.

      • 5 months ago

        They could easily whitewash the Toxic Chain and make it sound like a good thing Pecharunt is doing to help out his Retainer friends but to just flat out ignore it when it's right there is what makes it so odd.

        Headcanon but since the story is from Pecharunt's POV (who else would know about all the details of the story in the video except Pecharunt himself) it could be that the Toxic Chain is something Pecharunt isn't proud of and thus doesn't mention it.
        Why Pecharunt is fine with mentioning the mochi but not the Toxic Chain I don't know but maybe the Chain has a more, gruesome aspect to it that not even Pecharunt is able to rationalize it as something 'good'.

        • 5 months ago

          Personally I'd imagine it's actually the opposite, Pecharunt does want to give people what they want and grant their wishes so that they will love him, but because he's not Jirachi he can only do so through stimulant toxins. So there's no reason for him to not be proud since he actually made these Pokemon smart/strong/beautiful just like they wished, and the fact and the fact they became thralls is (to him) just a side effect, a fair exchange situation pretty much

          • 5 months ago

            Well if that's the case (which to be fair I could see it as such given how Pecharunt is basically a baby and probably don't fully understand that what he's doing is bad per se) then why omit any mention of it from the video? Do you posit a potential alternative reason for this?

            • 5 months ago

              Haha I don't really know. I guess GF thought the chain situation was already explained and/or could be figured out by the audience, even though the fact the Loyal Three were once unremarkable is actually kind of a obscure fact by not being mentioned in pokedex entries but rather quest logs during the Kitakami storyline (and then the video makes this more confusing by mentioning Munkidori could see the future prior to being chained) or GF being a small indie company just couldn't afford 10 more seconds of voice acting to explain things more thoroughly

              • 5 months ago

                Well that's the meta reason

              • 5 months ago

                I mean Munkidori could have had foresight but be too stupid to be able to use it and Fezendipiti was so ugly that it negated his pheromones. The Toxic Chains could enhance what you have and grant your desires but not create new powers necessarily. After all Okidogi doesn't really have any special powers and is just a strong dog.

              • 5 months ago

                Yes, I didn't mean to imply the video contradicts previous lore just that it's confusing when explaining things. Hell having latent powers but being unable to use them efficiently is a recurring theme specially amongst Psychics, and mons like the Slowpoke line even awaken their abilities in the same way (stimulant toxins)

              • 5 months ago

                It's neat that Okidogi is the only one of the Loyal Three that doesn't have any special powers and the lore of the video explains the reason why. The other two were explicitly made retainers for the adventure so Pecharunt could feel safe but Okidogi was simply there to help Pecharunt fetch gifts for the old couple. Okidogi being strong was entirely because that was his desire as Pecharunt didn't need Okidogi to be particularly strong to help him with getting trinkets.

              • 5 months ago

                Let me clarify by saying Okidogi wasn't specifically chosen to defend Pecharunt like the other two were and is probably part of the reason why Okidogi does not have any special power because Pecharunt was not looking for such at that time.

          • 5 months ago

            Does Pecharunt not know that he's basically drugging people into being his friends?

    • 5 months ago

      So was Pecharunt native to wherever the old couple lived or does it have a previous homeland that we are yet to be aware of?

      • 5 months ago

        They're the johto daycare couple

        • 5 months ago

          how could it be them if it was hundreds of years in the past?

    • 5 months ago

      So did Okidogi and Fezandipiti just not tell Pecharunt or Munkidori that they killed a man to get the masks?

      • 5 months ago

        They didn't want to ruin the mood

  6. 5 months ago

    >mochi makes people more greedy when they eat it
    >and turns them into buttholes
    >kieran clearly went nuts just being around it, yet pecharunt wasn't awake to feed him mochi
    >he's shown with the purple aura, the same screen effects and generally starts acting insane the minute you see the frame with pecharunt in the background after you lie to him
    >none of this is touched upon or confirmed
    too many Rewrites. I'd love to see what the original idea was before corporate meddling

    • 5 months ago

      Pecharunt being a maniacal overlord that was subtly mindfricking Kieran

    • 5 months ago

      >the three frickers killed someone on Pech's behalf over masks
      >Pech was actually thinking "my adoptive parents will love me more now :)"
      I think I actually believe this was softened up for corporate lol

      • 5 months ago

        the killing is still in the new video though

    • 5 months ago

      Total longshot, but we've heard the same story three times from different angles now, and with black and white remakes next in line, maybe they lean hard into the truth vs ideals bullshit from the originals. Ogrepon's perspective is likely the truth, but the video's story was definitely trying to paint pecharunt as some misguided butthole blinded by its ideals (Pleasing it's masters. Stealing and murder are ok if it makes them happy)

      • 5 months ago

        I think the video is supposed to be the truth. It still fits Pecharunt - Japanese name still has Bad in it and Pecharunt sounds like Petulant

        It's a petulant child who demands love and needed the MC to beat its ass to smarten up

      • 5 months ago

        But anon, the whole point of BW "Conflict" was that they weren't mutually exclusive and are meant to be together rather then in conflict. An Ideal you have can be the Truth, and wanting things to be Truthful is a Ideal.

        Anyway i think people honestly put too much value on the idea that the video is trying to sell Pecharunt (and the Loyal 3) as sympathetic and that it is mutually exclusive from the Mask Maker story rather then complimentary, it just explains WHY it did what it did, it was still a brainwashing self-centered jackass even if that self-centered ness is "I want mom and dad to love me!" and the Loyal 3 still murdered a dude even if it was due getting flustered while basically burglarizing the Den and being cornered as opposed to a deliberate decision of making a ambush.

        • 5 months ago

          >Anyway i think people honestly put too much value on the idea that the video is trying to sell Pecharunt (and the Loyal 3) as sympathetic and that it is mutually exclusive from the Mask Maker story rather then complimentary
          The problem is that you can tell the intent of the video is to blur the lines and soften the edges and implications. And that was completely and absolutely unneeded and all it does in reality is dilute the story's meaning and appeal it had at first.

          • 5 months ago

            >And that was completely and absolutely unneeded and all it does in reality is dilute the story's meaning and appeal it had at first.
            nta but literally how? The biggest appeal of the story was the tragedy of Ogerpon, and this doesn't change that at all. It recontextualizes Pecharunt and his retainers from "completely evil buttholes" to "buttholes who did objectively bad things but not entirely out of malice", which if anything only makes the opposing force more layered.
            This is literally only the case if you think the Loyal Three being unrepentantly awful was the lynchpin of the entire narrative, which is strange to say the least.

            • 5 months ago

              It was nice to see some fricking selfish evil butthole getting what was coming to them. Clean, simple and to the point.
              Not every villain needs a sobstory.

              • 5 months ago

                The video changes nothing about that first sentence besides removing the hard and fast "evil" and changing it to a conditional one. They still came to Kitakami to steal the masks, killed a guy over it, and then deservedly got their shit kicked in.
                If anything you could argue that this only even applies to Pecharunt. The Loyal Three being friends amongst each other despite being antgonistic was obvious even in the game itself-the video basically just reiterates that. If it had given some short sob story for the three before Pecharunt had recruited them then maybe.

              • 5 months ago

                >The video changes nothing about that first sentence besides removing the hard and fast "evil" and changing it to a conditional one.
                And that's the problem.
                Why is this so hard to understand for you? This is the third time you've repeated the same crap.

              • 5 months ago

                >And that's the problem.
                Yeah, I got that. What I'm trying to understand is why you think this dampens the emotional core of the narrative. Pecharunt having a somewhat sympathetic reason for going to Kitakami to be a thieving butthole and ruin Ogerpon's life doesn't change the fact that it went to Kitakami to be a thieving butthole and ruined Ogerpon's life.

              • 5 months ago

                He's worried that this retcon delegitimizes Ogerpon's murder of the Loyal Three. He thinks they're painting Ogerpon as 'bad' for getting her revenge.

              • 5 months ago

                How does it delegitimize Ogrepon?

    • 5 months ago

      Indigo Disk is such a bummer.
      It reeks so hard or rewrites and rushing it hurts.

  7. 5 months ago

    Anyone that eats the mochi, but doesn't break free of its control by the time it's digested, shits a chain that permanently binds them to pechurant

  8. 5 months ago

    So does Pecharunt feel fuzzy like a real peach?

    • 5 months ago

      Looks smooth to me, minus the hair on top that is

  9. 5 months ago

    The chains are something you get by willingly submitting to Pecharunt, he grants wishes in exchange for servitude, while the mochi is something temporary. Obviously the chains, while they do affect someone's psyche, can't be just that considering the L3 were once different Pokemon and the chains actually changed their physiology and abilities.

    • 5 months ago

      Headcanon that the "unchained" forms of the Loyal Three are just pure Normal types. Their Fighting, Psychic and Fairy types are indicative of the things that Pecharunt's power gave them, and their Poison type is a result of the Toxic Chains they wear.

  10. 5 months ago

    reminder that it's part ghost

    • 5 months ago

      Apparently it’s a dead fetus

      • 5 months ago

        >Apparently it’s a dead fetus
        Where does this come from?

        • 5 months ago

          Maybe because his inspiration, Momotaro was found as a baby in a giant peach?

    • 5 months ago

      which makes me wonder, why? unless you pull some bullshit about a spirit possessing a pecha berry. i guess you can say he's mischievous/evil, but that's what dark is for, and with all the mind control he may as well be psychic

      • 5 months ago

        the ghost typing defiantly plays a part in how it's poison effect others

      • 5 months ago

        It's a spooky floating blob spirit like Gastly or Misdreavus. Easy way to translate Momotaro + his peach element into a design

    • 5 months ago

      which makes me wonder, why? unless you pull some bullshit about a spirit possessing a pecha berry. i guess you can say he's mischievous/evil, but that's what dark is for, and with all the mind control he may as well be psychic

      Being a Ghost-Type doesn't necessitate actually being a ghost, just look at Decidueye

      • 5 months ago

        Isnt Decidueye part of an hawaian species of owls that went extinct?

        • 5 months ago

          That doesn't mean Decidueye is extinct

  11. 5 months ago

    God just imagine Peacharunt in PMD

  12. 5 months ago

    Anyone else kinda bummed that Oecharunt was depicted as merely a child (with mind control powers) instead of GF committing to the part and making Pecharunt a chaotic evil being?

    • 5 months ago

      Yes, it's just one more thing disappointing about this game. Pokemon can't be evil no matter what. It was honestly better to not know about pecharunt origins for me.

      • 5 months ago

        It's extra dumb when Malamar exists who's entire schtick is being evil. But Legendaries and Mythicals all have to be nice or misunderstood because marketing.

        • 5 months ago

          Malamar as a species has only ever been painted as actively malicious by the anime, which has done that with several Pokemon over it's history. All the in-game dex entries only talk about it's hypnotic powers and them being USED to do nefarious acts, not it doing them itself.

          • 5 months ago

            Sure but GF never went out of their way to paint Malamar as a good boy who dindu nuffin and left it as is

            • 5 months ago

              Probably because Malamar isn't an individual with story ties to an (effective) box legend, it's a generic species unlike Pecharunt. There's always a possibility that one would just end up being an butthole, so there's no reason to actively decry the anime's depiction.

        • 5 months ago

          Malamar as a species has only ever been painted as actively malicious by the anime, which has done that with several Pokemon over it's history. All the in-game dex entries only talk about it's hypnotic powers and them being USED to do nefarious acts, not it doing them itself.

          >Malamar as a species has only ever been painted as actively malicious by the anime.
          Incorrect, there were three Malamar that were evil by nature. In the final ep where they appeared, they were stopped thanks to the help of some other non-evil Malamar.

    • 5 months ago

      Pecharunt still brainwashed its own caretakers when it didn’t think it was loved enough and then tried to turn an entire village into a cult worshiping it and its mochi. That doesn’t sound like a “good” Pokémon to me; just that it will go any lengths to get “love” from people.

      If anything, it makes Pecharunt a brainwashing Yandere.

    • 5 months ago

      The more gets revealed about Pecharunt the more I dislike it.
      Just like everything about Indigo Disk, it ended up being a massive wet fart of a conclusion.

      • 5 months ago

        They should have called Indigo Disk 'Kieran's Unvoan Adventure' or something, that would have been more accurate since the turtle felt like an afterthought in that DLC.

    • 5 months ago

      Kids are cruel, Jack.

    • 5 months ago

      He looks like a goofy puffball. How the frick would that scream "Evil Chaotic Being"

      • 5 months ago

        Because he looks like an evil goofy puffball

      • 5 months ago
        • 5 months ago

          Kirby's whole schtick is having everyone look goofy it's different.

  13. 5 months ago

    Do you think the Loyal Three got entirely new personalities after Pecharunt made them his retainers or were their personalities mostly the same from what they were before?

    • 5 months ago

      I like think it is the same personalities and that Okidogi and Fezandipity were looking for Pecharunt in Paradise Barrens/From Oni Mountain respectively while Munkidori halfasses it at Wisteria Pond due the Foresight making him realize on some level it was all Pecharunts fault they got their asses kicked in a unwinnable situation and that they won't be able to find Pecharunt anyway.

      • 5 months ago

        Something about Munkidori rubs me the wrong way as well and if I were to bet I'd put my money on him actually being the most malicious of the four mainly from his Pokedex entries and how he's the one that actually wished for something useful rather than relatively superficial like beauty or muscles. Which is why he's the best Loyal Three.

        • 5 months ago

          Wouldn't that be funny if the only actually malicious one of the group is Munkidori and Pecharunt, Okidogi, and Fezendipiti are clueless about Munkidori's intentions.

          • 5 months ago

            It'd probably go like Munkidori > Fezandipiti > Okidogi > Pecharunt in terms of genuine malice and the only reason Dogi isn't dead last is because he did eat mochi which does make you greedy. Like if I were the peach I'd keep an eye on the bird and definitely distrust the monkey.

            • 5 months ago

              Any particular reason you think Fezandipiti is untrustworthy?

              • 5 months ago

                I guess he could be the kind of guy to pull the vain, birdbrained persona and pretend to only care about looks, but this is ultimately an act to get you to underestimate him and lull you into a false sense of security (maybe aided by his pheromones). Requesting beauty requires an ego, and egocentrics tend to be nasty pieces of work.
                Also I just realized Munkidori's wish specifically gives him a type advantage on the rest of the team, yet another reason to terminate his contract

              • 5 months ago

                I'm pretty sure that if Fezandipiti is obsessed with being beautiful than the vanity isn't an act. The stupidity might be though I'll give you that.

        • 5 months ago

          >Some ugly monkey
          >The best
          Shit tastes you have there anon

      • 5 months ago

        >got their asses kicked in a unwinnable situation
        To be fair the ogre was on some major plot armor, it's like the Tinkaton vs Corvinight situation

  14. 5 months ago

    You are thinking about their lore way more than Game Freak thought of it when writing it(same for the rest of SV lore)

    • 5 months ago

      GameFreak quite clearly put a lot of time into concocting the lore, but ultimately were logistically unable to connect the dots.

  15. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      Fezandipiti and Munkidori's types makes sense (though personally I would go with Fezandipiti being Normal Flying to show that they were just some randos before being given the Toxic Chain but Dark type works for him too; also I could argue Munkidori could be Normal Psychic to represent his latent powers but pure Normal is fine) but why is Okidogi Grass type? Because he's green? That's a rather weak reason compared to the other two.

      • 5 months ago

        Psyduck is a water type, so latent power doesn't have to show up in type.

        • 5 months ago

          Yes that's why I said pure Normal is fine for Munkidori I was just saying that there could be an argument to attach Psychic Type to him as well, not that it was necessary or that it didn't make sense not to have the type. Really the only beef I have is Okidogi being Grass type because 'hurr green mean plant'.

          • 5 months ago

            Yeah I can't defend that one.

    • 5 months ago

      I remember the schizo theory was that the masks would give the loyal 3 their "purified" forms but in a wizard of oz way.

      • 5 months ago

        there were a lot of schizo theories about the masks

    • 5 months ago

      >Times New Roman font
      >in the year 2000 + 24

      • 5 months ago

        Would you prefer it to be in Comic Sans?

    • 5 months ago

      IT should at least share their primary typing.
      Fairy Flying,

  16. 5 months ago

    I fully believe that the eyes you see in the tera crowns were Pecharunt's.
    The epilogue was clearly patched up in as little time as possible, to the point that they didn't even bother changing the description in the pokedex.

    Either this, or we have to believe that 1. all humans want to be chickens 2. the eyes in the crowns are just a red herring.

    • 5 months ago

      Aren't the eyes in the crown just the angry eyes that Terapagos' moron form has

    • 5 months ago

      there was no payoff whatsoever to anything set up in The Teal Mask or earlier
      the following DLC have revisions written all over them

  17. 5 months ago

    So how much of Pecharunt's timidness is genuine?

    • 5 months ago

      Not an act. He's hard coded to be Timid nature in game.

      • 5 months ago

        I guess you could say he has trouble coming out of his shell

        • 5 months ago


  18. 5 months ago

    They deserved better.

  19. 5 months ago
  20. 5 months ago

    Does Pecha know he's adopted?

    • 5 months ago

      He's a baby I don't think he even knows what adopted means

  21. 5 months ago
  22. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      Oh shit I didn't even notice the person in the background at first

  23. 5 months ago

    The Toxic Chain is a nonbinding contract.

    Kieran is a plothole.

    • 5 months ago

      More like Kieran is a plot point they changed halfway through.

      • 5 months ago

        please do try to make sense of anything that happened with him and to him with respect to Pecharunt at any point from inception onward either factual or theoretical

        because even at release, nobody figured out how his "possession" worked; and to this day, there's no explanation

        • 5 months ago

          >because even at release, nobody figured out how his "possession" worked; and to this day, there's no explanation
          That's my point, originally the second DLC would have explained Kieran's possession but that plot point was scrapped because TPC went 'no evil Pokémon' so GF abandoned it/

  24. 5 months ago
  25. 5 months ago

    I like to think Pecha truly had no idea of what transpired at the cave and thus couldn't understand why Ogerpon was so brutal in her assault and made sure no one would leave the scene alive instead of simply focusing on retrieving the masks

    • 5 months ago

      Cope, the peach is a murderer.

      • 5 months ago

        Imagine having beef with someone who is 30cm. He's just a silly little guy. The size of a teacup. Imagine having beef with someone who is basically just a Shape.

  26. 5 months ago
  27. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        >Pecharunt wanted love, so he wished upon a star.
        P: Momo... I wish... people would love me...
        J: Sure, if you brainwash them
        P: Momo!?

  28. 5 months ago

    I fricking hate everything that's canon about Pecharunt.
    I want to go back.
    Take me back to the Dokutaro speculation days.

    • 5 months ago

      SV DLC fanon was the best Pokemon story ever

  29. 5 months ago

    What if the reason Pecharunt doesn't follow the rest of the L3's naming scheme is because it was actually him who gave them new names upon recruiting them? They're pretty childish and silly as far as Pokemon names go so it actually makes perfect sense they're something Pecha would come up with. And then of course Pecharunt himself was named by the elderly couple.

  30. 5 months ago

    The real question is how the Loyal Three came back to life.

    • 5 months ago

      I mean if you want a simple theory for it...

      >Pecharunt is noted to throw tantrums
      >Pecharunt is the Loyal 3s master, so they likely know he throws tantrums and been around for them while traveling to Kitakami.
      >Kieran is throwing a Tantrum (with a "life-giving" Magical Mask in his possession) near their dead bodies.
      >Loyal 3s dead souls mistake him for pecharunt and due sheer LOYALTY (and a little help from the Teal Mask being nearby) rises from the dead to serve him, only to come face to face now with him, but with (you) and Carmine, causing them to huddle and try to come up with what the frick to do now.

      • 5 months ago

        So Kieran's incel rage revived them because it was like Pecharunt's

  31. 5 months ago

    What if the mochi only works on humans and the Toxic Chains only work on Pokemon?

    • 5 months ago

      it works on both as noted in his dex entry and the lore vid, although it seemed to simply empower them in the latter

      • 5 months ago

        Maybe the Toxic Chains provide a strength increase and transformation then? Pechrunt seemed to only want the old couple's love and only wanted the trio's power. I imagined that the trio might have been three regular pokemon before the Toxic Chains transofrmed them, although for some reason they has similar powers before the Toxic Chains transformed them. Otherwise, where are the others of the same species?

        According to Bulbapedia...
        "The Pokémon that formed the Loyal Three were once below-average Pokémon: Okidogi was small and weak, Munkidori was clumsy and dim-witted, and Fezandipiti had short, dull feathers, all living in a faraway land."

        I imagine Fezandipiti could have been an Unfezant maybe? In terms of powers, maybe Pechrunt brought that innate power out of them so it didn't originally have that power but had the capability of having it?I'm not sure about the others.

        • 5 months ago

          Okidogi was a small and weak Rockruff
          Monkidori was a clumsy and dim-witted Mankey
          Fezandipiti was a short Unfezant with dull feathers

        • 5 months ago

          Yes, the chains massively enhance your abilities but only if it's already there. The video said Munkidori could see the future, which is precisely the reason Pecha recruited him (which means he must've been a Psyduck-like pokemon prior to the transformation, latent abilities but completely unable to use them effectively), Fezandipiti has pheromones that enthrall things, but this didn't matter because he was so ugly. You need at least some potential, even if it's just a deep innate desire for something you can't have for one reason or another.

          • 5 months ago

            Yes, but I don't think the chains would change a duck into a monkey. I guess it could? Otherwise, it was a monkey pokemon with a rare ability.

            • 5 months ago

              I didn't say Munkidori was literally a Psyduck, just another mon that like it has hidden psychic abilities but cannot harness them

              • 5 months ago

                What about Oranguru?

              • 5 months ago

                Could work, but Oranguru is quite a bit larger and I don't see why the chain would make him smaller.

  32. 5 months ago
  33. 5 months ago

    So Pecharunt is just a baby who doesn't understand morality and needs to be taught?

    • 5 months ago


  34. 5 months ago
  35. 5 months ago
  36. 5 months ago

    his smile is too precious...

    • 5 months ago

      It must be protected at all costs

  37. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      what a dummy

  38. 5 months ago
  39. 5 months ago

    I dislike how Pecharunts effect on Kieran isn't properly explained, it seems like yet another form of control Pecharunt is capable of. I found it weird how he kept that stupid hairstyle after he went back to normal.

    I have wonder if these various different methods are due to a rushed development.

    • 5 months ago

      It's painfully evident the DLC went through rewrites, it's not even subtle

      • 5 months ago

        Why multiple rewrites?

        • 5 months ago

          >Never explained how the loyal three came back to life
          >Turns out Kieran had nothing to do with Pecharunt after all even though it's written all over the wall in dlc1 and even his very first line of dialogue with Drayton is another big fat tease
          >Area Zero crystal tree featured prominently in screenshots and trailers does nothing
          >Paradox dogs/swords are just another fetch quest and you still can't get Wake/Leaves outside of raids

          • 5 months ago

            Good point

          • 5 months ago

            I'm still pissed they dropped the Pecharunt connection with Kieran.

    • 5 months ago

      I feel like it was better for Kieran's character for his change to be his own doing, but completely cutting any sort of connection between him and Pecharunt was a mistake.

      • 5 months ago

        Hell even his updated design in DLC2 reflects this, you're telling me his ridiculous new hair resembling Pecha's closed shell was just a coincidence?

  40. 5 months ago
  41. 5 months ago
  42. 5 months ago

    Someone in the thread mightve already said this but I think you get a Toxic Chain if you just eat a LOT of the mochi. The loyal three can be seen eating mochi in preparation of Fighting ogerpon so maybe them eating the mochi will sustain both their desires and keep them under control.

    • 5 months ago

      The old couple ate whole servings of mochi and never got chained

  43. 5 months ago
  44. 5 months ago
  45. 5 months ago
  46. 5 months ago

    I wish we got a Volo style 7 Pokemon battle from the mystery even where Pecharunt attempts to fight you after beating Nemona. I feel like every time GF has done a Pokemon boss battles or super trainer battles it's gone great and they should do it more.

    • 5 months ago

      You mean going directly into the Pecharunt boss battle after defeating Nemona, giving you no time to heal your Pokemon or save? Yea that would have been better
      Imagine the autism from powerlevel gays after it turns out Nemona has 7 pokemon+highest level tied with Red's Pikachu, Cynthia's Garchomp, etc

  47. 5 months ago

    So how long until Pecha gets over the loss of his parents and latches onto someone else to shower with endless gifts and fulfilled requests in order to get his fix of love and affection. Who's it gonna be? The loyal three? The trainer? Ogerpon? And will they be able to show him the error of his ways, to teach him true love is unconditional and shouldn't hinge on material rewards?

    • 5 months ago

      Why would the ogre associate with that runt?

      • 5 months ago

        I can totally picture Pecha trying to get into her good side precisely because Ogerpon has every reason in the world to utterly loathe him, and if there's one thing children want is what they cannot have. Even more so someone like Pecharunt who seeks love above anything else. He'd use every trick in his book and wonder why none seem to work, and keep trying and trying and trying until he sees results or gets another concussion for his troubles, whatever happens first.

        • 5 months ago

          How would Ogrepon react to Pecharunt lovebombing her?

          • 5 months ago

            I believe at some point she'd realise there's no point in spending so much time and energy hating what is basically a sniveling little idiot with a wholly underdeveloped moral compass and eventually (while not forgiving him outright) turn to apathy and simply ignore his existence.
            Then again having your #1 most hated mon wrapped around your finger like that can be potentially hilarious and I don't think Ogerpon would fail to see the advantages of that
            >I'd sure love to see what a whisker from the crazed rampaging Ursaluna at the woods looks like. I'd appreciate it so much if you could bring me one, no no it's completely safe, go along now

            • 5 months ago

              >uh sure but I gotta wait for the Loyal Three to respawn they died getting that Gyarados scale for you

              • 5 months ago

                Ogerpon unknowingly trained Pecha to become the greatest Monster Hunter in Kitakami

              • 5 months ago

                Don't forget the Loyal Three becoming among the most skilled fighters to exist who have long since completely conquered Death.

  48. 5 months ago
  49. 5 months ago
  50. 5 months ago
  51. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Is Monkidori just glued to Okidogi's wiener or something?

      • 5 months ago


  52. 5 months ago
  53. 5 months ago

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