now that B3W3 is confirmed to be developped by gamefreak by credible leakers and that it wont be "faithful", what are you hopes

now that B3W3 is confirmed to be developped by gamefreak by credible leakers and that it wont be "faithful", what are you hopes

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  1. 8 months ago

    >Charizard bridge was destroyed by the great Blastoise flood

    • 8 months ago

      that would be funny and kino unironically

  2. 8 months ago

    That it's cancelled like Kalos Reserve.

  3. 8 months ago

    Unovan forms

    • 8 months ago

      half of the gen 5 dex are already regional variants of kanto mons tho

      • 8 months ago

        None of the Kanto mons look like Unovamons. just because they share a type and have the same number of mons in the evolution family doesn't mean they are the same

  4. 8 months ago

    Full National dex all 1000+ Pokémon

    • 8 months ago

      if that happens then maybe they could squeeze the PWT on it too

  5. 8 months ago

    >Chibi Ghetsis
    It will be ludo

    • 8 months ago

      its not going to be chibi faithful...

      • 8 months ago

        getting the cope in early huh

  6. 8 months ago

    the original dragon is the main plot legendary in both games while other new legendaries are version exclusives
    battles with the trainers form B/W and B2/W2, just let people use a website to fill out their teams and pick gender/name
    champion is N
    super secret bases
    following pokemon + some form of amie/camping
    gym leader rematches

    • 8 months ago

      Good ideas so it wont happen.

  7. 8 months ago

    I hope for something cool with Sawsbuck and giving its forms actual gameplay differences.
    I like Sawsbuck, it’s a pretty great mon.

    Also like, I’m not gonna say no to more Elesa and Skyla.

  8. 8 months ago

    XY-tier character customization letting you play dressup with Rosa

    • 8 months ago

      I too am excited for black ghettobanger rosa

    • 8 months ago

      >Pick Black version
      >Pick male character
      >Name him Black after his name in Adventures
      >Pick the darkest skin tone possible
      >This theme plays as soon as the game starts:

  9. 8 months ago

    My hope is that it's fake. I don't trust gayfreak.

  10. 8 months ago

    It be a 3ds exclusive

    • 8 months ago

      Best post ITT
      The Switch was a mistake

      • 8 months ago

        >Game Freak should go back to 3DS because they were too incompetent for an underpowered console for Nintendo fans, who have the lowest standards for graphics in the industry

        • 8 months ago

          Switch being underpowered isn't even an issue, Gamefreak just sucks at programming and optimization. They'd manage to make their garbage run like shit on any hardware. Throwing more hardware at the issue doesn't solve bad software.

    • 8 months ago

      This made me laugh, because Iwata getting pissed off that B2W2 was being made for DS when the 3DS was struggling so badly always made me laugh. Not sure if your post was a callback to that
      making black3white3 for 3DS or even better, DS, would be kino

      Back before White2, I remember expecting to hear about my character referred to by name, and even a rival battle against myself. Didn't happen then but I'll get my hopes up again for some system like

      the original dragon is the main plot legendary in both games while other new legendaries are version exclusives
      battles with the trainers form B/W and B2/W2, just let people use a website to fill out their teams and pick gender/name
      champion is N
      super secret bases
      following pokemon + some form of amie/camping
      gym leader rematches

      described. Also yea secret bases.

      Nice to see a somewhat intelligent thread discussing leakers and release schedules.

      • 8 months ago

        >Back before White2, I remember expecting to hear about my character referred to by name, and even a rival battle against myself.
        iirc dataminers found evidence that this was planned

      • 8 months ago

        >making black3white3 for 3DS or even better, DS, would be kino
        GF inexplicably making B3W3 for the DS in 2024 or later would be the most gigachad move imaginable, I would kneel and actually buy the games

  11. 8 months ago

    so Unova isnt getting a remake?

  12. 8 months ago

    >now that B3W3 is confirmed to be developped by gamefreak by credible leakers
    That wasn't a leak, that was Khu making fun of some chinese dude on a chinese forum. He even mocked people thinking that it meant anything.

  13. 8 months ago

    >now that [FANFIC]

  14. 8 months ago

    bw3 implies that it's some kind of sequel, so it doesn't need to be "faithful"

  15. 8 months ago

    >moron child not understanding schedules, the passage of time or the fact localisers won't have gotten their hands on anything beyond Indigo Disk for translation yet still assuming they've been read into the development projects for ALL the new pokémon games
    Khu had nothing about the Gen 4 remakes until they had announced them. Same with Crown Tundra, he only started talking about upcoming shit when IoA DLC was out. We know he's a localiser, thus know he's not bleeding edge of the series. newbies need to understand Khu's opinion is fricked and anything beyond the latest upcoming release is outside his remit.

    • 8 months ago

      If there's a new game coming out next year, and there probably is, then localizers will need to be working on it either right now or very soon so that there will be enough localized content in-game to make trailers for every language. Announcements are always on Pokemon Day.

      • 8 months ago

        It only takes 6 months for localisers to localise a game. Why, if they're not required to launch the new game until 2024 would they get it sooner? They're among the last of the franchise read into the new Gen, because marketing/similar isn't required until after announcement and 6 months before launch? And that's ignoring the Gen 7 key art showed up mid-June, indicating anyone not nuclear to the games only started getting read in around then. You 'tards are getting laughed at and still you're doubling-down on your moronation.

        >now that B3W3 is confirmed to be developped by gamefreak by credible leakers
        That wasn't a leak, that was Khu making fun of some chinese dude on a chinese forum. He even mocked people thinking that it meant anything.

        • 8 months ago

          Going back to past announcement trailers, I see that there's only a single textbox in the trailer for BDSP and none for SV. And the BDSP one honestly looks like it might have had the text edited in with Photoshop.
          So I guess you're right, they probably don't start localizing until right before the announcement. Maybe in December?
          But then what the frick is Khu talking about?

          • 8 months ago

            He's mocking the morons who took his mention of Blueberry being affiliated with Unova to mean "BW REMAKES NAO!!!!". Its gone chinese whispers at this stage - a paradox unova that ends up being BW3 (flagrantly misunderstanding Game Freak's ethos on Gen 5 as well as being outright fanwank). BW remakes aren't happening until the new console. Just as they didn't double-stack remakes on any other system (and no, LGPE isn't a remake, they went to the outright arse of replacing the MC and rival to ensure it couldn't be construed as such).

            • 8 months ago

              >Its gone chinese whispers at this stage
              Funny choice of words.
              He's been posting a bunch of untranslated Chinese screenshots, which are total nonsense to me. People are posting machine translations and they still make no sense.
              > BW remakes aren't happening until the new console. Just as they didn't double-stack remakes on any other system
              I don't think patterngayging is a solid argument for anything. Gamefreak has shown that they sometimes break patterns just for the sake of subverting expectations.

              • 8 months ago

                There's breaking patterns and then there's selling yearly games on a roadmap. They work towards remaking games for bonus sales in even Gens. Frick, they expanded their studio in 2007 SPECIFICALLY to hire newbies who'd grew up with GS to remake HGSS and since have done nothing but wait two Gens before the next remake. Want a laugh? Their last two "Positions Wanted" adverts they ran for college students graduating had images of Pikachu and Eevee and Lucario repsectively. Just like LGPE and Legends were the last two games the side team worked on that wasn't DLC.

              • 8 months ago

                Sure, but what's coming out in 2024?
                For that matter, what's coming out in 2025? Gen 10 has good odds of being delayed to the 30th anniversary, remember.
                They could do another wave of SV DLC, I guess.

              • 8 months ago

                Johto re-visit, like they didn't skip a return to Kanto after ORAS but before BDSP.
                Because kids won't know what the frick a Johto looks like, even if they know the creatures found there.

              • 8 months ago

                And I'm fully aware, even expecting a 2026 release as much because there's no new system 2023, thus no kiddy revision in 2025 to then sell alongside it. Which makes it a 2024 release and 2026 hardware/kid-friendly revision in time for Pokémon Gen X.

                Frick, it just hit me. Johto revisit 2024, Kanto DLC for that, 2025.

              • 8 months ago

                Let's Go Johto has been one of the things that's been brought up by fans over and over and over again, it's reaching the 'Gen 3 Remakes Never' tier of meme, and then ORAS actually happened, like it or not. Given that it's simple enough to outsource, I'd put money on it happening.

                Also closing the switch generation on another Let's Go game, just like it opened, would be a nice little coda. Then they could focus on making Gen 10 on next gen hardware (for Nintendo, probably current gen compared to others) and have plenty of time to make it not look like/run like a 20 y/o Piss Station 2.

              • 8 months ago

                >and have plenty of time to make it not look like/run like a 20 y/o Piss Station 2.
                We all know it's going to look like an X360 beta build with placeholder textures. We can just hope it'll run alright.

                I mean that's fine. They just have a science villain obsessed who has already tried to fuse Kyurem before who also is interested in time/space travel - it really just seems like the logical place the overarching plot should have gone to ages ago.

                It was even still there in Gen 7 and there was real potential for them to make a compelling, multi-game meta narrative that had been slowly built up to over several gens... then just totally dropped the ball with Gen 8. Just a big wet stinky fart of a plot that didn't fricking do or advance anything, it was just a worse version of Gen 6's plot, which ALSO had the time travel element (AZ and the whole ancient war lore that comes up multiple times - and was actually relevant to the ancient weapon vs the 'hero' lore from the gen 8 which was just text box filler).

                Gen 8's story really feels like they just gave up on the second draft.

              • 8 months ago

                >it's reaching the 'Gen 3 Remakes Never' tier of meme
                It's not
                Gen 4 remakes were the only ones to come close
                >and then ORAS actually happened
                Because it was next in line?
                You can't play Gen 3 on 3ds so it was only natural they remade it

              • 8 months ago

                And I'm fully aware, even expecting a 2026 release as much because there's no new system 2023, thus no kiddy revision in 2025 to then sell alongside it. Which makes it a 2024 release and 2026 hardware/kid-friendly revision in time for Pokémon Gen X.

    • 8 months ago

      Why the frick don't they just replace the entire Chinese localizer team if they know some of them are leaking shit?

      • 8 months ago

        Rumor has it that one of the reasons Khu is so vague, apart from being an attention prostitute, is that Nintendo will come down on him like the wrath of God if he leaks too much too fast.

        • 8 months ago

          They absolutely murdered that American frick that leaked BW info. I have no idea why they haven't ninjaed khu, he can't be that difficult to locate.

          • 8 months ago

            >he can't be that difficult to locate
            Unironically, his vagueness IS why he's a fricking fart in the wind. All the leakers Nintendo pinned to the wall, left themselves open to getting fingered (discord, using a reviewer copy, taking pictures in the print-house, evben Joe saying "you don't gain EXP for the first battles" as that was anti-piracy code). Not one c**t had the nous or chutzpah to hide his worthless arse, thus got banhammered for actually being able to be connected to a leak. Who's riddler? What's his discord, where does he work (localisation, particularly in the modern era, doesn't need to be in a physical office in downtown frickville) Where is he, what does he look like? No c**t knows. And without that, it's not worth anyone's time chasing him. He's not breaking NDA's by putting images of new shit up, just esoteric typing charts to allow guesses and edited/curated images with info relating to what he's hinting at

  16. 8 months ago

    >Briar wants to spread terastellization to other regions
    >we've seen in area zero that crystal growth is unpredictable and can grow through trees and even buildings
    >learns the secret to spreading them
    >her goals become corrupted by Dokutaro like what possibly also happened with the professors/Kieran
    >closest region to BB school to spread the crystals is Unova
    Boom, bw3 plot

  17. 8 months ago

    They should do more timeskip characters. Just look at how Subway fans reacted to Ingo. An aged up N would bring in the fujobucks…

    • 8 months ago

      N at age 25 would bring in a deluge of fanart the likes of which no one has ever seen before.

      • 8 months ago

        They should do more timeskip characters. Just look at how Subway fans reacted to Ingo. An aged up N would bring in the fujobucks…

        imagine N falling in love with Briar...

        • 8 months ago

          N can't fall in love with a female character unless she's the feMC. Fujos and yumejoshi would kyoani Gamefreak.

    • 8 months ago

      >Rosa is a gym leader
      >Hilda is E4
      >Nate is Professor's new assistant
      >Hilbert is this frazzled nomad guy

      • 8 months ago

        More like
        >Rosa is a world champion and famous actress
        >Hilda is a subway bawd
        >Hilbert is still looking for N
        >Nate doesn't exist

    • 8 months ago

      >potentially legal Iris
      Oh please yes. I was around the same age as her when I played b2. It's not fair that I grew up and she didn't do the same with me.

      • 8 months ago

        >It's not fair that I grew up and she didn't do the same with me
        Autistic to say, but that's a major issue with the entire series
        They really need to capitalize on the idea that some of us have been playing long enough that we're playing with our kids and have the series grow just enough so that it's not for infants but not so serious new kids can't appreciate it

  18. 8 months ago

    The only think I want is the option to toggle off exp share

  19. 8 months ago

    No dexcut

  20. 8 months ago

    I want them to unify all their time travel plot point shit, and Colress seems like the perfect character to center that on. Back in ORAS they delineated the 'Mega Timeline' from the old timeline, we know that the wormholes move through time and space and are related to the Dream World phenomena from Gen 5, Legends Arceus opened up with a new time travel plot, and ScVi are all about past/future pokemon - many of which are related to or even resemble megas.

    I think Colress from Mega!Alola should use the wormhole tech to go back in time, take control of the Original Dragon, and in doing so frick up all the timelines and merge the Mega Timeline back into the main one. Bring back Nat Dex and Megas, resolve what happened to the subway brothers from LegArc, resolve N's character arc after 14 years, messed up timeline means they can do new regional forms for the new alternative future Unova because the timeline's changed and pokemon evolved differently as well as opportunity to shoehorn in more paradox ones because we know they abhor actually making new Pokemon and prefer just redesigning old ones over and over.

    I've given up on wanting any actual progress or good features, I'd settle for a functional game with an above average story that gives me 1000+ fricks to catch because it gives me a sense of accomplishment in this life.

    • 8 months ago

      >Original Dragon
      I don't think they're ever going to do this. If they do, it will just be a new fusion for Kyurem.

      • 8 months ago

        I mean that's fine. They just have a science villain obsessed who has already tried to fuse Kyurem before who also is interested in time/space travel - it really just seems like the logical place the overarching plot should have gone to ages ago.

        It was even still there in Gen 7 and there was real potential for them to make a compelling, multi-game meta narrative that had been slowly built up to over several gens... then just totally dropped the ball with Gen 8. Just a big wet stinky fart of a plot that didn't fricking do or advance anything, it was just a worse version of Gen 6's plot, which ALSO had the time travel element (AZ and the whole ancient war lore that comes up multiple times - and was actually relevant to the ancient weapon vs the 'hero' lore from the gen 8 which was just text box filler).

    • 8 months ago

      > Mega!Alola
      You should start by actually playing the games instead of relying on poketubers

    • 8 months ago

      This is a severe misunderstanding of how the Pokemon universe works. Hell, I get yelled at by an extreme autist on here a lot, and I'm basing my arguments on what little facts I can glean (for the record, ever version seems to exist in their own universe, if a sidequest in Opelucid's BW is correct, and possibly every single save file might be it's own universe, if BW's Entralink is taken at face value given how every other multiplayer feature doesn't address it while BW Entralink explicitly mentions "someone's world" and also exists physically in the center of Unova).

  21. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago
  22. 8 months ago


    I did? That's exactly why I'm pissed off they never fricking did anything with that. I don't even know who you're referencing, but I'm sorry if the idea they should resolve old plot threads isn't a completely unique take.

    • 8 months ago

      > if the idea they should resolve old plot threads isn't a completely unique take.
      Repeating 2014 misinfo isn't an unique take either.

      • 8 months ago

        What are you talking about? Colress was def in Alola and was still doing his weird fusion science as of the UltraSM games - it's how you get the Necrozma crystals. Why would he not want to apply that technology to his first failed experiment?

        Like, explain what you're actually trying to call me out on, your cattiness makes you incomprehensible. I brought up a couple of abandoned plot elements and threw out a few wishful thoughts about how to tie them together in the future. How is that misinfo?

  23. 8 months ago

    Khu is a homosexual baiting his boyfriend Centro.
    There is no BW3.

  24. 8 months ago

    Khu is reliable. His posting pattern is completely verifiable, same as his information. The key to leaking is being as subtle and vague as possible, you don't want to leak everything at once, just like what happened to gensharties, that got a whole year of content leaked at once, just to get the shit out of them sued. The big genshin leakers have all the information already, but still leak bit to bit

    • 8 months ago

      I stopped believing Khu when the dude hinted to us that Sprigatito's final evolution was a sexy girl cat

      • 8 months ago

        Khu is a furry and possibly a zoophile. He also thinks female Oinkologne is sexy.

  25. 8 months ago

    Just another dogshit game I won't be buying added to the pile then. BW1 were the steep dropoff from the peak that was HGSS, everything from then on was dogshit, and this is just more of the same.
    >Unskippable cutscenes
    >Dogshit story
    >Bland or annoying NPCs
    >Shit regional dex full of bootlegs of gen 1 mons instead of the actually good gen 1 mons
    >Dumbass forced side mode like the PWT or Pokestar that grind any progress you're making to a halt
    >Ultra-linear routes and gameplay, no chance to actually explore
    >Shitty music that sounds like wet farts
    >Ugly graphics that are a straight downgrade from what came before
    >Plays like shitty nu-pokemon instead of actually playing like a true blue pokemon game (gens 1-4) with full 3d and butchered wild encounters

    It's going to be complete shit just like BW1 and BW2.

    >inb4 Discord
    Discord accusations are a cope by zoomer unovaborts who never experienced pokemania and are trying to pass off their Nugen slop as classic games.

    • 8 months ago

      >Discord accusations are a cope
      literally only discord/sharty raiders say this since it's obvious to everyone on this board that there's a coordinated effort to troll the board by shitting on gen 5
      by claiming it doesn't exist, you out yourself as part of it
      dumb sharteen

    • 8 months ago

      That's a lot of buzz words

    • 8 months ago

      funny that those points fit into johto better

    • 8 months ago

      >full of bootlegs of gen 1 mons instead of the actually good gen 1 mons
      Why are you talking about Alola?

  26. 8 months ago

    More teenage dicky

  27. 8 months ago

    >she may be getting another game

  28. 8 months ago

    >Drayden and Iris are now Double-Battle Gym Leaders rather then version exclusives.
    >New Champion Cheren, now that he had his Character development and is no longer trying to be Champion for the sake of being Champion sake.
    >Striaton Trio are back with the same "Frick your starter" strategy but are now the final gym and have new Trade-Item-Evos for thei Monkey that put them above your starter in stats.
    >PLASMAAAAAAAA is gone, but there are occasional normal trainers and npcs that reference having been part of the team or thm having existed.
    >Alola Character Cameo.
    >Plot is about Dreams, Fennel is involved.
    >"Dream Raids" along with the Random NPC partners when playing solo you can get Gymleaders and other major trainers you beat.
    >Bianca and Cheren both fight you together in a double battle after you become Champion.

    It's a alternate timeline where N "won" and people aside from Plasma don't have Pokémon, it is basically PLA but not in the past due the difficulty of getting Pokéballs (So you have to craft) and people looking down on Trainers as being Bad People by default. the game plot is getting people to see Pokémon as partners again and overthrow N (Well, Ghetsis, who may or may not be keeping n unaware of what is going on or already "disposed" of him).

  29. 8 months ago

    I want the story to be good and actually about Pokemon. I want Pokemon to be important main characters this time. The original Black/White was just an excuse for the player to think about Pokemon even less.
    >Is humanity's current relationship with Pokemon actually healthy? LOL it's fine, they love it, just stop thinking about all that.

  30. 8 months ago

    Hilbert and Rosa confirmed canon protagonists

  31. 8 months ago

    It better have some crazy ass music

    • 8 months ago


  32. 8 months ago

    >National dex
    >Pokeball swap mechanic

    Is that too much to ask for, bros?

    • 8 months ago

      mega evolutions are the worst thing that ever happened to the series. it opened the door for more power creep trash like z-moves and dynamax and it also opened the door for nostalgia bait forms like regional variants and paradox mons, forever ruining the way gamefreak designs pokemon

  33. 8 months ago

    >there are people ITT who believe a new nintendo console is coming out soon
    lol, lmao even. Nintendo isn't going to release a new console for another few years at least, if anything we're going to see a refresh next year akin to the DSI or new 3DS but not a whole new console. But maybe you're right, maybe there is a new console coming and I'm a moron but if there is it's not something to be excited about since the people in charge now aren't the same guys that made stuff like the gamecube, wii or switch.

  34. 8 months ago

    No forced EXP share/affection bullshit, is the bare minimum. If that's in the game I'll wait for mods to play it just like BDSP.

    • 8 months ago

      The exp stuff really triggers the tism, don't it.

      • 8 months ago

        Grossly overleveling pokemon I don't even use without grinding at all triggers all of my senses, including the common one. Shit is unplayable unless you like spam A simulators, or you keep rotating teams for no reason.

        • 8 months ago

          >Box is more accessible than any previous generation
          >Can just keep the pokemon you "don't use" in the boxes and pull them out and put the others in as needed
          >Still cries about le hecking experinos and not being able to grind more
          What's wrong, anon-chama? I thought you liked artificial difficulty and wasting youe time with pointless tedium?

  35. 8 months ago

    An online system similar to the PSS

  36. 8 months ago

    That it uses an enhanced version of the SM/SWSH engine, the way it was intended to do.

  37. 8 months ago

    That the BW1 protagonist makes a comeback

  38. 8 months ago

    Too much time has passed, they will never call it black three, for marketing reasons. That would restrict their audience down to people who played the first two, cause new people to the series will go "part 3? Well I never played part 1 or 2 so I won't get it"
    Its the same reasons tv seasons often get cancelled after three seasons - ratings dwindle as it gets harder to bring in new viewers. Same with movie sequels.
    They could indeed be doing a new unova game but they won't call it that. Maybe... pokemon: adventures in unova?

  39. 8 months ago

    What are the odds that we get sequels for SV instead?

    • 8 months ago

      If we didn't live in a DLC era, maybe, but I can't imagine it as it stands.

  40. 8 months ago

    I think they should simply stop making games.

    • 8 months ago

      that would be le ebin

  41. 8 months ago

    Don't be so gullible, anon.

  42. 8 months ago

    >there are people in this thread who unironically have hope in the bw remake and belive they wont cut the battle subway
    its like you guys love being disappointed

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