Now that both have expansions, which is better: world or rise?

Now that both have expansions, which is better: world or rise?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Selfish bump, because I want to know which to buy

    • 2 years ago

      Both. More Monster Hunter

    • 2 years ago

      World, it's superior to Rise in every possible way.
      Also it constantly goes on sale together with Iceborne which gives you more content than Rise+SB for less than half the price.

      • 2 years ago

        >gives you more content than Rise+SB
        It does?

        • 2 years ago

          More monsters, equipment (I'm pretty sure W+ib has at least more than double the amount of armorsets than rise+sb simple because of the alpha and beta variants) and endgame content.

          • 2 years ago

            It doesn't. You are wrong on every single thing you just spouted.
            Rise has 57 monsters as of right now. Not including the monsters not yet announced or Apex monsters.
            World + Iceborne has 30 monsters not including Tempered.
            Simply because of the additional Monsters in rise. The weapon and armor sets dwarf World and Sunbreak and the only reason why it wouldn't is because of the Beta Varients of armor. Which just remove skills for Deco slots.
            World's End game content was fighting the same 2 raids, Same two Elder Dragons, and fricking tempered monsters to ink out slight increases in weapons.
            we don't even have Sunbreak's full roadmap nor have it's true endgame released.

            • 2 years ago

              >World + Iceborne has 30 monsters not including Tempered.
              Is this bait? Iceborne has like 60-70 monsters, not including Tempered and ATs.

              • 2 years ago

                I literally looked up the full list of bother Rise+Sunbreak and World + Iceborne.
                World it toted as the Monster hunter with the LEAST monsters for a reason.
                I guess I should have stated "Not including small mob monsters".

              • 2 years ago

                I genuinely can't tell if you're baiting or just moronic, so I'll just assume the latter due to it being a modern MH thread.

              • 2 years ago

                You are really bad at googling, my friend. It's pretty clear you didn't even play the game, because it's OBVIOUS Iceborne doesn't have 30 monsters.

            • 2 years ago

              He isn't wrong as world has 2 armor sets per monster. Rise has monsters that don't even have any armor or weapons.

              • 2 years ago

                Holy lmao. This is a new low for risebabs. It's actually just blatant, not even grounded, lying.

                >World + Iceborne has 30 monsters not including Tempered
                There's around 70 monsters. Where did you even get that number?
                >Simply because of the additional Monsters in rise
                Not true
                >The weapon and armor sets dwarf World
                They don't
                >the only reason why it wouldn't is because of the Beta Varients of armor
                That reason alone is what makes World have literally DOUBLE the amount of sets than Rise
                >we don't even have Sunbreak's full roadmap nor have it's true endgame released
                So you're telling me they've released an unfinished expansion without a proper endgame?

                >The weapon and armor sets dwarf World
                probably talking about weapon models. even iceborne still had boned weapons like brachydios and the glavenus GS

            • 2 years ago

              Holy lmao. This is a new low for risebabs. It's actually just blatant, not even grounded, lying.

              >World + Iceborne has 30 monsters not including Tempered
              There's around 70 monsters. Where did you even get that number?
              >Simply because of the additional Monsters in rise
              Not true
              >The weapon and armor sets dwarf World
              They don't
              >the only reason why it wouldn't is because of the Beta Varients of armor
              That reason alone is what makes World have literally DOUBLE the amount of sets than Rise
              >we don't even have Sunbreak's full roadmap nor have it's true endgame released
              So you're telling me they've released an unfinished expansion without a proper endgame?

        • 2 years ago

          No not really.
          World+IB has 64 monsters post updates
          Rise+SB has 63
          Neither counting things like apex and tempered

          Once the first title update comes out for SB it'll be 65+, and I say 65+ because only two monsters have been confirmed so far and we don't know what else is coming. Either way Rise will have more content.

    • 2 years ago

      Rise has more monsters to fight and more content support after release rather than 4 monsters.
      With sunbreak the game boasts 3x more monsters than world.

    • 2 years ago

      I've played 750 hours of work and about 150 of rise and I'll tell you world is better. he's why

      -Greater challenge
      -More armor sets
      >more build variety
      -more monsters
      -online for 16 player lobbies instead of just 4
      -bigger denser maps (rises maps are good too though)
      -Better mod support
      -More variety in game play
      -ALL hunts can be performed with multiplayer where as most of rise's quests MUST be done solo, Which is the absolute worst thing about it.

      • 2 years ago

        >greater challenge
        lmao Rajang isn't every monster buddy

      • 2 years ago

        >-ALL hunts can be performed with multiplayer where as most of rise's quests MUST be done solo, Which is the absolute worst thing about it.
        I remembered people were extremely excited that Rise would have Separate Solo Quests and Multiplayer Hub Quests. And how people hated how quests were handled in World.

        • 2 years ago

          It's funny because what i hated about world, is that you'd have to go in, watch the cut scene solo, then sos flare OR leave and restart the quest after the cut scene. it was SO fricking annoying.

          Now world comes out, you think they've solved everything the cutscene for the monster plays BEFORE the quest starts so everyone should just be able to go in right? NO, this is only single player quests that have cutscenes.

          Why not just have every quest be a multiplayer quest and all people doing for the first time can watch the cutscene at the start or just skip it? This still makes world better, because you can go, discover the monster then abandon quest and start a new hunt with your friends. Not even an option in rise, and that's just heart breaking.

      • 2 years ago

        It's sad to see people like this
        >Greater challenge
        World was the easiest game to date for multiple reasons, mantles, environmental traps, high damage environmental hazards, the easiest mounting in the series, clutch claw, slowest monsters to date etc.
        The challenge would only exist for new players and only until they discover the longsword and mantles, the former being at its most broken because the Iai slash was also a counter in addition to the Iai spirit. Then you have the helm breaker which could be spammed.
        >-More armor sets
        Not really, there's alpha and beta sets but unlike gunner sets where they would offer different designs and gunner focused gear beta would just be the same with better slots and a removed skill.
        The designs were for the most part very similar
        >>more build variety
        False for the reasons stated above
        >-more monsters
        It has 64 and won't be getting any more. Rise currently has 63 and at least 3 updates bringing in more.
        >-online for 16 player lobbies instead of just 4
        16 player lobbies were pointless due to the fact that quests still only had a max of 4 players. Also if you had an uneven amount of players it could be awkward to manage.
        Also it came with always online gameplay for some reason.
        >-bigger denser maps (rises maps are good too though)
        They were bigger but that only made them a chore to traverse when chasing a monster to a new area but that's why they added raider rides defeating the purpose of the map size. Also there was very little reason to explore the map.
        >-Better mod support
        Moot point.
        >-More variety in game play
        You're grasping for points.
        >-ALL hunts can be performed with multiplayer where as most of rise's quests MUST be done solo, Which is the absolute worst thing about it.
        Village low in Rise is solo only and that's less than a fifth of the content in the game and optional.
        World encourages solo for story quests because you can't go online with a main quest until you've seen the cutscenes for it.

        • 2 years ago

          >replying to bait
          Anon it's obvious as hell he's either a shill for I don't know what (snoy?) or just a legit shitposter that doesn't own a PC and can't play Rise, why bother replying to him.

          • 2 years ago

            >why bother replying to him.
            I'm taking a shit and have to pass the time until I can play again.

            Until I run back to the toilet again because I ate some bad pizza last night

          • 2 years ago

            I can post my steam hours for both, just liked world more.

            • 2 years ago

              >just liked world more.
              Which says a lot about how low your standards are.

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah but almost all you said is false so you're either moronic or have a precise goal here

        • 2 years ago

          Not him and I even know it's bait, but I still think World is vastly superior so I'll defend it.
          Idc so not going to argue
          >there's alpha and beta sets but unlike gunner sets
          regardless of whether or not they were actually useful and had vastly different designs, they were STILL different designs and offered more customization options and more reason to fight monsters which is impossible to be seen as anything but a good thing.
          Rise has neither gunner NOR alpha/beta sets.
          >False for the reasons stated above
          Not false. You can argue that it didn't make much of a difference and that Beta sets were usually better but at least there was an option to use either set. Rise has no option. There's only 1 possible set.
          >It has 64 and won't be getting any more. Rise currently has 63 and at least 3 updates bringing in more
          World actually has more than 64 but I'll give you this because Rise at least has more variety in the types of monsters. Still, the fact that Sunbreak released and Rise still had less monsters than IB shows how little content there actually was in the expansion.
          >16 player lobbies were pointless due to the fact that quests still only had a max of 4 players
          Funny how people complain about cats and dogs cluttering up the screen in Rise. Imagine if it was 16 players at the same time...
          Regardless, 16 players lobbies were a way to gather a larger group and have some fun without having to exclude anyone. Hunts still felt organized and more people just means more fun.
          I also like Rise's maps, but
          >Also there was very little reason to explore the map
          Then Rise also has nothing.
          Considering you can pretty much warp to a nearby camp close to a monster or fly to wherever thanks to wirebugs, you also can't say Rise has stuff that's worth exploring either.
          >More variety in game play
          Don't even know what he meant by this.
          >Village low in Rise is solo only and that's less than a fifth of the content in the game and optional
          Also agree with you.

          • 2 years ago

            I had an actual response but my phone died and erased it so I'll just summarise.
            >most alpha beta designs only had minor visual differences
            >in world you'll want to keep within a monsters set for the bonus which Rise generally lacks which actually promotes variety in builds since you don't have to worry.
            >you'd only really want to use a beta if the part had a useless skill like free meal on the alpha you're exchanging the bad skill for slots then there's the previously mentioned set bonus
            >IB had 64 at launch and the updates only added variants and subs bar Alatreon and fatty so there's very little in terms of variety.
            >players being left out only exists with 16 player lobbies in the event of having 5 or 9 players
            >Rise had relics, lillies and rare endemic life to find across the maps and in a general level the spiribirds the closest thing world had to any of these was the downy crake which was entirely rng based until the event quest that guaranteed a spawn otherwise there was no reason to explore as there was nothing to find and endemic life could spawn on the way to a monster that you could capture.

          • 2 years ago

            >Not false. You can argue that it didn't make much of a difference and that Beta sets were usually better but at least there was an option to use either set. Rise has no option. There's only 1 possible set.
            nta but that is world to a t. specially because every other new patch added weapons and armor that were stronger options for every weapon type

          • 2 years ago

            >Considering you can pretty much warp to a nearby camp close to a monster or fly to wherever thanks to wirebugs, you also can't say Rise has stuff that's worth exploring either.
            It does because or spiribirds AND every other animal you can grab to use later. Even then Rise's map are 100% explorable. Everything not out of bounds you can go. World had basically corridors over corridors, though the few "open" parts of each map put Rise's to shame.

            • 2 years ago

              >It does because or spiribirds AND every other animal you can grab to use later
              That and the collectables and SB added those recon points you can set as additional fast travel points.
              World didn't have any of this so it was basically just a dash to the monster.

        • 2 years ago

          >World was the easiest game to date for multiple reasons
          It depends. Rise is harder if you aim to complete quests as fast as possible: monsters hit harder and have more health, weapons are (for the most part) more complex. And I haven't played Sunbreak yet, but from what I've seen with the skill swap system they increased weapon complexity by a frickton.
          But if you don't care about time, if you're fine with a quest taking 15 minutes instead of 8 minutes, Rise is BY FAR the easiest Monster Hunter ever made. It's not even close, there are so many bullshit mechanics you can abuse. Wyvern Riding alone is absolutely insane, you can't do anything even remotely close to this in World.

          Also healing is faster and easier than ever, you can collect birds around the map to become immortal, thanks to wirefall dying is almost impossible. But of course healing takes time, collecting birds take time, using a wirebug defensively means you can use one less offensive supermove. This game is legitimately hard to play flawlessly.
          But if you're a casual player and not a speedrunner, Rise is the easiest. It's not even debatable.

          • 2 years ago

            I think that Farcaster abuse is the biggest cheese that new players can exploit since you can even use them in Arena type missions.

            • 2 years ago

              You could do that in World as well. Another thing you could do in World was slot in three points of Tool Specialist (-30% cooldown) and fight only when your mantles were up, that's how a friend of mine beat AT Nergigante. I saw the whole thing on Discord, it was pretty disgusting.
              The main difference compared to Rise is that this cheese took a shitload of time, like 30 or even 40 minutes for a single monsters. Unless you literally triple-carted at every legit attempt, it wasn't that viable. And it became impossible to do once Iceborne dropped, because they giganerfed both Temporal and Rocksteady.

              In Rise you don't even have to try that hard to break the game. All you need to do is slot in a single level of Master Mounter, and at the start of each quest you go and wyvern ride the two non-target monsters. All it takes is a few minutes and 40% of the monster health is gone, just like that. You can even pick up a Puppet Spider along the way and have another guaranteed ride, and/or a Thunderbeetle for a guaranteed stun. By the time the monster can actually fight back, he's almost dead.
              If you're an average player and not a speedrunner, you unironically complete quests faster by doing this instead of playing legitimately.

              • 2 years ago

                >All it takes is a few minutes and 40% of the monster health is gone,
                You can only do that with a Rajang and if its powered up otherwise it won't use the laser otherwise you're taking off about 5%.
                And unlike previous games mounting is on an 10 minute cooldown.

              • 2 years ago

                You can also hit the monster with your weapon for free while he's on the ground after a ride, you don't have to ONLY use wyvern ride like in that video I posted. So 20% per ride seems like a fair estimate to me, but let's say it's 15%? My point doesn't change:
                If you wanna challenge yourself and complete quests as fast as possible, Rise is hard. Monsters are fast and unpredictable, you have to constantly be on point with your counters and manage your wirebugs properly as well.
                If you only care about beating the game, Rise is so easy it's borderline broken at times.

                >You can even pick up a Puppet Spider along the way and have another guaranteed ride, and/or a Thunderbeetle for a guaranteed stun
                Puppet spiders won't give you another ride on the monster you've just ridden and you actually have to aim for the head with the thunder beetle.
                Also they only spawn once a map and they're out of the way.
                Doing it like you suggest would make the quest longer then hunting normally.

                >Puppet spiders won't give...
                I meant using it on your target monster, throw it at walls a couple of times and enjoy another free stun.
                >Also they only spawn once a map and they're out of the way
                I know. Still free damage + stun.
                >have to aim for the head with the thunder beetle
                Well, that's not hard at all. You only need to hit the head a couple of times; the blight lasts for two weeks, you can take your time. The pets do it for you sometimes.

                >Doing it like you suggest would make the quest longer then hunting normally.
                It depends on how much you suck at the game. If your average hunt takes 15 minutes or more, you're probably faster if you abuse wyvern riding.
                If you're really, really bad, you can even go AFK for ten minutes, come back and ride the two non-target monsters again.

                Not to mention the fact that with just the two guaranteed rides at the start of every hunt and nothing else, you deal quite a bit of damage to your target monster's parts. Even if you play normally after that, the monster is gonna flinch and fall much more frequently because everything's half broken already.

              • 2 years ago

                >You can also hit the monster with your weapon for free while he's on the ground after a ride
                >I meant using it on your target monster, throw it at walls a couple of times and enjoy another free stun
                Dude, they only stay down for a few seconds. You can't even get a full combo off while they're down.

              • 2 years ago

                >You can also hit the monster with your weapon for free while he's on the ground after a ride, you don't have to ONLY use wyvern ride like in that video I posted
                No, when you down a monster with a ride the length they stay down is significantly shorter than say if you topple them normally by attacking the legs.
                >My point doesn't change:
                You've already changed your point now your percentage is 15 from 40. Which is also far too high.
                >Monsters are fast and unpredictable, you have to constantly be on point with your counters and manage your wirebugs properly as well.
                >If you only care about beating the game, Rise is so easy it's borderline broken at times.
                Anon, it can't be both easy and hard at the same time, those unpredictable patterns and bug management don't suddenly disappear if you're playing purely for completion, in fact it would be more of a hurdle for a casual player.
                It's also why speed runners often don't opt for riding.

                >Dude, they only stay down for a few seconds.
                >they stay down is significantly shorter
                They still stay down for a good 5 seconds or so, and depending on the monster you're riding they can get knocked down twice in a row (sometimes they do another attack after you're already dismounted).
                How good of an opening this is, it depends on the weapon; I mostly used IG in Rise, and it's always enough time for at least a Tornado Slash combo, or a Tornado Slash and a Diving Wyvern, or an aerial attack and a Diving Wyvern.

                >You've already changed your point now your percentage is 15 from 40.
                I meant 15% per ride, 30% with the two guaranteed rides. 40% was with two rides as well.
                >Which is also far too high.
                HR Rathalos has 14000 HP. 15% of 14000 is 2100.
                Let's say the monster you're riding deals 300 damage per heavy attack; it depends on the monster, but 300 per attack seems pretty fair if not on the low side. You do 6 heavy attacks, again a pretty reasonable number, easy to do with Master Rider. 300*6 is 1800 damage. Then you drop down and smack the monster a couple of times. Boom, 15% or more.

                >those unpredictable patterns and bug management don't suddenly disappear if you're playing purely for completion, in fact it would be more of a hurdle for a casual player.
                Absolutely not, what are you even saying. If the monster is unpredictable or not doesn't matter for a casual player, because he won't be able to predict its movements anyway.
                Speedrunning and casual play are two completely different games. This goes for any game really, not just MH.
                >It's also why speed runners often don't opt for riding.
                Yes, because their hunts take 5 minutes. If you're a casual player and it takes you 15 or even 10 minutes to kill a monster ""legitimately"", you're faster if you abuse wyvern riding and endemic life as much as possible.

              • 2 years ago

                >They still stay down for a good 5 seconds or so
                Have you even played Rise? It's more like two they're practically up by the time you're off of them

              • 2 years ago

                I didn't count honestly so 5 seconds could be totally off, maybe it's closer to 3-4 seconds? But it's always enough time to do those attacks I mentioned, that's for sure.

              • 2 years ago

                >But it's always enough time to do those attacks I mentioned, that's for sure.
                Frick no. You can't get off any decent damage unless you're using a bow or a gun.

              • 2 years ago

                Have you even played rise? Knocking down a monster with Wyvern Riding gives you enough time to,
                >hop off with that slow jump
                >sprint to the opposite side of the body to the one you just wyvern rode
                >do a normal GL reload
                >do two slow as frick melee attacks to start full burst
                >full burst into sideswipe into quick reload
                >slam your GL down again
                >and only then do they start getting up as you're finishing a second full burst
                That's assuming it's not one of the monsters who has to take a second to reposition for a charge attack.

              • 2 years ago

                >300*6 is 1800 damage
                I even forgot about the Mounted Punisher actually, that's another 300 damage.

              • 2 years ago

                >They still stay down for a good 5 seconds or so
                No. You can even see it in the trailer for wyvern riding on the mh YouTube channel that it's about 3 seconds and it's up again and that's for low rank.

                >How good of an opening this is, it depends on the weapon
                It's only useful got gunners who don't need to get in range of the monster.
                >I meant 15% per ride, 30% with the two guaranteed rides. 40% was with two rides as well.
                You do realise that's still changing your argument correct? And no you clearly meant 40 with one ride until I pointed out it only works with Rajang and a specific move that you may not get the right rng on it using.
                You're moving the goalposts.
                >Let's say the monster you're riding deals 300 damage per heavy attack
                Too high, most monsters don't manage that much on average and the ones that do attack slowly but fill the gauge faster.
                Needless to say 300*6 isn't accurate outside of MR where you can use the Ruby bug to power up the mounted punisher but monsters also have a lot more health.
                > If the monster is unpredictable or not doesn't matter for a casual player, because he won't be able to predict its movements anyway.
                If you don't understand your own argument then stop posting right now, it's not worth you continuing to embarrass yourself.
                Anyway, you're arguing difficulty here. A casual player would have to deal with that unpredictability because they're unfamiliar with monster patterns meaning it's more likely for them to whiff attacks and miss silkbinds. It doesn't make it easier to initiate a ride which even with mounting master can't be done in one hit.
                It's common sense really.

                >If you're a casual player and it takes you 15 or even 10 minutes to kill a monster ""legitimately"", you're faster if you abuse wyvern riding and endemic life as much as possible.
                Which only serves to lengthen the hunt, not shorten it.

              • 2 years ago

                >But it's always enough time to do those attacks I mentioned, that's for sure.
                Frick no. You can't get off any decent damage unless you're using a bow or a gun.

                That's our resident anti-Rise poster. He'll move the goalposts until the cows come home so there's no point in arguing.

              • 2 years ago

                >And no you clearly meant 40 with one ride
                How can you even think I believed that, you ride twice and you kill the monster? Are you serious?
                And going from "40% in two rides" to "30-40% in two rides" isn't that different, how am I changing the argument. My point didn't change at all: with wyvern riding and free stuns (spider, thunder beetle), you can deal a shitload of damage to the monster for free before he can even react.
                It's slower if you're a speedrunner, it's faster if you're a casual player.

                >Too high, most monsters don't manage that much on average
                300 is literally on the low side. And 6 attacks + punisher is also super easy to do with Mounting Master.

                >A casual player would have to deal with that unpredictability
                For a casual player, if the monster is unpredictable like in Rise or super predictable like in older games it's the same. Because he can't read the monster anyway.

              • 2 years ago

                >How can you even think I believed that,
                It's called reading.
                >And going from "40% in two rides" to "30-40% in two rides" isn't that different, how am I changing the argument
                Your argument went from 40 in one ride to 15 in one to 30-40 in two. Whenever you face an argument in opposition to yours you change your argument.
                >it's faster if you're a casual player.
                It isn't and you can give it a try yourself, it takes you out of the way and adds another 5 to 8 minutes to a hunts even for a casual player. If you're playing as part of a team then it's another story which if you really have played the game is most likely where your misconceptions come from come to think of it.

                >300 is literally on the low side
                It's not, again very few monsters do that kind of damage and they're often slow to attack.

                >if the monster is unpredictable like in Rise or super predictable like in older games it's the same
                That's not how it works. An unpredictable monster will he harder for casual player to adjust to than a monster that's predictable because the predictable monster will be slower and have more telegraphed attacks.
                The mistake you're making is that you're treating both monsters as the same while assuming the casual player can't learn in any capacity.

              • 2 years ago

                >You can also hit the monster with your weapon for free while he's on the ground after a ride, you don't have to ONLY use wyvern ride like in that video I posted
                No, when you down a monster with a ride the length they stay down is significantly shorter than say if you topple them normally by attacking the legs.
                >My point doesn't change:
                You've already changed your point now your percentage is 15 from 40. Which is also far too high.
                >Monsters are fast and unpredictable, you have to constantly be on point with your counters and manage your wirebugs properly as well.
                >If you only care about beating the game, Rise is so easy it's borderline broken at times.
                Anon, it can't be both easy and hard at the same time, those unpredictable patterns and bug management don't suddenly disappear if you're playing purely for completion, in fact it would be more of a hurdle for a casual player.
                It's also why speed runners often don't opt for riding.

              • 2 years ago

                >throw it at walls a couple of times and enjoy another free stun.
                By the time you're back on the ground the monster is already up, ride topples are much shorter than any other form, sure its locked in place but it can still attack.
                >Still free damage + stun.
                If you have stun weapons like SnS, hammer, CB or HH you can just get the stun without wasting time and work on getting more.
                >the blight lasts for two weeks
                They're pretty short actually no matter if its a pet or the bug.
                Anyway it's only really reliable for the shorter monsters. If the claw or world mounting were a thing then it would be viable for all monsters.
                >It depends on how much you suck at the game
                No? It inherently makes the hunt longer because you have to search these things out, get the ride on the other monster and drag it back to the monster you're hunting.
                >two guaranteed rides at the start of every hunt and nothing else, you deal quite a bit of damage to your target monster's parts.
                Riding doesn't do a lot of part damage dude and if you're just banging you only really get it on the head.

              • 2 years ago

                >You can even pick up a Puppet Spider along the way and have another guaranteed ride, and/or a Thunderbeetle for a guaranteed stun
                Puppet spiders won't give you another ride on the monster you've just ridden and you actually have to aim for the head with the thunder beetle.
                Also they only spawn once a map and they're out of the way.
                Doing it like you suggest would make the quest longer then hunting normally.

          • 2 years ago

            I think the catch is that gen 5 in general has a lot of exploitable combat mechanics. the ones in world were usually ledge/verticality moves and rise has wyvern riding

    • 2 years ago

      Then why the frick would you ask this question in the most divisive place in existence, instead of making your own decision.

    • 2 years ago

      Rise is better because it gets rid of all the World bloat which was insufferable.

    • 2 years ago

      Rise is infinitely better. World is a very unenjoyable experience due to unskippable cutscenes and the way coop works.

    • 2 years ago

      Rise will make you think monhun is a stupid hack n slash series cause that's what the game is basically. Get world I put a thousand hours into base world and another thousand into iceborne and rise could barely keep me playing for the first month and I basically dropped it mid way through the second. Rise is easily the worst monhun game.

      Its the least monster hunter monster hunter game I can think of if you don't include the spinoffs. Wirebugs remove any and all challenge and there's basically no replay value in base rise they butchered some of the weapons and some monsters don't even have gear that you can farm despite the fact that those monsters are literally just pulled from a previous game (yet made worse) where they had unique gear. Tldr world is better than rise. Fans of rise get upset when you say that to the point that its almost psychotic.

      • 2 years ago

        Oh yeah not even mentioning that rise's environments and graphics make everything look like play dough while world and iceborne is still one of the prettiest games you can play.

  2. 2 years ago

    I wanna know this too, but I don't expect a good answer yet since Sunbreak has only been out a day

  3. 2 years ago

    Iceborne is a bigger improvement to world than sunbreak is to rise

    • 2 years ago

      Iceborne, despite all the re-colors, added an ass ton of monsters to a game that was somewhat anemic at launch.
      That being said, I like Sunbreak's actual additions and roster more, even though it has fewer total monsters. It seems like the updates are going to add an ass-load though, but we'll see.
      For the time being, Iceborne is better for quantity and environmental visual splendor. Sunbreak is better for monster quality (imo) and sheer variety.

      • 2 years ago

        Hmm. I have about 40 hours into base world from a couple years ago. But I also have the iceborne expansion that I haven't played. Should I just go through that before trying Rise?

        • 2 years ago

          you're just going to be massively disappointed by rise at this point, If you adamant in playing both games finish with rise then switch to IB, not the other way around.
          t. disappointed by rise

          • 2 years ago

            Well, like others have said, maybe it's best if I finish world and IB and by that time sunbreak and rise will be more fleshed out?

        • 2 years ago

          I don't know if there are still functional demos available, but try Rise. he mobility is exceptional and map traversal is quite fun. Get a feel for the game and make your decision after that. If you have a Switch, consider that version based on your play preferences, as it has the brunt of the install base.

        • 2 years ago

          Absolutely. I have Rise and World. I don’t know why these homosexuals can’t just play and enjoy both.

          • 2 years ago

            Because it was a Switch exclusive for a time. And everyone knows Switch = Bad, PS4 = Good.
            Even though now both games are on PC, people still associate both games as Nintendo vs Sony.

        • 2 years ago

          Go with Rise first just because its the current game and you can talk with people about it.

    • 2 years ago

      That's only because World itself is a worse game than Rise.

      Now that both have expansions, which is better: world or rise?

      Gameplay wise, Rise is more fluid while World is a lot clunkier. I personally prefer Rise just because of crutch claw but I've sank over 1000 into both. Currently the end game for World is better simply because of more content but give Sunbreak some time to release the free title updates. (Iceborne didn't release with Monkey, Stygian, Raging brachy, frostfang, BETTER KT, alatreon, or fatalis)

    • 2 years ago

      >clutch claw with 90seconds tenderize duration
      >bigger improvement than anything
      >improvement at all

    • 2 years ago

      that's just because base world was absolute shit

    • 2 years ago

      Not hard since world base games was fricking awful

    • 2 years ago

      World was a worse game, and Iceborne and its Clar garbage only made it worse. Rise was perfection - Sunbreak is perfection added upon perfection.

      • 2 years ago

        >Rise was perfectio
        Rise is too easy and Rampage sucks.

      • 2 years ago

        Base rise is the worst monster hunter game it was as far away from "perfect" as you can be.

        • 2 years ago

          nah the roster of base world was genuinely abysmal

          • 2 years ago
            • 2 years ago

              I still can't believe they actually wasted 50% of dev time on zorah of all things

              • 2 years ago

                Imagine if World didn't have its dev time cut in half by some boring forgettable shitmon nobody likes and a boring forgettable story with the most obnoxious NPC in the last 10 years.

    • 2 years ago

      Clutch claw was "required" to kill most monsters in iceborne. Otherwise you would be spending like 30 extra mins beating on the fricking thing. Then there is wall banging bullshit required for every raid or you fail. Raids fricking blew.

      • 2 years ago

        Wait THAT'S why my times increased so drastically in IB? I thought I was just bad or my numbers were too low; I almost never used the claw. Fights were very long and very tense.

        • 2 years ago

          I had this same issue until I started abusing the claw it cuts fight times down to like 1/4th

  4. 2 years ago

    Base Rise > Base World unless you really like grind and immersion. Can't speak for Sunbreak vs Iceborne yet, give it a couple of months.

  5. 2 years ago

    Sunbreak is better for the simple fact the shitclaw is gone.

  6. 2 years ago

    Hunting Horn got ruined in Rise.
    So World beats it every time.

    • 2 years ago

      If Hunting Horn hadn't been gutted Rise would've been the best game in the series for me, bar none. What they did to it was fricking criminal.

  7. 2 years ago

    >Clear all of iceborne solo without getting wiped on switch axe
    >Clear all of Sunbreak solo without getting wiped on switch axe
    The games are just too easy now man.

    • 2 years ago

      >The games are just too easy now man.
      my first one was tri on the wii and i remember the barroth wiping its fricking ass with me, really tough fight, and when i encountered him in world i was super pumped for an epic duel but he was just some moronic b***h kicking up mud and went down in like 5 minutes, almost made me put down the game

      • 2 years ago

        Its time to go home, anon

      • 2 years ago

        I started with freedom unite and I think that ive had a similar experience with each game but I attribute it to just getting better at the games over time.

        • 2 years ago

          >The games are just too easy now man.
          my first one was tri on the wii and i remember the barroth wiping its fricking ass with me, really tough fight, and when i encountered him in world i was super pumped for an epic duel but he was just some moronic b***h kicking up mud and went down in like 5 minutes, almost made me put down the game

          No, the old games genuinely were harder. Tri added fatigue, 3U gave you 50 free base armor, 4 added mounting, World added crutch claw, Rise/GU added MMO abilities.

      • 2 years ago

        A friend of my brothers quit world because he couldn’t beat Barroth and felt bullied because we all had and because we mocked him for it. I found that amusing. Even the other guy who is terrible at video games managed to keep up with us to end game. But not Barroth boy.

    • 2 years ago

      >The games are just too easy now man.
      That's what I've been saying about Rise and world, that they are pretty easy and the same, despite what the autist say. Ultimately I think world is a bit better, but neither of them are as good as FU

    • 2 years ago

      The first time I saw a rajang in rise was a random spawn early into high rank and I was able to kill him with my shitty high rank set and the actual Monster I was supposed to
      That shouldn't be

      • 2 years ago

        Makes me wonder who DIDN'T go kill that Rathian during that stupid cart escort quest in World.

        • 2 years ago

          I really hate low rank to high rank. Nothing you make matters in low rank and then you got to play it again. You generally can instantly craft the starting gear that's better then the best stuff at the end of low rank anyway
          Just start in high rank please god. It's still easy. Just less padding

      • 2 years ago

        They gutted the ape in Rise.

    • 2 years ago

      when the series introduced walking/healing it removed a bunch of the challenge.

  8. 2 years ago

    they keep the hard stuff until very late in the game now, most people wont grind through 100 ranks to get to real endgame

  9. 2 years ago

    Rise has great mobility and control but World looks better and feels more alive

    • 2 years ago


      Do you want freedom of movement like Sunbreak or immersion like in Iceborne

    • 2 years ago

      >making maps feel like a living world is the focus
      >rising up the air is the focus
      World is more gorgeous but Rise provides more fun in combat. Maybe too much fun

    • 2 years ago

      world is has way too much shit happening on the screen and it makes it really hard to make anything out and tell what im supposed to be doing. Rise's more simplistic graphics work in its favor

      • 2 years ago

        does it tho

        • 2 years ago

          Yes, World was an absolute cluster frick between the UI, effects and environments.

        • 2 years ago

          yes going by the fact that you are using a game mode that is optional besides 3 instance of the game and was completely removed in sunbreak as an example
          >ib4 the webm of everyone raping izuchi
          you have the option to remove it now

  10. 2 years ago

    also the way to play MH now is to just do key quests and skip 80% of the games content until you make your 1 final set for your 1 weapon

    • 2 years ago

      I pretty muchs kipped everything until i got the golm switch axe.

  11. 2 years ago

    Rise > World but Iceborn > or = Sunbreak.

    It's a miracle how Iceborn made World fun so it's you can say it's a better dlc

  12. 2 years ago

    >sunbreak is just as unfinished as rise when it came out
    >the end game is the worst, most unfun part of GU
    is this going to be how things are from now on?

  13. 2 years ago

    >Now that both have expansions
    The content for Sunbreak will still be rolling out through next year beyond three title updates this year, so it's a bit early.

  14. 2 years ago

    Do you want to go into diabetic shock with dango


    Die of heart failure in Iceborne

    • 2 years ago

      jesus, usagi dango are the worst MH food

      • 2 years ago

        Sounds like someone never played generations

        • 2 years ago

          yeah what the frick was that shit? seriously, what were they going for?

    • 2 years ago

      God the food in World/Iceborne is so fricking good looking. I like Dango and all but not being able to get a giant plate of meat just feels wrong.

    • 2 years ago

      >heart failure
      homie that food is pure SOUL. Maybe you'd get a heart failure if you didn't work out

    • 2 years ago

      >Stew with a huge chunk of meat, bread, >cheese and cheese, some gratin and a cream soup
      >flavored rice dough, that's it

    • 2 years ago

      >no more Yomogi singing the dango song in elgato
      It's fricking over

    • 2 years ago

      Sunbreak had everything to make Rise a better game. It just need more content and an actual endgame.
      Needless to say it failed to deliver both

      • 2 years ago

        it didn't tho

    • 2 years ago

      Soul food vs soulless "food"

    • 2 years ago

      >fricking dango
      What the hell was Capcom thinking? Ramen would've been better.

      • 2 years ago

        Ramen isn't Japanese

    • 2 years ago

      Man I just want to scoop some of that gratin potatoes onto the bread and dip it in that gravy

    • 2 years ago

      >skip both cutscenes

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Given a normal hunter physiology they wouldn’t have any issue with the bottom pic. Top would be a sugar issue however.

  15. 2 years ago

    World, of course.

  16. 2 years ago

    Guess we won't be eating real food until MH6 bros...

  17. 2 years ago

    >still no crack
    do i have to cope with playing sunbreak on emulator with 30 fps

    • 2 years ago

      30 fps is perfectly fine. This isn’t Elden Ring. Nothing in MH requires 120fps to dodge effectively

    • 2 years ago

      There's a mod to play at 60 FPS, but your computer has to be pretty decent as well.

      30 fps is perfectly fine. This isn’t Elden Ring. Nothing in MH requires 120fps to dodge effectively

      ...but Elden Ring is slower than Rise, and doesn't require anywhere near the same input accuracy.

  18. 2 years ago

    I'd say World has a better foundation, but it's ruined by a shitload of completely moronic decisions, from free lifesteal on every weapon to mantles, from unlimited restocking at camps to clutch claw, from broken multiplayer to absolutely moronic maps.
    World is a schizo game that tried to be both classic and modern at the same time, failing at both. They took 4U as a base and then added a bunch of random ideas, without any real vision or design intent. They had no idea what the frick they were doing and it shows.

    Rise on the other hand is fundamentally "broken", it took everything wrong with World and built upon it. But, somehow, it works better as a videogame: it's not classic Monster Hunter but it doesn't try to be, it was designed from the ground up to be a flashy action game with counters and supermoves, every mechanic is fun and works exactly as intended.

    • 2 years ago

      >Rise on the other hand is fundamentally "broken",
      >, every mechanic is fun and works exactly as intended.
      are you fricking moronic? If it works how its intended, how is it broken you dumb Black person? Do you understand what broken means?

      • 2 years ago

        That's why "broken" is in quotes. Features like wyvern riding, wirefall, instant healing or counters on every weapon should in theory break the game, but in practice they are well integrated into the gameplay. They never feel forced or out of place.
        They took all the broken, half-assed features from World, made them even stronger, but designed the entire game around the fact the hunter is now Dante from DMC.

        World on the other hand feels like a game where all the different teams didn't talk to each other. That's how you end up with completely asinine stuff like "in HR quests you spawn on a random area of the map" and "you can teleport to camps whenever you want" at the same time. They all did their own thing according to their vision, and then they glued everything together at the end.
        The end result is a more "classic" Monster Hunter experience, but a worse videogame.

  19. 2 years ago

    WORLD always better

  20. 2 years ago

    I got rise for sunbreak and playing through it all the people who like it while shitting on world are actually psychotic.
    I can't stress enough they're the same game. The only difference is how mounting is done. Wirebugs are slingers just shorter range but you can use anywhere so the mobility is a wash. Like it's side grades at the most extremes
    Don't get me wrong I can see why one can appeal to you more than the other through said side grades but BE CONCERNED over someone who HATES one and LOVES the other. Same with world fans shitting on Rise.
    These people are either delusional or idiots

    Rampages are some shit though, holy hell. Thankfully you don't have to do a lot of them

    • 2 years ago

      im very confused how you came to tat conclusion. prior to the rise pc release i played through all of world and iceborne. i liked it a lot. BUT playing rise right after was mindblowing. its a direct upgrade to world in every single regard except for the graphics. and its confusing to me how you can say that its the same game

  21. 2 years ago

    >comparing a complete package to one that hasn't even started its second roadmap
    Why are you people like this

    • 2 years ago

      Even more hilarious when Rise still has more content than World and Iceborne with the release of Sunbreak. With more on the way.
      Loved world. Still hated the Raid boss bullshit and pointless tempered monsters shit. Just as much as I hate the Rampage fights and Apex monsters.

  22. 2 years ago

    Rise has a better selection of monsters

  23. 2 years ago

    The one that has wirebugs.

  24. 2 years ago

    Unfortunately, the clutch claw ruined Iceborne.

  25. 2 years ago

    World. But it always was. Base World was better than Rise. Rise is just a subpar and low effort mobile game.

    • 2 years ago

      Filtered and castrated.

  26. 2 years ago

    Sunbreak is already better because of no shitty MMO-raid mechanics like Kulve, Behemoth, and Safi

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Hopefully never. Monster Hunter got far less enjoyable when World forced an entire team of 4 to build and play 1 specific way or outright fail.

    • 2 years ago

      Rampages are an infinitely worse gimmick than sieges.

      • 2 years ago

        and they're not in Sunbreak

      • 2 years ago

        They really aren’t. And they aren’t even in Sunbreak.

  27. 2 years ago

    Rise isn't complete yet, but as someone who beat both, its still World. Rise has been very rushed so far due to behind the scenes Covid bullshit sadly.

  28. 2 years ago

    Rise & Sunbreak amiibo files

  29. 2 years ago

    Why make this thread? Why is the MH fanbase full of homosexuals who hate itself and constantly instigate flamewars?

    • 2 years ago

      People enjoying the game are playing it instead of making threads
      Also, it's always consolewarring shitposters

  30. 2 years ago

    World....or Rise? Mmmh. After thinking about it a bit, i'd say...Worse.

  31. 2 years ago

    I'm 99% sure the people who shit on world only own nintendo consoles and never actually played it.

    • 2 years ago

      So far I enjoy Rise a lot more simply because Switch Axe plays so incredibly fricking fluid now. The only thing I really dislike about it is the lack of endless endgame autism grinding but then again that shit is only fun for so long until it becomes hell.

      • 2 years ago

        >Rise SA
        >more fluid than world SA
        I think the word you're looking for is "spastic" instead of fluid.

    • 2 years ago

      I shit on World because playing it on ps4 was one of the worst gaming experiences I have ever had to suffer

    • 2 years ago

      i could set my watch by you stupid fricks complaining about "tendies"

    • 2 years ago

      There is no such thing as a "tendie" Go back to your discord. I find it fricking hilarious the Dragon's Dogma vs Elden Ring threads died the moment Sunbreak was about to release.
      You all shifted your shitposting focus in your discord far to quickly. The seems are showing.

    • 2 years ago

      This has always been the most fricking moronic stance. MHgays have dealt with platform hopping before, and Nintendogays probably have the largest overlap with PC gaming. Everyone has fricking played World, the game sold extremely well and has been extremely affordable.

  32. 2 years ago


  33. 2 years ago

    Iceborne. World, Rise, and Sunbreak suck dick.

  34. 2 years ago

    I'm very late on getting rise, how active are the parties in rise?

    • 2 years ago

      In the 3 threads I've seen so far, there hasn't been a single lobby posted. It's all paid shills

      • 2 years ago

        These threads aren't made by shills or fans. It's made by the discord troony group that hyper focuses one game and attempt to have it's fanbase implode on itself or provoke a different games fanbase into fighting.
        They tried this shit last week with Dragon's Dogma vs Elden Ring right after DD2 got officially announced.
        Notice how those threads are completely gone now and in it's place is World verse Rise threads immediately upon release of Sunbreak.
        It's not remotely a coincidence. Ganker seems to have forgot what falseflagging.

  35. 2 years ago

    They're masterworks all you can't go wrong.

  36. 2 years ago

    I love my autistic wife

  37. 2 years ago


  38. 2 years ago

    Rise easily

  39. 2 years ago

    Both are shit but World is slightly less mind-numbingly easy and doesn't have all the bing wahoo ninja shit so probably World I guess

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah. instead it just has less content and worse mechanics making Hunts exceedingly longer than prior games.

  40. 2 years ago

    Iceborne introduced crutch claw and tenderizing and ruined everything. Capcom could shit in my mouth and it would be better than playing that trash.

  41. 2 years ago

    They keep adding all these fancy new moves to weapons yet they all still just devolve into spamming the same high dps move over and over.

  42. 2 years ago

    sunbreak is much better because monsters actually put up a fight

    • 2 years ago

      >Monsters put up a fight
      Lol. Lmao even.

      • 2 years ago

        compared to iceborne? absolutely

        • 2 years ago

          Is that why Ganker was completely mind broken by alatreon, furious rajang and fatalis?

          • 2 years ago

            Which no one was.
            You can look in the archive and see that the only issue people had was Alatreon's dps check.

            • 2 years ago

              I'm pretty sure this guy is the same guy who always says a patch monster filtered Ganker

          • 2 years ago

            >alatreon, furious rajang and fatalis
            all of which weren't on base icebore. also fatalis is unironically cheseable as frick and the most difficult part was doing it with random people

            I'm *counters you* sure *uses invulnerable dodge on 5 second cooldown* they *wirefalls away from everything* do *second counter*

            they *baby blanket evades your point* actually *tenderizes your point* do *wallbangs your argument 3 times and drops rocks for 5k damage*

        • 2 years ago

          I'm *counters you* sure *uses invulnerable dodge on 5 second cooldown* they *wirefalls away from everything* do *second counter*

          • 2 years ago

            >alatreon, furious rajang and fatalis
            all of which weren't on base icebore. also fatalis is unironically cheseable as frick and the most difficult part was doing it with random people
            they *baby blanket evades your point* actually *tenderizes your point* do *wallbangs your argument 3 times and drops rocks for 5k damage*

            The best part about this is that the Rise one isn't possible even with max whisperer while the world one is completely accurate because of the lack of cooldowns.

            • 2 years ago

              the worst part for me is that they just increased the tenderized time on the last patch. fricking hell I hate the new bugs, blankets and the clutch claw so much

  43. 2 years ago

    They both suck ass thank god GU exists

  44. 2 years ago

    I'm 99% sure the people who shit on rise only own playstation consoles and never actually played it.

    • 2 years ago

      Played it for 30 hours on release, hunted every big monster a couple times and then never touched it again. Easiest and shortest hunts in the franchise, bastardized gameplay, shitty World skill system, grinding for gear takes no time at all, drab and muted color palette, sieges are just more annoying gimmicks, title update dripfeed and expansion bullshit etc. Wish you were right and that I actually had never played it, waste of money is all it was.

      • 2 years ago

        cool made-up story bro, almost had me for the first half

      • 2 years ago

        Maybe you should actually play rise instead of world. After all it didn't have dripfed content like world did or did you forget that they released five monsters over the course of the year with one being Kulve, a seasonal event exclusive monster.

  45. 2 years ago

    How does Rise's endgame stack up?
    Base world was very meh, but Alatreon, Raging Brachy, Furious Rajang, and Fatty made IB worthwhile.

    • 2 years ago

      It's garbage because the games model for release and expansion release was to lock us out of whatever the true end game is intended to be with their DLC plans. The only silver lining is that it's all free.
      I say this as someone who prefers Rise to World in most every other way otherwise.

    • 2 years ago

      The only "endgame" SB has right now is waiting a year or so for the game to actually be finished. Then it'll probably be farming whatever nostalgiabait variants they throw into title updates later on or some shit.

  46. 2 years ago

    >try out world
    >HQ is a bizarre maze
    >menus and hud elements out the ass

    >try rise demo
    >kb+m controls all kinds of fricked up

  47. 2 years ago

    why the frick is my insect glaive insect icon turning blue

  48. 2 years ago

    Rise combat outside of wires feels awfully clunky. I dunno why the devs had something against World's much better controls but it's like they changed them out of spite.

  49. 2 years ago

    World feels like a polished AAA multiplat title. Perfectly streamlined, enjoyable and high budget. Everything from graphics to sounds to UI is top of the line.

    MHR feels like a soulful indie game made for a handheld. Everything is a little worse than it should be. The UI is garbage, the design is like something a college student put together in a garage. Animations, controls, sounds, music everything is below world standard. BUT it doesn't suffer from mass market streamlining. Game can go crazy at times, there's less limitations the combat tries refreshing new things and this breaths new life into the formula.

  50. 2 years ago

    were MH threads this full of dumbass flamewars before World came out?

    • 2 years ago

      The entire Monster Hunter community imploded after World came out, these threads were no different. They were far from great, because it's Ganker of course, but at least they were bareable and enjoyable sometimes.

      • 2 years ago

        >The entire Monster Hunter community imploded
        this is false
        the colossal drop on quality of the MH community is exclusive to Ganker because of the nature of this site, is impossible to hold people accountable of their stupid opinions if everyone is anonymous so you can even have people discussing with themselves pretending to be both sides and false flaggers everywhere just to lower the quality of the thread. That's why discord raids by trany discords are so common today, there is nothing that can stop them at all

        • 2 years ago

          If you really think that the massive drop in quality regarding MH discussion after World is exclusive to Ganker, I really don't know what to tell you besides the fact that it's just not true. It's sad but not unexpected how much worse discussion on every platform regarding this franchise got after World released, this just happens with every single franchise that gets a sudden explosion in popularity after the devs start pandering to a wider audience.

          • 2 years ago

            No he's right mh discussion didn't see much change outside of Ganker

          • 2 years ago

            you will not see a discussion with lower quality than Ganker anywhere else that is a fact
            if someone tries to pull the things people do here all the time on a site that is not anonymous they get ridiculed out of the community
            here there is no community and just a bunch of schizos using this game as proxy of their schizophrenic console war that they been keeping for years now

            • 2 years ago

              >you will not see a discussion with lower quality than Ganker anywhere else that is a fact
              I know, I never said that. All I'm saying is that overall, the quality of discussions in this ENTIRE community took a massive fricking nosedive after World released. Metahomosexualry got worse than ever due to World's systems facilitating it more than ever. Shitflinging and infighting were and arguably still are at an all-time high. Opinions have NEVER been more divided, this is fact, it's not just limited to Ganker, even if it isn't just as bad outside of it.

    • 2 years ago

      Nope. Basically
      >mhw leaks come out saying its ps exclusive
      >mh fans immediately dismiss it because of the old p3rd story that pushed capcom away to begin with
      >leaks confirmed but its not exclusive just not on Nintendo
      >sonygays rejoice and use mh to shitpost about Nintendo
      >mh fans try to ignore but sonygays are too loud
      >one genius compiles criticisms into a pasta and becomes listgay who becomes the enemy they needed to justify their shitposting
      And from there its pretty much been the same since except listgay has now become Poopbreakgay.

      • 2 years ago

        you will never flip this script. the archives still exist to show his (read: your) homosexualry.

  51. 2 years ago

    Rise is a failure. Here's why:
    Weapon movesets were made worse and clunky.
    Palico management is worse, cumbersome and unrewarding.
    Armor variety is MUCH worse in terms of available skillsets.
    Map design is worse, full of corridors and empty areas.
    Co-op is much worse and you can't even play the story with friends.
    Endgame was nonexistent. Apparently Sunbreak didn't fix that either.
    It always looked mediocre and now Sunbreak makes the UI look like one of those parody images with a shitload of clutter.
    It is completely soulless. Fishing got lame, canteen food is lame, events are lame, the japanese aesthetic is lame, OST is lame, poems are cringy as frick and some monsters like Rajang lost all their identity.

    It's just bad. Rise is like a game made by a contrarian that saw World and decided to make it worse.

    • 2 years ago

      You've described world to a t.

  52. 2 years ago

    Can I get one tucking large wyvern gem for the love of god holy frick

    • 2 years ago

      The desire sensor will only give you what you want when you don't need it.

  53. 2 years ago

    Rise is bad. People are just in denial either because they don't want to believe this is the only monhun they are getting for at least a couple years OR because everyone says monhun is great so surely I must convince myself this is better than it is.

  54. 2 years ago

    monster hunter is extremely outdated and it shows. The UI is a victim of this, they should just take the soulsborne pill at this point

    • 2 years ago

      >they should just take the soulsborne pill at this point
      for the love of god please be bait

  55. 2 years ago

    World has more stunning visuals and interactive environments but Rise has more accessible and less clunky gameplay.

  56. 2 years ago

    post your switch skill lineups and why you like them?
    i cant decide on what to use for the greatsword and bow

  57. 2 years ago

    rice is so unappealing that i rather just keep playing world lmao

  58. 2 years ago

    I really liked world and rise but i thought rise was too easy
    I feel like the wirebugs take away from having to learn moveset of a monster but that could be negated in Sunbreak.
    What does the difficulty compare to other titles?
    t.started with 3rd gen MH.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm a worldsperm, so far Sunbreak looks harder to me but I didn't play MH for a while

    • 2 years ago

      >I feel like the wirebugs take away from having to learn moveset of a monster
      You can feel that way but the fact of the matter is that unless you know how a monster fights a lot of silkbinds are useless and will only cause you to get hit sane with wirefall since it takes away the iframes you would have had just staying down.

      Anyway rating it from gen 3 ultimates only
      GU > 4U > RiseSB > 3U > WorldBorne

  59. 2 years ago

    Rise is 49% off. I got that 50% off coupon from that Capcom bundle. Do they stack?

    • 2 years ago

      Try it and report back.

  60. 2 years ago

    What's your preferred control scheme for Rise on PC, Anon?

    • 2 years ago

      Plugging in a controller and suffering the moronic default controls because japs are fricking moronic and can't figure out PC versions of games for shit. They're 20 years behind technologically.

  61. 2 years ago

    is there a new multiplayer gathering hub for sunbreak or is it the actual town?

    • 2 years ago

      The town

      • 2 years ago

        that's pretty fricking lame tbqh

  62. 2 years ago

    >tfw I had a blast in MHW
    >tfw I'm having a blast in MHR

    That said, I hate wyvern riding even more than the damn claw because it makes monster invasions fricking nothing. The invader makes a beeline for the other, puts it in ride me mode, chills around a bit and then fricks off.
    At some point in IB I had a seething bazel, a glavenus and a brachy all at once and I shat diamond trying to kill the right one

    • 2 years ago

      >The invader makes a beeline for the other, puts it in ride me mode, chills around a bit and then fricks off
      That's pretty much how it was in world only without the riding, they'd initiate a turf war and one would immediately frick off.

  63. 2 years ago

    World is better simply because I can boot it up and go
    >Holy shit I can't believe this runs on my Steam Deck as well as it does

  64. 2 years ago

    Thus far, I still preferred Iceborne. A lot of my nitpicks from base Rise still apply for Sunbreak.
    I know people b***h about the clutch claw in Iceborne, but I just never bothered with it and I beat monsters in about the same time as I did with it, so I just never touched it after the "new gimmick" factor wore off in a couple hunts. I can only imagine how soul sucking forcing yourself to use it must be.
    Similarly, I'm now glad I can turn off attack to wyvern ride in Sunbreak, because it fricking sucked in base Rise to get interrupted mid-combo because the monster or another monster entered into the riding state. Still annoyed at how easy it is to get one, launch a monster into the other one, and then get a second one. Other monsters still frick off way to easily as well. There's no "frick off, get out of here," its just "oh free damage, me unga bunga with monster now."

  65. 2 years ago

    World doesn't exist anymore

  66. 2 years ago

    Rise is better because it has many cute girls

  67. 2 years ago

    rise just feels bland honestly, i don't know why, the maps are shit boring and lifeless

  68. 2 years ago

    World is shit and Rise is more Devil May Cry than a Monster Hunter.
    MH6 looks bleak for those enjoy oldgen.

  69. 2 years ago

    The first and only time I ever tried MH was Tri, and I couldn't tolerate the extreme (by that era's standards) amount of tutorial handholding bullshit and tiny little map areas separated by loading screens. I like Rise because the maps are big and fun to explore, and the game just lets you fricking play it without treating you as if you've never played a single video game ever in your entire life. I'm sure there are better games in between that I missed out on, and I can certainly see parts of Rise that could be improved, but it at least got me into a series that I otherwise made it a point to avoid.

  70. 2 years ago

    Any other hammer users not enjoy Rise at all? I'm wondering if my weapon choice is why I don't like Rise. Spamming nothing but the wirebug spin launch thing 90% of the time was boring as frick.

    • 2 years ago

      Doesn't sunbreak nerf the frick out of impact crater? I saw somewhere that big bang was out damaging it.

  71. 2 years ago

    >cool winter theme
    >feels cold
    >inducing mind trick to cause you to shiver irl
    >constant desire for heat regardless of actual temperature


    >the sun is out

    you tell me?

  72. 2 years ago

    both sucks ass

  73. 2 years ago

    world even with the shitclaw

  74. 2 years ago

    rise is better

  75. 2 years ago

    >TFW you realize the elgado hub theme sounds like a gravity rush/daze theme


  76. 2 years ago

    Is it true that having Rise mods breaks your save after the update?
    Haven't booted the game since Sunbreak launches, will I be fine if I just delete everything before starting?

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