now that the dust has sattled we can agree that it wasn't that bad

now that the dust has sattled we can agree that it wasn't that bad

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  1. 5 months ago

    It is that bad

    • 5 months ago

      thread should've stopped there

    • 5 months ago


  2. 5 months ago

    >zoomer fricks start getting nostalgic for F4


    • 5 months ago

      >it can't be that old
      >9 years old
      frick is it just me or time is going by faster every year

      • 5 months ago

        It's not you. Your perception of time changes as you get older. As a kid 1 year is a much larger percentage of your whole life than an adult.

      • 5 months ago

        >9 years old
        >Still have yet to finish the MQ
        >Numerous near death expierences
        I lived long enough to see I wouldn't have missed much

    • 5 months ago

      I think it’s more a statement of just how atrocious starfield was.
      Spend years pining for a new game, then it comes out and it’s so fricking terrible that it pushed those people back to fo4 or Skyrim.

  3. 5 months ago

    It's a good time waster nothing more.

  4. 5 months ago

    The writing in the main quest is atrocious and did a disservice to the original idea of what fallout games are supposed to be. The game play is overall way better, but they also fricked up the perk system and just dumbed it down for stupid darkies to better grasp.

    • 5 months ago

      >dumbed down
      Because it was so complex in the previous games

      • 5 months ago

        Thats the point moronkun. It was already simple and they made it even more so for some reason. Also settlements suck and so do all the factions.

  5. 5 months ago

    It's been eight years and I still don't have the desire to give this a second playthrough. Attempted it once and only made it about an hour and a half in.

    • 5 months ago

      I never finished a vanilla playthrough. Got to level 7 and then started doing research. After finding the Horizon mod it turns it into a pretty decent survival scavenger shooter. Never finished the main quest and barely touched any of the side content though. The world just screams nonsense at you whenever you actively try to immersive yourself in it. Like post apoc jetsons meets toddlers sense of time and space. For example did a mod for myself where I looked through every reference of 200 years and simple removed one zero from it so it became 20 years. Suddenly the world looks half less moronic when characters mention the timeline

    • 5 months ago

      I liked Fallout 3 and New Vegas but can’t beat Fallout 4. I get too bored every time I try to beat

  6. 5 months ago

    currently replaying it, last time was from 2016

    honestly, it's not that bad. but the moment you get power armor the game becomes kiddie mode easy

    also, it's physically impossible to side with anyone other than bos

    • 5 months ago

      It's reasonable to side with minutemen which is why you can get both of them to ally. pretty hard to argue against lofty goals like "farms good" and "raiders bad"

    • 5 months ago

      >the moment you get power armor the game becomes kiddie mode easy
      that's within the first 10 minutes of the game

  7. 5 months ago

    It wasn't that good either

  8. 5 months ago

    It's not that bad but New Vegas fans will always shit on it.

    • 5 months ago
  9. 5 months ago

    It's ok to like it if you were 9 years old when it released but the game is dogshit and a huge downgrade from NV and 3 in almost every way.

  10. 5 months ago

    The art direction was a huge downgrade from 3 and NV. Voiced protagonist was a moronic idea.

    • 5 months ago

      Honestly I only notice worse art when it comes to weapons. Agreed that voiced protag was a mistake.

      • 5 months ago

        >Toilet bowl armor

        • 5 months ago

          I have hated the look of armor in every fallout game

          • 5 months ago

            Metal armor is cool.

            • 5 months ago

              wtf is that homosexual shit? do 10 press up right now.

              • 5 months ago

                >press up

              • 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      >The art direction was a huge downgrade from 3 and NV.

      I know this is subjective, but I happen to partially agree. The overall aesthetic is almost cartoon-like. Downtown boston's buildings have these weird palette choices that almost remind me of the cities you'd see in the backgrounds of a Mega Man game. Some locations look better than others. Some enemies also look better than others. The Assaultron is probably one of my favorite enemy designs in any Fallout game. Sleek, retrofuturistic in all the best ways. Other enemies though, like the feral ghouls just look bizarre and not in a good way.

      The OST is pretty solid, though.

  11. 5 months ago

    People always say that F4's gameplay is better than F3, but I never understood that sentiment.
    What improvements are there, besides the "gun feel is better than literal trash from F3"?

    • 5 months ago

      it didn't crash as much

    • 5 months ago

      Are you moronic? At the very least you can’t cancel vats mid shot so its slow as frick, and no sprinting. It plays at a snails pace compared to fo4.

  12. 5 months ago

    It was comfy to explore at different times of the day with different weathers.

  13. 5 months ago

    It's terrible for a Fallout game, but as usual with Bethesda games (not anymore I guess), it was fun enough to wander, find stuff, and listen to the music.

    Anyone know if the pr0n mods are better now? Last time I checked was maybe 2019-2020.

  14. 5 months ago

    It's my favorite game. I love Fallout 76 too.

    • 5 months ago

      It literally ended the franchise.. and if that is to hard for you to grasp. Its "sucess" led to the creation of FO76 since mouth breathers like you praised it.

      Eat shit and die, its not that bad. Its worse.

      Point proven.

      • 5 months ago

        >NMA troony still asspained over Fo3 and 4
        At least is straight unlike new vegas and NMA members who transitioned using patreon money.

        • 5 months ago

          do you not get tired of making these same posts in every thread about fallout?

          • 5 months ago

            why are you in every fallout thread dilating?

            • 5 months ago

              He is probably the autist who keeps shitting thew /fog/ thread with Enclave is Trans forced meme when the troony faction is the NCR, Legion and Railroad

              • 5 months ago

                I don't know why bethesda games attract the most semitic homosexual autists who obsess over them.

              • 5 months ago

                same brainrot blizzdrones and ff14 gays have

  15. 5 months ago

    writing? dogshit
    gunplay? the best of the 3d fallouts
    settlement building? pretty cool
    settlement management? frick off preston
    power armour? set the new standard that makes all previous 3d fallouts completely unplayable if you're doing a power armour build

  16. 5 months ago

    >terrible dialogue
    >terrible story
    >no actual choices
    >gives you power armour and a mini gun in the first 10 minutes
    It wasnt bad, it was absolute fricking garbage.

  17. 5 months ago

    You're right it wasn't that bad, it was even worse.

  18. 5 months ago

    It's mediocre at best & the best way to enjoy the game is modded

  19. 5 months ago

    Modded to fun. Maybe worth it. Not buying unless it's on sale for like 75% off
    Pirate if you must. The story is hot garbage, don't know if there's a complete overhaul that wipe off the main quest completely. Character can get some improvements (except for raped skunk piece of shit addict cumdumpster)
    I like the anime char, some gunplay quick refinement, but is just to mindless fun. Don't know about exploration, if there's a mod to. Make it better & worthy again

  20. 5 months ago

    Ok for all the people who wonder why so many fallout fanboys and Ganker gays hate fallout 4 so much let me give the short list:
    >Shit turn the story goes when you find the institute
    >The writing and shitty ass Telltale inspired dialogue system that was forced in by the gay gay who poorly wrote the games story
    >The main character talking
    >Terrible perk system that was brought in for no reason
    >No impact to the map,story or locations when decisions are made
    >No deep character discussion or them explaining to make you understand the history and reasons why the factions seek to accomplish the goals they want and just say "lol because!" when asked
    >Incorrect lore and magic loopholes for sake of the game
    >Legendary effects
    >Settlement management
    >Revolving quests

    Now don't get me wrong there are some good things in the game I can list as well but a lot of fricks here would disagree
    >Power armor is waaaaaay better and cooler to play with
    >Combat is the best it's been
    >Weapon modification is improved
    >Settlement builder is fun
    >Companions were greatly improved and some were very cool and unique
    >Start of the main story was cool especially Kellogg
    >Some quests were pretty fun and were decently done (silver shroud and human error are good examples)
    >The entirety of the Far Harbor DLC

    Issue with fallout 4 and why it's hated is because it would of been 100x better or as good as Vegas if they'd put aside these stupid changes, made actual impact points and wrote the story and characters in it better then maybe people would stop making threads about it everyday.

    • 5 months ago

      >Terrible perk system that was brought in for no reason
      The perk system is good, it's the perks themselves that are shitty and uninteresting.
      >No impact to the map,story or locations when decisions are made
      You can blow up the entire god damn BoS base, you can reduce The Institute to a literal crater, you can decide which faction takes over one of the major cities in the game... etc.
      >Incorrect lore and magic loopholes for sake of the game
      The original Fallout devs retconned shit constantly. After they released the first game they issued all sorts of retcons on newsgroups online. Same with Fallout 2. Canon has never really been that much of a priority for Fallout.
      >Legendary effects
      They're fun.
      >Settlement management
      You can completely ignore that element if you don't like it, I ignore it on most of my play throughs and I have played the game dozens of times.
      >Revolving quests
      Completely optional, don't do them if you don't want to.

      • 5 months ago

        >legendary effects fun
        sure love my legendary fatman with 10% more damage to insects

        • 5 months ago

          Good, for Roaches needs to die as bloodbugs ASAP

      • 5 months ago

        >You can completely ignore that element if you don't like it
        Incredibly disingenuous take. I mean it's true that you can ignore settlement building if you want. But it's nearly same as saying "if you don't like this game just don't play it maaaaaan".
        Let's try not engaging with settlement building.
        >one perk is just useless
        >crafting abilities are limited to what stations are available in this or that particular settlement
        >numerous random encounters are now useless since they give stuff for settlements
        >numerous npcs whose sole purpose is to have miniscule quest that unlocks them for being settlers are now useless
        >one set of magazines give you no benefits anymore
        >minutemen questline gives even less rewards, since one of the rewards for settlement needs our help is ability to build it
        >80% of items in the game are useless because most of them are clutter to use in building
        >selling your loot for money is limited because you can't build your own traders
        >not that you need money now, since buying rare resource shipments is a money sink
        >gains from exploration are severely gimped, because you don't need all this clutter and 99% of armor and weapons, since you don't need resources gained from recycling them
        >three whole dlcs are useless
        And just like that, ignoring "entirely optional" mechanic that Bethesda totally added on in last months of development and in no way had entire game built around of, we make so many things about game worse, useless or superfluous. Nice.
        Oh right, and if we try to completely ignore settlement building, we can't finish vanilla main quest and automatron's main quest, since those require building shit.

        • 5 months ago

          >Incredibly disingenuous take
          Speaking of disingenuous takes...
          >we can't finish vanilla main quest and automatron's main quest, since those require building shit.
          You literally build a small contraption for the main quest, and it doesn't even have to be at your settlement. For Automatron, you just have to place a Robot Workbench. The rest of your complaints boil down to you being mad that there is a part of the game that you don't like personally, while there are many people who do enjoy it and are glad that there are elements of the game catering to it. Also, as for the items being useless: There are no useless items in Fallout 4. Everything can be broken down and used for crafting/modding weapons and armor.

          • 5 months ago

            >you literally build
            So you do build. Shut the frick up.
            That part "many people" like is fricking garbage. It was always a dogshit idea implemented and executed like hot trash, along side legendary enemies and items. Fricking subhumans liking to play with turds doesn't mean it stops being one.

          • 5 months ago

            >if we try to completely ignore settlement building
            >You literally build
            Yes, yes, and as long as dicks don't go up your ass you are not a homo.

      • 5 months ago

        >The perk system is good, it's the perks themselves that are shitty and uninteresting.
        The perks are designed how they are partially because of the infinite level cap. It becomes monumentally difficult to design interesting perks if you have to fill 200 levels. Not that Bethesda has ever been capable of more than 'number go up' but still.

  21. 5 months ago

    The fact that the settlement system exists at all by itself makes it a 0/10 game.

    • 5 months ago

      The settlement system is the best part of that game.

      • 5 months ago

        I like to build one settlement up on each playthrough (Red Rocket is currently my "home base" with everything I need). You'd have to be a turbo autist to create a unique build for every settlement location in the game.

        • 5 months ago

          >You'd have to be a turbo autist to create a unique build for every settlement location in the game
          I'm at least trying. Starlight drive in is my big trade hub that delivers supplies to most my other settlements. Provisioners keep the world lively by getting in firefights everywhere, all decked out in Combat armor and Service rifles. It's nice to see what impact you've had on the world, opens up options for RPing as well

      • 5 months ago

        No, it is the worst part. It's not fun unless you're a weirdo autist, and it overshadows everything else in the game so you can't ignore it. Almost all items you find are just crap for settlement building. Half the NPCs are settlement recruits. It's an awful thing and should never have existed. Without it Bethesda would have had to actually make a real RPG instead of a collecting garbage simulator.

  22. 5 months ago

    It wasn't that bad, no. It also wasn't all that good, either. It's a cliche to say "It's a good game just not a good (insert series) game)" but I feel it applies to Fallout 4. It has lots to do (whether or not settlement building is fun is subjective) and the exploration aspect is solid. In fact, the exploration might be just as good if not better than New Vegas. The gunplay is very good but the guns themselves are mediocre and I can't think of one gun, aside from The Deliverer and the bowling ball launcher that I really had fun using. Pipe weapons are also ugly and boring as frick. FO4's major problem is the complete watering down of the RPG mechanics. I absolutely prefer FO3 and NV's system over FO4's, which feels so shallow and trivial. It's also way too easy to level up in FO4. For example, you can earn EXP just by building settlement items and it feels that by mid-game you're already nearly invincible, especially if you happen to enjoy using power armor. That's another problem. Giving access to power armor so early in the game reeks of "le epic COD moment inbound!" pandering and feels unearned. Being able to tweak power armor and customize it is a great concept, perhaps one of the best parts of the game but literally handing you a suit so early in the game just feels weird and cheap. Especially when fusion cores are abundant. In short, it's a fun sandbox, no doubt. It's just not as memorable or enjoyable as its predecessors.

  23. 5 months ago

    Fo4 was a fun ass game. I never got the complaints. And it feels like the people who complained got their way with the next games and now they suck. That fricking static dialogue camera is awful.

  24. 5 months ago

    To be fair Fallout 4 is more like 1 and 2. Fallout 3 made people think Bethesda actually knew how to make horror and instead we got the goofiest most colorful silly scifi gayme ever made

    • 5 months ago
  25. 5 months ago

    The story is bad. The setting is boring. But the upgraded engine is solid and the world itself is a fun sandbox to play in. Aside from the main story, it's still a great game to play every now and then just to frick around in the wasteland and do some random radiant quests

  26. 5 months ago

    When Fallout 4 released, you heard the phrase, "It's a good game, but a bad RPG," all the time. And I agreed then and I do now. There is a ton of fun stuff to do, I think the graphics were the best of any Fallout game yet, and it had lots of cool set pieces. I can vividly remember entering the Glowing Sea, tracking down the Railroad's secret entrance in Boston, finding the Institute, and lots of other cool stuff. Great game.

    But man, the role playing sucked ass. Mechanically, you just can't role play hardly at all. You will always be a lawyer or marine that had a heterosexual marriage and a son. That's a lot of baggage to carry, and right off the bat ruins a lot of potential role play choices. It's a stark contrast to the Elder Scrolls games, where you could feasibly be anyone. To fully drive it home, the protagonist is voiced, and in vanilla you don't even know all the words they will say when choosing dialogue options. You don't choose very much about how the character acts beyond yes/no choices in some quest lines. But people might say this is very similar to Mass Effect. The counter here is that Commander Shepard could be highly customized, and a lot of their backstory left unwritten and uncharacterized by past relationships. So Fallout 4 just completely sucked for a lot of people that wanted to fulfill certain fantasies that previous games did well.

    Fallout 4 is a terrific looter shooter adventure game, and a shitty RPG.

  27. 5 months ago

    >It wasn't that bad
    1.yes it was
    2.(sarcastic)yes it was
    3.yes and tell me more actually yes)

  28. 5 months ago

    I'm glad this game was shit, it was so shit that I had no interest in buying Fallout 76 and we all remember how bad that game launched. That with Jeremy Soule being cancelled cemented me never being interested in a Bethesda game again. Starfield ain't even worth pirating. Also Fallout 4 was unironically the last game I bought at full price, I wish this piece of shit released sooner so I'd stop buying slop sooner.

  29. 5 months ago

    It was better than starfield, and that's something. Glowing sea was really neato and the power armor system was amazing.

  30. 5 months ago

    I liked the settlements system and discovering unmarked locations (one of my fav things about FO in general)

  31. 5 months ago

    It doesn't have the same charm as fallout 3

  32. 5 months ago

    core concept of exploring and looting is great but story is pure cringe

  33. 5 months ago

    It's a completely fine game, even good for its time. It's a terrible Fallout game. Just don't do the main quests and it's fine.

  34. 5 months ago

    true it wasn't that bad
    which is to say it was bad but holy frick 76 and especially starfield were so awful it doesn't seem that bad by comparison

  35. 5 months ago

    Now that NAF is back on LL it might actually get good

  36. 5 months ago

    Fallout 4 hit 3 strikes for me and I dropped it
    First strike: the game has downright terrible level scaling, I had to constantly quick save because even in early game quests you can find level 30-40 enemies
    Second strike: too many radiant quests, plus settlement building and scavenging for parts is shoved down your throat and is even incorporated into the main quest
    Third strike: Cait (my wife) turned out to be raped goods and at that moment I wished death to all western game devs

    • 5 months ago

      >First strike: the game has downright terrible level scaling, I had to constantly quick save because even in early game quests you can find level 30-40 enemies
      it's been a long time since a time since i played vannila but i don't remember enemies being hard just bullet sponges
      >Second strike: too many radiant quests, plus settlement building and scavenging for parts is shoved down your throat and is even incorporated into the main quest
      that is bullshit and i blame Emil
      >Third strike: Cait (my wife) turned out to be raped goods and at that moment I wished death to all western game devs
      you mean the loud mouth drug user and alchoolic is a massive prostitute you don't say

    • 5 months ago

      >First strike: the game has downright terrible level scaling, I had to constantly quick save because even in early game quests you can find level 30-40 enemies
      Unless you have a fricked up mod, you're just wrong. The game actually has the opposite problem, because cells that you load into remember what level you were when you load into them, and continue to spawn enemies that level throughout the game. You need a mod to get them to refresh as you level so that enemies don't become trivial.
      >Second strike: too many radiant quests, plus settlement building and scavenging for parts is shoved down your throat and is even incorporated into the main quest
      Then don't do it. You need to spend like a minute on building shit for the main quest.
      >Third strike: Cait (my wife) turned out to be raped goods and at that moment I wished death to all western game devs
      She is a literal methhead, WTF did you expect? Who waifus a methhead?

    • 5 months ago

      >First strike: the game has downright terrible level scaling, I had to constantly quick save because even in early game quests you can find level 30-40 enemies
      man imagine going online to complain that the fricking RPG made for mass appeal isn't easy enough for you

  37. 5 months ago

    It was not that bad but it was the start of the downwards slope for Bethesda.

    • 5 months ago

      >It was not that bad
      By 'not that bad' I mean not as good as skyrim, oblivion, fallout 3 fallout NV etc etc. Like most game studios Bethesda died with the 360 and everything after was lesser and worse

  38. 5 months ago

    writing of the main quest was complete fricking ass, voiced protag was ass, all rpg elements were dumbed down as much as possible and the artstyle is too cartoonish - that being said
    >kino mods avaiable
    >dlcs are good
    >lots of gore still and shooting feels good (for bethesda standards)
    >exploration is fun
    it could have been so good if bethesda didn't have the single most moronic writer in the industry do the main story.
    I wish someone who's actually competent would have gotten the rights for the IP instead of bethesda because I love the universe / lore in theory. but seeing how starfield turned out we will probably never get a good fallout game ever again

    • 5 months ago

      Give the Licensing to inxile, Wasteland alone feels great and in line with the shit the original and FO1-Tactics-VB and FO3 had.

      • 5 months ago

        No. Frick off.

        • 5 months ago

          >reeeee Shitshidian is better
          i rather trust Brian Fargo than Sawyer for he is the real father of fallout

          • 5 months ago

            Frick Obsidian too. Frick off with these troon devs.

  39. 5 months ago

    >Dust has settled
    >9 years of patches,dlc, and fixes from the modding community later.

  40. 5 months ago

    Modded is good, base game is meh.

  41. 5 months ago

    >shit as fps
    >shit as rpg
    >actual big cities are cut in favour of moronic trash huts that you must build
    >0 good sidequests
    >moronic exploration with a pattern: a building full of raiders/ghouls/mutants with a red/green trunk in the end
    >hideous graphics and artstyle
    The game is shit on fundamental level

    • 5 months ago

      >game is so shit that in turned potential interesting locations like robot race or combat arena into yet another dogshit shooting gallery

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