Now that the dust has settled is it fair to say that dwarves were never good?

Now that the dust has settled is it fair to say that dwarves were never good? They are by far the least interesting and creative race. Plenty of settings have unique twists on elves but dwarves are always lame and protoreddit

They heckin love beer, they have guns, they live underground and mine, they have big beards and they are grumpy

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  1. 4 months ago

    >elves are interesting because people are desperate to change them
    >dwarfs are boring because people like them as they are
    How does this make any sense to you at all?

    • 4 months ago

      Nobody likes them as they are, they are just included because creators think they need to have dwarves and copypaste dwarves from 80 years ago with no changes. The only people who like dwarves are because "short man funny"

      • 4 months ago

        Plenty of people like them and there isn't a wrong reason to enjoy something.

      • 4 months ago

        If nobody likes them why would creators think they need to copy them? This makes no sense whatever. Take your fricking meds.

        • 4 months ago

          because they are unoriginal and tolkien had em so they need to have em

          • 4 months ago

            This, Fantasy as a genre is stale and dead creatively because of Tolkein and his works and the need for everyone to copy him. It's why I exclude Orcs and Dwarves and want to move towards getting rid of elves in my fantasy settings, I'm sick and tired of the same 4-5 races being used in every setting copied wholesale from tolkein.

            Where's the weird shit? Where's the creativity?! No, humans with horns and red skin are not creative,I mean the crazy shit, actually inhuman creatures that have their own logic and way of living that is dramatically different from humans with weird, alien appearances! Frick I'd settle for something that just doesn't look like a human with pointy ears/but short/but short and hairy.

    • 4 months ago

      Plenty of people like them and there isn't a wrong reason to enjoy something.

      Plus, there are definitely good riffs on them. Dragon Age, for example. Or the Scarred Lands' charduni.

    • 4 months ago

      The people who are desperate to change elves just hate them for being the "fantasy master race", dwarves don't make them feel so insecure.

      • 4 months ago

        This 100%. It’s insecure short fat nu-males who look like dwarves but with none of the masculinity. Women and good looking white men love elves.

  2. 4 months ago

    The dust will never settle as long as the dwarves keep mining.

  3. 4 months ago

    Simple is good and dwarves are the best race.

  4. 4 months ago

    I think a large portion of the dislike towards dwarves, especially by younger generations comes down to how hypermasculine they typically are. They're gruff, bearded, usually stout, broad shouldered and barrel chested, love manual labour and crafting. All typically masculine traits. Consider the average US coastal liberal (the people who write lots of the newer rpg material) and their likely relationship with their fathers, and you can see why there might be low level antipathy towards dwarves.

    • 4 months ago

      >nice opinion on dwarfs but have you considered not coming from a broken home
      Honestly based

    • 4 months ago

      Stop making literally everything in the entire world about your fragile identity, culture warrior trashclown.

    • 4 months ago

      This is nothing to do with younger generations. Dwarves have pretty much always been less popular than Humans and Elves.

    • 4 months ago

      >comes down to how hypermasculine they typically are.
      It comes down to them being samey garbage copied from tolkein and a stale option that is dragging down the potential of fantasy settings, especially in TTRPGs, when you could be coming up with cool shit that lives underground instead of short angry drunk humans.

      The rest of your post is moronic 60 IQ Culture War rambling that means nothing in the discussion of fantasy races.

  5. 4 months ago

    Nah, dwarves are fine. Dwarf-gays were always a vocal minority that made it seem like the fanbase for them was much larger than it ever was. They have some problems with flexibility, but dwarf-gays want them to be pretty much the same. They cope with "dwarves being perfect" when they just want them to be sterile and one-note. They also have a problem with barely have any narrative meaning and purpose within their own settings, but at least they cover a niche nobody else does.
    If one thing about them is severely underrepresented, then it's female dwarves. But many dwarf-gays think girls are icky.
    Will dwarves be the next culture warrior bait shitposting topic?

    • 4 months ago

      stereotypes are good, gay

    • 4 months ago

      >severely underrepresented, then it's female dwarves
      >posts a pic of a sensual dwarven lass looking longingly at an elven stud

    • 4 months ago

      Girls are icky! Maybe dwarfbros are alright after all.
      t. humangay

  6. 4 months ago

    No. They're great and you're a c**t.

  7. 4 months ago

    The urge people have to subvert cliches, tropes, and stereotypes in media is one I do not understand. Why not come up with new things you prefer instead? Like, I don't enjoy eating coconut; I do not put effort into figuring out ways for me to cook coconut in such a way that I enjoy it; I just don't fricking eat coconut.

    • 4 months ago

      >be proud of your ignorance!
      >I've never had tikka masala with coconut cream!
      >I've never realized just how perfectly the coconut melds with the tomato and spices, making it the ideal fat for the sauce

      If you don't even know how delicious coconut can be, even for people who hate raw coconut, how do you plan on telling people "be proud of what you don't know and have no interest in learning"?

      • 4 months ago

        >north indian curry with coconut oil

        You're a horrible person who deserves to be stepped on by an elephant. Go back to Chennai or Bangkok.

        • 4 months ago

          >north indian
          It's British, you weirdo.

          • 4 months ago

            >chicken tikka masala was invented in scotland!
            >let's ignore the fact that it's functionally identical to butter chicken, the most popular restaurant dish in india, which predates c.t.m. by over a decade
            >also it's clearly a natural evolution of creamy tomato-based curries that have been popular in northwestern india for literally centuries

            • 4 months ago

              >functionally identical

              Not only was butter chicken quite different from CTM, the popularity of CTM has ultimately resulted in modern variations of Butter Chicken becoming more like it. More importantly, Butter Chicken isn't some ancient traditional dish, but at most predates CTM by less than ten years, and with heavy asterisks all around because of the veracity of the butter chicken claims are dubious at best. The earliest verified version of modern Butter Chicken actually first appeared ten years after CTM became popular.

              CTM was definitely inspired and influenced by Indian Cuisine, but calling it Indian Cuisine is like saying a Big Mac is German cuisine.

            • 4 months ago

              >also it's clearly a natural evolution of creamy tomato-based curries that have been popular in northwestern india for literally centuries

              A fundamental ingredient, the tomato, was actually almost completely alien to Indian cuisine until the British began to cultivate it in India in the late 1800s, and even then it was still wasn't used in Indian cuisine for decades. The earliest Indian recipes mentioning tomatoes actually are around the 1960s, a little after Chicken Tikka Masala had been developed in Britain.

              How are creamy tomato based dishes supposed to be popular in India for centuries when tomatoes were almost entirely alien to the region until less than a century ago?

  8. 4 months ago

    We just had this thread yesterday from the other direction. And with a different braindead cliche to begin the nothing-post. You need a hobby and six months off the internet to regrow some neurons.

  9. 4 months ago

    Dwarves are very comfortable with nudity because of a society that adapted to communal hot spring baths.

  10. 4 months ago

    awful post

  11. 4 months ago

    Dwarves were fine until everyone and their mother decided to try and copy Tolkein's depiction of them, then they got annoying really fast. Doesn't help the /misc/cel types are attracted to them for some reason.

  12. 4 months ago

    >They are by far the least interesting and creative race.
    no they are not, that's humans you braindead moron

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