Now that the dust has settled, is Starfield a good game?

Now that the dust has settled, is Starfield a good game?

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  1. 8 months ago

    shitty meme homosexual

    • 8 months ago

      Yes, Starfield is a meme.

  2. 8 months ago

    Hated it at first, RPG's and space games in general have come so far since Skyrims release and Starfield learned nothing from any of those games.

    Then after watching some streams and restarting, just playing it as a Skyrim/Fallout game and ignoring all the space/spaceship/settlement building, it's fine, the questlines are fine, it's just a bethesda game but I can't think of a single spot it's obviously BETTER at something than skyrim or fallout have been in the last ten years

    • 8 months ago

      i'm gonna give it a chance as i see potential here where i didn't see potential in fallout 4 or skyrim in the DLC department.

  3. 8 months ago

    It'll keep me busy for a long time. I'll rack up a few hundred hours, no doubt. But it's not a good game.

  4. 8 months ago

    No not really, it's just average at everything.
    Not worth playing more than once until some decent mods are out.

  5. 8 months ago

    >Forced fast travel
    >Dogshit exploration
    >Reddit Millennial writing
    >Terrible weapon design
    >Terrible stealth mechanics
    >Terrible plot
    >Boring fetch quest missions
    >Generic enemies
    >No vehicles
    >The worst companions in any game ever made
    >Terrible factions
    >Terrible faction quests
    >Boring generic cities
    >Endless bugs
    >Fallout 4 but somehow worse

    • 8 months ago

      it kind of blows my mind that a new bethesda rpg would drop and i wouldn't buy it day one. when i can get the "game of the year edition" bullshit we all know bg3 was goty this year for ten bucks on sale i will play it probably, but back in the day when they were releasing shit like fallout 3 and skyrim, not playing a bethesda release would be inconceivable. how did they blow it so badly?

      • 8 months ago

        AC6 is goty

        • 8 months ago

          frick is ac6 some japanese shit? i have no idea what that is ngl

          • 8 months ago

            I haven't played any previous entries, but I found it to be a very fun, varied, fast-paced mech action game. There's a major focus on swapping out parts to make whatever build you like.

          • 8 months ago

            I haven't played any previous entries, but I found it to be a very fun, varied, fast-paced mech action game. There's a major focus on swapping out parts to make whatever build you like.

            *Armored Core 6

            • 8 months ago

              oh idk why but that did not look appealing to me at all. some guy at my work who's into anime was gushing over it though.

              • 8 months ago

                The tiny bit of attention it even got was only because Fromsoft made it and they have a seriously autistic fanbase these days.

                GOTY will be GOW and people will pretend to be outraged, etc etc. An actual good game like BG3 getting GOTY will never happen.

              • 8 months ago

                >An actual good game like BG3 getting GOTY will never happen.
                BG3 is not a good game, rather, it is a bad game, but despite that I could see the absolute hacks that pose as games journalists making it GOTY because they're all furiously jerking themselves off about how great and revolutionary it is
                >t. played and finished BG3

              • 8 months ago

                >giant customizable robots based on actual warmachines blowing each other the frick up
                If this doesnt appeal to you, you might want to get your testosterone levels checked.

      • 8 months ago

        >but back in the day when they were releasing shit like fallout 3 and skyrim, not playing a bethesda release would be inconceivable
        Dude, that's well over ten years ago. It's not at all surprising you're no longer super excited about a type of game you've been playing for so long.

        • 8 months ago

          But I still want to play TES6.

          Todd is still the only guy to make the kinds of games that he does, though Starfield was a few steps away from the formula as I see it.

          • 8 months ago

            I don't see drastic changes in design between Starfield and TES/FO, that don't come from the change of setting

            • 8 months ago

              >Randomly generated infinite world
              >Randomly generated NPCs
              >Can't enter all buildings
              >Can't interact with all objects
              >Not all buildings are named
              Even ignoring all its mechanics it doesn't feel like a TES game at all.

              • 8 months ago

                After seeing this description of starfield I wonder.. is Starfield just Daggerfall in space? I didn't play either

              • 8 months ago

                No, Daggerfall is more fun than Starfield, has more content and is entirely free to play.

          • 8 months ago

            I wonder about that. Is it because no-one else can do it, or because no-one else can achieve the same level of "good enough" that Bethesda does, when they make something half-assed and then move on immediately and feel no shame or desire to make it work.

            • 8 months ago

              Hey, stuff like the systems in Skyrim and Fallout 4 work on a very actionable level. That you do something and get exactly what you were trying to do out of what you did. Even the crafting is intuitive... well, except Alchemy.

              Of course, plenty of people would rather a system that requires investment and rewards mastery.

            • 8 months ago

              Bethesda Games are the most Simulation RPG that is, a sandbox for solo roleplaying with substories if you will (where Minecraft / no man skies don't fit cause only game mechanics centric).

              For me their is only Elder Scrolls that work, I guess for the mystic, diversity and more of the universe. I always found their version of fallout tame and boring and all their non TES games taste the same, so I guess it's more about the overall atmosphere.

              I guess they're more or less the only ones able to do it for the scope they're now at as well as the knowledge around their shitty Creation Engine that allow them to craft this specific kind of games. Well, even if Kingdom Come was not too far off and way more immersive come to think of it.

              Now I want an European TES-like..

              • 8 months ago

                >European TES-like.
                Did you not play kingdom come deliverance

              • 8 months ago

                That's what I refer too, Kingdome Come was the best game I played early this year and probably one of the best game I played.. ever. I experienced no bugs (as everything was already patched), and the immersion was breathtaking, it almost felt like an "old school" BGS game, ala Oblivion (which was not their best in all fairness), without the lore / magic / races.

                This kind of engine / craftmanship in an non realistic setting with more of a custom RPG flavor and they'll make bucks.

                Oh and let's not forget :
                > No load screens
                > All buildings are directly accessible

                Gory of the decade.

          • 8 months ago

            >Todd is the only one to make the kinds of games he makes
            Unless you mean shit games, no, he isn't, you just don't care to look or you're a zoomer.

          • 8 months ago

            Play Kingdom Come or Witcher series.
            Bethesda is dead and you're only going to hurt yourself if you put any hopes in TESVI
            Not that it matters anyway since the game is years away, at least two.

            • 8 months ago

              >Play Kingdom Come or Witcher series.
              >Bethesda is dead and you're only going to hurt yourself if you put any hopes in TESVI
              This anon is most likely correct, unfortunately.

            • 8 months ago

              >Play Kingdom Come or Witcher series.
              >Bethesda is dead and you're only going to hurt yourself if you put any hopes in TESVI
              This anon is most likely correct, unfortunately.

              Finally finished Cyberpunk2077 + DLC today.
              I can honestly say it beats Beth at their own niche now since 2.0 + DLC and that's comparing it to Skyrim the superior open world jank, not SF.
              This is without even getting into the more interesting and vastly superior combat mechanics. I don't know how vehicle combat stack up to SF ships because I'm not going to buy boring shit but it does have them even though you can pretty much ignore them beyond taxi service like I did, but that's just giving SF charity points since I am now convinced it is the moronic cripple in this matchup overall.

              I won't replay it and make it a forever frick around game like you would Skyrim, already uninstalled in fact, but that is because it effectively delivered a sci fi dystopia which is not really great for escapism, and once I got the ending I liked (Panam's ofc) to escape from said dystopia I don't want to repeat a lesser iteration of that wandering and prefer to move on to other RPGs, but it would have replay value for many. I will say with the new points and cyberware you basically just end up ignoring one stat alone though, so you can see most of the build combo on one character if you want. I did everything but stealth, skipped hacking too although I had 15 points for it to run smartguns with so I saw most of the hacking menu choices anyway. I also modded it to frick Judy on the same playthrough, which is worth seeing too, and not for 5 second frick but for the unique mission she has.

              It has 6 endings that are extremely well fleshed out over several missions, choices, foreshadowing, etc, and was a game that actually had something interesting to say like a better novel does, so you feel like you were working toward something the whole time instead of the absolute aimlessness of standard open world.

              • 8 months ago

                >and was a game that actually had something interesting to say like a better novel does, so you feel like you were working toward something the whole time

      • 8 months ago

        >back in the day when they were releasing shit like fallout 3 and skyrim, not playing a bethesda release would be inconceivable
        Bruh did Todd groom you in his basement or something? Bethesda was an AA dev before Skyrim.

        • 8 months ago

          bro literally even football player chads knew about fallout 3 when I was in school.
          bethesda has been normalgay-tier since like oblivion

          • 8 months ago

            I was a football player and several of my teammates played Morrowind on Xbox, not PC like me, lmao

          • 8 months ago

            >bethesda has been normalgay-tier since like oblivion
            Yes but it was an AA-normalgay studio.

  6. 8 months ago

    Based Chodd Howard accelerating the crash of gaming so we can start all over again without ESG.

    • 8 months ago

      he really is the savoir of gaming after all

  7. 8 months ago

    I played about fifteen hours and it just made me want to play Skyrim, so I'm playing Skyrim instead.

  8. 8 months ago

    once i watched a couple of youtube vids and realised how shallow gameplay is the game basically died for me
    i was kinda interested initially in space flight and stuff like that but then found out your spaceship is nothing more than a fast travel hub, so starfield dropped into idc territory real fast

  9. 8 months ago


  10. 8 months ago

    I enjoyed it for about 40 hours then was very much done with it and rushed the last bit of main quest to get it over with. I tried NG+ to see what all the fuss is but stopped after about 30 minutes when I realized it's nothing but the same thing again with a tiny barely anything changed.
    Overall I thought it was good. Right now I'm playing Fallout 4 and only now do I realize how much of a step down Starfield really is.

  11. 8 months ago

    I'm still waiting to play this
    I haven't even started to play cp2077, waiting for more patches to be released post 2.0, I'll probably play it around december on its 3rd year anniversary

  12. 8 months ago

    Enjoyed it well enough but what baffles me is how much of a regression it is compared to previous titles in a lot of respects. It just feels lazy. Missing QoL features that have been in Fo76 for years, overall less content variety than other titles at release, barebones, inflexible outpost building, static faction questlines, side quests are even more simplistic than before, AI is entirely on rails.

  13. 8 months ago

    It's not but it's a million times better than Morroshit.

  14. 8 months ago

    I find it fascinating that there are people on this board (or anywhere on the internet for that matter) right now that genuinely believe Skyrim and/or Fallout 4 somehow had less bad dialogue or character or RPG elements, or weapons variety or other elements
    There's humans who actually sat down and wrote
    >dude Starfield is less of an RPG than Skyrim man
    or something similar

    • 8 months ago

      >genuinely believe Skyrim and/or Fallout 4 somehow had less bad dialogue or character or RPG elements, or weapons variety or other elements
      "It's not worse than Skyrim" isn't great for a game released in 2023

      • 8 months ago

        >"It's not worse than Skyrim" isn't great for a game released in 2023
        That wasn't the point, anon.

        • 8 months ago

          I haven't seen anyone say it isn't an RPG other than trolls who say that to every game

  15. 8 months ago

    even reddit has turned on it RIP

  16. 8 months ago

    6 out of 10

  17. 8 months ago

    The game fricking sucks. Worst game Bethesda has ever produced, and I'm speaking as someone who loves TES. Starfield is one of the laziest games ever produced. There's nothing to explore, the factions are boring, the religions are boring, and the quests are boring too. I can't name a single quest in Starfield that actually felt fun. In Oblivion you had that quest for Sanguine where you disrobe all the NPC's at a party and the one where you physically enter a painting just to frick around and in Skyrim you could go into the mind of a dead Emperor and help him deal with nightmares. A lot of the hand crafted quests were enjoyable. In Starfield there's none of that. Even the faction quests feel like jobber misc quests in Starfield. There's nothing creative and even the landscapes feel soulless, and the lack of conflict in the setting makes everything feel dull and uninteresting. In TES you have like 10 or so different races who all hate each other and have different cultures and within their own providences they have their own struggles within themselves. In Starfield, culture doesn't seem to be something that exists. There isn't even class struggles, everything feels shallow. Frick this game.

  18. 8 months ago

    It's a mediocre game that will undoubtedly be improved by mods in due time.

  19. 8 months ago

    It’s crazy how quickly people turned on this game

    • 8 months ago

      cause its fricking awful. Indefensibly bad game design

  20. 8 months ago

    It's serviceable, but might just be their laziest game yet. A major disappointment and a regression on previous titles in most aspects. A lot of the scope of the game feels like just there as a way camouflage how little vertical content there actually is.

  21. 8 months ago

    It is the zenith example of "Mods will fix it :^)" put on the world stage. They made a completely barren and lifeless void of space and relied desperately on the repeated narrative of "Some modder will totally just put Skyrim on a planet!" as a selling point without anything else to justify buying or playing it right now. The entire story is exceptionally flat and without substance or style, the entire aesthetic is as boring as can imaginably be (the "NASApunk" cope doesn't suffice to make it any more entertaining), the gunplay is boilerplate and without any actual interesting weaponry, and there is not a single memorable track in the entire OST.

    The game, in seven or more years, might legitimately wind up propped up by overzealous modders (hopefully on payroll) who create really wonderful experiences on the foundations this game formed. The idea that the game itself is "good" is laughable, most especially with the litany of other high-profile games released this year that are considered masterpieces played vanilla from start to finish. Starfield's required sold dream of "Mods can make a dumpster fire good" are predicated on the notion that the dumpster fire cannot be seen as good on its own. No, it is not a good game, and it won't even be able to be considered a good game with mods for a long time to come.

    • 8 months ago

      Unironically the Wastelander's DLC for Fallout 76 has more content, is better written, and is more engaging than the entirety of Starfield, and 76 is a complete dumpster fire of a garbage game that should never have existed to begin with. The sheer laziness of Starfield is astounding.

  22. 8 months ago

    I think Bethesda is finally fixing it.

    It only crashed on me 10 times yesterday.

    • 8 months ago

      The game was pretty boring and has 0 replay value, but it's never crashed once for me. Does your comp just suck?

  23. 8 months ago

    The game is fundamentally garbage

    • 8 months ago

      >The game is fun-

  24. 8 months ago

    dunno haven't played it

  25. 8 months ago

    Starfield feels AI-generated and it's legitimately the only game I think I've ever played where I can say that.

    The fact that it did not get laughed out of the room by literally every reviewer on the planet just shows that anything flies these days, even complete garbage. A dev with that much money, that much experience, and that big a team, should never even have the courage to show something like this in public.

  26. 8 months ago

    > Diversity is my anti-LSD.
    I tell you it is good by Vishnu.

  27. 8 months ago


  28. 8 months ago

    It impressed me a lot at first glance, started playing 5 days before release.

    After 70 hours I stopped overlooking the problems the game has.

    Ironically by making this game on purpose to be played for years they fricked up the replayability a lot, now there's almost zero reasons to make more than one character.

    The leveling is fricked up, it's a fricking eternity to make any build and you are forced to pick a lot of skills you don't really want or need. That happens because they made the skill tree thinking on a very long term playthroug. But in the end you'll just make every character a jack of all trades.

    The game is divided in bubbles. You have the "exploration" bubble, the quest bubble and the space bubble.

    exploration became worse since now you now for a fact that while exploring you won't just find some big quest line, at best you'll find someone with a small fetch quest but usually is just a lot of outposts to clear.

    The space is just orbiting planets and dealing with whatever was already there when you arrived, no way to fly around and stumble upon something.

    questlines are slightly better than prior games on some aspects and worse on others.

    I'm now 180 hours in and the last time I played the game was 5 days ago just to see a new mod.

    It also has other problems and downgrades like looting is now random instead of getting what you see other characters using, crafting became much worse than in fallout 4, companions are worse and all of them have basically the same personality and attitude and the game is overral way less cohesive and meaningful.

  29. 8 months ago


  30. 8 months ago

    TES6 will be the exact same piece of shit as this garbage

  31. 8 months ago

    Kinda glad it sucked, giving me a chance to clear backlog.

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