Now that the Primaris have been around for half a decade, have you finally grown to accept them?

Now that the Primaris have been around for half a decade, have you finally grown to accept them? Besides their shoddy introduction lore, do you actually like them?

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  1. 9 months ago

    No, frick GW and the future is 3d printing.

    • 9 months ago

      >3D printing will kill GW!

      • 9 months ago

        >community made rules updated and released in real time instead of waiting for and purchasing books
        >stl filesharing abundantly available by the community on various sites with detailed resin prints with better quality than Citadel
        >simps continue to give more money to GW to artificially keep it alive
        Sure pal, your friends at GW need to eat too, right? I haven't bought a single GW product since I got my 3d printer and haven't looked back.
        Hurry up with your stockpile! Dreadnoughts will cost $100 each before you know it.

        • 9 months ago

          >basic wood working tools are going to destroy ikea!!!!

    • 9 months ago

      Hello saar

  2. 9 months ago

    Anon, people still complain about nucrons, none of the moronic troglodytes here has the capacity to just "move on" and "accept things". There is only endless vitriol, arguing, and shitposting.

    • 9 months ago

      Aren't the people who Nucrons just a vocal minority or something? I thought most people liked it when the Necrons were no longer just boring, soulless Terminators with no personality.

      • 9 months ago

        It's always a loud minority, we are on the internet after all, Ganker(nel) specifically.

      • 9 months ago

        >Nucron Lore
        I dislike it
        >Nucron rules
        >Nucrons having more than ONE viable army list
        an improvement
        >Nucron Models
        Mixed bag

      • 9 months ago

        >the Necrons were no longer just boring, soulless Terminators with no personality.

        But being soulless terminators with no personality was exactly what made them interesting!

        Now that the Primaris have been around for half a decade, have you finally grown to accept them? Besides their shoddy introduction lore, do you actually like them?

        I'm OK-ish with new models (I dislike the fact that most of them look exactly the same), but my hatred for primaris lore is burning as bright as ever. It's shit. It's bad. It needs to be retconed. Fortunately it seems GW is doing exactly that.

      • 9 months ago

        >souless Terminators
        tell me how I know all the media you consume must be quippy marvel movies

        • 9 months ago

          Because you watch so much of it like the homosexual moron you are?

        • 9 months ago

          >marvel marvel marvel marvel
          You're pathethic and tiresome.

      • 9 months ago

        The new rules were fine and needed.
        Some new models were great while others sucked.
        Lore is the only thing people were rightfully mad about. Necrons were “boring and mysterious terminators” because 3ed codex narrated everything from Imperium’s point of view. I'm ok with some Necrons having personality and agendas though. In fact, the could still serve the C’Tans and trying to execute their great plan to isolate the Warp for good, but in their own way. The Nightbringer and the Deceiver could still hibernating (delegating on Necron leaders) because there's too much warp frickery (except for some shards to have ocasional fun). Necron's main mission could be to liberate the Void Dragon, which they need to complete their plan. The problem is that it would require destroying Terra and Mars, which they can’t because the Astronomican warp presence cucks them from reaching the Solar System. That also would explain why they needed Pariahs so bad.

      • 9 months ago

        Back in the day the first necron codex made them actually scary, threatening and mysterious soulless terminators. Now they're lame saturday morning cartoon characters like Skeletor

        • 9 months ago

          This. morons don't understand that being a souless, mysterious automaton actually gives it soul.

        • 9 months ago

          This. morons don't understand that being a souless, mysterious automaton actually gives it soul.

          The problem of being just cold robots is that there ins't much you can do with them, the Tyranids work as mindless creatures because the Hivemind and the genestealers still have their own personalities.

          • 9 months ago

            Why would you choose souless automatons if you want distinct personality tho'?

          • 9 months ago

            >The problem of being just cold robots is that there ins't much you can do with them,

            There is loads they can do and could have done with them as cold robot skeletons. The issue that lead to there change was that 40k shifted to being more character/special character focused.

      • 9 months ago

        Frick them forever. I will never accept them since they will be forever seen by me as a cashgrab.
        Only extremely few things I like about some of the models, but everything else should be retconned into oblivion.

        I like them but I miss Oldcrons.
        GW should've instead have both Crons exist simultaneously and hating each other with a passion that looks bleak compared to the hate Marines and Chaos Marines have. Would've made it more interesting.
        Not to mention both having different rules and in case of Oldcrons taking C'Tan as HQ choices like it was in the older codexes before 5th ED.

      • 9 months ago

        Anon, people still complain about nucrons, none of the moronic troglodytes here has the capacity to just "move on" and "accept things". There is only endless vitriol, arguing, and shitposting.

        Is there room for an actual soulless AI machine army, or Men or Iron 2.0, with necrons distinctly being formerly flesh and blood.

        • 9 months ago

          we almost got that with votann, i mean its kinda what votann are

      • 9 months ago

        I would have strongly preferred that instead of making necrons just tomb kangs in space with petty bickering leaders that are just metal skeleton versions of everyone elses petty bickering leaders, they instead chose to stick to their guns on the c'tan being in charge and made more of them, as well as a build-your-own-c'tan kit and rules
        have all the robots be automatons and make the difference in style be based on the whims of the star-god in charge of your local tomb.
        this gives plenty of personality and flavour while preserving the way they were.

        • 9 months ago

          the problem with Necrons is after their first remodelling of the range (which doubled up as their real official release) GW didn't appear to know what to do with them. They didn't add anything to the range for a long time.

      • 9 months ago

        They had personality. You just didn't like it, and you're too fricking stupid to understand the difference between "I don't like thing" and "thing bad plz fix".


        The problem of being just cold robots is that there ins't much you can do with them, the Tyranids work as mindless creatures because the Hivemind and the genestealers still have their own personalities.

        >the Tyranids work as mindless creatures because the Hivemind and the genestealers still have their own personalities.
        I don't think you know what "personality" means at all

      • 9 months ago

        >Baby carrier

        5th edition and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race

        • 9 months ago

          5th SM codex, the Ultramarines are the best and envied by everyone, was also horrible.
          DE 5th codex was absolute kino though

          • 9 months ago

            I still have Deldar codex, it really was amazing.
            Now half of their range isnt even printed anymore and its just sad.
            I still miss Sliscus, he was cool as hell.

      • 9 months ago

        Eeeeeeeeeeeeeh....Nucrons are just an inferior Tomb Kings. A really inferior Tomb Kings. I don't know if I hate them but...they disappoint me on many levels and just make me miss Warhammer Fantasy.
        The world, not the game. The game was pretty ass towards the end.

      • 8 months ago

        c'tan are still the rulers, heretic.

      • 8 months ago

        >Aren't the people who Nucrons just a vocal minority or something?
        Nah, just /tg/

    • 9 months ago

      >Anon, people still complain about nucrons
      And rightly so.

    • 9 months ago

      Trazyn, Imotekh and Zhandrekh singlehandedly made Necrons interesting and actually fun. But this made people here b***h that Necrons are reddit now so "Nucrons bad"

    • 9 months ago

      Funny thing that, players spend thousands of pounds on a model collection, only to be told by the company that sold them that they should replace them now. Then the company and it's shills wonder why the players want to keep hold of their current models instead of 'moving on' and accepting the pointless changes the company is trying to push.

    • 9 months ago

      >people have taste and don't just get excited for new product when they're told to like me, le cultured gentleman
      And frick all necrons and whatever else newbie bullshit they come out with

    • 8 months ago

      >none of the moronic troglodytes here has the capacity to just "move on" and "accept things"
      I would like to see you 'moving on' and 'accepting things' when you were offered to eat a burger with shit instead of cheese. You are not a moronic troglodyte, obsessed with cheese, aren't you?

      • 8 months ago

        >Ganker user compares a thing he doesn't like to coprophagia

        • 8 months ago

          Actually I believe the correct response is:
          >food analogy

          • 8 months ago

            Food analogies are valid because food is universal
            Eating shit isn't

  3. 9 months ago

    No and no. Any more questions?

  4. 9 months ago

    >have you finally grown to accept them?
    i largely stopped caring for 40k, so im indifferent
    >do you actually like them?
    No. They are just regular space marine but with the option to fall to chaos removed. So their narrative potencial is smaller then before. Some models are nice, however. So i guess there is that

    • 9 months ago

      >but with the option to fall to chaos removed
      They can still fall, but so far the only instance was the blood curse unleashed by angron after stabbing what was basically a mini astronomican.

      • 9 months ago

        yeah, but the blood curse doesnt really count. Thats not a case of "my moral flaws led my down a path do betrayal and damnation", that was "chaos radiation beam hit me really hard, so i started growing spikes and went mental."

        • 8 months ago

          bad news about this guy called 'horus' you might have heard of

  5. 9 months ago

    No. They're shit. I hate GW for them and I hate GW for destroying Fantasy and will always hate them for it.

  6. 9 months ago

    >accept them?
    >like them?
    No. Neither. I think they’re newgen trash made by people who didn’t understand what made 40k cool or charming. While good models from a technical standpoint, they completely lack any artistry or soul.

    It’s a shame that GW went that direction.

    • 9 months ago

      They look exactly the same except less shit. The firstborn marines just have oversized shoulderpads and a pigface and that's about it.

      • 9 months ago

        >Zoomer paypig has shit opinion

        • 9 months ago

          This is either piss poor bait or you are a mentally stunted bootlicker. Frick off into traffic.

          >buzzword buzzword buzzword

  7. 9 months ago

    I don't like the helmets, should have stayed with the aquila helmet or went back to the corvus beakie, and I think the design of the armour itself is quite alright (I don't like the phobos one, but that's because I don't like tacticool stuff)
    Once you realize that the entire redesign was there so GW could have a solid copyright everything makes more sense. It's a real shame they fumbled it hard with introducing them into the lore and onto the tabletop (but that's GW, 2 steps forward 2 steps back)

    • 9 months ago

      how does that copyright work?

      • 9 months ago

        It’s not “Space Marines” now, it’s Primaris Astartes. The name making it “unique to the franchise” and thus enforceable in court against recasters and 3rd party model makers. They now have a “distinctive look created by Games Workshop”. It goes back to their loss against 3rd party model makers for models that were in the rules, but didn’t receive a model officially (thus their likeness couldn’t be defended). Notice how there are only rules for models that exist on their store? Notice how Necrons and Astartes had a general design change? Notice all the names for generic races changed? It’s all because of GW positioning itself to be able to defend its IP in court.

        • 9 months ago

          Meanwhile, in real world, the book still has title Codex: Space Marines.

  8. 9 months ago

    Why are there so many people who hate Primaris in these types of threads, and yet there so many anons in /40kg/ who proudly post their Primaris models?

    • 9 months ago

      >yet there so many anons in /40kg/ who proudly post their Primaris models?
      But there aren’t.

    • 8 months ago

      It's one c**t samegayging the whole thread.

  9. 9 months ago

    For me, there was no need (other than financially) to radically revamp the poster boy faction. To make the special boys even more special. Even if it does make the pigs honk and squeal on a quarterly basis.

    Added to how bad the nu-fluff is for 40k and HH, it just seems like lesser creatives are damaging what those before them built, so they can have their mark on 40k. Like it's going back a bit but Matt Ward explicitly said he wanted to leave "his mark" on 40k as a setting, what a prick.

    • 9 months ago

      >no need (other than financially)
      In other words, a dire need and frick what the players like, piggies will buy it anyway.

    • 9 months ago

      >lesser creatives are damaging what those before them built, so they can have their mark on 40k
      This type of selfish arrogance is whats destroying everything. Losers who care more about their own laundry list of achievements over the things they are engaging with.

  10. 9 months ago

    Nope, still hate them, especially the aspect warrior style squads

  11. 9 months ago

    I will never accept israeli tricks.

  12. 9 months ago

    Even completely disregarding the lore: No.
    Space Marines were always meant to be the 'generalist' faction until suddenly GW decided they weren't and we got power-armored aspect warriors instead.
    From a visual standpoint I think the fact that the latest releases are bringing back older designs like terminators and assault marines speaks for itself.

    • 9 months ago

      Those are Jump Pack Intercessors not Assualt Squads. Stop using those shitty old names. Get with the times

      • 9 months ago

        This is either piss poor bait or you are a mentally stunted bootlicker. Frick off into traffic.

  13. 9 months ago

    Didn't care about marine 5 years ago and still don't care about them now.
    Orks and tyranids are varied enough that I don't get bored of them even after all this time.

  14. 9 months ago

    Not really. Regardless of the fluff, which you can ignore, the models themselves are just not all that great.
    >too large for tabletop games
    >all awkwardly posed and weirdly bloated or stiff
    >details are sharp but they distract from the silhouette
    >tactical rocks for everyone
    >sprues are split up in these schizo patterns so mixing and matching bits is a nightmare
    >mono squad loadouts. the switch aspect orks was bad enough but it's extra shitty here
    >moronic vehicles with guns poking out everywhere
    >also stubbers instead of bolters because ???
    >unit names are moronic. intercessor invictor incursor infiltrator impuslor inceptor
    >then throw in rievers and hellblasters to break the pattern but still sound gay
    inb4 wordswordswords no they're frickin shit and therefore perfect for modern 40k. I'll keep playing old editions or custom rules with my buds

  15. 9 months ago

    These Firstborn homosexuals had half a decade to get with the program, and they're shocked that GW finally starts phasing them out. They deserve this shit for being too gullible to realize this.

    These Anti-Primaris morons are just as stupid as the homosexuals who are still mad that Fantasy died and AoS is flourishing. Frick em

    • 9 months ago

      >These Anti-Primaris morons are just as stupid as the homosexuals who are still mad that Fantasy died and AoS is flourishing. Frick em

      Lol, you could as well sign it "It is I, mister without a single miniature in my collection". Praising primarishit AND AoS in one post is just too much.

    • 9 months ago

      firstborn vs primaris is illusionary anyway. All the marines are now primaris

      Even completely disregarding the lore: No.
      Space Marines were always meant to be the 'generalist' faction until suddenly GW decided they weren't and we got power-armored aspect warriors instead.
      From a visual standpoint I think the fact that the latest releases are bringing back older designs like terminators and assault marines speaks for itself.

      wtf are you saying? marines always had a specialists unit for every role

      • 9 months ago

        >marines always had a specialists unit for every role
        no, marines had an assault squad, a heavy weapon team and a line infantry. now they have "the plasma squad", "the melta squad" and "the rocket squad". which is exactly what eldar aspect warriors are.

        • 9 months ago

          No Eldar have specialist units, so do Marines. They just have different specialists.
          Devastators are heavy weapons
          Assault are fast attack
          Scouts are infiltrators

          Eldar aspect warriors have
          melee squad
          melee squad
          melee squad
          Heavy weapons
          Jump packs
          Same shit done differently.

          • 9 months ago

            You're either moronic or illiterate. Having dedicated uniform squads of a single specialist unit was an eldar thing. If eldar were organized the same way as marines were, you'd have squads of guardians, with the option to upgrade two to be dire avengers or wraithguard.
            The weaponry itself doesn't matter, it's the fact that marines are now mono-loadout squads. You can't have a squad of devastators with two lascannons and two rocket launchers; it's all hellblasters or whatever.

            • 9 months ago

              moron marines have always been specialists
              you are complaining they are even more specialist

              >"wow this stuff is so garbage it's turning me off from the very concept of space marines"
              >DATS Y U SHUD BUY IT, HURRRRR
              HHcucks really will just try to get everyone to buy into their slop.

              no one understands what you are saying because you are an asspie.
              >waah HH butthurt me waah
              Their tacticals make perfect true scale first born. You are just stupid.

              • 9 months ago

                no, they were specialists in the horus heresy game, and thus uniform marine squads are a post-dated retcon. 40k marines were generalist elite units, ready to drop in and kick the shit out of whatever they saw and frick off again. That's why you'd have a flamer and a rocket launcher in your tactical squad, so one unit could deal with anything from swarms to medium armor.

              • 8 months ago

                >one unit could deal with anything from swarms to medium armor.
                Okay as a Chaos player who can do same thing with legionaires, did that one shot with a plasma or rocket ever really matter? Like it's nice to have but I wouldn't be crying about my ability to run them if I lost it.

        • 9 months ago

          Sooner or later tacticals and devastators will get rolled into intercessors and heavy intercessors - and vanguard vets will have sternguard treatment (MkX with Mk VI/VII helmets and Mk II/III pauldrons - hopefully they keep Mk VII jumppacks, but doubtful).
          Then they probably forget about primaris lore altogether and just say marines were like that since times immemporial and all who say otherwise are heretics *BLAM*.

          • 9 months ago

            Heavy ints are imo more heavy tacticals, in the same way regular ints are medium tacs and infiltrators are light ints.
            If anything I wouldn't be surprised to see a Devastator Intercessor squad which is just tacticus bodies with all heavy bolters especially after the company heroes being "hey, what would the endpoint of the classic triad look" and including a heavy bolter dude with asymetric armour which means there is a CAT-file for that style of model.

          • 9 months ago

            Inb4 VanVets will get turned into shrike-esque phobos veterans to make a pun on the "vanguard" bit in their name. Mark my words.

    • 9 months ago

      thank god I have over 4 tb of 40k minis on my hard drive.

    • 9 months ago

      Nah I know what's coming and I'm gonna fight it to the last. Next on the docket is to start converting Primaris vehicles to firstborn riders, and after that to start giving my tac marines intercessor corpse phone books. "Oh yeah it's an intercessor, see he's right there, under the foot of a better marine. He's the right height too, so it's not modelling for advantage"

    • 9 months ago

      Just hurry up and kill the Tactical Squad already.

    • 8 months ago

      This absolutely shit on the lore and feelings of the setting and you know it.

  16. 9 months ago

    No, their core design is inherently flawed and they aswell as all the lore associated with them should be retconned out of existence.

  17. 9 months ago

    People are moronic and will whine about literally everything

  18. 9 months ago

    At this point GW is slowly walking the Primaris back.
    Bringing out old classic units and dropping the Primaris names.
    Eventually Primaris will just be a foot note in the Codex.

  19. 9 months ago

    It literally killed what little interest in space marines I had that HH hadn't already killed. I never got around to buying that boxnaught and handful of tactical and/or assault boys I was going to paint up for fun after I finished my backlog, and now I don't have to worry about ever getting any.

    • 9 months ago

      >not buying HH tacticals and the new termies and running them as 40k
      you pleb

      • 9 months ago

        I just don't care for HH marines and their dumb ork logic designs, plus still no boxnaught.

      • 9 months ago

        >"HH killed my interest in marines"
        Holy frick HHcucks are moronic.

        • 9 months ago

          Holy shit you are literally brain damaged you moron.
          Just frick off already

          • 9 months ago

            >being such a fake fan secondary hes too dumb to understand HH marines can be used in 40k
            moron go leave

            Read ESL chimp read. Anon didnt say anything about HH, they said use HH as 40k. They make even better marines.
            You god damn actual cuckold crying over pointless shit.

            >"wow this stuff is so garbage it's turning me off from the very concept of space marines"
            HHcucks really will just try to get everyone to buy into their slop.

        • 9 months ago

          >being such a fake fan secondary hes too dumb to understand HH marines can be used in 40k
          moron go leave

        • 9 months ago

          Read ESL chimp read. Anon didnt say anything about HH, they said use HH as 40k. They make even better marines.
          You god damn actual cuckold crying over pointless shit.

  20. 9 months ago

    I don't mind the design that much though I do prefer the derpy darth vader helmets.
    The problem is that it should've been just a line refresh instead of making a huge deal out of it with a pants on head moronic in universe event tied to it.
    Straight up replacing old kits with basically the same thing but slightly different like Rhino > Impulsor etc is especially annoying too. I would get some Whirlwinds but why would I when they're gonna get squatted in a few years just as new Primaris Tornadus™ or whatever comes out.

  21. 9 months ago

    I like the nu-armor set and toys they get, hate everything else about them.

  22. 9 months ago

    Nah, frick shitmaris and frick you. If anything, they vindicated my decision to drop 40k entirely even more.

  23. 9 months ago

    What are 'Primaris?'
    That's just a space marine.

  24. 9 months ago

    No, Space Marines already had too many units and their elite and HQ units are severely lacking in decorations.

  25. 9 months ago


  26. 9 months ago

    When will the Primaris vs Manlet culture war finally end?

  27. 9 months ago

    No, I sold my armies on ebay and moved on from 40k

  28. 9 months ago

    Why don't you guys just mix and match? I have a bunch of .stl files of primaris and first born and I mix and match marine parts to make stuff that looks cool. Like check these out, they started out as regular firstborn marines but I stripped the heads, took off a backpack nozzle for one that has an armament, replacement shoulder pads, replaced legs with bionic ones, replaced arms with bionic ones and added purity seals. The heads I'll add on after. These should come out pretty neat. I don't see why you can't just do this with primaris kits as well.

    • 9 months ago

      You can and should mix and match, it totally fixes the aesthetic of the new marines. The problem now is that GW made all the marines look the same and new and shiney and not ancient battle hardened warrior monks, but made all the guardsmen look slightly variated, especially with the different backpacks and lasguns etc. It should be the other way round.

  29. 9 months ago


  30. 9 months ago

    Nope and nope.

    • 9 months ago

      >that pic
      theyll still buy it

  31. 9 months ago

    If anything, I hate them more

  32. 9 months ago

    Basic infantry sculpts are fine, although with some caveats, especially kneepads and heads. Unit names are completely bonkers. Unit loadouts are Eldar tryhard level master of one thing idiocy. Vehicles look like trash, apart from the bikes.

    Overall, I'm not impressed, especially after Liber Astartes.

  33. 9 months ago

    I think Primaris was the final nail in the coffin for me. The designs are all over the place and they suffer from some marry sue lore type things. Alot of chapters have had their lore ruined by the introduction of the Primaris, especially second founding and other successor chapters. They also inadvertently make Chaos lore more stupid as they kill the idea of space marine renegades who are on the slow decent to the road of Chaos.

    Also of their design seems to have been done by people who have little to no history with the lore of Warhammer and instead take alot of ques from things like titan fall, overwatch and other modern pop culture references instead of sticking to the 1980’s/90’s caterpillar tractor meets cathedral look of alot of the Space Marine’s earlier stuff.

    At a certain point GW stopped seeming to be very creative for me and that’s where I stopped enjoying their stuff. I am not sure exactly when/where that place was, but as someone who literally grew up with Warhammer being my favorite setting, it does not sit well with me to see the setting in the position it’s in now.

    • 9 months ago

      Also I want to throw out the fact that GW let one of the largest creative driving forces drop with Primaris Marines: Historical Influence

      Alot of what makes 40k so interesting it that it draws upon historical settings and blends them with fantasy tropes and H.P. Lovecraft inspired horror.

      I was hoping that we would see a West/East Imperium split similar to the Roman Empire with the Primaris Marines being the new knights of the West while in the East we Byzantine like amalgamations of old tech, armor marks ect all slapped together in an effort to be as utilitarian as possible to counter the lack of support from the Western Imperium. It would allow for different flavors of space marines similar to how we have the tacticool marines and the regular intercessors acting as different stormcast chambers but instead what we got was a streamlining of the space marines where everyone is an ultramarine with just a different coat of paint on them.

    • 9 months ago

      Everything you just said is pretty much gone now, Primaris are just 3 new armors at this point.

      • 9 months ago

        >Regular primaris
        >Tacticool primaris
        >Scary melee primaris
        >Regular melee primaris
        >Heavy jump primaris
        >Regular jump primaris
        >Floaty boi primaris
        >Scout Primaris
        >Sniper Primaris
        >Missile Primaris
        >Heavy mech primaris
        >Mini Centurion Primaris
        What else am I missing?

  34. 9 months ago

    retro painting schemes and retro models are all the rage now.
    people are buying up 2nd edition models like crazy and the prices are going up because everyone has realized that things were better before.
    and thats not just warhams, magic, starwars, marvelcapeshit, etc was all better before current years

  35. 9 months ago

    Why would I accept shit just because it's marinated? Frick off shill.

  36. 9 months ago

    I still don't understand why their introduction was necessary, like if GeeWee wanted new marine sculpts they could have just made them, no?

    • 9 months ago

      Because a simple scale change would not invalidate the 20+ years of secondary market that had sprung up as an end run around the ever increasing prices of GW.

  37. 9 months ago

    No, I still hate them and everything about them. Also they made me drop 40k

  38. 9 months ago

    Nope, still suck. Time can make shit stink less but shit is shit

  39. 9 months ago

    No, the models are way too uniform, the weapons and helmets look like shit compared to the originals, and there's no customizability anymore (example: 7e captain had 9 melee and 9 gun options, 10e captain has 4 of each and no additional wargear options except for a shield locked to a specific melee weapon). The lore is terrible. Also Phobos and Gravis armor are gay as frick, nobody thought Weenie Hut Jr Terminators and Scouts needed their own awful-looking armies shoved into an already bloated roster.

  40. 9 months ago

    As minis I like how fun to paint they are and some of the sculpts are very nice. Other than that I really dislike them. The helmets are generic as frick and don't convey anything gothic or knightly, and bolters with big giant Fisher Price optics look moronic. I haven't followed the lore since it shat the bed after 3rd so whatever

  41. 9 months ago

    I don't like the knee shields

    • 9 months ago

      Literally the worst bit of the design and really difficult to fix, plus some smoothbrain chimp in their “” design “” department has decided that it’s such an important part of the design language that it appears on (and ruins) almost every model.

    • 9 months ago

      Literally the worst bit of the design and really difficult to fix, plus some smoothbrain chimp in their “” design “” department has decided that it’s such an important part of the design language that it appears on (and ruins) almost every model.

      Honestly the biggest offender of the toy line.

  42. 9 months ago

    They're basically the embodiment of everything wrong with 40k even ignoring the garbage lore.

  43. 9 months ago

    I like them even less now that they're explicitly replacing real marine units

    • 9 months ago

      They can push tacticus all they want, since they are doing what you just said and told that you can actually use old bikers as outriders - it's OK to use manlets/HH minis as intercessors etc. They gonna roll tacticals and devastators into intercessors/heavy intercessors eventually anyway, so why bother? Frick them.

      • 9 months ago

        >it's OK to use manlets/HH minis as intercessors
        It's always been okay for you to use old/ugly models. But at that point you might as well be playing with green plastic army men if you're going to be proxying things

        • 9 months ago

          But that isn't PROXYING, that's the whole point.

          • 9 months ago

            >it's not proxying to use another item to represent something else
            Bro read a book

            • 8 months ago

              >read a book
              Mucho texto posters need to do this to curb their short attention span.

  44. 9 months ago

    Indifferent to the lore. Outside of the occasional character I've never really cared about specifics. It's a setting for my dudes to romp around, not a story I need to adhere to.
    As for minis I just don't like the knees and most helmets. If I ever bothered grabbing any I'd probably just assume they're just my guys wearing the newest toys outta mars.

  45. 9 months ago


  46. 9 months ago

    You guys don't all just act like primaris don't exist and the new minis are just big?

  47. 9 months ago

    After painting some Deathwatch Vets along with some Primaris Marines, the larger scale is more pleasant to paint.

  48. 9 months ago

    There will be no such thing as Firstborn or Primaris anymore. GW will 1984 this shit so that Primaris were the default marines all along. Newcomers to the franchise will never know that Firstborn were ever a thing. Loyalist Firstborn will never appear in future 40k media again. All future 40k video games, books and shows will have zero firstborn

    • 9 months ago

      Then Primaris will also invade 30k and squat firstborns out of existence

      • 9 months ago

        judging by the nu-beakies and raping the iconic look of Mk3 the primarification of 30k is well under way.

  49. 9 months ago

    Time passage does not excuse shit quality. Primaris are guilty of:
    >Incorrect designs of Phobos and Gravis line
    >Awful vehicles. All of them. And they as well have incorrect designs
    >Tacticus line is better but model kits are shit by being too uniform. All breastplates are this same, all helmets, all pauldrons, can't even rotate their torsos normally. As a result units look too samey, issue which is magnified by repetitive dynamic anime poses
    >Tacticus core design choices like a big collar, kneepads and their helmets are bad anyway, simply not as bad as a Phobos mistake
    >units are overly specialized and lacking in variety. Tacticals have meaningful TECHNICAL and VISUAL difference between stuff like plasma gun, flamethrower and a generic bolt gun. Intercessors have 3 types of a Boltgun that vary only with slight differences in a magazine and scope size. Utterly moronic, boring an nonfunctional in a tabletop miniature wargame
    >They bloated Marine codex with pointless Aspect Warriors
    >Their lore is awful and they were completely asspulled. Even their initial supposed differences from trve marines like missing genetic flaws or being incorruptible missed the point of their faction and setting itself
    >Most of all, their models have incorrect scale by being too large, which makes them looks moronic when put next to any other faction, because they are blatantly designed for a different wargame in a different scale.
    There is no fixing them. They will never be good. Anyone who likes them has a bad taste, should feel bad and should be reminded of this. There is no reason to buy them when massively superior HH, 3rd party and 3d printed marine models exist

    • 8 months ago

      the wargear is being backpedaled. intercessors just have one boltgun profile now, etc. it's a bit weird that tacticals have "old" gun profiles now, but maybe that's what makes tacticals unique

  50. 9 months ago

    >have you finally grown to accept them?
    Only good looking ones.
    Lore is still bad as Invader ATV

  51. 9 months ago

    I like primaris models but dislike the ass pull in lore.

  52. 9 months ago

    The answer is still no.

  53. 9 months ago

    I play Aeldari, I've miniatures still sold that are older than most Space marines around nowadays. I could not give a frick more about Primaris.

    • 9 months ago

      Older than most space marine players even.
      Thank frick there's a bunch of good eldar makers.

      • 9 months ago

        Hawks aren't too bad, they got a refresh sometime in 3rd I think? Warp Spiders are proper old though, possibly the oldest sculpt still in production?

        • 9 months ago

          Their wings are the same as the first ones, from 1987. But yeah, the spiders, unupdated phoenix lords, the vyper and falcon are from '93.
          Honestly though, i think the vyper and falcon still looks good, but the molds are warped nowadays.

          • 8 months ago

            The Falcon is an unironically timeless kit. I just wish that the Type II conversion kit that Forge World used to make could be found anywhere apart from one recaster that you can't buy from any more because they're Russian.

  54. 9 months ago

    I want them to look industrial, not clean like the Tau. I don't like the new helmets, but I can see why they wanted to move away from the older Stormtrooper-esq design. I don't like the bolt rifles at all, the bolter should have been untouched. I despise the circular tube section of them. I don't like the idea of scopes and rails because surely the helmet should provide targeting data and the weapon should be fired from the hip, or something more like robocop. Still undecided on the kneepads

  55. 9 months ago

    I preffer what HH is doing with updated marines than primais. I don't hate the new primaris models except for little details like the helmet or the bubbles in the knees, but with a headswap they look ok.
    Their fluff is just wrong though, and Also I will always be mad about the marine civil war opportunity lost.

    Ah! and are phobos are shit.

  56. 9 months ago

    I'm not a fan of their grav-rhinos or whatever those goofy hover tanks are called

  57. 9 months ago


    Firstborn marines are ugly and I'm tired of pretending they are not.

  58. 9 months ago

    Third parties have been producing offbrand spacemarines for years, I don't see why I should get angry if GW wants to make some too.

    They range from interesting to shite but they skew shite. Brand new variant weapon systems for a game that used the same weapon statblocks for guard, sisters, marines, Inquisitors across 10k years of ingame different designs and patterns- it's nonsense.

    The aggressors and their floaty buddies are the worst offenders- discount battlesuits. Marines had a solution for additional armour in breachers, that could have been cool to explore. They could have redone terminators with new weapon options, like twin hand flamers and missile racks for all and sundry.
    Handing plasmaguns to jump pack marines to create a mobile shooty unit that wasn't on bikes? Fine.

    But nobody asked for fat marines. Nobody asked for diet marines either Phobos. I see you trying to slink off. There could have been a pared down slim variant mark VI that hewed closer to the RT model vibes but with modern proportions.

    Thats if you insist on making power armour sneaky instead of just fleshing out scouts.

    So much could have been done instead of shitting out Lieutenants and floato tanks and bad infantry designs.

    But here we are, lore in the toilet and new players don't know any better.

  59. 9 months ago

    As someone who doesn't play space marines, I think that some of the Gravis models (NOT Inceptors) look pretty good.

  60. 9 months ago

    Not at all.
    >Have to rebuy army
    >Half the playable armies don't keep up with power creep
    >BBC Space Wolves

  61. 9 months ago

    i prefer their armor design.
    i always foung the normal ones moronic.

  62. 9 months ago

    no, and I never ever will
    I dislike the design choices that set them apart from the previous era of marines on a fundamental level

  63. 9 months ago

    it's literally just the helmet
    and maybe shit like the atv
    i don't believe for a second anyone gives a single shit about anything else

    • 9 months ago

      I don't like the plastron on the chest, the diagonal vents that look like ribs on the torso and basically the entire lower leg (knees are fine).

      But the real root cause is that GW can't design space marine stuff anymore. Ever since the storm talon and centurions all the new designs and concepts have been shit.

      • 9 months ago

        its because one of their higher ups thinks its a toyline.
        Instead of coming up with fluffy units with grounded tech eg Terminator squad all carrying plasma guns

        They come up with completely new retcon models

        it's literally just the helmet
        and maybe shit like the atv
        i don't believe for a second anyone gives a single shit about anything else

        Its very suspicious that GW just avoids the Aquila helmet.

        • 9 months ago

          >Its very suspicious that GW just avoids the Aquila helmet.
          Too aggressive-looking for the faction they want to rehabilitate into being "the good guys"

      • 9 months ago

        those are reasonable complaints but i think you'd also agree that they don't have the same immediate visceral impact as the helmet

        • 9 months ago

          Yes, I do agree. It was just listed already.

          The darth vader face grill helmet is iconic, I don't know why they'd change that...

  64. 9 months ago

    I like the models though the new lore was always questionable but the real deal breaker for me is that GW releases are now too fast to keep up with. Every new release I'm actually interested in sells out and never gets a second run, and even though I make twice as much money as I did in 2016, the models are three times as much to buy.

    I don't think it's sustainable, but I also don't think it's meant to be. In another 10 years maybe home manufacturing will be at a level where it's no longer something for specialists and pro-sumers like it is today, and they will have to pivot that portion of their business, and they are planning ahead for that.

  65. 9 months ago

    No. I realized how lazy GW is nowadays (5+ years ago) with making their miniatures, with the older minis you could at least customize them to do dynamic poses and give them a plethora of weapons to choose from. But with these Primaris Marines you're set to specific poses and weapons where if you buy multiple of them, you'll notice you'll have very similar ones even if you add bits to them.

  66. 9 months ago

    What, the armour type? It's okay I guess, the whole thing was just a cope from GW to its' consumer base to buy more marines, and buy they did.

  67. 9 months ago

    Can`t accept things if they doesn`t exist in my marine codex

  68. 9 months ago

    I don't really care about them one way or another, but they shouldn't have made it such a big deal. Just go to primaris while the firstborne slowly die off. It's not a big deal.

    Then they had to make weird schisms.

  69. 9 months ago

    I haven't accepted Turkish rule in Constantinople, you expect me to cave and accept Primaris Marines?

    • 9 months ago

      You better not be British or French, making comments like that after you stopped Russia from liberating it in 1855.

  70. 9 months ago

    No, I just play Heresy and 3.5 and fully ignore new 40k now.

  71. 9 months ago

    Yes. At least the ones maintaining medieval themes. Reminder that 40k should be medieval scifi at its core, not ww2 or modern military in space. Just as Blanche wanted it.

  72. 8 months ago

    I like truescale over heroic, so in that sense i like primaris. The older models had a goofy charm to them but newer sculpts have been consistently better. What i dont understand is all the seethe about them. In my estimation anyone who was surprised is an idiot, and anyone who knew truescale was coming and are still emotional about it are pathetic. Its a fricking toy soldier, the constant negativity and anger over them is so sad its annoying

  73. 8 months ago

    The infantry is...fine. Inoffensive. Whatever. I'm not a marine player they look fine.
    But the fricking vehicles. They are so god damn bad.

  74. 8 months ago

    i think in some cases i like the designs (black templars, indomitus kits, redemptor/brutalis dread, basic intercessors)

    but in other cases they are some of my least favorite (inceptors, supressors, the new jump pack dudes, all of the tacticool phobos shit)

    i will admit the hover tanks grew on me after i build one, leaving off a lot of the little addon bits helps reduce the clutter, although i still dont like the impulsor or the skimmers, and those quads are fricking dumb as hell.

    i also generally like gravis but those cables on the backs of the legs are stupid, i always shave them off and trim down the platform on the boots.

  75. 8 months ago

    I like the scale up
    I miss the angry grill
    I don't like the mono-weapon squads
    The vehicles are ugly
    I wish marines were blatantly fueled by hate and zeal, instead of having it hidden deep in lore

    • 8 months ago

      is the hate and zeal really hidden? chaplains literally go into battle reciting the litany of hate. its right on their datasheet too as their main ability and they are the spiritual leaders of the space marines.

  76. 8 months ago

    Shitey asspull lore aside, I believe the real offense of the primaris line is the MK10 armour, space marines have always been this warrior monk stereotype, every piece of cobbled together armour has a unique history of previous bearers, forming a historied culture among astartes. each bolter,pauldron,helmet has a saga attached to it. you don't get that when you put a squad of intercessors on the table mostly identical. you can swap shoulders, helmets glue pouches and tabards but at the end of the day it's still mk10, with the flared kneepads, gorget, and powerplant

    lets not get started on the gravis moonboots they are completely hilarious

  77. 8 months ago

    I loved the models from the beginning (fully restarted the hobby in 2020), but I'm still not a friend of the sudden introduction of them.

  78. 8 months ago

    A Space Marine is a Space Marine is a Space Marine. I didn't give a shit about them before Primaris and them showing up didn't spark my interest either.

  79. 8 months ago

    There is a word for half a decade.

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