Obviously there's a lot of feudal settings with knights in TRPGs, to the point it's even fairly common in sci-fi settings as well such as Ba...

Obviously there's a lot of feudal settings with knights in TRPGs, to the point it's even fairly common in sci-fi settings as well such as Battletech and Warhammer 40k. But are there any settings that do the opposite? TRPG settings that take the modern concept of soldiery and nation-states and apply it to a pre-industrial medieval or fantasy setting?

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  1. 8 months ago

    >Obviously there's a lot of feudal settings with knights
    Actually not really, most high fantasy settings don't have established knighthood and minor nobility in them

    • 8 months ago

      Most settings are completely anarchist. They don't even have mob rule.

    • 8 months ago

      I need you to name some because the first examples that come to mind like Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance, and Golarion. Even Conan has knights in at least one part of the world.

      • 8 months ago

        Elder Scrolls didn't have a knightly military class. Closest u get is Knights of the Nine

        • 8 months ago

          >Elder Scrolls didn't have a knightly military class
          High Rock and the Bretons did.

        • 8 months ago

          >this universe full of hereditary nobility and knightly orders doesn’t have a knightly military class
          >just a full on religious order of them
          Let me put aside the entirety of Breton society for the moment and ask you what you consider the Blades.

        • 8 months ago

          Is it time to post Breton Lion Knights or a Cryo-Breton Ascendant Lord punching out Nords, High Elves, and other Bretons?

        • 8 months ago
          • 8 months ago

            >home depot employees trying to stop me from shitting in the display toilets

    • 8 months ago

      Sadly, this. Knights barely play a role in FR and Golarion, Dragon Age didn't even have them. Apart of what made Witcher so popular were the Knights and the heraldry which gave the Northern Kingdoms a distinctive identity. Seriously. The Lillies, the Unicorns, and the Redanian Red Eagle played a small role in selling the Witcher games. And while Knights were portrayed as thugs, apart of what made ASOIAF popular was the prominence of Knights and seeing all the different heraldry in the artwork...

      We want knights, damnit! Not thieflings and a transblack Mind Flayer.

      Elder Scrolls didn't have a knightly military class. Closest u get is Knights of the Nine

      I take it you haven't played Daggerfall. Daggerfall has several knightly orders to join, and the dialogue for the petty kingdoms imply that they do have a Knights on retainer.

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah most setting dont seem to have proper knights

  2. 8 months ago

    Who was the first nation to abolish feudalism?

    • 8 months ago

      Probably one of the nations that never had it?

      • 8 months ago

        Gankerner logic

    • 8 months ago

      France? Could also say the USA.

  3. 8 months ago

    No. Sounds stupid and it wouldn't work.

    • 8 months ago

      >Sounds stupid and it wouldn't work.
      Why not.

      • 8 months ago

        There's no tech that is required to use modern tactics.

    • 8 months ago

      The Roman Empire did it.

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah, and look how that turned out for them.

        • 8 months ago

          You mean conquering the known world?

          • 8 months ago

            They fell, anon.

            • 8 months ago

              Rome was founded in 753 BC and Constantinople fell in 1453 AD. Nothing lasts forever anon.

              • 8 months ago

                For most of that period Rome didn't have the modern concept of soldiery. It was only after the Marian reforms and before the empire split in half that we saw that.

              • 8 months ago

                So only in their peak you mean?

        • 8 months ago

          Who did better than the Roman Empire? I'll wait.
          Cretins like you will see a champion lose his first game after 40 victories and call him a loser, while you strain to sit up straight in a recliner without injuring yourself.
          You are objectively stupid.

          • 8 months ago

            Roma invicta

          • 8 months ago

            British Empire.

            • 8 months ago

              I don’t know how to tell you killing poojeets and sub-saharan spear chuckers with guns and then collapsing within 300 years is not impressive compared to Rome

              • 8 months ago

                Mughal Empire (who also had guns and more of them)
                Mysore Sultanate (with french trained army)
                Mahratta horde
                Sikh Kingdom (fully professional army)
                Burmese Kingdom
                Emirate of Afghanistan
                Kingdom of Nepal
                Half a dozen petty kingdoms in the north of India
                Empire of China (twice)
                France (French&Indian war, war of spanish succession, Napoleonic wars-at land and sea multiple times, from Quebec to Egypt, from the South Atlantic to India)
                Spain (at sea and in the new world)
                Russia (Crimean War)
                Mahdist jihadis
                Spear homies (many times)
                Shartians (1812)
                Germany (Two world wars)
                Japan (WW2-Burma campaign)
                Malay Emergency
                Egypt (suez crisis-military victory-undermined by america)

              • 8 months ago

                Fricking hell. Try reading an actual history book you ignorant redneck

              • 8 months ago

                Butthutrt toothless bong with poojeet prime minister lmao

              • 8 months ago

                1. If there’s one country in the world that can’t talk shit about the state others’ governments, it’s you inbred chucklefricks
                2. I’m irish, you fricking racist mongoloid. You know, the thing you all pretend to be because you have no history or culture.

              • 8 months ago

                If there's one thing the British empire relied upon it was the willingness of the Irish to fricking savage people on its behalf.

        • 8 months ago

          Greatest empire ever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5v6hPr6L7U

  4. 8 months ago

    I wish I could be helpful and recall the name of a fantasy game where the players played legionnaires from the intelligence division of a magical Roman empire.

    • 8 months ago

      I know you're being coy but I have no idea what game that is.

      • 8 months ago

        I don't remember either. Some anon made a thread about it that I mainly watched because some anons went on a tangent about femboys - as you do in a thread about antiquity.

        Was it that shitty Jim Butcher one?

        I don't think it had anything to with him. He's the Harry Dresden guy, right?

        Sadly, this. Knights barely play a role in FR and Golarion, Dragon Age didn't even have them. Apart of what made Witcher so popular were the Knights and the heraldry which gave the Northern Kingdoms a distinctive identity. Seriously. The Lillies, the Unicorns, and the Redanian Red Eagle played a small role in selling the Witcher games. And while Knights were portrayed as thugs, apart of what made ASOIAF popular was the prominence of Knights and seeing all the different heraldry in the artwork...

        We want knights, damnit! Not thieflings and a transblack Mind Flayer.

        I take it you haven't played Daggerfall. Daggerfall has several knightly orders to join, and the dialogue for the petty kingdoms imply that they do have a Knights on retainer.

        With proper knights, wouldn't everyone have to get in on the gimmick, like in Pendragon, or like, you have one knight and everyone's that knight's b***h - a squire, servant, or some other lower status individual beholden to the knight.

        • 8 months ago

          Pendragon is great. Also you could play a woman if you didn't want to play a knight 😛

          I think you could try and mix the idea of 'fantasy industrial armies' and 'knightly orders' quite well. Have a transitional society where several (possibly magical) innovations are moving society away from a feudal model into a more modern 'centralised state'.

          The knightly orders are still the bastions of noble privilege, a compromise between the king and the nobles. They provide the majority of the royal armies line officers, especially to infantry and cavalry units. In contrast technical specialist officers (logistics, engineering, artillery) would be from the growing middle classes.

          You could get a fair amount of gameplay out of the interactions between the various social orders and the setting would bring up interesting ideas for adventurers - the demise of the feudal system means there are less 'gaps' in power for adventurers to find their niche. The central state crushes monster lairs and the like as it intends to control the monopoly on violence.

    • 8 months ago

      Was it that shitty Jim Butcher one?

    • 8 months ago

      Lex Arcana, anon. Not sure how the system plays out, but the setting books are very nice.

      • 8 months ago

        Oh, hey, thanks, anon. You delivered! Very rare in these times.

        Pendragon is great. Also you could play a woman if you didn't want to play a knight 😛

        I think you could try and mix the idea of 'fantasy industrial armies' and 'knightly orders' quite well. Have a transitional society where several (possibly magical) innovations are moving society away from a feudal model into a more modern 'centralised state'.

        The knightly orders are still the bastions of noble privilege, a compromise between the king and the nobles. They provide the majority of the royal armies line officers, especially to infantry and cavalry units. In contrast technical specialist officers (logistics, engineering, artillery) would be from the growing middle classes.

        You could get a fair amount of gameplay out of the interactions between the various social orders and the setting would bring up interesting ideas for adventurers - the demise of the feudal system means there are less 'gaps' in power for adventurers to find their niche. The central state crushes monster lairs and the like as it intends to control the monopoly on violence.

        It honestly doesn't me that Pendragon has rules for magic using lady knights.

        I'm the kind of fricker who would lean in and ask the GM if I could use the Land of Giants book and play a Viking.

  5. 8 months ago

    This is an interesting question- I actually had a vision not long ago of a fictional/fantasy setting that was generally medieval, but with aesthetics that evoke some 20th century military elements-
    >Ranger uses a fishing net as camo
    >Lever-action crossbows with 'optics' made from marked lenses
    >Pouches, pockets, etc. strapped to 'tactical plate armor'
    >Ballistic Masks as a component of plate armor

  6. 8 months ago

    We don't really see it because it's lame and boring. Industrial warfare is tremendously uncool and unengaging for the vast majority of people

  7. 8 months ago

    You just want the rennaisance then.

  8. 8 months ago

    >TRPG settings that take the modern concept of soldiery and nation-states and apply it to a pre-industrial medieval or fantasy setting?
    Closest thing I can think of is the empire from whfb and their military industrial complex... maybe?

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