Of all the gba games, I can't believe this shit made it into megamix wtf were they thinking

Of all the gba games, I can't believe this shit made it into megamix wtf were they thinking
Could have had toss boys or something ffs

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    you’re a tossboy

  2. 4 months ago

    I feel like the game could've added everything but maybe they just didn't have the time.

    • 4 months ago

      Oh huh
      I finally only have 3 more perfects to go, among the main game, not the games you have to buy (though I got perfect in most of those too already)

      Machine remix (the tweezers part always fricks me)
      Final remix
      Jumpin' jazz (it hasn't even given me the chance to try yet)

      I guess quiz game is probably easy to add. A low hanging fruit.

      • 4 months ago

        Oh wow I just got machine remix right after that post

        Only jumping jazz and final left. Jumping jazz I almost got on the first try but the end really threw me off. Like 90% of it was the same as frog hop but at a higher tempo until the final part where they start doing different shit

  3. 4 months ago

    My problem with Megamix is that they make you do a lot of the endurance style games together too much and it's really annoying.

    • 4 months ago

      During the challenge train? Yeah

      I'm never completing Lockstep Marathon, go frick yourself for that one

      Everything in the red challenge train is insanely fricking hard. I wish I could even get to the lockstep one.

  4. 4 months ago

    I want to know if the guy who made Blue Bear is mentally okay

  5. 4 months ago

    I'm never completing Lockstep Marathon, go frick yourself for that one

  6. 4 months ago

    This is the worst fricking game in the whole series

    Also I'm pretty cranky because the only perfect I have left to get in Fever is Remix 10 and I'm starting to think it's impossible

  7. 4 months ago

    Megamix never quite sat right with me

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah. Tibby is a little homosexual

    • 4 months ago

      All things considered Megamix is fine, you have the majority of all the previous games, some new versions to start easier, a good collection of unique new games, and a lot of content.

      I think it's the weird story setup and lineup that makes it feel weird.
      Rhythm Heaven games are designed around their new ones, trying to make themes based on already existing ones makes it feel off.

      • 4 months ago

        I don't like those spice guys. Or the level select. Or feeding the goat or the perfect system or the remixes or a lot of the new levels or the old levels or the game or tibby

        But other than that it's ok

    • 4 months ago

      The quality of the vocals from Fever to Megamix was a massive drop and that's probably why.

      • 4 months ago

        they literally didn’t put in any effort to localize it for the english release. it feels like a single intern in the treehouse basement worked on it. as opposed to Fever where they went above and beyond

        • 4 months ago

          The Space Dancer voices are a special level of bad. And why is it now "and pose" instead of "turn right?"

          • 4 months ago

            They wanted to differentiate it from the marching game that says turn left and turn right

    • 4 months ago

      It’s trash. A dark stain on an otherwise sterling series. I hate it

    • 4 months ago

      making shorter, piss easy versions of old games was a really dumb idea, especially considering some of the games that they made easier versions of were already easy to begin with
      if they wanted to make the game more accessible then the fact that they made the grading more lenient would've been more than enough, and honestly i wouldn't have even done that
      plus it's a missed opportunity to spend development time making new versions of old games with new music and not make them with the intent of being more challenging, kind of like what they tried to do with karate man senior

  8. 4 months ago

    You know people gave megamix shit for mostly having fever games, but considering I can play the DS and GBA game on my 3DS already and the only thing not already available is the fever games, then...

    • 4 months ago

      It's not much of a difference really, all games had equal exposure in the story, it was just the unlockables, and it was a 7 game difference from Tengoku.
      Frankly a lot of the DS games wouldn't work anyway, they needed to have them all be button based by default. Some of them could've worked but a lot of them are sliding specific like Love Lizards

      • 4 months ago

        That's true now that I count them, it is a fairly equal split between the three previous games. I guess a bit less for GBA because GBA only had 8. And yeah a lot of DS games just wouldn't work or wouldn't work all that well at least.
        Speaking of DS touch controls, I miss them a lot. Yeah, they were really finicky when you wanted to get a perfect but they added so much more versatility and variety to the games than just pressing buttons.

        >Second Contact


        WHERE IS SHE

        Second Contact was actually very hard to get Superb, there was a portion that you HAD to get right to get Superb

        It was difficult until I realized it was basically just rhythm tweezers and you're supposed to do what you do in rhythm tweezers there.

        Tangotronic, super samurai slice, jungle gymnast, and kitties were also other new games. I really loved tangotronic and super samurai slice.
        Technically karate man senior is a new game too. I mean it's just karate man with a new move though.

        • 4 months ago

          Karate Man always gets a new game, where it's essentially the same game but with a new move.
          You have the original, you have DS's kick, and Fever's Punch rush.
          The game just tricks you because you get an easier version of Tengoku's Karate man.
          But then it gives you Karate Man Senior as the actual new Karate Man, where he gets to use all the attacks of his previous games and a tempo change halfway through.

  9. 4 months ago

    I'm still mad that Tongue Lashing(The Chameleon game) got cucked, it was easily one of the coolest new games you experience in the early story, and yet it never appears again while everything else gets a sequel or gets to be part of their own remix.

    Granted the third story set new games don't either but they are very late game and close to the end game remixes that it didn't matter.

    • 4 months ago

      Just replayed yeah that was pretty good. It's been so long since I played it I totally forgot and yeah it doesn't show up at all again until the final remix.
      All the new games were very good. Sumo brothers, catchy tune, pajama party, first and second contact... I dunno if this just goes to show what we missed out on by not having a brand new game or if these are just the best of the best of what would have been a brand new game.

      The only issue is that the difficulty for them all are so low.

      • 4 months ago

        >Second Contact


        WHERE IS SHE

        Second Contact was actually very hard to get Superb, there was a portion that you HAD to get right to get Superb

    • 4 months ago
  10. 4 months ago

    Exhibition Match is still a very bizarre game to me.
    >Main character is an ugly lug
    >You're going against the cute girl the series usually praises
    >Continuing to get good makes you laugh and the pitcher girl visually upset
    >Probably the only game in the entire series where it's foundation gets thrown away in a remix, aka Fever's Remix 8 turning it into a fast barrage of beat hits.

    • 4 months ago

      This guy is based as frick

    • 4 months ago

      This guy is based as frick

      The fact that slugger is a Beta King Hippo in Miyamoto's old cancelled baseball game is even better.

  11. 4 months ago

    Yeah my wrist hurts and my brain is tired I'm not getting any more perfects tonight. I think I just did about 30. Of course some of those 30 were easy ones that I did on the first try but some took me quite a few.

    Still nothing compared to the hell I went though with maoi doo wop 2, fillbots 2, and rhythm rally 2 on DS though. Time to sleep

  12. 4 months ago

    For me, it's the Pitcher.

  13. 4 months ago

    I'll take 4 marching cuties

  14. 4 months ago

    >Warioware Get It Together has a bunch of Rhythm Heaven references and just straight-up appearances in the artwork.
    >Mona working in the barista
    >Jimmy, Dribble and Spitz all visiting the Coffee Shop
    >18-Volt and 13-Amp Recreated Love Rap
    Love it

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