>OK i got the money from work and i can finally buy some vidoe games!

>OK i got the money from work and i can finally buy some vidoe games!
>Oh MAN I CANT WAIT to play some bing bing wahoo for 2 hours after work then go to sleep and wageslave again
does it get better?

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  1. 11 months ago
  2. 11 months ago

    Yeah look. I don't have the answers.

    And you shouldn't listen to any morons on here, they have no idea what they're doing.

    • 11 months ago

      This. I dont even know wtf anymore. Working towards a steady cash stream, but all my dreams of doing whatever have been on hold for decades. And still are. And still will be for some time longer too
      Gettin there, tho

      • 11 months ago

        >Gettin there, tho
        That's the way to look at it in my opinion. I'm getting there too. I see no reason to give up on trying to live a fulfilling life outside of my computer and bedroom.

        • 11 months ago

          Console and boredom for me
          Shouldve and still can read more textbooky technical stuff tho tho

  3. 11 months ago


  4. 11 months ago

    >yeah im about to bend this life over and have a good time playing vidya
    >damn... life got hands
    At least having money is better than not having it, right?

    • 11 months ago

      Time > Money
      You can find a lot of ways to get by without money.
      You'll never get back time.

      • 11 months ago

        i learned that on a dhar mann video

  5. 11 months ago

    >be neet
    >no money for games or food
    >get job
    >work hard and get to a point where you dont have to work unreasonable hours
    >finally have money, food, and time
    >gaming now sucks ass and theres nothing to play

    • 11 months ago

      Gaming is some of the best its ever been at the minute

  6. 11 months ago

    >troon runner

  7. 11 months ago

    >get work and become a functioning part of society
    >lol wageslave
    >don't get work and just become a poorgay
    >lol homeless poorgay

    Theres just no winning in this life isn't it?

    • 11 months ago

      as you get older you have less energy too

      how tf am i gonna 100% totk when botw took me 1 month of full neetdom
      I mean i have shiny new oled switch and the game but no fricking time

      • 11 months ago

        why y'all boomers trying to play kids games. video games are for kids bruh lol no cap fr fr

        • 11 months ago

          im fricking 23 wtf

          • 11 months ago

            Time to learn how to manage your time, anon. I worked full-time and had a social life when BotW came out and still managed to play like 200 hours of it.

            • 11 months ago

              Donating $100 to a streamer to say your gamer tag is not a social life.

              • 11 months ago

                I've never donated money to a streamer, although I am one myself now. I had a girlfriend at the time, had friends and still have friends. I don't see how this is so hard to believe.

              • 11 months ago

                >I don't see how this is so hard to believe.
                You're on Ganker,

              • 11 months ago

                I forgot schizos only believe shit if its about israelites or trannies.

            • 11 months ago

              Nintendo players aren’t really gamers though.

              • 11 months ago

                I'd rather be a guy who plays video games than a gamer.

          • 11 months ago

            only 40 more years of wageslaving brother!

      • 11 months ago

        are you including getting all of the korok seeds? why would you do that to yourself

      • 11 months ago

        Just wait until you spend $700 on a VR headset then get BTFO by 10 year olds who play the games for 10 hours a day

    • 11 months ago

      its genuinely depressing, how can anyone be happy with this life? maybe becoming a streamer since they get paid for playing games

      • 11 months ago

        Being a streamer is not better in any meaningful way than being cattle, in some ways it’s worse. If you legitimately think that seems like a happy life you need to reevaluate your perception of reality.

        >get work and become a functioning part of society
        >lol wageslave
        >don't get work and just become a poorgay
        >lol homeless poorgay

        Theres just no winning in this life isn't it?

        Ganker is not real life. If you think people will make fun of you for having a job you have terminal brainrot

        • 11 months ago

          >reacts to youtube videos
          >gets paid 100 milly
          idk legit seems the only way a person can be happy, doing bare minimum and reciving freedom in return

          • 11 months ago

            There are maybe 10-15 streamers who could get a deal like that in an attention economy that has the entire world as it’s market. If you built out internet infrastructure to get the rest of the world population online, you could maybe have 20-30 such streamers as an upper bound. Winning the lottery is literally a more realistic career goal. Even for this kind of streamer, the job isn’t much different from working in an indonesian click farm except you have to talk the whole time and multiple of them have complained about the mental toll the job takes. Yes you get a ton of money, but how much is that money worth if you have to spend your best years chained to your computer? Also keep in mind that Kick is a startup in a user acquisition phase, the business model is literally to waste money at this point. If you look at any VC funded startup and think it looks like free money it’s because it is, but it’s not a viable career option because you’re not hired by that startup and they don’t have a working business model.

          • 11 months ago

            You have to be willing to put on a clown show in front of camera for hours, day after day, be really good at it and even then it will come down to luck whether you'll even make enough to pay your bills.

            • 11 months ago

              You can make content online without ever showing your face or doxxing yourself.

            • 11 months ago

              >be really good at it
              lol, these are not talented entertainers nor is what they're doing particularly difficult. All they have to do is the same shit we did in school: attend regularly and don't blurt out Black personBlack personBlack person.

              • 11 months ago

                They have to be able to hold the attention of adhd zoomers for hours. These platform are full of people with 0-2 viewers who 'attend regularly' and will one day maybe be able to buy a small soda for it.

              • 11 months ago

                That's not difficult. The hard part is getting the audience in the first place. And most of that is down to luck/who you know.

                You're pathetic if you think watching youtube videos takes effort.

          • 11 months ago

            Something you'll learn if you look into it, streaming/youtube is just a mirror of real life. You can't just start doing it and have anything but minor success without a big name endorsing you. Networking is the only way to make it an actual job, just like in real life.

        • 11 months ago

          This is a meme streamers say so they can go
          if you just didn't work any other job you'd be fired, not lose some money so you can only afford 10 vacations and a mansion in LA instead of 20, and 5, mansions.

        • 11 months ago

          I'm of the opinion that a lot of these "prominent" people like streamers, YouTubers or singers are basically just prostitutes for the public's enjoyment. There are good jobs out there, just do something that is easy money and finance an enjoyable life for yourself. No need to prostitute yourself out.

      • 11 months ago

        >maybe becoming a streamer since they get paid for playing games
        the problem is, there is a lot of competition. most streamers probably don't make much. the ones that do are the minority

      • 11 months ago

        Liking video games is far from a guarantee that you'd like streaming

  8. 11 months ago

    as you get older you have less energy too

    • 11 months ago

      up until about 40, if you do some basic cardio and stretches you can stave off the tiredness, at least on your off days
      i know because i used to run at least 3 times a week for years and now that i stopped i get tired very easily

      Time > Money
      You can find a lot of ways to get by without money.
      You'll never get back time.

      find the best of both worlds. i love my job. doesn't pay the best, but i hardly ever feel like i'm working and i can still muster some energy for my hobbies if i don't drink too much and get lazy

      • 11 months ago

        >find the best of both worlds.
        this is exactly what i did, currently using all that downtime to become a software dev
        >but the AI taking ur job! some will say
        i know how to talk to people and make connections, i'll make it

        • 11 months ago

          based anon

          sad truth is how economically expensive it is right now, I own my own house but if it wasn’t for me my roommates who have professional careers would be with their parents.

          Frankly if it wasn’t for them I’d likely be selling and downsizing, I make good money but I’m basically one unexpected job loss away from doing just that since I recently unexpectedly lost my job and bills burned through my savings till I got a new one

          >who have professional careers would be with their parents
          my neck of the suburbs just put up two crappy luxury apartment buildings on the train line a stop apart. god forbid they build some mid-range apartments for the working class that make up the majority of your town.

      • 11 months ago

        what job

  9. 11 months ago

    consider betting your wages in the casino called the stock market?
    you either get rich or life stays just as miserable as it is now

  10. 11 months ago

    do what I do and get a job you can play vidya at
    t. sysadmin that barely gets busy ever

    • 11 months ago

      I fricking wish I had become a sysadmin, but I'm nearing 30

      • 11 months ago

        I mean, I'm sure not all sysadmins are fortunate as I am. I'm sure a lot are very busy, and idk how long this gig will last or if I can find a gig as good when it ends.
        what do you do?

        • 11 months ago

          what does a sysadmin do anyways?

          I've just been the only general IT assistant of a barely functioning company and theres just constant flow of people asking to fix the weirdest from things like fixing excel formulas to figuring out why a PC wont turn on that day.

          Kinda curious what's its like on the other side

          • 11 months ago

            Some sysadmins do help desk stuff.
            Like they create an in-house communication system. Someone sends a tech related problem. They document it and fix it.
            Most sysadmins do this through e-mail because most boomers in office jobs are tech morons.

            Same thoughts. Can't even get a fricken retail job without experience. Shits fricked I'm just waiting for the world to burn

            I had to apply to a fricking retail job 3 times before they would take me. Before I did that, I spent time applying to jobs that paid more than $20/hour. Before I realized most of them were literally scams, I was able to write and publish a book before I could even get an interview.
            Things are fricked, so now I don't mind going back to fast food or retail.
            Just make shit up. Most retail places are super desperate for people. You do have to apply online and record a video of you answering questions. Keep the answers under 30 seconds long. The software can't handle large videos.

          • 11 months ago

            >what does a sysadmin do anyways?
            I write python scripts, manage servers, write database queries etc., and sometimes set up android devices for a program to run on.
            I think sysadmins do a very large variety of stuff though, like doing help desk stuff even like

            Some sysadmins do help desk stuff.
            Like they create an in-house communication system. Someone sends a tech related problem. They document it and fix it.
            Most sysadmins do this through e-mail because most boomers in office jobs are tech morons.
            I had to apply to a fricking retail job 3 times before they would take me. Before I did that, I spent time applying to jobs that paid more than $20/hour. Before I realized most of them were literally scams, I was able to write and publish a book before I could even get an interview.
            Things are fricked, so now I don't mind going back to fast food or retail.
            Just make shit up. Most retail places are super desperate for people. You do have to apply online and record a video of you answering questions. Keep the answers under 30 seconds long. The software can't handle large videos.

            said, even though it shouldn't be a sysadmin's job
            so yeah, it's probably a crapshoot how tedious or busy you will be.
            I have only been working for 2 years

    • 11 months ago

      I lucked into one of these and can confirm lol, some days I hardly do anyhthing. Other days tho shit is on fire.

      It's nice. Good pay, benefits. WFH. etc.

  11. 11 months ago

    its literally the weekend
    why are you b***hing on Ganker instead of playing vidya for 14 hours

    • 11 months ago

      >why are you b***hing on Ganker instead of playing vidya for 14 hours
      >playing vidya during the day in the summer
      >not raining
      right now i'm eating and killing some time before some errands then i'm gonna go play on my new bike

  12. 11 months ago

    I've honestly been thinking about killing myself. It just doesn't seem like theres a point anymore. Jobs are shit, shits to expensive, you don't move up through hard work but more to word of mouth or nepotism, houses are nearly unobtainable if you don't take loans out, schooling is expensive and near useless because you can be a dude with a PHD or Masters and not get accepted into places. Etc.

    I mean, whats the point of trying? Why bother? Even if I put in all that hard work, whose to say I would even "make it" at all? The way the world is now, and the economy and all that shit. What's the point?

    • 11 months ago

      Same, once things get too bad I plan to fill up a bag with rocks and jump off the bridge at night. Until then, I'll busy myself with hobbies until the stress gets too big.
      There really is no escape from this israelite nightmare.

    • 11 months ago

      >What's the point?
      Sitting around and hoping for a collapse.
      Not because you'd survive it for very long or 'rise from the ashes', but just to see it all fall apart and the pure catharsis that will come with it. That's my cope, at least.

      • 11 months ago

        yeah honestly that would be nice

      • 11 months ago

        > hoping for apocalypse because you fricked up your life
        pretty pathetic tbh

        • 11 months ago

          Hoping for an apocalypse because other people fricked up life for everyone else, actually.

          • 11 months ago

            >ucked up life for everyone else,
            Crazy how everyone's making mistakes except you. what an odd coincidence.

          • 11 months ago

            Ah, well, we better just sit on our hands and not try to make the most of it or do anything to help anyone else. Frick you, got mine, right?

          • 11 months ago

            what a joke

            • 11 months ago

              So much for liberal empathy

        • 11 months ago

          A country imploding due to its own poor infrastructure is not an apocalypse.
          It will be pure chaos for people living there, but that won't make it an apocalypse unless somebody gets their hands on the launch codes.

      • 11 months ago

        I would tough the ones that will get to ser the world fall apart will be the lucky ones.

    • 11 months ago

      You have to make it better.
      Try new stuff. Not drugs, I mean creative hobbies.

      >What's the point
      To stick it to all the rich homosexuals and out of touch boomers fricking over an entire generation of people. If you die, they win.
      >The way the world is, and the economy
      Start scamming boomers out of money.
      If you don't want to do that, do some market research and get into a creative hobby.
      Avoid all then normalgays. They are literally gaslighting themselves to death. Let them. You gotta find stuff you really enjoy to take your mind off these things. Even if it's only for a little bit.
      Things will get better when the housing market implodes on itself.

    • 11 months ago

      Same thoughts. Can't even get a fricken retail job without experience. Shits fricked I'm just waiting for the world to burn

      • 11 months ago

        Wait until the holidays, they'll hire anyone.
        Then, work like hell, learn as much as you can about how the store operates and how to fill holes in employee infrastructure, and if you make a good impression on your bosses, they'll let you stay on after.
        Slight powerlevel, but I work at a retail store and did this to get my foot in the door, since I had no prior retail experience (just a couple of summers lifeguarding) and now I'm trained in pretty much everything in the store; I can do online orders, returns, customer checkout, replenishment, loading and unloading truck shipments, backstock, stockroom management and reorganization, price changes, inventory management, and UPS/USPS deliveries. Anyone calls out sick or no-shows, I can fill the void they left. If they're short-staffed, I can be an extra body for whatever they need.
        If you do this, you will be indispensable to the store. You will get all the prior experience you need, and you'll be able to work anywhere.
        BUT you have to start during the holidays. That's what makes the difference. My friend has a nearly identical CV to me (even stuff that usually gives me an edge over other applicants, like having CPR/AED training or being an Eagle Scout), tried applying to the same store a couple of weeks ago, and he got rejected. Just wasn't the right time.

        • 11 months ago

          >Wait until the holidays, they'll hire anyone.
          >Then, work like hell, learn as much as you can about how the store operates and how to fill holes in employee infrastructure, and if you make a good impression on your bosses, they'll let you stay on after.
          this is exactly what my friend did when he moved to a random country in Europe and it worked really well
          99% of the immigrants they hire are incompetent, if you put any effort into it they'll gladly give you a permanent job

        • 11 months ago

          Can confirm this by the way. And by "the holidays" he means the time from about a month before Thanksgiving to the end of New Year's.

    • 11 months ago

      >finally managed to get a office job as a bong at 25.4 k bongs a year
      >took four years of working in a shitty environment to get
      >only reason I got it was because the boss liked me

      I mean I'm glad but I'm 26 now and still don't feel too happy. Games bore me most of the time.

      • 11 months ago

        Office jobs are great if you ignore the mindgames and petty bullshit that boomers will subject you to.

        • 11 months ago

          Actually the problem is fricking German's, they're way too blunt and assholish about everythings. Even emails they act like c**ts, frick them all.

          And yeah, my company has nothing but petty office political drama. It's annoying.

          • 11 months ago

            That doesn't sound too bad to me. I hate this country's way of never directly telling it as it is, always making everything cryptic and always being aggressively polite. It makes trying to function as even slightly autistic a nightmare.

          • 11 months ago

            >people are honest with me
            >this is a problem

      • 11 months ago

        >26 yo
        >4 years experience
        Do you live in the North or something? Pathetic. Need to change industries cumhomosexual

        • 11 months ago

          you don't live in the real world lad. stay in your shitty little commune london and pay half your salary for your ratbox

      • 11 months ago

        what? isnt 25k in the uk basically poverty tier? lmao

        • 11 months ago

          Yes, it's also above average income

        • 11 months ago

          Now you know why everyone in the UK lives in "flats" instead of houses.

        • 11 months ago

          assuming it's GBP, 25k is not bad for an entry job. minimum wage is 17.8k (before tax), 14.3k (after tax).

    • 11 months ago

      you're vastly underestimating the amount of mental anguish that comes about from planning and trying to have a nice day.
      i tried twice in my entire life and its pretty much the pinnacle of despair the hour before and during it.
      don't do it man, not worth it if were just gonna die one day anyway.

    • 11 months ago

      Live to see this happen in real time

      • 11 months ago

        what is this? im not watching an hour long youtube video

      • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      what if you want a pizza 20 minutes before you do it, but then it arrives in 30 minutes. and then you want ice cream but the store is a 10m walk away and moon looks pretty cool. youve already put it off long enough at that point so whats the point of going through the effort.

      the only time i see it being worth it is if theres a giant firecloud coming and you aint making it out of the affected area.

    • 11 months ago

      >schooling is expensive and near useless because you can be a dude with a PHD or Masters and not get accepted into places
      I mean the opposite is also true, you can get a job without a degree. I have what I consider to be my dream job and I got it by literally knocking on the door at the studio I wanted to work for and asking if they needed some extra help. Got told I could follow a team for a week and by the friday they hired me part time. Then I just worked my way up from there. If you get rejected with a degree it’s because you’re an unlikable person or they just don’t have capacity to hire someone so just come back later. It’s a godsend for a company to have someone qualified just fall into their lap without having to put out a listing and having to sift through padded applications and stiff interviews

    • 11 months ago

      I'm sick of those homosexual Instagram accounts shilling the idea that hard work is what makes you rich, and is how billionaires like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos got where they are today. No, it's all about connections. That's literally all that fricking matters. Hard work my fricking arse. I'm convinced those accounts are ran by the feds to demoralize normies.

      • 11 months ago

        >I'm convinced those accounts are ran by the feds to demoralize normies.
        Bingo. That's why you also see so many posts here trying to do the same thing.
        They target these threads to demoralize people on purpose. Most of them follow a script, too.
        Using filters helps stop it most of the time.

      • 11 months ago

        It's mostly luck and connections but hard work does matter a little too. What they don't tell you though is that they mean hard work when you're working for yourself, not when you're a numbered peon at a random globo corp

    • 11 months ago

      Just do it, it's not gonna get better

    • 11 months ago

      >wahh life is hard guys... 🙁

      • 11 months ago

        t. prostitute who has several orbiters providing for her

        • 11 months ago

          People who say shit like this never went through any real struggle in their lives

          Toughen up buttercups, if you want something in life you gotta bleed and sweat for it.

          But please sit on Ganker all day and complain about how the israelites stole your opportunities in life.

          • 11 months ago

            t. never went through any real mental struggle in their life
            Go be a normie somewhere else

            • 11 months ago

              Touch grass my friend.

              It's that easy.

            • 11 months ago

              Stop responding to bait.

          • 11 months ago

            >family gathering
            >ah, my homes value went up! its 600k now, thatll be nice for retirement
            >i bought it for 45k off my first job flipping burgers
            >hey anon why dont you have a home yet

            • 11 months ago

              >Dad brags about selling his home for retirement to travel the world
              >Tell him he should save it for a good care home
              >Laughs it off simply stating me and my sister will look after him
              >She bursts into laughter and asks how we're supposed to pay to look after him without an inheritance if he's gonna spend it all
              >Tell us to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps to afford it
              >Constantly tries to tell us how good we had it as children compared to his childhood now
              Boomers are literally delusional with their entitlement

              • 11 months ago

                >Boomers are literally delusional with their entitlement
                True. I'm in a similar situation.
                >Dad drank and had a fricked up diet for years
                >Developed all sorts of medical problems. Arthritis and blood pressure problems
                >Keep saying he'll get surgery and fix it
                >Warned him about the current surgery waiting times because of covid
                >Told him he's too high risk to get surgery because he's obese, with blood pressure problems, has a history of blood clots, and drinks every day
                >"What the frick do you know, anon?"
                >Goes to his consultation appointment
                >He tried lying about his history and condition
                >Told him he's too high risk for surgery
                It's like they think no rules apply to them. I think it's the lead poisoning.

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                sorry anon. my boomers may of lived good because of boomerism, but they know it. i bet grandpas already paid for his plot in the cementary and he didnt do any fricked reverse mortage anything, its all paid off and im 100% sure the house is written into the will as "do what you think is best"

              • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        People who say shit like this never went through any real struggle in their lives

    • 11 months ago

      Minecraft a politician before going.

    • 11 months ago

      >thinks about killing himself
      >can't even be bothered to take out a few parasites on the way out for his Gankerros
      It's shameful, really.

    • 11 months ago

      The struggle itself is the point. It really is about the journey and not about the destination. Find something you enjoy doing and the rest is easy.

    • 11 months ago

      because it's a challenge and that gives me a huge fricking boner. All I want to do is frick all that shit up or get absolutely fricked up. All I ever wanted was to fight. Even if you just want to die, you should 100% do it in the most intrusive, marking, scarring shitty way for people who absolutely deserve it. Kill terrorists. Kill dictators. Kill scumfrick executives. And maybe somewhere down there, if you're still not dead, you'll learn to love the fight too.

    • 11 months ago

      Accept Jesus into your heart.

    • 11 months ago

      >you don't move up through hard work but more to word of mouth or nepotism
      job loyalty is dumb. start job hopping, this is the best way to get pay raises

    • 11 months ago

      >whats the point of trying?
      I've been thinking about this. You need to find something. Most of the people just find someone, lonely people have to find themselves.

      • 11 months ago

        >Most of the people just find someone, lonely people have to find themselves.

  13. 11 months ago

    I think it does, but I don't begrudge anyone for disagreeing with me. 2 hours is a pretty good video game session, and I don't hate my coworkers.

  14. 11 months ago

    33yo granpa here. that's why I became a teacher. 4-5 hours a day and I'm back home inbreeding my dynasty on Crusader Kings III. I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm happy. Plus, young teachers are hot.

    • 11 months ago

      history teacher?

      • 11 months ago

        Math teacher. Numbers are cool. you don't know integrals? That's a bad score, zero bullshit parents can say about that. and I get away with saying shit like "I didn't like that movie, too many women in it". And they can't do a damn thing about that, schools desperately need math teachers in my country.

        • 11 months ago

          >Math teacher. Numbers are cool. you don't know integrals? That's a bad score, zero bullshit parents can say about that. and I get away with saying shit like "I didn't like that movie, too many women in it". And they can't do a damn thing about that, schools desperately need math teachers in my country
          Based logic meister.

        • 11 months ago

          >Highschool math teacher
          Kek. Enjoy being a child around children.

  15. 11 months ago

    is alcohol effective at speeding up hypothermia in winter?

  16. 11 months ago

    >small local business
    >corporate drone
    >corporate drone but working from home
    >same as above but more of a strategic role which means less computer work but more meetings

    Not saying this is all life has to offer, but let me tell you the one thing I’ve learned from all this: Take care of your health first and foremost. Eat modestly, get plenty of sleep and schedule those regular checkups

    Worry about that gaming shit after you have that locked down.

    • 11 months ago

      im 130kg and i work in retail
      i eat fastfoods reguraly and i sit all day at work
      surely i will live to 60

  17. 11 months ago

    36 and I had the most boring job for years until I got a promotion last year. Now I am mentally exhausted every day with no energy to game. I'd rather watch twitch or shows most nights.

    • 11 months ago

      You have my condolences

    • 11 months ago

      >I had the most boring job for years until I got a promotion last year. Now I am mentally exhausted every day with no energy to game.
      I saw this coming when it came for me. Stuck with the boring job as my boss kept piling on the pressure for me to take the promotion. He thought I was playing hardball and tried to tempt me with shitty extras. The idea that I earn enough money already and have zero ambition was utterly alien to him.

  18. 11 months ago

    I can never go back to not working 12-13 hour shifts. Sometimes I think about going to a nice clinic that’s an easy 9-5 but I’d shoot my brains out in the end. 3 in a row and 4 off gives me so much free time. Nurse work is shitty outside of the ICU but once you get good at it the work life balance is so nice

    • 11 months ago

      do you give nurshing handjobs?

      • 11 months ago

        Best part about being a male nurse nobody wants you to do the handjobs

        We're all lucky that people like you exist.

        Thanks anon

    • 11 months ago

      We're all lucky that people like you exist.

  19. 11 months ago

    >buy video games
    What are you an 18yo who finally got some money and feels good buying games yourself, just pirate it

  20. 11 months ago

    yup. i got a job where i do nothing all day and go home and play vidya. you can too

  21. 11 months ago

    Just search the answer yourself homosexuals, there is no right or wrong, it is what it is.

  22. 11 months ago

    Work part-time and live with your parents for 20 years until you can afford to buy your own house, then just continue working part-time to maintain it. It's that easy.

    t. I have all the time in the world to play vidya

    • 11 months ago

      >Work part-time and live with your parents
      >Live with your parents

      That's not viable for a lot of people, though I have read a lot of anon's parents didn't give a shit if they stayed with them or not, even if they were 30-40 years old. I just think it's kind of sad to not push your child to owning his own place, or at least attempting to get an apartment and live on his own. It tells me that they either can't for mental/health reasons, or the parents simply don't care if they live at home until they die, and it's just a bit sad.

      • 11 months ago

        Yes! Force your kid to give their money to Mr Shekelstein every month for rent and become a democrat begging for gibs instead of empowering them to become independent.

        • 11 months ago

          If that’s all you think life is then you genuinely were born with a wageslave’s mind.

      • 11 months ago

        My man rent where I live has jumped from 1000 to 1800 in the past 4 years. Parents arent saying shit because they know housing is bullshit rn.

      • 11 months ago

        the sad truth is it is far more economically viable now and probably for the foreseeable future to just live at home and help your parents than it will be to own your own house or even get an apartment

      • 11 months ago

        >I just think it's kind of sad to not push your child to owning his own place, or at least attempting to get an apartment and live on his own
        I fricking wish I had the opportunity to live with my parents. I'll realistically never have kids, but if I did, I'd never kick him out. I'd want him to get a job and help with groceries, but otherwise? Frick it. Shit sucks out there and it ain't gonna get any better. If I had a house, it's his when I die, anyway.

      • 11 months ago

        sad truth is how economically expensive it is right now, I own my own house but if it wasn’t for me my roommates who have professional careers would be with their parents.

        Frankly if it wasn’t for them I’d likely be selling and downsizing, I make good money but I’m basically one unexpected job loss away from doing just that since I recently unexpectedly lost my job and bills burned through my savings till I got a new one

      • 11 months ago

        >Lived away from parents for a few years
        >Decided to live with my parents during covid to help them out
        >Dad is a fricking opiate & drinking addict that lies about everything, is in complete denial
        >Sister started smoking crack
        This year is gonna be wild.

        >Be part of the 10% of the population that gets shit done in the world
        >Work as a slave arriving early at work, do 4 hours of getting things done plus 6 hours of paperwork. 3 hours in traffic
        >Chores on house doesnt disappear
        >Freetime is spent on a meal + 1 hour of tv/game/more work at home
        >Sleep to get up early and work even more
        >Meanwhile 90% of the world's population comfortably consumes money that has merely changed hands, whine about being under the poverty line but still affords to double the replacement rate by having four kids

        I dunno about that 90% 10% split.
        It's more like 70% of people doing all the work and 30% of people just hoarding all the resources and causing inflation.

        • 11 months ago

          Pareto principle of 80/20 holds true for almost everything. 80% is a good rough guess for the percentage of people who are leeches or pseudo leeches

        • 11 months ago

          Pareto principle of 80/20 holds true for almost everything. 80% is a good rough guess for the percentage of people who are leeches or pseudo leeches

          You vastly underestimate the role of midwits on society. You live in the first world, that alone turns your population more productive. Think globally. 1 out 100 people in a third world country go to university, about 40% graduate highschool, the remaining 59% are dropouts, out of those 59% the 30% works as security guard and the 39% are unemployed, 9% of those actively engage in crime.

      • 11 months ago

        >le independence meme
        the only difference between living with parents and living with roommates is that you're giving money to a stranger instead of your own family and roommates can't cook like your mom does

        • 11 months ago

          My mother was never the cook in the family, she burns and destroys most things she cooks. My father is the cook in the family, strange I know. From a stereotype perspective, most women should know how to cook. My mother never learned/did.

          I wonder how many women nowadays in the 18-34 demographic can actually cook, not many I'd say. I had girls at my college burn popcorn and dried macaroni, and if anything they only knew how to make pastries and sweets.

          • 11 months ago

            A lot of people don't know how to cook.
            Some people never bothered learning. Or they had shitty parents that only gave them fast food.
            Some people had shitty childhoods and never got motivated to try.

            • 11 months ago

              i was fricked with parents who couldn't be bothered to teach me anything, then i reached a point in my life where i just started learning things because i got sick of not knowing how to do basic shit

              nothing motivates harder than frustration

          • 11 months ago

            >I wonder how many women nowadays in the 18-34 demographic can actually cook
            Finding a millennial who can cook is like winning the lottery, finding a zoomer who can cook is literal unicorn tier. I literally blow these b***hes' minds when I whip up some alfredo sauce. It's so fricked these days that even most 50+ year olds don't know how to fricking cook. My grandpa got remarried to a 70 year old woman a few years ago and SHE didn't know how to cook. A disturbing amount of people live on fast food and frozen box shit, it's depressing.

      • 11 months ago

        The idea of forcing your kids to move out and get their own place is a boomer meme from when housing was dirt cheap at the time. Before that generation it was entirely normal to have four generations living under the same roof, and the sense of family and community was stronger because of it. It's actually really sad that it's seen as embarrassing to live with family, especially if you actually are contributing to bills, and I think it's a big reason why so many people seem to hate their family or have no connection to them. I unironically miss loving with my mom and grandma. And I say that while still living with my brother. It saves money, and it's healthy to have somebody living with you, especially family.

    • 11 months ago

      Ey frick you, I live with my parents but got my full time shit job that I hate
      I feel like doing part time I would ruin my chances to get promotions and make more money so I can finally work less once im there

  23. 11 months ago

    how to i become a son of a multi billionaire?

  24. 11 months ago

    >Mattress on the floor

    Do people really? Barbarians.

  25. 11 months ago

    Weekdays are for lifting/running.
    Weekends are for vidya
    Most vidya isn’t even good, I barely play 5 good games per year and that’s including 5 hour indie games

    • 11 months ago

      >Weekdays are for lifting/running.

      You're a normalgay. If you workout and play sports you're a normalgay. I'm not saying every non-normalgay is overweight, but I see the act of working out and exercising to be a normalgay thing to do. It's popular with normalgays and frat boys. We can't all be like some anons who are literal sticks and autistic as frick, I've seen a lot of people IRL who are just rail-thin despite eating like shit and being autistic.

      Look at Asmongold. He lives off fast food, pizza, and steaks. He also has a very high metabolism, which a lot of people seem to have. I know I don't, but I can only blame my genetics.

      • 11 months ago

        I think you underestimate just how many autistic people are in good physical shape.

      • 11 months ago

        If being in shape was for normalgays, 70% of the population wouldnt be overweight.

      • 11 months ago

        I’m a frat boy alum. Being fat is a matter of diet, metabolism barely varies person to person.
        >muh thyroid
        I was hypothyroid and was 6’2” 160 lbs (pre lifting)

      • 11 months ago

        dyel ass homie

        • 11 months ago

          I'm actually obese, or at least a good 50 lbs overweight, so I'm not dyel anything. Now if I lost 50 lbs THEN I'd be dyel, but I always wanted to get HUGE or somewhat muscular, but my plans were to always lose the fat and then start working on building muscle. I never got through step one though, which was losing the fat/weight.

      • 11 months ago

        get off your ass homosexual holy shit the amount of cope in your weak ass estrogen ass post is making my neck hurt from second hand bad posture. You know you were literally BUILT for it right?

      • 11 months ago
        Ciri’s Husband

        Lose weight.

  26. 11 months ago

    >make existence based around hobbies and consumerism
    >complain all you get is hobbies and consumerism
    What did you expect?

  27. 11 months ago

    The last decade of my life. At this point I barely even play the video games I've bought. I question why I bother anymore.

  28. 11 months ago

    >Be part of the 10% of the population that gets shit done in the world
    >Work as a slave arriving early at work, do 4 hours of getting things done plus 6 hours of paperwork. 3 hours in traffic
    >Chores on house doesnt disappear
    >Freetime is spent on a meal + 1 hour of tv/game/more work at home
    >Sleep to get up early and work even more
    >Meanwhile 90% of the world's population comfortably consumes money that has merely changed hands, whine about being under the poverty line but still affords to double the replacement rate by having four kids

  29. 11 months ago

    >he doesn't derive work from work, housechores, the 2 hours of vidya and a good night of sleep
    as soon as you realize it "doesn't get better" and you need to accept what you have, it will get better

  30. 11 months ago

    I really need to get out of the customer service hell. What options do I have?

    • 11 months ago

      How much do you make, and how much do you want to make?
      This will impact the answer to your question significantly.

    • 11 months ago

      Office job hell.
      IT hell.
      Work from home hell.

      There's almost nothing you can do besides content creation/entertainment. Every other career path is too oversaturated. That's why politicians keep trying to get rid of social security.

      • 11 months ago

        >besides content creation/entertainment. Every other career path is too oversaturated

      • 11 months ago

        private security is still a good gig, just ask to work in a highrise building at night

        • 11 months ago

          I tried and received a call telling me they'd arrange an interview the following Monday and then they never got back to me.

      • 11 months ago

        Working from home at least you can do other stuff sometimes other than rotting in an office.
        It still feels like you are chained down but you CAN jerk off.

    • 11 months ago

      What’s your job experience and at the minimum are you a fresh body that can put in physical labor. Other use learn a trade like linesman or something, there a lot of labor jobs that as long as your willing to work hard and get the appropriate certs, people will give you a chance

      • 11 months ago


        Do note a lot of trades will have you working shitty weather in the Summer and winter but the moneys nice and you’re out of customer service. Usually once you pay your dues you can either make consistent money employed or make bigger but more risky money going “independent” in some way

  31. 11 months ago

    I work and I barely have some money. Thankfully I budgeted while I was still with my folks so I have enough to buy vidya for the next 10 years.
    But rent takes more than half my salary, I eat once per day yet I still only get away with 40 EUR per week. Plus I’m not smart enough to get a college degree so I have no hope of getting more money but expenses will increase.
    I have 6 BTC as a wildcard but I’ll have to pay taxes on that.

    • 11 months ago
      Ciri’s Husband

      >man I’m just barely squeezing by
      >btw I have $180,000

  32. 11 months ago

    >two pillows
    couldn’t be me

  33. 11 months ago

    somehow work part time while being able to live from that income
    I think I might be able to do that in programming
    >work normally until like senior dev level
    >reduce hours from 40 to like 30- 25

    now you suddenly have time again by either working less each day or having a longer weekend every week

    • 11 months ago

      You should go for it.
      Just be careful about that promotion. They might use it as an excuse to cut your hours and give you more work.
      Get everything in writing.

  34. 11 months ago
  35. 11 months ago

    I'll go back with uni this year.

    I will turn 29 just as it begins.

    Live in Europe, so I'll even get 900 € uni gibs.

    Will be 32 with just a bachelor's

    everyone already has a master's and is starting families, i did nothing but working shit jobs, NEETing, fapping, drawing a bit and playing vidya most of my 20s. I am also still a touchless khv.

    i fricked up my life real bad....

    You guys have any advice on how to salvage the shitheap that is my life?

    • 11 months ago

      whats the degree?
      and it could be worse, atleast you started to unfrick it

      • 11 months ago

        Don't respond to copypasta.

      • 11 months ago

        Something along the lines of information systems, so I'll probably get mogged by AI if I finish it.

        Also dead parents, zero friends, only 30k to my bane and a shitbox car.

        The rope is becoming so fricking tempting.

    • 11 months ago

      32 isn’t that old. At least you’re turning the corner now instead of when you’re already in your 30s. Life is a marathon not a sprint but you’re also 5+ years behind so you have to keep chugging along 24/7 no matter how much it sucks

    • 11 months ago

      okay heres what you do
      step 1. find something you like
      thats it thats the steps. if you dont have so much anxiety that you cant even go outside there quite literally no reason for you not to be able to pursue something outside of financial wealth. starting a family and being educated is not hardcapped by age unless youre a woman and will be physically unable- and even then the only thing youll have to get over is your brain shouting "WE DIDNT MAKE THIS" at you

    • 11 months ago

      >You guys have any advice on how to salvage the shitheap that is my life
      If you are asking Ganker it's already over for you. Get advice from a life coach or smart friend or family member. These morons on here don't care about you.

    • 11 months ago

      You’re going back to school so good job. Make sure you get the right degree right now however. And I know 30 feels old but this is the age where you can’t compare yourself to others since everybodies in different stages, it’s still a good young age to fix things, just focus on yourself and turning things around. Professionally people often frick up there 20s and salvage it in their early 30s

    • 11 months ago

      Learn a trade and save money.
      >kisses khv
      Don't worry about this at all. Juat work on improving yourself and the rest will come
      Don't chase women let them chase you. Pleae work out everyday. Run everyday until you can run a 5k at least under 30mins without feeling like you are dying
      >run-anons: heh 5k in less than 30 mins. b***h heh.
      Remeber you are new to this and need to start somewhere and comparing yourself to someo who HAS been doing it for a while makes no sense. Just try to get to where you can do it each day without being dead. You don't need to do 5k right off the ba just do 1.607k each day and try to do it in 10 mins or slighky more then try to go faste rand faster until you can get around 7 - 8 mins per mile (1.607k).
      Then lower the pace and try to go for 5 k.
      I know i talked a lot about running but i think it is applicable to approaching life.

      • 11 months ago

        >Just go into a trade, bro
        Literally impossible unless you know someone already there.
        The competition is worse than nursing and you're just going to get assfricked by union fees.

        • 11 months ago

          If you live in a populated area hvac jobs will take anybody they can grab
          Be warned, it's brutal work and you'll spend the first year or so in hot attics and nasty crawl spaces

        • 11 months ago

          Depends where you go, and what you're going for.
          Linemen in Washington make six figures as a journeyman, I made 70k when I was an apprentice. If I'd stayed in Florida I would've made a lot less as an apprentice and not even half of what I make now. You gotta go where the money is in trades, and you still have to be willing to work overtime and travel a lot.

        • 11 months ago


          Maybe getting into school but otherwise covid has essentially flushed older nurses out into “retirement” nursing jobs, younger nurses have gone contracting since we realized our value and the hospitals need every body they can get as long as you aren’t incompetent. It’s essentially a business of 20 year olds like me training other 20 year olds because I’m now the veteran.

          The key is just not being a walking death threat, even then you know how many frankly incompetent I’ve worked alongside when I contract to ER or somewhere desperate. They’ll find a corner to stick you in an give you pts only an idiot could kill.

          • 11 months ago

            >otherwise covid has essentially flushed older nurses out into “retirement” nursing jobs
            Everywhere I've looked, there's tons of older nurses still fricking everything up for everyone involved because they refuse to cooperate.
            It's like that in every single career field. Boomers doing everything they can to drag everyone down on their way out.

            • 11 months ago

              Shit any major city you can atleast find a nightshift position. My only advice is to get critical care experience because then you become a diamond on the resume since everybody else spills their sphaghetti when somebody starts dying.

              Btw if you aren’t a nurse and are just looking up jobs be aware that new grad openings are seasonal in time with spring/winter graduations and other times the only listings are for positions requiring experience. Every spring and winter though every unit will drop openings for 3-4 new grads

    • 11 months ago

      >he thinks more uni will fix this
      Oh nonononono, look at this dude.

    • 11 months ago

      >29 going back to uni for 3-4 years
      holy shit i'd kill for a chance to try uni again at 28 but i enjoy my trade too much to think about going back to school.

      work out, you don't have to get swole, but lose weight, get toned and healthy. clean up your looks with decent fitting clothes (which you can get for cheap) and trimmed hair/beard. shower frequently. even if you're ugly this will do wonders
      talk to anyone when you get a chance even if it's dumb shit like "hi, beautiful day today" in passing. nobody really cares if you're awkward
      get on bumble and prepare to be disappointed but at least make an effort to talk to some chicks. it's uni, so there's probably tons of girls which raises your chances of at least getting a few matches. talk to them honestly about your situation and they might actually take an interest.
      if you're in europe there's a good chance there won't be as many gross fat chicks as america. it fricking sucks especially in the suburbs

      do your fricking homework. just do it and don't get behind. maybe get involved in a club for fitness, art or even video games
      shit idk good luck

    • 11 months ago

      I was pretty much in the same situation as you except the KHV part. I went back to uni at 27 and graduated last year at 32. If you're getting a degree that actually gives you a skill set then you will be much better off than you are now. Going back to uni is a second chance at life anon, you'll have a chance again to make new friends, go out with and frick girls, and try new hobbies. Take advantage of these things during your time back in school because once you're done and you are working again these things become 100x harder again. Also take the time from now until school starts to go to the gym and build a decent body.

      • 11 months ago

        What kind of degree did you get and what do you do for a living now?

        • 11 months ago

          Studied mechanical engineering and just started working as a junior project engineer at a consulting firm.

  36. 11 months ago

    >i got the money from work
    Nothing worst than a wagie posting on Ganker

  37. 11 months ago

    I'll never get this mindset, first I don't understand wanting to play games for more than a couple of hours anyways past the age of 14, do you not have any other hobbies or interests?
    I work my forty, sometimes more, and I still find time to host dinner parties, golf and tennis with the bros, frick my wife, take the kids to karate or whatever they're doing at the moment, and play some games.

    • 11 months ago

      I forgot how normalgay this board has become

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah, most of us grew up. But hey, keep up the good fight.

  38. 11 months ago

    that's life, grow up or get out

  39. 11 months ago

    If your life revolves only around working and playing video games, no it won't get better.

  40. 11 months ago


  41. 11 months ago

    just be like sisyphus until you die and go to heaven

  42. 11 months ago

    any anons go into business for themselves? At a deadend paralegal job and in the process of forming an LLC for mobile notary stuff on the weekends, trying to figure out the remote online notarizations since itd be a nice niche to carve out and I could stay at home

  43. 11 months ago

    Is 28 too late to start working a trade like electrician or plumbing stuff? I feel like my body will give out too early and I'll just be fricked in a decade.
    I don't really have any prospects because I studied for a useless degree.

    • 11 months ago

      No it's not I started hvac at 27

    • 11 months ago

      i worked in fire alarms and they struggled to hire anyone who wasnt a complete frick up

    • 11 months ago

      >Is 28 too late to start
      If it is, do you have something else to do? An alternative?

  44. 11 months ago

    my old man went to college, got skillz, then got a real job, worked his ass and now he retired at like fricking 40. he still works because he loves his profession.
    how the frick do you match up to that

    • 11 months ago

      You can't match up to that anymore.
      Those types of jobs don't fricking exist. Not unless you get lucky in entertainment.

      its genuinely depressing, how can anyone be happy with this life? maybe becoming a streamer since they get paid for playing games

      Finding a creative hobby you are passionate about is what most people do. It makes working a shitty job and dealing with stress easier.

      • 11 months ago

        >Finding a creative hobby you are passionate about is what most people do.
        the problem with that is its not productive, i need to make money as a neet, and if i get a job, i wont find time to do anything.. literal slavery .

        • 11 months ago

          Just work a shitty retail or fast food job and do the hobby on the side.
          Publishing stuff online is the only thing boomers don't have a way to manipulate or frick up. You do have to take extra steps to copyright your stuff, but besides that, it's fairly "secure".

          Team managers in your field knows the value of autists like you, if anything play it up

          True but there's also lots of sociopaths that will find ways to use that against you. Cover it up so you don't get targeted.

      • 11 months ago

        >Finding a creative hobby you are passionate about is what most people do. It makes working a shitty job and dealing with stress easier.
        I was like that and happy with myself despite a rather not ideal situation but then AI happened and I nearly got badly sick from the depression.
        Now I'm trying to steer the skills I learned into a more professional field, I think I'll go find a design job again.

        • 11 months ago

          Ignore the AI shitposting.
          AI art got thrown under a blanket copyright thing anyway. You can't profit off it at all.
          AI writing code and making art and even writing fiction is all fricking terrible anyway.

      • 11 months ago

        >my old man went to college, got skillz, then got a real job, worked his ass and now he retired at like fricking 40. he still works because he loves his profession.
        >how the frick do you match up to that
        You literally cant. My uncle, (dads brother) just retired at 56. It pisses me off. It was his first job and just stayed with it for 32years and bought and flipped houses. My dad got laid off of like every job until recently. It fricking sucks and is unfair. My dad is 62 and works as a university maintenence guy at a university in my hometown. The are both boomers but my dad got fricked by the systems while his brother didnt.

        "hey the college introduced a brand new class, its its first year. they got this big silly machine you feed cards into and it prints out different cards, weird, huh?"
        "oh i need an extra credit or two"
        why couldnt that happen to me. being first to it all.

        • 11 months ago

          Well, good news is, online entertainment is the newest "big silly machine you feed cards into".
          A lot of people aren't creative because of the brainrot from social media, tiktok, and f*cebook.
          If you can create stuff on an even semi-consistent basis, you'll get an audience and supporters over time.
          It's how I got half my steam library by writing porn on the internet.

          Just work, save some money, then quit and spend everything for the next two years
          Repeat until dead
          Can't find a job? Apply for gobmunt gibs!

          The only problem applying for gibs or disability is that it shows up on background searches for normal jobs. You perma-frick yourself if you apply for either of those.

          • 11 months ago

            >You perma-frick yourself if you apply for either of those.
            Not really
            Just keep.applying for high-end obs that you technically qualify for
            You get hired? Repeat what you did the last x times.
            You don't get hired? You're still on the government's payroll.
            It's a win-win situation.

    • 11 months ago

      >my old man went to college, got skillz, then got a real job, worked his ass and now he retired at like fricking 40. he still works because he loves his profession.
      >how the frick do you match up to that
      You literally cant. My uncle, (dads brother) just retired at 56. It pisses me off. It was his first job and just stayed with it for 32years and bought and flipped houses. My dad got laid off of like every job until recently. It fricking sucks and is unfair. My dad is 62 and works as a university maintenence guy at a university in my hometown. The are both boomers but my dad got fricked by the systems while his brother didnt.

      • 11 months ago

        Hey, things like that happen. What pisses me off are people who got lucky in life who think that you have to be some kind of frick-up to fall into a shitty life situation. Sometimes people just have bad luck, but it's hard to see that when it never happened to you.
        Personally, I'll never look down on people working shitty dead-end jobs into retirement after experiencing serious unemployment myself.

        • 11 months ago


          With that attitude you’re fricked either way. Shit happens in life and I don’t think you can just work to be a millionaire but every connection I have in my career came from working hard and being recognized for such. That’s how you get connections or stay at the same job for 30 years. Some people just get fricked in life but that attitude will guarantee it

          have a nice day reddit.
          Not giving up because this happened to my dad.

        • 11 months ago

          I know its slipping into "we live in a society" thinking, but the economy we have emphasises the individual so much that poverty is judged as a moral failing more than anything else. The system has no flaws, any issues someone faces is due to their own flaws (ie not working hard or smart enough)

          • 11 months ago

            Touch grass my friend.

            It's that easy.

            >le everything is only your fault
            Nice just world fallacy

      • 11 months ago

        With that attitude you’re fricked either way. Shit happens in life and I don’t think you can just work to be a millionaire but every connection I have in my career came from working hard and being recognized for such. That’s how you get connections or stay at the same job for 30 years. Some people just get fricked in life but that attitude will guarantee it

      • 11 months ago

        blame reagan for the shitty state of modern day america

        • 11 months ago

          You mean FDR and LBJ

          • 11 months ago

            reagan did the most damage by far. ruined the american middle class

            • 11 months ago

              He was not the one who removed the gold standard

      • 11 months ago

        With that attitude you’re fricked either way. Shit happens in life and I don’t think you can just work to be a millionaire but every connection I have in my career came from working hard and being recognized for such. That’s how you get connections or stay at the same job for 30 years. Some people just get fricked in life but that attitude will guarantee it

        blame reagan for the shitty state of modern day america

        I will educate you. What actually happened is that the supreme court ruled that you can't just do straight up IQ tests for job applications (look it up). College GPA or class rank is basically in perfect correlation with IQ. Soon after that point college degrees became a necessary piece of paper to show you GPA/Rank/IQ. It has become even worse since then. Further stratification was needed and college basically became high school and advanced degrees became college. Even at that point most people don't start learning the skills they really need until they get the job. You see what the whole process has done to supply, demand, cost and quality of college.

        TL;DR: a 10 minute IQ test on a application could give you as much information on someone's potential as their class rank after 4 years.

  45. 11 months ago

    i got a well paying low hours job by not beeing moronic like most of you are, people who cry about wageslaving generally have shitty jobs like retail because theyre too moronic to do something else. Its hilarious

  46. 11 months ago

    >does it get better?

    No, you stop being able to enjoy anything because everything feels like a waste of time.

  47. 11 months ago

    I'm studying IT and the thing that worries me the most is the amount of asskissing and social networking I'll have to do if I want to a good job where I live. I'm a no-nonsense quiet guy and I don't really make efforts to make people laugh, I don't provide them with new connections or opportunities, I just wanna do my job and go home. Which is a huge weakness.
    My degree will probably just give me entry level jobs unless I become a really good asskisser, which I'm never going to be good at. I hate this shit.

    • 11 months ago

      Just become a developer in a consultancy man, those guys don't need to do any of that asskissing. I'm a "consultant" but I just stick to the technical shit and don't kiss my boss' ass, WFH means the interaction is minimised.

      • 11 months ago

        that's my dream

    • 11 months ago

      >the thing that worries me the most is the amount of asskissing and social networking I'll have to do if I want to a good job where I live
      You have to do that anyways. Just find the one or two good coworkers that aren't drama starting snitches and talk to them.
      Some jobs will have no good people in them. Use friends or family friends for references if you need to.
      >I just wanna do my job and go home. Which is a huge weakness.
      It's only a weakness if you let them find out. When I worked an office IT job, I got 90% of my work done in 1 or 2 months, then spent most of my time just fricking around pretending to be busy.

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah sadly some asskissing and interacting with yuppies is necessary in IT. I've found though that presenting yourself as someone who is good at what they do, and not saying too much, has also benefitted me though. Idk I guess I'm just a naturally likeable person but I fricking hate half of these c**ts. It's a London job but I live in the north of England. I hate these smarmy motherfrickers, if I could I'd bludgeon their brains out while pissing over their precious client contracts and shit.

    • 11 months ago

      Team managers in your field knows the value of autists like you, if anything play it up

  48. 11 months ago

    >work a cushy IT gig from home, save most of my money
    >still enjoy games but start spending my life on travelling and learning cool and interesting skills instead of gaming all day like I used to
    Nothing wrong with playing less than you used to as long as you still enjoy it. I do fricking bare minimum at "work" too, my values in life are just different now.

  49. 11 months ago

    I'm officially a physician but I'm too much of a pussy to get a GP job (more like, feel like I didn't learned enough shit in college), so I leech of my mom while I'm studying for a specialty so I can afford to build me a gaming rig.


    • 11 months ago

      Get to work homosexual, no doctor knows enough until they get in the field and get experience. Unironically you’ll do great, every new physician I’ve worked for pretty much starts out with that lack of confidence and there’s only one way to fix it in the medical field imo. Experience, bc then you just realize you’ll never know everything but you do know enough

      • 11 months ago

        I should add it’s fine to get your specialty of course but don’t expect to have a miraculous shift in confidence till you get in the field. We all have shaky hand in the beginning

      • 11 months ago

        I should add it’s fine to get your specialty of course but don’t expect to have a miraculous shift in confidence till you get in the field. We all have shaky hand in the beginning

        Thank you for your encouragement. If I don't manage to get into the specialty residence, then i'll bite the bullet and just get the first GP gig i can find.

        • 11 months ago

          Np, hope you can avoid GP tbh but you’ll be fine either way

  50. 11 months ago

    moron don't waste your hard earn wagie money on games, pirate them and invest your money on some assets like property or some business which provide you passive income so one day you can relex with all that wageslaving, even spending money on prostitute is better than video games

    • 11 months ago

      True. The video game industry is too bloated as it is, it doesn’t need more funding. Hiring a prostitute can be considered philanthropy

    • 11 months ago

      my parents are landlords and they still need to work full time. buying a property isn't the end it's just another source of income

  51. 11 months ago

    Anyone else work on a lumber yard here? It's honestly one of the better low-skill jobs I've found. It sits right between mindlessly brain-numbing and actually having responsibilities, so there's not much stressing. You get to stay on your feet all day so you're not melting away in a chair staring at a screen all day. All the lads are alright, and the office staff keep away from us mostly so we can say what we like whenever. I'm even a DYEL skeleton and find it super easy. Only things that suck is being subjected to the weather constantly and running out of work occasionally. I can't tell if I hate summers or winters more.

  52. 11 months ago

    just watched the first 5mins of american sniper

    and started crying

  53. 11 months ago

    Yeah you can be a good wagie and get all your work done to be able to do 8 hour marathons on the weekends

  54. 11 months ago

    Buy a property and become landlord best business because you can raise rent as you like

    • 11 months ago

      If I wasn't poor I would

  55. 11 months ago

    No it doesn't.
    Unless you turn yourself into a mindless robot I don't understand how can someone think working 8h a day is anything but dreadful and soul crushing.

  56. 11 months ago

    >23 yo
    >minimal wage
    >still enough to live comfortably, because living with mom
    >almost payed off credit for car
    >8h of work 8h of sleep, somewhere between 4-5h of vidya per day
    >good friend recently moved back into city, I visit him once a week,
    life is good
    but jesus christ the temperatures in factory I work are allready reaching 32C, and unless EU back off from combustion engine car ban, I will most likely lose a job, so I need to get any education/skill ASAP

    • 11 months ago

      I have all of that except a good friend.

    • 11 months ago

      That's a good gig man, as long as you're happy. I worked factory very briefly and it was too much for me physically. Then I worked an office job and it broke me mentally, got to my lowest point in life. Lucked out with WFH and now I'm finally happy with every aspect of my life, living with my mum really helps too. I'm happy to do this as long as I need to.

  57. 11 months ago

    Will getting a gf fix all my mental problems? I'm a 28 year old virgin kissless handholdless never even had a female friend. I feel if I had a romantic partner I would give a shit about life.

    • 11 months ago

      it will only make it worse

    • 11 months ago

      It might make you feel more fulfilled and loved but it'll also consume your personal time and often frustrate you.

    • 11 months ago

      It can certainly help especially getting over the hump of your virginity. But heartbreak still looms around the corner in every relationship so be prepared emotionally and don’t let your partner be your crutch. Eventually things tend to work out with somebody and you settle into different but better problems

    • 11 months ago

      It might make you better for the honeymoon period but it's gonna be so much worse when the everyday woman bullshit kicks in, believe me

    • 11 months ago

      I'm at the same position and I don't think it will
      I'm such a frick up No one is gonna be attracted to me

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        I’m getting there too, but I’ve never really given a frick. I’m pretty content with it, I’ve never understood incels who literally resort to terrorism because they can’t get pussy. If it happens, that’s nice you know but I honestly have enough shit to do as it is.

    • 11 months ago

      i dunno. i almost had sex like 50 times, tip to slit, had the whole gf experience and it didnt really pan out

  58. 11 months ago

    Just work, save some money, then quit and spend everything for the next two years
    Repeat until dead
    Can't find a job? Apply for gobmunt gibs!

  59. 11 months ago

    Every dysfunction traces back to having loser parents and a shitty childhood.

    • 11 months ago

      my parents are amazing

    • 11 months ago

      >inb4 all the normies start saying the problem is with you and to stop blaming other people for "your problems" and to just "put yourself out there bro"

    • 11 months ago

      True but some people overcome it.
      Most people just hold onto it and develop an alcohol or drug dependence.

      I'm of the opinion that a lot of these "prominent" people like streamers, YouTubers or singers are basically just prostitutes for the public's enjoyment. There are good jobs out there, just do something that is easy money and finance an enjoyable life for yourself. No need to prostitute yourself out.

      That's a good way to look at it.

      Imagine not being a NEET in 2023. You are so bad with your investments.

      Is that why every major crypto bro started getting arrested?
      Is that why the silicon valley bank shut down? Good investments?

  60. 11 months ago

    >flunked out of uni because I have zero passion for software and stopped showing up
    >just got a job at a medical device factory instead
    shame that I was too fricking lazy to get that degree, coulda had a golden ticket.

  61. 11 months ago

    >get job as programmer
    >work from home all week
    >do maybe 2 hours of work so I get 6 hours free
    >6 extra hours of BING BING WAHOO

    • 11 months ago

      I've been doing this for weeks and I don't know how they haven't realized yet.
      I'm just so jaded of working with legacy code that I can simply don't do it anymore so I play video games and shitpost for the most part of the day

  62. 11 months ago

    Imagine not being a NEET in 2023. You are so bad with your investments.

    • 11 months ago

      and where pray tell am I supposed to live?

      • 11 months ago

        In a house.

  63. 11 months ago

    not your blog


  64. 11 months ago

    It does if you mature mentally, which won't be the case of many people here

  65. 11 months ago

    You have like 8h to play shit after work. And like 32h on the weekend.

    • 11 months ago

      >You have like 8h to play shit after work
      not necessarily. you have to take into account commute times, chores, cooking, etc. and you have much less than 8 hours of free time
      >And like 32h on the weekend.
      same thing, you still have chores and errands. honestly, the biggest problem we have in addition to economic costs is the lack of free time. even if wages roses, people would still be miserable cause we don't have enough time to ourselves

  66. 11 months ago

    It's not called wageslavery for no reason anon.
    Our society is intentionally designed to enforce the status quo. You will never get rich enough to not work through working.

  67. 11 months ago

    The concept of meritocracy is dead and everyone knows there is no reason to work hard so you will see more and more people only doing bare minimum and having no ambitions

    • 11 months ago

      Yep, I've seen my coworkers getting raised just for being there, I worked my ass off to deliver quality work and to make sure people follow standard procedures only to get scolded for being "too strict".
      Since then I've been working like 3-4h tops and doing literal garbage that just works.

  68. 11 months ago

    >doing interview
    >am able to act reasonably charismatic and normal
    >answering the personal questions and hypothetical scenarios smoothly
    >suddenly the second interviewer who has been mostly silent up until now hits me with "what is your motivation (in general)"
    >completely short circuit and end up just saying I'm just trying to be happy
    what the frick was I supposed to say

    • 11 months ago

      You did nothing wrong
      "motivation" is a load of bullshit
      You're there to earn money, they know you're there to earn money, but there's always that one homosexual-ass middle manager who want to put others on the spot

    • 11 months ago

      these types want you to dickride the company and say how much of a good little worker ant you were gonna become

    • 11 months ago

      Act like you didn’t hear the question and say “sorry can you repeat that?” While you think of something. That’s my trick to those BS general questions

    • 11 months ago

      There is no correct answer to that.
      You did give an answer that doesn't make you look desperate. I wouldn't worry too much.
      If you get hired, watch out for that 2nd interviewer. That's some sociopath shit.

      People who say shit like this never went through any real struggle in their lives

      Exactly. It's just homosexuals trying to demoralize people on purpose. Don't engage. Use filters.

      Yep, I've seen my coworkers getting raised just for being there, I worked my ass off to deliver quality work and to make sure people follow standard procedures only to get scolded for being "too strict".
      Since then I've been working like 3-4h tops and doing literal garbage that just works.

      I did the same thing at every office job I have ever worked.

  69. 11 months ago

    >get some shitty job
    >work for a few months
    >quit or fired
    >spend the rest of the year gaming, neeting, dedicating my time to things i enjoy

  70. 11 months ago

    Unironically, get a better job and start a family.

    For example, I make enough money to offer a comfortable lifestyle for myself and my family, though not enough to go on vacation whenever or buy anything on a whim. Despite that, I work mostly from home and only for 15-25 hours a week (salaried). I start my days making sure my wife and kid are ready for school, I drink coffee and play vidya until I need to take a shit — usually 10:00 to 11:30am — then I work until 2-4pm. At nights, I spend time with my wife and my best friend, whether playing Smash Remix or watching movies or just talking.

    Wageslavery is cruel and unusual punishment, especially since it occupies your mind during your off-hours: "Oh, I only have X amount of time to spend so I better be spending it wisely/having fun!" There's literally nothing wrong with wasting time, so long as it's not your only option. Find someplace to volunteer, find a hobby or club, get back into reading, etc. But nothing is likely to make you feel more fulfilled than having a family of your own. It's simply human nature.

  71. 11 months ago

    >game at my night shift security job in a empty building with no one else around
    Max comfy

    • 11 months ago

      how do you find one of these

      • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        Get a security license and apply for night shift security gigs in corporate offices.

  72. 11 months ago

    >OK i got the money from my parents and i can finally buy some vidoe games!
    >Oh MAN I CANT WAIT to play some bing bing wahoo for 2 hours after school then go to sleep and get indoctrinated again
    does it get better?

    • 11 months ago

      It does not, lmao
      Take it from a 25-year old who went through the same thing you're going through; college is going to be even worse
      Some life lessons:
      Learn how to pirate games on PC and save your money for multiplayer games on consoles to play with friends
      SOCIALIZE, MOTHERFRICKER you will stop meeting people at the end of college and the people you meet until then will be your friends for life
      Get a job that you actually enjoy doing, no matter how much you earn from it
      Get a long-term life goal. Any goal. It will help you not killing yourself. "World domination" is a valid goal
      Learn politics if you can/want to, /misc/ os a shithole, but it's still (mostly) unfiltered truth
      Just don't become a moronic neo-nazi or go to any meetups

      • 11 months ago

        Bro I'm 30 I just thought it was funny because it's pretty similar.

        • 11 months ago

          It's alright, anon. Just don't mention your real age
          In any case, the same advice goes to the other underageb& in this thread

  73. 11 months ago

    >tfw born into a generation which experienced 3 huge economic crises before 30 and there are gonna be more
    It was over before it even began

  74. 11 months ago

    I would recommend working out as well, it helps

  75. 11 months ago

    Is video editing a viable career? I only ask because it's like the one productive thing I enjoy doing.
    I know you can freelance but then you need a portfolio and the shit I've made in the past isn't exactly marketable.

    • 11 months ago

      Do you live in LA? Are you comfortable working with YouTubers? If the answer to both is "yes," then yes.

    • 11 months ago

      Do you live in LA? Are you comfortable working with YouTubers? If the answer to both is "yes," then yes.

      But only for the next couple of years. AI will be able to do this shit easy in no time.

    • 11 months ago

      It's not viable unless you get into an agency or marketing.
      Make fake commercials and stuff if your portfolio is full of "unmarketable" stuff. Make sure your online presence is clean.

  76. 11 months ago

    this is me, but the only thing keeping me going is exercising, hiking, and vidya. I pray one day we will get financial freedom bros... we just need to work on our careers and leave those dead end jobs.

    • 11 months ago

      >we just need to work on our careers and leave those dead end jobs.
      You're going to work that same job until the day you die.
      Want to do something better? Apply for it proactively.

      • 11 months ago

        >Want to do something better? Apply for it proactively.
        did you even read my post you moron? I'm basically advocating the same shit you're saying.

        • 11 months ago

          "Working on your career" is pretty saying "I don't need to get a better job, because I'm sure mister Shinkelstein will reward me with a promotion once he gets his second yacht!"

          • 11 months ago

            >"Working on your career" is pretty saying "I don't need to get a better job
            this is what happens when your ego gets in the way of your brain

            • 11 months ago

              lmao, you don't have a counter argument because I'm correct, so you go
              >w-w-w-well ur stupid
              You boomers are a riot.

          • 11 months ago

            kek, perhaps i needed to reword that post better. but yes. now please stop replying to me.

            • 11 months ago

              >please stop replying to me
              I refuse. I'll reply once more; I think you're a pretty decent person, anon.
              I hope you gain whatever it is you're working towards.
              Good luck.

  77. 11 months ago

    I might become a forced NEET. I can't get a home where I'm at and so I have to move in my parents where there are no jobs.

    • 11 months ago

      Bullshit, learn a trade.

      • 11 months ago

        Already did, bro. Trust me. I'm not in the US.

      • 11 months ago

        >just destroy your body for subpar wages until you have 20 years worth of experience, bro
        >those hip replacements at age 45? nah don't worry about that bro, chicks dig old decrepit men, haven't you seen that dude from playboy?

        • 11 months ago

          yeah permasedentary obese officetards are in so much better shape and physical state by the time they're old

          • 11 months ago


            • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago

            Those people might be obese, but they'll still be able to golf at age 70.
            Can't really say the same about plumber John, who worned out his back at age 52.
            You'd be better off working a mind-numbing job at a factory, and that's real fricking sad.

            • 11 months ago

              >but they'll still be able to golf at age 70.
              They'll be on 8 different types of permanent medication and unable to walk up stairs without short circuiting their pacemaker. Working yourself to death is bad regardless.

              • 11 months ago

                Oh, I didn't realize we were talking about Americans.
                No, you people have like an average life expectancy of 60.

    • 11 months ago

      learn to code on your freetime, there are a lot of online courses you can learn from. SQL is also in demand for business jobs, and you can learn that online as well

  78. 11 months ago

    That meme picture is right, if you don't get your life sorted out by early or mid 20s at latest you are never gonna catch up. so just give up and accept you were born to be a loser

    • 11 months ago

      People always say you still got a long life ahead, but your 10s to 30s is a lot more important than your 30s to 50s (unless you already laid the groundwork in your 20s for you to enjoy your 30s).

      • 11 months ago

        There's no groundwork anymore.
        There's no working economy. There's a labor shortage but only retail and fast food are hiring.
        People are literally posting fake office jobs online, auto rejecting, and putting the same job posting up a month later.

        >does it get better?
        enjoy retirement when you're too old and frail to do anything.
        you will enjoy slaving away over two thirds of your life, and paying your government a significant amount of the pittance you make, and another significant portion to the "lord" you can thank for the roof over your head, be it bank or land owner, and another to pay multi-billion dollar corporations in return for overpriced sustenance. all the while appeasing your corporate overlords, lest you lose your job, and your "value" on this earth.

        people will continue to live like this for however long we allow society to define value this way. the gluttonous corporate execs and other "powerful" people of the world will not allow you to tamper with the utopia they have created. and thus you are enthralled, a mindless worker bee, ever so content, because without it what value is there in your existence? if you cannot "contribute" to this beautiful society, why should you be allowed to live?

        All you really have to do is frick with the people in charge until they get fed up or quit. Then make sure whoever replaces them doesn't do the same thing.
        It's already working.

        It gets better when you move up in your career and become a salary man. Also, what's the alternative? Even wealthy people have to work long hours and don't get a lot of free time.

        You can't move up unless you know someone. Boomers don't care about your degree, because most of them got their jobs without one. But they still put that limitation on you to stop you.
        Boomers are literally holding the economy and job advancement hostage. The only way out is to get into stuff boomers don't understand. Tech.

        • 11 months ago

          >You can't move up unless you know someone.
          You move up by being good at your job and being red-pilled on office politics. If not, then quit and go somewhere else where they will move you up.

          • 11 months ago

            >You move up by being good at your job
            top kek, after seeing so many people fail upward I don't believe you for a second. People who are good at their job get stuck where they are because they are good at what they are doing, thus there is no reason to either a. fire them or b. move them to another position

            • 11 months ago

              that's why I said you need to be red-pilled on office politics or else you will not go anywhere.

  79. 11 months ago

    I only have time for one hour...count yourself lucky

  80. 11 months ago

    Literally me
    >be me, poorgay all life
    >dream of playing FF16, Marvel's Spider Man 2, Dirt 5 and other cool games on a PS5 since a couple of years
    >break my back in college and job hunting
    >finally land a job last year such that I can afford a PS5 and a nice 4K TV comfortably
    >no time left
    Frick me

  81. 11 months ago


    Posted on /vr/ because I'm at the edge of a mental breakdown

  82. 11 months ago

    Why do we have to keep having this fricking conversation every week?

    If you are too tired to play videogames, it's not because of your job, it's because you are TIRED. As in, SLEEPY. DROWSY, EXHAUSTED, and so on.

    You need to get better sleep, end of discussion. Your job isn't wearing you out, your lack of sleep is.

    Do not fricking listen to people who say you need any less than eight hours of sleep per not. Do not assume that means you're in bed at 11 and waking up at 7. You need eight full, uninterrupted hours of deep sleep with REM.

    Bad sleep will ruin your life more than the most taxing job. It can kill you from the inside out. Some of you are NEETs, you don't have an excuse, sleep more than you've ever slept before.

    • 11 months ago

      >sleep from 12 till 9 every night
      >still feel exhausted despite not doing anything on the weekends
      What the frick is wrong with me?

      • 11 months ago

        Get a smartwatch with sleep analysis + snoring detection functionality.
        Chances are that you're either getting disturbed by something at night, or that you're not getting enough oxygen due to snoring.

      • 11 months ago

        the answers are the same as always, diet or exercise since you already got the sleep down
        we're having this thread every day yet you Black folk never learn, or you came here yesterday like that

        Posted on /vr/ because I'm at the edge of a mental breakdown

        homosexual who can't crossboard link

    • 11 months ago

      >OP starts thread saying how he barely has any time to enjoy himself
      >your solution is to have him waste more time laying unconscious in a bed

      • 11 months ago

        It beats doomscrolling in front of a blue light source.

  83. 11 months ago

    >does it get better?
    enjoy retirement when you're too old and frail to do anything.
    you will enjoy slaving away over two thirds of your life, and paying your government a significant amount of the pittance you make, and another significant portion to the "lord" you can thank for the roof over your head, be it bank or land owner, and another to pay multi-billion dollar corporations in return for overpriced sustenance. all the while appeasing your corporate overlords, lest you lose your job, and your "value" on this earth.

    people will continue to live like this for however long we allow society to define value this way. the gluttonous corporate execs and other "powerful" people of the world will not allow you to tamper with the utopia they have created. and thus you are enthralled, a mindless worker bee, ever so content, because without it what value is there in your existence? if you cannot "contribute" to this beautiful society, why should you be allowed to live?

    • 11 months ago

      But anon, you'll have a nice house at the end of that 30 year mortgage. I mean, you won't actually own it until then, and even then, you'll still owe property taxes, but you'll definitely get a couple years out of it before you die a withered used up husk.

    • 11 months ago

      wtf i love communism now

    • 11 months ago

      >corporate overlords
      Just say israelites

  84. 11 months ago

    As someone 7 years in to wageslaving, no, it does not get better. It's basically wasting your life, but then the only people with lives are the rich and trust fund babies and people who don't have to work. You will have little if any time to play video games and most games will feel like they are busywork wasting your time because the devs want easy longevity to their games so they can say "this is 40 hours of content!"

  85. 11 months ago

    I want you to get mad.

  86. 11 months ago

    It gets better when you move up in your career and become a salary man. Also, what's the alternative? Even wealthy people have to work long hours and don't get a lot of free time.

  87. 11 months ago

    as a squarely lower middle class neet I just feel like a prisoner most days. just with access to a lot of video games.

    • 11 months ago

      >feel like a prisoner
      you have nothing but free time. go do something you moron. some people just aren't made for the NEET life. if you feel like that get a job any job or even just volunteer somehwhere

    • 11 months ago

      Except you aint. You think boomer cucks are smart they aren't. They have 80 IQ. Stop being afraid of these imbeciles like they got you on a leash.

  88. 11 months ago

    People are always asking me what I what out of life but I already have everything I want.
    I can afford the food and drinks I like, I have heat, electricity and internet. I assembled a good computer and I have a bunch of consoles and using that I can pirate anything digital. I am content.
    Actually my one dream would be to live somewhere where I can ski and snowboard but I also like where I live as well so it's not a big deal.

  89. 11 months ago

    I was a long term NEET now a wagie (part time retail was the only thing that would hire me)
    I'm not making shit and I feel like I'll never make progress or enough money to actually do what I want
    Or have the time to game how I want

  90. 11 months ago

    Holy shit this thread is full of women with all the b***hmade blogposts

    • 11 months ago

      then leave it homosexual

    • 11 months ago

      blogposts are the only time you see something original being said here unlike your post for instance

      • 11 months ago

        this, so many people who complain about blogposts are just people who don't leave their rooms and have nothing to talk about or contribute

  91. 11 months ago

    Fricking hilarious that you gays are so "fed up" with modern life and yet you're still terrified of naming the Beast causing your misery.
    >300 posts and 0 hits on ctrl-f for "capitalism"

    Cue the corporate cum-guzzling (You)s...

    • 11 months ago

      lol yeah communism will save you all
      an hero, moron

    • 11 months ago

      Under communism I would have been shot for displaying non-social conforming actions, so no thank you.

      • 11 months ago

        Boomers had anti-commie hysteria and had everything handed to them, so they liked the system that set them up for success.
        You have anti-commie hysteria because you're incapable of thinking for yourself, and enjoy being cuckolded to corporate slave-masters.

        • 11 months ago

          best post ITT
          frick israelites, frick capitalism and frick boomers
          I'm not working for shlomo

        • 11 months ago

          I don't you heard me correctly.
          Under communism I would be dead. Branded as an enemy of the state. Send off to the gulag.
          Under capitalism I am still alive. A slave, yes, but at least not dead.

          • 11 months ago

            The dead pity the living, for the dead are at peace.

            • 11 months ago

              The dead don't do anything, because they're dead and gone forever. Imagine believing in an afterlife despite literally zero proof after tens of thousands of years of human civilization.

              • 11 months ago

                Oblivion is better than living on this planet.

              • 11 months ago

                Todd Howard wins again.

              • 11 months ago

                Ok hylic

          • 11 months ago

            Communism is when Russia

            • 11 months ago

              Communism has only been tried during (what I believe you meant to say) the era of the Soviet Union.
              It failed. Horribly. It killed millions, imprisoned hundreds of thousands and caused country wide poverty.
              But sure, keep telling me how Russia (?) is the holy paragon of goodness all other countries should aspire to.

              • 11 months ago

                No you don't understand, that wasn't real communist it was co-opted by crypto-fascists

              • 11 months ago

                I don’t care

              • 11 months ago

                If you truly didn't, you wouldn't have replied.

            • 11 months ago

              ...accidentally kills more Ukrainians than the 3rd Reich intentionally killed israelites, even with a purpose-built system of dedicated extermination camps created for that speciffic task?

      • 11 months ago

        The post doesn’t even mention communism, you’re just obsessed. It’s clear to anyone with a brain that capitalism is a moronic system regardless of what good it’s responsible for.

        • 11 months ago

          Name another viable (capable of existing for at least two generations) alternative to capitalism, then.
          You won't.

          • 11 months ago

            >You won't.
            And he didn't. You win.

            • 11 months ago

              >invent a new economic system fro the ground up and have it work flawlessly under conditions you literally couldn’t ever anticipate or lose the argument
              Ok I lose, can’t wait to see the meaningful improvement this will make to my life and the others in this thread

              • 11 months ago

                So you agree that the only alternative that original anon was talking about could have been communism and you getting triggered that I assumed he was talking about communism was your bad?

      • 11 months ago

        I don't you heard me correctly.
        Under communism I would be dead. Branded as an enemy of the state. Send off to the gulag.
        Under capitalism I am still alive. A slave, yes, but at least not dead.

        >commies would kill me
        Are you a homosexual or a troony?
        Reminder that gender-treason was a crime under Stalin.

    • 11 months ago

      you mean israelites?

    • 11 months ago

      Most people on here absorb shitty ideologies to fit into an already schizophrenic board culture. I used to post here a lot and it happened to me too.

    • 11 months ago

      Stop watching breadtube troony

    • 11 months ago

      Why do you have to ruin the thread

    • 11 months ago

      capitalism is shitty yeah but i look at china and i dont see anything better

  92. 11 months ago

    >Work in sales
    >have to go out every single fricking day to find "potential clients"
    Just fricking kill me

  93. 11 months ago

    Isn't it interesting how despite all of the technological progress the majority of people have to spend 8 or even 12 hours of their day working bullshit jobs while never seeing any benefits just so the israelites can have more profits?

    • 11 months ago

      It's just a cohencidence friend, don't pay it any mind.

    • 11 months ago

      >Isn't it interesting how despite all of the technological progress the majority of people have to spend 8 or even 12 hours of their day working bullshit jobs while never seeing any benefits just so the israelites can have more profits?
      it's funny b/c some prominent economists said that at our currently level of productivity, we should only be working like 20 hours a week

      • 11 months ago

        Who said that?

  94. 11 months ago

    If you didn't put a ton of effort early in your life or got lucky and landed a 6 figure job or gig right out the gate and made a name for yourself when you were in your early 20s then it's too late now without an actual plan.
    Just enjoy the rest of your life as a wagie. Hope for a promotion and early retirement before you lose control of your body.

  95. 11 months ago

    Y'all don't actually wanna just play vidya all day right?
    It is good shit but come on snap out of it.
    Life was never about gaming all day every day.

  96. 11 months ago

    >we are in the most prosperous times in human history

    • 11 months ago

      What will happen when the wealthy finally do have 100% of the money?

      • 11 months ago

        Feudalism. You will be owned and you will be happy.

      • 11 months ago


  97. 11 months ago

    hoeflation is also terrible
    men are just accepting they have to choose between used goods fat bawds and single mothers?

    • 11 months ago

      Most just stop dating.
      Look at how many percent of men under 30 are single. 63 fricking percent.
      Society as a whole will collapse the moment all those boomers stop working and will be expecting their retirement gibs from the government.

    • 11 months ago

      They don't have to choose either. Videogames statistically provide about 80% of the endorphin release of sex, at about 1% of the effort.

  98. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      When did you realise that he was right?

      • 11 months ago
        • 11 months ago

          Where are these people that believed they were going to be some millionaire rock god movie star?

          I just wanted a house, and the time to be comfy, dammit.

          Or is it just saying that's what the system pushes.

    • 11 months ago

      my man cooking nothing lmfao

      • 11 months ago

        hes cooking facts

  99. 11 months ago

    Life is a simulation it is a video game. Stop taking it so serious dumb frick. What you want respect from Jordan Cuckerson?

  100. 11 months ago

    >oh nooooooo my e daddy thinks I am lazy and entitled
    >oh nooooo the megacorporation that abuses its workers would never hire me again after this stunt!
    Stop being a fricking KEK

  101. 11 months ago

    >learn a trade post in every fricking NEET thread on Ganker
    I'm actually speechless

    • 11 months ago

      It's people following a script to demoralize posters here.
      It's been happening quite a lot since politicians started getting blackmailed. Just another divide and conquer tactic. Ignore it. Use filters.

      • 11 months ago

        What else can the poor do but "learn a trade"? They can't go into 4 year college debt, they'd be fricked, and they can't work at Walmart for their entire life, that'd destroy anyone

        • 11 months ago

          >homie think walmart is the epitome of jobs

          • 11 months ago

            For those without a trade, certifications or college degrees, it's all you can reliably expect.

            • 11 months ago

              homie you never even looked at any job listings.

              • 11 months ago

                I did, thats how I got a jerb, but I also have a degree

            • 11 months ago

              I work at a national broadcaster at a job where I’m solely responsible for wether we get on air or not. I don’t have a degree, I’m partly self taught and partly learnt through experience and osmosis. I got the job by showing up and asking.

              • 11 months ago

                Hello Boomer who was hired in 1961

              • 11 months ago

                It was 2020

            • 11 months ago

              no one wants any of that shit anymore cause it means they have to pay more, they want experience cause it means less money on training. Yes, even certs. I got hired over 3 "fully qualified" people with masters for my current IT gig at a school because I had NO certs but knew the systems they used. They lowballed me which I was fine with cause it was still well over $50k.

              • 11 months ago

                most job listings list a degree as required though but they also ask for years of experience in the field

              • 11 months ago

                Sure, the listing of "Requirements" is in the hopes that they get someone overqualified.
                Try applying anyway, worst that happens is you get no response or they say no.

              • 11 months ago

                yea I do that. i'm happy to be a NEET so I half-arse it but still get a couple interviews from around a score of applications

              • 11 months ago

                I enjoyed beign a NEET too but I realized I needed to start preparing, I've got a little nest egg now and if I ever needed to, I could sustain myself as a NEET for just over a year, while I search for a new job or prep to move somewhere or whatever.

              • 11 months ago

                No, the actual worst case is that you get the job because the people hiring you are clueless but you're hopelessly underqualified for it and they fire you after a few months.

              • 11 months ago

                If you're applying to shit you don't understand, sure, I'm talking about jobs like flipping burgers at mcdonalds that want a PHD and 10 years experience. Or people who want "10+ years of rust development experience".
                Shit like that.

              • 11 months ago

                Not that guy but first of all, no one gets master degrees for fricking IT work besides pajeets. Second, schools are literally tied for the worst place to work in that field. Third, don't brag about being underpaid because unless you live in bum frick tenneesse shithole 50 is not a large number.

                t. information security chad

              • 11 months ago

                I'm not bragging, I'm saying I got hired with no experience, no student debt, no certs, and I sit on my ass dealing with decades old systems to keep kids from looking at porn on school premises. It's a HUGE step up from the $15/hr that most places are hiring, and I bypassed all of the "required" shit they wanted.
                You're missing the entire point of my post in RESPONSE to the original anon. Just fricking lie. They're lying to you, no doubt they're lying about their salary range, they're lying about their hours, possibly their remote availability, everything. Just lie, even the playing field.

              • 11 months ago

                eh fair enough, but telling people who have no idea what they are doing to just lie is setting them up for failure

              • 11 months ago

                I assumed someone here would have the bare minimum of thought and not lie to get a job they have 0 idea about. I'm saying lie to get a job you know you can handle even if you don't meet the reqs. Apply anyway. In THAT scenario, the worst they can say is no. Of course if you're applying to work on a nuclear submarine and have no experience with it, that's moronic, you'll never pass any meaningful test.
                I guess I shouldn't assume the people here to have above room temp IQ anymore. fricking chanology.

              • 11 months ago

                You have to remember most of the people on here are either children or have spent most of the conversations in their adult life arguing with children on here

              • 11 months ago

                Hey man how did you land that job? Did you start hitting up schools or something cause I've been looking for the same job but I never see school IT jobs listed

              • 11 months ago

                They tend to be listed on local city/state related websites. My local school district has a website where they list their open positions. I applied on there, took a few weeks, to get a response, I was probably second or third pick, but I was willing to take the lower end of the salary range they listed and they snapped me RIGHT the frick up.

              • 11 months ago

                Did you lie on your resume? Cause i'm 30 and never had a job

              • 11 months ago

                "Lie" as in actively lie and say I had shit I didn't? No, that's moronic and they'll figure it out in an attosecond.
                Just omit things that aren't relevant. I never went to uni, so I didn't mention it on the resume. I didn't have certs, so I didn't mention them. I played up my years of experience in the field instead.
                If you're 30 and have never had a job though, you probably want to start at amazon or something, they hire as long as you have a pulse (and honestly $20/hr starting for overnight isn't too bad)

              • 11 months ago


                I thought I could babysit moronic kids messing with computers with my knowledge and fake it

              • 11 months ago

                Fake it til you make it is very real, might legit be the best strat if you’re considering value for time spent

          • 11 months ago

            I work at walmart and just bought my first house at 26 with my own money lmao meanwhile I have friends that have masters degrees and make less than me

            • 11 months ago

              >bought my first house at 26 with my own money
              How many years ago was this? Or how far into the boonies are you?
              Because otherwise you're talking out of your ass.

        • 11 months ago

          The only way to get out is to learn marketable online skills while working.
          The hard part is realizing which ones are scams. Life insurance is a popular scam. There's also lots of "remote tech support" scams going around.
          Doing market research and creating something people want is effective, but mostly luck.

          Just remembering all the hardworking people who had their lives ruined during the pandemic, careers gone in seconds

          Yeah it kinda sucks, but I kinda hated my career before that anyway.

          • 11 months ago

            op has 2 hours after work. i dont think hes gonna be able to do that

  102. 11 months ago

    just get a remote job idiot

    • 11 months ago

      That requires you to have a marketable skill or the ability to take 50-100 calls a day without your brain imploding

      • 11 months ago

        Hahaha this homie think corporations go hard homie they get stepped on by their workers. Stop being a little ass kissing cuck.

    • 11 months ago

      You generally need experience and a way to ensure that it won't get outsourced overseas to poos, like a clearance or something.

  103. 11 months ago

    >dude you have to act just like what your beliefs are!
    >you can't heckin do what you want and contradict your beliefs because uh... boomers said you can't!

  104. 11 months ago

    >nooooo you can't think you are cooler and wiser than the heckin doctors and professors nooooooo my daddy says you can't!

    • 11 months ago

      If you declined the covid-vaccine you are smarter than 100% of Doctors and Professors

  105. 11 months ago

    Invest your money so you can live a neet life in the future, thats the only way

  106. 11 months ago

    >nothing in life is guaranteed, you're supposed to work just to survive
    Sounds like shit when am I dying?
    This is my one life and it is going to be spend alone, poor, and moronic.
    >all of my family loves me for some reason, perhaps because I try my best to be kind and avoid making problems.
    Still want to kill myself, and if they knew how I really felt about them then they probably would let me and not care. I know they have no real reason to love me, if I was anyone else they wouldn't give a shit. I'm only loved because it's a given.
    I don't enjoy anything. I am constantly suffering from paranoia from doing anything. Always assuming the other person hates me and is only talking with me due to obligation. All of my friends left me alone. As an adult I have nothing and will continue to have nothing
    >inb4 self improovers
    Getting in shape won't change my brain chemistry. I meditate regularly and I'm still caught up in my thoughts.

    If I'm just going to live a shitty life with no friends, no good job, no wife, no kids, no home. Then why fricking bother? Why isn't suicide legal? Why can't I go somewhere to be euthanized?
    Instead my roommates are going to have to explain to my parents that I killed myself by hanging, or intentionally dui and getting into a fatal crash.
    I fricking hate humanity. I hate every one of you. I hate what humanity has done with this world. Systematically drained any life or fun from it. You can only have fun if you fit into the mold of the "perfect man" even then you will still constantly suffer from anxiety.

    • 11 months ago

      >when am I dying?
      Nearest train tracks are thataway, bozo.
      What's that? You actually don't want to have a nice day?
      Better get used to the slave life then.

      • 11 months ago

        One of these days the people you say this shit to are gonna get a clear head and decide that you're worth about as much as them

        • 11 months ago

          I'd welcome them to try.
          No really, the moment they decide to go all school shooter, they'll get swatted by intelligence agencies or shot by cops.
          And nothing value would be lost.

    • 11 months ago

      >If I'm just going to live a shitty life with no friends, no good job, no wife, no kids, no home. Then why fricking bother? Why isn't suicide legal? Why can't I go somewhere to be euthanized?
      Good news, Canada is normalizing euthanasia, soon the rest of the western world will follow suite

    • 11 months ago

      >Getting in shape won't change my brain chemistry
      Yes it fricking will you mong, being fit is cornerstone to being mentally sound

      • 11 months ago

        Has it worked out for you?
        I have never seen a self-improover actual make it.

    • 11 months ago

      >Getting in shape won't change my brain chemistry
      You'd be surprised. I couldn't get anything done at all before I fixed by brain fog with a better diet and my motivation shot way up after. Working out help feeling generally good too but I recommend a better diet first.

  107. 11 months ago

    Just remembering all the hardworking people who had their lives ruined during the pandemic, careers gone in seconds

  108. 11 months ago

    How do people live with themselves at a shitty job? I regularly quit my jobs, 2 years is the absolute max I stay, there is always someone who will hire you for more, even if it's only a little. I'm around $70k a year, and I save almost $2000 a month, and make about 4 hours of PTO a week, so a month of work and I have enough to take 2 days off work. my state also mandates sick time, so I get a free 2 weeks of sick time a year that I can use at any point for whatever reason I want as long as I say "I'm sick".
    If you find yourself in a rut, make a change anon. It's not nearly as hard as you'd think.

    • 11 months ago

      yea but then you go through that cancerous cycle of finding zoom interviews and filling out applications for hours a day. Can't be picky sometimes.

      • 11 months ago

        >cancerous cycle
        more money makes it worth it, in my eyes. I've hopped between 5 jobs (just signed for my 6th) over the last decade, each one has come with about a $5k/yr bump in pay for similar or even less responsibility. From the biggest megacorps on the planet to the smallest mom n pop shops, no one alots money for internal promotion or raises anymore, all the money goes into budgeting for new hires. And if they offer you a raise after you put in your papers, they'll fire you the INSTANT they find someone to replace you. It's how the current job market works (in the US at least).
        Honestly the interview shit is overstated anyway, in my field if it would take more than 3 interviews I just decline off the cuff. I start searching right after my 1y job anniversary at my current job, usually an hour or two a night of sending out and responding to emails on linkedin or indeed or whatever, and over the next year I tend to get a handful of offers.

  109. 11 months ago

    Hahahah holy shit you fricking cucks stop thinking work is hard. It is piss easy shit. You don't need to worry so much about it. Any fricker can work a job and quit when they want. Stop ass kissing the people trying to get pity. It ain't that hard dude just don't identify your self with your career like normie LOSERS

  110. 11 months ago


  111. 11 months ago

    I'm playing Orcs Must Die with my best friend as we speak, just find time. Although with kids, its literally at best 8 hours a week to play a co-op game

    • 11 months ago

      >just find time.
      Just create a pocket time dilation space that stops time for everything outside your room

  112. 11 months ago

    Yeah. You get a vacation.

  113. 11 months ago

    Hahaha you mother frickers don't realize this is just boomer douchebags trying to turn you into their mules. Learn the rules of the game and it ain't so bad. You don't wanna live a life where all you do is play vidya nobody really does. Fricking chill goddamn.

    • 11 months ago

      Yes I do. I just want to play video games and wait out my life until something kills me. I want more, of course, but I won't be able to achieve anything, so the next best thing is video games, but I can't even have that. I MUST suffer. I MUST be around moronic normalhomosexuals all day long. I must be around their judging gazes and their puddle deep observations and thoughts about the world.

      • 11 months ago

        Normalgays are losers. Stop caring about their judgement. Truth is you could throw any shit they say about you back on them but don't because they ain't worth shit.

        • 11 months ago

          The issue is that I HAVE to be friends with normalhomosexuals. All women are normalhomosexuals. If I want a girlfriend then I need to be able to communicate with her normalhomosexual ass and her homosexual family.

          • 11 months ago

            No you don't. Also most people ain't even normalgays. Stop looking up to literal AI bots on Ganker. This site was always 90% bots stop admiring non-living computers.

            • 11 months ago

              I don't admire anyone. I just know that I'm too different now to fit into society in a seamless and functioning way due to my many years here and alone playing video games. Most people are normal, I'm not saying they're all shallow, evil and plebians, but most are. I simply cannot communicate with the average person. It always feels wrong and my presence just makes things worse for them.

    • 11 months ago

      Nah I do. well not just vidya

    • 11 months ago

      I am a 30'yo NEET and have nothing to offer for anybody outside of knowing basic english, I just want to see the world get roasted alive by Putin.

      • 11 months ago

        Hahaha okay Jordan Peterson. Keep fricking seething online you gay

        • 11 months ago

          Juden Peterstein wishes that I could watch a minute of him cry in awe of israeli nepotism and institutionalized child rape
          did his daughter cut-off her breasts yet?

  114. 11 months ago

    I'm at this stage and all it has made me realize is that I must be more selective about what games I play. It's opened my eyes to how many are just time-sink dogshit. I also find myself playing games for primarily social reasons.

  115. 11 months ago

    >twitch hoes really be convincing anons they can't stand up for themselves

  116. 11 months ago

    Just live in a nordic country and leech off neet bux forever

  117. 11 months ago

    You can go to video game conventions on the weekend

  118. 11 months ago

    Imagine a happy successful (you) from 10 years in the future. He has been sent back in time because he wants you to make it. Imagine him dragging you out of your room and helping you do all the things you can to help yourself and never giving up on you. This actually works unironically I'm pretty sure it's like a shortcut to the same instincts men have in fatherhood.

    • 11 months ago

      not bad.

  119. 11 months ago

    I'm 32, never held a job, I'm not a virgin, have crippling social anxiety or anything like that but I suffer deeply from depression.

    I think often about suicide, I don't know whast to do, I thought maybe I could learn to make porn games and make furry games since they have so much cash to spend but I feel that would be soul crushing.

    Every day I'm closer to offing myself.

    • 11 months ago

      All you really have to do is make a good proof of concept for a porn game if you're going that route.

      Has it worked out for you?
      I have never seen a self-improover actual make it.

      Exercise makes your body crave foods that will fix brain chemical imbalances.

    • 11 months ago

      >never held a job
      >I'm not a virgin
      Did a prostitute gave you a free sample out of pity, or did you bang your loose cousin or something?

      • 11 months ago

        bro you realise students frick each other?

        • 11 months ago

          I couldn't afford college as a tween

          • 11 months ago

            before that lad.

            • 11 months ago

              I never had interest in teens when I was a kid, but now I do as a wizard - real women are disgusting, and getting closer to the wall only makes them more obnoxious in both body and soul...

      • 11 months ago

        I don't know, I just talk about whatever with girls on tinder and girls seem to like it
        Last girl I had a thing with I talked about warhammer 40k for like an hour before sucking her breasts

        I never had a proper relationship though, girls quickly get tired of my loser ass, so I don't recommend it
        My first experience was with a prostitute in uni I beta orbited for like 2 years though, it was easy from there, also, it's true what they say, sex is overrated so don't stress it

        • 11 months ago

          >I talked about warhammer 40k for like an hour before sucking her breasts
          You good looking? That'd explain it.

          • 11 months ago

            Not at all I was an ugly motherfuvker most of my life, I'm average now, I do look really young for my age though

            >bioc**t women
            What nation is this much based?

            She didn't know shit about 40k, she just liked listening

            • 11 months ago

              Huh, I might actually try Tinder then or Bumble if that doesn't work out
              Here's to hoping my autistic, semi-balding ass will find at least one person to match with

              • 11 months ago

                The only advice I can give you about tinder is only give a like to someone you actually like

                What I mean is if it's some hot girl but it looks like you have nothing in common or wouldn't like a conversation don't bother, I used to give likes to anyone and get no matches, now I only give one or two likes every time I log in and I get way more matches and with girls I acutally want to have a conversation with.

              • 11 months ago

                I'll remember that. Thanks, anon!

              • 11 months ago

                try Hinge, these others are too bot loaded now

        • 11 months ago

          >bioc**t women
          What nation is this much based?

  120. 11 months ago

    >from russia
    >waiting to cross into USA from mexico
    I worked online for 15 years and while that was more than enough to live on in russia, 25k a year really is jack shit in USA. Not sure what i'll be doing but i assume my online job will be something i now do as a side thing and my main will have to be something else, but who is gonna hire someone with only only job experience is beyond me.

    • 11 months ago

      Why did you leave?

      Also what do you do and how can I do it too?

      • 11 months ago

        >Why did you leave?
        Made too many posts clowning on putin/gov/war, got a police report on me.
        >What'd I do
        I draw furry smut, so uh, learn to draw pretty much? Or hell maybe use AI and inpant/img2img, some people seem to make it work.

  121. 11 months ago

    Who overworked and don't trust people at their jobs, or enough to form close relationships?

    Money is fine. But I hate the hole I dug myself in here. And don't see it getting better.

    I wish I had more time to chill. Just chill, and to stream video game to some NEET overseas.

  122. 11 months ago

    Over the last 5-10 years the amount of games I've played (per year) has drastically decreased. To the point I could count on one hand. This year I just stopped even logging into steam and haven't touched a game in 5 months.

    • 11 months ago

      As you get older your desire to play every new game fades away, you'll be more picky about what you buy and play, it's normal. By then you know exactly which games you'd enjoy.

  123. 11 months ago

    I stopped being a wagey a few years ago and I'm gonna kill myself when my savings run dry

    • 11 months ago

      You won't, you love living too much.

      • 11 months ago

        that's why you put yourself in a horrible situation first, like calling 911 saying you're gonna kill your neighbor or something

  124. 11 months ago

    I just need recording equipment for music. That's it. Frick, even a piano will do. I don't mind a keyboard midi. I just need enough money to get somewhere...that's what I keep telling myself.
    But I also need to get out of this city. There's too much trash here. Staying here has only worsened my social life. College has been a joke. One semester away, nearly 7 years, and I have almost nothing to show for it besides a music degree. No true friends. No girls. Nothing.
    Every day I wake up feeling death over me. I don't think about killing myself. But god, if it doesn't seem tempting. I'm too stubborn. But I'm too tired each day after work. Dealing with these fricking customers, waiting inbetween dead time for sales, staring into space like I'm peering into the void. I just need the money. Money to build my own escape.
    I need a new job.

  125. 11 months ago

    >does it get better
    Without you putting in the actual effort? No moron, it doesn't.

    • 11 months ago

      That's the thing, anon.
      It won't get any better no matter how much effort you put in.
      Welcome to modern society: you're a slave and nothing else.

      • 11 months ago

        Nah that's cope. I stopped browsing Ganker and /LULZ/, got a job, and started taking care of myself and life got better. Way better than where I was. I managed to land 2 different girlfriends and have a ton of casual sex, along with some meangingful sex with the girls I dated. I also pounded out 2 different troony prostitutes raw from Grindr. None of these things would have happened if I didn't put the effort in to better my life. Anons just make excuses because it's easier to say "it doesn't matter" "nothing will change" than it is to get off your fat ass and actually do something. The cope out is just blaming "the israelites" or "women" or whatever other boogeyman bullshit you homosexuals like to use to justify why you're a fricking loser and your life sucks.

        • 11 months ago

          Congrats normalgay, do you want a medal?

          • 11 months ago

            Uh, I'm not sure how becoming a sex-addicted degenerate is related to your life getting better, but go you!


            I am unironicly physiclally disgusted by real human females with full legal rights


            • 11 months ago



              ONE JOB!

            • 11 months ago

              you literally have sex with men lol

              • 11 months ago

                And women. Yes.

        • 11 months ago

          Uh, I'm not sure how becoming a sex-addicted degenerate is related to your life getting better, but go you!

        • 11 months ago

          I am unironicly physiclally disgusted by real human females with full legal rights

  126. 11 months ago

    I like these threads. We have plenty of time to discuss the next crappy bideogaem, but not to discuss about ourselves when some people might not be here again.

  127. 11 months ago

    >get STEM degree
    >no job over a year later
    hey at least I can play video games a lot

    • 11 months ago

      Same, but I got a job after half a year that I'm not qualified for and I'm just waiting for them to fire me. Did you also make the huge mistake of studying a natural science?

    • 11 months ago

      >Degree in English
      >Lucked into an IT support job at a small company because I was always good with tech
      >Taught by a really friendly older sys admin who basically just needed a protege
      >Learning a shitload about networking as well as supporting users
      >Making a shitload of money, as well as OT, which is time and a half
      >It's remote 3 days a week

      I lucked out bros I've been at this since 2020. Sometimes I feel like I'm trying not to frick up but we're running with minimal downtime and everyone tells me I'm doing a good job...

      • 11 months ago

        I wish I had your luck, anon. I wish you the best.

        • 11 months ago

          Thanks anon. It's a lot of work some days but other days I work on big projects so it's really self-driven. It's fun. And you know, in a really roundabout way, my degree has been super helpful for being in support. Communicating with people succinctly is critical in this job.

          I unironically wish you the best as well, anon.

  128. 11 months ago

    >2 hours
    >not 5
    Kek you tired homosexuals are the worst

    • 11 months ago

      >bare minimum socializing
      You’re lucky if you’ve got 2 hours after that

  129. 11 months ago

    These sort of threads always make me realize how miserable ya'll are

    • 11 months ago

      Your life will be miserable unless you are part of top 1% or unless you take the Tedpill and leave modern society

      • 11 months ago

        Guess what, most people have really shitty lives and really shitty jobs. The people on this site are probably even better off than the average person.

        Yes, thanks for redpilling me with this very basic information. I'm just saying ya'll are depressed..

        • 11 months ago

          Go back

        • 11 months ago

          >I'm just saying ya'll are depressed..
          Geez, and why do you think that is, genius?

    • 11 months ago

      Guess what, most people have really shitty lives and really shitty jobs. The people on this site are probably even better off than the average person.

  130. 11 months ago

    >does it get better?
    No. It only gets better when you free yourself from working under some israelite and work exclusively for your own gain. You don't have anyone to answer to in this life other than yourself.

    • 11 months ago

      Very few people do that. Even less actually succeed at it, and those who start at nothing have to work very long hours in the beginning to even have a shot.

  131. 11 months ago

    it's so fricking over

  132. 11 months ago

    I unironically hate the neet lifestyle because it hurts me seeing me parents struggle alone, what's the point of not having to work when you can't even afford vydia? I'm trying to get out but I'm getting 0 job offers.

    • 11 months ago

      The Job is just the next level of suffering, anon. I was once where you are and thought a job would solve my problems.

  133. 11 months ago

    Last time I felt genuinely happy was during COVID lockdowns.
    It wasn't about the things I had then but the ones I had not.
    I didn't have to go to work
    I wasn't expected to go out and socialize
    I wasn't looked down for spending an entire day playing video games
    No one felt entitled to my free time
    When I went out there was few people outside

    It made me realize how stressful external expectations can be

  134. 11 months ago

    Streaming has got me back into video games. Even if it's literally for one person from across the pond that I will never meat.

    It's the only thing I look forward to, when I am at work. I have no idea what I am going to do with myself, when he inevitably disappears into the digispace fog.

  135. 11 months ago

    should I lie about having not having epilepsy on my medical?
    I'm seizure free with my current meds but I can imagine employers being spooked by the idea of it

    • 11 months ago

      Unless you're applying to become a truck driver, I wouldn't mention it.

  136. 11 months ago

    >does it get better?
    Not really, no.

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