Ok then let's hear how you'd have saved Xbox

Since you're so smart

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    do everything the exact same way, continue doing so despite Gankerintendo desperately hoping that microsoft will somehow lose their trillions of dollars overnight

    • 4 months ago

      This. Let’s use their new final fantasy 14 plans as an example of doing everything wrong:
      >xbots wait 10 years to play final fantasy 14 on Xbox
      >the hold up is Microsoft’s fault supposedly, because they want Xbox only servers and to double dip for online
      >open beta finally coming out
      >check the notes
      >requires a fricking game pass sub to play final fantasy 14 on Xbox
      >so xbots get to play a 10 year old game, 10 year later, and get to pay twice what a user on PS5 or pc would have to to play it online
      >any hopes you have of more final fantasy games on Xbox go right down the fricking toilet when you see them doing this anti business move
      It’s completely blowing my fricking mind how stupid they are.

      • 4 months ago

        didn't square keep it off xbox for years because microsoft wanted to double dip on the charges and square didn't want them to? realistically, wouldn't that mean that microsoft probably paid for the ff14 port only to ruin it? square has to know how moronic that is, there's no money in them for porting it if they're not being paid upfront.

      • 4 months ago

        Wait you seriously need a fricking goypass sub to play FFXIV? Sony doesn't even make you do that, do they?

        • 4 months ago

          No, sony doesnt require that

          • 4 months ago

            Why the absolute frick would you do that? Also they own WoW now. Why the frick aren't they forcing them to make a console version and to vastly expand the free trial? FFXIV and ESO have proven you can make an MMO work on a console. WoW has been bleeding subscribers for years; there's your fresh market right there.

            Seriously how is that company so unbelievably stupid?

            • 4 months ago

              It seems like they just want to milk their customers and dont give a shit about gaming experience

        • 4 months ago

          It’s the renamed XBL gold, not actual gamepass. Sony requires a PSN sub for every online game except FF14 because they were trying to avoid people leaving the platform for PC 10 years ago

    • 4 months ago

      The next day.
      >Microsoft announces the $3 trillion acquisition of literally every game company besides Sony
      >files for bankruptcy and liquidates all assets to the only remaining game company, Sony
      I mean that's basically just a highly exaggerated version of what just happend with ABK.

      • 4 months ago

        Did I say the next day? I meant today.

        • 4 months ago

          >no source
          I can't find this article anywhere on eurogamer despite it being ostensibly penned by the editor in chief of the site

  2. 4 months ago

    Sexy games with jiggle physics, e-girls, panties

    • 4 months ago

      Unironically, this. Xbox has always been a dudebro console.
      Their focus should have been on macho games and on games that feature scandalous women. Watching Gears adding gay coloring to the armour, and watching 343 celebrating pride shit, was pretty disheartening. This is when I knew the xbox era was over.

      • 4 months ago

        Dude that would be impossible for an american company during an era that being straight white male is the greatest sin

      • 4 months ago

        He didn't say anything about Dudebros fricking spaz.

    • 4 months ago

      Gal*Gun is beautiful and pure, damn MS for censoring them and damn Sony too.

    • 4 months ago

      This would have actually done so much for Xbox in Japan. With Sony going full 1984 censor mode on Jap games it was the perfect time for MS to let Japanese devs know that risqué games were welcome on their platform.

  3. 4 months ago

    Make games. Make exclusives. The thing doesn't even have the distinction of being a halo machine anymore because it's on PC. There's nothing to get excited about for people who own this console

    • 4 months ago

      Expand the portfolio of FRICKING VIDEO GAMES TO PLAY ON A VIDEO GAME PLAYING MACHINE. They had the right idea in the 360 era to throw money at devs and it worked. The 360 had something for everyone. It had games like Tales of Vesperia, FF13, Lost Odyssey, Eternal Sonata, Japanese shumps, indie games, you name it. It even had IDOLMASTER. I could play games like that then go play Halo 3 and CoD with my buddies. Then, for some reason they decided nah frick that shit son who wants good video games.

      What was the point of buying all those studios and not making good exclusives?

      Where's the fricking source or proof that Xbox is about to die? All I've found is unconfirmed rumors by people who aren't affiliated with xbox or microsoft.

      No Kinect

      No 8GB DDR3 + 32MB eSRAM embedded memory

      No TV TV TV TV TV

      Halo and Destiny must stay exclusive to the Xbox consoles

    • 4 months ago

      >build time machine
      >go back to 2013
      There I saved the brand.

      Expand the portfolio of FRICKING VIDEO GAMES TO PLAY ON A VIDEO GAME PLAYING MACHINE. They had the right idea in the 360 era to throw money at devs and it worked. The 360 had something for everyone. It had games like Tales of Vesperia, FF13, Lost Odyssey, Eternal Sonata, Japanese shumps, indie games, you name it. It even had IDOLMASTER. I could play games like that then go play Halo 3 and CoD with my buddies. Then, for some reason they decided nah frick that shit son who wants good video games.

      No Kinect

      No 8GB DDR3 + 32MB eSRAM embedded memory

      No TV TV TV TV TV

      Halo and Destiny must stay exclusive to the Xbox consoles

      Its over, you would have go back in time to 2007, not 2013, and make sure to complete these crucial tasks.
      >Convince Peter Moore to be at the helm until 2010 at least
      >Convince Microsoft to buy Bioware and give them enough time to complete DA2 and ME3
      >Convince Microsoft to scrap ALL Kinect hardware, if you can just make it a glorified Alexa before Alexa.
      >Don't make exclusive games for Kinect, it should only enhance the experience in AAA games. Put Rare and Lionhead to work in real games.
      >Dont let Don Mattrick near the company, remember everyone how he mocked Xbox when he was at EA.
      >Buy Bethesda before they become too big and stupid.
      >Come 2012 convince the hardware team to use DDR5 for the Xbone, also call the console something else.
      >Tell publishers to go frick themselves when they try to make you kill the secondhand market (we know EA and Ubisoft were putting pressure on Xbox and PS, Xbox was the one who listened and was made a fool for it)
      >Tell the suits to not be so obnoxious to japanese developers, leave Kamiya to work in peace.
      >Buy Gears of War as in the original timeline, but also make the coalition develop original IPs alongside it.
      >Approach Fromsoft in 2011 to develop a victorian era game that you know Miyazaki wants to develop.
      >Pitch the idea of porting some games to PC after some time.
      >What to do with Bungie?
      I don't know, don't have an answer to this, but if you must create 343 don't put the tior of morons (Bonnie, Frank and Kiki) in charge.

      That's it, that would save Xbox, if you can't don't even bother going back in time.

      • 4 months ago

        >>What to do with Bungie?
        After Halo 2, you tell them that after 3, they're free to make whatever they want.

      • 4 months ago

        Pretty great list but
        >Tell the suits to not be so obnoxious to japanese developers, leave Kamiya to work in peace.
        Kamiya literally diverted founds from Scalebound to finance Bayonetta 2 and other games

      • 4 months ago

        >>What to do with Bungie?
        That's the easiest one, support them 100% on destiny which is what they wanted to do and let halo rest

      • 4 months ago


        Fromsoft in 2011 to develop a victorian era game that you know Miyazaki wants to develop.
        the idea of porting some games to PC after some time.
        I would literally go back in time to prevent this from happening, and reverting the timeline back to normal. Frick you Xgays, you will NEVER get to play bloodborne EVER.

    • 4 months ago

      This there is absolutely no value, and while I'm glad those exclusives coming to other shit saves me money the Xbox as a console dying as me worried since it just leaves 2 in the market, which will make shit overall worse I think. I dunno how it'll effect me though since at this point I'm mostly out of the console space entirely, only thing that makes me consider a PS5 at all is the fact my PS4 is dying and there's still a few games on the PS4 that aren't on the PC yet so kinda want to get one for that, and then also maybe grab a few exclusives here and there I don't want to wait for on PC, but even then I may as well just wait.

  4. 4 months ago

    Make video games.

  5. 4 months ago

    >build time machine
    >go back to 2013
    There I saved the brand.

  6. 4 months ago

    good games

  7. 4 months ago

    Firstly I'd pull the company out of the console market..... wait

  8. 4 months ago

    Expand the portfolio of FRICKING VIDEO GAMES TO PLAY ON A VIDEO GAME PLAYING MACHINE. They had the right idea in the 360 era to throw money at devs and it worked. The 360 had something for everyone. It had games like Tales of Vesperia, FF13, Lost Odyssey, Eternal Sonata, Japanese shumps, indie games, you name it. It even had IDOLMASTER. I could play games like that then go play Halo 3 and CoD with my buddies. Then, for some reason they decided nah frick that shit son who wants good video games.

    • 4 months ago

      you know, the 360 had a surprising amount of weeb games for what was seen as the "dudebro console"

      • 4 months ago

        It did. Lost Odyssey is fricking great.

        I even played FFXIII on my 360. God that game sucked..

      • 4 months ago

        Thank Peter Moore for that, he understood how to get some damn good japanese exclusives

        I think Microsoft is doing the right thing. Exclusives are no longer relevant in the market - when I think about the last exclusive I missed, I can only think about Bloodborne and don't even care about it. There is no money on hardware sales when a cheap mobile console is outselling you 10-1.

        A gaming console is a platform to play video games, not a means of playing the games.

        Microsoft should focus on online gaming services and developing games that are accessible but mainly profitable.

        >Exclusives are no longer relevant in the market
        Except to sony and Nintendo, the two market leaders.
        It might be better to say that exclusives are no longer relevant when you, as a publisher, no longer have any good exclusives. Exclusives that rate from 0-7/10 are useless. But Good exclusives can get people to genuinely try to figure out which platform is best
        80% of Nintendo's software sales are 1st party exclusives,, for instance

        • 4 months ago

          Idk why mic dropped the japanese game market, american pride???
          They seem willing to spend billions so money is not the issue

          • 4 months ago

            They didn't do it voluntarily. Mattrick, like any frickhead exec, basically assumed after the 360 generation that the 3rd party developers were aligned and loyal to Xbox and went on to try to expand the userbase to ultra-casuals through kinect.
            The other issue is, I wager, the data that shows Xbox gamers buy way fewer Japanese games than Playstation or Switch or even Steam players.

          • 4 months ago

            Mattrick and Japan simply does not want MS in there. Xbox has american appeal with games with those values, Nips have different values therefore not attracted to them at all. And that value is gameplay; same reason why Sony has been consistently losing power in Japan as well

        • 4 months ago

          >same dude that nearly got into punch up with Yuji Naka

  9. 4 months ago

    What was the point of buying all those studios and not making good exclusives?

    • 4 months ago

      Microdicks just hoard IP’s so other companies can’t use them to profit. They don’t actually want to make games. They want to keep gaming in a chokehold so they don’t have to do anything with it, while they do other things.

      • 4 months ago

        Thanks god they only hoard some of the most cancerous studios possible and no japanese devs
        Microsoft is literally saving gaming

  10. 4 months ago

    Where's the fricking source or proof that Xbox is about to die? All I've found is unconfirmed rumors by people who aren't affiliated with xbox or microsoft.

    • 4 months ago

      Nailed it
      Haven't seen proof of them bringing game pass to the other consoles either

    • 4 months ago

      Phil Spencer acknowledged the rumors and didn't deny a thing, confirming that a business update is coming next week. Microsoft isn't waiting a week just to tell you that the rumors are false.

      • 4 months ago

        so he actually confirmed a business update is coming next week? or do you think "confirm" means "maybe it's possible"

      • 4 months ago

        They said they will give update next week which basically means rumors are true. They are killing Xbox and we will be gaped by Sony soon lol

        Still waiting for a response from these dumb cowardly anons to

        so he actually confirmed a business update is coming next week? or do you think "confirm" means "maybe it's possible"

        >basically means rumors are true
        uh, how does that "basically" mean the rumors are true? Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo have business updates regularly. It's routine.

        But of course they have no evidence to back up their claims.

        • 4 months ago

          you wouldn't be waiting if you weren't too lazy and moronic to use google

          • 4 months ago

            yeah and google reveals it's just rumors. so you're admitting you're the kind of person who just believes rumors by random nobodies.

            Dude, even Geoff Keighley is talking about this.
            This spiraled out of control, if it was false the Xbox team would've denied it, every minute that passes is irreparable damage to the brand.
            And yes, read the fricking tweet, its ominous and corpo as shit, Spencer is preparing for the shitstorm of the decade, the corpos took over.

            >Dude, even Geoff Keighley is talking about this.
            Okay, and what did he say exactly?

            Dude, even Geoff Keighley is talking about this.
            This spiraled out of control, if it was false the Xbox team would've denied it, every minute that passes is irreparable damage to the brand.
            And yes, read the fricking tweet, its ominous and corpo as shit, Spencer is preparing for the shitstorm of the decade, the corpos took over.

            >that tweet
            it literally says nothing except "stay tuned for our update next week." he doesn't say one way or the other if the rumors are true, and yet morons like yourself throw out the words "confirmed" and "basically true"

            • 4 months ago

              If the rumors weren't true he would not acknowledge them without denying them.

            • 4 months ago

              The point they're making is that denying it requires no fanfare - just come out and say we've got it wrong. Easy. So why haven't they?

              • 4 months ago

                Because Hi Fi Rush is obviously coming out for other platforms, the datamined shirts proved that. All the rumours so far have said that they’re only planning a selection of games and that they’re still working out what that selection is, so they want to finalize that before saying anything.

                There’s also the real possibility that HFR is coming to the switch 2 and they’re waiting for Nintendo to officially reveal it at the direct this week before they can say anything.

        • 4 months ago

          Dude, even Geoff Keighley is talking about this.
          This spiraled out of control, if it was false the Xbox team would've denied it, every minute that passes is irreparable damage to the brand.
          And yes, read the fricking tweet, its ominous and corpo as shit, Spencer is preparing for the shitstorm of the decade, the corpos took over.

        • 4 months ago

          >poster is moronic
          Checks out

    • 4 months ago

      They said they will give update next week which basically means rumors are true. They are killing Xbox and we will be gaped by Sony soon lol

      • 4 months ago

        >basically means rumors are true
        uh, how does that "basically" mean the rumors are true? Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo have business updates regularly. It's routine.

    • 4 months ago

      >Where's the fricking source or proof that Xbox is about to die?
      Don Mattrick's at Xbox One reveal about always online: "We have a product for people who don't want always online; it's called Xbox 360"

    • 4 months ago

      Xbox Series X is being outsold 12 to 1 by the PS5.

    • 4 months ago

      All we know is that starfield will be on playstation and they’re about to announce some sort of new plan

  11. 4 months ago

    release good games.

  12. 4 months ago

    I would have had my studios make some good games over the last decade or so I guess.

  13. 4 months ago

    Make video games for the console and occasional references to the XBone conference ala "my body is ready"

  14. 4 months ago

    I saved Xbox by going the old PlayStation route and not having a subscription in order to play online games.
    I hate double dipping my customers.

  15. 4 months ago

    I'd port Jet Set Radio Future to fricking everything and then let the brand rot. Frick saving Xbox.

  16. 4 months ago

    Pooja every morning so that Lord Shiva would bless Microsoft. Secondly I would hire more smart graduates from Bharat put them in the management role.

  17. 4 months ago

    >Wait at least one year before releasing exclusives on pc like Sony does. That way people actually have reason to buy the console
    > Take a more hands on approach with devs, forcing them to stay focused in order to stop them from putting out the garbage we got like red fall, starfield etc which all resulted from lax management failing to keep direction consistent
    > fire the entirety of 343 upper management after halo 4 and put actual competent people in charge- as a result, halo 5 + infinite or whatever it would be called are actually good
    > acquire the rights to the Hulk and make him the face of Xbox like Spiderman is Sony. Marvel fans have proven they buy games by the millions with their favorite characters even if they are mediocre
    > fix the naming scheme and change the current gens hardware approach: new console is called the Xbox 720 instead of the “series x/s” and the cheaper version is just a digital edition with the same specs for $100 less.

    • 4 months ago

      That wont work
      Western devs cant make game for shit anymore

    • 4 months ago

      >> acquire the rights to the Hulk and make him the face of Xbox like Spiderman is Sony. Marvel fans have proven they buy games by the millions with their favorite characters even if they are mediocre
      I like this idea, give Hulk to the Crackdown devs, cloud destruction with the hulk would have been more hype than whatever crackdown was doing.

    • 4 months ago

      >Xbox 720
      Then Snoys run it to the ground with memes about it playing games at 720p.

  18. 4 months ago

    Hire less women

  19. 4 months ago

    >Buy Activision for 60 (?) Billion dollars
    >completely give up on exclusivity now that you own CoD, the biggest gaming franchise in the world
    wtf were they thinking?

    • 4 months ago

      Gotta make up for that billions dollars somehow
      They dont seem to think gamepass and hardware sales will be enough

    • 4 months ago

      ms never thinks after early 360 days

      • 4 months ago

        I think so
        Their strategy seem to be more about money making schemes than developing games,
        When most of that doesnt work they spent hundred of billions to buy studios, but its already too late

    • 4 months ago

      One of the revelations is that Call of Duty is not exclusive and it's not gonna be on Game Pass.

      • 4 months ago

        COD not being exclusive is not a revelation, it was gone over extensively ave laboriously during the trial last summer. As for not being on gamepass the source for that is a moron streamer

  20. 4 months ago

    1) Kill it with xbone
    2) Just aim for quality exclusive (basically the entire opposite of everything since xbone)

  21. 4 months ago

    I would've bought Sega and rebranded the console division and named the Xbox Series X the Dreamcast 2 and heavily invested triple A money into Sega franchises again and get actual competent devs to make Sonic games again like what the Americans did for Mania and etc.

    That wouldn't have saved them but it would've been a hell of a lot better then them just floundering and doing jack shit.

  22. 4 months ago

    Travel back in time
    Have don matrick fall ill
    >Change Xbox to not be a home brand for Netflix but double down on video games and make sure you have a mandate of focused devs and remove the hiring revolving door of coders.
    >Keep that shit locked down like actual game studios.
    >Commission Kojima and let him make metal gear rising exclusive for 3 years
    >Make sure all devs under our belt do not exceed 3 years of Dev time.
    >cut the bullshit diversity horseshit
    >invest heavily in first party games and greenlight some sequels
    >Introduce ID@ Xbox earlier and snuff out garbage and make some of the good ones exclusive
    >never introduce gamepass
    >fire 343 after halo 4, rename it the spartan company or Spartan Blue team. Gut Frankie backstage several times with a knife, send all halo 4 devs packing. Retry with halo 5 and make it a halo game with full features
    >make more games from the dozen studios
    Nintendo legit does the same thing

    • 4 months ago

      Ignore esg, twitter, reset era, trannies, gays, sweet baby Inc, etc
      Kill all outsourcing and contract workers, internel development only
      Hire dozens of men to make the games
      Hire people based in merits and achievements
      Make games with character creators
      Put attractive characters in the games
      Kill gamepass

      Literally asking them to be not an american company anymore

      • 4 months ago

        I know

      • 4 months ago

        That’s the fricking rub. It’s not simple but there’s so many ways this could have been avoided

  23. 4 months ago

    I'd spend their money hiring old devs burned out by modern practices instead of gutting studios of their key personnel and looting their IPs. Frick Microsoft

  24. 4 months ago

    The most fricked up thing about all this is that I actually have wanted to buy an Xbox, they have just absolutely failed to give me a reason/excuse to justify it for over a decade straight. Like seriously you couldn't come up with one fricking game worth buying a console for in two entire gens?

  25. 4 months ago

    execute all the mutt executives
    move the HQ to japan

    • 4 months ago

      >to japan
      waito piggu go home

      • 4 months ago

        america is the anti-christ of modern gaming
        i am 100% serious

        • 4 months ago

          history confirms it

        • 4 months ago

          Completely agree, Americans have no taste and no culture, they can’t be trusted to steer the gaming industry.

      • 4 months ago

        Japanese have such penis envy they’ll happily oppose anything that reminds them of their micro pps

  26. 4 months ago

    Ignore esg, twitter, reset era, trannies, gays, sweet baby Inc, etc
    Kill all outsourcing and contract workers, internel development only
    Hire dozens of men to make the games
    Hire people based in merits and achievements
    Make games with character creators
    Put attractive characters in the games
    Kill gamepass

    • 4 months ago

      I forgot to make 0 live service games

  27. 4 months ago

    Make good single player games with hot big tittied women in them and never have shitskins in anything

  28. 4 months ago

    I wouldn’t have saved them. Let Microwieners die.

  29. 4 months ago

    High quality big budget third person games like Sony. The third person part is important. You can get much more interesting and varied gameplay styles in a third person game vs a first person one. As soon as I saw Avowed and Indiana Jones were first person I checked out immediately.

    • 4 months ago

      >You can get much more interesting and varied gameplay styles in a third person game
      this is what snoys truly believe

    • 4 months ago

      Why do people get filtered by entire viewpoints? I prefer third person but that didn't stop me from enjoying a game like System Shock 2 or Etrian Odyssey IV.

      • 4 months ago

        Me too. I have epilepsy and 1st person games frick with me. If there's a really good one though I'll play it anyway. 'luv me bioshock 1 and 2

  30. 4 months ago

    >Remove XBOX Live entirely

    There. I just saved your entire gaming enterprise. You're welcome.

    • 4 months ago

      What I meant by this is making XBOX Live free for everyone.

  31. 4 months ago

    Keep doing game pass. That's all I want.

    • 4 months ago

      That wont save xbox though

      • 4 months ago

        So? If it can't keep game pass then I don't care about gaming at all

        • 4 months ago
  32. 4 months ago

    1 - Halo 4 is Xbox One launch title
    2 - No Kinect mandate, but keep it as an actually cool gimmick optional, let it be compatible with the same one from the 360
    3 - No always online crap
    4 - free online multiplayer but with lootbox microtransaction shit & crossplay with PC
    5 - Comission Bethesda to make Skyrim DLC packs 3 and 4 only on next-gen
    6 - Don't kill the 360 as a legacy console, in stead keep its halo servers online for fun
    7 - Refuse Black Flag on the 360 and only let it be on the One
    8 - MCC compatible with 360 servers

    These alone would have made it at least par with the PS4.
    As for the generation after....

    1 - DO NOT bind your bigger console to compatibility with the smaller one
    That's it, all I've got, also, make Starfield good I guess.

  33. 4 months ago

    Copy nintendo's strategy and focus on putting out a variety of ever-green 1st party titles at a variety of budgets
    Make the point of an Xbox its exclusive library. Maybe peel back the actual horse-power to just the Series S w/ a Disc Drive and orient the studios to put out 8-10 1st party titles a year. 2-3 low-budget/indie-tier titles, 4-5 mid-budget titles (ala Hi Fi Rush), and 2 AAA titles
    Moreover, move away from contractor labor altogether and focus on attracting the best talent with 10-year long employment contracts that protect against layoffs. Basically adopt Japan's employment laws but privately.

    • 4 months ago

      that's insightful as frick, and explains why Xbox never got a foothold. Microsoft was playing checkers while PS and Nintendo were playing chess just trying to win the Japanese market

      • 4 months ago

        Xbox has issues getting a foothold in Japan but Peter Moore at least understood that you have to meet the Japanese at their level.

        Don't you remember the drought of games it had "please understand" ring any bells?
        Regardless, it should be super fricking obvious video games would effect someone's inclination to buy a video game console.

        Video Games matter but when 99% of the games and playtime people have are 3rd party multiplats, then it's hard to consider that most people care about the handful of exclusive titles

        Wii I sold like shit cause it lacked third party support. Exclusives are vital but not if you miss out on all the giga huge third-party games like the GTA series

        The Switch is also missing mega giga huge 3rd parties like GTA or CoD but it doesn't seem to have affected their sales

        • 4 months ago

          Like is said.
          >the hardcore will naturally gravitate that way and when normies want to get something that's what'll get recommended
          You're acting like the console doesn't get royalties from GTA, CoD or whatever else. Not to mention peripherals, subscriptions, etc.
          Exclusives are the proverbial icing on the cake and Microsoft just wants to give you a pain sponge cake like you don't have other options.

        • 4 months ago

          The Switch has the GTA collection, it just runs like complete shit

  34. 4 months ago

    Blue Dragon 2
    Port all Idolm@sters and don't censor them.

  35. 4 months ago

    Get rid of online subscription

  36. 4 months ago

    First, never introduce the Series S. They immediately handicapped their ability to get quality third party exclusives from most developers with their S/X parity guarantee. Second, developer outreach during the back end of the XBONE generation. Find out what developers want and do your damnedest to make it happen without breaking the bank. You've already lost the generation where most consumers cemented their digital buying habits, so the only way out is having good enough exclusives to sell consoles, and the most effective way is by getting games from developers ps4 owners are already fans of onboard. Do your damnedest to cultivate and maintain those relationships, because they are your lifeline. Third, extreme restructuring of faltering internal studios. 343 in particular is a major target, but I'd say any studio that doesn't make Forza is fair game.

    • 4 months ago

      >They immediately handicapped their ability to get quality third party exclusives from most developers with their S/X parity guarantee
      You realize that if they hadn't introduced the Series S, they'd be down to just 10 million consoles instead of 20?
      The Series S has 40% as many CUs as the Series X, meaning that it takes 5 SEries S consoles to produce 2 Series X consoles.
      >Find out what developers want and do your damnedest to make it happen without breaking the bank.
      That's what both the PS5 is
      Fewer Cores but at higher speeds. More memory and a compression solution that requires no dev input
      >good enough exclusives to sell consoles, and the most effective way is by getting games from developers ps4 owners are already fans of onboard.
      The issue is Xbox would have to pay WAY out the ass to turn any game from BandaiNamco, Square, Capcom, CDPR, EA, Activision, Ubisoft or 2K into an exclusive
      Like, they could literally not get any of these games to be exclusive because the publishers would ask for maybe $1 billion per title

    • 4 months ago

      If they want actual results may be focusing on funding and supporting smaller studios with potentials instead of spending literally billions of dollars on ABK
      They could develop like 100 palworld with that price
      Literally corpo mindset

  37. 4 months ago

    >Remove all the troons, females, leftists from the game studios that are making xbox exclusives
    >Now all that is left are men who can actually make good video games and have passion to do so
    There, I fixed your fricking company. It's not hard.

    • 4 months ago

      >fires everyone in the room
      weird flex but alright

  38. 4 months ago

    Japanese games.

  39. 4 months ago

    I bought my xbox series x and there were no games for it for like 6 months. It was all old games only. Imagine planning for years to launch a console and having zero games. They still have frick all games. Where are the games???
    Exclusives sell consoles....they should lock up every single bethesda and ABK game and make them xbox exclusives....that will sell consoles

    • 4 months ago

      Blame Satya and the Microsoft obsession with contractor labor to avoid marginal increases to worker costs
      If they could just keep a normal staff of devs for 5 years straight, Halo Infinite probably would have been out in time for the Series S/X launch

      • 4 months ago

        People dont realize how much that pajeet fricked up. Microsoft had a lot of very good teams with experience in many spaces and he just moved everything towards deals with Indian outsourcing and contractual companies lol

        • 4 months ago

          Satya is very good for investors, he's always been the 'go to the customer' kind of exec and less interested in pushing platforms.
          He put office onto iOS and MacOS, for instance. He killed Microsoft-made PCs.
          He's made Microsoft gratuitously profitable, but the issue is that that entire mindset is anathema to the games industry because you can't corner a Business-2-Business monopoly in the games industry like Microsoft did with stuff like productivity software or corporate operating systems

          • 4 months ago

            He also killed Windows Phone, fricking dammit.
            Though i understand this one, they couldn't against google, google killed windows phone with (you guessed) exclusivity.
            They kept Youtube and Snapchat out of it.

            • 4 months ago

              Generally I'm against the state forcing things to be on platforms but I feel like YouTube is central enough to our lives they shouldn't be allowed to
              But then I suppose it's a slippery slope, we make this one exception of allowing the state to dictate things and it will be used as justification for more.

            • 4 months ago

              they could have done fine with more pc convergence now that phones are fast enough.

      • 4 months ago

        People dont realize how much that pajeet fricked up. Microsoft had a lot of very good teams with experience in many spaces and he just moved everything towards deals with Indian outsourcing and contractual companies lol

        I bet Ballmer and Gates are fuming.
        Xbox was specifically created so Sony won't control the living room, the pajeet is giving Sony the tools to do so.

  40. 4 months ago

    Bring back Peter Moore. That dude was carrying 360 from its release to 2010 when he was in charge. All deals he made were amazing both got jap exclusives, third party exclusives, first party games under him were amazing and more. That homie was fricking godlike but then Mattrick and homosexuals Spencer fricked it up.

  41. 4 months ago

    oh, i wouldn't have

    xbox is meant to be a catch-all for gaming platforms, by forcing it to be something it's not it effectively diluted what made it so good

    playstation is for the Gamers, nintendo is for the Sillies. xbox is the console

    and pc y'know you've got that there but no one really cares about it in this discussion

    • 4 months ago

      PlayStation is now for trannies and homosexuals. They told Japan to frick off.

  42. 4 months ago

    For the xbox 2:

    GTX280 or better.
    Usb 3.0
    Intel processor
    Ntsc/pal only
    Holographic disc
    Accurate wiimote+nunchuck controls.
    Same flicker filter as xbox.
    Total back compatability.
    Use USB sticks and drives as storage.
    Copy metroid prime 3's /splinter cell pt's merc controls for most games.
    Free multiplayer.
    Online store.
    Rip dvd movies, audio cds
    Come with windows, pc mode or game mode. Game mode restricted to 480i/576i (max render res 320x240p), pc mode whatever, but starting xbox games unloads os and starts game mode. Windows with an option optimised for wiimote+numchuck and regular tvs.
    Hassle free. All configuration sorted so everything is plug and play. Download drivers if needed.
    Media centre. Improve source video and audio with hardware.

    Xbox 3:
    Whatever pal/ntsc optimised videoncard was available.
    Otherwise rtx6090<
    Same 320x240 max res for games.
    VR and 3D modes if using more than one system. Gloves for more precise interaction.
    Some replica guns for use in 3D.
    All direction walking/running system for use with VR.
    Shared processing network if not implemented earlier, internet access required for streaming in massive ai generated world and or use holographic discs. World represented largely as 2D spheres. Same with characters. Performance used more to make assets than render them. People keeping what they like. Though a lot of hard gameplay. Realistic. Generally impossible.

    Complete ban on asian software as well. People can buy puerile shit on other systems if they prefer it.
    Otherwise save them from the stupidity and expect out some quality.
    Integration with arcades. Serve as processing for them, bank it, and play when you have served enough to deserve drawing from processing pool. Free use in arcades if having done so and needing spefialised controllers eg motorbikes and plane/mech wienerpits.
    Generally have a 50/60 fps requirement at least for 2D pointing/controls.
    Framerate interpolation etc an option.
    Games get cheaper in store time. Easily shared.

    • 4 months ago

      Also rip VHS movies.
      Online store more to give to what you like and aquire it than be a barrier. Stuff that is ripped or downloaded can be sourced from your system but payment on store optional and can't be paid for what you have no hand in creating.
      Rental stores kept but become arcades mostly. Allow renting hard drives full of content. And if you like something pay for it and a small portion to rentals. Maybe rental places all thats alloweed to archive and distribute pysifally. All add to them. Backup. And attraction for arcades. Giant stores, op shops, a preaervation of the past. Hook up old hardware there to avoid the internet bottleneck in providing perfomance and storage.

      Try to make censorship and parasitism impossible. No tailoring to a market. Just make something perfect or exist by itself.

  43. 4 months ago

    I would have bought out companies sooner tbh. I'd even allow those games to be sold on other consoles through Ultimate Editions just because I think everyone should play these games, but I think my platform should get them first. I'd also sell my games cheaper digitally by about 15% and drive sales towards digital formats to flagship into Game Pass.

    • 4 months ago

      Funny thing is it did make for better profits so the investors are pleased (for now)
      But microsoft and other big techs infested with pajet are definitely fricked in near future

  44. 4 months ago


  45. 4 months ago

    I think Microsoft is doing the right thing. Exclusives are no longer relevant in the market - when I think about the last exclusive I missed, I can only think about Bloodborne and don't even care about it. There is no money on hardware sales when a cheap mobile console is outselling you 10-1.

    A gaming console is a platform to play video games, not a means of playing the games.

    Microsoft should focus on online gaming services and developing games that are accessible but mainly profitable.

    • 4 months ago

      >Exclusives are no longer relevant in the market
      LMAO this talking c**t thinks he's smart

  46. 4 months ago

    Make concessions to developers on allowing series S to skip some features.
    Not let them frick Starfield up so hard

    • 4 months ago

      >Not let them frick Starfield up so hard
      Starfield was fricked no matter what.
      It was supossed to come out in 2020 ffs.
      That time got extended but it still sucked any creativity or boundary pushing features early on because its likely Todd thought he only had 3 years to develop the game.

  47. 4 months ago

    buy nintendo
    it's that easy

  48. 4 months ago

    Literally all they had to do was ride the momentum of the 360 being the multiplayer console of choice into being the likely default choice for the next generation so everyone could keep playing with their friends. They found one of only a handful of ways to screw this up.

  49. 4 months ago

    Remove MS' 18 month contractor policy at least not for Xbox divisions. A single game takes more than just 18 months to make and when you are using in house engines it's hard for contractors to learn it while they are working on the games.

    • 4 months ago

      This is the biggest issue. It's why Halo Infinite didn't come out for launch and why 343i has yet to make a single good halo game

  50. 4 months ago

    2nd Xbox = Xbox 2 instead of Xbox 360
    3rd Xbox = Xbox 3 instead of Xbox One
    4th Xbox = Xbox 4 instead of Xbox Series S/X

    So people would know what the frick they were buying.

    • 4 months ago

      Why not Xbox Xbobox Xboboxox and the Xboboxoxob and Xboboxoxobob, and then finally the XboboxoxobobX?

      • 4 months ago


  51. 4 months ago

    Just build great games and everything would turn around, not on PC, not on Lame Pass, EXCLUSIVE!!!
    I don't want to hear this "le era of exclusives is overino" bullshit. Nintendo went for last place to first this gen just by having games.

    • 4 months ago

      >Just build great games and everything would turn around
      That's absolutely not true
      People would not suddenly start using Xbox as their primary console if Xbox had tons of great exclusives. At best, people would buy an Xbox just for the exclusives, which would be a pitiful ROI
      >Nintendo went for last place to first this gen just by having games.
      Well the major difference is that Nintendo is a games company first. Xbox has to put up much more impressive profits than Nintendo would have to (not that it's even close) to satisfy Microsoft shareholders.
      Microsoft does not want to be responsible for producing content, they just want to own the platform that other content is sold on. Both they and Sony hate assuming risk for content creation

      • 4 months ago

        >People would not suddenly start using Xbox as their primary console if Xbox had tons of great exclusives
        Xbox 360 did it

        • 4 months ago

          360 was fantastic. I had every single game ever made.

          All on verbatim DVD-R DL discs

          • 4 months ago

            >banned online
            so close

            • 4 months ago

              You could play online on 360 with flashed drives and stealth discs , if once a year or two you copped a ban you just buy xbox arcade machine , swap the hdd over and do it all again
              Ban waves happened not frequently

              • 4 months ago

                Bans are the hdd? Not the console itself?

                Graphicprostitutes are the people keeping the industry alive

                >keeping alive a dead body
                frick graphicprostitutes even

        • 4 months ago

          The 360 came out in a time before cloud gaming.
          In you bought into the Playstation ecosystem during the PS4 generation you can still play Bloodborne on your PS5.
          If we go off Phil's understanding of the future of games then the PS6 will still let you play Bloodborne plus whatever you bought on the PS5.
          Most people sell their old consoles when a new one comes out so, if you just come out with good games at this point, to get people to turn away from Playstation, Xbox would not just need good exclusives but exclusives that are so good they can compete against the greatest hits of the PS4&5 on top of it.

          • 4 months ago

            You fricking idiot.

            • 4 months ago

              How so?

            • 4 months ago

              Cloud in the sense of digital libraries and cloud saves. Basically your entire gaming library and history is carried over with you from one generation to the next
              The PS2/xbox-To-PS3/360 generational shift basically had no digital library component that came over from the previous generation

          • 4 months ago

            >Xbox would not just need good exclusives but exclusives that are so good they can compete against the greatest hits of the PS4&5 on top of it.
            Easy to do with the current state of Sony... but Xbox doesn't have the talent for it. Once again Nintendo wins by doing nothing

        • 4 months ago

          360 got its early advantage over PS3 because it was $200 cheaper and most 3rd party games ran better on it.
          The exclusives only really mattered later into its life but without that early frick-up from Sony, the 360 would have done only marginally better than the original Xbox
          If the PS3 launched at the same price as the 360, it would have been the market leader again and sold 120 million units

          • 4 months ago

            >360 got its early advantage over PS3 because it was $200 cheaper and most 3rd party games ran better on it.
            There weren't many thrid party games at early days of gen 7, don't lie. The advantage was ps3 tanking, being shit while xbox had Halo 3 in the first year and was at its peak

            • 4 months ago

              He's right though. The Xbox advantage was that it ran third party games better. That's literally how digital foundry became popular. Doing those side by side comparisons of 3rd party multi platform games and doing graphic comparison showing that the 360 had better visuals and frame rates. PS3 didn't take off until it got cheaper and got worthwhile exclusives maybe 2 years in with the remodel from the original 60gb model.

              • 4 months ago

                It's not "better", it's "ps3 was below average". Blame the cell.

              • 4 months ago

                Don't mention that degenerate site again. It pushed for higher respolutions like every other parasite. And consequently killed games.

              • 4 months ago

                Frick graphicprostitutes

              • 4 months ago

                Graphicprostitutes are the people keeping the industry alive

              • 4 months ago

                Everything goes down with increased resolution, including gameplay. Don't advocate for the unimpressive.

            • 4 months ago

              Right but what I'm saying is that the reason Halo 3 got so big is because so many people picked up the 360. And people picked up the 360 because it was fricking $200 cheaper than the $600 PS3 at launch

              • 4 months ago

                Halo was selling 8 million copies (zelda at the time was selling like 3 million) on the OG xbox, HALO 3 and 360 sales would've been massive no matter how good the ps3 was.

              • 4 months ago

                PS3 stumbled coming out of the gate too, $100 more and silly controller. Ps3 was the release was the perfect handicap to build momentum off.

              • 4 months ago

                Halo 2 was undeniably big but the OG Xbox still only sold 24 million units LTD.
                Mario Kart is a big series too. MK8 sold 8 million copies as well but it didn't help the Wii U sell better overall.
                My point is that a good exclusive game can sell well despite a small installbase. Good Exclusives don't actually move console units unless everything else is equal (price, availability).
                360 sales would have been MUCH less if the PS3 came out at $400 instead.

              • 4 months ago

                Not at all. Halo was a series in clear growth by when 3 dropped it had the IPs reputation, which like it or not was very positive since it was Xbox's mascot character/series

            • 4 months ago

              Halo 3 came out nearly 2 years after the 360 launched

        • 4 months ago

          It's just PoserCommunity propaganda. Exclusives have always worked, the hardcore will naturally gravitate that way and when normies want to get something that's what'll get recommended.

          • 4 months ago

            >Exclusives have always worked
            then why did the Wii U eat shit even though it had better exclusives than the Xbox One?
            Exclusives matter but they aren't the most important factor
            The priority order when it comes to a console purchase decision today is
            >Do I already have a shit-ton of games that work with one of these boxes?
            >Which one are my friends all on?
            >Which one is affordable/cheaper?
            >Which one is available/in stock?
            >Which one has better exclusive titles
            Exclusives matter but they won't get people to drop their current digital library, they won't get people to avoid the platform their friends are on, and they won't get people to invest in a prohibitively expensive platform

            • 4 months ago

              >then why did the Wii U eat shit
              because these games suck dude

              • 4 months ago

                >shitting on Nintendo Land, Pushmo and Xeno X

              • 4 months ago

                >t. 50 out of 200 hours in Xeno X flying in Oblivia

              • 4 months ago

                All the good ones are missing from that list because they were ported to switch, Xenoblade 2 is the only notable one there

              • 4 months ago

                Okay but these are all, generally, better exclusives than what Xbox One had
                Zelda, Mario Kart, and Smash should have been enough to help the Wii U sell better than the Xbox One. But it didn't

                >then why did the Wii U eat shit even though it had better exclusives than the Xbox One?
                marketing from both angles; Nintendo itself and journos/devs shitting over it in doomer mode. In that context Wii U is a bad example because it was carried by its exclusives, just by looking at Mario Kart alone

                And to my point, Exclusives aren't the most important factor for a successful console. They're maybe the 7th most important factor, behind price, marketing and availability (amongst others)

              • 4 months ago

                Against since an exclusive kept a whole system afloat proving it's one of the most important factors

                Make good, exclusive games. Not sure why they tarded out and chose to break from this simple formula.

                They truly had a shot at revive themselves with Ori... but they made it shortly a multiplat

            • 4 months ago

              >then why did the Wii U eat shit even though it had better exclusives than the Xbox One?
              marketing from both angles; Nintendo itself and journos/devs shitting over it in doomer mode. In that context Wii U is a bad example because it was carried by its exclusives, just by looking at Mario Kart alone

            • 4 months ago

              >then why did the Wii U eat shit even though it had better exclusives than the Xbox One?
              The only reason the Wii U even sold as much as it did in spite of its catastrophically terrible branding and marketing was because of its exclusives.

              • 4 months ago

                >ackshually it would have sold even worse if not for its exclusives
                I don't think you should be pointing at the Wii U, a console with worse sales than the Xbox One, as a victory for the model that posits exclusives as the primary driving force behind a console's success

            • 4 months ago

              Don't you remember the drought of games it had "please understand" ring any bells?
              Regardless, it should be super fricking obvious video games would effect someone's inclination to buy a video game console.

            • 4 months ago

              Wii I sold like shit cause it lacked third party support. Exclusives are vital but not if you miss out on all the giga huge third-party games like the GTA series

            • 4 months ago

              Maybe… it’s exclusives weren’t that great to begin with and the weakest home console lineup theyve ever had

  52. 4 months ago

    Go back in time and erase the kinect from existence.

  53. 4 months ago

    >Xbox 2
    >Xbox 3
    >Xbox 4 light and pro
    It's that fricking easy

  54. 4 months ago

    Can't be fricked to type it again because I said it months ago but basically they have a billion studios and do frick all with them. Making every single game available on PC because of GamePass made the Xbox obsolete. Absolutely moronic move as a business.

  55. 4 months ago

    I have 7 dicks.

  56. 4 months ago

    Still distribute movies vhs standard/pal/ntsc. No compression.
    Via rental shops. Just on usb sticks/hard drives instead. Swap them. Get surprised. Browse a larger selection, or specialised, what staff prefer. Keep VHS around longer.
    Keep set design. Beleivabiliy easier acheived. Less scrutinisation. No aquired taste for emptiness, stop that becoming realism.

  57. 4 months ago

    >you will never live in the timeline where there's an actual healthy competition between nintendo, sony and microsoft

  58. 4 months ago

    >Make COD exclusive to Xbox instead of keeping it multiplat like a moron
    >Make Palworld console exclusive to Xbox
    >fire Todd Howard, keep Bethesda under 24/7 surveillance, cut pay off all Bethesda staff until Starfied has planets with content and loading time removal
    >Make Rare create more Banjo-Kazooie
    >Make Mojang create Minecraft 2
    >remove all Activision/Blizzard games from Steam, only playable on Xbox/GamePass
    >discontinue the Series S, cut price of the X, reimburse S owners with free digital copies of 2 games of their choice from the digital store

    Frick, there's so much they could do besides give up and go third party or share their IPs with Sony. What a homosexual thing to do for an American company.

  59. 4 months ago

    the xbox one killed the brand. I would of never released any of that garbage.

  60. 4 months ago

    I would have saved Sega instead.

  61. 4 months ago

    Used Microsoft's infinite amount of resources and turned Xbox into a gaming PC brand

    • 4 months ago

      Honestly this is what they should still do. Build the Xbox OS into retail windows and let you boot directly into it like steam big picture mode, while also allowing Xbox backwards-compatibility through emulation. For the people that are frightened by PC gaming put out a prebuilt “box” with a baseline level of hardware for devs to target, but otherwise let people tweak their settings to get the performance they’re looking for, with community recommendations ala steam input settings so people can find 30/60 fps profiles for whatever game they’re playing. Excise windows store cancer and move the store directly under Xbox, using the battle net team to build it.

      • 4 months ago

        Microsoft making own-brand Steam Machines sounds just crazy enough to have actually worked.

  62. 4 months ago

    I wouldn't have destroyed my company with diversity hires. All they do is inflate budgets, hurt sales, and destroy morale. Microsoft has so much dead weight right now, and that's ultimately why all of their games suck.

  63. 4 months ago

    Nothing, PC gaming/digital games buried consoles.

  64. 4 months ago

    He's to powerful

  65. 4 months ago

    It's too late now it cannot be fixed. Both Microsoft Studios and Xbox died in soul and spirit after they got rid of Ensemble, Bungie and Epic. Literally no other company would recover to such a blow, and Xbox survived only because of MS subsidies.

  66. 4 months ago

    Drop the equality act
    Make 4 exclusive IPs that target the 4 main genres: RPG, FPS, Action, and Survival
    Reintroduce play from disk without installing
    Invest in physical sales with limited edition copies
    Fire Spencer and all those other wastes of salary
    Actively compete with all platforms including PC again

    • 4 months ago

      Survival is not a main genre.

      • 4 months ago

        It is these days

    • 4 months ago

      What is Minecraft

  67. 4 months ago

    Exclusives was the only way to go, everything else I can just play in PC.

  68. 4 months ago

    Allow mods / coomer shit that can only be unlocked by adults through the Microsoft account. Seriously, coomers will burn money, time, and sanity just to get their fix.

  69. 4 months ago

    You grab all that money, all those TRILLIONS, and fricking make VIDEO GAMES with them
    No, not a renting service, and not impossibly shitty games by buying moronic companies (bethesda included). You grab all that money and you either buy hot shit or pay developers to make good games like sony did with bloodborne. Fund atlus games; fund fromsoft games; fund something fricking COOL and hold it hostage on your console plus PC. Start putting pressure on sony and make things more competitive. If I see persona 6 as xbox exclusive (or at least timed exclusive) then I'd grab a series S no problem
    They easily have the money to fund all these projects, but they decide to spend a bajillion dollars on activision/blizzard and bethesda of all things

  70. 4 months ago

    just don't port to pc. Imagine how many bethesda drones would've actually bought xbox if it was full on exclusive. Quality doesn't matter, just make everything fricking exclusive. Look at sony, they don't have a single good game but people still bought it

  71. 4 months ago

    PC gaming/Steam killed the Xbox brand, Sony survives because they 1 or 2 exclusives and a literal drone fanbase.

  72. 4 months ago

    By Kicking that Black person b***h off the plane

  73. 4 months ago

    For one, remove paid online. Even with all the bullshit they’re doing right now, being the only console where you don’t have to pay to play online would be an attractive feature.

  74. 4 months ago

    There's not much I can do about the size of transistors on chips and long/expensive development times. The next $500 console will not have anything that looks better than Cyberpunk on a 4090. Reviewers leaking spoilers on the internet is also tough to contain quickly. Going after streamers who are now like older brothers and sisters to many gamers is also dangerous. Paying off all the jaded reviewers is also going to lead to bad press eventually. The best advice would have been to not waste money on gaming companies at this point. Lmao.

  75. 4 months ago

    Just do what sony and nintendo did before that was exclusives and stop porting shit to pc. Game pass also only made an install base that won't pay for anything. It's a terrible idea. People that say exclusives don't matter? Frick them, they are moronic and just want to play these games on team anyway.

    • 4 months ago

      >Just do what sony and nintendo did before that was exclusives and stop porting shit to pc
      This won't help because you're not going to convince PS5 owners to suddenly start buying their 3rd party games on Xbox instead of PS5 all of a sudden.
      Even if you have a system with lots of good exclusives, the ROI isn't good enough unless you're Nintendo and are basically a games-only company

  76. 4 months ago

    I wouldn't have wasted a decade trying to shill the fricking kinect

    • 4 months ago

      it would've been interesting if they kept kinect going during xbox one. We might've gotten some cool japanese exclusives since they liked the idea back in 360. Once again this is all phil spencer's fault

  77. 4 months ago

    > no kinect
    > don't port your games to fricking PC.

  78. 4 months ago

    Retvrn to tradition. Also give Halo more studios to make different stories in the universe.

  79. 4 months ago


  80. 4 months ago

    End all woke sjw shit. Make it OK to say Black person homosexual and moron again without losing access to my paid goods. End paid online. Turn xb into a pc allow mouse and kb support, windows, Linux, and steam.
    It would be the most purchased console of all time over night. Imagine the Proprietary hardware and having devs like the Steam Deck actually try to get games on it. It's a fricking no brainer all of the above. But it won't happen

  81. 4 months ago

    Make good, exclusive games. Not sure why they tarded out and chose to break from this simple formula.

  82. 4 months ago

    actually release video games during the 8th gen

  83. 4 months ago

    >Buy Sega
    >Release a rebranded SeX called the Sega Series X (or something less soulless)
    >All Sega games (including Atlus) going back to the master system are on game pass
    >Sega net replaces Xbox Live and is FREE, only game pass costs money
    >Hire fan developers like Taxman, the Spark Hispanic, the GT homies and let them make a 3D Sonic game. They are the new Sonic Team
    >Current Sonic Team gets "promoted" to Sega Team, they work on their other franchises and any Sega IP they want except Sonic
    >Make Blizzard into a sports developer and have them make competitors to Madden and NBA2K, use a frickton of money and israelite jitsu to steal the exclusive license for the leagues
    >Call of Duty goes to just 1 studio only supporting warzone and a new game every 3 years
    >Revive older Activision IP (Tony Hawk 3+4HD and Underground HD, new Prototype, new True Crime, Sekiro 2, Guitar Hero live service game)
    >Everything they own comes exclusively to Sega SeX. Select games come to PC that make sense but not enough to make the console redundant
    >Use the blades UI from the early 360
    Honestly they could do a lot without when getting Sega involved, just make the console impossible to ignore

  84. 4 months ago

    1: Fire incompetent people
    2: Hire competent people
    3: ???
    4: Profit

  85. 4 months ago

    1.) I buy Bungie and prevent them from leaving
    2.) I buy SEGA early. They’re the reason the original box was good anyway.
    3.) I don’t spent rediculous amount of money to acquire companies with shit IP where all the talent will either leave or mail it in to vest after getting acquired.

  86. 4 months ago

    Actually release new games every month for game pass. You would think this would be easy since they have 20+ studios under them but they are still sticking to the 4 big games a year deal. If you are selling the game subscription model, you have to release content regularly and also of good quality. You can't be whiffing your season with Starfield and Redfall releases.

  87. 4 months ago

    >dont release on pc
    >dont release on nintendo
    >dont release on ps

    make everything exclusive minecraft to cod, release wow port for xbox.

    there you go
    small short term gays cant apprehend this but people would buy xbox if they knew good quality games release in healthy platform

  88. 4 months ago

    I've wanted them dead since about 2010.

  89. 4 months ago

    Their xcloud streaming is actually pretty good, you don't need to have the hardware to have fun.
    Keep delivering DAY ONE ON GAME PASS and SNOYs will end themselves trying to make a service of this quality for an affordable price.

    • 4 months ago

      >affordable price

      That's MS main issue, Gamepass costs way too much and it's unsustainable unless you are the number 1 platform

      • 4 months ago

        Gamepass ultimate is only like $17 a month which is cheaper than the Netflix subscription that allows you to add 3 people to your account and access to Netflix games.

      • 4 months ago

        It's a little pricy, but like 1/7 of a game price on it's release per month, if you just pay during the months that it have a singleplayer game(s) you want to play seems like better than renting a game on Blockbuster during the good old days.

  90. 4 months ago

    Make Halo 5 less shit
    Halo 4 was shit too, but one bad game could have been passed off as a fluke

    Also focus more on making good, new games instead of just buying other studios

  91. 4 months ago

    I would have made a good Halo game

  92. 4 months ago

    Video games

  93. 4 months ago

    >Buys Banjo Kazooie and Rare just to ruin it then do nothing

    Frick these morons

    • 4 months ago

      Don't forget the Battletoads Calarts they made.

  94. 4 months ago

    >free online
    >publicly ban live service games from the platform
    >ban pozzed garbage as well
    >reactivate backcompat program
    >full ownership of digital games
    >invest in 1st party
    >release new CODs first on Xbox, PC/PS5 a month after
    >bring back Games with GOLD and not hand out shovelware

  95. 4 months ago

    Microsoft fricked themselves by insisting on contractors to work on their games. There was no way for a developer to have a workspace culture as everyone would just get let go when the games were finished.

  96. 4 months ago

    You would only have to do two things

    Change the 3e where Microsoft treated it as an investor showcase of exploitive horse crap on the launch of the Xbox one

    Don't consider the exploitive horse crap being added to the Xbox one in the first place

    That is fricking it, the user experience, build quality, and exclusives had beat the pants of Sony but that conference sealed the fate of Xbox a decade ago unfortunately

    Maybe invest in shiting out a few more AA releases as well

  97. 4 months ago

    It wouldn’t have saved them, but letting Rare finish the projects they had started would have helped.

  98. 4 months ago

    Games about Bugs Bunny. Like 3 a year. It would have changed so much.

  99. 4 months ago

    They could just buy Valve and Epic, forcing everyone to play games with their service or a Xbox.

    • 4 months ago

      frick no. they keep trying but gaben won't let them thankfully.
      microsoft needs a culture change, they have a touch of death.

      • 4 months ago

        i hope gaben lives forever. when hes gone im sure valve will become like every other shit company out there

  100. 4 months ago

    timed exclusives. building game studios, setting hard deadlines, paying competitive wages, building a japanese studio.
    not wasting money on activision.

  101. 4 months ago

    The Xbox mini fridge is selling better than the console.

  102. 4 months ago

    cater to the young male/dudebro audience that made it popular in the first place. after 360 it just wasnt cool to game on one anymore so the whole brand faded into irrelevancy

  103. 4 months ago

    Make good games instead of making shit games

  104. 4 months ago

    Not ruining Halo would have been a good start.

  105. 4 months ago

    Just be draconian about Blizzard-Activision games and refuse to release them on non-Xbox hardware at all.
    Turn the Xbox into a fricking COD machine and you'll rake in trillions of normie bucks for decades. It would inspire Sony to revive Killzone and actual try to compete.
    Same with things like Crash and Spyro, you fricking own them, turn them into Xbox's version of Mario so you have a younger audience hooked while the adults play their gory violent shit. This would also inspire Sony to revive some lighter-hearted Japan Studio titles to actually fricking compete for once.

  106. 4 months ago

    >make the next system look different and sound different than the previous one, Series X is a terrible name. Nothing should remind the audience of the Xbox One. almost a full rebrand
    >release games. Good ones. Games people want to play. And on time.
    >make deals, any deals, get timed exclusives
    >take advantage of IP we have. Banjo-Threeie, the Fable reboot, all no-brainers that should already be out.
    >build studios
    >build relationships with other studios
    >have a plan to define us and who our audience is. All Sony games are cinematic experiences? Xbox will be the house of pure gameplay. Nintendo is all clear and cheery and bright? Xbox will be violent and sexy, that type of shit

    it's easy to just write stuff but off the top of my head I can make so many suggestions besides just sitting on their asses and buying big studios for gamepass

  107. 4 months ago

    >use Microsoft's team of lawyers to figure out what IP's we even own.
    >Do not buy Bethesda or Activision.
    >Focus on Halo, force 343 to actually make their own game instead of relying on Russian outsourcing. Halo can compete with CoD if it wasn't completely fumbled.
    >Form additional studios in the vain of now reformed 343.
    >one to focus on Sony-style movie-games, rebooting old IP's that the lawyers found.
    >One to focus on sports games, use infinite Microsoft money to try and yoink licenses from under EA's nose.
    >One to act as a mobile games division focusing on porting old Xbox titles and/or creating new games.
    >One to act as more of a publisher for indie games similar to Devolver or the like.
    >One to act as the video game's industries skunkworks, get madmen in a crocus tent with internet access and see what they can cook up.

    Microsoft's shopping spree is what doomed them.

  108. 4 months ago

    if Xbox was actually competitive and capitalist they would have gotten all the guys from the Japan Studio after it was shut down. Open Xbox Japan. Make it their sneak into japanese markets. Turn your competitor's mistake into an opportunity

  109. 4 months ago

    Um, nothing. They've already admitted that they lost the console war (which they did).

    The only reason I own a Series X is because of the GPU/crypto price increase. But prices went back down making it affordable to buy a graphics card again.

    Microsoft is wisely concentrating on becoming the Netflix of gaming. They want gamers to be able to eventually play on literarily anything with a screen like with Netflix.

    What would I change? Release 3 different portable boxes. The smallest and weakest for $199. Mid-sized but mid-powered for $299. And the bigger size and powerful enough to play any game at full specs on any portable device at full specs. This allows the Series X to play games at 4k on those TV's. 1080 for TV is dead. I work retail and can easily afford a 60in+.

    See, they can't rely on America's shitty wi-fi for mobile streaming gaming. That's has been tried and fails every time. You have to have the local hardware power. A small device you can carry in a bag that is battery powered that can stream the device itself to the screen is what you need. They can't compete with Nintendo or Steam Deck.

    BUT, they can give us what those two can't. All games for one low monthly price. Also, since the battery and the GPU weight is not on the thing your holding, it will be light.

    Oh, and they need to completely rehaul WoW and make it free with GamePass.

    There. Saved Microsoft. Where's my paycheck?

    • 4 months ago

      > And the bigger size and powerful enough to play any game at full specs on any portable device at full specs. This allows the Series X to play games at 4k on those TV's

      Sorry, forgot to say the bigger size for $399. That way the Series X with it's $499 price tag makes sense.

    • 4 months ago

      >1080 for TV is dead.
      good tv in my shit hole country cost like two series x

    • 4 months ago

      >1080 is dead, I can afford
      good for you, most people are stuck on 1080 for the forseeable future because FRICKING INFLATION.

  110. 4 months ago

    Hello Phil. Tell us what you're going to say next week, go on

  111. 4 months ago

    >no more PC ports day one
    >18-24 months later
    >be much, much more hands on with the studios, they are too hand free and let the studios do what they want when they want (Hellblade 2 is a 8 hour extremely linear game that is in development for what, 6 years?)
    >Put back the backwards compatibility team together to work in the ABK catalogue not only making the games run, but using resolution and FPS boost in ALL games
    >market the Xbox as a machine to play ALL the CoDs up to 4k/120fps
    >start to release games with a good cadence
    >start to dump Game Pass money in cheap studios like Falcom and Compile Heart, you're for the headlines and marketing trick
    There you go, sport.

    • 4 months ago

      >no more PC ports day one
      This alone would've saved it

  112. 4 months ago

    Stop the ports

  113. 4 months ago

    Give halo to a proven team of developers who aren’t obvious lgbt commie gays.

  114. 4 months ago

    Why would I have created a company to compete with myself?
    I would've actually developed windows instead of stapling features onto a bethesda tier engine.

  115. 4 months ago

    Make great exclusive games and remove the stupid always online bullshit that they snuck in with the series -consoles.

  116. 4 months ago


    Fire every woman and non-straight or non-white male. You're welcome.

  117. 4 months ago

    Maybe Microsoft should have tried making some good games? Crazy how a console lives and dies on what games it has huh?

    • 4 months ago

      This. All my friends who were xbox or ps gays earlier simply switched to pc a few years ago

  118. 4 months ago

    Wanna know how to win against Sony?
    Here's how Xbox wins against Sony after the Activision buyout
    >put CoD on gamepass, all the ones out and the new ones day one, alongside everything Activision Blizzard except WoW because that's a separate subscription
    >Gamepass users get bonus shit in WoW too so you don't alienate them
    >put select games on playstation, mostly multiplayer focused ones, like CoD, Halo, Gears
    >ALL console users have to have an active xbox account, even on other consoles with active game pass core (the former xbox live), or game pass ultimate because that includes game pass core
    There, you won
    People don't buy your hardware? You're getting subscription fees from them on the competition's hardware
    It's that simple, come on
    You already own the pc market because of Windows and game pass on pc

  119. 4 months ago

    hear me out, this is wild but it might just work


    • 4 months ago

      Only good answer

    • 4 months ago

      *good exclusives

  120. 4 months ago

    more achievements

  121. 4 months ago

    >Free online multiplayer for games you own.
    >Put the old COD games on Gamepass.
    >Give away exclusive skins, cosmetics and wraps for games like warzone, Fortnite.
    >Launch Xbox games exclusive to console for 12 months. 6 months before it comes to gamepass so developers actually get money from launch day hype.

    There are so many people that grew up with Xbox from 2006 to 2009 and have disposable income now. Target them. Give them an actual reason to buy your system. I’ve wanted to buy an Xbox but can’t justify it because everything it does my PS5 or PC already does. Te idea of Microsoft giving up on consoles will effectively give Sony a complete monopoly and that utterly terrifies me.

  122. 4 months ago

    Don't make woke games don't use that ugly nigress in every game simple.

  123. 4 months ago

    - Aggressive publicity
    - Hire PoT (Person of Talent) instead of PoC (Person of Color) that are hungry to prove themselves
    - Focus on rekindling popular franchises to the public while also exploring, in a lesser extent, new IPs

    Boom, I'll get that million paycheck, MS

  124. 4 months ago

    why would i save a company that ruined gaming?

  125. 4 months ago

    Fire all DEI hires (impossible due to daddy microsoft relying on Blackrock and Vanguard)
    Be less tolerant with studios; 343-like behavior should result in a studio shutdown, or at the very least a major restructuring

  126. 4 months ago

    >Make Xbox live free since Gamepass is doing so well
    >Give the Series S a fricking disc drive
    >Allow uncensored japanese releases
    >Create an optional Blades theme to modern Xbox interfaces to attract the nostalgia brains
    >Release games and stop letting them get stuck in decade long dev purgatory

  127. 4 months ago

    >save a product from the company that came up with "embrace extend extinguish"
    why would I save consoles I never bought? (not even once, for real)

  128. 4 months ago

    >would have named the new xbox 720
    > would make sure to port older titles to it
    >would make access to the users own internet free

    that's all they had to do.

  129. 4 months ago

    Market your console outside the US.Social media presence is not important
    Playstation is known even on Timbuktu because they actually market the damn boxes

  130. 4 months ago

    Behead this c**t live on stage at the next E3 to appease the crowd

  131. 4 months ago

    Buy CoD in 2007 before the Activision Blizzard merger and set a 3 year release schedule with monthly updates, also make sure that Mass Effect doesn't get bought during this time, and finally commission an original IP that shamelessly copies Oblivion game design but has no bugs and much better graphics, now I have three flagship titles that appeal to my main demographic.

  132. 4 months ago
  133. 4 months ago

    So apparently FTC trials are still ongoing. Could it be result of that? They simply lost, sony won?

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