Okay, so what was exactly the point of picrel? I don't get it.

Okay, so what was exactly the point of picrel? I don't get it. It throws around a lot of philosophical themes, but I can't piece them together

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  1. 12 months ago

    you have to get the E ending first

  2. 12 months ago

    I dunno but the music was really good.

  3. 12 months ago

    The main philosophical theme is that Yoko Taro wants money.
    Buy his game.

  4. 12 months ago

    Never give up anon you can do it

  5. 12 months ago
  6. 12 months ago

    He made me delete my save file twice so Yoko Taro is doing something right I guess.
    He also had me playing a ps3 game that ran at 15 fps.

  7. 12 months ago

    2B Ass

  8. 12 months ago

    it's goyslop: the autistic pretentious moron flavor

    it's embarrassing to even admit that you know of it let alone play it ffs you can do better

    • 12 months ago

      >using goyslop as an actual argument
      It's okay to admit you're moronic and should go back to your cesspit. Make an effort not to threaten to shoot up a place.

  9. 12 months ago

    The ending HAMMERS you with its "philosophical" message. Nier Tomato isn't exactly meant to be subtle or intellectual. It's mean to make you FEEL. Pathos over navel-gazing.

    • 12 months ago

      Why do people call it "Tomato"? Automata is a greek word, there's no need to anglicize its pronunciation. It's "Ou-toh-mah-tah"

  10. 12 months ago

    There isn't, Jap writers only care about contrived setups for their emotional scenes to work, not whether the story makes sense.

  11. 12 months ago

    god I fricking hate "auteur" game directors
    a game is made by a team not a homosexual with a vision

  12. 12 months ago

    >what if robots had... LE FEELINGS??
    Wow, this is deep.

    • 12 months ago

      The best stories are those that are profoundly human and question the human nature. Not even your moronic zoomer homosexual ass burying everything under 10 layers of irony gets to change that.

      • 12 months ago

        But it's a story that I've already seen a million times. It's not even a monomyth type case where certain themes and plot elements repeat across separate stories, it's the same exact plot I already know from a million other things.

        • 12 months ago

          Good on you for being done with fiction and having seen everything already. Maybe leave the peasants for whom this was an original story to wallow in their crass ignorance.

  13. 12 months ago

    i'd suggest not trying to piece the themes together. it's a very sad game and you'll get depressed.
    it's also a very kind game.
    if you "get" automata you're probably a very sad person. you'll understand the way in which the game is kind, and you'll understand that Yoko Taro is a good man...
    but it's not worth it to force yourself to understand what the game getting at, because it's too much to carry. I'm not sure Nier: Automata has all the information you need to piece it together, either: you need to have a bit of a real world education in a variety of topics to pull it together.
    If you enjoyed it, just enjoy it in the way that you received it.
    The music's good, the girls are cute, the gameplay is fun, the art is nice, and it's good to enjoy it on that surface level without thinking too hard about it.

    • 12 months ago

      it's not THAT deep and while the philosophical references give a bit more context it's not really fundamental to understand

      • 12 months ago

        Most people are unaware of nonverbal communication. The surface level plot is not that deep, but if you have the wherewithal to think about what you're seeing, there's a layer of meaning that's visually encoded: and it *is* that deep.
        Or if deep isn't the right word, it is as sad as I describe it to be.
        But again, it's not worth it to become the kind of person who understands what he's getting at.

        • 12 months ago

          I understood Automata perfectly and thought it was pussy shit, but then again I'm not some nihilistic materialist who this game perfectly reflects.

          • 12 months ago

            Summarize it then.

          • 12 months ago

            >nihilistic materialist
            if you wanna feel words to feel smart at least use the right ones you moron...

            • 12 months ago

              Summarize it then.

              The game's entire premise is basic b***h existentialist bullet-points, but stumbles along through this concept because Taro can't seem to accurately align his themes with his plots, which is why Ending E wrenches it all together with "well there's no discernible meaning to life, but we can still face it all together!" It's a very heartfelt game, don't get me wrong, but anyone more philosophically evolved would be bored by what it has to say.

              There’s no point to it. Nier Replicant’s story was already perfect (as in needing no complement). Automata brings nothing to the table.

              This is also true. I was genuinely disappointment that Taro pulled the same "see? the enemies are people to!" shit that we already saw with Replicant. Literally everything about Automata is just a limp-dicked summary of everything he's already done in previous games.

              • 12 months ago

                >The game's entire premise is basic b***h existentialist bullet-points
                It went over your head.

              • 12 months ago

                Sorry I'm not impressed with cute little robots name-dropping Nietzsche and various other 20th century philosophers, but you do you. Honestly using Nietzschian philosophy as the core of this game would have made in infinitely more interesting.

              • 12 months ago

                >Honestly using Nietzschian philosophy as the core of this game would have made in infinitely more interesting.
                Oh god, you're one of those.
                Well, if you thought name dropping philosophers was meant to make the game seem "more clever than it really is" but can't explain the point/joke being made with those characters, you were filtered and are a pseud. Simple as.

              • 12 months ago

                Oh no, don't get me wrong. Taro at least tried to make reference and even have commentary on some of these figures, but even that was the same old shit anyone who has read a book has encountered at some point or another. You're free to like the game but to pretend it's that "deep" or offers any genuine insight beyond "live laugh love" means you're fooling yourself.

              • 12 months ago

                There's a really simple answer I'm looking for, an understanding check to see if you even began to "get it", and you haven't said anything that remotely suggests you've put it together.

              • 12 months ago

                You're not looking for shit since you'll keep throwing up smokescreens to anyone who criticizes your beloved game. This is nothing new for Automatagays, the most honest of you just admit you simp for 2B and call it a day.

              • 12 months ago

                You're mad that you can't prove to me that you understood it in the way that I did, and I certainly won't spoonfeed you at this point with your attitude.
                But even if you didn't have an attitude, I wouldn't be likely to share the answer I'm looking for from you because it's probably more than you need to think about.
                Stay mad I guess, loser.

              • 12 months ago

                >y-you still dont get it

                very predictable, and trust me brother there's nothing you can say that I'll find intellectually challenging, but I know your ego depends on this illusion. Enjoy your game 🙂

              • 12 months ago

                You're no brother of mine, halfwit.
                And it should be a simple thing to explain what was up with the characters named after philosophers, really, as simple as "the joke is that X because Y", a basic comprehension check that will suggest to me whether you even began to think seriously about the story, but, like everyone else who calls this game "pseudointellectual" you seem to have stopped at "philosophers were referenced" and assumed that's all the game accomplished philosophically.

              • 12 months ago

                I already explained it, bro, but I know you're going to retreat behind the skirts of "that's not how I saw it, you don't get it" no matter how much I elaborate on this basic ass game. (and I'm being very patient in side-stepping how you confuse your own subjective interpretations as the "authoritative" view, which you probably got from a Youtube summary anyway)

                IF you were as smart as a Black person as you thought you were, you would have simply asserted your insights to match mine (even a simple "no homosexual it's XYZ", would do), but no, you want to be a coward and not assert anything, while still acting like the authority. Stop pretending you're even a worthy opponent.

                Now I would tell you to be a good Black person and stop responding to me, but I know your womanish attitude won't let you.

              • 12 months ago

                >I already explained it, bro
                Not once have you answered me.

              • 12 months ago

                Selective memory, gotcha. Keep going bud I'll go grab a beer.

              • 12 months ago

                Why try gaslighting me when the whole thread is here for us to read?
                Not in a single post have you explained the point/joke regarding the characters named after philosophers.

              • 12 months ago

                I'll be nice.

                Taro has a very "grab bag" approach to writing (he has admitted this) and just spatters whatever sounds good in the moment throughout the game, which is why his side-quest, at least in Automata, tend to be more coherent stories than the main one, while at the same time having very little to do with what the overall game is about. Again, he stumbles and spurts throughout the story with motivation to actually write it, but none of it comes together coherently until Ending E wrenches it all together to say "this is what I was trying to say", his references to philosophers, among other things, are part of this grab bag approach. It's only a slight step above Evangelion using Christian and Judaic imagery for aesthetics.

                Does that answer your question?

              • 12 months ago

                >Does that answer your question?

              • 12 months ago

                I guess you don't get it, then. 🙂

                Intellectually its not meant to be deep, but its emotionally resonant. Some people will clasify emotional resonance as depth, and the more i think about it the more I agree considering the entire point of the game is a rejection of over intellectual pirsuits.

                Emotional depth is a sort of depth, sure, but people who have already gone over the emotional phase in their lives that Automata relates to, also won't be very impressed. I agree intellect isn't everything, which is something our pseud friend will learn one day.

              • 12 months ago

                >I guess you don't get it, then. 🙂
                I have a certain understanding of NieR: Automata, I understood your snide deflecting response, and I understand that you still have not explained to me the joke regarding the characters named after philosophers, which suggest to me that you failed to comprehend NieR: Automata because you missed something so simple: something anyone with any philosophical depth should be able to "get" pretty quickly, because it's philosophical and funny.
                Your type is entertaining.

              • 12 months ago

                And you're still pulling the same old boring trick that we exposed twenty minutes ago. We'll probably spend the next 20 minutes digging at each other while you keep moving goal posts, just FYI.

                The message isnt what is supposed to be impressive, its obivously the entire package, the music, the animations and the story working within a sometimes novel framework to build emotional resonance, that is the part you appreciate. Im convinced the people who say the message is too basic are consuming media for the wrong reason. They are ironically searching for art that is a kind of divine inscrutible revelation and are drawn to actual pseudointellectual trash that allows for infinite speculation due to the lack of actual intent or message. I think this behavior is directly related to the message of the game.

                The music was the one part of the game where someone actually did their fricking jobs.
                >Im convinced the people who say the message is too basic are consuming media for the wrong reason. They are ironically searching for art that is a kind of divine inscrutable revelation and are drawn to actual pseudointellectual trash that allows for infinite speculation due to the lack of actual intent or message.
                You're describing Soulsgays more than anyone else. I personally found the game underwhelming because it was trying to emotionally convey a conclusion that was reached through a framework I fundamentally disagree with, based on my own knowledge and experience. Mere humanism isn't that interesting.

              • 12 months ago

                >We'll probably spend the next 20 minutes digging at each other while you keep moving goal posts, just FYI.
                I have not once moved any goalposts, I am asking you to describe what the joke is regarding the characters named after philosophers.
                You've simply failed to do that.
                It's such a simple joke, but because it isn't communicated verbally, you missed it. Because you're a wordcel and a pseud.
                If you can describe to me that one thing, what that one joke is, it would suggest to me that you have actually thought about/understood the game's subtext, but as you've spent at least 10 posts dancing around the subject, I can only conclude you're a sad little pseud.

              • 12 months ago

                >explain this irrelevant detail so I can keep saying "no you don't get it" so I can keep up my charade

                yawn m8, I'm not that interested in arguing over shit you heard about in a Youtube video. Unless you can summon up the balls to even start asserting in the positive your actual views and experience of the game then I'm more than happy to keep up this shitposting and not take you seriously. Let's see what cute response you can cook up this time.

              • 12 months ago

                Anon, you're embarrassing yourself.
                What reason do I I have to explain something to you that I myself understand, when I am asking you to explain it to prove to me that you understand it?
                You're like a bad child waddling up to a teacher, crying "if you weren't such a pussy you'd give me the answers to this test".
                You keep repeatedly getting and F and are crying about it instead of giving me the answer I'm looking for.
                What is the philosophical point/joke regarding the characters named after philosophers?

              • 12 months ago

                What do you fundamentally disagree with in the games framework or message? I think the conclusion is undeniably interesting in execution, no other piece of media makes you sacrifice something for other people, and for those that it effected emotionally it transforms an intellectual platitude into an emotional understanding. Which is all I really want from art.

              • 12 months ago

                I agree the execution was interesting and effective, but
                >What do you fundamentally disagree with in the games framework or message?
                Anyone with a degree of responsibility in their lives understands what it is to sacrifice for someone else, so going through all that tortured rigamarole of Endings A-D and finally to E, one is left with the feeling of "that's it?"

                And earlier I described the story as materialist and nihilistic, which under those pressures we do get nothing more than the humanistic impulse of just "lets just take care of each other", but historically most men of worth rejected sinking into such matriarchal mundanety (wink-wink), with the aim of either reaching a transcendent point of reference, or introducing a vision of such to the world.

                To even suppose that religions and philosophies are merely a cope for some apparent void of meaning just betrays a very limited vision, that actually can't see anything further than sustaining the human animal. That's my take, and obviously it's not a popular one.

                Anon, you're embarrassing yourself.
                What reason do I I have to explain something to you that I myself understand, when I am asking you to explain it to prove to me that you understand it?
                You're like a bad child waddling up to a teacher, crying "if you weren't such a pussy you'd give me the answers to this test".
                You keep repeatedly getting and F and are crying about it instead of giving me the answer I'm looking for.
                What is the philosophical point/joke regarding the characters named after philosophers?

                You THINK you are testing someone, that is true.

              • 12 months ago

                >You THINK you are testing someone, that is true.
                I have been testing you. Asking a simple question to test whether you understood anything about NieR: Automata beyond its most basic verbal level. You keep failing to answer and crying.
                I do get some amount of entertainment out of this, but I do wish you would answer correctly.
                It would be more interesting if you had something interesting to say.

              • 12 months ago

                This would go by alot faster if you just admitted you just want to avoid real scrutiny of your opinion, Lets try something else: why not take a crack at mine?

              • 12 months ago

                >more wheedling pseud grift
                >anything to avoid answering the question
                It's a simple thing anon: what is the joke? There's a joke inherent in the characters named after philosophers. I've been suggesting that it's a nonverbal joke which is already a huge hint.
                So what is it?
                If you give me the answer I'm looking for you're free to scrutinize my opinion however you like: but you clearly don't have it in you to solve an easy riddle, so you'll never begin to know my opinion.

              • 12 months ago

                I know actual schizophrenics with a better game than what you're pulling. I accept your concession, however, since I doubt you can even meaningfully challenge what I already said, so it's no wonder you're clinging to one point I've made out of several.

              • 12 months ago

                I've barely glanced at posts of yours that weren't relevant to our conversation.
                For the last 15 replies or so you've been dodging the question.
                I have been asking you to summarize "the joke inherent in the characters named after philosophers" because if you could summarize that joke we could begin to have an interesting conversation about what NieR: Automata is doing philosophically.
                But so far you're proving that you simply don't get it.
                I do have to admit it was funny at first but it's getting a little tiring. Especially because I had hope that you were actually clever enough to answer the question.
                It's so tiring to have conversations at such a boring level of discourse.

              • 12 months ago

                I dont see the point of the game as a materialistic void being covered up by humanism but the void is a consequence of an overly intellectual world view. Its telling you to shift your focus which is the same as religion. Fundamentally, whether you agree or disagree these are points of discussion and argument that are a never ending spiral with no conclusion.

                You're right about older people with responsibilities already understanding the message but there is still value in resurfacing it in another context. Most people dont live life thinking "i felt that emotion before, i learnt that lesson already and i dont need to experience it or reflect on it ever again". I will also add that the majority of people played this in their teens and twenties before they had kids or responsibilities.

              • 12 months ago

                >Its telling you to shift your focus which is the same as religion. Fundamentally, whether you agree or disagree these are points of discussion and argument that are a never ending spiral with no conclusion.

                Yes, I just disagreed with what the game wanted to shift the focus to, but that comes down to the characteristics of the author and his own personal experience, worldview, etc. In the end I respect what he was trying to do, but I just don't care for it and have found more insightful and useful concepts elsewhere. Taro just builds up all this philosophical tension just to state the obvious, hence why it's so underwhelming.

                Let's use religious parables as a comparison: Illiterate peasant can be told the parable of say, the Prodigal Son from Christianity, and get the gist of it, while a priest or a monk can see that same simplistic narrative and through their knowledge of the inner mysteries are able to get ten times more knowledge out of it than the peasant, especially after years of reading and contemplating.

                Taro offers a simplistic message in a complex package, instead of the opposite, which would explain its lack of longevity.

              • 12 months ago

                I would argue that bible stories are just shitty attempts at conveying simple messages which is why they only get through to people who already understand the message from other experiences in their life. Meanwhile, a game like neir IS the experience necessary to understand the similarly simple message. The preference for the former seems arbitrary.

              • 12 months ago

                From my own studies and experience, Biblical parables, at least from the Gospels, have many layers to them, but it's also true what you say, people will only get out of them what they themselves have already experienced, but someone deeply initiated into the more esoteric sides of the Christian tradition would be able to extract more out of it.

                >Meanwhile, a game like neir IS the experience necessary to understand the similarly simple message. The preference for the former seems arbitrary.
                I see what you mean, and while a preference to the former may seem arbitrary, I can read a parable in around ten minutes, spend hours absorbing and contemplating it, versus spending 20 hours on a game to even get the gist of it.

              • 12 months ago

                You still fail to answer his question, his question has got nothing to do with endings, you are a pseud that uses a lot of words but says nothing of worth.

              • 12 months ago

                I was only ever discussing the broader view of the game, and he decided I had to arbitrarily prove myself to get him to stop being an intellectual coward. Boring.

              • 12 months ago

                The message isnt what is supposed to be impressive, its obivously the entire package, the music, the animations and the story working within a sometimes novel framework to build emotional resonance, that is the part you appreciate. Im convinced the people who say the message is too basic are consuming media for the wrong reason. They are ironically searching for art that is a kind of divine inscrutible revelation and are drawn to actual pseudointellectual trash that allows for infinite speculation due to the lack of actual intent or message. I think this behavior is directly related to the message of the game.

              • 12 months ago

                Why do people need "depth" in games. It's not a film, nobody cares. Just make the story good and fun and the combat proper.

              • 12 months ago

                Did you finish the game yet completely?
                The story itself is good, but it's the subtext, the "message", and how it ties to our IRL world and human tendencies, that really elevate it to another level.

                In short, NA is a game that celebrates both humanity and also the history of video games.
                All this, while being a beautiful, fun to play video game.

                >Why do people need "depth" in games.
                I'd claim that most people do not "Need" it, but to those who've seen the gaming evolve from the black & white pixels and beepboops to this behemothian mega industry that overshadows both film and music industry, it is always nice to have more to vidya than "But I have to defeat the demons/nazis!!".

                Claiming that depth or story would not matter in games is extremely naive, stupid statement, that has not held any kind of truth for over 30 years now.

              • 12 months ago

                >Why do people care about this, since i think that nobody cares about this?
                This is what you are asking.

  14. 12 months ago

    It's a shit game with a crap combat system and a minuscule open world that forces you to revisits the same places a million times. Can't believe people actually consider this to be good

    • 12 months ago

      ok what games do you like

      • 12 months ago

        Last 3 games I played were sekiro, death stranding and the halo collection

        • 12 months ago

          you like death stranding but hate nier? weird but ok have a nice day

          • 12 months ago

            Didn't really like it. Dropped halfway through chapter 3. Too repetitive for my taste.

            • 12 months ago

              Not sure what you mean by chapter 3, route c? Surprised you lasted that long and gave up but if you didn't like it you didn't like it. I don't work for square I don't give a frick.

              • 12 months ago

                Oh wait you're probably talking about DS, whatever you're a fricking idiot that hates games still not my problem.

              • 12 months ago

                Can you tell me what part exactly of neir you consider good?

              • 12 months ago

                the entire game

              • 12 months ago

                so the combat is good?
                The open world is good?

              • 12 months ago

                I'm not here to convince you of anything you already said you played it and hated it. Ask your mother.

              • 12 months ago

                Oh no, lil bro got offended because someone criticized his favourite game

              • 12 months ago

                I don't work for square enix why would I give a frick about your opinion?

        • 12 months ago

          Actual garbage taste over here.

  15. 12 months ago

    There isn't, Taro is on the same wavelength as Kojima, they throw around a pastiche of cutoff concepts, using them the same way students from cheap colleges do, with stray quotations and name drops.

    Nevertheless, the game even if pedantic and flawed, makes a great emotional experience, which cant be said for any of Kojima's garbage.

    • 12 months ago
  16. 12 months ago

    the theme of the game is masturbation because that's what the game does for it's entire runtime. the game is also simplistic enough to play that you can jerk off to the characters while playing and then jerk off yourself intellectually online after you're done

    • 12 months ago

      you're jerking off right now

  17. 12 months ago

    On the surface level, "what does it mean to be human?" now that the actual humans are dead.

    • 12 months ago

      >i've discovered muh feels by processing human data

      Adding "feels" to a machine would be like adding a slow acting self destruct logic virus, THAT should have been the theme of the game, a big posthumous "frick you" from the humans to the robots.

      • 12 months ago

        anon, you're so close to putting words on it, and yet so far.

  18. 12 months ago

    the day drakengard gets remade is the day i kill myself

  19. 12 months ago

    There’s no point to it. Nier Replicant’s story was already perfect (as in needing no complement). Automata brings nothing to the table.

  20. 12 months ago

    you would've if you played replicant before this.

    • 12 months ago

      I've played replicant before this, automata is a shitty cashgrab for pretentious homosexuals

  21. 12 months ago

    nier automata defense force explain what you dont understand about nier automata challenge (impossible)

    • 12 months ago

      You want to restate that more clearly?

      • 12 months ago

        you wouldnt get it sorry try reading more books

        • 12 months ago

          Giving you the benefit of the doubt, you seem to be daring the "NieR: Automata Defense Force" to explain NieR: Automata to you (and are joking that it's impossible because there's nothing to explain), but if that's what you're trying to do, you made a grammatical error that makes the sentence borderline incoherent.

          • 12 months ago

            sorry i dont know what your post is trying to say because the grammatical error renders it as visual static to my brain. maybe i could parse it if i too was smart enough for nier automata but such men are truly cyclopean here in the land of the blind

  22. 12 months ago

    The biggest thing I took away from it was people need something to believe in or their lives will be meaningless.

    • 12 months ago

      Plenty of androids knew humans were extinct, also the genetic material still exists and if they have fricking space flying mecha suits, they sure could cook up some babies on artificial wombs.

      The game contradicts itself at every step for the sake of emotion.
      Take the little robots death at the end, totally illogical, "they didn't knew what fear was OMG", that's complete bullshit since some 20 min earlier on of the quests was literally "kill the bad menacing machine down bellow because the little robots are AFRAID to go down and play"

      • 12 months ago

        >Little Robot's death
        >The end
        Oh no.

  23. 12 months ago

    Who cares? Nier Replicant blows this game out of the water

  24. 12 months ago

    I loved the game but the whole philosophy thing has been done before with the "why are we doing this?" I get it but it's not some mind blowing revelation besides talking about philosophy is just lame and a waste of time

  25. 12 months ago

    I personally see all of Yoko Taro's games as the middle ground between the two sides of this image.

    Life sucks, and it will always suck, but it's also kinda cool sometimes and people should learn to accept those moments of happiness because they could all be gone tomorrow.

    This doesn't count for the original Drakengard though, that's just a based shitpost

  26. 12 months ago

    It's just a bunch of cool shit, that pretends to be deep at the end, because weebs go in for all of that.

  27. 12 months ago

    What point? It's a game. You swing your sword and robots blow up

  28. 12 months ago

    Philosophy and religion are tools to deal with a meaningless existance, dont think so hard about the fact that meaning is a human construct or you will have a nice day. Meaning will be felt in assisting others.

    Its the opposite of pretentious, Its a simple and sincere message in a piece of modern media which will sadly always be interpreted as pretentious by those that dont get it or cringe by those that do.

    • 12 months ago

      Careful bud, apparently Automata is FAR MORE DEEPER than that, and you won't get it ever.

      • 12 months ago

        Intellectually its not meant to be deep, but its emotionally resonant. Some people will clasify emotional resonance as depth, and the more i think about it the more I agree considering the entire point of the game is a rejection of over intellectual pirsuits.

    • 12 months ago

      Honestly, only people without a purpose ponder about "existence".
      Sartre was a degenerate high nobility descendant, he never had to worry about real things, so he wanked off "existentialism" and coated it with some Marxist hues.

  29. 12 months ago

    Replicant was 100000000000x better. I don't know why people moan about Automata, all it has is 2B.

    • 12 months ago

      Better gameplay. The original has better storytelling though.

      • 12 months ago

        I literally don't understand how the gameplay can get any better, it was fluid, fun, had combos and customizable. There is really nothing better to achieve outside of the story, which this one was extremely well put together.

        • 12 months ago

          Did you play the original version of Nier? Because it was rough. I haven't played the new release, but I guess they probably fixed it.

    • 12 months ago

      >Replicant was better
      Nope. It's all around more half-baked clusterfrick compared to Automata, which takes the basic ideas NieR1 introduced and acually crafted a working, believable narrative and presentation around it. It even plays its "big decision" meta better, since the game's all about artificial presentation of artificial people being stuck in a never ending loop of both ancient human memes and a human entertainment product.

    • 12 months ago

      >replicant babbies
      have a nice day if you didn't start with Gestalt.

  30. 12 months ago

    Taro is a psued and is a confirmed hack and doesn't know how to write. He's the prime example of slop. People just dickride it because it's "muh first game with philosophical themes" and didn't actually think for themselves.
    >verification not required

  31. 12 months ago

    >machines try to mimic humanity but none of it matters because 9S just wants to **** 2B
    But yes it does kind of beat you over the head that the only thing that matters is the characters and what they mean to each other. The philosophy is pretty simple and it's there so the game can go "yeah but that's not what's actually important, is it?".

  32. 12 months ago

    idk but y does it have built-in 1 second input delay and dogshit mouse controls on pc?

  33. 12 months ago

    >pirate game to replay it on pc
    >remember the last part needs internet connection

    • 12 months ago

      that's something i find odd, so like 10 years into the future how the frick is someone going to complete the "true" ending

      • 12 months ago

        square enix servers will never go down

      • 12 months ago

        it will still run in 10 years it barely costs a penny to host PREDETERMINED text files. It's literally message + amount. Should costs less than a buck a month and seeing how ffxi is still kicking well yeah...

    • 12 months ago

      use a trainer

    • 12 months ago

      >use a trainer
      well if you didn't play it back them you probably already know about it anyway
      it's a squarejewnix game they are already planning to remake it

  34. 12 months ago

    NieR Automata is the video game equivalent of Evangelion
    Spins a bunch of plates carrying concepts that it never properly explores but even at a surface level seem sufficiently deep so that autists can build a cult around it. Sprinkle in a pretty good waifu and let plebs subconsciously self-insert as 9Shinji and boom bap bippidy Ganker will never shut the frick up about it

    • 12 months ago

      The difference between Evangelion and Automata is that Automata is actually good.

      • 12 months ago

        It's a decent game, sure. But it gets praise far beyond it's actual quality. And let's not pretend that people actually discuss the gameplay here, it's always 2B this, Ending F--/Q32 that

        • 12 months ago

          I frankly see very little praise for Automata beyond "2B has a great ass" and "Ending E was really good".
          There's not a lot of discussion about this game in 2023, and I've yet to see anyone even talk about its philosophical themes beyond pseuds insisting the game is a pseud game because it namedropped philosophers.

          • 12 months ago

            The game doesn't have a complex philosophical message but it does have attempt semi diverse answers to the question "What is my purpose if my creators are all dead".

            It explores as many set of answers as possible through the various factions and side quests etc. and the tragic outcomes of such a search really was supposed to be 9S rage-tarding himself and 2A to death with their search of revenge againest the Machine Lifeforms. However, if you found a satisfactory enough answer from your time with those characters, the game will offer you the chance to give them a second shot at finding such meaning by Ending E.

            So the answer to the initial question really is "We can't tell you, but however you reach the answer, you won't be doing it alone". The namedropping are just sign posts to whatever answer that part of the question is exploring.

    • 12 months ago

      >NieR Automata is the video game equivalent of Evangelion
      Absolute kino and the greatest of all time. Didn't read the rest hope this you feeds you for the rest of the week.

    • 12 months ago

      Only applies to NGE, rebuilds only focus on Shinji and get to properly explore their concepts.

  35. 12 months ago

    if you want the same philosophical theme but with more depth play the talos principle

    • 12 months ago

      I love talos principle but well you're not wrong both stories are pretentious trash.

  36. 12 months ago

    robot ass

  37. 12 months ago

    This back and forth about an autistic fan trying to bait an anon into a "gotcha" and the other faux intellectual anon playing chicken with him feels like something out of the game. An ultimately pointless endeavor and waste of time that is fun to live in the moment sometimes.

    • 12 months ago

      As the anon asking the anon to explain what the joke is, I need to push back on this: there is no "gotcha" in the question, the question is a simple test: an acceptable answer would suggest wise thinking about the game and its themes.
      Anon has been suggesting that Automata is "pseud" and yet cannot demonstrate understanding of it.
      If anon could give the answer to the question "what is the point/joke regarding the characters named after philosophers" and then follow that up with his explanation as to why the game is still "pseudointellectual" I'd be forced to consider what he says.
      But to call it "pseudointellectual" without demonstrating full understanding of it is to be a pseudointellectual himself.

      • 12 months ago

        >there is no "gotcha" in the question, the question is a simple test
        There in lies the "gotcha". Your autism is just as obnoxious as the faux intellectual anon's

        "I won't share my opinion on the game until he meets my special snowflake condition" which will obviously never be met until you can call him an idiot (which he is for engaging in this pointless battle over worship/disappointment of the game's narrative).

        At the end of the day we'll all be in the ground and depending on your faith in different afterlifes (or none if you don't believe in one) so it's silly to not just express your thoughts on the game at this point in fear of being mocked for being lambasted as a fan of a game you like.

        Just say why you like the game and move on anon.

        • 12 months ago

          >"I won't share my opinion on the game until he meets my special snowflake condition"
          My opinion should be obvious.
          Rather than being pseudointellectual, the game actually is intellectually interesting.
          If you have this much trouble inferring that much, I question your sentience.

          • 12 months ago

            >My opinion should be obvious.
            In other words you're afraid to state it and be mocked. Okay. I'll happily move on.

            • 12 months ago

              Anon, I literally stated it in the post you quoted.
              >Rather than being pseudointellectual, the game actually is intellectually interesting.
              You've been arguing that it's "pussy shit", but you apparently lack the ability to describe the joke I've been asking you to describe, which suggests a lack of understanding of the whole game: because the question I am asking you to answer scratches the surface of the game's nonverbal communication, and a more interesting conversation about the game's depth.

        • 12 months ago

          >(which he is for engaging in this pointless battle over worship/disappointment of the game's narrative).
          You're right about that one anon, I spent too much time hoping he'd actually try to discuss in good faith, but we both just got tangled up in trying to one-up each other. I'll take the L for even encouraging it. I am actually interested in discussing the game and we all just share what we think.

      • 12 months ago

        You use quotes, but I never called Automata "pseudo-intellectual". I said it was basic, and used the reference to philosophers as an example. Then you took that as opportunity to get me to explain some irrelevant bit that had zero bearing on my point anyway. ayy lmao

        • 12 months ago

          This was you
          "I understood Automata perfectly and thought it was pussy shit"
          And yet you still can't explain what's funny about the characters named after philosphers, even though it's a fairly obvious joke.

  38. 12 months ago

    >robot feelings too
    >hot ass robot
    >2b or not 2b
    it's japanese babbling tier

  39. 12 months ago

    They were killing and dying for nothing.
    Just like us.
    Because we made the robots the way they are.
    Not unlike our existence.
    This cannot continue.

  40. 12 months ago

    It's a bad game. That's pretty much it.

  41. 12 months ago

    I will ask, as an observer, what have anons in this thread done? In life...any field. If there is nothing impressive there, then the value of x or y philosophy's is similar.

    Genghis Khan remains one of the greatest philosophers for this reason.

    • 12 months ago

      What have you done, Gankerer?

    • 12 months ago

      I have capabilities and experiences that if I were to discuss them openly I'd simply be called a schizophrenic and ignored - in the best case scenario. In my everyday life I am in a very lucrative profession. You are correct in what you imply about Genghis Khan.

  42. 12 months ago

    Nobody reads Ghengis Khan.

  43. 12 months ago

    >big feels with a little philosophy for flavor isn't valid
    Look at all the pseuds flexing their middling wit.

    • 12 months ago

      It's only big feels for NEETs and manchildren who don't have any responsibilities beyond deciding what flavor of cup noodle to eat after jacking off, but I guess that is Taro's target audience.

  44. 12 months ago

    >It throws around a lot of philosophical themes, but I can't piece them together
    neither can Yoko Taro

  45. 12 months ago

    The capacity for human suffering is infinite. Our capacity to build upon our previous work enables incredible heights, but we are never satisfied - and yet, there is no lower bound to the level of anguish we are capable of experiencing when we inevitably fall. We can always make things worse, and yet, survive nonetheless. In the Nier universe, we explore the lives of individuals whose mistakes have compounded upon their mistakes for literal millennia, and yet still we can add more weight, still we can dig a deeper hole. It has long since become an inescapable situation. Our nature traps us; we are unable to stop doing this to ourselves. We are suffering manifest.

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