Old world

I picked it up this weekend to play and had a lot of fun playing it but could not finish any game because the performance gets worse and worse as the game progress to the point it takes 2 minutes each turn. Is this normal?

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  1. 4 months ago

    Part of the reason why this game was such a monumental failure commercially. The other being a shitty Civ 5 clone.
    You sold out, Soren. You became the antithesis of what made you great

    • 4 months ago

      It is fine. I've had fun with it but it is one of those "maybe" recommendations. It has a demo on Steam that IMO introduces what the full experience will be like very well.

      >Part of the reason why this game was such a monumental failure commercially
      Eh, I dunno. It seems to be doing well enough that Mohawk keeps afloat and they keep making DLC, latest one came out last month. That being said it certainly was developed on tight budget and the dev team is small.

      What's worng with combat here?

      NTA but the combat in Old World very strongly favors the attacker and it is a conscious design choice.

      • 4 months ago

        >combat in Old World very strongly favors the attacker and it is a conscious design choice
        You mean as in the unit attacking tactically speaking, or the nation attacking? Tactically you definitely have to be proactive I agree, though you can limit your exposure on flanks with zone of control to some extent

  2. 4 months ago

    never had that issue, works on my machine

    • 4 months ago

      one of the reviews is literally "google old world performance issues".

      • 4 months ago

        fixed 😉

  3. 4 months ago

    Is this game any good? I have it on my wishlist and I kind of want to play it, but in the same time I don't because people describe it just as tribal civ period, which sounds confined.

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      It's the best 4X game to come out since Civ 5.

    • 4 months ago

      It has more good ideas on what 4x civ games can and should be than anything that has come out for over decade. Whenever I play another I miss the rewind button. The slightly more complex economy is quite nice to work with.
      The family system is cool and innovative as is using a deck of tech cards.

      The order system makes the game more interesting and better.

      I've sunk about 300 hours into it. I like it a lot.
      But I generally like diplomacy and building and only the occasional war. The fighting is pretty bad (though not terrible compared to modern civ games). The AI is only servicable. On my previous computer the memory leaks sometimes made it unplayable (don't notice real slowdown on current new pc). The game has a weird selection of music and strange view on gender and is obviously made by a guy pussywhipped by his former diplomat girlfriend. But as a result you do get some of the more interesting ambassador play and events.

      I generally only mildly recommend the game, though people usually thank me for it. The game had a botched launch due to being one of the first epic exclusives, when their store was still quite busted (epic funded the game production).

      • 4 months ago

        What's worng with combat here?

      • 4 months ago

        >The game had a botched launch due to being one of the first epic exclusives, when their store was still quite busted
        Wrong tense, ESL. Their store IS still busted

        • 4 months ago

          ah okay, I thought they would have fixed it by now.

          What's worng with combat here?

          The combat is just very boring to me. Technically it should be a cavalry gives a lot of options, infantry melee works as meatshields and archers help to set up kills. But they're 3 different paths in the tech tree. Better to just get good infantry and/or siege and use decent position to roll over any AI.
          I feel I have too much control, and it just becomes a slow slog with few interesting choices to fight wars.

    • 4 months ago

      For every good idea there are three shit ones and then there is the general execution of it.
      If you want to play Civ 5.5, this is it. But if you are looking for good 4X, look somewhere else. It's just very fricking meh, with a lot of potential that went nowhere and genuinely frustrating performance, no matter your hardware.

      It's the best 4X game to come out since Civ 5.

      >t. Civ 5 baby

  4. 4 months ago

    It has some nice suggestive artwork...

    • 4 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      If only AssCreed Mirage had been like this, I might have considered playing, but you can't expect Ubiwoke to do anything other than shit itself. We coulda had another Splinter Cell by now if they weren't so fricking moronic.

    • 3 months ago

      That one event where you take 4 year to siege a whole foreign city that isn't even on the map, just to carry home a noble that tried to elope....

    • 3 months ago

      The game's creative director is a woman, so figures.

      • 3 months ago

        damn, women are based

        • 3 months ago

          she isn't a seething middle-aged roastie who hates men like most of the typical diversity hires.

          • 3 months ago

            and yet i recall all the times people were complaining about her in other threads and how she basically made soren her b***h with a lot of decisions including artwork and woke shit like having the possibility of your kid to be a nog

            • 3 months ago

              Yeah she did insert herself into the game's development, culminating in Soren cringe posting on Twitter about how he decided to #dobetter and make her CEO of the company. Apparently some employees who had been with the company for awhile got struggle sessioned out as well during development for not playing nice with her.
              All that being said they were able to make a good game in the end and the poz isn't too over the top, especially if you use the no female generals/roles mod. Not sure about random nog kid chance, would be funny since someone posted Leyla malding out about blacks being inappropriately cast in ancient Egyptian/leb roles in movies. Diversity for thee not for me I guess (she's a lebbo)

              • 3 months ago

                >culminating in Soren cringe posting on Twitter about how he decided to #dobetter and make her CEO of the company. Apparently some employees who had been with the company for awhile got struggle sessioned out as well during development for not playing nice with her.
                i cannot believe this shit happened, that's fricking ridiculous

          • 3 months ago

            She just hates Romans and the west.

  5. 4 months ago

    Sometimes I start wondering why I uninstalled this game, and reinstall it and play for an hour or two and I hate it and uninstall it and promise to never touch this snoozefest again and then the next year I start wondering why I uninstalled this game...

    To be honest I've completely forgotten why I hate it and I'm very close to reinstalling it this year again.

  6. 4 months ago

    Any mods right now that fix combat and add more events? The former seems to be the main drawback I'm hearing. Any other mod recs that would make the game worth it would be appreciated.

    • 4 months ago

      >fix combat

      what in combat needs fixing? It favors the attacker and building up an army before conflict begins, some people just can't handle the shift in mechanics from other 4x. Their dlcs add a lot of events(I don't own them, it just lists that).

    • 4 months ago

      Look, I was criticizing combat as not being the best part of the game. It's not like combat is broken. The game already has a very large number of events. I've seen a lot of repeat events, but I've got about 500 hours into the game so that's not a big surprise.


      As for mods, I just have a couple of mods from one of the developers: https://mod.io/g/oldworld/u/ow-dale

      I use gender roles (no more female generals),
      Raze cities
      And sometimes play with double tech cost

      • 4 months ago

        >I use gender roles (no more female generals),
        No more Joan of Arc?

        • 4 months ago

          There is a joan of arc event? Seems really weird considering the time frame of the game.

          There is of course still the boudica event, where you can get her as a military advisor, but that's about it (now you too can learn to place the wagons for the old people and children in a circle behind your army so you can't flee and get absolutely decimated by an inferior force!)

      • 3 months ago

        >gender roles (no more female generals)
        You are like a little baby, I use no female roles at all. Really gets you into the antiquity mindset

  7. 3 months ago

    I can't decide whether to play this game, help me out.

    • 3 months ago

      Do you like early game civ? then ya

  8. 3 months ago

    Pretty decent, had fun but i wish tehre were more playable factions and larger differences. most of them play the same with different starting techs and bonuses. the game has a lot of interesting new ideas, Family building, actions, rewind button, game announcing if someone is building a wonder, tech shuffling. i think with time this game will be a sleeper hit

    • 3 months ago

      This game has spoiled me. Every 4x game I play I miss the rewind button.

      It also reminded me of playing blood bowl for a strange reason. Because you have limited orders, you want to prioritize what is most important in the early part of your turn. It also means that moving all your unita all the time isn't a given. Rather it's expensive. So you likely end up creating bigger garrisons than in most games, which I kinda like, so that it is less moving your entire army around and more moving the local forces around, typically to deal with some barbarian invasions.

      I also like that barbarians can show up from the map edges, so there are no safe cities. Also rebellions and such, sometimes funded by opponents through events.

      I like this game a lot. Perhaps my biggest regret about the game is that the wonders are pretty poor investment. Yes they give points (significant only in late game for win) and culture and special abilities, but they also tie up a worker for a long time and on higher difficulties you are strapped for resources.

      Though I like the value of culture: how having culture + technology gives you access to higher tier buildings like academies and colloseums. But only the cities with the culture for it. And building a specialists in these buildings is just very good, because you start right with the upgraded urban specialist.

      The economy and diplomacy of this game is so much better than any of the competitors.

  9. 3 months ago

    Ok, you sold me Old World. I will play your game.

    • 3 months ago

      So what was it like?

      • 3 months ago

        I am currently occupied by another game, but I added it to my wishlist.

  10. 3 months ago

    no way someone whop hated men created or commissioned those illustrations

  11. 3 months ago

    Old Warudo or Humankind?

    • 3 months ago

      Whichever one doesn't bend the knee to Blackrock's gay psyops.

    • 3 months ago

      old world, not even a question

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