On 10th Edition 40k

I want to know everyone's stances on the current edition of Warhammer 40k, now that quite a bit of time has passed and we've all have had a chance to test it out for ourselves.

What do you guys think of the game?

Do you feel like the simplified rules have streamlined and made the game more fun to play, or do you think they took away too much customization?

Do you feel like the new army rules have made you enjoy your armies more, or does the current extreme imbalance drive you away from your current armies?

What's your favorite army, and why is it orks?

Let me know!

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  1. 7 months ago

    The main thing I wanted at the end of 9th was faster games, and I think it has delivered on that. The listbuilding side is definitely worse though, which is a shame. Most of the people moaning about how terrible an edition it is probably don’t play much anyway.

    • 7 months ago

      I've also felt like games are way faster, but yeah, I've felt the impact of the free wargear and model thresholds for units, although I feel like at least they kept quite a fair bit of customization options and that makes me happy

    • 7 months ago

      I play eldar. My codex was gutted down to just two viable lists and yet even when 90% of our units are utter garbage we still dominate tournaments because the game is just that badly balanced. Putting in a bunch of universal special rules doesnt streamline the game if i need to check another book to see what my mortal wounds are triggering on and how thats interacting with two other rules. Removing the psychic phase doesnt make games faster if im still rolling those dice in the shooting phase. Id complain about the wounds bloat making games slow but the damage bloat is going up even faster. Its a mess.

      >Most of the people moaning about how terrible an edition it is probably don’t play much anyway.
      Repeat that to yourself a few times, you're only one step away from a rational thought

      • 7 months ago

        Well, personally I haven't really had the need to check on the universal special rules, they've been pretty easy to use on the games I've played and, while I haven't player with or against eldar, I have seen some games myself with a lot of variety.

        I'd say instead of playing something viable, lean a bit more on fun, it's a game after all bro

        • 7 months ago

          >lean a bit more on fun
          Sure ill take my winged autarc-
          Okay ill take my wave serpent beefed up with spirit ston-
          Okay ill take my guide + doom guardian blo
          Okay ill load up on my guardian squads with conceal/reveal warlo-
          Okay ill take my shielded dire avenger squa
          I cant even put fuegan in his dire avenger squad any more, how the frick do i make a "fun list" when i have no options? I get
          >spam the good tank
          >jetbike spam
          And thats fricking it.

  2. 7 months ago

    I only had one game so far, I ran 2K of my guard vs my buddies Eldar. I got whooped but I still had a blast, I ran 4 taurox's and it felt good to watch them rush across the board and dropped troops on key points. I do miss guards mix and pick regiment rules but I have a feeling they will be back when we get our new Codex. I do have a question for 10th players, is it true the WH app allows one free list or do you need to have a WH+ account, also is battle scribe updated yet?

    • 7 months ago

      First of all based list, second, Idunno about the warhammer app, but I do know there's an update for BS already, although, to be honest, It's kinda ass imo.

      If you want some good list building I'd recommend these two websites, they're pretty good in my experience, though a bit unintuitive at the beginning.


      • 7 months ago

        Thanks man, I love Tauroxes it got me to into the game and pic related was my very first model, thanks for the advice on the websites, I will check it out.

        • 7 months ago


  3. 7 months ago

    I found it dull and lifeless. It played faster, but at the cost of all the fun bits that made it immersive, imo

  4. 7 months ago

    Well, I've only had one game so far, but what I've played has been fricking amazing. I got to play a game of ork mechs against my friend's astra militarum, and it was the best game we've had in a year, the tactical secondaries changing the game constantly along with the mission modifiers make everything extremely fun instead of being a boring "get to point get 2 victory points" for the entire thing.

    Also being able to read my abilities and just read "lethal hits" instead of "Morgogz Zorgogz innate buttplug gives this unit exploding sixes every third attack and if it lands you automatically wound"

    I've also not lost that much customization, just finished making a flamer only and gretchin only list that seems relatively good.

    Dunno, I definitely prefer this over 9e a thousand times over, but the fact they promised free rules just to get codexes out anyways is dogshit.

    • 7 months ago

      >the tactical secondaries changing the game constantly along with the mission modifiers make everything extremely fun instead of being a boring "get to point get 2 victory points" for the entire thing.

      Maelstrom missions (which is basically what you're playing in 10th) have been around in 7th, 8th, and the late end of 9th edition. It's not unique to 10th.

      • 7 months ago

        Ah, I might've just not played any malestrom games then, don't think I've ever had anyone asking me to play one for as long as I've been playing, but I do remember seeing something like that on PlayOn.

        Why is that tho? Did people like the system less or something?

  5. 7 months ago

    There seems to be a growing demographic that puts 'short games' as overbearingly important. You see it a lot in warcry too - find someone who likes it and see if they can say why without telling you how they can get a game done in 40 minutes.

    I don't get it. The best thing about your game is it's over quickly? If it's a good game it's enjoyable to play for a few hours, surely?

    • 7 months ago

      I guess that those people only enjoy about list building. Actually playing the game is just testing if their list works, so shorter time that takes the better.

      >lean a bit more on fun
      Sure ill take my winged autarc-
      Okay ill take my wave serpent beefed up with spirit ston-
      Okay ill take my guide + doom guardian blo
      Okay ill load up on my guardian squads with conceal/reveal warlo-
      Okay ill take my shielded dire avenger squa
      I cant even put fuegan in his dire avenger squad any more, how the frick do i make a "fun list" when i have no options? I get
      >spam the good tank
      >jetbike spam
      And thats fricking it.

      There is 2 kinds of fun to have in list building. One is to test units you haven't ever played and make thematic armies. Another is to try to get overpowered combowombos.
      Which one those were? Fuegan with Fire Avengers doesn't sound very thematic.

      • 7 months ago

        Let me guess, you play primarines

        If you ever looked at the codex you'd know its none of the above.
        The 10 dire avengers are delivered by wave serpent and have the shield for the invul to resist shooting. With guide they put out good damage into enemies, with fuegan able to break off to fight tanks or monsters with his +1str per damage, melta gun and melta bombs, and self rez.

        He doesnt work with fire dragons because dragons dont want to be in melee and they'll kill their target with just shooting anyway. You dont need a 200pt melee hero with them because they cant help him with melee and he cant help them shoot, plus they're too expensive and fragile to be bodyguards (the current problem). The only way to get feugan working is to deliver him with something genuinely bulky he can split from to charge after a turn of shooting, and dire avengers are cheap and weak enough to not be a garuanteed kill on sight like fire dragons while having double the wounds and a better ward save

        The meta pick was and still is to take no pheonix lords or dire avengers and spam jetbikes, but at least back then i had the option to do funny shit instead of picking 0 flavour slop from the codex equivalent of a happy meal

      • 7 months ago

        >Phoenix Lords
        >Not doing whatever the hell they want and joining battle however they please


  6. 7 months ago

    It's not perfect, but it's pretty good now that we're past the initial few months of crazy broken shit. Balance is a lot better, the game plays quickly but still has decent depth, and the codexes for marines/nids are promising for the future of the rest of the factions.

    Less lethal than 9th too, which is nice. I can actually field tanks and transports and feel good about it.

    The Leviathan cards are the best mission pack they've done in ages, and even people who didn't like maelstrom missions in the old days seem happy with it.

  7. 7 months ago

    They're not gonna frick up the old world like this too are they?

  8. 7 months ago

    It's not really a game anymore. It's just an ever changing list of stats designed to encourage 'players' to buy the toys GW is trying to sell at the moment. It's gone through ten editions so far, FFS, each one resetting the game after first ruining each with constantly powercreeped rules. The edition changes also lets them drop the units they no longer make, pissing off players who invested in them. This is not a game, it's a marketing strategy and a pretty shit one at that.

    • 7 months ago

      I don't like GW and I'm not a fan of anything post-7th, but c'mon, that's pushing it. There are people trying to make a decent-ish game, they're just shit designers who drink the competitive player koolaid and have to play according to marketing's fiddle.

      • 7 months ago

        "One month we release a tervigon, the next month we release what kills the tervigon. That's basically our entire marketing strategy"

        When I worked for GW retail, this was word for word what I was told in my "welcome to gw" tour of head office in Nottingham. Everything they've ever done has been a way to sell you soldiers. They don't necessarily care about the quality of the game. They might have done at one point in time, but since their mission statement was crystallised, the game is really of secondary or tertiary concern to them

  9. 7 months ago

    >or does the current extreme imbalance drive you away from your current armies?
    Anon, this is really old bait. The balance patch came out a month ago and now everything is pretty much fine.

    >do you think they took away too much customization?
    It's literally the same as every edition. You lose some customization, you gain a little bit in a different way. It's just actually impacting marine players for once, and they don't know how to cope.

    The game plays faster than before which I like, and it's easier to get people on the same page to play than last edition, all shit that's good for me, a guy that plays 4-8 games a month. Character rules suck and are clunky, but to be fair they just sucked and were clunky in a different way last edition. It got worse for people that don't play games and like to theory craft and list build, because there are less numbers to play with. I work at an LGS and can confirm the number of people actually playing 40k have shot up enormously locally.

    Orks are my favorite army because I like painting squigs.

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