Only 4 weeks!

Hiding behind munitions edition.

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  1. 11 months ago

    Didnt he already learn that the Loroi can sense things on the bridge with Tempo?

    • 11 months ago

      He had suspicions, I believe but nothing concrete

      • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      She said they have a"device". I'm not sure she clarified that every Loroi is capable.

  2. 11 months ago

    I still don't get why he doesn't just draw the backgrounds himself. He's clearly capable. Maybe he's just an AI nut.

    • 11 months ago

      He used to 3D model them and then overlay it. Using AI feels like a pretty natural progression of that.

    • 11 months ago

      iirc when I read the forums, he considered AI art generation unimpressive and going nowhere.

      • 11 months ago

        That was just a cover for his switch to incorporating AI art.

    • 11 months ago

      Nobody on the official forum seems to have noticed yet. Overall it looks ok, although the slightly melted look from lack of straight lines makes it look a bit off. He could at least shop in proper text/markings rather than the vaguely runelike symbols going on there.

      • 11 months ago

        Proper text in a Umiak ship? Weird symbols actually work better.

        Cool that he's using AI generated stuff for grunt work, that's how it should be

        • 11 months ago

          huh, I missed the previous page.

          THE DOOR

        • 11 months ago

          >Implying he didn't create an entire language for them.

          • 11 months ago

            Nice cuneiform, insects.
            he didn't create an entire language for them.
            Did he? I've got an impression he only has a dictionary for individual words, but not full conlang.

            • 11 months ago

              You're right. Only the Trade speak has a (fairly brief) lexicon and grammar.
              There's a numbering system too, if you've not seen zeroless systems before it's worth a peek.

      • 11 months ago

        There's proper Umiak text hidden behind Beryl's speech bubble. The moonrunes on the missiles could be the equivalent of non-text warning symbols or whatever.

        • 11 months ago

          ...and the wrong perspective on that little panel on the column is triggering my autism.

          • 11 months ago

            Just imagine how triggered you'd be if it turned out the perspective is correct.

            • 11 months ago

              No it isn't. It's square-on to the viewer while the column it's on is at an angle.

              • 11 months ago

                Hey, maybe Umiaks make all their panels slightly taller on the right side, you don't know.

              • 11 months ago

                Lore says that the Umiak ship have shit build quality and QC...

                But seriously, these are such obvious AI problems. The worst is the ventilation grills where the number of slits isn't constant.

          • 11 months ago

            What's wrong with the perspective on the column?

      • 11 months ago

        I imagine people have noticed, but who wants to make a stink about it? I'm just happy he's coloring stuff on a regular basis.

    • 11 months ago

      I guess because it's faster. I really do dislike how it looks though. The smeared edges and absence of truly straight lines is really jarring once you start really looking at the art.

    • 11 months ago

      Nobody on the official forum seems to have noticed yet. Overall it looks ok, although the slightly melted look from lack of straight lines makes it look a bit off. He could at least shop in proper text/markings rather than the vaguely runelike symbols going on there.

      I guess because it's faster. I really do dislike how it looks though. The smeared edges and absence of truly straight lines is really jarring once you start really looking at the art.

      You all shit on AI because you caught on he is using it, and are buying into the stigma people are pushing onto AI.
      I've seen plenty way worse than the image above that were done manually in photoshop or the like.

      The same bullshit was said about digital art when it first came around (it's soulless, you can always tell the difference, it's not real art, your stealing jobs from real artists, etc...)
      Now, digital art has completely dominated the marketplace.

      If he was hand drawing it (digital or traditional), and the images were 10x shittier, you guys wouldn't even mention it.

      • 11 months ago

        >You all shit on AI
        I said "overall it looks okay" not sure where you're getting that sentiment but okay. It's okay to crit AI art as much as any other kind, I think you're sensitive from listening to to many idiots opinions.

      • 11 months ago

        butthurt the scam's dying, the datasets are eating themselves because nobody's allowing them to scrape new data, and everybody hates it anyways, aren't ya prompter?

      • 11 months ago

        The backgrounds look worse than his hand drawn ones. They look worse than his mockups.
        Simple as.

        • 11 months ago

          What annoys me the most is that the two missiles in the bottom panel have two different kinds of nocks into them. Thats an easy fix, but AI just makes people lazy.

      • 11 months ago

        The problem with AI in a comic is consistency. People in this comic are walking down different corridors every panel because it's impossible to maintain consistency between the different outputs. As

        What annoys me the most is that the two missiles in the bottom panel have two different kinds of nocks into them. Thats an easy fix, but AI just makes people lazy.

        mentions the AI can't even maintain consistency in a single image. And even if hand-drawn backgrounds were complete shit, it would allow the artist to engage in visual storytelling. With AI, he just depends on what the machine spits out. He might as well just use blank backgrounds, because these are exactly as relevant for storytelling. He's selling a product, too. I wouldn't want to pay for a comic where the author is cutting corners at every turn.

        • 11 months ago

          It's either this, or the author dies before the story is finished. Besides, while I'm terribly sorry for all the antimatter missile fetishists out there, my focus is usually on the characters so I, for one, don't even notice these flaws. Anyway, by the time the comic is done, our machine overlords will be able to redraw it with fixed backgrounds and perhaps better story and/or boobs, so this is a very temporary problem.

          • 11 months ago

            >It's either this, or the author dies before the story is finished
            I'm sorry Anon, but that's absolute bullshit. The norm for comics is hand-drawn art, and always has been. This is never been a problem before, and if it's a problem for this specific author than that's a problem with skill or discipline. But given that every other artist manages, and he's asking money for this product, he's probably just lazy.

            >Besides, while I'm terribly sorry for all the antimatter missile fetishists out there, my focus is usually on the characters so I, for one, don't even notice these flaws
            Trying to shit on people reading a comic for noticing bad art is a dumb argument, as is the "i FoCuS oN cHaRaCtErS" bullshit. Everyone does, Anon. Comics without characters as the main focus are few and far between. Point is, these backgrounds look like shit and don't work. It drags down the quality of the entire product. This is like saying a comic with poorly drawn art doesn't look like shit because it has good writing.

            • 11 months ago

              To reinforce your point, to me these most recent panels have a weird, uncanny, almost dreamlike atmosphere, which is absolutely not intended by Arioch. It's not even a well-executed uncanny atmosphere because I keep having immersion broken by it, so it's both unintended and badly-executed. It's not just a random who-cares complaint about a part of the comic which doesn't matter.

            • 11 months ago

              >every other artist manages
              Ha ha but no, not even half of comic artists have discipline worth shit. Comics pause, skip updates and even die all the time, this is a fact of life. Blaming lazy people for their laziness is like blaming the weak for weakness, or the stupid for stupidity -- you're entitled to do this here, but it's not productive! Arioch is slow as a snail, and all those sketches on Patreon are already a significant improvement over the drawing speed from a decade ago. And the fact that the comic is still going, however slowly, is already above average. Unfortunately, he's getting paid for just the sketches, so there's no incentive to ever finish them. Either his patrons demand a pay-per-colored-page model, which will probably never happen, or he uses some assistance, AI or otherwise, or there are 24 sketches per year, 3 of which get colored. There's no better option.

              To reinforce your point, to me these most recent panels have a weird, uncanny, almost dreamlike atmosphere, which is absolutely not intended by Arioch. It's not even a well-executed uncanny atmosphere because I keep having immersion broken by it, so it's both unintended and badly-executed. It's not just a random who-cares complaint about a part of the comic which doesn't matter.

              I sincerely don't grok what's even wrong with the new pages, but okay, sorry for assuming. I guess he'll lose a part of his readership over this? I'm okay though.

              • 11 months ago

                >not even half of comic artists have discipline worth shit.
                Sure they do. Professional comic artist who's job is making comics. Or did you mean random webcomic artists who have real jobs and an audience that numbers in the double digits if they're lucky? Arioch asks a princely sum for his comics, so I compare him to professional artists. Imagine published comics asking the amount of money he asks per page. People wouldn't even be able to afford reading comics anymore. And those artists draw their fricking backgrounds.

                Personally I don't care for getting more slop faster, as opposed to a bespoke product slower. And I generally don't mind slop, either. I kind of love shitty webcomics. But I love them because they're the singular image of the creator's imagination. Once you introduce shitty AI art, this is no longer the case. I can go to a random online generator right now and "make" something that is identical in quality and intent to the majority of the panel real estate in this comic.

                To coin a stupid analogy, you can wake me up for a good burger. As in, show up at my door in the middle of the night. I'd probably even accept Burger King. But give me a luke warm ex-frozen mechanically separated patty, and you can frick straight off.

              • 11 months ago

                Okay, yeah, sorry, I did mean WEBcomics. I have no idea how the capeshit industry works, they're probably all very punctual there. But there are plenty of webcartoonists who make even more money than Jim and still manage to disappoint! Off the top of my head, Paranatural, Dresden Codak, Ava's Demon all have constantly slipping schedules. And Erfworld kept getting worse until it died. There's some correlation between fanbase support and comic vitality, but it's never a sure thing; Outsider is not unique in this. Anyway, my point is that you can't mail-order a better author so we'll have to make do with what he is.
                >And I generally don't mind slop, either. I kind of love shitty webcomics. But I love them because they're the singular image of the creator's imagination. Once you introduce shitty AI art, this is no longer the case.
                Yeah no, this is bigoted luddite bullshit. Unless you maintain a telepathic contact with the creator, there's no practical difference between shitty human art and shitty AI art. They're both shitty. You just can't ignore the latter's flaws in particular, because you're valiantly defending humanity from evil machine invaders. good luck with that!

              • 11 months ago

                >But there are plenty of webcartoonists who make even more money than Jim and still manage to disappoint
                So because other people have a shitty work ethic we can't say that someone else has a shitty work ethic, too? And I don't give a frick if he has a shitty work ethic, it's you coming with the bullshit excuse that he NEEDS to use AI backgrounds or the comic won't be finished at all. To which I say that there are PLENTY of comics, web or otherwise, that manage better schedules, with better art, and no AI assistance.

                >bigoted luddite bullshit
                Lol, you fricking schizo. What are you, one of those insecure ideas guys who's always posting comic and game ideas without ever putting pen to paper?

                >there's no practical difference between shitty human art and shitty AI art. They're both shitty. You just can't ignore the latter's flaws in particular
                Man, my point went way over your head. It's not about the quality of the art, you troglodyte. It's about artistic intent. Even a shitty artist has total control over what they put on paper. Do you want a picture of the character's wife in the background? There it is. Oh, and it provides a clue for the narrative later on? Neat. You can do that even if your art looks like you just clench the pencil between your ass cheeks. With these AI backgrounds, you can't do shit like that. And even if one decent attempt rolls out, good luck getting it on the next try. No consistency. In Outsider even the corridors don't look the same from panel to panel. The missiles don't look the same inside the same panel. Is that meant to convey they use different missiles and just keep them in the same room? Are the aliens unorganized? No, it's just whatever slop he accepted, because there is no artistic intent. The backgrounds might as well not be there. But you sit there with your tiny brain and go "haha pretty colors".

                And that's fine, but it still makes you stupid.

              • 11 months ago

                It's possible to draw a basic image and use AI as a style filter. See this (admittedly mediocre) test image? I took the paint tool, drew a pattern on her chest the same as her eye colour. Then when I re-ran it, it added detail to those blobs and now they're gemstones. Given the overall rate of progress I assume Arioch is still using 3d renders but using AI to add detail.

              • 11 months ago

                >Given the overall rate of progress
                Arioch's rate of progress was always extremely erratic. It's like a desert with occasional rainstorms.

              • 11 months ago

                >I sincerely don't grok what's even wrong with the new pages
                Grills aren't grills, because they're...wavy in weird, wrong ways. Tubes go nowhere. Doors don't have hingest. No scene is the same as another scene so there's no grounded sense of place. I feel like I've got worse eyesight and taken my glasses off. It's like when you use an AI to upscale an image and get weird af results, only moreso.

                >But there are plenty of webcartoonists who make even more money than Jim and still manage to disappoint
                So because other people have a shitty work ethic we can't say that someone else has a shitty work ethic, too? And I don't give a frick if he has a shitty work ethic, it's you coming with the bullshit excuse that he NEEDS to use AI backgrounds or the comic won't be finished at all. To which I say that there are PLENTY of comics, web or otherwise, that manage better schedules, with better art, and no AI assistance.

                >bigoted luddite bullshit
                Lol, you fricking schizo. What are you, one of those insecure ideas guys who's always posting comic and game ideas without ever putting pen to paper?

                >there's no practical difference between shitty human art and shitty AI art. They're both shitty. You just can't ignore the latter's flaws in particular
                Man, my point went way over your head. It's not about the quality of the art, you troglodyte. It's about artistic intent. Even a shitty artist has total control over what they put on paper. Do you want a picture of the character's wife in the background? There it is. Oh, and it provides a clue for the narrative later on? Neat. You can do that even if your art looks like you just clench the pencil between your ass cheeks. With these AI backgrounds, you can't do shit like that. And even if one decent attempt rolls out, good luck getting it on the next try. No consistency. In Outsider even the corridors don't look the same from panel to panel. The missiles don't look the same inside the same panel. Is that meant to convey they use different missiles and just keep them in the same room? Are the aliens unorganized? No, it's just whatever slop he accepted, because there is no artistic intent. The backgrounds might as well not be there. But you sit there with your tiny brain and go "haha pretty colors".

                And that's fine, but it still makes you stupid.

                You can have artistic intent while using AI art, but you need to put an insane amount of effort into the prompts. Still nowhere near the amount of effort an actual artist puts in, mind, but a lot more than I feel Arioch is doing.

    • 11 months ago

      Using edited AI generations as backgrounds for hand drawn figures is a great way to use the technology. It saves time, still looks decent, and blends in better with the hand drawn backgrounds compared to 3D renderings

      • 11 months ago

        It does not look decent and doesn't blend in well or better. When the technology has progressed you may be right, but not right now.

  3. 11 months ago

    This arc has killed all sexual tension between Alex and Beryl.

    • 11 months ago

      I imagine not a lot of time for lovey-dovey when they're boarding an enemy ship.

      • 11 months ago

        once suspension bridge effect kicks in they are gonna be at it like bunnies in a heat

        • 11 months ago

          They were already almost making out on the shuttle before ship went sideways.

    • 11 months ago

      That's OK, we get to see the fattest ass in Loroi space this arc.

  4. 11 months ago

    Wait, if this gets him to pump out pages then I'm for it.

  5. 11 months ago

    I don't give a flying frick if he uses AI to generate the backgrounds if it accelerates page production.

    • 11 months ago

      This, except I actually approve. There are like two dozen sketch pages on Patreon, and Arioch is clearly incapable on finishing them himself in a timely manner. AI assistance is the only feasible option at this point.

      • 11 months ago

        Nah, I can't get past how bad the AI art looks. I'd rather he just did simpler hand drawn stuff. I wouldn't mind that at all. I'd much rather that than have wobbly lines everywhere for no reason and things which just don't make sense.

        You all shit on AI because you caught on he is using it, and are buying into the stigma people are pushing onto AI.
        I've seen plenty way worse than the image above that were done manually in photoshop or the like.

        The same bullshit was said about digital art when it first came around (it's soulless, you can always tell the difference, it's not real art, your stealing jobs from real artists, etc...)
        Now, digital art has completely dominated the marketplace.

        If he was hand drawing it (digital or traditional), and the images were 10x shittier, you guys wouldn't even mention it.

        When digital art first came out, it was indeed measurably and significantly worse than traditional art. It took a chunk of time for the tools to catch up and people to get used to using them. I'm not against AI in principle, I'm against crap AI art like you overwhelmingly see right now.

        The problem with AI in a comic is consistency. People in this comic are walking down different corridors every panel because it's impossible to maintain consistency between the different outputs. As [...] mentions the AI can't even maintain consistency in a single image. And even if hand-drawn backgrounds were complete shit, it would allow the artist to engage in visual storytelling. With AI, he just depends on what the machine spits out. He might as well just use blank backgrounds, because these are exactly as relevant for storytelling. He's selling a product, too. I wouldn't want to pay for a comic where the author is cutting corners at every turn.

        All of this too

    • 11 months ago

      This, except I actually approve. There are like two dozen sketch pages on Patreon, and Arioch is clearly incapable on finishing them himself in a timely manner. AI assistance is the only feasible option at this point.


  6. 11 months ago

    I hope we get to see Fireblade in action soon. I’m dying to see how she does it.

    • 11 months ago

      I'm hoping to seeing Alex start shooting that gun pretty soon myself, you can't just set that up and not do anything with it. Plus it'd probably be good for his credibility if he at least makes a decent showing for himself.

      • 11 months ago


  7. 11 months ago

    >only 4 weeks!
    Anon, this page is more than a year old. It was posted on Patreon on 1 March. This AI-slop is paywalled, and he's squeezing updates to make Patreon more attractive. There is no slow updating schedule. He pushes at least two updates every month, and often more.

    Also, this is not Ganker. It's not even related to /tg/. What the frick is this thread doing here? And what is it about this comic in particular that makes you feel the need to shill it everywhere? Are you guys that thirsty for blue space elves?

    • 11 months ago

      >It's not even related to /tg/. What the frick is this thread doing here?
      This question gets answered every thread. Lurk moar, newbie.

    • 11 months ago

      >It's not even related to /tg/. What the frick is this thread doing here?
      GURPS setting. Being a newbie on /tg/ should be an automatic ban.

      • 11 months ago

        Postan like a newbie should be an automatic ball-sack tazing. That'd teach'em.

  8. 11 months ago

    >4 weeks between pages
    I can't wait until my teenage son can read the conclusion of this chapter in 25 years.

  9. 11 months ago

    "Most things in here don't react too well to bullets, hm?"

    • 11 months ago

      "Like your cinematographer, Ryan."

  10. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago


  11. 11 months ago

    AI backgrounds are good enough if they keep the comic moving forward
    AI backgrounds are proof that Arioch is just milking his fanbase and doesn't care about the quality of the finished product anymore
    AI backgrounds are a deliberate stylistic choice to show the chaotic and alien design of Umiak ships

    • 11 months ago

      >AI backgrounds are a deliberate stylistic choice to show the chaotic and alien design of Umiak ships
      we've seen way back that Umiak design is haphazard and assymetrical so it fits.

      • 11 months ago

        Quibbling that the missiles aren't all the same or whatever... I wonder if this person gets all autistic about the greebles on Star Destroyers not being consistent all the time

        AI backgrounds are good enough if they keep the comic moving forward
        AI backgrounds are proof that Arioch is just milking his fanbase and doesn't care about the quality of the finished product anymore
        AI backgrounds are a deliberate stylistic choice to show the chaotic and alien design of Umiak ships

        It looks like shit, it's done specifically to be lazy, and it's never going to be a substitute for actually drawing the fricking thing no matter how much ape hodlers butthurt over artists making fun of them for a year straight say otherwise. Nobody is every going to believe you're an artist, you'll never get paid to type prompts, and all this cope over how it's totally the same guysz! is just embarrassing.

        Jim, I know you're either posting in this thread defending this crap or at the very least you're reading it.

        It's ugly.

        It's boring.

        It's not fooling anyone.

        Worst of all, not copping to using it is seriously making you look bad. Stop before you lose the last shred of respect anybody had for you.

        • 11 months ago

          Nah, it's fine.

        • 11 months ago

          Jim make some mf pages. Do what it takes.

  12. 11 months ago

    Quibbling that the missiles aren't all the same or whatever... I wonder if this person gets all autistic about the greebles on Star Destroyers not being consistent all the time

  13. 11 months ago

    So, the story is just about these guys standing around while Firecrotch is going commando on tons of dudes? That doesnt seem like good storytelling.

    • 11 months ago

      What, you didn't notice that Tiffany's "I think we're alone now." was playing over the bug's intercom system in the Armory?

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