
Open X-Com and its many mods:

>X-Com Files

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  1. 9 months ago

    Question of the month: is BrutalAI worth it?

    • 9 months ago

      on base UFO DEFENSE?
      on rest mods?

    • 9 months ago

      I think it's nice because the AI won't camp and will just attack you.

      • 8 months ago

        >throws a grenade at your team from across the map
        heh, nothing personal

  2. 9 months ago

    >X-com files, Assault Cyberweb battleship

    I had assumed this was going to be a gruelling indoors mission in the vein of some of the other awful maps x-com files has thrown at me but apparently it was more like I'm playing mad max as I raid the outside of a battleship over sand dunes and fight huge swarms of cyberweb space gaygos that get an extra life before dying. I gave two guys chainguns and the rest a mix of medium range weapons and I just didn't have enough firepower to deal with the bullshit I was getting. I reloaded before the map and instead took two guys with barrets and one guy with an RPG and even had another dude be a ammo carrier for him since none of the armors you can bring have backpacks (except for my one guy with a synthsuit and a HE autocannon, bless his heart) even took a tactical grenade launcher to spam into the cyberweb swarm. Clearing out the inside of the battleship sucked since by then all my guys had their stamina drained or regen lowered due to wounds, but luckily almost any decent melee weapon can frick over the robots that were left.

    • 9 months ago

      You actually went inside the battleship?


      • 9 months ago

        You have to. There's robots that just kind of mill about inside the ship and they don't morale break.

        I mean in the battlescape, do you organize your men as squads?

        Oh, no, not really. Not unless it happens organically.

    • 8 months ago

      I went there with plasma. Hate those frickers just for their HE throwing bullshit.

  3. 9 months ago

    How do you guys organize your squads? Do you even do squads?

    • 9 months ago

      I've had a base in x-com files that specifically deals with low tier mutants/undercover missions but I've never had specific squads because of the recovery times of agents

      • 9 months ago

        I mean in the battlescape, do you organize your men as squads?

    • 9 months ago

      I don't even do squads, just grab whoever's available and stuff them in a transport.
      Make sure someone has a grenade launcher and someone else has some sort of heavy anti-armor. For the rest you can get an even split of gunners and melee, using whichever shootas you like. Make sure to diversify your damage types so you don't get walled by shields or high Piercing/Laser resists.

    • 9 months ago

      There's really no reason to do so unless you're roleplaying, or you're a smoothbrain who needs the mental structure. Combat is fluid and covers a whole range of situations in a single mission and thinking in terms of squads is just chaining down your mind. It's best to think of your force as one big squad that can freely split into ad-hoc teams as needed. After all, when you take a casualty a "squad" has just lost a vital function and it's likely you'll do something that ends up invalidating the entire concept anyway.

    • 9 months ago

      On a strategic level, not really. Early on there's Base1 with experienced hands doing tougher missions and Base2 with new hands catching up. Later they are on about the same power level, except I try to gather the best voodoo power gals on the same base.
      On tactical level, gals work in groups of 4. 3 gals is underpowered group, while 4 you can split 2/2 as long as they stay no more than half-sprint distance away. 2 gals is a minimum unit size, if one gal wants to take a piss she takes nearest buddy along, no exceptions.

      • 9 months ago

        For a gal's squad of 4, I run:
        >scout (high reactions, light melee, low TU ranged)
        >gunner (any automatic shoota, usually tommy or autogun or smartgun)
        >heavy melee (chainmail or plate, pistol and sword
        >heavy weapon (any explosion-making weapon)
        Scout reveals terrain, heavy weapon creates an opening, melee uses pistol until its safe to rush in, gunner finds a good spot to kneel and puts down 2-3 autoshots per turn.
        Gals can carry a lot of stuff so there's not much limiting you to keeping a unit in any given role. 1x3 back slots are made for carrying a LASS or a sword, and if you aren't carrying a first aid kit on your 2x2 belt then you should use that to carry a knife or cutlass.

      • 9 months ago

        I usually just try to have redundancy in all aspects. If there are two rocket launchers, and two grenade launchers, then that reduces the odds that there will be a situation where there is a shot that needs to be taken but nobody is in the right position to take it. And they can be split up on opposite sides of the map when needed.

  4. 9 months ago

    Is X-Chronicles any good?
    I like the description but it being only a few versions in isn't terribly reassuring.

    • 9 months ago

      its jank and early game sucks a lot

      • 9 months ago

        Pretty much as expected. Thank you

  5. 9 months ago

    The Hellgun immediately renders every other gun obsolete. It has good accuracy, it penetrates armor and has infinite ammo. Why use anything else?

    • 9 months ago


      sounds heretical

      what's the catch?

      • 9 months ago

        Pretty sure that's just the old name for what they call the hotshot lasgun nowadays I think. It's what IG stormtroopers have.

    • 9 months ago

      The biggest boys like proper chaos marines have enough armor that even the hotshot laser ammo needs to do some chewing. The lascannon however never gets outdated with it's crazy single shot damage and range.

  6. 9 months ago

    Accurate image of me 3 months into any campaign.

    • 9 months ago

      >mansions, alien colonies, hybrid emissaries covering entire globe
      >can't launch a skyranger without triggering nine interceptions

      • 8 months ago

        so long as nobody pulls the lever to kill anyone, nobody ever dies

      • 8 months ago

        And then the invasion begins/a Merc crackdown happens/Chaos Terminators show up, and you're still using AKMs/flintlocks/basic bolters

        • 8 months ago

          >still using flintlocks
          Traditional 10 chads rise up

        • 8 months ago


          fn fal 4 lyfe

    • 9 months ago

      >piggers fight like they want get highest score in darwin awards
      >ziggers fight like they really don't want to win the war

      • 9 months ago

        Accurate image of me 3 months into any campaign.

        WW3 will be so fricking amazing. You all have no idea.

        • 9 months ago

          we still fight 1st ww anon
          it never ended

          • 9 months ago

            >[sounds of gas grenades]

            Geneva Convention = Geneva Suggestion

  7. 9 months ago

    It costs about 100k to have your ship nuked twice by some raider c**t. Also costs you one of your starter gals. I thought she'd be safe from nukes in the air 🙁

  8. 9 months ago

    Play ROSIGMA+Brutal AI

  9. 9 months ago

    what do i do if the only alien remaining is camping at the second floor and i accidentally destroyed the stairs with a rocket

    • 9 months ago

      destroy 2nd floor

  10. 9 months ago

    >rosigma endgame
    I love the power claw, it's so bad.
    Unfortunately the chaos fricking shits also love the power claw, and they have half-invisible flying terminators and insane crack prostitutes with infinity times ten reactions score and wallhack.

    • 9 months ago

      that 40k mod sounds really, like relay not fun to play

      • 9 months ago

        I can't speak for any of the other factions, but atleast with spess mehreens the further you get it gets kind of fricked, because your dudes expendability decreases while survivability doesn't increase by very much and the overall lethality of the combat increases. The Khorne Assassin has to be one of the worst enemies I've ever seen in a videogame.

        • 9 months ago

          >Khorne Assassin
          His backup of Khorne Sisters and Khorne Sorcerers is equally deadly to an unprepared team. I really hope there are magic-throwing Khorne Sorcerers.

          • 9 months ago

            >Khorne Assassins
            >Khorne Sorcerers

            • 9 months ago

              To be fair the assassin is some crazy b***h wearing rags that just runs at terminator firing lines head on with a power claw. Unfortunately this is a pretty successful strategy.

            • 8 months ago

              Eversor "Assassins" exist you know

              • 8 months ago

                Khorne would approve of their methods, but not of their scale.
                I mean, Eversors are used to brutally butcher hundreds of people so that the fight against millions is avoided. Khorne would want you to fight the millions.

            • 8 months ago

              Khorne assassins have been a thing for decades

              • 8 months ago

                Yes, but the whole point of assassinating is avoiding a fight, which is not Khornate.

                I thought Khorne even used to allow Snipers, since a sniper's work was an expression of years of practicing a warrior's craft.
                Nowadays if you use a pistol that doesn't work past ten feet suddenly you ain't for Khorne.

                See above. The Gods' charaterization sure has changed, and not really for the better.

              • 8 months ago

                khorne cares not from where the blood flows as long as it flows secondary.
                there's even descriptions of there being khone assassins in the books

            • 8 months ago

              I thought Khorne even used to allow Snipers, since a sniper's work was an expression of years of practicing a warrior's craft.
              Nowadays if you use a pistol that doesn't work past ten feet suddenly you ain't for Khorne.

  11. 9 months ago

    Is there a way to unbind the side mouse buttons in openxcom?
    Want to stream it for some buddies of mine but I don't want to rebind my push to talk unless I absolutely have to.

    • 9 months ago

      Try to open user/options.cfg and change oxceThumbButtons to false
      here should be a long rant about how fricked up is the fact that finding something so supposedly trivial took me grepping over the source code starting with SDL enum constants

      • 9 months ago

        >code instead of spoiler
        yep, it even gave me brain damage it seems

      • 8 months ago

        >code instead of spoiler
        yep, it even gave me brain damage it seems

        Thanks friend.

        While I am asking xcf questions, why the frick do so many people swear by the Arasaka 3000?
        It seems like I am better off just going for BlOps weapons and the auto sniper.

        • 8 months ago

          It's incredibly accurate with snap shots, doesn't require your dudes to have 100+ accuracy and can snap shot twice. You'll end up getting a bunch of them for free and way earlier than the blops sniper

        • 8 months ago

          autoblops are expensive and don't really shine until you get a guy with 100+ accuracy

          they're great later on though and last well into the midgame once you get tritanium ammo

        • 8 months ago

          Aren't blops a later research topic for acquisition?
          I'm a big fan of the Hunting Rifle and the Mosin since you can get them relatively early.

          • 8 months ago

            hunting rifle and pump shotguns are a power combo

  12. 9 months ago

    Hey guys, played the original UFO Defense a fair amount a while back, is there an updated version of it I can download that fixes most of the bugs and such, like the difficulty being fricked up and some of the other more infamous bugs?

    What mods would you all recommend, also?
    I will provide one quality xcom image per post, in exchange for your information...

    • 9 months ago

      It's literally in the subject of this thread.

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah, I'm curious about what people like about those mods, I have absolutely no knowledge about any of them except that x-piratez is about hot amazons or something.

    • 9 months ago

      yes, it's in the title.

    • 9 months ago

      OpenXCom fixes all the bugs.

      >What mods would you all recommend, also?
      The mods you enjoy will depend on your personal level of autism. Just pick ones that look cool:

    • 9 months ago

      OpenXCom is the modern way to go, with bugfixes, lots of optional QoL features and built in minimod options and mod support. The only downside is that it's not quite 100% accurate to the original in some places like how AI and the music works, because the engine is programmed from the ground up instead of being a direct 1:1 source port.

      Not really recommended nowdays, but if you want to the maximum OG experience, DOSBox + XComUtil (fixes a bunch of bugs like the difficulty and fricked up base defense tiles)

      • 9 months ago

        I did actually play it initially with the DOSBox setup, just to see how it felt. I'll try OpenXcom this time instead. What are the issues with the music and AI, if you don't mind explaining further?

        OpenXCom fixes all the bugs.

        >What mods would you all recommend, also?
        The mods you enjoy will depend on your personal level of autism. Just pick ones that look cool:

        Well, my level of autism is pretty high I'd say, so give me the most autistic (but autistic in a fun way) mods you know of.
        What are the big selling points of the 3 different mods listed in the OP?

        • 9 months ago

          NTA, bugfixing the AI (especially the pathfinding) required rebuilding it from scratch, so while it's close, it's not 100% accurate, but usually in a way that improves a unit's ability to get where it wants to be. Music I'm not sure, but it's probably related to something in the player; you have to drop all the original files in from a "legal" copy, so it probably uses different technical mumbo-jumbo in the player.

          On the topic of mods, there's two broad categories. The smaller are changes intended for the base game, from extra weapons, crafts and aliens, balance tweaks, up to major rebalances that fundamentally re-do the base game in a new style. To highlight a few in that latter category, Final Mod Pack is an amalgamation of said smaller mods from across the years that have been compiled and interwoven, Hardmode Expansion could perhaps be best summarized as "Long War OG Edition", and Vigilo Confido is a demake of FiraXCOM, translating the soldier classes and squad sizes to a TU-based system.

          On the other end of the scale, you have the total conversions, which often take up the lion's share of the discussion. Of the big 3, you have:
          >X-Com Files
          Sorta straddles the line between a megamod and a total conversion, pushing the start date back to 1997 and covering X-Com's origins as an underfunded UN "Department of Inexplicable Shit". Somewhat infamous for being harsh on new players, because the start of the invasion proper serves as a big check on if you've beelined the tech tree correctly.
          Without a doubt the biggest showcase of everything the OXCE engine can accomplish, set 600 years after that one time you fricked up the Cydonia mission, in which Earth is more-or-less the Tijuana of the Ethereal Empire, and placing you in command of a band of all-female Elerium-supercharged mutantes-turned-pirates/freedom fighters(?). Absolutely swimming in breasts, yet somehow not a porn game. READ OR DIE.

          • 9 months ago

            Warhammer 40,000 X-Com Edition. Features 5 playable factions in a planetary defense against a Chaos incursion. Probably balanced most closely around the tabletop game, or more accurately, the Kill Team specialist game. The most focused of the Big 3, in that it picks and chooses its engine features to match its setting rather than cramming in everything that it possibly can.
            Honestly, probably best described as a total conversion of a total conversion, taking 40k as a base and cramming in everything that it possibly can, resulting in something vaguely similar to X-Piratez. Pretty contentious around these parts, but suit yourself. I'd at least suggest playing base first so you can judge the two versions properly.

            Beyond that, I also want to make a couple particular mentions of lesser-known mods, especially the IDT collection. They're a team that specializes in essentially "mini total conversions" that attempt to zero in on a specific vibe, such as UNXCOM (X-Com but Vietnam era), Counter-Terror Operations (legally distinct Rainbow 6), and Great War of the Worlds (WW1 meets H G Wells).

            Finally, there's From the Ashes, a total conversion so extensive that it requires its own fork of OXCE to function. It operates on a post-game over premise similar to X-Piratez, but with a substantially different lore direction. More to the point, it introduces everything from hacking to stealth mechanics to faction interplay. It's still in very early development, but what is there is a technical marvel.

            For all this and more, take a trip around the OXC forums and page, and happy total alien death.


            • 9 months ago

              >Great War of the Worlds
              Though it's got some nice visuals unless it got recently updated, it is pretty fricked in terms of being playable.

              • 9 months ago

                From the comments on the mod page, it got broken by OXCE 7.1, but it got patched late last year. In terms of content, yeah, pretty much all of IDT's stuff ends up sitting in that 75-90% complete range. As I said, they're more of a vibe thing than a wholesale game.

          • 8 months ago

            Earth feels more like Space Hong Kong with absolutely how whacky it is but yeah

        • 9 months ago

          >the most autistic mod
          Play X-Piratez, especially if you're already familiar with basic UFO Defense

          • 8 months ago

            I'm pretty competent at base-game UFO Defense. I played Nucom1 all the way through with long war and some other mods, it was okay, but I much prefer TUs to the boring and samey 'move and 1 action' bullshit.

            NTA, bugfixing the AI (especially the pathfinding) required rebuilding it from scratch, so while it's close, it's not 100% accurate, but usually in a way that improves a unit's ability to get where it wants to be. Music I'm not sure, but it's probably related to something in the player; you have to drop all the original files in from a "legal" copy, so it probably uses different technical mumbo-jumbo in the player.

            On the topic of mods, there's two broad categories. The smaller are changes intended for the base game, from extra weapons, crafts and aliens, balance tweaks, up to major rebalances that fundamentally re-do the base game in a new style. To highlight a few in that latter category, Final Mod Pack is an amalgamation of said smaller mods from across the years that have been compiled and interwoven, Hardmode Expansion could perhaps be best summarized as "Long War OG Edition", and Vigilo Confido is a demake of FiraXCOM, translating the soldier classes and squad sizes to a TU-based system.

            On the other end of the scale, you have the total conversions, which often take up the lion's share of the discussion. Of the big 3, you have:
            >X-Com Files
            Sorta straddles the line between a megamod and a total conversion, pushing the start date back to 1997 and covering X-Com's origins as an underfunded UN "Department of Inexplicable Shit". Somewhat infamous for being harsh on new players, because the start of the invasion proper serves as a big check on if you've beelined the tech tree correctly.
            Without a doubt the biggest showcase of everything the OXCE engine can accomplish, set 600 years after that one time you fricked up the Cydonia mission, in which Earth is more-or-less the Tijuana of the Ethereal Empire, and placing you in command of a band of all-female Elerium-supercharged mutantes-turned-pirates/freedom fighters(?). Absolutely swimming in breasts, yet somehow not a porn game. READ OR DIE.

            Thanks for the summary, anon. I will probably play X-Piratez since that sounds really wacky and fun, which is the exact sort of vibe I am looking for more in my own scifi-style writings for games/tabletop games.

            What makes the tech tree in X-Com files such a problem, exactly? Do you not start with essential technology to fight the aliens, like say, actual interceptors and the like?

            • 8 months ago

              >What makes the tech tree in X-Com files such a problem, exactly?
              Primarily research cost and dead ends. As one of the most common noob traps of XCF early game is capturing a MIB agent alive and then interrogating him. BIG mistake. It's a research that has a cost of like 150 days, you have 5 scientists whene you start the game so you can spend an entire in game month researching that one dude that leads into nothing. And I'm not exaggerating nothing, it's not something sub optimal it is literally dead end research for like the next 2 in game years. And the game is filled with noob traps like these, it's very easy to go wrong with the tech tree in XCF.
              >Do you not start with essential technology to fight the aliens, like say, actual interceptors and the like?
              No lmao not even close, you start with a rented car and two guys with glocks. In XCF in early game you'll be happy to see a looted AK not to say tanks or interceptors or any of the good stuff. Getting to the point where you get tech you start with is a major hurdle for new players and is the first challenge of the game. You HAVE to get to promotion 3(equivalent of starting new game in og xcom) within first 2 years or you're almost certainly going to lose when aliens show up at the front door.

              • 8 months ago

                While that does actually sound quite fun to build up to becoming the actual XCom guys, how do you know to avoid these noob traps?

                And the interrogation with the men in black guy results in literally nothing at all? Why are you even fighting the MIB?

              • 8 months ago

                >the interrogation with the men in black guy results in literally nothing at all?
                It results in weapons and lore that can be more easily researched elsewhere.

                >Why are you even fighting the MIB?
                You are but one of the agencies related to dealing with the supernatural. X-Com fights the ayys, MIB helps them.

              • 8 months ago

                Oh, so there are overlapping research rewards? Like say, Interrogating Mr. Glownig lets you make The Glowie Blaster and Black Suits, but interrogating the MIB guy gets you the Glowie Blaster anyway?

                >how do you know to avoid these noob traps?
                Unfortunately it's mostly down to metagaming and experience, research cost is a biggest tell. You can look up research cost of a topic by middle clicking on it but it's not intuitive at all. Anything with cost of like 100+ days is probably a waste of time in the first year.
                >literally nothing at all?
                It might unlock a dossier or something but it's insanely low priority in the early game, MIB stuff starts to pick up after aliens show up that's when interrogating them starts to make sense when you can have a capacity of like 100 scientists and the interrogations progress smoothly.
                >Why are you even fighting the MIB?
                Well that's kind of a spoiler for the storyline.

                That's a bit unfortunate. Mod makers shouldn't include noob traps in their mods, a recent fan game I played included a couple of noob traps that were not well received by even veteran players of the series since nobody could see them coming.

                I think I will try out Xcom Files and Xpiratez, then. After I play OpenXcom itself with some QOL stuff. Final Mod Pack sounds like a good addition to it.

              • 8 months ago

                >Like say, Interrogating Mr. Glownig lets you make The Glowie Blaster and Black Suits, but interrogating the MIB guy gets you the Glowie Blaster anyway?
                Indeed, but in this case Mr. Glownig will take, say, a week or so to talk instead of the better part of a year the MIB guy will take.

              • 8 months ago

                >Oh, so there are overlapping research rewards?
                Something like that one topic can usually be learned from multiple sources, it just so happens that MIB is an extremely poor source in the early game.
                >Mod makers shouldn't include noob traps in their mods
                I think that's inevitable but x-piratez is MUCH better at handling this, not to say there aren't any there sure are but the severity of doing things the unoptimal way aren't nearly as harsh.

              • 8 months ago

                >Why are you tryiing to fight the MiB
                XCOM is a pet project of one of the Glowie Globalist Elites. MiB is a pet project of another.

              • 8 months ago

                >how do you know to avoid these noob traps?
                Unfortunately it's mostly down to metagaming and experience, research cost is a biggest tell. You can look up research cost of a topic by middle clicking on it but it's not intuitive at all. Anything with cost of like 100+ days is probably a waste of time in the first year.
                >literally nothing at all?
                It might unlock a dossier or something but it's insanely low priority in the early game, MIB stuff starts to pick up after aliens show up that's when interrogating them starts to make sense when you can have a capacity of like 100 scientists and the interrogations progress smoothly.
                >Why are you even fighting the MIB?
                Well that's kind of a spoiler for the storyline.

              • 8 months ago

                >how do you know to avoid these noob traps?
                You don't, that's why XcomFIles (rightfully) gets shit on by a lot of posters. There's also a lot of key techs and they all have to be reached as soon as possible and there's a lot of randomness involved. Nobody has bothered to write a guide because there's just so much to write about, so it boils down to taking notes from other players, or playing a game and collecting your own knowledge. Each game also takes thousands of hours to play, so enjoy spending all that time just to know how to navigate the tech tree, and maybe a second or third time if you didn't luck into the right path and only managed to work out what seemed like a workable path.

              • 8 months ago

                the biggest early game research issue is that you only have 5 scientists and you need to research specific things to unlock more facilities that let you get more scientists. As long as you beeline that you usually will be fine.

            • 8 months ago

              >What makes the tech tree in X-Com files such a problem, exactly? Do you not start with essential technology to fight the aliens, like say, actual interceptors and the like?

              It's a number of things.

              >you only have two years to get ready for the invasion, there's tons of shit to research, a lot of it being optional stuff you don't actually need
              >researching certain things "progresses" parts of the game (it warns you in the research screen) and spawns certain harder missions in place of certain easier ones
              >your agents start off very squishy with almost nothing in terms of transport or equipment
              >certain techs are crucial and should be gotten ASAP at the expense of all else (promotions, body armor, better transport, long range rifles)

              While that does actually sound quite fun to build up to becoming the actual XCom guys, how do you know to avoid these noob traps?

              And the interrogation with the men in black guy results in literally nothing at all? Why are you even fighting the MIB?

              >how do you know to avoid these noob traps

              The "reports" articles in the Ufopedia explicitly tell you what you should be doing (along with messages from your base staff), but no one ever reads those. The "field manual" section also has a pretty broad overview of the game, but yeah, no one reads that shit.

    • 8 months ago

      im gonna shill you (i was the first post about it in this board you know?) Unexcom, it's the most vanilla like in lore and mechanics, however it's like it got shot with a bunch of steroids, very chaotic with bullets and explosions everywhere, no boring grind like piratez or files, just a lot of casualties like a war themed action film (starship troopers, apocalypse now, fmj). The biggest selling point compared to other mods is that there is no bullshit 5 tile accuracy or melee, range and firepower are king in the mod and the ayys know it (i lost a bunch of battles turn 1 no morale involved for underestimating their mounted guns).

      Though i have to admit it's a bit easy once you understand it because the ai doesn't concentrate all their guns in one spot so as long as you mass more firepower than them you can overpower them with napoleonic tactics, just split your troops enough so that they don't all die if they have machine guns and explosives

      • 8 months ago

        >mounted guns

    • 8 months ago

      OXCE is the fixed-up Vanilla+ experience, and as far as mods go, I'm partial to XCOM-Files; it has some questionable design choices early on, but since I hand mod virtually anything I play anyway, it took all of a combined 15 minutes in Notepad++ across an entire IRL months-long campaign to fix anything I found too dumb to tolerate.

      • 8 months ago

        Xcom Files and Xpiratez are the mods I am most interested in based on what was said in this thread. 40k stuff I find cringe usually so I have little interest in that. What changes did you make to make the game less dumb?

        OXCE is , correct?

        • 8 months ago

          Yep, that's OXCE.

          I'll caveat any further statements I make about XCF by stating that my last run with it was a year and a half ago, so any given thing I mention might have changed since then, but anyway, mostly issues related to early game ammo acquisition (Changed so that if A: a weapon uses mundane, off the shelf rounds you could get at a Walmart back in 1998, and B: you've researched a gun that uses it, you can now buy said ammo), the fricking rental X-Van (Made it around 80% of the speed of the rental Car, ,as opposed to 40% or what the frick insane golf-cart number it had), nerfed the shit out of the BlackOps Autosniper so I actually had a reason to use a different gun for 40-ish midgame hours, and damn near reworked the entire XCOM robot drone "race" because I got irrationally angry that their end-game "humanoid" battle suits throw like they have polio. I'm sure I'm missing a dozen minor things due to how long ago it was, but ehh, your mileage will vary.

          Also, not my work, but hunt down a copy of the XCOM FILES - ALTERNATIVE ART mod; Solar is almost as tasteless and deranged with his choice of research and commendation art as Dio, this will mostly alleviate the issue.

          • 8 months ago

            The black ops autosniper is good but so is almost every other scaling sniper rifle that can snap fire with good accuracy like the QBU

  13. 8 months ago

    There's also final mod pack, it's basically Ufo defense plus, more tech and slower progression but still ufo defense. Only thing I disliked about it was that a lot of shit was locked behind the different alien engineering techs, so capturing engineers was priority but even then rng could screw you and give you a useless tech instead of one of the good ones

  14. 8 months ago

    Xfiles has a lot of good ideas but bad execution, same with piratez. Lot of tech traps and extremely long campaigns makes losing feel really shitty, especially since later missions take fricking forever with 30+ enemies

    • 8 months ago

      >vampire castle

      • 8 months ago

        >cult of apocalypse

      • 8 months ago

        >cult of apocalypse

        >alien invasion starts

        • 8 months ago

          Chthonites are a good source of pre-invasion alien materials and research, provided you can capture a few important live ones.

        • 8 months ago

          >zombie infectors in a cave map

    • 8 months ago
      X-Piratez noob

      I'm a complete noob to x-pirates and mostly new to ufo defence, and I can say x-pirates feels like it does have some tech traps, mostly early on it feels like there are key techs you need to research but the game throws so many options at you it's really difficult to figure out what you need. Mainly you need to rush to !BountyHunting! missions and X-Grog so you can actually make some money.
      For me at least it feels like once you get those key techs out the way the game is fairly lenient with it's tech curve.
      It might take a try or two to get the hang of it but it's deffo worth it, and I think that's also part of the fun, kind of figuring out the game's intricacies and how to do things.
      Also I normally avoid it at all costs, but I think some level of savescumming is somewhat neccesary in x-piratez unless you're super experianced with it. Losses hit so much more harder then regular x-com because you're resources aren't as expendable.

      • 8 months ago

        >Bounty Hunting
        >Personal Labs
        From the top of my head those are some of the most important techs to focus on

        • 8 months ago

          Don't forget Chateau de la Mort.

      • 8 months ago

        >Mainly you need to rush to !BountyHunting! missions and X-Grog so you can actually make some money.
        Id say you should rush for cunning not because of x-grog but for better mechant access, x-grog is nice bonus though and keep your runts busy for month or two but there is better moneymaker researcheable early, also warrior armor (smithing/melee summary/something else?)

        I don't really know what i should focus research after workshop since i rarely even get to mid game. I keep restarting campaing after new patch or when its been too long since i last played and i have no idea what i was about to do or when i get unaccepatble loses since i don't savescum. Probably played early game at least 100 times now. Also it won't help that research tree keep shifting and changing.

        • 8 months ago

          After workshop your next big step is library, you're trying to tell me you played this mod 100 times and you never even got to back to school?

          • 8 months ago

            I recall getting it once or twice multiple patches ago but can't recall nothing of it. But that's how xcom games are for me, i play on high difficulty with ironman and i reset quite often, i have +500 hours in nucom2 and never finished it.

      • 8 months ago

        you can replace your losses in x piratez pretty fast(even if its costly), even experienced one(not super experienced but reasonable), you have plenty of training and transformations with no reqs that let you quickly train decent troopers, decent training caps, uniforms with bonus XP, recruit able veterans etc
        in X files you need to train everyone from the bottom, no uniforms with bonus XP, many transformations have requirements that you can only reach from missions and not from base training, no experienced recruits, basic caps for your troopers are low
        sure compared to OG UFO x piratez is more harsh in term of losses but nothing that money or glamour can't fix, x files is completely unfriendly in catching up - its essentially death spiral if you lose your best troopers and start doing missions with only rookies

        • 8 months ago

          I found out that building an army of experienced agents wasn't that hard in x-files just tedious and time consuming, you can never give up the "strange life form" missions and you have to always do all of them and always train up rookies there. By the end of the game I had something like 100 agents that are helix knights and I couldn't imagine a situation where I would ever run out of experienced agents.
          Even then the catchup isn't that hard, assuming your gym is always full as it should be, your fresh rookie agent needs like 2-5 missions worth of xp to qualify for bio enhancement, if you screen your rookies for bravery they are also very likely to also qualify for pilot training and TNI and then TNI + gym stat cap qualifies you for martial training and then helix knight and boom super elite agent. I think some of the luckiest agents got to helix knight in like 10 missions.
          Out of all things I've heard about xcf, the "no catchup" thing is really not all that true. You have to plan ahead but transformations in XCF play a much bigger role in your stat growth than in piratez.

          • 8 months ago

            >You have to plan ahead
            sure its less of the problem for experienced player with meta knowledge
            for newbs and blind campaign runs?
            not so much

            • 8 months ago

              I think part of the problem is the patch that made condemnations and medals giving stats. I really hate this change. People tend to use their favorite guy until he grinds up like 2000 million kills and then when he dies oh no i'm in a death spiral now. It just amplifies the problem of oh no I must reload or oh no death of this one guy in an alien war is an unrecoverable setback.

              • 8 months ago

                there is also problem with stats and weapon scaling
                your noobs not only miss but even if hit they can't do same damage

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah I absolutely despise this too, especially because this exact thing is one of the biggest problems I have with all nucom games, and it's something that UFO defense got right in the first place. Veterans should be clearly superior to raw recruits but neither overpowered nor irreplaceable. It's such a fricking step back for no reason to let them snowball infinitely.

          • 8 months ago

            The problem I found was that reaction is the bottleneck stat for transformations and basic gameplay. You can't train that in the gym, only in battle, by cheesing the strange life form missions. "tedious and time consuming" is a problem in itself, and of course researching the tech that removes it from the mission pool is a noob trap too.

      • 8 months ago

        You have diverging paths. Lots of it is random. If you have no weapons, get primitive weapons (throwing axes and rapiers can kill power armor). If you have no craft weapons, get highway house (cheap research and easy mission).
        If you know the game well, bad rng can be mitigated. In my current playthrough, I almost lost to a group of 45 bandits, 3 of which were armored ATVs. In February. I couldn't do it if I hadn't looted a Spartan ship with a Spitfire gun and a rocket launcher on board a few days before that. The base defense cost me 4 gals but it was worth it.

  15. 8 months ago

    >nobody does squads
    actual plebs

    • 8 months ago

      It's one of those things that sounds good as an idea but doesn't really work.

      • 8 months ago

        Works just fine since the game will remember the order you organize your men in and what the weapon loadout is

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah but units get wounded or tired or they maxed their stats and you want to rotate them away or they're wounded from trainings or transformations and so on, there's just so many ways to break up your squad it always ends up being more pain than it's worth.
          I mean nothing stops you from having squads and do whatever you want in this game but it's just extra micromanagement that doesn't really do anything. But it's not like this game has a class system in place, your units can become good at everything.

          • 8 months ago


            >sounds good as an idea but doesn't really work
            It works as long as you train multiple members to fill each role.
            After all, the concept works in the real world where the average squad is basically guaranteed to experience a casualty if it's exposed to fire.

            There is some element of micromanagement but I can't imagine trying to fight through a terror mission having a hodgepodge of weapons/men on hand for any given situation

            • 8 months ago

              >fight through a terror mission

            • 8 months ago

              So just have a loot pile and reorganize if something unexpected happens? Most of the time you only need to rearm if you face heavy armor and you need anti armor solutions.

      • 8 months ago

        >sounds good as an idea but doesn't really work
        It works as long as you train multiple members to fill each role.
        After all, the concept works in the real world where the average squad is basically guaranteed to experience a casualty if it's exposed to fire.

        • 8 months ago

          part of the fun. I will add an addendum to each units name to explain their squad role.

        • 8 months ago

          Squads happen in real life because unlike in X-com we don't fight like a telepathic hivemind and need do some sort of organization.

    • 8 months ago

      What do you mean? Some posters clearly do use squads, even if they are in the minority. I don't know what you was expecting though, the game doesn't encourage making squads, and cooperation between units is done not by keeping them together, but by separating by role, usually based on distance or expendability. "Squads" that players make are inevitably going to be based on sniper-spotter or veteran-meatshield (same thing really) mechanics. Gameplay resembles the Roman maniple system more than any modern system. For squads to work, OpenXcom would have to develop something that encourages it, but I can't think of anything that is actually elegant. There's no getting around the fact that the player can see anything the soldiers see, and OpenXcom already implements the option to have lowered accuracy of shooting at something not in line of sight, and it doesn't really encourage squadding.

      • 8 months ago

        "Squads" are useful in that you can send two vague groups with similar specialists to clear opposite sides of the map.

        • 8 months ago

          You can do that without thinking about squads, and is clearly not what most people mean when we're talking about squads.

          • 8 months ago

            Hence the quotation marks.

            • 8 months ago

              Okay, you can do that without thinking about "squads", and is clearly not what most people mean when we're talking about "squads".

              • 8 months ago

                Unfortunately, this breaks what I said. "Squads" in quotation marks already implies I wasn't speaking about real squads. You'll need to reiterate on this.

  16. 8 months ago

    Anyways, a typical early game loadout for me is
    >Rifleman x3
    >Stormtrooper (close range specialist/gets an SMG)
    >Squad leader (medic)
    Each rifleman pairs off with one of the specialized types and can bandage each other. Seemed to work fairly well

  17. 8 months ago

    Do various types of sickbays/surgery rooms stack?

    • 8 months ago

      yes they all stack

  18. 8 months ago

    Do Mind Shields actually work in XCF?

    • 8 months ago

      They should.

  19. 8 months ago

    Kraken says it's a 'MUN and SUB'.
    What's a MUN?

    • 8 months ago

      MUN is supposed to mean like "moon travel capable" that's because it's not enough for some space missions that requires IPL "interplanetary" to be allowed. It was supposed to clear confusion but I can't help but think it just created more.

      • 8 months ago

        There are 3 levels of"spaceworthiness", in that SPC can get to orbit for a few hours and do space station missions and the like, MUN can keep the crew alive for a day or two and conduct a round trip to the moon (part of the confusion is that moon missions are rather late-game even though the first MUN-capable ship shows up rather early), and IPL means something kitted out with all the systems needed to sustain passengers for the potentially multiple weeks it takes to get to Mars (the research topics pay a surprising amount of attention to hard science factors that such designs need to account for).

        Basically MUN is just Space but angrier, but not end game mission ready.

    • 8 months ago

      MUN is supposed to mean like "moon travel capable" that's because it's not enough for some space missions that requires IPL "interplanetary" to be allowed. It was supposed to clear confusion but I can't help but think it just created more.

      There are 3 levels of"spaceworthiness", in that SPC can get to orbit for a few hours and do space station missions and the like, MUN can keep the crew alive for a day or two and conduct a round trip to the moon (part of the confusion is that moon missions are rather late-game even though the first MUN-capable ship shows up rather early), and IPL means something kitted out with all the systems needed to sustain passengers for the potentially multiple weeks it takes to get to Mars (the research topics pay a surprising amount of attention to hard science factors that such designs need to account for).

  20. 8 months ago

    Playing the FMP last night, first terror mission; kidney beans(Celatids) and Chryssalid.....

    my first one..... I'm not even playing on hard! wtf....

    • 8 months ago

      Don't worry anon, FMP gets easier the more tech you unlock, since the Aliens tend to keep their standard loadouts, so you'll see plasma pistols and rifles even late into the campaign. Once you get Personal Armor, it'll be smooth sailing, and when Flying Power Armor starts rolling out, you'll pretty much steam roll any mission.

  21. 8 months ago

    >finally catch a base defense
    >it's the only base with 40 roboturrets

    okay then

  22. 8 months ago

    >Prepper Camp
    >it's full of Spartans
    n-not like this ubersisters...
    where are my easy Ruffians to farm exp with?

    • 8 months ago

      It's just a random chance, something like 70% bandits 30% spartans, if I get spartans too early into the game I just run away it's too dangerous.

  23. 8 months ago

    >Need new faction for my mod
    >made few paperdolls
    >It's basicly Vice city and Miami Vice rip-off
    I promise it's totally original.

  24. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      I like it!
      it doesn't have to be original it just has to be good

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      These look really nice.

      There is some element of micromanagement but I can't imagine trying to fight through a terror mission having a hodgepodge of weapons/men on hand for any given situation

      Not sure what you mean, having a hodgepodge of weapons/men on hand for any given situation means you'll be able to handle any given situation (duh), it's the squads that will be having problems.

    • 8 months ago

      >Need new faction for my mod
      >made few paperdolls
      >It's basicly Vice city and Miami Vice rip-off
      I promise it's totally original.

      I never realized until now how perfect OXC is for a GTA style mod.

    • 8 months ago

      Make Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

  25. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Don't worry, it's mutual

    • 8 months ago

      >lost the Canoness
      Celestine frowns in your general direction. What are you shooting the Terminator with?

      • 8 months ago

        Mostly Plasma with a side of Melta. I should have Grav and Heavy Plasma coming online before too long, so maybe that will help. The good news is that I have 4 other Canonesses, the bad news is that one was the Hospitallier.

  26. 8 months ago

    frick you dioxine
    start of september. two pogroms total. zero solar couriers
    ps micromanaging the bioplasma gun is a b***h

  27. 8 months ago

    A elite squad of 24, each equipped with different weapons to ensure the whole team can respond to a variety of threats in bases.
    This is their very moronic story where I probably get most of them killed.

  28. 8 months ago


  29. 8 months ago

    >Smite is decent against low hp normies in high value armor but nothing special
    >Shield only lasts one turn
    >Chaplain armor's fricking nuclear hellfire apocalypse ball that lights half of the map on fire doesn't actually do that much single target damage, might be potentially broken if you train up and bring a critical mass of 6-8 100/100 psidudes
    >think psionics aren't actually super impactful
    >try Lockdown
    >lmao enjoy your permanent mass stunlock homosexuals

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah Lockdown is just straight up potent.

  30. 8 months ago

    Holy shit I think I just discovered a massive bug in Rosigma or OXCE (not sure which).

    I had a guy that could easily get just a bit over 100% shots with a multimelta after moving, and the first shot was always a perfect hit and the second shot was miles off almost every time. I knew I wasn't just crazy or imagining it, every heavy weapon with a TU accuracy penalty calculates every shot past the first one in multi-shot actions post-TU use, fricking the accuracy completely. I've felt like heavy bolter autoshots and assault cannons keep whiffing to an absurd degree and this is why, I wonder if the bug also applies to plasma weapons getting less accurate when they heat up.

    • 8 months ago

      >plasma weapons getting less accurate when they heat up.
      This is intentional, but the rest of what you mentioned is interesting.

      • 8 months ago

        The wording was a bit unclear, I meant if the bug applies the same way to plasma weapon multishots and calculates the follow-up shots post the action's heat spending.

    • 8 months ago

      Did your guy have enough strength for the recoil?

      • 8 months ago

        All the guys using heavy bolters have worn devastator marine armor and the assault cannon users were all terminators. The guy from the multimelta example was using terminator armor and had about 200 str.

  31. 8 months ago

    So those won't be discarded after one use in battle?

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      The price is that they have an upkeep cost, so be sure to get your money out of them.

      • 8 months ago

        so if I had some stockpiled in my Hideout I'm basically paying for them even if I'm not using them?
        what's the cost tho?

        • 8 months ago

          advanced medkit should be 1000$ per unit per month
          if you go to sell screen there is a category called "liabilities" if in doubt any item there has some sort of monthly cost

          • 8 months ago

            their upkeep was removed fairly recently

    • 8 months ago

      Like the built in medpacks from armors, they never get used up.

  32. 8 months ago
    X-Piratez noob

    Decided I'm gonna restart again.
    Had a streak of pretty rough missions, and starting to feel like I'm too far behind the curve, as I'm getting a lot of threats thrown at me I can't really deal with. Noteably Megapol enforcers, no weapons I have right now can really hurt the heavily armored units.
    Started to have a third base underways but ended up losing it before I could even develop a quarters for it. I get that's on me and I should have started with a outpost and what not, but things are already going worse enough that it feels like fighting a losing battle.

    What would people say is the most noob friendly starting location to go with? That's gonna give the best bonuses.etc

    • 8 months ago

      The standard optimal starting location is somewhere in africa because your starting airbus can reach almost everywhere and there are a lot of spots with hot weather near your starting base and a lot of early game suits are good in hot conditions.
      The starting bonuses aren't something to worry about too much but one of the bonuses in africa gives you flak towers kit which you can just immediately sell for an early game eco boost. Not sure what's best at this point, the theban start was heavily nerfed so careful with that one.

    • 8 months ago

      Throwing axes are available early, and contrary to what you would expect low-tech weapons beat powered armor in the hands of an uber gal. Regular axes are even stronger, but getting to flying enemies is tricky.

    • 8 months ago

      megapol is just overarmored versus early guns. the game compensates for them having fairly weak guns. grenades, melee, and strong throwing weapons help. try to hit their back armor.

      one tip for new bases is to start them at the beginning of a month. minimizes the odds a new base gets targeted by a retaliation before you can staff it

    • 8 months ago

      Megapol has two weaknesses a lot of people seem to overlook, one is that they have almost no resistance to choking weapons such as gas grenades or wand of airlessness, they can panic and surrender. Also they're extremely weak to mind control, a bugeye can turn the tide of battle easily.

  33. 8 months ago
    X-Piratez noob

    >Second mission of the run
    >Ratmen Rodeo
    >Zombies instead.
    >See a strix zombie in the distance
    >"huh... only saw those a bit into my other campaign..."
    >funky zombie runs out of the shadows and instantly zombifies one of my Gals.

    What did I do to deserve this?

    • 8 months ago

      You didn't gtfo when you saw it's zombies.

      • 8 months ago

        This. Pretty much all the earlygame missions have a small chance of being zombies, which is a pain because the anti-zombie loadout is usually different from whatever you took along for the regular mission.

        • 8 months ago
          X-Piratez noob

          To be fair I do need to learn that not every mission is do-able. I guess because on my first run I lost super early on due to low score, so I had it in my mind I *need* to do every mission, but I think it was more due to missing out a ton of missions due to having gals spending time recovering from injuries.

          Still, not a good sign after my last run went down hill out of nowhere.

          • 8 months ago

            >missing out a ton of missions due to having gals spending time recovering from injuries
            Yeah, op tempo is one of those dances you have to manage in the early game. Peasant recruiting can help keep it up, at the expense of fresh peasants being garbage.

            Also, if you ask me, it's totally acceptable to savescum for your Lunatics at least until you do the prison mission, makes a better story to do it with the original crew.

          • 8 months ago

            Just make unlocking new missions a priority, D level missions, monster hunts, warehouse wars, toppling towers, C level missions and at this point you should have so many missions that there's no way you should die to low score.

          • 8 months ago

            Just make unlocking new missions a priority, D level missions, monster hunts, warehouse wars, toppling towers, C level missions and at this point you should have so many missions that there's no way you should die to low score.

            Remember that missions are not only way to get score up. First time interrogating enemy type gives plenty too.

            • 8 months ago

              Bigger issue is that missions give you more opportunities to get more tech and items.
              Even if you just show up, shoot someone to take their gun, or knock someone out and leave, that's better than nothing.

              • 8 months ago

                True, but if all or most of your gals are in sickbay there is still way to get score up which shouldn't be underestimated, no matter how many missions you get won't matter if you don't have means to do them.

      • 8 months ago

        >Saw zombies this early in the game
        >didn't run immediately

        It's free XP, apart from the funky zombies and chrysalids.

        • 8 months ago

          >free XP
          it's mission two, so a bog standard zombie is a pretty serious threat.

        • 8 months ago

          >apart from the funky zombies and chrysalids
          >apart from mobs with huge TUs who will park just outside your vision range and mad dash to oneshot your Gals when it's their turn

          • 8 months ago

            Even if they don't one shot your gals (paper mario lucky miss noise here), the odds are they'll provoke a gal to turn and fire with another gal in the backstop.

      • 8 months ago

        just started playing xpz, why does everyone complain about zambees?

        • 8 months ago

          Zombie mansion and zombie space freighter are cancer. Early on only the academy outpost with zombies is the newbie killer.

        • 8 months ago

          They can randomly show up on any earlygame mission, you're usually not geared up to fight them when that happens (pistols and stun weapons vs shotguns and incendiaries), Funkies are one of the more lethal earlygame enemies, Strixes do choke damage to help you go frick yourself, and if its an Academy outpost, there will ALWAYS be a Chryssalid.

        • 8 months ago

          randomly turns a 3 minute mission with good loot into an 10 minute mission with no loot

        • 8 months ago

          the armored trooper zombies are really fricking frustrating to deal with, heavy armor, good guns, and on top of it have a second phase where they lose ability to use guns but have a far deadiler melee attack. forcing you to be careful not to damage it enough to reach that second phase without having enough TU left to either run away or quickly finish it off before it's turn.

    • 8 months ago

      >Saw zombies this early in the game
      >didn't run immediately

    • 8 months ago

      These maps are waaay too treacherous to face zombies, they can come out from anywhere and appear a few feet in front of you. Hell it's even worse when it's ninjas. I remember a mutant culling that took place on a map like that (I like to call them favelas, don't know if it has an official name) but it was way later in the campaign so I had enough firepower and I survived by basically levelling all the cover around the ship to form a security cordon of sorts.

      • 8 months ago

        bring dogs

  34. 8 months ago

    >venerable dreadnaught armor has an assault cannon with a very costly auto shot only and still the worse kind of flamer instead of the heavy/inquisition type
    Oh god why

    • 8 months ago

      You don't use the venerable dread to kill anything. It's the DISTRACTION CARNIFEX. The bullet sponge. After it gets shot to shit (with, hopefully, no actual effect) your dudes roll in and kill everything.

  35. 8 months ago

    >rpg right into the equipment pile

    frick you frick you frick yoouuuuuu

    • 8 months ago

      >he camped the transport
      You get what you frickin' deserve.

      • 8 months ago

        shut up, Dio
        stop putting RPGable windows in the crafts

        • 8 months ago

          all vehicles should have windows and interior lighting

  36. 8 months ago

    >Radar picked up Aurora's missile strike
    >get fricked kid I got Firepower in my base
    >it passes my main bases and go straight for one of the new Hideouts
    >it was 2 missile strikes
    >destroyed the Overcharged Radar and Hangar that I was almost finishing constructing
    Damn you, brat!

    • 8 months ago


  37. 8 months ago
    X-Piratez noob

    >Starting Boss Gal panicks whilst on 61 moral after getting shot by a random bandit whilst crouched behind cover.
    >Runs right into the open and dies.

    Guess I'm starting my fricking 4th run. Could savescum that but the third run so far has just been awful idk it's fricking cursed. Idk maybe just bad luck but feels like so much more bs is happening with my Gals dieing to a slight breeze, and needing the fill the enemy full of bullets to even do anything.
    Only playing on difficulty 2 so idk what's up.

    • 8 months ago

      That's X-Com, baby.

      • 8 months ago
        X-Piratez noob

        See in regular X-Com it feels okay because you can very easily replace any old soldier. But losing a starting Gal is just such a fricking pain.

        I'm kinda getting a bit filtered by X-Piratez, which sucks because I do really want to like it, but it just feels too at odds with the base systems of x-com at times. What with freshness, and glamour, it pushes you into having to rush missions super fast, in a game normally about being slow and careful. I can understand glamour as it rewards you for doing well. But freshness as a mechanic just pisses me off. Having my gals start to panic and go beserk because I'm not rushing a mission is just kind of annoying, and having to keep cycleing through every gal and check their moral and have them drink moonshine is eaqually tedious.

        Maybe I just need a break for a bit. The idea of starting yet again feels like such a pain though. I do feel like the tech tree is way too bloated early on. I get that the game being huge, and starting from literal rock bottom before become a bunch of badass power armor wearing super gals is the point. But do I really need to research how to bounty hunt?

        Sorry for the rambleing. I'm just a bit grumpy because like I say, I do *really* want to like this and super enjoy it at it's highs, it's the just lows are pissing me off too much.

        • 8 months ago

          use budda-x smokes more

        • 8 months ago

          Are you overlooking peasants? They're actually really good soldiers and peasant path is if not optimal easily just as good as the gal path. Restarting because a gal dies seems like a prime example of "I think this is unrecoverable loss" when it isn't.
          X-piratez run is over when you either lose old earth lab in your first base or you die to score. You can recover from everything else.

          • 8 months ago

            And early on losing 5000 BidenBucks worth of soldier doesn't hurt much.

          • 8 months ago

            Unless that gal is a lunatic. You NEED the lunatics.

            • 8 months ago

              you can find them tho

        • 8 months ago

          the tradeoff is that it's pretty hard for a gal to actually die in the beginning. most enemies use weapons that can barely pierce their skin. i've also never had freshness be this much of a problem when starting the game and never felt much pressure to speed through every mission. you're probably losing gals because you're doing extremely reckless shit for no reason and ruining their morale.

          • 8 months ago
            X-Piratez noob

            Idk what to tell you dude. I'm always ending my turns crouched behind cover, full when I can get it, with enough TUs left for reaction shots if I haven't spent them shooting enemies I can see.
            You say Gals are tough to kill, and once you get better armor I'd agree, but early on they are getting two shot by most bandits.
            If I try and be any more cautious than this then my gals start going beserk and panicking because of low freshness, half the time they do anyways even when taking this approach.

            Idk if some bug somehow upped the difficulty of this run, because to be fair on my previous runs I don't recall bs like this happening (as often at least) freshness has still always been a pain though.

            Maybe I just got really unlucky this run and should give it another shot, but idk. It feels like there is enough bs to filter me.

            • 8 months ago

              Crouching is rarely useful in this mod, it's very situational I'd say I'd crouch less than 1% of the time. Crouching only makes sense if
              >The gun has big multiplier like mortar
              >You're already behind cover and have no other options, crouching in the open does almost nothing defensively
              >To slightly increase accuracy if you're ABSOLUTELY sure crouching won't block your los
              That last one especially, a lot of the time crouching will just block your los somehow and you'll be just wating TUs.
              Now I really hate to say this but from everything I heard there seems to be some skill issue on the tactical layer. I can't point to any single thing but there seems to be some big misunderstanding regarding how you play the game and how the game should be played. Consider watching other people streams or let's plays and copying their playstyle, I think something is very very wrong with your tactics. When you say you're crouching and stuff I think you play the game too defensively, sometimes playing offense and risky is safer but that comes with experience.
              >I don't recall bs like this happening
              That's likely because your gals rolled low bravery and combat stress is wrecking your morale compared to your other runs.

              • 8 months ago
                X-Piratez noob

                I get what you're saying. Doesn't really line up with playing overly defencive but perhaps I'm just kinda rushing things and not paying attention. I got fairly far in on my last run so I might sorta just be trying to blast through everything too quickly to get to where I was.
                In general I just try and cautiously sweep the map, moving from cover to cover and having at least a few gals with enough TUs for reaction shots.
                I've normally been able to roll with the punches but having my starting boss gal lunatic get shot whilst behind cover, panick when not even on that low moral, run straight into the open and die pissed me off too much.

                Maybe I'll give it one more shot, idk what else I'd do that differently though.

              • 8 months ago

                Have you tried leveraging night vision mechanics? Ubers have significantly longer night vision range than poorly equipped humans, like bandits. Combined with camo paint, you can set up some incredibly effective reaction fire traps and scout more effectively, just make sure to stay away from light sources. This is why my favorite alt unit type is catgirls.

              • 8 months ago
                X-Piratez noob

                I have yeah. A lot of the time it doesn't make much of a difference for me, or it results in me just getting nommed by blood hounds out of the shadows.

              • 8 months ago

                How so? Maybe you're getting too close?

              • 8 months ago
                X-Piratez noob

                Unless I've got gals with night opps gear on it doesn't feel like I really out range basic enemies by all that much. They're still perfectly able to find my position and shoot at me or lob grenades at me. I imagine that's probably to do with sniper/spotter bs I guess. But it feels like enemies are still getting the first shot off on me on their turn, rather than entering my vision and not knowing where I am. I tend to rely a lot on melee and shotguns early on so idk maybe I'm getting too close.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah, definitely too close, shotgun ideal range is also within human nv range, try using bows early game, they've got fairly decent range for this sort of thing, can be acquired from the start, and there's probably one gal with a high throwing stat in your roster.

        • 8 months ago

          I'd actually forgotten about that mechanic. Doesn't it get better with experience and time?

          • 8 months ago

            People overblow the impact of it. If you're autistic enough to deliberately min-max it, you can end up with a gal decently above the stat caps, but Uber caps are so high that it really doesn't matter. The real impact is psychological, because a veteran gal builds up such a massive list of them that you wonder how you're going to replace her.

            • 8 months ago

              I remember it making an outsize impact on my first mission, waiting for the science drone to make it's pass

          • 8 months ago

            The only time freshness becomes are problem are those giant 3 stage missions like winter palace or just giants like space freighter. If you're running out of freshness in an average mission something's wrong.
            It's also possible to increase your freshness caps to ridiculous levels if you REALLY hate the mechanic.

            • 8 months ago

              All shall fear the name of 'Name Unknown 2'! At least until she gets mind controlled...

              • 8 months ago

                Green codex gives you a few nameless gals and I thought it'd be funny to leave it that way, just assign them numbers.

        • 8 months ago

          Peasants/Slave Soldiers cap out around 150 freshness plus you can eat apples for 3 freshness plus 1 hp an apple. If you wanna play extremely slow they're also an option. Dio was also kind enough to add potions of freshness on mega huge levels so you won't get raped by freshness loss.

  38. 8 months ago

    Doesn't Green Codex let you resurrect gals?

    • 8 months ago

      Yes, but only recently dead gals, and only after a lot of research.

  39. 8 months ago

    >Deliverator has two exits
    Praise be.

  40. 8 months ago

    So are there any actually good X-COM TCs or all they all bloated to shit with moronic design?

    • 8 months ago

      All of them (except ROSIGMA), you just have shit taste.
      That said, try UNEXCOM or Great War of the Worlds, those are lightweight enough that it should vibe with you.

      • 8 months ago

        >implying XCF and Piratez aren't bloated

        • 8 months ago

          if you say shit like "bloated" all the time and act like that's an inherently bad thing on it's own, you're probably just not compatible with the concept of modding in general.

          • 8 months ago

            Bloating isn't inherently bad, no. But it depends on how it's implemented. Dio and Solar made a good attempt but it fell slightly short.

            • 8 months ago

              If I'm on the Red Path, I'm cucked out of getting Analytics and can't get Advanced Medicine, right?

              Bloating is inherently bad, but what is bloated?
              I think Dio has hit a point where some things are bloated. But other things are not bloated.
              I wish he would prune from time to time.

              • 8 months ago

                red codex doesnt block the analytics room, dumbass captain does. dumbass instead lets you get the vip room which provides the analytics service

        • 8 months ago

          I only feel the bloat at the end of piratez, when you get to grinding fuel cells for conqueror uhhh I dread it every time.

  41. 8 months ago

    When I'm wearing something like the Chiller Suit, do I need to inhale or is it just there because of a holdover from stuff where you do need to inhale?

    • 8 months ago

      You don't need to use it, unless you want to recover some stun because aquaman hit you or something.

      • 8 months ago



        • 8 months ago

          I will never ever use "gillman" ever again (ignore the filename). The tribal fish people are deep ones, the electric arcing terror units that wienerblocks your research in TFTD are aquamen, and the repainted green bloodhounds are aquadogs.

      • 8 months ago





        they're called deep ones

    • 8 months ago

      You can use it to remove stun from yourself or allies, it's just an inbuilt oxygen tank with infinite reuses.

  42. 8 months ago

    I've learned to love sending one elite unit in a railpod.

  43. 8 months ago

    well well well
    what do we have here?

  44. 8 months ago

    Moshi moshi, it's me.
    I still fricking hate mercenaries.

    • 8 months ago

      Mercs are the biggest gatekeep. Once you can start killing them reliably, it's smooth sailing until Star Gods show up.

      • 8 months ago

        I hate Star Gods more, but at least they show up later so I have more options.

  45. 8 months ago

    White flash means no damage, right? I can't remember if that causes armor damage or just no damage at all.

    • 8 months ago

      armor damage. no flash = no damage

  46. 8 months ago

    >the final assault in rosigma
    Oh god what the frick

    • 8 months ago

      Enjoy Bloodletters? Here's an infinite number of them!

  47. 8 months ago

    >took until november to get a copy of the solar courier
    krazy hannah, here i come!

  48. 8 months ago

    >ninja HQ was built next to my base
    i'm gonna kill these b***hes

  49. 8 months ago

    >random Star God on a Smuggler Ship
    Guess it's my lucky day

    • 8 months ago

      I still haven't seen the Star Wars parody that this is apparently a reference to.

      >tank-resistant bush blocking exit ramp


      Just shoot it.

      • 8 months ago

        Isn't it just a reference to Star Wars? The captain is Han, the bugbear is Chewbacca, the negotiator is Leia and the public enemy is Obi-Wan.

        • 8 months ago

          It's apparently the way the ethereal is dressed with the bling and stuff that makes it a parody, but again I haven't seen said parody.

  50. 8 months ago

    >tank-resistant bush blocking exit ramp


  51. 8 months ago

    I really wish I had it in my brain which thing is the best thing to kill the shield.

    • 8 months ago

      Guns and Grenades make gibs of the Gold
      Bludgeons and Bio befuddle the Blue
      Precision and Power punch clean through the Purple
      Radiation and Rending to rip through the Red

  52. 8 months ago

    evil fricking b***hes

  53. 8 months ago

    Is there an actual reason to research shadow channel?

    • 8 months ago

      It gives you some free infamy but that's about it.

  54. 8 months ago

    >To max out Voodoo skill it can actually make sense to sacrifice cheap comrades to a burgeoning psyker
    Truly the ways of the Witch are cruel.

  55. 8 months ago

    >load old save in vanilla openxcom to finally finish entire game
    >feel rusty, forgot a lot what was going on but what could go wrong
    >9 operative lost while breaching medium UFO

  56. 8 months ago

    Can you win Xpiratez with just your own manufactured shit?
    You're obviously allowed to capture, research stuff, and use items you acquire in the field (OSP) but you can't buy anything that isn't ammunition or an ingredient for a weapon you personally make.

    • 8 months ago

      Can't see why not. Some guns like bounty ones are buy only but none are absolutely needed to win. You can go to cydonia with only x-plasma destructors if you want.

    • 8 months ago

      You'll probably run into some pain points in the very-earlygame before you can get things like Shiny Niners or Assault Cannons online. You'll also probably get lasers much later than normal.
      Very doable tbh, might be a good gimmick run.

    • 8 months ago

      Need to savescum a bit but you can definitely do it
      I'm doing a Marketless run right now and it's pretty doable
      The problem remains the fact that you could only recruit through Manufacturing instead of buying rookies (limiting your supply of fresh meat)
      You usually get enough ammo from missions so you don't really need to buy them (Ninja Gals can get you enough Boarding Guns and Blunderbuss and Bandit raids net you a fine collection of small arms)

      • 8 months ago

        The Cloaking Device can only be bought so you need to see if you want a true marketless run or key items are free to buy

    • 8 months ago

      Disclaimer about my moronic idea: This is only for weapons: You can buy old fighter hulls and cloaking devices and stuff.

  57. 8 months ago

    Someone did a marketless really n before. I think he had to use Fausts as he interceptors and eventually save edited the last items for the conquerer that were technically obtainable without buying by but would have taken another 5 in-game years. If you're allowing yourself to buy components for craft your only real issue is having to recruit your slaves as SS and no minedogs for base defense

    • 8 months ago

      >no minedogs for base defense
      You can capture enemy dogs alive and make them your dogs in the workshop section if I recall. No need to buy them

      • 8 months ago

        No you can't. Dogs and hounds are buy only.

    • 8 months ago

      >Faust only
      >only using 6 Gals throughout the whole campaign
      >no Vehicles
      Faust is a great craft for early to mid game but I wouldn't be using it for later missions

      • 8 months ago

        You are drastically underestimating what can be acquired without buying it

  58. 8 months ago

    >sending a single well trained goon to a precinct armed with skirmisher gear and armor that stops most small arms fire
    Wow, what a rush.

  59. 8 months ago

    Alright I am gonna do another piratez playthrough, dropped the last one before assembling the conqueror way back then because I couldn't be assed to grind the components and there was nothing else to do. Do you guys have any submods to recommend?

    • 8 months ago

      There just aren't very many, unless they're hiding on russian forums.
      Armor Shortcuts,5199.0.html I consider essential
      An anon posted a very interesting submod allowing for bandit bases to generate as a precursor to ninja and faction bases. Hopefully he will post it again sometime, or you can dig through the archived threads for it.

  60. 8 months ago

    >mutant callings
    Should I even bother?

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      just let them die
      1000 points can be recovered, your dead meat can't unless you go Green Codex

    • 8 months ago

      Depends on your tech level. If you have power armour and tanks, you can probably manage, just watch out for the chrysalids.

  61. 8 months ago

    Can I trigger base interceptions and shoot them down to get more infamy?

    • 8 months ago

      Sure just park your craft inside their radar and they'll come after you, this gets you infamy and pilot training. The only thing it can't do is generate crash sites, all base defense interceptors will fight to death.

      • 8 months ago

        Neat. Because my convoy is fricking stacked with weapons now. Might as well profit off the ninja base I don't think I'm prepared to destroy.

      • 8 months ago

        >infamy and pilot training

        IIRC the daily existence penalty of any base slightly offsets the bonuses you get from shooting down all its blips. Pilot bonuses still make it worth it IMO.

        • 8 months ago

          Still, if you're aiming for a super high rank, the offset may be worth it if you aren't going to use the craft for anything else.

  62. 8 months ago

    its happening soon

    • 8 months ago

      inb4 xcom files patch

  63. 8 months ago

    Realistically are you supposed to have done all 4 HQs and dealt with the syndicate by the time the ayyd show up or is getting tier 3 promotion for UFO defense good enough?

    • 8 months ago

      promo 3 is fine

    • 8 months ago

      You should have 1-2 dealt with at least.

    • 8 months ago


      I'm a year into the invasion and only just got to their HQ.

    • 8 months ago

      If at all possible, leave a mansion alive. It generates easy missions for rookie training.

    • 8 months ago

      Just promotion 3, syndicate stuff took me a long time after invasion.

  64. 8 months ago

    The cult stuff is the best part of XCF, and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

    • 8 months ago

      I just wish they deployed more dangerous units as their threat level gets higher.

    • 8 months ago

      And I'll have to agree with that, XCF should have ended where invasion normally starts.

    • 8 months ago

      I don't think anyone would disagree

    • 8 months ago

      I'd agree if it wasn't for the 100 enemy maps that take an hour+ to complete. it's just a fricking slog killing them all since surrender/panic is so finnicky

  65. 8 months ago

    playing mostly vanilla openxcom with QoL mods, got captain in squad i use just for morale bonus but after facing first psi aliens he got exposed as psi weakling and panicked and berserked at the back of Skyranger. Should i get rid of that guy cause hes blocking other soldiers from getting captain now?

  66. 8 months ago

    It's up boys

    >OXCE update to 7.9.10
    >Fix: Cydonia mission button launch not appearing
    >Fix: Battle Cab added to lists of allowed crafts in various envinros
    >Fix: Cat Oni Armor: special attack can be made without VSKL requirement, also added the missing gauntlet
    >Fix: Added missing gauntlet attack to Neko >Peacemaker Gear (and Termicator bc. they use same built-in wpn.)
    >Fix: Region data leaks from the original game files causing Geoscape crashes (hopefully they stop now)
    >New Missions: Demon Bait (4 variants), UAC Shelter
    >New Enemy: UAC Security Drone
    >New Craft: Firefox (by Solarius Scorch)
    >New Craft Weapon: Nekomimi Prowler Cannon
    >New Craft System: Hellerium Supercell
    >New Armor: Flycat (For Catgirls, based on original design of 'Catnapper' armor by Miz Mayhem)
    >New Weapons: Nekomimi Marksman Laser (by Solarius Scorch), Cursed Rifle, Mega Ax (Blood Orb, Gold Codex), Hellfist (Blood Orb, Red & Gray Codex)
    >New Path: Cats 4 Life.
    >New gfx: improved Blood Hound (by Mikkoi)
    >New features: Slave Soldiers and Peasants have distinct names and flags based on the place of recruitment (based on expansion by OAK group, implementation made in cooperation with Solarius Scorch).
    >Lessened February score hits caused by bandit activity
    >Witch Quest frequency increased
    >Small rework of Drakkar map. Also Drakkar got its own sprite (by AlexD)
    >Statistical bullet saving added to most of the light craft cannons
    >Some rebalancing to Beam Laser (buff) and Plasma Beam (bit less range, bit more acc)
    >Beast den +5 animals cap (now 30)
    >Repentias and Weirdgals enhanced
    >Swiftsuit: scouting goggles added
    >Car/AGL weapon buffs
    >Most ballistic and some other pistols have their long range ACC penalties increased
    >Smart Pistol even faster, but has lower Snap range; gfx updated

    • 8 months ago

      >New Path: Cats 4 Life
      Guess I'm starting a new run, hopefully this isn't a trap option.

      • 8 months ago

        It's up boys

        >OXCE update to 7.9.10
        >Fix: Cydonia mission button launch not appearing
        >Fix: Battle Cab added to lists of allowed crafts in various envinros
        >Fix: Cat Oni Armor: special attack can be made without VSKL requirement, also added the missing gauntlet
        >Fix: Added missing gauntlet attack to Neko >Peacemaker Gear (and Termicator bc. they use same built-in wpn.)
        >Fix: Region data leaks from the original game files causing Geoscape crashes (hopefully they stop now)
        >New Missions: Demon Bait (4 variants), UAC Shelter
        >New Enemy: UAC Security Drone
        >New Craft: Firefox (by Solarius Scorch)
        >New Craft Weapon: Nekomimi Prowler Cannon
        >New Craft System: Hellerium Supercell
        >New Armor: Flycat (For Catgirls, based on original design of 'Catnapper' armor by Miz Mayhem)
        >New Weapons: Nekomimi Marksman Laser (by Solarius Scorch), Cursed Rifle, Mega Ax (Blood Orb, Gold Codex), Hellfist (Blood Orb, Red & Gray Codex)
        >New Path: Cats 4 Life.
        >New gfx: improved Blood Hound (by Mikkoi)
        >New features: Slave Soldiers and Peasants have distinct names and flags based on the place of recruitment (based on expansion by OAK group, implementation made in cooperation with Solarius Scorch).
        >Lessened February score hits caused by bandit activity
        >Witch Quest frequency increased
        >Small rework of Drakkar map. Also Drakkar got its own sprite (by AlexD)
        >Statistical bullet saving added to most of the light craft cannons
        >Some rebalancing to Beam Laser (buff) and Plasma Beam (bit less range, bit more acc)
        >Beast den +5 animals cap (now 30)
        >Repentias and Weirdgals enhanced
        >Swiftsuit: scouting goggles added
        >Car/AGL weapon buffs
        >Most ballistic and some other pistols have their long range ACC penalties increased
        >Smart Pistol even faster, but has lower Snap range; gfx updated

        Cats got a path before Gobbos.
        This is surely a test from Allah.

        • 8 months ago

          I was just thinking about that!
          Sure the catgirl addicted russians that were helping Dio influenced that decision but even so
          Gobbos are an important part of the story kinda dammit!

        • 8 months ago

          Catgirls are just gobbos but better

          • 8 months ago

            >not short
            >not green
            >not fatassed
            >can't go into small places
            More like Gobbo but worse.

            • 8 months ago

              If it were not for the cave missions there would be no need to use gobbos ever

    • 8 months ago

      I'm positively surprised that the update contains a lot of small but much needed fixes instead of some new bs nobody asked for, the game already has enough content and dio should just focus on tightening the experience.

    • 8 months ago

      Hope my current run doesn't break after the update

    • 8 months ago

      >Cats 4 Life
      brb resetting run real quickly

  67. 8 months ago

    >'Mutant Porn' changed to 'Zany Zines' to better fit what kind of resource it's supposed to be
    >New music theme for Red Mage events
    >GMTACTIC4 replaced
    >New city: Marrakesh
    >More events
    >Tech tree polishing, minor weapon/armor tweaks, other adjustments
    >More hidden movement backgrounds
    >Minor fixes (maps etc)

    • 8 months ago

      >'Mutant Porn' changed to 'Zany Zines' to better fit what kind of resource it's supposed to be

    • 8 months ago


      Truly the 80s were a more enlightened time.

  68. 8 months ago

    >New version is up. I'm sorry for it being a little smaller than usual. On the plus side, it contains countless small bugfixes and lots of polishing. Enjoy!
    I love this fricking homosexual

  69. 8 months ago

    So... how does one update to the new version without losing all your progress from the older one?

    • 8 months ago

      Just copy the files over and make sure to load the game from geoscape file, do not use battlescape save files for upgrading.

  70. 8 months ago

    Someone please dig into what the cat girl path offers and restricts

    • 8 months ago

      Looks like early access to catgirl-type soldiers, outlaw catgirls and spacesuit /cat and golden pistol available for purchase, and access to FIREFOX transport craft
      not a whole lot aside from the market-purchased catgirls, but catgirls are good enough to justify it on its own.
      i suspect there's going to be more Cat Path content added in the next few patches if only because it seems a bit bare-bones right now.

  71. 8 months ago

    >GMTACTIC4 replaced
    Oh nice. Maybe I won't have to delete this one with every reinstall. If only he would drop GMINTER05 and GMINTER07 as well.

    • 8 months ago

      GMINTER07 is fine.

      • 8 months ago

        It's horrible and doesn't fit at all.

    • 8 months ago

      GMTACTIC4 was funny, I'm absolutely gonna miss it.

    • 8 months ago

      I kinda liked tactic4, nothing wrong with it. Inter05 can get fricked though.

    • 8 months ago

      Which one was that again? Was that the loud as frick Warriors music?

      • 8 months ago

        The pseudo heavy metal played on midi samples abomination.

  72. 8 months ago

    Yeah I'm going to start a new campaign for the Cats
    So far I think the best Regions to start are the ones that give you new units for free. So:

    1 Gnome
    Ice Lady (named Damsel)
    1 Human Hero
    >Red Revolution
    3 Peasant Revolutionaries
    3 Turaniam Gals
    5 Young Ubers
    >Cali Republic
    8 Catgirl Captives
    >Theban Hive
    12 Assault Clones

    What do (You) think?
    Any reason to prefer some of the Locations above or any other that you would like to share?

    • 8 months ago

      Blackmarch and Cali give you the biggest tech headstarts, and combined with cats getting a route now, I'm going to put my money on the NCR being the best starting location this patch.

      • 8 months ago

        Fuso is a comfy start too, if you can put up with shitty radar for first base.

        • 8 months ago

          It's bad location, though. A mission in, say, South America is beyond Airbus range.

          • 8 months ago

            Batteries help. Only few locations are out of reach with double batteries.

        • 8 months ago

          Fuso has recurring flavour events for +250 infamy which is pretty nice for the earlygame. Also gives you a perfectly good excuse to start farming Radical commendation.

          • 8 months ago

            Radical for the Fusion Training?

      • 8 months ago

        Do they?
        The Gnome you get from Blackmarch immediately joins so you can't research her
        Ratmen Caches can be done from the get-go tho after you research !Underground Missions!
        The catgirls you get from Catfornia do give you Nekomimi for free when researched (it's somewhat expensive) but if you're doing Cats4Life you're going to get this for free anyways

    • 8 months ago

      Siberias ice lady is rng. Odds of getting one eventually are good but not guaranteed.
      I think steel pact is underrated. Three prepper boxes is good odds of having something to stomp the early game.
      Ghostgates bonus is boring but good, and the bewitched village missions is easy xp and a free smooth captive for more MA tokens.
      I do think nordfed is probably the best overall, but romanica is very strong if you want to use SS.

      • 8 months ago

        Romanica also spawns Bewitched Village missions but have with a Knight fighting with you and Ol' Coins as reward instead of Smooth Captive

    • 8 months ago

      theban isn't worth the trouble anymore.

      • 8 months ago

        Were assault clones nerfed? They were worth their weight in gold, and carried themselves pretty well even into the midgame

        • 8 months ago

          Assault Clones are still good but Dio nerfed Theban with a bunch of bad events and score penalties.

        • 8 months ago

          The clones are the same as always, but you will get constant government crackdowns from the very beginning of the game. You can very easily lose either due to unwinnable hideout defenses or the -2000 score penalty from winning them.

  73. 8 months ago

    Is it worth it to rush space missions with gray codex? I've never actually been on one but they sound good, good loot and easy missions or not worth it?

    • 8 months ago

      Yes if you have space suits

      Looks like early access to catgirl-type soldiers, outlaw catgirls and spacesuit /cat and golden pistol available for purchase, and access to FIREFOX transport craft
      not a whole lot aside from the market-purchased catgirls, but catgirls are good enough to justify it on its own.
      i suspect there's going to be more Cat Path content added in the next few patches if only because it seems a bit bare-bones right now.

      Neat. The nekos really need some armor earlier than tac armor, even just tac vests would be enough.

      • 8 months ago

        >The nekos really need some armor earlier than tac armor
        Guerilla /Cat is as close as they come unfortunately. it's decent just like normal guerilla, but it's definitely not armor.

        • 8 months ago

          Unless the update changed it, I just use camo paint. The cat version has enough inventory for their strength and better camo than guerilla plus another point of night vision

    • 8 months ago

      Good loot, but restrictive on weapons and support equipment. You pretty much need to resign yourself to untreated fatal wounds as the mission progresses because you won't have Space Medpacks. You'll probably need to make some unusual weapon choices just because of the 0G restriction.
      Enemies are usually zombie troopers, terminator robots, or guild/academy spacemen. Either way they're packing laser guns of some sort and the terrain is often very open with no cover between widely-spaced structures.

      • 8 months ago

        Protip: bring one or two Black folk without space armor and they will use the pod which does have a medkit

  74. 8 months ago

    y-you can put 2 batteries on the Airbus?
    why isn't there a banal piratin' tip about that?

  75. 8 months ago

    the FIREFOX is literally the Kitsune from xcom files.
    not that that's a bad thing, Kitsune is a decent craft. up to 15 soldiers, up to 2 large units, only 1 pilot, 1900 speed and 1 each light and missile hardpoint

    • 8 months ago

      Doesn't appear to have any windows. Looks nice.

    • 8 months ago

      The cache moved to the topmost spawn to be behind a door. I don't know if that's necessarily a good thing, but I'll take it
      Also, is the Firefox space-worthy? If I recall, the Kitsune was

      • 8 months ago

        Safer gear stash is always good

    • 8 months ago

      How is that a WIDE CRAFT tho?
      Most of the Codex crafts are bigger than that and don't have this restriction

    • 8 months ago

      I usually pick Peasant Revolution for the Harvester but this looks like a nice enough craft that I might just change my tactics next time

  76. 8 months ago

    According to the wiki there's EuroSyndicate's Concerns which is a constant -150 Infamy as long as you have a Hideout in Thebes while not having another in EuroSyndicate
    And It Was Your Choice with the Red Lilly events
    I never did a Theber start or base in the recent updates so I wouldn't know what makes it so bad now

    • 8 months ago

      >EuroSyndicate's Concerns score penalty
      That's right. And when you DO build a hideout in ES, you still get a penalty because you got yourself in the mess that's Europe's politics.

      The clones are the same as always, but you will get constant government crackdowns from the very beginning of the game. You can very easily lose either due to unwinnable hideout defenses or the -2000 score penalty from winning them.

      What if you capture the glowies alive? Do you still get score penalty?

      • 8 months ago

        You don't get penalty for taking them alive, but it's not that easy taking govt enforcers/elites alive early game.

      • 8 months ago

        It's only a penalty of -50, though, unless it triggers twice like it sometimes likes to.

  77. 8 months ago

    dabbled with xpiratez a bit but never gotten far, is going the cat route fine or should I stick with gals are superior/ubers?

    • 8 months ago

      So far I think Cat4Life gives you more options than Gals are Superior
      They don't block anything important and give you useful stuff while Gals mostly gives you the ability to recruit Gals (can be considered a better soldier option) and the Ravenclaw Peasant armor

      • 8 months ago

        wait is Ravenclaw still only available via Gals are Superior?

        • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      go cat route, tell us how it is

      So far I think Cat4Life gives you more options than Gals are Superior
      They don't block anything important and give you useful stuff while Gals mostly gives you the ability to recruit Gals (can be considered a better soldier option) and the Ravenclaw Peasant armor

      Just from shuffling through the new piratez.rul I think catgirls is a better not-spicy choice than gals. I pretty much never use the gals-specific armors like batglad or ravenclaw, so the only bonus for me is being able to buy Hands. But Catgirls suck less than Hands, so if you can buy Catgirls then it's better. Revolution is still best overall because of the long-term sustainability from the recurring revolutionary recruits events, but if you don't want to do that then Cats is probably the next best thing.

  78. 8 months ago

    So what type of Pirate Queen do (You) think would fit best with a Cat crew?
    I'm thinking Gold or Red

    • 8 months ago

      Definitely Gold, because it's the coolest and the fastest.

    • 8 months ago

      Green: They're the most patient with the cautism.

  79. 8 months ago

    So how many days worth of research can a Brainer generate each night?

  80. 8 months ago

    Why do Russians like catgirls so much? They're useless in the cold.

  81. 8 months ago

    In Xcom Files, once past the alien invasion, is there any merit or demerit to not dealing with the cult storyline?

    • 8 months ago

      Once you've terminated the four starter cults, you can just ignore the mansions or deal with them (with automortars) when you feel like it.

      You only get so many missions per month, and you want to be moving on to stuff with better rewards than low-tier cult junk.

      • 8 months ago

        No, I mean not terminating them. If they're still around when the invasion starts it creates an extra invasion fleet, but after that, is there even any point?

        • 8 months ago

          Several very important mission lines and techs are gated behind the "terminate" research. You have to kill off Red Dawn to get the secret Syndicate arachnolab for instance.

          • 8 months ago

            Oh, and you also get those obnoxious fricking "Slander!" missions that tank your score if you don't terminate a cult.

  82. 8 months ago

    Same moron question every time I do an install of Xpirates: What do I change to be able to adjust numbers with the scroll wheel and why isn't this on by default?

  83. 8 months ago

    Do Cats even get something special from any Codex or No Masters?

    • 8 months ago

      apparently not, but reject appreciates the firefox the most

      So how many days worth of research can a Brainer generate each night?

      each brainer contributes one point towards research every night, and any in excess of what was needed to finish the tech being researched is lost.

      It's up boys

      >OXCE update to 7.9.10
      >Fix: Cydonia mission button launch not appearing
      >Fix: Battle Cab added to lists of allowed crafts in various envinros
      >Fix: Cat Oni Armor: special attack can be made without VSKL requirement, also added the missing gauntlet
      >Fix: Added missing gauntlet attack to Neko >Peacemaker Gear (and Termicator bc. they use same built-in wpn.)
      >Fix: Region data leaks from the original game files causing Geoscape crashes (hopefully they stop now)
      >New Missions: Demon Bait (4 variants), UAC Shelter
      >New Enemy: UAC Security Drone
      >New Craft: Firefox (by Solarius Scorch)
      >New Craft Weapon: Nekomimi Prowler Cannon
      >New Craft System: Hellerium Supercell
      >New Armor: Flycat (For Catgirls, based on original design of 'Catnapper' armor by Miz Mayhem)
      >New Weapons: Nekomimi Marksman Laser (by Solarius Scorch), Cursed Rifle, Mega Ax (Blood Orb, Gold Codex), Hellfist (Blood Orb, Red & Gray Codex)
      >New Path: Cats 4 Life.
      >New gfx: improved Blood Hound (by Mikkoi)
      >New features: Slave Soldiers and Peasants have distinct names and flags based on the place of recruitment (based on expansion by OAK group, implementation made in cooperation with Solarius Scorch).
      >Lessened February score hits caused by bandit activity
      >Witch Quest frequency increased
      >Small rework of Drakkar map. Also Drakkar got its own sprite (by AlexD)
      >Statistical bullet saving added to most of the light craft cannons
      >Some rebalancing to Beam Laser (buff) and Plasma Beam (bit less range, bit more acc)
      >Beast den +5 animals cap (now 30)
      >Repentias and Weirdgals enhanced
      >Swiftsuit: scouting goggles added
      >Car/AGL weapon buffs
      >Most ballistic and some other pistols have their long range ACC penalties increased
      >Smart Pistol even faster, but has lower Snap range; gfx updated

      >cat path
      earlier access to purchaseable catgirls and Soldier: Catgirl, still limited to buying six per month. allows for buying the nekos golden guns and their new laser, neko space suits, and the firefox craft. all of this stuff is neat but expensive as shit. the guns require back to school, but you probably cant afford them before then anyway. the neko laser has autofire and a shit ton of scaling off both rea and acc

      the firefox is particularly notable because it has a built in gun, is space capable, and generous troop capacity while being available pretty damn early. its expensive early game at 1.5 million plus batteries needed both for fuel and the built in cannon, but its also the earliest space craft and depending on your codex potentially the earliest armed interceptor available. can also be used on mansion invasions.

      >other new stuff
      flycat: neko equivalent of lokks nightflyer armor, more armor less camo.
      demon bait mission: one gnome only. event that allows researching it requires Gnome Tech, Other Dimension, and Cursed Spraygun and cannot fire until september of year 2. can only be done by a single gnome. loot includes demonic essence, living brimstone, and mystery box. 1/3 chance of generating each month
      UAC Shelter: requires researching UAC Data Reel and Ancient Log UAC7-X1. shorties only, of course.

      Other note is that the shadow orb techs are now available on the no codex path

      • 8 months ago

        So reject the power is finally a good path thanks to FIrefox?

  84. 8 months ago

    >go on and off playing working through Rosigma's final mission over the last few days
    >at this point I'm savescumming like the motherfricking fist of the north star
    >make it past the first part
    >second part opens with the entry vehicles parked on the other side of the gate, surrounded by wan mirrion chaos space marine troobs on all sides
    Jesus fricking dick how would anyone on this planet or the entire universe be supposed to beat this on ironman

    • 8 months ago

      >I'm savescumming like the motherfricking fist of the north star
      I laughed

    • 8 months ago

      >second part opens with the entry vehicles parked on the other side of the gate, surrounded by wan mirrion chaos space marine troobs on all sides
      Blame Guilliman. And hope your transport has doors or a turret

  85. 8 months ago

    uhh I forgot what the different captain options do and looking through the techtree doesn't give a clear picture with a billion different ideas and unlocks/disables

    • 8 months ago

      For the budding sorceress. Psi, VooDoo, and other Cunning solutions. Witch and Minx outfits, Gray Spellbook, Fortuna flagship for underwater/space missions
      Most favored by Khorne. Blood-ax and hellgun. Free armor when you Use Drill (Red). Scorpion craft for melee/capture enthusiasts.
      Life, health, and regeneration. Bioplasma gun, mushroom medicine, zombie transformations. Worm craft with its built-in gas traps.
      Glory, wealth, glamour. Officer's Lash to regain TUs, El Admiral to make best use of it. Goldhawk craft is a veryfast private jet.

      • 8 months ago

        Those are what different codexes bring to table, not captain types.

  86. 8 months ago

    what fricking font is this?

    • 8 months ago

      I assume it's what you see when you drink Soviet Era Vodka and start reading Lenin's writing.

  87. 8 months ago

    Are those girls from Excel Saga or is my mind playing tricks on me again?

    • 8 months ago

      Left one is Excel herself. The other one as far as I recall isn't from Excel Saga

      • 8 months ago

        Pretty sure she appears in the manga
        The hair gives it away

    • 8 months ago

      Left one is Excel herself. The other one as far as I recall isn't from Excel Saga

      Excel and Elgala from Excel Saga. I'm not sure how anybody who knows of Excel Saga would need to ask, while the the artist is western, it's not so messed up to be completely unrecognizable.

      • 8 months ago


  88. 8 months ago

    >first mission of the campaign
    >Ratmen Rodeo... with Strix, Singer and Funky Zombies
    Well frick you too game

    • 8 months ago

      XCOM: Left 4 Dead edition

    • 8 months ago

      >second true mission (not landed Nurses)
      This is a sign, isn't?

      • 8 months ago

        Are you the same guy who had nothing but zombies a few threads ago?

        • 8 months ago

          Kind of but that was 2 campaigns ago
          Lucky me barely had any Zombies last campaign

        • 8 months ago

          He is not me, but it appears my curse is spreading.

  89. 8 months ago

    new event?

    • 8 months ago

      >70 score for a mad scribblings
      I'll take it

  90. 8 months ago

    What captain personality to go with reject the power?

    • 8 months ago

      Where the heck does Dio get those images lol

      I personally like Jackass Captain but with the new events added I don't know which one has more to offer now

    • 8 months ago

      im not sure if its the best but i usually go sore ass. boot camp is an extra training for getting recruits up to par, i think in general mitigating bad events outweighs losing some good events, and it still gets the zone stalker event which i think is one of the better ones.

  91. 8 months ago

    are there no in-between vessels from airbus to menacing hull? the 6 troops in a bus isn't cutting it against bandit cities but I still don't have a fricking guild stapler for workshops

    • 8 months ago

      Is either early Codex crafts or Expeditions
      Peasant Revolution and Male Touch nets you a big slow craft too

    • 8 months ago

      there are a lot. the blowfish is available with car thieves, for starters. many others depending on your path and codex

      So reject the power is finally a good path thanks to FIrefox?

      maybe. it fills a big hole but costs a lot to do so, and cat path means no seven heroes. definitely worth trying

      • 8 months ago

        >cat path means no seven heroes
        wait, what?

        • 8 months ago

          the marquee event of reject the power, one of the bigger pieces nudging the player along reject the power + male touch + gudrun the knight

          • 8 months ago

            that's just Male Soldiers tho
            you can research that with any path you choose

            • 8 months ago

              my browser isnt letting me screen clip without switching to strings, but no you cant. youre thinking of Slave Soldiers.

              • 8 months ago

                oh right
                my bad

                Was it ever explained whether Peasants and SS were pureblood humans or not?

                we can recruit Pureblood Soldiers later on but that doesn't really answer if we're recruiting purebloods or not before that

              • 8 months ago

                I think that more means that she causes a schism in the Humanists, and that's where those soldiers come from. SS have 5 armor natively (same as Peasants), while smoothies have 6, which I take to mean that they're in the club of "counts as pureblood if you're rich enough to dress like it".

              • 8 months ago

                >a hot SS waifu joins the mutants
                >half the SS desert the Kraut Salad

              • 8 months ago

                Is it even remotely worth it to angle for this instead of just taking the far easier to get Mutant Alliance?

              • 8 months ago

                I just hate the Mutant Aliance so I never take it

              • 8 months ago

                All my homies hate the MA, why should I defend them from chryssalids and shit when I didn't sign anything? Pure bullshit.

              • 8 months ago

                On reject the power where you can get back to school easily without the MA? Probably not, but it's a decent option to have

    • 8 months ago

      wait I can just build an extractor for 20 more workspace to use the drill. I am a genius

    • 8 months ago

      One day people will stop ignoring the convoy, let's just be patient.

      • 8 months ago

        Sorry but i'd rather ride a giant snail than using that convoy.

      • 8 months ago

        >can't go into the Sea
        To the Expedition it is!

    • 8 months ago

      Hunting Party.

  92. 8 months ago

    Was it ever explained whether Peasants and SS were pureblood humans or not?

  93. 8 months ago

    the burgundians are here too

  94. 8 months ago

    >Bikes are slower than the pimpmobile
    What did Dio mean by this?

  95. 8 months ago

    It seems it's 6.01 now. This time I will wait as long as it takes for it to get stable, no rush.

  96. 8 months ago

    I heard a lot of bad things about ninjas, when do they appear? I'm in may and still haven't seen them, but I have seen helicopters flying around

    • 8 months ago

      After you mess with their masters (the Narlocks) in the Lokk'Naar villages missions

    • 8 months ago

      Ninjas are smarter than 99% of the factions you fight since they mainly rely on turrets and grenades to frick with you

  97. 8 months ago

    >cat path has no cats

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      it's over
      I'm almost finished researching the Tech too

    • 8 months ago

      Just think of it as the lokk'naar path.

      • 8 months ago

        Real lokk path WHEN.

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      You know I thought it was weird I could only recruit cats with mutant porn

      • 8 months ago

        it's over
        I'm almost finished researching the Tech too


        >didn't wait a week


        • 8 months ago

          I want to play with the cats and I want it now

    • 8 months ago

      Anyone know when the catgirls were supposed to be recruitable? I thought he wanted you to buy the Firefox before you could start recruiting, disappointed to know I was spinning my wheels beelining that branch.

    • 8 months ago

      The Bootypedia says it's fine but I guess if I tried recruiting them it just wouldn't work

    • 8 months ago

      Fascinating given I can buy cats in the previous patch

  98. 8 months ago

    Looks like it's already hotfixed.

  99. 8 months ago

    So catgirls just eat shit and die in one shot until catitcal armor? Their camo armor doesn't seem good either

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah, they're weak as a leaf
      Don't bring them in close combat unless you're certified you can kill everything before the turn ends

      • 8 months ago

        But... aren't they supposed to go into melee with their mediocre shooting but high TU, melee, reactions, and bravery?

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah, that's why I said to certify that they can kill everything before the turn ends
          Contrary to Ubers which can deal and receive a beating in melee, Cats are glasscanons

        • 8 months ago

          They're supposed to go into melee and win.
          So swarm tactics, attacking weak targets, throwing grenades and then ducking around corners, etc.

        • 8 months ago

          >mediocre shooting
          Don't they have above average firing stats both in max and cap?

    • 8 months ago

      They're camo and night vision are very good, until you start getting sniper-spotter enemies.
      They're like taller lokk'naars.

      • 8 months ago

        Ubers get 12/7 camo and cats get 23/7 camo, and unless the bootypedia explanation is wrong lower is better

        • 8 months ago

          Lower is better for invis. For camo higher is better.

  100. 8 months ago

    >start a new run with the new version
    >want to do a peasant revolution, maybe try codexless for the maximal no gods, no masters vibe
    >get some injuries taking down the first car of nurses, whatever
    >next mission is a shambler hunt
    >have three gals
    >land at night
    >the shamblers rush me and I lose the airbus
    This didn't go quite how I expected.

    • 8 months ago

      should rush peasants and dogs

      • 8 months ago

        this. get Rev. HQ online ASAP and use peasant/dogs on bikes

      • 8 months ago

        I was like three days into the campaign.
        Obviously this is good in the sense that I can just restart.

        There's only ever one shambler, though, except on the primal hunt.

        2 if you play difficulty 4 or higher,
        Shambler hunts are just free reaction training though, just make sure to have molotovs and heavy shotguns to finish them if they get too close.

        two on davy jones, four on jack sparrow

        I'm on Blackbeard, and there was two. Frankly, I'm pretty sure there's always been two, in every shambler hunt.

        • 8 months ago

          From my experience on diff 2 there's 1, on diff 4 there's 2 and on diff 5 there's 3.

        • 8 months ago

          Difficulty 2 only has one, except on the Primal Hunts where your Gals should be ABAP.

    • 8 months ago

      >>land at night

      S H A M B L E D

    • 8 months ago

      There's only ever one shambler, though, except on the primal hunt.

      • 8 months ago

        2 if you play difficulty 4 or higher,
        Shambler hunts are just free reaction training though, just make sure to have molotovs and heavy shotguns to finish them if they get too close.

        • 8 months ago

          I basically win with just ol shotguns and molotovs, and sometimes use it as spear traniing.
          Even against two it's really fricking embarrassing to lose. I hope he wasn't playing Ironman and just reloaded a save.

      • 8 months ago

        2 if you play difficulty 4 or higher,
        Shambler hunts are just free reaction training though, just make sure to have molotovs and heavy shotguns to finish them if they get too close.

        two on davy jones, four on jack sparrow

        • 8 months ago

          >four on jack sparrow
          Was that changed recently or have that always been that way since i recall it was 2 at some point but i stopped playing on jack sparrow difficulty around the time when ninja bases and interceptors became a thing.

          • 8 months ago

            it was four last i played JS which was a few versions ago. i assume its still the case but i play davy jones mostly and dont watch russians enough to know for sure

            • 8 months ago

              It's 3 on JS

  101. 8 months ago

    catgirls are hotter than ubers so I shall only be playing catgirls now, simple as.

  102. 8 months ago

    Just realized that Fuso Knives give both Traditional and Radical Commendations

    • 8 months ago


  103. 8 months ago

    >there's approximately one trillion khorne demons on the map
    >one enemy turn lasts about as long as an entire small ufo mission in vanilla
    >they're teleporting behind me on and in the walls and getting to act on the same enemy turn they teleported on
    This is where I consneed, I pretty much finished the tech tree before coming here and I don't see how to beat the final mission even by savescumming. At first I thought maybe they simply expect you to train like 20 100/100 chaplains and chain nuke everything, but then I immediedly remembered the demons are immune to fire lol

    • 8 months ago

      >demons are immune to fire
      fricking moronic, holy prometheum is one of the most reliable ways to deal with the parasite's taint

    • 8 months ago

      There's a big black prism somewhere on the map. You have to destroy it to end the mission.

  104. 8 months ago

    >Now you can buy Outlaw Catgirl for 30k after dio hotfix.
    Good, now you don't have to play to the shit location of California

    • 8 months ago

      Can you pimp out the purchased outlaws?

      • 8 months ago

        no, there are recruited just like gals, no items.

  105. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      To be fair, one should not suffer catgirls to live.

  106. 8 months ago

    Does going Cats4Life locks you out of Persuasion?
    They don't have a Ceremony like the other paths

    • 8 months ago

      looks like it

    • 8 months ago

      actually, its been fixed already. you arent on the latest version

      • 8 months ago

        Oh thanks
        I'll go do that then

      • 8 months ago

        How? there still a ceremony requirement and i have the latest version.

        • 8 months ago

          the current version has the catgirl path tech itself (cats 4 life) unlock the ceremony dependency

          • 8 months ago

            >Dio was too fricking lazy to create an interesting Ceremony for the Catos

            How do I get Captain's Log #2?
            I guess I fricked up when I updated the piratez...

            • 8 months ago

              i am assuming he will change it after making a new training for the cats, or make one of their existing transformations require the catgirl path

            • 8 months ago

              >Earth's Satellite Network
              Oh, now it's clear why I didn't have this event. I didn't study "pirate radio" because I thought it was useless.

              • 8 months ago

                Don't you need it for Car Thieves now?
                Also it increases passive base detection range.

              • 8 months ago

                I was updating my version where there were no captain ranks yet, but there were cat girls. Some studies have already been studied, including car thieves.

          • 8 months ago

            Even in the 6.0.2 version Cats5Life only unlocks the Party requirements and not the Ceremony ones
            So Persuasion and everything that needs it is still blocked
            I just tested a new run in the newer version available

    • 8 months ago

      actually, its been fixed already. you arent on the latest version

      How? there still a ceremony requirement and i have the latest version.

      the current version has the catgirl path tech itself (cats 4 life) unlock the ceremony dependency

      Even in the 6.0.2 version Cats5Life only unlocks the Party requirements and not the Ceremony ones
      So Persuasion and everything that needs it is still blocked
      I just tested a new run in the newer version available

      So is this thing fixed or are anons just being dumb again?

  107. 8 months ago


  108. 8 months ago

    How do I get Captain's Log #2?
    I guess I fricked up when I updated the piratez...

  109. 8 months ago

    remember bros whenever new piratez patch drops wait two weeks

    • 8 months ago

      >two weeks

    • 8 months ago

      >implying I could wait 2 weeks from trying out new content

  110. 8 months ago

    Right, does anyone know how to turn off the sniper-spotter system? It's getting really annoying to shoot one guy and then getting lit up by the rest of the map during night missions.

    • 8 months ago

      are you making sure to turn off your lights during night missions? it's always on at the start of every map and completely wrecks your night camo

  111. 8 months ago

    what are some good ranged weapons before you can get to lasers? been using assault pistols and homefront rifles but I want an upgrade and lasers are still long way to go

    • 8 months ago

      What exactly are you looking for? For long range and reliable hits, the scoped rifles pretty good, if a bit slow. for fairly reliable close-range one-handers, the spikey smg does surprisingly well. And the mini shotgun's effective in everyone's hands, just keep that short range in mind.

    • 8 months ago

      What do you mean by "before you can get to lasers"? Lasers aren't really replacements for conventional piercing guns in piratez, they're more of a sidegrade a different tool for a different job.

    • 8 months ago

      Once you get a Workshop you can get Plastasteel bullets (/PS) for many conventional guns. Add Autoguns/AMGs, RPGs and Tommy Guns to your rifle squads.

    • 8 months ago

      Sniper rifles
      Machine guns
      Shotgun slugs
      Will all do decently against armored enemies. Use what you can look until you can buy them with the goblin prize military supplies. It's going to be a while before you can make your own lasers, but you should be able to loot enough for when you really need them

  112. 8 months ago

    How do I turn on using the scroll wheel to adjust a number by 10 (or whatever I set the setting to)?

  113. 8 months ago

    Is there a reason why Xpiratez forces UFO landing alerts to off?

    • 8 months ago

      landing alerts are bourgeoise decadence comrade

      • 8 months ago

        So you can slowly watch the globe turn and the UFOs fly.

        Sounds gay. I wonder if making the options file read only will prevent the game from changing it back.

    • 8 months ago

      So you can slowly watch the globe turn and the UFOs fly.

      • 8 months ago

        But the globe isn't actually turning in game

        • 8 months ago

          WELL IT SHOULD

    • 8 months ago

      ''read the lore, all of it''
      t. dio saxondragonson, bastard son of dioxine and saxondragon

      • 8 months ago

        I did that. It still registers as NAY in game.

        It's for your own good. You can't enjoy the game correctly if you just timewarp from battle to battle. Dio knows best.

        Allah knows best. Dio barely knows how to keep his game from bloating.

    • 8 months ago

      It's for your own good. You can't enjoy the game correctly if you just timewarp from battle to battle. Dio knows best.

  114. 8 months ago

    I would really love to be able to filter UFO alerts. The spam that ninja jetbikes alone can create is fricking unbearable.

  115. 8 months ago

    >unlock gun emporium after researching like a billion different guns
    >suddenly shitting on everything short of interpol enforcers with unlimited light snipers and painbringer SMGs

    • 8 months ago

      You actually use light snipers?

    • 8 months ago

      Gun emporium is good to rush for buyable LASSs, your only decent armored car killer until Krazy Hannah.

      You actually use light snipers?

      Two snaps a turn makes them good

  116. 8 months ago

    I haven't played Xpiratez since version N4, did anything gamechanging happen since then?

    • 8 months ago

      kind of
      Dio releases version N6 this week
      you can go to the forum to see all the changes

  117. 8 months ago

    In UFO defense as months progress you face tougher enemy races, what changes as time progresses in XPiratez? like 99% of missions are research-gated.

    • 8 months ago

      The Factions get access to more weapons, crafts and vehicles
      You also get to meet more advanced Factions like the Mercenaries

      Say for example Megapol
      Their crafts start appearing after you research Car Thieves and they start as Wolfmen and then Pigmen wielding small arms
      Let time fly for a while and they can spawn with Laser weapons and such

  118. 8 months ago

    >get Shadowmasters in January, from one of the first interrogations
    I just used up all my RNG luck for the rest of the year, didn't I?

    • 8 months ago

      you will never find a Guild Stapler

      • 8 months ago

        Guess what I just got.

        • 8 months ago

          Your favorite food

        • 8 months ago

          A glowie!

  119. 8 months ago

    geez thanks

    • 8 months ago

      Welcome to X-Com, where EVERY mission will be inside someone's interception range.

    • 8 months ago

      your v8 bro?

    • 8 months ago

      Use your wheels homie

  120. 8 months ago

    >58 days wounded thanks to airbus window first turn
    I hate the airbus so much is unreal.

    • 8 months ago

      your ducking bro?
      your get the frick out of the airbus and hide literally anywhere else?

      • 8 months ago

        >try the latter
        >get reaction fired to zog

  121. 8 months ago

    >Enemy reaction fire into a orange barrel
    >My gal explodes
    Another Gal into the hospital, i sure enjoy playing without save scumming.

    • 8 months ago

      If your barracks don't look like this, then you're not playing ironman.

      • 8 months ago

        >Loud Lobster, Rancid Madison, Trippin Pipe
        One thing I love about this game is the name gen. It's just so frickin goofy.

        • 8 months ago

          My favorite was, when I just started playing the game and didn't know you could change the appearance of your gals, a gal with one of the jaundice yellow skinned bodies just named "Yellow b***h".

          • 8 months ago

            How do you do that, anyway?

            • 8 months ago

              I think the shortcut is "M" on the paperdoll screen.

      • 8 months ago

        i guess is time to recruit cats and gobos

      • 8 months ago

        >so many gals alive
        Not playing ironman

  122. 8 months ago

    >first isolated valley is a ruffian valley
    Frick you.

    • 8 months ago

      You'd rather have Terminators or Zombos?

      • 8 months ago

        Zombies don't carry guns. You toss a molotov at them and they go schizo.

      • 8 months ago

        Terminators can no longer spawn there, even dio admitted it was bullshit.

        • 8 months ago

          ANd you don't even get a special way to recruit them, far as I can tell, just a headstart by getting Nekomimi to drop for free.

          • 8 months ago

            After patch you can recruit Outlaws for 30k after researching cats4life

            • 8 months ago

              Wait, you mean there's already a patch or do you mean that that SHOULD be how it works in the base version?

              • 8 months ago

                It's patched in. It doesn't say it on the tech viewer or give you a notification but you can buy "catgirl" next to runts and brainers, 6 a month max.

              • 8 months ago

                >6 a month
                where does it say that?

              • 8 months ago

                >6 a month
                where does it say that?

                Cats4life have unlimited cat outlaws for recruitment, there is no limit.

              • 8 months ago

                game is indeed limiting the amount I can buy from the Market per month
                Outlaw Catgirls doesn't seem to have a limit but Catgirls do

                Also checking the wiki it shows me that Outlaw Catgirls have better stats with a monthly salary of 15k while regular Catgirls have -5 across all stats and have a monthly salary of 25k
                This doesn't seem right and I imagine I shouldn't be able to purchase both types of Catgirls

              • 8 months ago

                you are looking at outdated files or in the wrong place, because the latest game files have outlaw nekos with a base monthly salary of 30k, while regular catgirls have a base salary of 25k.

                outlaws being unlimited is the perk of the cat path. they can only be purchased with cats 4 life, while regular catgirls can be bought after researching recruit: catgirl.

              • 8 months ago

                oh, I thought the wiki was updated already
                guess not

                So with the path I can recruit regular Catgirls via Manufacturing (as in pic) and buy Outlaw Catgirls via the Market
                I don't see the point in keeping regular Catgirls in the Market in this path if I can recruit their better counterparts cheaper with no limits

              • 8 months ago

                First time patching your game? After a big patch like N6 there's usually like 5 subsequent hotfixes until the game is in fully playable state, it took something like 3 weeks worth of hotfixes before N5 was properly unfricked.

              • 8 months ago

                I usually wait because I'm lazy and, until recently, my work has been tiring me out.

  123. 8 months ago

    >Cat Outlaw salary is 30k
    This path sure is expensive.

    • 8 months ago

      Is this their monthly salary or just the recruitment cost? If it's monthly the cat route can't possibly be worth it vs starting in California.

      • 8 months ago

        that is the salary of every cat outlaw, cargirls get salary of 25k, looks like dio fricked up again

  124. 8 months ago

    >Kitsune and its gun both need Neko Batterys
    >no way to get them except lootboxes

    • 8 months ago

      you can buy them later at the market

  125. 8 months ago


  126. 8 months ago

    Imagine if Dio has a bout of true madness and caps the amount of brainers you can buy each month

    • 8 months ago

      I recall some balance talk on matrix once about reducing player's brainer capacity but it was all discarded so that's likely not happening.

    • 8 months ago

      If Dio does that, I will begin modding the game to make it easier.
      Frick him and frick his bloated shit.

  127. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      >i made this whole path in one evening while drunk
      dangerously based

    • 8 months ago

      I fricking WISH I was that productive while drunk. Must be a slav thing.

      • 8 months ago

        I'll give you some advice, as a former drinker.
        It's a performance enhancing drug, to an extent.
        The trick is, you want to keep the slightest buzz going.

    • 8 months ago

      >get drunk
      >add catgirls

      many such cases

  128. 8 months ago

    First time trying xpiratez, why the hell does running movement not interrupt when an enemy comes to view?

    • 8 months ago

      Because you're running.

    • 8 months ago

      because you're spending the extra stamina and free reactions to use less TUs. don't run into unrevealed terrain. or, carry a shield and do.

  129. 8 months ago

    A hero died today.

    • 8 months ago
  130. 8 months ago

    >Ctrl-click a square adjacent to the soldier to have them 'sidestep'; costs 5 TU instead of 4 + facing changes
    This is such an useful tip

  131. 8 months ago

    >Second mission of the campaign: a distress call
    >Immediate gas minibomb shot into the airbus
    >Craft lost

    • 8 months ago

      skill issue

    • 8 months ago

      >he did put duct tape over the windows

      gg no re

  132. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      someone stole it

    • 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      An explosion must've destroyed it.

  133. 8 months ago

    What's your opinion on the Powerball Bat?
    Is it useful to use against vehicles?

    • 8 months ago

      It's really not that good, the scaling just doesn't go that far and it doesn't deal all that much damage. It's not that useful as a lethal weapon, nor armor breaker and definitely it's no stun weapon. If you want to destroy vehicles with ooga booga power just get the hammer, the standard one you start the game with. That thing is a beast, with high enough strength it even even break UFO walls.

    • 8 months ago

      Cannonball of acid/flask of acid if you want to ooga booga vehicles.

    • 8 months ago

      Are there other rise of the triad weapons in xpirates? Funny game, but not particularly good.

      • 8 months ago

        The Messer is the MP40, I'm pretty sure.

        • 8 months ago

          A lot of the guns are "borrowed" from other games, a lot of the time you can find the source by just looking at the url in the xpedia, the messer is literally called "STR_MP40" in the game files.

          • 8 months ago

            And from reality, occasionally.
            I'm pretty sure the Kustom Handcannons are just bolters.

            • 8 months ago

              it's an ork slugga, just like the super shooty guns are shootas.

  134. 8 months ago

    >140 damage loogies

    oh man frick you solar

  135. 8 months ago

    With great shame I admit that I have no idea how to use Voodoo. I use it with my Bugeyes but I have no idea how to use it with my anyone else.

    • 8 months ago

      mind control and panic require certain items like the voodoo rod. many armors/outfits have built in voodoo weapons

  136. 8 months ago

    its been a rough 3 months on the catgirl path with no gals
    goals for april: staff the personal lab that finishes early in the month, build the sickbay, unlock a couple more missions, upgrade the airbus to the blowfish, and tech towards the kitsune. frick if i know where im getting the money for one

    • 8 months ago

      How do deal with early cold mission? 3 luxury furs for a fur coat sure is expensive...

      • 8 months ago

        dont bring catgirls

      • 8 months ago

        Drugs and alcohol.

      • 8 months ago

        wear a scarf

      • 8 months ago

        fancy shawl (red scarf) + armor that have cold resistance + alcohol

  137. 8 months ago

    >2 base assaults in Feb
    Did Jack Sparrow get a difficulty boost or something?

  138. 8 months ago

    In my current run I immediately sold the armored vault so I could buy 2 brainers immediately while keeping the security corridors so I could beeline the mess hall to get Warehouse Wars in January and get a discount on the second extractor, though I had to build a third extractor to use the drill. How hard am I going to regret this?

    • 8 months ago

      Selling the vault is more for reject the power where you don't need the space as much early. You can get warehouse wars in Jan without doing so, getting both warehouse wars and monster hunts is what requires a bit of good rng

    • 8 months ago

      I wouldn't like to sell armored vaults since space in your first base is a problem for quite a long time but it's not a gamebreaker or anything. You'll just have to be that much tighter about inventory management until you get enough slaves or workers.

  139. 8 months ago

    Why are you going for an early Codex tho?
    You still need Shadowmasters to be able to buy the crafts

    • 8 months ago

      I usually run gold or green codex because I suck hard at the early game, so the financial boost helps me a lot, though it's definitely a crutch.

  140. 8 months ago

    >I'm missing countless slaves since Dio still hasn't patched the Persuasion bug in the Cat path

  141. 8 months ago

    >distress call mission
    >get murdered by almost completely invisible catgirls
    Kek I've only played a few missions of this mod and I already understand the DIOOOO-posting

    • 8 months ago

      facing Catgirls in the early game is pretty devastating since they're basically invisible until they're up in your face
      bad luck this time around

    • 8 months ago

      Protip enemy units can't sneak when they're on fire.

  142. 8 months ago

    So, this one hurts less than the prior, but it still hurts.

    • 8 months ago

      Who's gonna do RL Cats4Life path now?

  143. 8 months ago

    >Cats can't do persuasion
    They should just get it for free because stupid fricking cat meme.

  144. 8 months ago

    >after getting both Shadowmasters and Guild Stapler early, I find a syn among the starting junk
    It's over. There's no way the random number gods are gonna let me get away with this.

    • 8 months ago

      That's a damaged syn so I think you're a long while away until you get enough tech to actually repair and use it.

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah, definitely. It's just incredibly rare to find one at all.

        • 8 months ago

          You can get syn from junk? Lol didn't even know that. Never got anything good from it.

          • 8 months ago

            Yup. 0.16% (1/625) chance.

      • 8 months ago

        It only needs Surgery and lots of Medical Supplies to be repaired so by second year anon can have that doll up and shooting

    • 8 months ago

      In before all engineers suicide or kill themselves in crashes and you have to wait until you get kidnapping to get your interrogations done.

  145. 8 months ago

    - Fix: 'I accidentally deleted the whole thing' critical mission spawning bugs (Pogroms, Ninjas and more) (thanks to Magic Skeleton, Torchwood and Solarius Scorch for the help with fixing it)
    - Fix: tech progression when you select Cats 4 Life path
    - Fix: Guild secret base crash
    - New Events
    - Improved gfx: Siren, Reticulan Peon, Reticulan Elder (by Mikkoi)
    - Language updates
    >two more weeks

    • 8 months ago

      >two weeks pass
      >new update released
      >two weeks pass
      >anon safely starts a run
      >new update released

    • 8 months ago

      >Fix: 'I accidentally deleted the whole thing' critical mission spawning bugs

    • 8 months ago

      >'I accidentally deleted the whole thing' critical mission spawning bugs

      • 8 months ago

        what does that mean?

        • 8 months ago

          Critical missions did not spawn at all.

  146. 8 months ago

    No more sloppy and stretched Jaggernout papper doll.

    I still need to frick it up to make it more janky.

  147. 8 months ago

    How do I get Gudrun as a unit? I've researched her knight armor and did the manufacturing but I don't see her on my crew list

    • 8 months ago

      She's actually a support unit, like the vehicles. She should be in the inventory, not the crew.

  148. 8 months ago

    So what you're saying is the Cat path, if it's still in by next full patch, will be ready then.

  149. 8 months ago

    >supposedly it can be extracted a lot of energy from these batteries
    >Firefox eats them up like crazy
    Yeah, someone is lying here

    • 8 months ago

      we need some way to trade hellerium for cat batterys

      • 8 months ago

        >supposedly it can be extracted a lot of energy from these batteries
        >Firefox eats them up like crazy
        Yeah, someone is lying here

        What if we just made a battery that could be plugged into the wall?

        Anyone knows how difficulty scales in Piratez? Is it only enemy number? Which one has the early missile strikes?

        Difficulty 2 is the only one you need.
        3-4 are just harder 2.
        1 is called 'Dream' for a reason, it's not real.
        5 is a meme made for people who hate themselves or savescum so much that nothing could actually challenge them.

        • 8 months ago

          >5 is a meme made for people who hate themselves or savescum so much that nothing could actually challenge them
          I feel personally attacked

        • 8 months ago

          >5 is a meme made for people who hate themselves or savescum so much that nothing could actually challenge them
          I may hate myself, but I've never savescummed once in any x-com nor xcom.

    • 8 months ago

      >I'm paying at least 30k every time the Firefox is out of the Hangar
      >I'm paying 30k montly for each cat in my team
      Cat path is expensive

      • 8 months ago

        A trip from Europe to America costs 60k if you use the Firefox since you need 2 Batteries to refill it

  150. 8 months ago

    Should be much better than old one.

    • 8 months ago

      >skulls and lightning bolt
      based, very important detail

      • 8 months ago

        I usually try to preserve original look. Dio sometimes being pain in the ass and ask me to redo shit tons of details, but to be fair he usually knows what is right.

        It definitely looks cooler
        I just can't take them serious with the ridiculous helmets these armors have

        I use Retro defusion to generate it and then clean the whole shit up.

    • 8 months ago

      It definitely looks cooler
      I just can't take them serious with the ridiculous helmets these armors have

    • 8 months ago

      A horn and/or a red skull on the helmet maybe?

    • 8 months ago

      legs look bad
      >knee and feet not aligned in any sensible matter
      >random spikes
      if you want to put any signs put them on shoulder pads(that is the reason you have them) or arms armor

  151. 8 months ago

    Anyone knows how difficulty scales in Piratez? Is it only enemy number? Which one has the early missile strikes?

    • 8 months ago

      easiest debuffs enemies and disables some things. dont bother
      2nd difficulty is the standard
      3rd and 4th difficulties have more enemies, enemies have higher stats, and stuff sells for less. 5th has all of this but moreso on top of the missile strikes and earlier ninja activity and more bad events.

      • 8 months ago

        What if we just made a battery that could be plugged into the wall?
        Difficulty 2 is the only one you need.
        3-4 are just harder 2.
        1 is called 'Dream' for a reason, it's not real.
        5 is a meme made for people who hate themselves or savescum so much that nothing could actually challenge them.

        It's true, after the latest patch dropped I decided to start a new run on Davy Jones and I'm having a much easier time than my previous Blackbeard runs, more enemies = more loot dropping and higher score. Admittedly, I could just be improving in general, and I immediately bought peasants and dogs so I don't have half my team out for nearly a month when I get hit during a mission.

        • 8 months ago

          3 and 4 have the same number of enemies, i find it believable 3 ends up being easier than 2 but 4 certainly is not

    • 8 months ago

      enemy number, price on selling goods, enemy stat bonus,

  152. 8 months ago

    just another casual scorpion landings
    In fact, a good ship, although not the best in terms of landing. The complete opposite of a WORM.
    There are slots for almost all occasions, and 8 crew seats are enough for a small or simple sortie / mission.

    • 8 months ago

      I have had ones where the game was nice enough to put the VIP I wanted to kidnap next to my ship, and I love the Scorpion for that.

    • 8 months ago

      Scorpion really befits its status as Red codex exclusive. The open layout forces a fast "shoot enemy and run for cover" type of deployment and there's 2-4 spawns guaranteed on the craft's tile so melee troops get action.
      scorpion is what lil' bird and warbird wish they could be.

  153. 8 months ago

    >patching the thing doesn't give you the flag to unlock Persuasion if you already researched cats 4 life

    • 8 months ago

      It actually does
      At least it did in my campaign
      Just let the days go by and research the other Techs for Persuasion
      The Dep. becomes Purple eventually

      • 8 months ago

        Frick, that shit checks monthly, I'm pretty sure.

      • 8 months ago

        Frick, that shit checks monthly, I'm pretty sure.

        I'll just start another run and cheat. Frick it.

  154. 8 months ago

    Is it true you can make some units disgustingly OP with commendations and bonuses like you're playing Disgaea?

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      >disgustingly OP
      I mean they can still die most of the time if they get hit in the face hard enough

    • 8 months ago

      Units with OP stats right off the bat can randomly join, too.

    • 8 months ago

      I'm not sure what kind of scaling disgaea has but condemnations have their limits, you can realistically increase most soldier stats by like +50% from the baseline, getting to double will require serious grinding. But even at double health your unit is by no means immortal it's generally a better idea to spread the experience around. You won't get to a point where 1 superunit can solo missions unless you vastly outdated missions while vastly overgeared.

      • 8 months ago

        You can farm a lot of commendations if you use a lot of different weapons

  155. 8 months ago

    >forgot to put gear back in the landing craft

    guess it's just fists again this time

  156. 8 months ago

    Half way through year 1 on cats no codex. Library and workshop up, firefox bought. Working on back to school and the airtruck. Missing a necropriate and fan for advanced chemistry so refineries are a long ways away. Need a marsec goon or better to get catical armor, cats still running around in camo paint.

    • 8 months ago

      Why not use guerrilla?

      • 8 months ago

        paint has more camo and sufficient inventory space in my experience, while guerilla takes research to get and still fails to protect cats from damage

        • 8 months ago

          I think its still enough to not instantly die from a pistol shot or the edge radius from a grenade but I get you.

        • 8 months ago

          70% piercing resistance anon

    • 8 months ago

      If you don't mind me asking, what's your build order, schedule for getting more brainers, and usual loadout? I keep seeing people with crazy high infamy this early in the game when I struggle to break 4k-5k on what I consider a good month.

  157. 8 months ago

    Raider Thugs become Slashers now?
    Didn't they used to be regular Slaves?

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah these used to be converted to regular slaves, must be a last patch change.

      • 8 months ago

        Nice, i'll try to capture more of them now
        tbh I don't think they're big enough to be considered Lahsers especially comparing them to Humongous Raiders
        A mid term slave between the oll regular Slaves and Slashers would've been better

        • 8 months ago

          People used to make fun of raider thug(uber) to slave to baseline human slave soldier transition pipe. Maybe dio got sick of that and one upped them to lashers or who knows what was the real reason.

        • 8 months ago

          >they don't seem big enough to be lashers.
          I thought Lashers were more based on enthusiasm than size.

          • 8 months ago

            If experiment victims and academy thrall are good enough for lashers then so are thugs. Makes sense.

  158. 8 months ago

    Do you use display filters?

    • 8 months ago

      I think a bunch of them look good but I tend to stick to raw* since there's always some homosexual complaining about filters in screenshots otherwise and I'm sick of it.

    • 8 months ago

      I'm playing without filters. I like the crispy look and the filters look not quite right to me half the time. Also for some reason they make it harder for me to read things, both the texts and the visual designs. Not necessarily a blur that obstructs vision but something that just prevents me from understanding what am i looking at. I don't know what it is but i also had it recently with that System Shock remake. Feels weird man. Maybe some art styles were not meant to be hidden behind such graphical options.

      • 8 months ago

        All filters are hideous. Keep the game pure, just like I remember it from the good old DOS days.

  159. 8 months ago

    my poor baby captain

    • 8 months ago

      literary me

    • 8 months ago

      Me when my gals get sniped halfway across the map.

    • 8 months ago


  160. 8 months ago

    i play without filters because the CRT filters are either too dark or distorted

  161. 8 months ago

    These enemy bases are stacking up, and I don't have the air power to deal with all these base resupply ships or the ground power to deal with the bases themselves. Worried I might be fricked for score here soon

    • 8 months ago

      By sep second year you should be ready to take them down with minimal problems. What factions are they?

      • 8 months ago

        Two are Marsec, I hadn't checked the third until just now. It's academy, looks much more doable than the other two. I think there's a fourth I haven't run into yet in europe.

        I don't think it'll be that much of a problem, these bases drain like 300 points each per month + supply ships. By year 2 you should be capable of generating 5 digit scores at the end of the month.

        Is it that low? I've only gotten 5 digit scores a few months, but I can consistently hit 7k or so. Maybe I shouldn't worry so much

        use a CONVOY filled with RPG peasants

        Sounds like a good idea

        • 8 months ago

          Perfectly doable at this point. Bring rpgs for tanks/cyberdisks and you should be fine.

        • 8 months ago

          They have dudes in power armor, so watch out for that.

        • 8 months ago

          >Is it that low?
          Yeah well the faction bases probably still use legacy code from the original game. In vanilla getting like 1000 score at the end of the month was already pretty good so alien bases yoinking 300 from you was a bigger deal there.

    • 8 months ago

      I don't think it'll be that much of a problem, these bases drain like 300 points each per month + supply ships. By year 2 you should be capable of generating 5 digit scores at the end of the month.

    • 8 months ago

      use a CONVOY filled with RPG peasants

    • 8 months ago

      If you can shoot down the resupply cruisers you might get a lot of neat loot and plenty of score.

      • 8 months ago

        don't do this; they have mininukes

        • 8 months ago

          Pretty sure they don't since several patches ago. They do have hellerium rockets though.

    • 8 months ago

      It's fine, don't worry about it. Go have a drink and rob some people!

  162. 8 months ago

    So is xpiratez playable now or should i wait another 2 weeks?

    • 8 months ago

      Current patch seems fixed. Likely some less obvious problems yet to be fixed.

      If you don't mind me asking, what's your build order, schedule for getting more brainers, and usual loadout? I keep seeing people with crazy high infamy this early in the game when I struggle to break 4k-5k on what I consider a good month.

      I'm using some submods to play without gals at all, so my run is not going to be representative of a normal pirates playthrough.

      High infamy is a product of research and your airgame. In that picture I had shot down three freighters with my Firefox that very fortunately flew past my base, as well as some other minor craft. The infamy gained, and infamy loss prevented, from shooting craft adds up fast. Completing more missions also helps, with some being much more valuable than others.

      My normal Jan is to focus very heavily on researching bounty hunting, warehouse wars, and monster hunts. The first is easy, getting both of the other two may not be possible if you get some bad rng. These missions are important for loot, xp, and score. I had a very fast start this run because I went no codex and sold my armored vault, but this is an extreme outlier. I have also made significant sacrifices in other ways, like almost entirely forgoing armor techs and have done very little work towards hellerium craft, both of which I am going to have to make up later.

      My other advice would be to get a battery pack or two for your Airbus, and buy a V8. Together these will make it much easier to reach your missions. Not squandering the rng you get is important.

      Other high value mission techs I would look towards are underseas treasures, organ traffickers, mansion invasions, and toppling towers. You will need special armor or craft, but the loot and captives available are well worth it.

      • 8 months ago

        I made the (mistake?) decision to go No Codex
        When do I get a craft that it's able to compete against the big birds?

        • 8 months ago

          It's a challenge run so if you're new it's definitely a mistake. Pachyderm is probably what you should beeline to, contact: authorized dealers gets you this.

          • 8 months ago

            ayyy, frick me. I'm already too far to go back
            I just unlocked the Pachyderm, guess I'll buy the big guy

            • 8 months ago

              You also need a heavy craft weapon to outfit it with. Easiest to get would be probably naval gun from zaxx bounty.

            • 8 months ago

              if you're new to the mod I would instead recommend that you start a new campaign
              it's not uncommon for most to start over so don't worry
              if you don't want to waste too much time getting to where you are right now you can always cheat a bit so the early game goes by faster
              I prefer you play through it normally so you get used to the mechanics

        • 8 months ago

          Authorized dealers let's you buy the shark and the pachyderm. The shark is not great but it's good enough to get you by until you can build hellerium craft. You can build the air truck after ship junkyard and tinkering which is good for camping but unarmed.

  163. 8 months ago

    Xpiratez has been always perfectly playable

  164. 8 months ago

    >use a baseball bat on a power armor enemy
    >the enemy dies
    They sure make those baseball bats tough these days.

  165. 8 months ago

    >play Rosigma
    I have no idea what am I doing. The other factions were a LOT more straightforward.

  166. 8 months ago

    Some of the vk art is cool

    • 8 months ago

      Looks awesome
      I really liked the Barbed Dagger and grenade strapped on her
      >vk art
      what's this?

      • 8 months ago

        VKontakte. Some kind of Russian social media

      • 8 months ago
        Anonymous xpiratez page

    • 8 months ago

      I personally like this one of the Guildmaster

      • 8 months ago

        That gun looks like it's alive, organic.

        • 8 months ago

          Biological technology is the future.
          Who wants a gun that can't clean itself?

          • 8 months ago
  167. 8 months ago

    >got myself a landed Church ship on month 7
    >they all have Gauss weaponry
    If i get out of this alive this will a certain boost to my economy

  168. 8 months ago

    need more catgirl outfits for cat path

  169. 8 months ago

    I think ima skip this version. The cat path seem lackluster and without much content currently. I bet it will be fleshed out for the next release.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah, I'm regretting starting my current run on the cat path, buying outlaw catgirls is good but it's rough on your economy early on. I should stop rushing brainers so much or be more intelligent about when I buy them, getting impatient and buying two after an amazing end-of-month temple raid was a horrible idea.

      • 8 months ago

        It definitely seems like Cats is still a WIP. I'm waiting until version N6.1 or 6.2 when it (hopefully) gets fully fleshed out.

  170. 8 months ago

    What does the cat path give? Just easy access to catgirls and golden guns?
    Need early access to the midtier nekomimi armors too, possibly skipping subverter of the gods for something easier.
    Nekomimi combat armor and peacemaker are good but you get them so late it's basically useless imo.
    Maybe another to then get SPACE GUARDIAN and SPACE TROOPER early, as those armors are actually quite good.

  171. 8 months ago

    I'm not sure why the cat path was needed in the first place. Prior to N6 what I'd do is just go gold codex and hire as many cats as I wanted with infinite glamour.

    • 8 months ago

      probably to get cat events and cat gear and other unique cat stuff, not just the cats themselves.
      It's just that right now all you get is goldenguns, if you got combat armor about as fast as oni/catgirl samurai it'd be solid imo.

    • 8 months ago

      It wasn't.
      We needed Gobbo Uprising.

      • 8 months ago

        what good are gobs anyway?

        • 8 months ago

          Better shooters than gals, better spotters than peasants and SS.
          I usually use them as spotter sniper teams so gals can hit sick assault cannon shots from far beyond sight.

          • 8 months ago

            >sniper spotter teams for beyond LoS explosive delivery
            funny, i do pretty much the same thing but i just use other gals for this role. i figure, if i can also give the scout an RPG or chainmail then why not?

            • 8 months ago

              I prefer to give scouting Gals either dedicated sniper weapons (with NV equipment) or pistols and swords.
              When Gobbos are first available most Gals can't get as good at spotting as them, though.

              • 8 months ago

                how do you make your gobbos survive getting shot?
                or, do you?

              • 8 months ago

                >how do you make them survive getting shot
                Step one, spot the enemy at night.
                Step two, have someone else shoot the enemy.
                Step three, take cover.
                Step four, I fricking hate mercenaries, but that's late game.

        • 8 months ago

          underground missions
          catgirls do everything do better now

    • 8 months ago



      >I made this whole path in one evening while drunk.

  172. 8 months ago

    New I guess

    • 8 months ago

      this has been in for a while

      • 8 months ago

        Really? I don't remember needing a Rat Mob Lt for anything of the like
        Guess I just killed them all every time and never noticed

  173. 8 months ago

    Is there no way to make certain units teleport, or otherwise make them behave like guided missiles? If there is, the 40K mod could use those methods to have teleporting Terminators or Assault jumps making an explosion on landing (that doesn't affect the Assaulting unit, of course)

  174. 8 months ago

    >August of 2601
    >Got myself a Library before the Workshop
    >no Staplers in sight

    • 8 months ago

      Why do you have so many big radars and one small radar? Why is your base layout a nightmare to defend should you get invaded? Why so many questions?

      • 8 months ago

        Overchargers are for Aurora's missiles
        3 for good measures (700 Base strength with the Armored Vault)
        They make for a good tile to put next to the Hangars because they block access from the vents + double doors so invaders need to open both doors to be able to see through
        I don't have the need to dismantle the small one for now + it gives me Short Range Detection
        Most of the time the battles have being fought in the Extractor and Crew Quarters

        • 8 months ago

          You don't need short range detection at all. Long range radar obsoletes short range radar.

        • 8 months ago

          >Short range detection
          This isn't IRL where a radar might suck at seeing short range but be good at long range. Long range radar sees at all ranges it covers.

          • 8 months ago

            The small radars isn't entirely worthless, the way standard radars work is that exactly every 30 in game minutes they do a sweep and they have % detection rate to spot ufos in their range. If you have small radar overlap with large radar, you technically get two chances of detecting ufo within the overlapping radar range.
            But since detection rate is already pretty high with just one radar this really isn't all that useful.

            • 8 months ago

              >If you have small radar overlap with large radar, you technically get two chances of detecting ufo within the overlapping radar range.
              this just means that if you build two (or three, four...) large radars (or hyperwaves etc.) then you get that many more chances to detect everything in range. realistically you won't need more than two, at most three radars for this.
              so once again there's no reason to build anything but best-available radar/hyperwave unless you are a poorgay

              • 8 months ago

                Hyperwave has 100% detection rate so building more than one does nothing, the only radar that's actually worth stacking is the revolution hq since it only has 3% detection rate.

              • 8 months ago

                >stacking Rev. HQ
                if you have access to it then you should start every base by building one.

              • 8 months ago

                Wasteful. Two or three is plenty for detection

              • 8 months ago

                for the barracks, training, and storage space. global detection is a side benefit after the first one.

              • 8 months ago

                >accidentally pick Jackass Captain in a new run
                >get hit by multiple events that drain 100-250 infamy in a row
                >almost no missions spawning in March despite beelining Bounty Hunting, Warehouse Wars, and Monster Hunting in January
                >all my runts are dedicated to building the Harvester
                Very glad I decided to go easy on the brainers, this month's score is going to be negative and I'm probably going in debt on maintenance.

              • 8 months ago

                it's okay to have negative score as long as it's not two months in a row

              • 8 months ago

                Overcharged Radar keeps its gun so it alone is worth keeping even if you build Hyperwave or Revolutionary.

  175. 8 months ago

    I can only imagine more of these will be added in the future considering the new path

  176. 8 months ago

    Early on, which civilians are worth repeated interrogations and which ones should I just sell off asap if I need money/lack prison space?

    • 8 months ago

      If you need space just sell those that are worth the most, pretty much all civilians are worth interrogating but in ideal worth you'd focus on those who are worth less in ransom like labourers over sharp guys and such. It doesn't matter that much.

    • 8 months ago

      You only really need civilians to get all the region Techs since they're not researchable
      Like anon said try to sell the high value ones at the start

      • 8 months ago

        You can get the regions done with recon expedition reports but they take forever to arrive and take a lot of storage space which you likely won't have early on.

        • 8 months ago

          >which you likely won't have early on
          On the contrary, early is probably the only time you WILL have space.

    • 8 months ago

      Shadowmasters is prolly one of the most important tech bottlenecks you pretty much only get from civvies

  177. 8 months ago

    >research base
    >mind shield, built at south pole
    >never shoot down anything near it
    >they still find it


  178. 8 months ago

    cool thing to know

    • 8 months ago

      It's actually a bit surprising how rarely you can find such a logical mechanic nowadays. I remember playing Phoenix Point on the release and i had to manually recycle half spent magazines and make new ones. Tried it again recently and now those mags just disappear. UFO aftermath just refills anything you didn't spend fully. The concept is always either completely ignored or not quite right.

      I will literally never beat Piratez because I'm stuck in the "play, long break, restart" cycle

      Either you want it and then you just need to commit to it once, or you don't care about beating it so it's all well in the end.

  179. 8 months ago

    I will literally never beat Piratez because I'm stuck in the "play, long break, restart" cycle

    • 8 months ago

      If you play for 12 hours a day you can finish piratez in about 2 weeks!

      • 8 months ago

        This is terrible idea.
        Play for only half an hour or hour each day.

  180. 8 months ago

    - Fix: Studying The Sword and Weapon Lore crashes
    - Desert movement more difficult (for walking units)
    - Zombies more vulnerable to Concussive damage
    - Added extra reward for Nocturne in Red
    - Gfx udaptes (paperdolls an pedia), by Mikkoi: Fartbag, Guild Air Sailor, Church Matron
    - Minor adjustments/rebalances
    >2 more weeks, also exploding the zombies is back on the menu, boys!

    • 8 months ago

      >- Desert movement more difficult (for walking units)

    • 8 months ago

      >new version right as the thread is dying

  181. 8 months ago

    this is getting out of hand

    • 8 months ago

      you're like a little baby watch this

      • 8 months ago

        Why would you save all of them? I only keep the last version just in case I want to go back (never did).

        • 8 months ago

          partially nostalgia sometimes I'll load up an old save from an old version
          partially because there's hundreds of screenshots in there I might want to reuse them at some point
          partially because specifically at L9 I thought that might be one version worth archiving since dio went full moron with ninjas in M1 but that's not really a problem anymore

      • 8 months ago

        You started around the same time I did. Neat!

  182. 8 months ago

    Is it worth turning extra Engineers into Slave Specialists?
    They have some value in the Market and you can turn regular Slaves into Specialists with Glamour later on so I'm usually torn about this

    • 8 months ago

      >is it worth it
      Do you need the lump sum or what research they are worth now?
      Because slaves are more profitable in the long term but obviously if you need $50K now and you have $50K worth of people to sell...

    • 8 months ago

      Engineers is a good way to generate Slave Specialists. Turning regular slaves into Specialists is very time (ie runt-hour) consuming, barely worth it imo

  183. 8 months ago

    >running out of Bandages after I started training Bravery healing fallen foes

  184. 8 months ago

    >had to resort to interrogating Guild members for the Stapler

    • 8 months ago

      >the same week

  185. 8 months ago

    I don't know if it's intentional but my Gals won't Reaction Fire with the Clockwork Gun
    I need a second weapon in the off-hand for them to do it (with the second weapon)

    • 8 months ago

      Only snap shots allowed for reaction fire, if weapon doesn't have snap shots you won't do reaction with it.

      • 8 months ago

        Oh, didn't know that
        Thanks for the heads up, anon

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