Opinions on the first canonically autistic D&D character?

Opinions on the first canonically autistic D&D character?

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Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    >It's you, the Player.

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago



    • 7 months ago

      >there have been wizards for the entire history of d&d


      • 7 months ago
  2. 7 months ago

    Shouldn't that be Narset (the Planeswalker)? M:tG and D&D canonically share the same multiverse

    • 7 months ago

      If this is true, then the most powerful being of the multiverse is a black girl

      • 7 months ago

        >Lands on a person
        Bolas isn't a person, this lore makes no sense he's immune. This is also why she's weak as frick in DnD, just go some form of ethereal or poly morph into a non-person and she can do nothing to you

        • 7 months ago

          Found the autistic player

          • 7 months ago

            Yes, but it shouldn't require autism to actually read the text and use the definitions for the words instead of just making up fake definitions or whatever it is people who didn't realize this did. I hate ignorance.

        • 7 months ago

          >Bolas isn't a person
          On what grounds?

          • 7 months ago

            Person: a human being regarded as an individual.

        • 7 months ago

          In good faith, Personhood has been considered separate from being human in fantasy and scifi for forever.
          Its literally the crux of half the sentient robot stories.

          • 7 months ago

            This is mtg we're talking about. The exact wording is far more important here than in other settings.

    • 7 months ago

      Yes but there's no way they share the same canon timeline.

  3. 7 months ago

    >Setting where Spells can cure insanity, terminal diseases and restore lost limbs.

    • 7 months ago

      obviously neurodivergence is not disease

      • 7 months ago

        Blindness doesn't have to be a disease.
        There's still a spell that "can permanently cure most forms" of it.

        • 7 months ago

          Yet there's no magic (short of Wish) to cure tapeworm infestations. Afflictions are not made equal, some can be magic'd away by Lay on Hands, others require lvl 9 spell.

          • 7 months ago

            >no magic (short of Wish) to cure tapeworm infestations

            What sort of silly game are you playing? Even if there wasn't such a spell already in the D&D rule books, but there is and there has been for over 45 years, and you felt some strange need to have tapeworms in the game, you'd have to be pretty stupid to insist it takes a wish rather than make up a more appropriate spell.

            >This spell will cure any living creature of one disease

            AD&D 1st ed
            >The cleric cures most diseases—including those of a parasitic, bacterial, or viral nature

            AD&D 2nd ed
            >The spell is also effective against parasitic monsters

            3rd ed
            >The spell is also kills parasites

            5th ed, it's 2nd level spell not 3rd
            >You touch a creature and can end either one disease

            >inb4 tapeworms aren't a disease so lesser restoration doesn't work
            Bacteria aren't diseases either, they just cause diseases following infection, but even 45 years ago people were smart enough to have them eliminated by cure disease

      • 7 months ago

        Though, that does bring to mind a question. What does qualify as a disease in D&D? Is there a specific deity whose job it was to figure out the minimums across-the-board for mental and physical ability before it's a failure state? What kind of gradient does it operate on? We know HP's weird, but the fact feats, racial qualities, and class levels all have 0% hard correlation with personality has got to be artificial somehow.

      • 7 months ago

        Why not? It's called neurodivergence, not neuronormal. It's a "divergence" from the neurotypical. We generally consider deviations from the normal, healthy configuration of the mind and body to be a "disease", but for some reason some people have started trying to celebrate being mentally abnormal as just a quirky fun little bit of diversity. Where's that same energy for pedophiles or incels or racists?

    • 7 months ago

      autist here
      I would be afraid to have such a spell cast on me, considering the tism directly informs how I think
      no I will not take meds

      • 7 months ago

        >no i will not take meds

        Wait. There's meds for autism? The other day I was a few hours into organizing a spreadsheet for a game (video, not tabletop game) and I was like "why am I doing this? I'm just going to have to reorganize and re-optimize this later." And then I remembered, "oh yea, austism."

        There's a pill I can take??? I've just been putting up with it all these years saying "At least I'm not into trains."

        • 7 months ago

          There's no single pill, but a combination of therapy and meds (probably for ADHD and the other stuff that's co-morbid) might improve your life. Talk to a professional.

          • 7 months ago

            >reccomends ADHD meds for autism

            I have autism, not ADHD. I can sit for hours doing a repetitive or focusing task like reading a book from front to finish. I'm the guy at the TTRPG game that knows all the rules down to the specific wording; "autistically" familiar with the rules you might say.

            But frick. I'll eat some speed like hungry hungry hippos if you're sharing. It only slows down people with ADHD, for the rest of us class 2 narcotic amphetamines are just a really good time.

            • 7 months ago

              Not to challenge your labels, but ADHD sufferers can hyperfocus too. It's really an executive function and dopamine impairment, so anythimg from certain books, but more often than not league of legends and so on can lock their attention for hours.

              • 7 months ago

                >anon who doesn't work in the medical field talking out of his ass
                League of Legends is not the same as reading books for hours. Or writing them. You'll know the condition by the effect of pharmaceuticals on the patient. An ADHD patient may be calmed by narcotic stimulants or get hyper smoking indica cannibus. ADHD=brain chemistry which reacts differently to stimulants and chemical depressents. I'd reccomend shutting the frick up about medical things if you don't work in that field, because amphetamines, street name "speed," the treatment for ADHD does not help people who do not have that problem.

                You are dangerously recommending the wrong treatment. Can I get a nurse to come in here and smack the shit out of him?

                >It's genetic
                Can't wait to read your published findings, especially the bits where you convincingly refute all the known and suspected environmental factors.

                >the gene's that cause it are on the paternal side
                Until you mentioned this it was completely unknown to me that genes in the ovum stem exclusively from the paternal side.

                >I've met autistic women. They aren't that dissimilar to the men
                I've met non-autistic women whose behaviour isn't dissimilar to non-autistic men. Conclusion: Regardless of autism some men and women behave the same.

                >not pick up on social cues
                Some autistic women won't, some, as already stated, will mask this well. Some non-autistic men won't pick up on social cues either. Your point here is really vague.

                >The interesting thing about these girls with unsound minds is how easy it is to control and manipulate them...
                >They don't believe in genetics or medical science, so as long as you say 'oh that's interesting' ... the girl will be an easy lay.
                Thanks for the tip, I guess. By tip I mean clue, not any other type of tip.

                But, the rest of that...icky.

                Your overgeneralisation looks like it's saying that all autistic woman/all tiktok women/both(?) have unsound minds and believe in new age mumbo jumbo. Aside from it being wholly wrong if you are claiming all autistic women are new agers, the topic was autism in women and your sidetrack relates how? Just trying to demonstrate how virile you are that you can pull mentally unsound chicks? You go chaddy boy.

                >Actually autistic girls? I play D&D with them. They make decent bros.
                Given the various behaviours of people on the AS I don't see how having autism makes a woman a bro. Perhaps this point, as anecdotal as it would be, might be interesting to have expanded upon.

                That's nice, but I don't have to listen to you, you have autism.

              • 7 months ago

                I was excited for a second thinking someone was going to make a point but the only point made was

                >I got my ass handed to me by some guy I'm calling autistic


              • 7 months ago

                The response called autism, they don't have autism. They equated words like "trend" and "most" and "like" to ALL. It's schizophrenic, making things up and taking them to an exteme. They aren't autistically detail oriented. Might be like those self- diagnosed tiktok autists girls. I think to some degree they know they're crazy and they're just open to suggestions and feelings from everywhere. It just works to agree with them a bit "oh you do have autism" and get laid.

                It's like the crazy girls are sponges absorbing all the feelings and ideas around them. I don't know why, not my disease. But hey, I can tell you why Temple Grandin is wearing a cowboy outfit in every single picture of her for the past few decades. It's like a uniform. The guys with autism do it, the few girls we have do it to, the self-diagnosed don't. They'll talk about anxieties and sensitivities, but they don't know about the wearing almost the same thing every day for a decade or two at a time.

                Autism is weeeird. Any of you guys have "uniforms"?

              • 7 months ago

                >You are dangerously recommending the wrong treatment.
                I didn't recommend any treatments. Chill out.

            • 7 months ago

              As an autist myself, I doubt that an autistic person would be enamored with an object that can cause sudden and permanent change. I think an autistic character is incongruous with a D&D setting as ASD wasn't even described until the modern era, and an autistic person in the medieval period would have trouble overcoming their learning disability, and if they did would probably be thought of as a changeling or just weird.

              Lastly, I do not think that a white woman of unrealistic standards of beauty and power is appropriate to be credited with the invention of the Deck of Many Things. One of the accessories that comes with the playset prominently features a nilbog with the deck. To me, a nilbog perfectly encapsulates the chaos of the Deck, and crediting nilbogs with its creation would better show WotC's good faith of having monsters be 3-dimensional characters.

              Autistic men are perceived to be an inconvenience to society except for when they happen to be one of the rare few high-functioning, high intelligence STEM professionals that spends hundreds of hours a month obsessing over new, novel ways to do their jobs. Autistic women on the other hand are rarer than unicorns and incredibly sought after as they're similar to autistic men and autistic behaviour is seen as attractive and desirable in women, where it's awkward and disturbing in men.

              I love how many quirky homosexuals there are now proclaiming their “autism” when 20 years ago they were just “goofy” and the autistic kids were fricking drooling on their desks and screaming anytime somebody looked sideways at their pencil box.
              I worked with a zoomer who looked me dead in the eye and said “I have Asperger’s” while laying down game and fricking hoes every week and being more socially competent and quick witted than the “normal” people around him.
              I went to school with an aspie and he was funny as hell, but he was not some socially lubricated pussy slayer who just didn’t give a frick. The guy had a legit disconnect, a lack of empathy, and he walked, spoke, and looked around at the world like his great grandmother was a robot.
              Frick off with your “autism” arguments. You gays need to lower yourselves to near-vegetable tier to feel like you’re accomplishing something by being normal. If you never caught your parents silently crying at night because they don’t know what to do with your ass you’re not autistic enough to even bother mentioning it.

              • 7 months ago

                It's a good thing your opinion is entirely irrelevant and we trust our doctors. Consider minding your own business.

              • 7 months ago

                >we trust our doctors
                speak for yourself pretentious homosexual

              • 7 months ago

                I literally did. Do not include yourself within my we if you do not abide by it's criteria. Nobody is talking about you.

              • 7 months ago

                >Trusting people that you pay money to.

                Yep, you have a mental condition.

              • 7 months ago

                20 years ago I did almost all of those things. I got better through education and therapy. Education for autists is probably loads better now than it was then.

              • 7 months ago

                Being jealous of some autistic kid is not a good look. Some autists have always done better than others and that doesn't mean anything. And I have to wonder if the other guy had a disconnect because for him the world was a shittier, place with no empathy where people who said they needed help didn't get any unless they were literally drooling on themselves, where acting weird only earned abuse or disdain.

              • 7 months ago

                These days most autists besides the lowest of the low functioning can obtain some form of social counseling and support that when tempered with being pushed outside of ones comfort zone consistently but not so intensely as to break down from it over the course of their childhood have them develop into at best a happy mostly normal person and at worst can at least git them a job and some form of existence outside of their parents house.

              • 7 months ago

                20 years ago few people who weren't in mental health knew what autism was in the first place. The first formally diagnosed autistic guy is still alive

                Also you spent like 3 paragraphs seething about how an actual autist gets more pussy than you, can we ever stop winning?

              • 7 months ago

                Post scriptum

                Actually the guy died 5 months ago
                He was high-functioning, too

        • 7 months ago

          No. It's all weirdos with bleach pills and electro converse therapy. And kids being emotionally tortured into running NT scripts 24/7.

      • 7 months ago

        Dangerously based

        >no i will not take meds

        Wait. There's meds for autism? The other day I was a few hours into organizing a spreadsheet for a game (video, not tabletop game) and I was like "why am I doing this? I'm just going to have to reorganize and re-optimize this later." And then I remembered, "oh yea, austism."

        There's a pill I can take??? I've just been putting up with it all these years saying "At least I'm not into trains."

        That's just because you haven't found the right trains yet...

      • 7 months ago

        >I will not take my meds
        You will

    • 7 months ago

      Autism only makes me more powerful. There's no downsides. If anything it's weird that everyone doesn't get enchanted with autism in dnd worlds.

      • 7 months ago

        My 8 year old nephew has autism. He can't speak and engages in self injurious behaviour. It is most definitely not a super power

        • 7 months ago

          Let him know I said to git gud.

        • 7 months ago

          >debilitating autism
          This is why I'm upset the DSM lumped Asperger's and Autism together under the blanket term Autism. I try to tell people it's stupid because on one end it's severely limiting and on the other end we're doing math and memorizing large datasets for fun. But people won't listen to me because I have autism.

          • 7 months ago

            >muh autistic savant

            You’re not a savant or “special” you are obsessive there is a difference.

    • 7 months ago

      >expensive and rare cure exist
      >not everyone has access to it
      No way!!

      • 7 months ago

        >Asteria is described as “a princess turned paladin"
        Even in 5e, Paladins have spells and she has access to ones that can cure her condition. There's no in-lore excuse.

  4. 7 months ago

    Plisbi Pe'shent, worshiper of Le'Goh... A suitable companion for the druidess Yuuja Snow and her pack of alpha wolves (they're all alphas)

  5. 7 months ago

    Why repost this?

    • 7 months ago

      You've confused me with someone else. Happens all the time.

      • 7 months ago

        Went back and checked the archive, you're right. The previous attempt at this thread was a lot better than yours.

  6. 7 months ago

    pic unrelated i assume? mordenkainen already existed

  7. 7 months ago

    That's not Robilar

  8. 7 months ago

    Anything written past TSR isn't canon. Sorry wotc, i'm not adopting your fanfiction.

  9. 7 months ago

    >Not the study information religiously and write it down to use it later class
    One job.

    • 7 months ago

      Autists can be anything, anon.
      They don't even have to be autistic!
      Everyone is valid as heck!

  10. 7 months ago

    As an autist myself, I doubt that an autistic person would be enamored with an object that can cause sudden and permanent change. I think an autistic character is incongruous with a D&D setting as ASD wasn't even described until the modern era, and an autistic person in the medieval period would have trouble overcoming their learning disability, and if they did would probably be thought of as a changeling or just weird.

    Lastly, I do not think that a white woman of unrealistic standards of beauty and power is appropriate to be credited with the invention of the Deck of Many Things. One of the accessories that comes with the playset prominently features a nilbog with the deck. To me, a nilbog perfectly encapsulates the chaos of the Deck, and crediting nilbogs with its creation would better show WotC's good faith of having monsters be 3-dimensional characters.

    • 7 months ago

      >I think an autistic character is incongruous with a D&D setting as ASD wasn't even described until the modern era, and an autistic person in the medieval period would have trouble overcoming their learning disability, and if they did would probably be thought of as a changeling or just weird.
      This. Modern conceptions of mental illness are anachronistic to the type of medieval fantasy setting most people play with, just like modern medicine, the steam engine, etc

  11. 7 months ago

    Why are they female?

    • 7 months ago

      Autistic men are perceived to be an inconvenience to society except for when they happen to be one of the rare few high-functioning, high intelligence STEM professionals that spends hundreds of hours a month obsessing over new, novel ways to do their jobs. Autistic women on the other hand are rarer than unicorns and incredibly sought after as they're similar to autistic men and autistic behaviour is seen as attractive and desirable in women, where it's awkward and disturbing in men.

      • 7 months ago

        Genuinely surprised by how… normal she looks. Maybe they’re trying to hammer in the message of “autists are just regular people” but knowing WoTC I’d expect them to make her pudgy, give her brightly dyed hair or even a cringy Tumblr haircut.
        Instead she mostly looks like the typical female knight/paladin characters you see in fantasy artworks since the 80s.

        Are you two stupid or ignorant or both?

        Autistic women aren't particularly rare, they're just less frequently undiagnosed as such which is at least partly due to female social conditioning masking a lot of traits that, not being masked in males, would otherwise see them referred for screening. Not being screened they're not diagnosed. Even when screened for something the screen often results in either a misdiagnosis for something like anxiety or depression or an eating disorder, which may or may not be present, or the diagnosis is only for the co-morbid condition and the autism is overlooked. This misdiagnosis or lack of diagnosis is at least in part due to autism diagnosis criteria being modelled after males but it can express differently in females.

        >autistic behaviour is seen as attractive and desirable in women

        • 7 months ago

          *less frequently diagnosed

        • 7 months ago

          >Autism in women not rare
          It's genetic, the gene's that cause it are on the paternal side. The gene is rare in women. I've met autistic women. They aren't that dissimilar to the men, they'll dress the way they dress, not pick up on social cues, have problems with eye contact, etc. It has been an interesting trend on tictok that people with schizophrenia or other mental disorders can pick up traits and think they have mental illnesses they don't. Tiktok is a place where people believe in the magic and hypnotism and positive thoughts creating reality, bullshit essentially. The interesting thing about these girls with unsound minds is how easy it is to control and manipulate them and how good they can be in bed. If you catch a girl saying something like this "autistic women aren't rare, I have a touch phobia sensitivity bullshit social etc' but they aren't acting like 'what if an MtG autist, but breasts' see if you can get laid. They don't believe in genetics or medical science, so as long as you say 'oh that's interesting' instead of 'oh that's bullshit' when they inevitability pull out some healing crystals or tarot cards the girl will be an easy lay.

          Always be ready to dump crazy girls. They are not long term.

          Actually autistic girls? I play D&D with them. They make decent bros.

          • 7 months ago

            >It's genetic
            Can't wait to read your published findings, especially the bits where you convincingly refute all the known and suspected environmental factors.

            >the gene's that cause it are on the paternal side
            Until you mentioned this it was completely unknown to me that genes in the ovum stem exclusively from the paternal side.

            >I've met autistic women. They aren't that dissimilar to the men
            I've met non-autistic women whose behaviour isn't dissimilar to non-autistic men. Conclusion: Regardless of autism some men and women behave the same.

            >not pick up on social cues
            Some autistic women won't, some, as already stated, will mask this well. Some non-autistic men won't pick up on social cues either. Your point here is really vague.

            >The interesting thing about these girls with unsound minds is how easy it is to control and manipulate them...
            >They don't believe in genetics or medical science, so as long as you say 'oh that's interesting' ... the girl will be an easy lay.
            Thanks for the tip, I guess. By tip I mean clue, not any other type of tip.

            But, the rest of that...icky.

            Your overgeneralisation looks like it's saying that all autistic woman/all tiktok women/both(?) have unsound minds and believe in new age mumbo jumbo. Aside from it being wholly wrong if you are claiming all autistic women are new agers, the topic was autism in women and your sidetrack relates how? Just trying to demonstrate how virile you are that you can pull mentally unsound chicks? You go chaddy boy.

            >Actually autistic girls? I play D&D with them. They make decent bros.
            Given the various behaviours of people on the AS I don't see how having autism makes a woman a bro. Perhaps this point, as anecdotal as it would be, might be interesting to have expanded upon.

      • 7 months ago

        >incredibly sought after

  12. 7 months ago

    Genuinely surprised by how… normal she looks. Maybe they’re trying to hammer in the message of “autists are just regular people” but knowing WoTC I’d expect them to make her pudgy, give her brightly dyed hair or even a cringy Tumblr haircut.
    Instead she mostly looks like the typical female knight/paladin characters you see in fantasy artworks since the 80s.

  13. 7 months ago

    Why do we need to know some character is autistic anyway? How does this add to a game?

  14. 7 months ago

    >Is actually autistic
    >is some fight monkey
    >Not a studious, tower dwelling wizard that spent years translating some ancient lizard men text for a slightly different and unique variant on Dancing Lights that has been forgotten for millennia, but functionally no different from standard Dancing Lights that is taught in every wizard school.

  15. 7 months ago

    Is there an autism mechanic in 5e? Why is this important? If not, then it sounds like the famous critique ‘How many children had Lady Macbeth?’
    >That, of course, is the title of a lecture delivered by L.C. Knights in 1933. Knights was challenging the idea that Shakespeare’s characters can be treated as if they are real people, with lives that existed before the plays and go on afterwards.

  16. 7 months ago

    All my life (All my life)
    They been tryin' to keep me down (They been tryna keep me down)
    All this time (All this time)
    Never thought I would make it out (Never thought I'd make it out)
    They couldn't break me, they couldn't break me (No, no)
    They couldn't take me, they couldn't take me (No)
    All my life (All my life)
    They been tryin' to keep me down (They been tryna keep me down, yeah)

  17. 7 months ago

    What do you want anon? It's overt pandering, whether someone likes it or not is going to be more to do with their attitude to this kind of box ticking than the product itself.

    Certainly nothing I'd have on my campaign, it's a somewhat low fantasy setting so anything like that simply wouldn't get diagnosed unless the family were wealthy or connected enough to find a cleric, even then it would just be "Tomkins was a mite strange growing up but by Pelors grace was he made well". They'd never know what precisely happened.

  18. 7 months ago

    So the Deck of Many Things is an artifact that she has spread across the multiverse to ruin peoples lives, and the only reason she wants to keep it around is because it makes her immortal.
    How are the Grim Hollow the bad guys again?

  19. 7 months ago

    Who is she?

  20. 7 months ago

    The cynic in me tells me that the writers are going to somehow write the character into a negative autism stereotype somehow. Then get called out on it and brand their criticizers as every label under the sun to avoid taking responsibility for their bad writing.

  21. 7 months ago

    >female autist representation
    >cute girl with quirky hobbies like collecting plush toys or knitting
    >male autist representation

  22. 7 months ago

    Why is it important that they are autistic? I thought this was a standard aspect of all spellcasters and people who play TTRPGs.

    Was it somehow essentially to creating the Deck of Many Things?

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