organization of assassins.

How do you write an organization of assassins without it becoming corrupt or betraying its ideals?

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  1. 3 months ago

    Don't make it woke

    • 3 months ago

      -1 for lack of originality.

  2. 3 months ago

    Someone's going to have to explain to me this obsession with making monolithic "guilds" of player types, because it's pretty fricking stupid.

    • 3 months ago

      It's an entirely modern fixation which absolutely hasn't existed since the beginning of the hobby in various forms, and before that in fiction. Its probably a liberal plot.

      • 3 months ago

        Frickinggg moron go read Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser.

    • 3 months ago

      Mysterious shadowy organizations of cmpetent murderers is more of a npc thing than a player thing.

    • 3 months ago

      Thieves Guilds existed in the ottoman empire, it was just organized crime racket where people stole you're shit and then sold it back to you.

    • 3 months ago

      >because it's pretty fricking stupid.
      dont you mean cool?
      a bunch of like-minded individuals who get together to advance their craft and make it easier to sell their craft is a perfectly reasonable set up

      also, guilds were widespread in real life
      and some of their insane specializations could rival the kinds players come up with
      there was a pencil guild who monopolized the creation of pencils at one point

      • 3 months ago

        >a bunch of like-minded individuals who get together to advance their craft and make it easier to sell their craft is a perfectly reasonable set up
        Might make sense if what you were doing were both legal and in high enough demand to warrant an organisation for it.
        To have an assassin's guild make any kind of sense your setting is going to basically need to be fantasy courascant or set in dune or something, or like some big interdimensional setting where you play plane hopping transdimensional assassins and every contract puts you in a different setting for a few sessions. Yeah I could run that.
        But personally I think the nerd fascination with assassination is weird. Like it just means murder. But apparently 'assassin' is nerd for like, ninja but not japanese. I've seen threads where the OP wanted a game centred around assassins and all it really boiled down to was cool sneaky ninja guys.
        I think a more fun game would be stealing the conspyramid idea from night's black agents and play a cell of committed psychos murdering your way through a large and entrenched hierarchy that gradually begins to respond to your actions (which is what NBA does except the organisation is vampires).

        • 3 months ago

          >Anon doesn't know about the mob

        • 3 months ago

          >Might make sense if what you were doing were both legal and in high enough demand to warrant an organisation for it.
          legality is probably not going to matter for people who want to murder
          and people who want to practice murder are probably going to want a guild to make sure a service as hard to provide or advertise as murder allows demand to meet supply
          and assassins who cant just walk up to a school and ask for new ways to silently slit someones throat will be more than happy to have a guild that spreads the latest methods of dispatching targets between its members

          • 3 months ago

            If it isn't legal then a medieval guild is not at all a useful comparison. Guilds had a legal monopoly on a trade granted to them by a city/state authority. If legality isn't an issue then what you are describing doesn't at all compare to a guild. If what you have in mind is a group of people working together to cover up their shared crimes you aren't describing a guild, you are describing a conspiracy. See

            >Anon doesn't know about the mob

            , who apparently also missed the point. The morag tong in morrowind is an assassin's guild, they have legal remit. A guild of assassins would have the legal power to have someone who participated in unlawful assassination punished by the legal system. What you have in mind is basically a gang with only one income stream.
            Consider what a setting would have to be like for a gang of professional murderers to just do that and nothing else, and have so much business that the don't feel the need to just murder each other to take the business for themselves.

            • 3 months ago

              >and have so much business that the don't feel the need to just murder each other to take the business for themselves.
              obviously assassins dont want to look over their own shoulder
              so they unionize so that they are free to take targets without being afraid of someone stealing their kill or being killed themselves

              • 3 months ago

                idk anon I don't think professional contract killers are prone to being enormous pussies

              • 3 months ago

                they are just being professional about it
                setting up a system so that everyone has jobs and only their targets die

              • 3 months ago

                This works if you're thinking along the lines of real-world crime organizations where most of the members ARE massive pussies, but I think it takes the wind out of the sails of a fantasy group of professional invisible murderers. Really just depends on the tone you're going for I guess.

              • 3 months ago

                >but I think it takes the wind out of the sails of a fantasy group of professional invisible murderers.
                what good is a reward if you arent around to spend it?
                and while you could go around stabbing every other assassin, its probably easier, and more profitable, to instead manage them
                so the upstarts arent competing with you, you arent looking over your shoulder, and the craft of killing as a whole is advanced for everyone because everyone can teach everyone else
                its a win-win, except for the victims

              • 3 months ago

                >train for presumably your entire childhood to be able to fricking murder people and get away with it
                >so you can be a wagecuck
                It just doesn't seem very aspirational
                >but militaries do that too!
                People in the military are for the most part not professional remorseless killers. These aren't comparable professions

              • 3 months ago

                >It just doesn't seem very aspirational
                murder is a job, just like anything else
                if youre gonna do it, then you better "wear a suit to work" so to speak

              • 3 months ago

                I'm just saying, I don't think most people play tabletop to "wear a suit to work" or to deal with NPCs and characters that do. YMMV

    • 3 months ago

      yeah! an "organization" of criminals? what kind of idiot would write a story about such a thing?

      • 3 months ago

        Mafia are highly factional and regional, to the degree that every single piece of mafia fiction is about mafia infighting and turf wars. Having a big interconnected series of aligned factions with some degree of actual complexity is fine, having "The Assassin's Guild" that operates along one set of codes under one organization throughout the entire fricking world is stupid.
        I have to blame Bethesda for codifying the "Assassins Guild/Thieves Guild/Fighters Guild/Mages Guild" copy/paste garbage, but even then before Oblivion those factions existed alongside much more granular regional factions, so it wasn't AS moronic.
        Very funny self-report that you don't know what the term 'monolithic' means though, I'll give you that.

        • 3 months ago

          >Entire fricking world
          Anon I...

          • 3 months ago

            >implying this isn't how most people treat their "guilds" in modern fantasy
            >implying Assassins having a more realistic guild would make sense anyways considering guilds operated under the blessing of the King and conducted open air politics and business
            Now an actual straight-up mafia organization using a real, legitimate Guild as a front would be kino but that's not what OP's talking about.

            • 3 months ago

              >Now an actual straight-up mafia organization using a real, legitimate Guild as a front would be kino
              What kind of artisan guild or the like would be best for that?

              • 3 months ago

                Figure it out yourself I'm not doing your homework for you

                >nerd gets called out for being a surly idiot, writes essay

                >four sentences is an "essay"
                >calling anyone else an idiot
                lmao, even

              • 3 months ago

                Tailors, Cloth Finishers, and Merchants in Foreign Cloth. For various reasons, including being able to make puns about the tangled web they weave.

              • 3 months ago

                >Cloth Finishers
                And here I thought the pun would be about the assassins being finishers.
                It's a really good cover though. Gathering gossip from wealthy individuals, having private tailoring sessions with clients for info, being skilled at making disguises, and having a good excuse for why you have lots of needles and sharp scissors around.

              • 3 months ago

                Figure it out yourself I'm not doing your homework for you

                >four sentences is an "essay"
                >calling anyone else an idiot
                lmao, even

                I will point out thoughbeitever that real medieval Guilds were not exclusively artisan collectives. That's an oversimplification. Many guilds were just political associations or social clubs, sometimes called "fraternites" or the like but they operated in the same way as guilds and needed royal recognition. That's how you got groups like the Freemasons, they went from being an actual artisan guild to a socio-political guild and developed on from there. The weird rites of passage of groups like the Freemasons were an extension of the Guild rank/promotion system and were really just an elaborate way to prove your identification.
                There were also some religious guilds though I don't know much about those personally.

              • 3 months ago

                Historically food service has been great for money laundering.
                Cheap enough raw materials, that can easily spoil and be written off without anyone batting an eye.

              • 3 months ago

                Oh yeah if you just want straight-up medieval mafia it's the Millers. It's always been the goddamn Millers. Filthy goddamn thieving Millers with their rigged fricking scales and their dogshit yeast cut with straw dust or wood shavings. God how I hate them.

            • 3 months ago

              So you recognize that it's not just criminal factions, but the entire modern conception of guilds. Your argument was a fricking farce to begin with.
              If you had gone that approach we could've actually gotten somewhere, as all guilds being local benefits the world and all guild archetypes (even martial ones).
              >Verification not required.

        • 3 months ago

          >nerd gets called out for being a surly idiot, writes essay

        • 3 months ago

          Mafia are also involved in lots of kinds of crime. Not just one specific one which they cannot create additional demand for. Assassination is not a viable business model for an entire organisation. How many people in your local medieval city get assassinated every week? Enough to feed, clothe, train, etc a whole platoon of elite deadly ninjas?

          • 3 months ago

            >How many people in your local medieval city get assassinated every week?
            hundreds, if not thousands

            >enough to feed, clothe, train, etc a whole platoon of elite deadly ninjas?
            and buy them sickass penthouses too

            • 3 months ago

              >hundreds, if not thousands
              See this is why I suggested that if you want a game about an organisation of professional assassins you need fantasy courascant. Otherwise you'll run out of people with enough money to afford the service and find your PCs out on the street with a "will kill for food" sign.

        • 3 months ago

          >I have to blame Bethesda for codifying the "Assassins Guild/Thieves Guild/Fighters Guild/Mages Guild" copy/paste garbage
          Pratchett did monolithic, organised Thief and Assassin Guilds in fantasy as far back as the 80s and his books were popular as hell. Bethesda neither invented this trope or was the first to include it in popular media

          • 3 months ago

            Restricted to a single city

            • 3 months ago
              lowercase sage

              Assassin's Guild had a branch in Genua.

    • 3 months ago

      isekai weebs bringing vidyabrain into the hobby

  3. 3 months ago

    unironically elder scrolls did an okay job with the dark brotherhood. Successful assassins are blessed by a god of death, several metaphysical entities are involved with the process of gaining contracts and enforcing rules. Chapters that break a set of strict tenents are purged to the last person. Etc. Basically really good incentive programs and even better auditors. Also a focus on raising people from birth can help.

    • 3 months ago

      Honestly though, the Dark Brotherhood are lawful evil, and I prefer the idea of assassins as true-neutrals. They care very little for murder outside of it's use for making money, or accomplishing some task.

      • 3 months ago

        There's nothing neutral about murder.

      • 3 months ago

        Murder for money doesn't seem morally neutral to me.

        • 3 months ago

          I mean it's not good, but it's a step above 'muahaha more souls to be fed upon by the void this pleases Sithis!'

      • 3 months ago

        I know zoomies are absolutely and completely morally bankrupt but killing for money isn't neutral friendo

      • 3 months ago

        Elder Scrolls also: Morag Tong? They're a bit more neutral... In operation? They do worship Mephala, but they also have entered into a legal framework in Vvardenfel where they carry out legal executions and must ID themselves to the authorities after carrying it out.

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah, but I feel them being able to openly assassinate people defeats the whole fun of it.

          • 3 months ago

            Ok then you want just a criminal enterprise. Don't make them as a thing that focuses on murder, but organized crime overall.

            • 3 months ago

              Yeah, but just more specialized.

              Of course having said that, there's a reason you don't see 'assassins guilds' throughout history. Closest are the historical Hashishan obviously, but they were more of a religious order that specialized in murder, and the Ninja.

        • 3 months ago

          >They do worship Mephala
          Funnily enough, so do the Dark Brotherhood, they're just too stupid to realize that.

  4. 3 months ago

    Assassination is when you kill someone for political reasons. I'm not sure how you have an organisation for that short of them just being professional murderers for hire, an extremist political movement, or some sort of religious organisation.

    • 3 months ago

      "Assassin" has become fantasy patois for "hitman".

  5. 3 months ago

    Ok listen, I know this is going to sound crazy, but here's a thought.

    People in this line of work actually cooperate with one another. People help eachanother, with information, fences, reliable contacts, trainers, smiths, artisans and more. Even if you don't have any ideology, or gods, or creed, or anything of the like, having a strike team increases your chances of survival massively, a planner or a good smuggler get you shit on the inside and make sure everything's good for a long while. Corruption is inevitable but also incredibly practical to be solved, it just needs to inconvenience its investors enough to get culled. Ideals for murderers and assasins are usually too pragmatic to be betrayed, and higher ideological stances should be reserved for leadership guidance or circumstancial shit.

    If your chief sucks, murder him. If the guild is going to hell, just leave. If everyone agrees this shit sucks, it'll sort itself out.

  6. 3 months ago

    >How do you write an organization of assassins without it becoming corrupt or betraying its ideals?
    They're religious assassins with a spiritual connection to their deity. Go full Hassan I Sabbah

  7. 3 months ago

    New member's initiation is assassinating a long standing member, and long standing members are obligated to assassinate new members whenever it's convenient. This keeps everyone on their toes, and those unable to follow the code outside the guild, or dead.

    • 3 months ago

      >I'm going to artificially increase staff turnover and also paint a target on my own back
      Nice myth but an organisation like that wouldn't last more than a month and it did only by becoming a Sith style Rule of Two

  8. 3 months ago

    To reiterate from the last time we had this thread
    >Cell-based or individuals
    >Given loose orders from a far-removed figurehead (most likely in power within the community)
    >Also take on their own jobs at their own discretion
    >Portion of profits are given to figurehead to fund safehouses, equipment, and bribes.
    >Bonus points for targeting members outside their community while giving back to their own neighborhoods
    Same as every other criminal organization.

  9. 3 months ago

    Their ideal is getting frickin paid

  10. 3 months ago

    >oh, there's a "thieves' guild"?
    >and they all report to leaders in their hierarchy and everyone pays TAXES on things they STEAL?
    >and everyone in town knows the thieves' guild exists, but nobody does anything about it?
    >what a load of baloney!

    >let me guess, there's an "adventurer's guild" too, and they sell MILITARY SERVICE for MONEY, as if someone would do that outside of a video game. Awful worldbuilding, bro

    • 3 months ago

      I don't know why you assume that the guild is a public place.

  11. 3 months ago

    >How do you write an organization of assassins without it becoming corrupt or betraying its ideals?
    You keep it a family affair and even then it would still likely fail.

  12. 3 months ago

    Don't have any ideals to betray to begin with.
    The original hassassins were
    >get high
    >stab b***hes
    >get riches
    In various order.

    • 3 months ago

      Middle Eastern assassins were on some insane religious zealotry shit. The point of them killing people in broad daylight was to strike fear of reprisal into the population, literally just terrorism. And hell, the israelites were on that same bullshit around the time of the Judaean Revolt.

      • 3 months ago

        They're just violent buttholes, like most organized crime. There are no ideals just whatever's convenient for their current interests.

  13. 3 months ago

    How come nobody talks about the personal assassins?
    As if any nobleman or merchant lord wouldn't have their own private team of spec-ops, to go along with their private military.

    • 3 months ago

      I mean for most of them that'd just be a group of thugs out to break legs.

  14. 3 months ago

    >Assassins guild doesn't become corrupt or betray its ideals

    Just like that, also can add

    >these ideals never change over time even if society in which the guild operates changes because they are timeless and universally applicable ideals

  15. 3 months ago

    Have another organization of assassins watch over it and kill anyone who becomes corrupt

    • 3 months ago

      But if that organization also becomes corrupt?

  16. 3 months ago

    Make it a religious society similar to the Morag Tong. Writs can be sanctioned under the right circumstances, but ultimately the bonds are spiritual in essence.

  17. 3 months ago

    Make them out like Real Life Ninjas. They're Loyal to their lords and always keep their word.

  18. 3 months ago

    In my game the BBEG is a fairy dragon named Burthrak that created the first thief and the half Ling race. The thief stole the world from the gods and gave it to the BBC to create the first humans which were half lings mixed with fairy dragons. In a few millennia the thieves began to shatter and after the BBEG enacted the Primacy Pact which forbade half lings from existing they went underground queue the protagonists who are fighting the BBEG to restore theft

  19. 3 months ago

    all great organizations are destined to become corrupt.

  20. 3 months ago

    >without it becoming corrupt or betraying its ideals?
    Make them the corruptors insted of the corrupted, like CIA or Mossad.

  21. 3 months ago

    High standards of conduct on which they pride themselves but no actual morals.

  22. 3 months ago

    I liked their autistic obsession with feathers in the first game, so maybe dial up the whole autistic fixations on [object] which may or may not be tied to lore/checks. Hard to corrupt if an outside force doesn't understand why they're, say, obsessed with lamps for example.

  23. 3 months ago

    >organized assassins
    Huh... well, I dunno 'bout y'all, but in *my* Assassins' Guild, betrayal & corruption are the watchwords of the day, and the only ideal at play is striving to be the ideal assassin... or taking over the entire Assassins' Guild through politics, trickery & violence.

    Think of it as built-in error correctiveness: only the most ruthless pragmatists survive, let alone advance in their careers; any coddling would render the Assassins' Guild too weak to survive, and it would rightfully be removed & replaced with a much more practically-minded syndicate.

    The Old Man has not been seen outside of the Mountain in some time, and has been largely silent.

    That said, there are rumors that the Old Man has slipped into dementia, doting over his pets & children like a sweet grandfather, apparently ripe for a knife in the back and an usurper to take his place...

    ...but there are just as many rumors that the clever Old Man is merely pretending to be incompetent, using himself as bait, in the hopes of goading the most eager aspirants to his throne into showing their hands so that he can wipe them out and clean house before appointing his ultimate successor.

    Assuming he can even die.

  24. 3 months ago

    Let real life inspire you. Give it a leadership claiming to interpret prophecy and the literal word of their tribal god, which also works hard to ensure that its members are hated by all outgroups so as never to be able to seek refuge outside of the organization.
    Oh, and dont forget to have them mutilate their kids' genitals and diddle them for extra bonding-through-trauma points.

  25. 3 months ago

    By having it being entirely merchantile. Someone posts a bounty, the Assassin's kill the mark, the guild takes a cut and hands the rest off to the Assassin. Simple, efficient, self regulating.

  26. 3 months ago

    Make them ninjas raised from childhood to do the job and just the job, you CANNOT kill anyone else, only the target, but you HAVE to kill anyone who sees your face while on the job.

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