Other m probably would've worked if some of the context of the mission was changed slightly.

Like instead of taking place when and where it did in the timeline have it actually take place during the time she was working with the federation.
Playing as a less experienced and armed Samus would have slightly better justified the "pwease dawddy wet mwe ywuse miswwuls!" Shit that was going on in that game.

Wouldn't fix the horrendous dialogue and melodrama but imo coming at the game from this angle would have been a better idea.
also please make massive 5head Samus canon

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago


  3. 2 years ago

    Putting Mother Brain into a human form as Melissa and having her regard and treat Metroid essentially as pets is genuinely the best, most out there idea in the history of Metroid.

    • 2 years ago

      Most out there sure but "best"? Idk. Maybe if the execution was better or not dragged down by the rest of the game but as it stood meh.

    • 2 years ago

      No. That sounds like stupid ass fan fiction. All it needs is Samus and human brain falling in love.

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds like moronic fanfiction which is why it gets ignored now.

    • 2 years ago

      >what if it was a waifu!
      How in the frick is that interesting

  4. 2 years ago

    Why they make her so tiny?

    • 2 years ago

      Because Sakamoto was self-inserting as Adam and he couldn't allow the weak anime princess he was romancing be taller than him.

  5. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Shouldn't you be running scared after your fat ass dicklet self got doxxed.

  6. 2 years ago

    Cute forehead

  7. 2 years ago


  8. 2 years ago

    No it wouldn’t have
    The gameplay was still trash. There was no metroidvania element to it, you just ran from room to room in linear 3D hallways and waited for the next cutscene to play. No exploration or freedom is given until the final moments of the game.

    >but muh fusion-
    End this meme. Fusion only tells you where you need to go, not how to get there. There’s multiple times in Fusoon where you think it’s a simple Point A to Point B only to find out you have to go explore this massive detour before getting there.

    >Adam was the perfect military mind
    >fricked up THIS badly on an easy rescue mission
    >even though he betrayed them, the GF still put an AI of his brain in Samus’ ship

    • 2 years ago

      I'm not going to argue whether it was a good Metroid game or not but as an action game it was actually Bretty passable especially if you consider it a spin off rather than a mainline entry. that doesn't excuse it's linearity doe
      All I'm really saying is a change in story would've help more people to swallow the change in gameplay as the story is the MOST criticized aspect of OM

      • 2 years ago

        Eh I still feel like the gameplay relied too much on dodge and shoot instead of combos with Samus’ arsenal to be a good action game

        But I do agree making it a prequel story would’ve made some of the worse parts of the game more tolerable
        Especially this one

        • 2 years ago

          Frick man. How can you be a Metroid developer and go through this scene in it's entirety without realizing how stupid it is in the context of where Samus was as a character by that point.

          Idk how the could've shoehorned ridley into op's hypothetical but it would made so much better sense there.

          • 2 years ago

            >Samus kills Ridley in Zero Mission, no PTSD
            >Samus kills Ridley in Samus Returns, no PTSD
            >Samus kills Ridley in the prime games, no PTSD
            >Samus kills Ridley in Super, no PTSD
            >Ridley shows up in Other M
            >Panic Attack

            Every fricking time

            • 2 years ago

              Frick man. How can you be a Metroid developer and go through this scene in it's entirety without realizing how stupid it is in the context of where Samus was as a character by that point.

              Idk how the could've shoehorned ridley into op's hypothetical but it would made so much better sense there.

              It's likely a case of advancement of technology. The director probably felt he missed his chance to give an emotional scene like that in the original games so when video game cinematographycan along he could finally show the ridley encounter as he originally intended it in his head

              • 2 years ago

                And now it's thankfully just a canon "event".

              • 2 years ago

                How so?

              • 2 years ago

                Samus Returns and Dread retconned her personality to be more like it is in past 2D games.

            • 2 years ago
              Trooth Bombz from /asp/

              Been a while since I played it and I do not like this game but this is a version of Ridley that she saw as a baby, that's just one internal conflict. Not killing a baby Ridley is the same thing as not killing a baby Metroid. But once she realized what the evolving creature was she feels distressed because (and this is the part I might be misremembering) the creature has killed several members of the federation team. From her perspective, she is hung up over the death of an infant alien monster while being confronted with the horrors you sow by allowing such creatures to live.
              So I might be remembering it wrong though because I remember something about one of the squad being a rogue agent and killing the other squad members. You never find out who the rogue agent is though. It's the biggest plot issue in the game. My memory might be correcting that issue by telling me that Ridley killed at least one squad member when it's possible that isn't true.

              • 2 years ago

                The “DELETER” ( I can’t believe she called him that) was never directly revealed but inferred to be James, Samus sees his dead body on her way to the Metroids and since he was the last one who killed everyone else, had to be him

              • 2 years ago

                Jesus that whole story was such amateur nonsense. Embarrassing

              • 2 years ago

                Sakamoto is such a fricking hack, what the frick was that deleter shit even about? What was the point of having a bunch of npcs run around the ship getting killed off screen while the game focuses 99% of its narrative on MB?

            • 2 years ago

              >Samus kills Ridley in Zero Mission, no PTSD
              >Samus kills Ridley in the prime games, no PTSD
              lies and slander. watch the cutscenes again.

              • 2 years ago

                Her reaction in those games are “OH SHIT!” which is plausible especially in prime. She doesn’t freeze up and start crying and imagining herself as a little girl like in other m

          • 2 years ago

            Other M was purposefully ignoring/denying the existence of Prime, which includes 2 of Ridley's 4 previous comebacks, remember that line that went "This was my first joing mission with the Federation since leaving"? Yeah b***h, except for that time you had to purge the Federation's very own star system of Phazon and then they took you to planet Phaze to destroy it.

            • 2 years ago

              Main series always ignored the Prime series, just because Other M is dogshit doesn't change that fact. Nintendo for the most part had to rewrite a lot of Prime's logs so the mainline games will always be considered more canon and the ones that sets things up.

              • 2 years ago

                Samus Returns and Dread don't, they don't reference Prime directly, but their aesthetic is far more Prime than Other M, particularly when it comes to the appearance of the Power Suit, creatures and environments.

              • 2 years ago

                True and Other Shit does this too with the Seeker Missiles, Super Missiles, and Samus's Gravity "Feature" not being able to protect her against lava, references are gonna happen but the plot is going to ignore side games.

              • 2 years ago

                Samus Returns' Power Suit is literally just an edited Other M suit. It's definitely far more Other M than Prime.

              • 2 years ago

                Get your eyes checked, holy shit.

              • 2 years ago

                >same smooth hard plastic look
                >same overly bright colors
                >same toy gun-like design
                >same hard angled breastplate design
                Face it. It's much more inspired by Other M than Prime. The only exception being the oversized pauldrons.

              • 2 years ago

                Literally all those apply to primes suit too.
                You're literally just pointing out distinctive features of Samus.

              • 2 years ago

                Excuse me? Other suit designs do not have smooth curves. They have hard angles. The exceptions are the Fusion and Light suits. Other suit designs don't have a gun that looks like a toy pea-shooter. Other suit designs don't have paint jobs that are quite so bright.

              • 2 years ago

                Literally look with your fricking eyes anon

                Uh, no?

              • 2 years ago

                nta, at first you said "it's an edited other m model" and now it's "much more inspired". Design cohesion is a thing and Other M obviously took it from Prime so kinda you're arguing a pointless position.

              • 2 years ago

                Uh, no?

            • 2 years ago

              How did they not realize that the breakdown scene still doesn't make any sense because of the previous 2 encounters that they still regarded as canon? Good grief.

  9. 2 years ago

    Code Lyoko-ass fivehead

  10. 2 years ago

    >Young Zero Suit Samus
    Acgay is gonna FREAK!

  11. 2 years ago

    The extra belts don't really make sense in regards to how she summons her armor but frick do I like tactical feel it gives her.

  12. 2 years ago

    I have a fetish for bangs pulled back like that. Frick yes.

    • 2 years ago
  13. 2 years ago

    Other M would have never worked.

  14. 2 years ago
    Trooth Bombz from /asp/

    If the cops are engaged in a shootout you can't just run up to them as a civilian (nor as a bounty hunter) and say "Stand back guys! I can't handle this a lot faster with my rocket launcher" before blowing up a middle school.

    • 2 years ago

      Space is very fricking lawless in the Metroid universe. The galactic federation only has "authority" because they scream they have it the loudest.

      • 2 years ago
        Trooth Bombz from /asp/

        Sounds like any government anywhere. Presumably, Samus opts into using a currency that is backed by the federation. We've never seen the logistics or fueling or repairing her ship but one of the GBA games does have art depicting her in civilian clothes going out for the night and presumably she has to pay for her drinks.

        That's still no excuse to deactivate basic non combat environmental functions you have

        That was pretty dumb but if I remember correctly she runs through one hot room and then immediately is given access to her suit. If I'm right, that's not outside the realm of believability.

        I don't know what bug got up my ass today I don't want to defend fricking Other M of all games.

    • 2 years ago

      That's still no excuse to deactivate basic non combat environmental functions you have

  15. 2 years ago

    The gameplay would have been garbage no matter what.

    Still, the scenario of Other M is very strange. From playing Fusion you don't get the impression that Adam died recently. It seems much more likely that the experience she recalls is from very early in her career and not something that just happened yesterday. Setting it before Zero Mission gives an excuse to make Samus emotionally immature, more deferential to authority, and also removes the gay Metroid cloning conspiracy that was already played out in Fusion.

  16. 2 years ago

    I want a metroid to flesh out the world itself. Closest we got was seeing the GF in Corruption.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't care about the big picture. The GF is boring and their only role should be to give missions to Samus. What is important is that each location is fleshed out. Every planet in the Prime series had plenty of interesting details.

    • 2 years ago

      I want you to have a nice day

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      For me it's wanting to see more galactic bounty hunters as pro/antagonists. It's already been established she ain't the only one running around so start making some more cool ones with cool back stories. Or hell use the ones they already made.

  17. 2 years ago

    God I want to give her bangs made of cum.

  18. 2 years ago

    >Make it a prequel
    I mean, that could justify Samus personality but, do you really still want Adam unlocking your abilities instead of what every other Metroid has done? do you really want to play as that Samus? do you really want to deal with the most awful GF iteration? Seriously, the only way to fix Other M is to completely remake it from scratch.

  19. 2 years ago

    >that 5head
    I want to rub my dick on it.

  20. 2 years ago

    >enter a lava world
    >health drains every second
    >Adam? Hello?
    >Make your way through the entire world and reach the end

    • 2 years ago

      The worst part of that wasn't even the fact that Adam was wildly incompetent as a C.O., but that Samus was moronic enough to not activate the Varia Suit until he told her to.

  21. 2 years ago

    >Zero Suit
    has a single idea killed a franchise harder? The wanted to tokenize the concept of "Samus at her weakest" and it got over exposed because of smash, and for the longest time was the the most iconic version of Samus. Thank frick its been basically taken out back and shot in Dread and Returns. Frick the idea of Samus running around in her pajamas.

    • 2 years ago

      Why are you so butt lasted about 20 minutes of one game

      • 2 years ago

        because it extended into a decade long hiatus with the only discussion of samus being relegated to BLACKED threads

    • 2 years ago

      I'd imagine sleeping in a skin tight suit would be worse than sleeping in jeans

    • 2 years ago

      No, melodramatic Metroid must be character driven bullshit is what almost killed the franchise but thankfully, Samus Returns and Dread got rid of that. Melodrama is for pussies.

      • 2 years ago

        Dread was kinda melodramatic at points.

        • 2 years ago

          I'd say dramatic, not melodramatic.

          • 2 years ago

            Ah, fair distinction

        • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Metroid itself only made Zero Suit playable on Zero Mission, and it was a stealth section that actually makes sense in a series that's basically a mix of Alien + Magical girl tropes + Kamen Rider. Dunno how anti-ZSS get so assblasted about it when Samus without her Power Suit is actually pretty competent. The only bad iteration is Other M because Sakamoto wanted so badly to push Samus weakest side disregarding the previous games.

      • 2 years ago

        Imagine writing all this because someone didn't agree with you

        • 2 years ago

          >all this
          homie, it's like 3 sentences. People are getting so illiterate around here it is becoming legitimately concerning.

          • 2 years ago

            I aint reading all that, leftist

        • 2 years ago

          Not him but Metroid fell under for years for the same reason Halo's campaign fell under for years, melodrama. No one likes it unless they're a sissy man or a weak woman.

          • 2 years ago

            Metroid was put on the shelf because Nintendo and Team Ninja are filled with idiots. Nobody complain about the Prime trilogy.

            • 2 years ago

              At the time, Retro didn't want to make any more Prime games.

              • 2 years ago

                They didn't need to. The Prime trilogy was a amazing series. It has just enough story to let the action do the talking. They earned the right to pick their spots.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah this anon is right, clearly we need to ditch the Zero Suit and go back to how things originally were.

    • 2 years ago

      >has a single idea killed a franchise harder?

    • 2 years ago

      Everyone is always going to know Samus is a hot girl under the suit, so according to CERTAIN types, the series is now permanently doomed.
      Fortunately nobody gives a frick about them.

      • 2 years ago

        >CERTAIN types
        Whiny butthole right-wingers?

        • 2 years ago

          Horseshoe-theory-proving "muh coom" whiners, mostly.

        • 2 years ago

          What the frick does politics have to do with anything schizo

          • 2 years ago

            He said "certain types". I thought he was talking about the people who insert twitter screencaps, trannies, Black folk and American politics into every thread.

            • 2 years ago

              He's clearly talking about ACgay.

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            Thanks for the (You)

    • 2 years ago

      Sexualizing video game characters is genuinely one of the worst things you can ever do. It has nothing to do with "MUH SOGGY KNEES" since a study just came out that even showed that sexy characters don't contribute to that. It's all about reducing games to shallow fap bait, and making it the only priority that matters. Most people ITT only like Metroid because they can jerk off to Samus. They've never actually played a Metroid game. Anyone who says otherwise is a dirty liar. If they have even one single ZSS pic saved to their computer, they retroactively have not touched a single Metroid title.

      In addition to that, blind coombait just leads to defending bad aspects of a game. Look at Xenoblade, and how fans will blindly defend the gacha elements, or the atrocious framerate. look at Splatoon and how they defend the abhorrent online quality, not to mention the lack of freedom when choosing online maps. Look at the entirety of the mobile phone scene, where idiot coombrains will spend 500 dollars on a JPG of their waifu.

      Of course, they're not gonna admit their fault. They'll just pretend "no, it's fine. Games should run at 20 FPS, it's okay if the online sucks, microtransactions are great! i can jerk off to boobies." Metroid would've been vastly improved if Samus was just an emotionless robotic murder machine. None of this emotional namby pamby. It even infected Metroid Dread, which sucks.

      >ZOMG SAMUS TALKS IT'S JUST LIKE MY FAVORITE EPISODE OF [insert artistic pretentious hipster trash here]

      Give me a break.

      • 2 years ago

        You can see it in half the threads on Ganker. All the "Did you play her game?" bullshit. Simps proping up gacha shit like Genshin and Azur and whateverthefrick. No wonder publishers see us as suckers

        • 2 years ago

          Sexualizing video game characters is genuinely one of the worst things you can ever do. It has nothing to do with "MUH SOGGY KNEES" since a study just came out that even showed that sexy characters don't contribute to that. It's all about reducing games to shallow fap bait, and making it the only priority that matters. Most people ITT only like Metroid because they can jerk off to Samus. They've never actually played a Metroid game. Anyone who says otherwise is a dirty liar. If they have even one single ZSS pic saved to their computer, they retroactively have not touched a single Metroid title.

          In addition to that, blind coombait just leads to defending bad aspects of a game. Look at Xenoblade, and how fans will blindly defend the gacha elements, or the atrocious framerate. look at Splatoon and how they defend the abhorrent online quality, not to mention the lack of freedom when choosing online maps. Look at the entirety of the mobile phone scene, where idiot coombrains will spend 500 dollars on a JPG of their waifu.

          Of course, they're not gonna admit their fault. They'll just pretend "no, it's fine. Games should run at 20 FPS, it's okay if the online sucks, microtransactions are great! i can jerk off to boobies." Metroid would've been vastly improved if Samus was just an emotionless robotic murder machine. None of this emotional namby pamby. It even infected Metroid Dread, which sucks.

          >ZOMG SAMUS TALKS IT'S JUST LIKE MY FAVORITE EPISODE OF [insert artistic pretentious hipster trash here]

          Give me a break.

          You too should find somewhere else to jerk each other off

      • 2 years ago

        Dread actually did a good job reducing the coombait in the series.

        • 2 years ago

          Yes, that was nice admittedly.

          You too should find somewhere else to jerk each other off


      • 2 years ago

        >If they have even one single ZSS pic saved to their computer, they retroactively have not touched a single Metroid title.
        Hi ACgay, moronic as ever I see.

        • 2 years ago

          Is this a wrong statement? Your priorities only show themselves when you go into a thread about metroid. Do you think to yourself "hmm, I'm going to talk about metroid" or do you think "I'M GONNA POST PICTURES OF SAMUS GETTING BLACKED HAHA"

          Don't blame me because you got called out for your mindless ballyhoo.

          • 2 years ago

            >"priorities" (which can somehow be shown by a single image on your hard drive) somehow retroactively alter the games you have played and enjoyed
            No, they cannot.
            There's really nothing to say about Metroid anymore, gameplay-wise. Dread was long enough ago that everything meaningful that can be said about it has been said about it, there are enough obscure romhacks that you could talk about them forever but organizing that discussion would be fricking nightmarish and would almost certainly turn metroid threads into generals, and we don't have any gameplay footage of Prime 4 to even try to dissect.

            • 2 years ago

              >There's really nothing to say about Metroid anymore,
              That's the excuse of a quitter. I can talk about TF2 for 40 years without it ever getting an update, just because it's that good of a game. Metroid, which has 10+ games to work from, surely can't garner SOME discussion?

              >Sakurai was a moron who thinks Zero Suit Samus is more important than regular samus
              Samus is Samus no matter what suit she is wearing. Or did you just mean "regular" as in the default on the character selection screen?
              Regardless. Smash hardly made Zero Suit "more important".

              >Samus is Samus no matter what suit she is wearing
              Tell that to the threads that regular become porn dumps, because apparently discussing the games is too hard for some people.

              >the only way to play as ZSS without using smash balls in Brawl is a hidden button combo, she doesn't have her own place on the CSS
              >"she's more important waah"
              have a nice day.

              >ZSS has to be central to the character because um.... some made up reason

              • 2 years ago

                >hat simulator
                >a good game
                discussion over

              • 2 years ago

                To be fair, TF2 is multiplayer. Interacting with other players lends itself to more varied experiences.

              • 2 years ago

                And Metroid has a humongous community with mods, fangames and romhacks rivaled only by titans like Mario. Super Metroid, despite not selling like gangbusters, probably has more romhacks per capita than even Super Mario 64. Are you telling me you can't think of a single thing to discuss?

                >hat simulator
                >a good game
                discussion over

                Yes, it is a good game.

                >I can talk about TF2 for 40 years without it ever getting an update
                Only if you play it, and you can only play it continuously because there are new matches with new people to be had. There is no way to make endless permutations of Metroid Dread that are actually worth discussing. And like I said, you could do romhacks of older games, there's enough of those, but coordinating things so that there's actually discussion instead of you posting "I was playing a romhack and it did xyz" would turn the thread into a general pretty much guaranteed.
                >ZSS has to be central to the character
                It's not. If you turn smash balls off (incredibly common) and play Samus you will literally never see Zero Suit Samus. Same with if you select ZSS via the hidden method.

                >would turn the thread into a general pretty much guaranteed.
                You mean the entire point of a thread? What's the problem again?

                >It's not. If you turn smash balls off (incredibly common) and play Samus you will literally never see Zero Suit Samus. Same with if you select ZSS via the hidden method.
                You're ignoring that later Smash games went even more full moron on putting ZSS in the spotlight. And the smash community's somewhat sickening obsession with ZSS only made it worse.

                You don't talk about tf2. You talk about other shit while playing tf2. There is a vast difference.

                TF2 threads always hit bump limit thanks to discussion about weapon balance, whether random crits are good, 6v6 versus 12v12, and character loadouts. Even discussing the hats has some value, since it contributes to the economy simulator that they added to the game.

              • 2 years ago

                >"the entire point of a thread" is to be a general
                Have you ever actually looked at /vg/? When you start encouraging people to come back to a thread and become recognizable, other people will take that as free reign to ritualpost about their waifu or blogpost about their real life. It would be, unironically, your worst fricking NIGHTMARE for there to be a Metroid general.
                >later Smash games went even more full moron on putting ZSS in the spotlight
                She was given a separate character slot, big fricking whoop.

              • 2 years ago

                >responding to five different posts
                Nobody cares about your opinion you terminal moron. Go be crazy somewhere else

              • 2 years ago

                >I can talk about TF2 for 40 years without it ever getting an update
                Only if you play it, and you can only play it continuously because there are new matches with new people to be had. There is no way to make endless permutations of Metroid Dread that are actually worth discussing. And like I said, you could do romhacks of older games, there's enough of those, but coordinating things so that there's actually discussion instead of you posting "I was playing a romhack and it did xyz" would turn the thread into a general pretty much guaranteed.
                >ZSS has to be central to the character
                It's not. If you turn smash balls off (incredibly common) and play Samus you will literally never see Zero Suit Samus. Same with if you select ZSS via the hidden method.

              • 2 years ago

                You don't talk about tf2. You talk about other shit while playing tf2. There is a vast difference.

              • 2 years ago

                is Samus no matter what suit she is wearing
                >Tell that to the threads that regular become porn dumps
                How does fan behaviour change or otherwise affect the contents of the original text/image?
                It's in human nature to sexualize things. People wanting to frick Samus doesn't actually change who the character is or how she is presented.

              • 2 years ago

                ACgay claims everything is porn. He even screeches about official Nintendo renders of ZSS being porn.

              • 2 years ago

                ACgay claims everything is porn. He even screeches about official Nintendo renders of ZSS being porn.

                >How does fan behaviour change or otherwise affect the contents of the original text/image?
                Because when fans only care about jerking off to porn, we end up with games like Metroid: Other M. Look at how you're defending it now.

                >bruh it's not that bad
                >okay so it ended up making one of the worst games ever made, but ZSS is still important to the series
                >nooo Dread ruined the series, I can't jerk off to Samus now!

                See how it leads to a bad attitude?

                >"the entire point of a thread" is to be a general
                Have you ever actually looked at /vg/? When you start encouraging people to come back to a thread and become recognizable, other people will take that as free reign to ritualpost about their waifu or blogpost about their real life. It would be, unironically, your worst fricking NIGHTMARE for there to be a Metroid general.
                >later Smash games went even more full moron on putting ZSS in the spotlight
                She was given a separate character slot, big fricking whoop.

                >Have you ever actually looked at /vg/?
                Not the best, but it seems a bit better than the millionth "samus gets blacked" thread which pollutes metroid.

              • 2 years ago

                >a bit better than the millionth "samus gets blacked" thread which pollutes metroid
                A million shitty threads with no identity and no identifiable posters is better than one persistent thread infested by morons who will always, ALWAYS come back.

              • 2 years ago

                >a million shitty threads are good because it could be worse
                >we can't try and improve discussion, that's somehow impossible

                I don't know how Snoytroons and Hollow homosexuals translate to most of Ganker but okay.

                This applies to the entirety of Ganker, not just sony fans and hollow knight fans. I've often said in the past that metroid shouldn't have any sexuality or story, because those just get in the way of the gameplay, only for people to call me a homosexual. Do you REALLY want Metroid to just be Uncharted but made by Nintendo? That's the only alternative to an actual video game, with actual gameplay.

                You aren't called a homosexual for "trying to discuss the game". You're called a homosexual for saying
                >Wow I sure love Metroid GAMEPLAY (and you are a homosexual for talking about zero suit samus)
                If you just talked about GAMEPLAY you liked you would not be called a homosexual.

                You're being called a homosexual for saying shit like Samus isn't allowed to be sexy or associate with sexiness at all. Not for discussing actual gameplay. Which you haven't as of yet

                You don't come into Metroid threads to discuss anything. You come into them to derail, shitpost, and cry about your mental trauma from a 12-year-old game. And you do the same thing in Zelda threads because of your Other M insanity.

                You haven't said shit about the gameplay since you started posting bruv.
                You immediately jump into a rant about zero suit and smash with little context.

                >Wow I sure love Metroid GAMEPLAY (and you are a homosexual for talking about zero suit samus)
                If you're talking about how much you want to frick ZSS, you're not talking about the game, so it's not something that can co-exist. I constantly bring up how Metroid can be improved by removing the weakness of having a "character" with "emotional states". Those have never once helped a video game at any point in the entire history of the industry.

                >You haven't said shit about the gameplay
                I am discussing how to improve the gameplay. Think about it, without "emotional states" Samus wouldn't constantly force me to stand still and listen to hour long monologues ala Fusion. I wouldn't be forced into mandatory cutscenes where my agency means nothing, ala Super Metroid's mother brain fight. Other M wouldn't exist period. Prime 3 would've probably been less linear with far less handholding.

              • 2 years ago

                >all gameplay discussion has to be accompanied with constant shit-talk about story and sexuality
                >people tell me to shut the frick up when I shit talk story and sexuality
                >if any non-gameplay discussion happens in any form, then no gameplay discussion is happening
                >therefore story/sexuality and gameplay are incompatible
                That is not how this works and you know it.
                >Think about it, without "emotional states" Samus wouldn't constantly force me to stand still and listen to hour long monologues ala Fusion
                The gameplay in Fusion isn't impacted at all by the moments that aren't gameplay. It's only when you get to Other M levels of moronation (the level design being entirely guided by the story, your equipment being locked for story reasons, doors arbitrarily opening and closing because of story) that story is intruding on gameplay.

              • 2 years ago

                >people tell me to shut the frick up when I shit talk story and sexuality
                You'd think a board that so vehemently hates sony would agree with me when I also hate story in games. You'd think after the hilarious disasters that were TLOU and Uncharted and YIIK and those other pretentious walking simulators, that maybe we'd stop trying to make games into movies. That's why I supported Nintendo in the past. That's why so many people supported them. Now you want them to be the same dime-store cinematic pilpul.

                >The gameplay in Fusion isn't impacted at all by the moments that aren't gameplay.
                The story literally prevents you from sequence breaking because "DUDE THE PLOT NEEDS TO BE FOLLOWED".

              • 2 years ago

                >You'd think a board that so vehemently hates sony would agree with me when I also hate story in games
                That's the thing. The board doesn't hate Sony games just because they have story. Nor does the board agree with your assessment that any amount of cutscenes is "trying to make a game into a movie". You cannot possibly begin to equate Metroid Dread having one scene where Samus speaks to TLOU2 having scenes all about telling the player how to feel about real-world identity politics.
                >The story literally prevents you from sequence breaking because "DUDE THE PLOT NEEDS TO BE FOLLOWED".
                "The story prevents obvious methods of sequence breaking" is not on the same level as, nor is it anywhere near as severe as, "the story has determined that this door will not open until you trigger a random cutscene that has nothing to do with this door elsewhere".

              • 2 years ago

                >You cannot possibly begin to equate Metroid Dread having one scene where Samus speaks to TLOU2 having scenes all about telling the player how to feel about real-world identity politics.
                Au contraire. Of course I can. Trying to force a story into a game IS trying to encourage real world politics. The game is trying to make games about "emotional appeals" and characters having feelings. Samus talking to Quiet Robe is no different from abby choking Ellie. They're both disgusting abominations trying to turn their respective games into pretentious "art". the only difference is that Dread is still a good game in spite of it, while TLOU never had a chance.

                >"the story has determined that this door will not open until you trigger a random cutscene that has nothing to do with this door elsewhere".
                Anon, the doors literally lock behind you at every single moment, the only justification being "the story says so". Infact, here's the most infamous one.

                Tell me, what reason did they have to lock the door so you couldn't just continue on, outside of the idiotic story?

              • 2 years ago

                >Trying to force a story into a game IS trying to encourage real world politics. The game is trying to make games about "emotional appeals" and characters having feelings. Samus talking to Quiet Robe is no different from abby choking Ellie. They're both disgusting abominations trying to turn their respective games into pretentious "art".
                This is some olympian level mental gymnastics

              • 2 years ago

                >watching Samus talk to Quiet Robe
                >no gameplay is happening

                >watch Abby choke Ellie
                >there's a QTE, but those don't count as gameplay, so no gameplay is happening

                Seems all the same to me.

              • 2 years ago

                Do you have ADD? guinea question as that's the only fricking way you could in any convincible notion conflate the two.

              • 2 years ago

                Same shit, different day, you haven't changed in 12 years, ACgay.

              • 2 years ago

                no one asked

              • 2 years ago

                >They're both disgusting abominations trying to turn their respective games into pretentious "art".
                In what way? You haven't actually explained how emotions are innately political. Samus talking to Quiet Robe was done because people have been interested in Samus's relation to the Chozo for a long time. It wasn't done to make the game "artsy", it was done because it answered questions that fans had. Meanwhile, we're expected to go along with TLOU2 talking about "bigot sandwiches" despite that we already are well fricking aware of everyone in the cast's political and sexual preferences. No, neither moment has gameplay, but one of them has story that is being told because players wanted it to be told, and one of them has story that is being told because the creator wanted to make a political point.
                >the doors literally lock behind you
                Do they ever lock in front of you for no visible reason, forcing you to explore elsewhere until you randomly trigger the door to unlock? No? Then it's not on the level of Other M.

              • 2 years ago

                There is a difference between games that have a story and moviegames. Movie games focus so heavily on the story that the gameplay suffers as a result. You can stitch their cutscenes together into a movie and not much would be lost due to bare bones gameplay. Even games like the OG GOW Trilogy aren't movie games because, despite having loads of cutscenes, the gameplay is still engaging and is the primary focus of the game. If you divorce the gameplay from them, most of the enjoyment is lost as well. Also Dread came nowhere close to either of these in terms of cutscenes and story.

              • 2 years ago

                Dread came dangerously close to this due to the cinematic fake "gameplay" that constantly interrupts the real gameplay, aka the cinematic parries. There's the occasional parry that isn't too bad, like when you're fighting chozo soldiers or regular enemies, but then there's the obnoxious 50 hour long movie segments like versus Corpius or Z57. And what's the fandom's excuse?

                >umm, sweaty the games are too hard, we should be allowed to do free damage and not have to worry about getting hit, that's too videogamey

                I mean geez, might as well just implement god mode if you want the game to play itself.

              • 2 years ago

                >still shrieking and ribbing his balls off over gameplay elements
                I try to laugh, but then I remember ACgay proudly boasts as much as he can about having a Super Metroid mod that removes the intro, the entire Mother Brain fight, and the ending, and then I laugh harder and shake my head at his level of brain damage.

              • 2 years ago

                I don't think such a mod even exists.

              • 2 years ago

                He asked someone to make it especially for him.

              • 2 years ago

                >still shrieking and ribbing his balls off over gameplay elements
                I try to laugh, but then I remember ACgay proudly boasts as much as he can about having a Super Metroid mod that removes the intro, the entire Mother Brain fight, and the ending, and then I laugh harder and shake my head at his level of brain damage.

                It's called Super Zero Mission. I'm sorry you're filtered by kino.

                You're trying way to fricking hard here anon.
                You're telling me if I have like 10 minutes worth of cutscenes in a 8 hour game than that game is a movie game? Frick all the way off

                Would the game be horribly ruined without those 10 minutes? Then yes, it is a movie game.

                >They're both disgusting abominations trying to turn their respective games into pretentious "art".
                In what way? You haven't actually explained how emotions are innately political. Samus talking to Quiet Robe was done because people have been interested in Samus's relation to the Chozo for a long time. It wasn't done to make the game "artsy", it was done because it answered questions that fans had. Meanwhile, we're expected to go along with TLOU2 talking about "bigot sandwiches" despite that we already are well fricking aware of everyone in the cast's political and sexual preferences. No, neither moment has gameplay, but one of them has story that is being told because players wanted it to be told, and one of them has story that is being told because the creator wanted to make a political point.
                >the doors literally lock behind you
                Do they ever lock in front of you for no visible reason, forcing you to explore elsewhere until you randomly trigger the door to unlock? No? Then it's not on the level of Other M.

                >You haven't actually explained how emotions are innately political.
                They are against the idea of a video game, where you're having fun by shooting the bad guy, or jumping over platforms. Emotions are disgusting for vidya because they try to stop you from enjoying the game. Now you have to think about how your actions are hurting the innocent NPCs! You can't shoot the bad guy, he has a tragic backstory! You can't jump on that platform, it suffered bigotry from anti-platform riots! It's the antithesis of everything good in a game. Frankly, games should've never tried to be art, and the only thing they should have in common is the protection they have under the law, which protects it from censorship. Besides that, it shouldn't be anywhere near "art".

                >Samus talking to Quiet Robe was done because people have been interested in Samus's relation to the Chozo for a long time
                And why the hell should I care? That's like me needing to spend 50 hours in a Mario game, watching cutscenes about whether he's from Brooklyn or Yoshi's Island, because his backstory apparently needed heavy elaboration. No, of course not! All you should care about is the wacky plumber man jumping on the goombas.

                >Do they ever lock in front of you for no visible reason
                The video I showed literally does this.

              • 2 years ago

                >Would the game be horribly ruined without those 10 minutes? Then yes, it is a movie game.
                Ah. You're baiting or actually dumb. I'm sorry I was actually engaging with you for a moment.

              • 2 years ago

                >this game is amazing, it's a 10/10 masterpiece
                >would you say the same if I took out the 5 minute interlude where the characters do nothing but talk?
                >heavens no, it would be putrid garbage

              • 2 years ago

                I'd explain why that green text shows how fricking stupid you are here but the time and energy it would take would be wasted as you're too fricking stupid to actual understand the answer.

              • 2 years ago

                >like Super Metroid
                >hate the cutscenes and intro cinematic
                >remove them via modding
                >game is now better

                >hate movie game like Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy
                >remove cutscenes
                >game is still garbage, revealing the cutscenes to be nothing but smoke and mirrors to hide the badness of the base game

                Hopefully that clears things up.

              • 2 years ago

                >game is still garbage

              • 2 years ago

                >Super Zero Mission
                Good hack, but it isn't Super Metroid anymore.

              • 2 years ago

                you're right. It's better!

                You still have to avoid several attacks in order to get to the counter opportunities. They do not make the boss fight much easier because you are still boned if you screw that up enough on the way. Furthermore, you can actually face tank the bosses in previous Metroid games a lot more than you can the ones in Dread. That might be due to how Dread spaces out energy upgrades, but I definitely noticed that I had to avoid attacks a lot more often in Dread than I did in Super, Fusion, or Zero Mission. And again, if you have reach the point to where reaching the counters isn't a challenge, then there isn't much more challenge in avoiding them. That's why I emphasized that it was a fair challenge for first timers.

                >You still have to avoid several attacks in order to get to the counter opportunities.
                That's the fun part. If the game was nothing but that, there would be almost nothing to complain about. They still felt the need to make the game "cinematic" by adding in those handholdy QTE segments. Objectively they add nothing, and only worsen the game. Like I said before, a good game doesn't need "help". It just is.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                You have argued that they trivalize the game and turn it cinematic enough to where it practically plays itself. I don't like the counters, but they don't effect the game to anywhere near that extent, especially because you actively have to avoid more damage than the previous Metroid games.

              • 2 years ago

                Then these "moments" wouldn't need to exist, if the game was so good. Saying that the game needs these crutches is just an admittance that the game has no confidence in its own gameplay.

                I can understand not caring about narrative. Hell that's why there's a skip cutscenes feature in any sane game. But saying literally all games should have zero narrative optional or otherwise is NEXT LEVEL upyourownassness.
                It's like being proud you're ignorant because books are for nerds.

                Maybe when pretentious hacks like Neil Druckmann and Hideo Kojima leave the industry, and maybe once we raze the earth of any movie-games like TLOU, perhaps we could have SOME kind of story, in a very small form. As it stands, the entire concept of it has been corrupted and needs to be burnt to the ground.

              • 2 years ago

                Maybe you just need to stop playing video games. No one would miss you. Especially since you need bringing up last of us in a fricking Metroid thread.

              • 2 years ago

                Blame Other M for that. Metroid flew way too close to the sun, and now bears second degree burns from trying to be too artistic. You're blaming me for trying to apply aloe vera.

              • 2 years ago

                You're not though. You're trying to perform an amputation on an arm that's already gotten better.

              • 2 years ago

                >that's already gotten better
                You say that, and yet the series still does nothing but encourage Samus Blacked threads and porn dumps.That doesn't sound like it's getting better.

                I haven't defended these moments as "needing to exist". I simply do not believe that they effect the gameplay to the extent that you do. For instance, I fail to see how the game has "no confidence in its gameplay"; while the QTEs do provide a crutch, one that I do agree the game would be better without, I don't think that they do so to the extent that it invalidates the gameplay. There is far too much of an emphasis on the player having to manually avoid damage in Dread's boss design for me to buy into that.

                >For instance, I fail to see how the game has "no confidence in its gameplay";
                It's a good game, but it's afraid to let the player think for themselves for even a second. You see this in mechanics like having checkpoints everywhere, or """"Adam"""" constantly tell you where to go next. The QTE parries are just a fraction of the issue, but they're a big fraction.

              • 2 years ago

                Dude, do geniunely think that spammed porn threads on Ganker are indicative of the actual state of Metroid as a franchise?

              • 2 years ago

                Dread is the best selling game yet and Ganker isn't the end all or be all on Metroid discussion you fricking moron removing story from the game wouldn't even fix the issue as everyone already knows Samus is a sex beast under her armor.

                Holy shit.

              • 2 years ago

                >Dread is the best selling game yet
                And yet nobody discusses it on Ganker, while we have a million Samus porn dumps. Interesting.

              • 2 years ago

                >And yet nobody discusses it on Ganker
                Let me guess, you just happened to be "away" when the game released and there were tens of threads a day discussing it, and even managed to have an active general in /vg/

              • 2 years ago

                Those threads were me trying to garner discussion, but despite my best efforts people didn't care about the game, and just wanted to jerk off to Samus porn. Tell me, do we still have those genuine threads today? Of course not.

                Bold of you to assume that those have any correlation to each other. Also geniune discussions about Metroid still happen consistently; hell you are in one right now.

                >Also geniune discussions about Metroid still happen consistently; hell you are in one right now.
                Not to toot my own horn, but if I didn't post anything ITT the thread would've just been another porn dump. FFS it started out with people wanting to jerk off to e-girl Samus. That was already a recipe for disaster.

              • 2 years ago

                >Those threads were me trying to garner discussion,

              • 2 years ago

                Here's an example of me praising Dread last year, when it first released.


                I still hold true to it. I love, among other things, that at least it didn't need to rehash Barney the fire breathing space dragon.

              • 2 years ago

                >Those threads were me trying to garner discussion
                >Here's an example
                >not even the OP
                You're just making yourself look more moronic.

              • 2 years ago

                I was trying to garner discussion amidst a sea of coombrains. It proves my point.

                >say that Metroid works best when it's not pandering to the waifu audience
                >first response is telling me to kill myself
                >brings up trannies for no reason while they're at it

                And you think that's ok?

              • 2 years ago

                All I can do is laugh at how you're moving the goalposts.

              • 2 years ago

                >"I'm trying to garner discussion!"
                >frick the zero suit (not gameplay discussion)

              • 2 years ago

                >Those threads were me trying to garner discussion
                This is such a pathetic post. Jesus Christ do you even think before posting shit so blatantly false?

              • 2 years ago

                Bold of you to assume that those have any correlation to each other. Also geniune discussions about Metroid still happen consistently; hell you are in one right now.

              • 2 years ago

                I literally just said Ganker isnt a healthy observation of 5he state of the franchise. But all that dick in your mouth might've got in the way of that

              • 2 years ago

                >I literally just said Ganker isnt a healthy observation of 5he state of the franchise.
                Then what is? Sales metrics? Metacritic scores? Do you just want Metroid to be a measure of popularity and nothing else? Last thing this series needs is to be yet another tool in the ongoing console wars, where people only care about a game if it can be used as shitposting fuel for their agenda.

              • 2 years ago

                Peak nincel posting

              • 2 years ago

                I haven't defended these moments as "needing to exist". I simply do not believe that they effect the gameplay to the extent that you do. For instance, I fail to see how the game has "no confidence in its gameplay"; while the QTEs do provide a crutch, one that I do agree the game would be better without, I don't think that they do so to the extent that it invalidates the gameplay. There is far too much of an emphasis on the player having to manually avoid damage in Dread's boss design for me to buy into that.

              • 2 years ago

                Yes only this anon truly understands what literally all games need and gamers want. Only him the rest of us are but sheep.

              • 2 years ago

                >the only emotion a video game is allowed to invoke is fun
                >anything else a video game attempts to invoke is just it being melodramatic and trying to make you feel bad
                There are more emotions than "Feel good" and "feel bad". A game can be funny, or comforting, or invigorating due to its story. You've been horribly damaged by this perception that "art = pretentious" and "anything other than gameplay = the game is trying to be art". Art wasn't always pretentious, what you're seeing is the promotion of art as a form of money laundering. All the pretentious shit that gets sold these days is purely because of money laundering, not because that is what art innately is.
                >And why the hell should I care?
                Because Samus has always had some relation to the Chozo and most players wanted some concrete answers after years of much more vague implications.
                >All you should care about is the wacky plumber man jumping on the goombas.
                Wacky plumber man jumping on goombas is fun, wacky plumber man entering a corrupt MMA arena to expose its boss is fun on a gameplay level AND engaging in story.
                >The video I showed literally does this.
                It doesn't do my entire sentence, so my critique remains valid.

              • 2 years ago

                >A game can be funny, or comforting, or invigorating due to its story.
                That is incorrect. A game can be funny, or comforting, or invigorating due to its GAMEPLAY. Anything the story claims to do, the game part can do it better. Tell me, can a "story" comfort me as much as a save room in a survival horror game? Can a comedic story element make me laugh as much as a boss randomly getting the jump on me and killing me in a wacky manner? Can a story be "invigorating" in the same manner as a final boss pulling out a second form and covering the screen in bullets? The story is merely a pale imitator, not fit to wipe the floor that gameplay walks upon.

                >Because Samus has always had some relation to the Chozo
                You mean a relationship that there's no reason to care about? The game already gives us everything we need to know. "some giant chickens gave Samus power armor, and randomly scattered items around for her to find." There, that's all you need to know.

                >Wacky plumber man jumping on goombas is fun, wacky plumber man entering a corrupt MMA arena to expose its boss is fun on a gameplay level AND engaging in story.
                The Glitz pit was fun on a gameplay level, but story wise was pretty cringe. It was the lowest part of TTYD.

                >oh no muh brother is dead 🙁
                >no I'm not the crystal star brought me back to life
                >oh yay 😀

                Geez Mario, might wanna stick to your strengths instead of this attempt at cheesy drama.

                >It doesn't do my entire sentence, so my critique remains valid.
                Why isn't my critique valid? The game literally locks you out and tells you to go all the way back, for no reason whatsoever. It even goes against the plot, since I think at this point you're just being pushed towards the secret Metroid research facility. They literally made it worse by stopping your sequence break.

              • 2 years ago

                >The story is merely a pale imitator, not fit to wipe the floor that gameplay walks upon.
                Or... you can have both, because they do not interfere with one another. As I said, my point is that you seem to be claiming the entire purpose of the story is to make you feel bad emotions when the purpose of a game is to make you have fun. You like TF2, surely you can see that the mercenaries being insane caricatures only adds to the comedy.
                >"some giant chickens gave Samus power armor, and randomly scattered items around for her to find." There, that's all you need to know.
                And yet knowing why those giant chickens also have something to do with the metroids, and what exactly they did, is also interesting.
                >The Glitz pit was fun on a gameplay level, but story wise was pretty cringe. It was the lowest part of TTYD.
                Are you fricking joking? You're trying to pretend the entire point of it was "muh melodrama", and yet it genuinely managed to be a hilarious play on some typical tropes for the kind of story it was.
                >The game literally locks you out and tells you to go all the way back, for no reason whatsoever.
                Because you are not prepared for the stuff that comes next. Not for "arbitrary story reasons".

              • 2 years ago

                >Or... you can have both,
                It takes a level of competence that Nintendo doesn't have, to accomplish that. They always think that story has to be told through cutscenes, and they never integrate it to the level where it doesn't interfere with the player.

                >You like TF2, surely you can see that the mercenaries being insane caricatures only adds to the comedy.
                Valve are a bunch of inept morons, and their success with TF2 was a miracle that they couldn't replicate even if they tried. Every single facet of TF2 works in the gameplay's favor, because you can directly attribute each element to something that improves the gameplay.

                >characters have unique silhouettes so you can tell who you're fighting from a distance
                >characters are red/blue to help easily determine who's on what side
                >even the voices serve a purpose, in that you'll know which class you're fighting based on what you hear. If you're nearing a corner and hear drunken belching and scottish slurs, you're about to die horribly from crit stickies

                This is why people rightfully complain about unusuals. It throws a cog into all of this neatly arranged gameplay design just so people can jerk off their fancy lime green scouts with unusual flames.

                >And yet knowing why those giant chickens also have something to do with the metroids,
                They didn't need any relation to the metroids. The game would've still worked even if they were just random alien jellyfish you find. There didn't need to be some grand conspiracy about them being bioweapons made to fight the X.

                >Are you fricking joking?
                No, I'm not. They play up Rawk Hawk and Grubba as interesting villains, and yet gameplay-wise they fall like a house of cards. It was disappointing. For all of this deep cinematic lore, they could've put some oomph into the gameplay side.

                >Because you are not prepared for the stuff that comes next
                I'm not prepared to fight Ridley without the Varia suit, but does Super Metroid stop me from fighting him?

              • 2 years ago

                >They always think that story has to be told through cutscenes, and they never integrate it to the level where it doesn't interfere with the player
                Cutscenes do not interfere with gameplay. They interrupt it, but so long as they don't harm the fun when the gameplay is happening, they don't make up more than, say, 10% of a game's runtime, and the story they're telling is entertaining in some measure, I could not care less.
                >Valve are a bunch of inept morons
                I hate that I have to defend valve here, but it's not so much up to their aptitude as their attitude. They COULD easily update TF2 again, firing on all cylinders, but they are socially inept nerds who have formed the cliques they missed out on when they were in high school. And every one of those cliques thinks it's "uncool" to work on everything but new fricking tech demos, hardware, CSGO, and DOTA.
                >The game would've still worked even if they were just random alien jellyfish you find
                And yet it is MORE INTERESTING without harming the gameplay for them to have more depth than that.
                >They play up Rawk Hawk and Grubba as interesting villains, and yet gameplay-wise they fall like a house of cards
                Not really. Rawk Hawk is a decently challenging battle, as is Grubba, unless you already know everything about the game.
                >deep cinematic lore
                It's a few fricking bits of dialog, not everything that's non-gameplay is "muh cinematic" or "muh lore".
                >I'm not prepared to fight Ridley without the Varia suit, but does Super Metroid stop me from fighting him?
                No, what's your point? You think this is a point objectively in Super's favor? Super Metroid's sequence breaking forces you to use progressively more and more glitches and fricky movement to keep your head above water. It becomes increasingly apparent that you're not meant to be where you are yet. Sure if you've played the game a million times it makes a nice challenge, but games should be judged by their first playthrough, not their fiftieth.

              • 2 years ago

                >Cutscenes do not interfere with gameplay.
                They do when the gameplay is neutered for the sake of the story, like with the fusion sequence break I brought up before.

                >And yet it is MORE INTERESTING without harming the gameplay
                Watching a cutscene is far from my idea of "more interesting". All that matters is that the alien jellyfish are bad, and they all deserve to be exterminated. Infact SR388 as a whole deserved to be blown up, since there was probably a whole bunch of other bad crap besides the X just sitting there.

                >Not really. Rawk Hawk is a decently challenging battle,
                Even on my first playthrough, he didn't have alot of HP, so he felt overall disappointing.

                >It's a few fricking bits of dialog
                Unnecessary in a Mario game.

                >You think this is a point objectively in Super's favor? Super Metroid's sequence breaking forces you to use progressively more and more glitches and fricky movement to keep your head above water.
                Intentional or no, it is a point in Super's favor. That freedom is very important. I'll explain why in this next part.

                >but games should be judged by their first playthrough, not their fiftieth.
                On my very first playthrough, I sequence broke the game by getting early power bombs, and all it took was a basic knowledge of bomb jumping. I got the power bomb powerup right after you fight Crocomire, and it opened up Norfair and Brinstar before I was even supposed to go beyond the game's "progression". Knowing years later that power bombs should be canonically gotten on your way back to Crateria was a shocker. That's genuine freedom.

                Dude, do geniunely think that spammed porn threads on Ganker are indicative of the actual state of Metroid as a franchise?

                >Dude, do geniunely think that spammed porn threads on Ganker are indicative of the actual state of Metroid as a franchise?

              • 2 years ago

                >gameplay is neutered
                >one serious break that also would've had gameplay implications is "neutered" by having a reward instead of an extra-impassable gate
                Sure thing buddy.
                >Watching a cutscene is far from my idea of "more interesting"
                Forgive me and everyone else for enjoying the prospect of learning interesting things about the world that is already innately interesting. Simple as that.
                >Even on my first playthrough, he didn't have alot of HP, so he felt overall disappointing.
                He had a few dangerous attacks and him just being one big "pro wrestler" gimmick was hilarious.
                >Unnecessary in a Mario game.
                And yet they add to it much more than they detract.
                >Knowing years later that power bombs should be canonically gotten on your way back to Crateria was a shocker. That's genuine freedom.
                And that adds nothing to the game. If I could choose between a game with a few nigh-impossible sequence breaks and a game without, I wouldn't fricking care, because that kind of """freedom""" means nothing to me. I like gameplay when it is tightly designed and innately fun. I don't need "freedom" in all regards, in fact I much prefer a linear set of challenges with specific win and loss conditions that are just as much focused on figuring out how you're meant to do them as they are on learning to do them quickly and efficiently. I hate games where you can "think around" every intended challenge. Super Metroid is good because the intended progression is good and the core gameplay is good, the skips do not affect its quality one bit.

              • 2 years ago

                >one serious break that also would've had gameplay implications
                You call that a serious break? I can travel back in time after fighting Ridley and play the whole game with all of my upgrades, and yet Super didn't feel the need to railroad me that hard.

                It's almost as if Metroid works best when it's not shackling you to a plot.

                >Forgive me and everyone else for enjoying the prospect of learning interesting things
                That could be time spent enjoying the GAME itself. Just saiyan.

                >He had a few dangerous attacks and him just being one big "pro wrestler" gimmick was hilarious.
                That wasn't too bad, but it had room for improvement.

                >And yet they add to it much more than they detract.
                Chapter 4 would say hi.

                >we need a deep cinematic plot about Mario's identity being stolen
                >time to backtrack 50 times

                >And that adds nothing to the game.
                Are you kidding? It's mind-blowing when you can do things out of order and the game congratulates you on it, instead of insulting you with a cutscene and "go back and do it the right way".

              • 2 years ago

                >Super didn't feel the need to railroad me that hard
                It felt the need, the devs just didn't know how badly it was broken.
                >the GAME itself
                I enjoy the world because of the game. I enjoy the story because it elaborates upon the world in a way the game alone couldn't.
                >That wasn't too bad, but it had room for improvement.
                Maybe a few more HP, fair, but then again, the game's not exactly immaculately balanced across the board. I can forgive it all because it is largely competent, at least on a first playthrough.
                >Chapter 4 would say hi.
                Like I said, first playthrough.
                >>deep cinematic plot
                No, just a basic one. Do you really not see any difference in intent between "this ghost who can pretend to be Mario literally steals his identity" and "we need to have 500 hours of cutscenes about this character's abusive upbringing"?
                >Are you kidding?
                I am deadly serious. A game's highest value is on its first playthrough.
                >It's mind-blowing when you can do things out of order and the game congratulates you on it
                That's exactly what your first video showed. You did something hard, the game congratulated you then told you to go back and get the shit you were meant to have. The game doesn't have to let you walk all over it to "congratulate" you.

              • 2 years ago

                >It felt the need, the devs just didn't know how badly it was broken.
                More like how "goodly" it was broken.

                >I enjoy the world because of the game.
                I don't enjoy a world when it won't let me play it for 5 seconds without spewing cinematics in my face.

                >Maybe a few more HP, fair, but then again, the game's not exactly immaculately balanced across the board. I can forgive it all because it is largely competent, at least on a first playthrough.
                That's a fair assessment.

                >No, just a basic one. Do you really not see any difference in intent between "this ghost who can pretend to be Mario literally steals his identity" and "we need to have 500 hours of cutscenes about this character's abusive upbringing"?
                They seem too familiar to me. Instead of branching out the environment to make it more interesting, like new hazards or platforming segments or even hidden areas, they felt that the "intriguing plot" would help players forget backtracking through the same bland, linear path 5 times.

                >I am deadly serious. A game's highest value is on its first playthrough.
                And like I said before, the lack of handholding made Super's first playthrough a magical one. You didn't need cutscenes telling you where to go, or objective waypoint markets, or someone telling you how Samus' emotional state is. In a way it's why I understand why BOTW got so much praise.

                >That's exactly what your first video showed. You did something hard, the game congratulated you
                It didn't congratulate you. It gave you a cutscene to mock you, then made you backtrack all the way as punishment.

              • 2 years ago

                >I don't enjoy a world when it won't let me play it for 5 seconds without spewing cinematics in my face.
                Good thing they let you play it for hours at a time.
                >they felt that the "intriguing plot" would help players forget backtracking through the same bland, linear path 5 times.
                Do you have any evidence that they thought the plot was "intriguing" more so than just "fun enough"? Do you have any evidence linking this to the backtracking? Chapter 1 was also pretty narrative heavy and the closest it came to "backtracking" was having you pass the entrance to Hooktail's castle in the beginning. Could it be that they just thought the amount of backtracking was fine because you were after a different thing each time?
                >the lack of handholding made Super's first playthrough a magical one
                No, the good design of every puzzle and bit of progression is what elevated it. If you added the occasional guidance of the right direction to go, like a single glowing square on the map as a "point of interest", the game would not suffer in the slightest. If you added a couple of cutscenes showing exactly what the pirates were up to before you got there, the game wouldn't suffer. Samus has no real reason to have a strong emotional state throughout the game except for when the baby metroid is involved (and you can tell there's something going on there anyway, with how both it and Samus respond) and when it comes to saving/killing the animals at the end.
                >It didn't congratulate you.
                Calling the thing you did "ingenious" and even breaking the fourth wall isn't a congratulations? News to me.

              • 2 years ago

                >Good thing they let you play it for hours at a time.
                And yet there needs to be cinematics? Sounds like the game isn't confident in itself.

                >Do you have any evidence that they thought the plot was "intriguing" more so than just "fun enough"?
                Why else would Nintendo purposely let the gameplay portion suffer? I used to think they cared about the gameplay the most, but now? I don't know.

                >No, the good design of every puzzle and bit of progression is what elevated it.
                And that's helped by not forcing cutscenes on the player constantly. Adding more would objectively make it worse.

                >Calling the thing you did "ingenious" and even breaking the fourth wall isn't a congratulations?
                Talk is cheap. Letting me actually play out of order would be better.

              • 2 years ago

                >And yet there needs to be cinematics?
                Needs? No. Benefits from as a whole? Yes. Hence, the game is perfectly confident in itself.
                >Why else would Nintendo purposely let the gameplay portion suffer?
                Lack of knowledge? Intelligent Systems has proven repeatedly that even when completely eschewing good storytelling they have their moments of absolute moronation on the gameplay front. Nobody thought Sticker Star was winning any awards for its writing, so why was the gameplay also shit?
                >And that's helped by not forcing cutscenes on the player constantly.
                Nope. The cutscenes or lack thereof do not affect how good the game design is. I really don't see how they even could. A good puzzle is a good puzzle, unless the cutscene affects how easy it is for you to come up with the answer- which is highly unlikely if we assume any added cutscenes were up to Super Metroid's existing standards.
                >Talk is cheap. Letting me actually play out of order would be better.
                Nah, it would be worse. You should experience the entire game as it's intended. Simple as that.

              • 2 years ago

                >Benefits from as a whole? Yes.
                If I'm not directly interacting with the game, then objectively it's not benefiting the gameplay.

                >Nobody thought Sticker Star was winning any awards for its writing, so why was the gameplay also shit?
                They were focused too hard on the gimmicks. Funny enough, I had no problem with the story of Sticker Star, or Color Splash, or Origami King. I thought they went on too long, and I hate cutscenes regardless, but I didn't see them as any worse than TTYD or Paper Mario 64. The story can be anything as long as the gameplay works.

                >Nope. The cutscenes or lack thereof do not affect how good the game design is.
                Cutscenes, at their worst, are literally allowed to dictate the game and what you're allowed to do. Like in a JRPG where you fight billions of minions, then three of them catch you in a cutscene and you're like "welp, we better give up." The closest Super got to that was the moronic mother brain fight.

                >Nah, it would be worse. You should experience the entire game as it's intended.
                And if the game intended for me to break it, even on my first playthrough, that would be better.

              • 2 years ago

                >If I'm not directly interacting with the game, then objectively it's not benefiting the gameplay.
                Good thing the benefit you get from a game is not comprised solely of what you get out of the gameplay. You're going to get feelings about a game from how it looks and sounds even if there's no story or cutscenes whatsoever. Adding a few cutscenes that contribute to the same mood the gameplay is already establishing in order to build on the parts of the game you're already going to be remembering once you've gotten over the gameplay is a direct improvement.
                >I didn't see them as any worse than TTYD or Paper Mario 64.
                The gameplay didn't work AND the story was dramatically worse, so I can only assume you actually do have a problem with them or you're a lying b***h who should not be trusted to judge the merits of stories honestly. If you'd actually played Color Splash, you might have known that they went from heavily encouraging the use of Thing stickers (in Sticker Star) to downright mandating it even if you have the ability to deal with the boss's gimmick (in Color Splash). That is, by your own standards, story interfering with gameplay, and therefore bad.
                >Cutscenes, at their worst, are literally allowed to dictate the game and what you're allowed to do.
                Yes, and Super's cutscenes are not nearly that bad. Therefore, if more were added, I can hardly see them jumping in and ruining good puzzles.
                >And if the game intended for me to break it, even on my first playthrough, that would be better.
                Absolutely not. No game should be built around the intent to be broken. A well-designed, INTENTIONAL curve of difficulty and mechanics is always preferable to a game that just says "lol I guess you can figure it out for yourself".

              • 2 years ago

                >Good thing the benefit you get from a game is not comprised solely of what you get out of the gameplay.
                Disagreed. The more a game tries to get me to "feel" through artificial non-gameplay moments, the more I come to despise them. Why do you think I feel nothing but abject hatred towards JRPG protags? Why I wish I could take Shulk, Tidus, the Nahobino trans guy from SMTV and Joker, and smash their faces in. They've committed the cardinal sin of talking in a video game, or leading to talking segments, which instantly ruins the entire game You coudln't just give me gameplay, no that was "beneath" them.

                >The gameplay didn't work AND the story was dramatically worse
                I don't see how the story was worse. Even if you took it out of the game, the gameplay is still putrid garbage. There's really no defending it. I just don't see how the story is any worse. It just lacks the mountain of scrimblo bimblo mario OCs. Not really a big loss. It just doesn't seem to me that the story made the gameplay worse, since the gameplay was bad to begin with.

                >Yes, and Super's cutscenes are not nearly that bad.
                The fight versus Mother Brain was downright terrible. It was okay until the hyper beam moment, when the game stopped trying to be challenging and turned into a "YAS KWEEN SLAY" empowerment cinematic load of bull.

                >Absolutely not. No game should be built around the intent to be broken.
                Super was, simply by the act of not restricting the player. They trusted that the person playing would have the good sense to know what to do, instead of holding their hand.

              • 2 years ago

                >Disagreed. The more a game tries to get me to "feel" through artificial non-gameplay moments, the more I come to despise them.
                At least you acknowledge it's "disagreement" and not "objectively bad". The point I'm trying to make is, even if the game IS all gameplay, you are going to have feelings about it that are unrelated to the gameplay. Because gameplay has to have audio and visual cues, there's no reason not to make them enjoyable in their own right.
                >talking in a video game, or leading to talking segments, which instantly ruins the entire game
                Wrong. Not disagreed, but wrong. Objectively.
                >I just don't see how the story is any worse. It just lacks the mountain of scrimblo bimblo mario OCs.
                And the charm, and the effort, and the actual writing other than "WOW ISN'T IT FUNNY HOW THESE CHARACTERS ARE IDENTICAL (ALMOST LIKE THEY WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN SOME TIME AGO) HAHAHAHAHAHA PLEASE LAUGH", and the world being anything but standard Mario shit most of the time.
                >the game stopped trying to be challenging and turned into a "YAS KWEEN SLAY" empowerment cinematic load of bull.
                If Mother Brain had simply died without the baby metroid's intervention, it would have had almost no difference in the degree of challenge of the fight. You getting an item that's too powerful to give you during normal gameplay for a special sequence is a reward, not a negative.
                >Super was, simply by the act of not restricting the player.
                Nope. Super was built with a specific order in mind and has no real ability to deal with you doing anything unintended. When you break it, you are doing something unintended.

              • 2 years ago

                Audio cues and visual cues are fine, but they HAVE To contribute positively to the gameplay. See my earlier TF2 example. Unique silhouettes and voice lines that give you a sense of gameplay awareness? Great. Unusuals and other crap that add nothing but clutter? Terrible.

                >Wrong. Not disagreed, but wrong. Objectively.
                Am I playing a video game or watching a visual novel?

                >And the charm, and the effort, and the actual writing
                Things that won't be missed.

                >the world being anything but standard Mario shit most of the time.
                That's never been a problem when the GAMEPLAY was stellar. It's just that nu-Paper is also hot ass on toast in the gameplay department, so it has nothing redeemable left.

                >If Mother Brain had simply died without the baby metroid's intervention, it would have had almost no difference in the degree of challenge of the fight.
                Maybe the fight would've been more challenging, or would've been more thought out. Ridley honestly feels like the proper final boss, the one the game deserved. Getting to him is a nightmare, finding where he is can be a nightmare, the fight itself is a rough and tumblr damage race, and to make it more intense there's almost no save points near his room, so death means a loooong way back. I didn't need a cutscene to tell me that Samus was scared of Ridley, or that Ridley was the bad guy. I already know he's a bad. He's a giant demonic fire breathing space dragon.

                >Super was built with a specific order in mind and has no real ability to deal with you doing anything unintended
                And that's how it should be. Intended or not, they shouldn't try and hamper the player with fake "limitations".

              • 2 years ago

                >Audio cues and visual cues are fine, but they HAVE To contribute positively to the gameplay
                But you are going to have feelings about them that are ultimately unrelated to the gameplay. Even on NES, the mood Metroid cultivated made it stick out just as much as the gameplay did. It mirrored Zelda.
                >Am I playing a video game or watching a visual novel?
                The former can have any amount of dialog, the latter is almost all dialog. And don't tell me "well any amount of dialog means they intend to make it all dialog", the devs do what they fricking intend to moron.
                >Things that won't be missed.
                Tell that to everyone who actually liked PM64 and TTYD.
                >That's never been a problem when the GAMEPLAY was stellar
                NSMB was fun and each further game didn't really harm or help the gameplay. People still got bored of them because they retreaded the same fricking ground too many times.
                >Maybe the fight would've been more challenging, or would've been more thought out.
                Once again, I ask if you have evidence for this- but I know you don't. You just assume that removing story would automatically remove nearby gameplay problems too, because including a cutscene trigger in an area apparently makes devs overlook glaring flaws.
                Except that's not how it fricking works.
                >I already know he's a bad. He's a giant demonic fire breathing space dragon.
                "Anything that doesn't look like me is a bad guy" is a moronic line of reasoning.
                >And that's how it should be. Intended or not, they shouldn't try and hamper the player with fake "limitations".
                So you're telling me that if there was an actual impassable gate due to gameplay reasons at the end of the giant sequence break, you'd be fine with it? THAT'S what I'd fricking be mad over. If I went to the trouble of planning and executing that huge-ass sequence break only to discover that the true end goal was impossible one screen later without so much as a nod from the devs, I'd be PISSED.

              • 2 years ago

                >But you are going to have feelings about them that are ultimately unrelated to the gameplay.
                Not really. like with TF2, I don't really care about the characters. My favorite class is engineer, and he's a blank slate. I just like building stuff and feeling like I'm playing an RTS. See, the gameplay dictates the character I like, not the "story".

                >The former can have any amount of dialog,
                Then what point is there to a game if most of the game is just you sitting there, reading dialog?

                >Tell that to everyone who actually liked PM64 and TTYD.
                Okay. "sorry guys, but your reasons for liking those games is a wee bit laughable. Special snowflake Mario OCs aren't worth throwing a tussle over".

                >NSMB was fun and each further game didn't really harm or help the gameplay. People still got bored of them because they retreaded the same fricking ground too many times.
                That's because the GAMEPLAY stagnated. It's no different from what Sonic fell into, where every single game had to start out in Green Hill Zone, with zero originality.

                >once again, I ask if you have evidence for this-
                The game has fights before MB that feel much more like final bosses, and because they don't have story attached to them, maybe it's more than a coincidence that they're better.

                >"Anything that doesn't look like me is a bad guy"
                That and the whole "tries to murder me" thing has been a good ethos to live by.

                >So you're telling me that if there was an actual impassable gate due to gameplay reasons at the end of the giant sequence break, you'd be fine with it?
                I wouldn't be okay with it, because there's gotta be a REALLY good reason. If doing so would literally crash the game and cause game data corruption, maybe I'd understand. Otherwise there's no justification. If you didn't want me taking this sequence break, then don't lead me on for half an hour. better gameplay sense and awareness, that's what I'm asking.

              • 2 years ago

                >My favorite class is engineer, and he's a blank slate.
                In no universe is this true. He's a psychopath who values his own invention over human life. He hacked off his own hand because he wanted a robot one. You like him because of the gameplay, many people like him both for the gameplay and the character.
                >Then what point is there to a game if most of the game is just you sitting there, reading dialog?
                Not much, that's why I acknowledge visual novels as a distinct category. But 2000 lines vs. 200000 lines of dialog is a big difference, and you know it.
                >"sorry guys, but your reasons for liking those games is a wee bit laughable. Special snowflake Mario OCs aren't worth throwing a tussle over".
                "You're a fricking moron. We cared about the gameplay AND the writing. We've heard this supposed shutdown a million times, it doesn't make TTYD or PM64 bad."
                >That's because the GAMEPLAY stagnated.
                And the presentation stagnated. NSMB, NSMBWii, NSMB2, and NSMBU all look nearly the fricking same as far as character designs and aesthetics. The stagnant look and feel of the Mario series started hurting spinoffs too, just look at the sports spinoffs of the time, or Mario Party.
                >maybe it's more than a coincidence that they're better
                Mother Brain's fight in the original Metroid is also pretty laughable despite that the entire game lacks story for its runtime. They just seem to struggle to make her a fun enemy.
                >That and the whole "tries to murder me" thing has been a good ethos to live by.
                Odd and monstrous looking things are fun allies and player characters, so I disagree.
                >I wouldn't be okay with it, because there's gotta be a REALLY good reason.
                What if the sequence break itself were impossible, but only due to a small segment at the very end right where the dialog would be? That's what I was describing.

                I have to leave the thread for now, but I hope you actually learn something for once from this.

              • 2 years ago

                >But you are going to have feelings about them that are ultimately unrelated to the gameplay.
                Not really. like with TF2, I don't really care about the characters. My favorite class is engineer, and he's a blank slate. I just like building stuff and feeling like I'm playing an RTS. See, the gameplay dictates the character I like, not the "story".

                >The former can have any amount of dialog,
                Then what point is there to a game if most of the game is just you sitting there, reading dialog?

                >Tell that to everyone who actually liked PM64 and TTYD.
                Okay. "sorry guys, but your reasons for liking those games is a wee bit laughable. Special snowflake Mario OCs aren't worth throwing a tussle over".

                >NSMB was fun and each further game didn't really harm or help the gameplay. People still got bored of them because they retreaded the same fricking ground too many times.
                That's because the GAMEPLAY stagnated. It's no different from what Sonic fell into, where every single game had to start out in Green Hill Zone, with zero originality.

                >once again, I ask if you have evidence for this-
                The game has fights before MB that feel much more like final bosses, and because they don't have story attached to them, maybe it's more than a coincidence that they're better.

                >"Anything that doesn't look like me is a bad guy"
                That and the whole "tries to murder me" thing has been a good ethos to live by.

                >So you're telling me that if there was an actual impassable gate due to gameplay reasons at the end of the giant sequence break, you'd be fine with it?
                I wouldn't be okay with it, because there's gotta be a REALLY good reason. If doing so would literally crash the game and cause game data corruption, maybe I'd understand. Otherwise there's no justification. If you didn't want me taking this sequence break, then don't lead me on for half an hour. better gameplay sense and awareness, that's what I'm asking.

                Just frick already, Christ.

              • 2 years ago

                >He's a psychopath who values his own invention over human life.
                Akshually, canonically he's the most sane aside from the whole gunslinger thing. He's not sewing baboon uteruses into people, or covering them in piss, or stabbing them in the back while having sex with their mothers. Funny how Scout and Spy could be considered to have the most "backstory" and "lore" and "character" and yet both of them are boring AF to play.

                >But 2000 lines vs. 200000 lines of dialog is a big difference, and you know it.
                Is it? If the audience has an aversion to either being taken out, because apparently the game isn't fun enough to function on its own, maybe there isn't a difference. It's why there's no difference between a JRPG and a westoid movie game. You can flaunt "but it has 100 horus of gameplay compared to the 10 hours of cutscenes" but what good is that if the gameplay is shite and you wouldn't touch it with a ten hundred foot pole?

                >We've heard this supposed shutdown a million times, it doesn't make TTYD or PM64 bad."
                I'm not saying that. I am saying that the story across all 6 Paper Mario games doesn't matter. What made nu-Paper Mario fail was the atrocious gameplay. If you can take the story out and still have a good game, then your game is worthwhile. This applies to the first two games, the third was experimental and hit or miss, the rest are garbage.

                >NSMB, NSMBWii, NSMB2, and NSMBU all look nearly the fricking same as far as character designs and aesthetics.
                Really doesn't matter. I've played a ton of romhacks that never changed the aesthetics, but there was always new gameplay to offer.

                >Odd and monstrous looking things are fun allies and player characters
                I knew he's not an ally due to the whole "trying to kill me" thing.

                >What if the sequence break itself were impossible, but only due to a small segment at the very end right where the dialog would be?
                If intentional: then bad game design. If not, then poor testing. Neither is preferable, but ya know

              • 2 years ago

                Someone being more sane doesn't mean thier a blank slate ya moron. You're actively moving goalposts with that

              • 2 years ago

                The most you can say about him is that he's a texan who loves guns. Even in the comics, he has no real part in anything. He's in the background just fixing robot parts and stuff. We don't even know his relationship to the administrator, and his relationship with the mann brothers ended when they got stabbed. so really, what else is there to go off of?

              • 2 years ago

                You sure read a lot of lore for someone who doesn't like it homosexual

              • 2 years ago

                How am I supposed to properly dislike something unless i have extensive knowledge of it? I can't know what COD and FIFA and Madden are bad games, unless I play a demo of them. I can't know that Uncharted and TLOU are bad games unless I either demo them, or watch them on youtube (being movie games and all).

              • 2 years ago

                You're trying way to fricking hard here anon.
                You're telling me if I have like 10 minutes worth of cutscenes in a 8 hour game than that game is a movie game? Frick all the way off

              • 2 years ago

                He's been saying this since 2010. He also thinks title screens, options, music, text, voice-acting, graphics, ending screens, sound effects, and anything that isn't gameplay is "cinematic experiences" and don't belong in games.

              • 2 years ago

                That is geninuely not on the same level as a movie. For one, even the longer QTEs aren't as egregious as the OG God of Wars in terms of length. Secondly,
                ; while the counters are free damage, health, and ammo, but there is still a fair challenge in reaching the point to where you can captialize on them for first timers. Furthermore, experienced players will realize that they due less damage than simply avoiding them if you have proper resources. Don't get me wrong, I still don't really like them too much because I did use them as a crutch when low on ammo and energy, but they never trivalized the fight.

              • 2 years ago

                >even the longer QTEs aren't as egregious as the OG God of Wars in terms of length.
                That's not a very high bar you're setting. Before Ganker suddenly fell prey to nostalgia goggles, most people gladly shat on even the original God of War games for being discount Ninja Gaiden clones, except with more cutscenes. See pic related. This image is probably older than most people on this board. You know what happened? Nu-God of War lowered the bar so much that people now retroactively have nostalgia for GOW. The change was so subtle that I'm not surprised that you didn't notice it.

                >while the counters are free damage, health, and ammo, but there is still a fair challenge in reaching the point to where you can captialize on them for first timers.
                It doesn't matter the effort to get to them, they still exist to just give the player free damage. You are removing a vital element to metroid, aka "move out of the way of the bad guy's attacks". Infact, it's actually worse than a quick time event, which would at least require you to press a button once in a while to not die. Here, you can't die at all. Instead of rational people looking at this mechanic and saying "eww this is disgusting" they get the wool pulled over their eyes by the fancy theatrics.


              • 2 years ago

                You still have to avoid several attacks in order to get to the counter opportunities. They do not make the boss fight much easier because you are still boned if you screw that up enough on the way. Furthermore, you can actually face tank the bosses in previous Metroid games a lot more than you can the ones in Dread. That might be due to how Dread spaces out energy upgrades, but I definitely noticed that I had to avoid attacks a lot more often in Dread than I did in Super, Fusion, or Zero Mission. And again, if you have reach the point to where reaching the counters isn't a challenge, then there isn't much more challenge in avoiding them. That's why I emphasized that it was a fair challenge for first timers.

      • 2 years ago

        I guess you're right about people not actually playing the game.

        • 2 years ago

          You can't play movieshit, to be fair. That requires there to be gameplay.

      • 2 years ago

        You can see it in half the threads on Ganker. All the "Did you play her game?" bullshit. Simps proping up gacha shit like Genshin and Azur and whateverthefrick. No wonder publishers see us as suckers


      • 2 years ago

        You actually need meds or a therapist or something man. Is everything okay? Anything bothering you?

      • 2 years ago

        but here's the thing, though. Metroid as a game has never really been coombait.

        Like, a lot of people complain about that coming from Metroid when that has literally never been an issue with the series. The only one game where Samus as a character without the powersuit was front and center was not only shat on, but also nearly caused the doom of the series. And the problems with that game run far deeper than the portrayal of samus. If anything it's the fandom itself sexualizes Samus and her as a character, but the games never had really done so.

        The elephant in the room people seem to avoid talking is that the major reason why Metroid has been away from the limelight is because at the time of the series hiatus Metroidvanias were already dimes in a dozen and the genre itself was getting pretty stale. Even now Metroid Dread's biggest point that makes it stand out from the rest of the myriad of similar games is honestly because of the brand name. It didn't do much that was unique neither to the series nor to the genre and it's not hard to find other games of similar quality.

        Don't try to run the narrative that Metroid was abusing sex appeal when that has never been the case for any game in the series.

        • 2 years ago

          never used coombait to hide problems

          Zero and Fusion say hi.

          • 2 years ago

            unironically where is the coombait? Specially in fusions, a game that borders on being a horror game due to the tone of the setting and the type of enemies except that it isn't scary.

            • 2 years ago

              The coombait was the attempt to make Samus more "deep" and "vulnerable".

              >zomg Samus has a tragic backstory
              >zomg she remembers her dead bird parents

              Genuinely ruins any future playthrough.

              • 2 years ago

                >character being anything more than an emotionless robot is solely an attempt to make them frickable
                alright moron, where's all the porn of Lisa the Painful/Joyful/etc.

              • 2 years ago

                >character being anything more than an emotionless robot is solely an attempt to make them frickable
                Why else waste my time? Game devs are not story writers, stop trying to make the next Titanic and get back to work making a VIDEO GAME.

                what the frick you mean "deep" and "vulnerable". All she really did was mention bonding with a mentor who turned out to be her ship like twice. That's far away from coombait, people don't fap to people's thoughts.

                If you hate that Samus had a character in Fusions, that's a whole different can of worms. That's as far removed from sexual as it can be.

                >what the frick you mean "deep" and "vulnerable". All she really did was mention bonding with a mentor who turned out to be her ship like twice.
                Again boring me with things I don't need nor care for. It's not making the game better. It's just pointless filler.

              • 2 years ago

                >It's not making the game better. It's just pointless filler.
                again, that's a whole different problem. Not everything you dislike is coombait, you 1980's puritan frick.

              • 2 years ago

                The only good coombait is the kind that comes from making gameplay so good that it's orgasmic.

              • 2 years ago

                what the frick you mean "deep" and "vulnerable". All she really did was mention bonding with a mentor who turned out to be her ship like twice. That's far away from coombait, people don't fap to people's thoughts.

                If you hate that Samus had a character in Fusions, that's a whole different can of worms. That's as far removed from sexual as it can be.

              • 2 years ago

                Not him, Fusion has its bad moments but in truth, can I really call it a bad game, can I really hate Fusion, no, it's not the best Metroid game and I consider it the worst 2D game but it was fun as hell, and a great game to play and complete, Other M, on the other hand, was absolute garbage, near series killing to the point that the series needed not one but two games to completely heal itself from the deep hole Other M dugged the entire series into. ACtroon though, is a moron for thinking Samus being hot is what ruined the series.

              • 2 years ago

                lol what a tard

              • 2 years ago


                lol what a tard

                typos happen, anon

              • 2 years ago

                >ACtroon though, is a moron for thinking Samus being hot is what ruined the series.
                It was the lynchpin for alot of bad things, the story being the only worse offender. Take all of that out, and you have a better game.

                You want an example of a better game. Look at pic related which was BTFO by the masterpiece I call Environmental Station Alpha. A small indie game, but with tons of soul.

              • 2 years ago

                i really like hollow knight but i feel like tis actual metroidvania elements are a lot less reprented in the concept of the game than either its more focused platforming or its souls combat

          • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              Sax making me act UP!

        • 2 years ago

          This, plus if fans actually did give a shit about fanservice in Metroid, the games that had Samus in her Power Suit less would have been the highest selling games in the series but the game that's the highest selling in the series is the one with the least amount with Samus out of her Power Suit which is Dread.

    • 2 years ago

      Why do you even blame the suit when it sounds like all but all of your issues stem from Smash and not actually the Zero Suit? You recognize that Smash was involved, but you still blame the suit instead of Smash for some reason.

      • 2 years ago

        Both deserve the blame, to be fair. Sakurai was a moron who thinks Zero Suit Samus is more important than regular samus, enough to give her a whip and high heels like some stupid bawd. Sakamoto was the one who put the idea in the first place, by making her a "fragile" and "emotional" 1 dimensional waifu.

        • 2 years ago

          >Sakurai was a moron who thinks Zero Suit Samus is more important than regular samus
          Samus is Samus no matter what suit she is wearing. Or did you just mean "regular" as in the default on the character selection screen?
          Regardless. Smash hardly made Zero Suit "more important".

          • 2 years ago

            >Smash hardly made Zero Suit "more important".
            It introduced the idea that ZSS is a "character" equal in power to "Samus" not "power suit samus" just Samus, the default.

            • 2 years ago

              Not him but you seem pretty moronic.

        • 2 years ago

          >the only way to play as ZSS without using smash balls in Brawl is a hidden button combo, she doesn't have her own place on the CSS
          >"she's more important waah"
          have a nice day.

    • 2 years ago

      This is probably AC gay.
      However, the whole point of ZSS is so Nintendo could copyright an out-of-suit appearance for the character.

    • 2 years ago

      mind broken by offmodel fan art

  22. 2 years ago

    Metroid starring young Samus when?

    • 2 years ago

      Hopefully, never

    • 2 years ago

      e-girl or hebe?

      • 2 years ago

        Metroid starring young Samus when?

        I never knew I wanted to jack off to e-girl power armor Samus till this moment.

      • 2 years ago

        that's for sure hebe

    • 2 years ago

      Forgot pic

      Young tomboy Samus...

      that's for sure hebe

      I still think teenage Samus design is great.

      too old


      that's more like it

      • 2 years ago

        >too old

        • 2 years ago

          I now see why they added the belts and tactical stuff. Had to cover the prime pungent dicky

    • 2 years ago

      What about even younger samus?

  23. 2 years ago

    I really hope I don't wake the fricking blacked posters but I unironically think Anthony is the best character in Metroid.
    Give us more wise cracking heart of gold companions.

    • 2 years ago

      Forgot pic

      • 2 years ago

        I'm gonna say it.

        Samus is better as a womanlet. With or without armor.

    • 2 years ago

      Someone probably already found that fat black dicklet and killed him in his home in New Jersey.

    • 2 years ago

      everyone likes him, he's genuinely the only good thing about other m.

  24. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Top right

      • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago

          Frick. Ok bottom middle

          • 2 years ago
            • 2 years ago

              It looks like you've made a classic blunder.
              Bottom right.

              • 2 years ago

                How the frick did I miss that.

              • 2 years ago
  25. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Samusros we got too wienery

  26. 2 years ago

    >dude makes fun of ZSS
    >thread instantly filled with pedos
    it really makes one ponder

  27. 2 years ago

    Young tomboy Samus...

    • 2 years ago

      Explains why she's fit.

    • 2 years ago

      technically all Samus are tomboys, even the bimbo ones

    • 2 years ago

      I still think teenage Samus design is great.

      • 2 years ago

        The only good thing to come from this piece of shit, she's also busty too, my kind of woman.

        • 2 years ago

          Her model is available anon

          • 2 years ago

            I'm surprised she has an in-game model. I thought she only had a CGI model.

      • 2 years ago

        should Samus have short, medium, or long hair?

        Short hair Samus is growing on me. It's more "Serious Tomboy" than long hair Samus, which feels more "GigaStacy Hyper b***h"

  28. 2 years ago

    The writing was shit but the real problem was that THE GAME WASN'T FUN

  29. 2 years ago

    If I start hitting the gym, could I find a tomboy girlfriend?

  30. 2 years ago

    Fun fact, the director of Other M cutscenes is the cutscene director of Stranger of Paradise.
    Did he got better at directing?

    • 2 years ago

      Yes, much better. But also no.

  31. 2 years ago

    should Samus have short, medium, or long hair?

    • 2 years ago

      Long hair, it's iconic.

  32. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Not that anyone gives a shit, but his character and that of the entire federation was ruined in this game too. He's a moron, which makes samus a moron for looking up to him, and the entire federation a moron for regarding him so highly.

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      The trooper uniforms in Other M are moronic and just another way Sakamoto proved the Prime Trilogy was superior.

      • 2 years ago

        I honestly don’t see the big deal. They’re different military branches anyways.

    • 2 years ago

      >I will shoot my daughter/protegé in the back putting her in lethal danger and she will thank me for it.

      • 2 years ago

        Well. He wasn't wrong.

  33. 2 years ago

    Other M probably would've worked if Samus had a shota love interest

  34. 2 years ago

    Forehead erotic
    Need correction

  35. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      its like under ripe banana + lipstick

    • 2 years ago

      I really fricking hate what they did to her armour in Other M. What a load of shit, so happy at least Dark samus is in Smash so I don't have to see it

  36. 2 years ago

    Another downgrade design was the federation soldiers

  37. 2 years ago

    Ridley is a qt

  38. 2 years ago
  39. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Colonel samus is doin things to me

  40. 2 years ago

    How big is Samus suit supposed to be? Sometimes it's almost skin-tight, like Iron Man and sometimes it's like a Mech Suit.

    • 2 years ago

      The scale of the suit to Samus makes no fricking sense here.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      there's rarely any consistency, sometimes it makes sense and sometimes they don't give a frick

      • 2 years ago

        >no heels

        • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      6'3", Samus is only an inch shorter than it.

  41. 2 years ago


  42. 2 years ago


  43. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      These gays are both wrong. She only puts on the heels in Smash so she can use them to stomp people out. Other M never happened, its just the Mandela Effect

    • 2 years ago

      >reddit screencap
      Go back. You don't belong here

  44. 2 years ago

    Tomboy Samus is the only thing Other M got right.

  45. 2 years ago

    I honestly think this game was a case of Sakamoto torpedoing his franchise because of some stupid Japanese pride thing around Retro making an amazing sequel to Super. They respected the gameplay, atmosphere, and even used the advancement in graphics and cut scenes to subtly bring a lot of additional character to Samus as well (Her fearlessness in pursuing Ridley throughout Prime, watching the destruction of impact crater at the end of prime, her stoic sadness rewatching the final moments of the dead GF force, her walking away from Luminoth with just a single wave without even looking back). I mean seriously, without a single line of dialogue and only a few cut scenes MP1 and 2 brought more character to Samus than Fusion or Other M did despite all the WORDS WORDS WORDS in those games.

    I think Sakamoto was upset that a purely American company did "his" franchise such a great service, and wanted to show how you would do a "real" metroid sequel in 3D or something, which involved basically doing the opposite of everything retro did.

    • 2 years ago

      I wouldn't be suprised . It's way to common for Japanese to sabotage their own shit because some else had success with it.

  46. 2 years ago

    If you see any BBC in the thread it's probably coming from this guy


    , remember that. Can't say his name because the jannies considers it spam, kek.

  47. 2 years ago

    Well it was an alright thread. But now prude posters have discovered it and are shitting it up.

    • 2 years ago

      Seems like it's just ACgay

      • 2 years ago

        What's a by the way? Assassin's Creed? Ace combat?

        Anal dicky?

        • 2 years ago

          Armored Core, a series he jerks off constantly and pretends he can still discuss on raw gameplay merits despite it being nigh abandoned now.

  48. 2 years ago

    I'd like to remind everything that Samus, and by extension you the player, accomplish absolutely nothing in this game. Everything is resolved by someone else.

    Ridley? Queen Metroid killed him.
    The Deleter? MB killed him.
    The supposedly ice-immune Metroids and Sector Zero? Adam destroys them.
    MB? The Federation soldiers killed her.

    And you can argue Queen Metroid because it took REMEMBUH ME?! slamming on the BOTTLE Ship's brakes to give Samus the opening needed to kill Queen Metroid. The only thing Samus "accomplishes" by herself is getting Adam's helmet in a postgame you can't even do in Hard Mode.

    • 2 years ago

      Funny thing is Halo 5 Guardians is just like this, you accomplish absolutely nothing in that game.

  49. 2 years ago

    Does ACgay have a Ganker app installed on his computer or phone that alerts him to when a Metroid or Zelda thread gets made so he can run in and start shitting everywhere?

    • 2 years ago

      Probably, I don't know why he's still pushing the Zero Suit narrative when it got sidelined hard in Dread.

      • 2 years ago

        He's been using the exact same shit every time he shows up for the last 12 years.

      • 2 years ago

        >when it got sidelined hard in dread
        That's why most of Ganker despises Dread. I'm one of the few people who likes the game, everyone else cries about how "westerners ruined Metroid". If this isn't true, you wouldn't hate me for wanting ZSS gone, since you would agree that the game series is better without it.

        • 2 years ago

          >most of Ganker despises dread
          It's mostly a couple mentally ill Hollow Knight shills who hate Dread. Most of Ganker loves it... they just ALSO love the Zero Suit. Because you are allowed to enjoy sexuality and gameplay, because those things are not at odds with one another anywhere but in the fantasy world you've constructed in your head.

          • 2 years ago

            >because you are allowed to enjoy sexuality and gameplay,
            Then why am I called a homosexual whenever I enter a metroid thread and try to discuss the game? Yet the people spamming Samus porn get a free pass? So much for "being allowed to enjoy the gameplay".

            • 2 years ago

              You aren't called a homosexual for "trying to discuss the game". You're called a homosexual for saying
              >Wow I sure love Metroid GAMEPLAY (and you are a homosexual for talking about zero suit samus)
              If you just talked about GAMEPLAY you liked you would not be called a homosexual.

              • 2 years ago

                Stop gaslighting, homosexual. That exactly what happens. It happened in this fricking thread you lying piece of shit.

              • 2 years ago

                Show me the post you made that was JUST trying to talk about gameplay. In this thread. RIGHT now.

              • 2 years ago

                Well it was an alright thread. But now prude posters have discovered it and are shitting it up.

              • 2 years ago

                That post isn't you trying to discuss gameplay.

              • 2 years ago

                homie that wasn't (you) that was me.

            • 2 years ago

              You're being called a homosexual for saying shit like Samus isn't allowed to be sexy or associate with sexiness at all. Not for discussing actual gameplay. Which you haven't as of yet

            • 2 years ago

              You don't come into Metroid threads to discuss anything. You come into them to derail, shitpost, and cry about your mental trauma from a 12-year-old game. And you do the same thing in Zelda threads because of your Other M insanity.

              • 2 years ago

                ACgay is a Canadian so he probably already trooned out, lol.

            • 2 years ago

              You haven't said shit about the gameplay since you started posting bruv.
              You immediately jump into a rant about zero suit and smash with little context.

        • 2 years ago

          It's hilarious how this dedicated shitposter takes the actions of other dedicated shitposters and claims everyone who isn't him act and think like those shitposters.

        • 2 years ago

          I don't know how Snoytroons and Hollow homosexuals translate to most of Ganker but okay.

    • 2 years ago

      they must have some sort of bot for sure, same with the anti-doa Black person

  50. 2 years ago

    >other m thread
    >in 2022
    Time to get over it homies.

  51. 2 years ago

    i love vidya as much as i love girls(female(2d)) and theres literally nothing you can do about that
    deal with it

  52. 2 years ago

    Samus is rocking a major fivehead in that pic.

  53. 2 years ago

    You could rewrite it completely and it would still be trash because of the gameplay.

    • 2 years ago

      >take the core idea of "fast samus in 3D"
      >use nunchuk for movement, wii remote is no longer a first person aim mode but now constantly gives you (relatively) free aim while you're holding a certain button
      >if you aren't in free aim mode, you just fire forward
      Other M could have had good core gameplay that the people could have just modded a good world in around post-facto.

  54. 2 years ago

    imagine replying to acgay

  55. 2 years ago

    I love ACgay threads

  56. 2 years ago

    stop replying to acgay

  57. 2 years ago

    Samus is basically an American in space.

  58. 2 years ago

    The more words he posts the less coherent his complaints are

  59. 2 years ago

    I can understand not caring about narrative. Hell that's why there's a skip cutscenes feature in any sane game. But saying literally all games should have zero narrative optional or otherwise is NEXT LEVEL upyourownassness.
    It's like being proud you're ignorant because books are for nerds.

  60. 2 years ago

    It would vastly improve the script's logic but it wouldn't have made it a success. Also people generally dislike the gameplay.

  61. 2 years ago

    Samus looks like she's from code lyoko

  62. 2 years ago

    How would Kraid look in other m?

    • 2 years ago

      Not like Kraid

  63. 2 years ago

    It's all so tiresome.

  64. 2 years ago

    Come one Nintendo, I need this, I'll buy one of your consoles for the first time in a decade.

    • 2 years ago

      >e-girl fivehead tomboy
      >went to the bother of editing the image
      dangerously based, anon

  65. 2 years ago

    >please don't
    >please do
    design document mother frickers, did you write one?

    • 2 years ago

      I presumed it was translated from japanese, and the politeness makes sense in that regard due to professional courtesy over there.

  66. 2 years ago

    Just what the hell happened that caused the Metroid fanbase to fracture so badly. Other M was a mediocre game sure but every series ever has had at least one stinker.

    • 2 years ago

      whiny babies. that's what
      yes that is a pun on the baby thanks for asking ill be here all week

    • 2 years ago

      The lack of content really. Everything has it's bombs but when the bombs are followed by complete silence for a while you think the bomb was louder retroactively

    • 2 years ago

      Years of no games but the fanbase is mostly healed, ACtroony, and reddit trannies aren't Metroid fans and tend to try to push bullshit but their opinions are so minuscule that it doesn't matter what they try to say or want.

    • 2 years ago

      11 years inbetween games and several ports and spinoffs that were almost entirely garbage helped

  67. 2 years ago

    What would have been legitimately cool is if you could switch beam types on the fly and missiles weren't limited to first person. There are the bones of a legitimately good action game in Other M. They just didn't go far enough in that direction with the gameplay. Theres no salvaging the story though. Not without a complete rewrite from scratch.

  68. 2 years ago
  69. 2 years ago

    The game would have been just fine if the pacing worked a bit differently.

    I can excuse limiting Samus' more destructive ordnance, but there is no reason to hinder her utilities such as the grapple beam or her suit modifications if they weren't explicitly needed to be picked up (Varia suit upgrade is really a hallmark she is always seen in. That should have been standard and just made lava places require a few different roadblocks like wave beam upgrade or something)
    Other than that, it was mostly fine, aside from Samus PTSDing over Ridley for the Nteenth time.

  70. 2 years ago

    Other M's biggest narrative failure was trying to romanticize her relationship with Adam. At best interpretation he was a creepy big brother at the worst he was a downright abusive father figure. The game trying to portray it all in a positive light just felt so fricking creepy. If they had to romanticize anything they should have done it with the "REMEMBUH ME?!" guy. At least he was nice to her and had a heroic sacrifice moment that he didn't completely orchestrate for his own arrogance.

  71. 2 years ago

    That forehead would make Haru, or any character in Code Lyoko jealous.

  72. 2 years ago

    head like a fricking cantelope

  73. 2 years ago

    Look at that Code Lyoko lookin' ass 5head.

  74. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


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