>Outdated graphics even for the time. >Level design is entirely 90 degree angles

>Outdated graphics even for the time
>Level design is entirely 90 degree angles
>Strictly linear weapon progression
>Zero effort to have any kind of cohesive aesthetic
This game fricking sucks ass. Why did it ever gain a cult following?

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  1. 10 months ago

    Go back to fortnite you zoomer c**t

  2. 10 months ago

    You had to be there for the id vs apogee fight to get it.

    • 10 months ago

      Fricking Doom II, Marathon, and System Shock came out before RotT. It has no excuse to look and play as bad as it does.

      • 10 months ago

        Marathon and System Shock are both worse games
        they might had more advanced tech
        but their level design was atrocious at best

        • 10 months ago

          >System Shock's map is a logical blueprint of Citadel
          >still manages to be fun as frick to play
          >proto FPS Metroidvania that pulls it off first and best, and better than its attempt to remake it 2 decades later
          ROTT is good but god shut up dude.

      • 10 months ago

        >looks bad
        Fair enough.
        >plays bad
        You don't know what you're talking about.

  3. 10 months ago


  4. 10 months ago

    It's just fun, it doesn't need "Incredible grafix"

  5. 10 months ago


  6. 10 months ago

    Simply because.
    I even played the shareware when I was a kid and it sucked ass.
    Even Wolfenstein 3D was better.

    • 10 months ago

      This was pretty much my experience. I think the ROTT shareware came with Duke Nukem 3D, so I fired up to see what it was, and was almost immediately turned off by it. Maybe I'll give it another shot since it sounds like it's apparently good enough to have a fanbase, but the footage of it that I've seen doesn't make it look that great, or at least not as enjoyable as Duke 3D or Doom.

  7. 10 months ago

    If Doom-clones are 'boomer shooters', then what are Wolfenstein-clones?

    • 10 months ago

      Irrelevant pre-human fossils.

    • 10 months ago

      I would argue that "boomer shooters" are more of it's own genre. Or at least not defined by being a doom clone. Doom clones are 100% their own thing.

    • 10 months ago

      >Boomer shooter
      This meme is dumb, I'd say if Quake and even Half Life can be considered "boomer shooters", so is Wolf3D

  8. 10 months ago

    Rott 2013, now that was a game...

    • 10 months ago

      A game that is rightfully forgotten.

    • 10 months ago

      A game that is rightfully forgotten.

      seemed decent but it missed the mark on actual ROTT gameplay i guess

      • 10 months ago

        no actually it replicated it pretty damn well for a 3D translation
        still has the same flow, same target prioritization and positioning tactics to mitigate damage on a blind run, still has the same means of comfortably plowing through everything rapidly if you remember where enemies are and find all the explosives, still integrates traps and height into combat, still finds ways to hilariously frick you over
        really the only notable changes are that death monks can DELETE slow characters (good), and robots are too weak (bad)

        • 10 months ago

          I enjoy the remake way more honestly. ROTT was fun but it’s hard to go back and play as an adult. It just isn’t very engaging. The remake does a really good job of capturing the mania of the original on a modern engine.

          • 10 months ago

            I am convinced that "rott 2013 bad" is a narrative pushed by youtubers obsessed with boomer shooters without realizing the 2013 remake was a testbed for that entire trend

            • 10 months ago

              DNF was actually the trigger.
              libs cried misogyny, purists cried garbage, but i sold like hot cakes and as a matter of fact i enjoyed most of it

              • 10 months ago

                Everyone was too underwhelmed to give a frick. Other than the fact that it actually came out, there's nothing of value or note there.

              • 10 months ago

                it revealed the need for actual retro gameplay.
                everybody despised how little it played like DN3D.
                it revealed the amount of people who despise limited inventory(which had to be patched), linear progression and over-busy post-processing.
                the public asked for simple things, waited for 12 years to have them back and when it wasn't there and the uproar smacked some game designers out of their loooong nap.

              • 10 months ago

                >it revealed the need for actual retro gameplay.
                It's "retro" in that it resembles those horrible Halo clones we got in the early 2000s and not much else. It plays like something nobody asked for.

              • 10 months ago

                that's precisely why you got boomer shooters, genius. the idea doesn't stem from ROTT 2013's visionary minds.
                the demand was real and obvious

            • 10 months ago

              The original release of ROTT2013 was utter garbage to the point where some stuff made you wonder whether it was supposed to be a joke or something that genuinely didn't work properly (most of the time it was the latter, no matter what "we found silly bugs that we're going to turn into features!" shit the devs claimed during pre-release interviews)
              The way they created the levels for example created a frickton of drawcalls, resulting in subpar performance even on top of the line systems and shit simply wouldn't work as intended like some collapsing ceiling trap that had no damage value assigned so it simply went through you.

  9. 10 months ago

    RoTT is awesome though

  10. 10 months ago

    RotT has attitude. That's the only thing that mattered in the 90s.

  11. 10 months ago

    This is probably the most memeworthy retro FPS. With all the weird weapons, powerups/powerdowns, sadistic traps, enemy oneliners, and overall goofy vibe. The games fricking ridiculous. I love it.

  12. 10 months ago

    The music is genuinely good (but few could into proper general MIDI back then so you had to "enjoy" adlib and OPL)
    Plus it has some funny shit in it like dog mode and excalibat, RoTT basically inspired every single memey gzdoom weapons mod ever made, source: truefacts.com
    The game itself though? Yeah, it's not good, lmao. If anything the 2013 remake was a fricking masterpiece in comparison.

    • 10 months ago

      I thought rott was decent fun. I liked to put in johnwoo and duel pistol my way thru the levels. not a very good game overall but I had fun with it and could play it still today tho probably not as long as I used to. still havent played that 2013 version of it.

      • 10 months ago

        2013 version has held up less well then the original at this point

  13. 10 months ago

    rott is worse than doom eternal

    • 10 months ago

      They're gonna Bury you in a lunch box anon.

  14. 10 months ago

    lmao at that shitty art work. Either completely incompetent or purposely fricked up her face

  15. 10 months ago

    >Why did it ever gain a cult following?
    Have you seen the eyeball fly past the screen when dudes explode? That was highly innovative at the time.

    • 10 months ago

      Also the severed hand flipping you the bird.

  16. 10 months ago

    General darian was kino boss fight. I also enjoyed ghe Stephen hawking boss

    • 10 months ago

      >I also enjoyed ghe Stephen hawking boss
      Rise of the Triad x SMT crossover when
      I want to shoot at hee hos with a rocket launcher

  17. 10 months ago

    RoTT is peak "soul". "Soul" is when something has obvious flaws, but the developers personally cared about making it as good as possible and put in more effort than necessary. "Soul" results in fun and memorable games, and perhaps more importantly, games that people can argue about. Nobody argues about Doom. Doom is obviously great. RoTT was released after Doom, and in comparison it looks like shit, but did Doom have dog mode? Did Doom have shrooms mode? Did Doom have ultra-customizable 11 player multiplayer? Doom is the better game, but RoTT has far more soul.

  18. 10 months ago

    >Shit bait thread.
    Not judging you by your taste OP. So you hate the game. Just saying that your greentext is either uninformed or wrong (ok apart from the level design, but that is for good reason) and your conclusions naturally follow in that rut.

  19. 10 months ago

    RotT might seriously be one of the ugliest games ever. Every level looks like a dull grey prison camp with floating discs everywhere.

    It looks like the kind of game that would have been made by a single Slavic guy rather than an actual company like Apogee.

    • 10 months ago

      Developed in 1993 dude. It is rather ugly but charming overall though. Zoomers can't into context.

      • 10 months ago

        Released in 1995 dude. This came after Doom, Doom 2, Heretic and System Shock which all make this game look awful by comparison. Star Wars Dark Forces came out a month later.

        Even Wolfenstein and Blake Stone were easier on the eyes despite being released years earlier.

        The only contemporary FPS games I can find that rival its ugliness are Operation: Body Count and William Shatner's TekWar.

    • 10 months ago

      >looks like a prison camp
      Funny that. You didn't even bother with the in your face plot, did you?

      Released in 1995 dude. This came after Doom, Doom 2, Heretic and System Shock which all make this game look awful by comparison. Star Wars Dark Forces came out a month later.

      Even Wolfenstein and Blake Stone were easier on the eyes despite being released years earlier.

      The only contemporary FPS games I can find that rival its ugliness are Operation: Body Count and William Shatner's TekWar.

      Don't agree with a single word of this post.

      Published late 94 in shareware with a notorious development that started as a Wolfenstein sequel (hence the 3d engine). The rendered graphics were decent for the time, but the engine was dated making it look primitive.

      It was still innovative in many ways, with plenty of oddball humour, cunning traps, secrets, entertaining weaponry and multiplayer modes. I found it more fun than most of its contemporaries.

  20. 10 months ago

    Music, like most old games.

  21. 10 months ago

    The devs knew it was dated. They tried their best to make up for it by adding as many fun new features as they could, that technically more advanced engines didnt have. And i think it worked well enough, its not 10/10 best gaem evar but it's very memorable. Just saying "its dated" isnt an interesting or relevant criticism.

  22. 10 months ago

    Lee Jackson giving us a Tim Follin-level OST, for one

  23. 10 months ago

    Platforming and arcade-like gameplay, lack of good first-person shooters and innovations that weren't in the genre before, like having the first CTF multiplayer mode in a FPS game.
    Not to mention that it is fun.

  24. 10 months ago

    I'm playing it right now for the first time

    Wolf3D and Blood are my favorite boomer shooters and this is the only game other than Wolf3D that gives me the same joy, this game is underrated and this release did it justice

    now if I can just find a way to play multiplayer without gog galaxy or steam

  25. 10 months ago

    I'm dumb, what's the Seven Ten achievement reference to?

    • 10 months ago

      7-10 split in bowling maybe?

    • 10 months ago

      Gibbing 2 enemies with the split missile

  26. 10 months ago

    Because it's fun and you are the one that sucks ass, OP

  27. 10 months ago

    >Zero effort to have any kind of cohesive aesthetic
    That's why I like it. The game was a bunch of level designers going absolutely balls the walls with any outlandish idea they got.

  28. 10 months ago

    >nooo the graphics were outdated
    I didn't care when I was playing it as a kid and it matters even less when the game is 30 years old
    the tile based maps are one of the things that make the game unique
    keeping them is also better than scrapping the game and starting again in a dnf type scenario

    • 10 months ago

      People seem to forget the clown resolutions we were running those games at. Of course games look like shit when you run them at almost 10 times the resolution, ones more than others.

  29. 10 months ago

    someone should port TekWar's maps to ROTT

  30. 10 months ago

    jump pads are fun, i don't know.

  31. 10 months ago

    It's uglier than Doom in several respects, but it featured some pretty advanced effects, especially for how old its engine was. And I'd say it definitely had more verticality than Doom. Probably even more than Heretic.

    • 10 months ago

      >It's uglier than Doom in several respects
      It's uglier than Wolf3d in several respects

      • 10 months ago

        so is your mom haha

  32. 10 months ago

    repostin from retro fps thread

    Any comprehensive list of changes/improvements/additions/complete frickups/bugs for Ludicrous Edition?
    I don't like how the babby mode options that reduce monk health and self damage are enabled by default, as a great deal of ERoTT encounters are balanced around fat monks boxing you in, fire monks staying around as a prolonged nuisance while you deal with hitscanners, and making the player frick themselves over with poor explosive usage.
    At least you can change that back, but did they nerf anything else behind the scenes that you can't change back?
    It feels like I can clip enemies around corners easier than before with the MP40. Are hitboxes wider/off axis compared to other ports, or is this poor memory on my part?

  33. 10 months ago

    graphics even for the time

    Uses the original Wolfenstein 3D engine, but modified heavily. The game actually started development at 3Drealms/ Apogee as Wolfenstein 3D Part II: The Rise of the Triad. Tom Hall basically said somewhere that he wishes they could have switched over to the Doom Engine during development.

    • 10 months ago

      >Tom Hall basically said somewhere that he wishes they could have switched over to the Doom Engine during development
      it's never too late to switch to a new ip and just do that for yet an other whateverquel.
      GZDoom-based games sell like hot cakes...
      nazis/cult/whatever as long as they look like over-the-top baddies.
      with how buff most basic PCs are when compared to GZDoom, the possibilities are endless...

      • 10 months ago


        graphics even for the time

        Uses the original Wolfenstein 3D engine, but modified heavily. The game actually started development at 3Drealms/ Apogee as Wolfenstein 3D Part II: The Rise of the Triad. Tom Hall basically said somewhere that he wishes they could have switched over to the Doom Engine during development. (You)
        >>Tom Hall basically said somewhere that he wishes they could have switched over to the Doom Engine during development
        >it's never too late to switch to a new ip and just do that for yet an other whateverquel.
        >GZDoom-based games sell like hot cakes...
        >nazis/cult/whatever as long as they look like over-the-top baddies.
        >with how buff most basic PCs are when compared to GZDoom, the possibilities are endless...

        It was a really old interview somewhere that asked tom Hall some questions about Rise of the Triad, and in retrospect he claimed that he would have liked to switch engines. But they decided to still go ahead with the Wolf3D engine. Which was archaic as frick by then. But the ROTT engine does run at 60fps, and displays floor tiles, ads a few other features. But it is still limited by the 90 degree angles of the raycaster engine, and no height variation, aside from the weird circular platform sprites and jump p;ads. 3Drealms were still using the Wolf3D engine for games like Blake Stone. The source code for ROTT was GPL'ed a long time ago.

    • 10 months ago

      >Tom Hall basically said somewhere that he wishes they could have switched over to the Doom Engine during development
      it's never too late to switch to a new ip and just do that for yet an other whateverquel.
      GZDoom-based games sell like hot cakes...
      nazis/cult/whatever as long as they look like over-the-top baddies.
      with how buff most basic PCs are when compared to GZDoom, the possibilities are endless...

      that one GZDoom ROTT mod was pretty good utilizing doom mapping tech for ROTT maps

  34. 10 months ago

    also RoTT's textures lighting and color palette are beautiful you frickers are BLIND if not baiting
    one of the few games that genuinely makes me happy when i look at it, the shades of gray and brick and berry all coalesce in a unique way and there absolutely is a coherent design philosophy
    it's a wacky military fortress in the middle of nowhere with otherworldly architecture and it feels like it, the frick do you want? visually one of the most satisfying sprite based games.

  35. 10 months ago

    >Make Dual Pistols the default Slot 1 weapon and give them perfect accuracy on any character.
    >Add a Pump Shotgun as the Slot 2 weapon, which can burst down a single guard marginally faster than the MP40 up close, but can't stunlock as reliably or juggle multiple targets or focus fire tankier enemies as well.
    >Make enemies take fall damage after being knocked up by the Excalibat, so basic guards die in one hit + one splat.

    Literally all it'd take for RoTT to be the perfect game.

  36. 10 months ago

    I first played ROTT about 11 years ago when the remake was announced
    the abstract levels and platforming alone set it above almost everything else from the era, but you also have the super memorable weapons and power ups, soundtrack is also one of the best video game soundtracks of all time.
    the grav pads and weird mechanics make it way more unique than other FPS from the era. anyone who hates ROTT hates good gameplay

  37. 10 months ago

    It was an early example of movement in teh Z axis via the jumps/ It was a fun game. Shit OP negative waves thread as usual

    • 10 months ago

      That's the Y axis.

      • 10 months ago

        no it's not, moron

        • 10 months ago

          Up and down, that's the Y axis. Go back to school.

          • 10 months ago

            and up is north right?

            • 10 months ago

              No, north is a cardinal direction you stupid shit, it has nothing to do with the axes. Is this how you normally get attention?

              • 10 months ago

                >nothing to do with the axes
                Maybe I shouldn't of axed.

            • 10 months ago

              Up is north on the vast majority of maps, nobody says "forward" on a map regardless of the orientation, you say up, down, left or right (or just the actual direction you mean)

            • 10 months ago

              Up and down, that's the Y axis. Go back to school.

              no it's not, moron

              That's the Y axis.

              Depends on how you orient the axis. In 3d-games, most engines will have the z-axis as the "up/down"-axis, in 2d-games in a purely 2-d engine you could have the y-axis as the equivalent to "up"

              • 10 months ago

                >In 3d-games, most engines will have the z-axis as the "up/down"-axis
                This is something that only happens in that troubled loogie between your ears.

              • 10 months ago

                Why do you make such claims when you've obviously never worked with a 3D engine in your life? Why even try to correct someone on a subject you know nothing about in the first place? Fricking seriously, shut up already

  38. 10 months ago

    >tactical first person blitzkrieg platform puzzle trap batshittery shooter never became an established genre
    Why was every other FPS afraid of environmental hazards beyond hurtfloors?
    I'm gonna beat someone's ass if there ain't another RoTT sequel.

    • 10 months ago

      From a technical standpoint, hurtfloors were just a boolean value, one of a few properties assigned to a surface. Easy enough to code with minimal cpu penalty.

      Generally speaking, designing an engine to do ROTT traps efficiently enough with the cpu power available on the systems of the day would have been much harder. In isolation, the logic of each trap can be simplified a lot but each still involves one or more extra steps, increasing the CPU penalty. To have as many traps as ROTT...

      let's just say that Wolf3d could run on a 286 cpu, just, and a 386 well even with 1-2mb RAM. ROTT needed 8mb ram and a 486dx cpu of at least 50mhz to run remotely smoothly with all graphics enabled and would still bog down in areas busy with traps or other activity.

      Pardon this presumption, but these numbers may not mean much to you Anon (you probably wouldn't be asking if they did) but there were very large jumps in performance between these CPU generations, and this was all running on a comparatively simpler type of 3d engine.

      The Doom engine was very impressive in its speed and ability but I am sure that many of these traps would have been cut, or the system requirements of the game would have increased noticeably should this engine have been used. I suspect going forward that developers of later games faced the same problems and continued to take that path of least resistance as long as it was viable.

      Captcha 4444w

    • 10 months ago

      imagine a proper 3D ROTT sequel on id tech 3

      A game that is rightfully forgotten.

      seemed decent but it missed the mark on actual ROTT gameplay i guess

      Hey the 2013 remake started the "boomer shooter" craze, there'd be way less zoomers in the Doom general if it weren't for ROTT and ROTT 2013

      • 10 months ago

        would it be a bad thing though?
        the new boomer shooters are not my jam

      • 10 months ago

        >imagine a proper 3D ROTT sequel on id tech 3
        Sounds grotesque and a waste of id tech 4.

  39. 10 months ago

    ROTT really was an ugly game when it came out and is now. The graphics lack any real variety and the art style is a mish mash of things. The game is entirely held together by its humor and wacky stuff. It’s very memorable but it both ran like ass for how ugly it was and is super limited gameplay wise. Tom Hall just doesn’t really make good games.

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah, they should've had more unusual enemies, a better plot, and a better name to embrace the bizarre nature of the game. Rise of the Triad sounds too stuffy, like it's going to be some "true crime" shit documenting Chinese gangs, and most all of the enemies are just guys in military style costumes. Almost like the game was going to be a bit more serious early in development then they just said frick it you can turn into a dog.

      • 10 months ago

        Thats essentially what happened.
        Wolfenstein 2: ROTT -> ROTT with no licence and theme issues so devs got loose

  40. 10 months ago

    How on earth did Swedish dudebro Fred Schreiber manage to acquire all the 3D Realms and Apogee IP based on baby's first UnrealED tech demo?

  41. 10 months ago

    Agreed, that game never clicked for me. It just looks bad and incohesive compared to the contemporary competitors.

  42. 10 months ago

    >open door
    >lightning guard instantly fires two bazookas at you

    • 10 months ago

      you can mitigate this by holding m1 when walking through every door (useless point ankhs be damned)
      and by strafing around every time your vision even catches a glimpse of a green coat

  43. 10 months ago

    Innovative does not necessarily mean good. But everyone should play the innovative thing at least once.

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