>outlives Elden Ring

>outlives Elden Ring
What went right?

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  1. 2 years ago

    having depth

  2. 2 years ago

    late game content and a real endgame loop

    • 2 years ago

      >Beat the game to play the real game
      Suck my dick

      • 2 years ago

        >Beat the game to unlock a seperate metagame

  3. 2 years ago

    This is the only place where i see the nioh series being talked about, irl i know a lot of people that don't even play games that are still interested in Elden Ring.
    Peak clown world, normalgays will never understand the true kino that is Nioh and Nioh 2

    • 2 years ago

      i'm jelly of normalgays
      playing this shit franchise for free wasn't worth the time i wasted

    • 2 years ago

      It's cause nioh has an actual learning curve. Nothing filters normalgays like having to learn.

    • 2 years ago

      ER is peak reddit "hard" game for babies. Souls games in general have always been this way but it wasn't the focus. You'd be amazed at how many people knew what DaS1 was but never actually touched/played it but similar to Ninja Gaiden on xbox would spew the memes about it being impossibly hard.

    • 2 years ago

      >normalgays will never understand the true kino that is Nioh
      Nioh is a mess that shoves in your mouth every 1 minute a new weapon/armor etc.
      mob variety is non existent, you will fight the same mobs from the first area all the way to the end.
      Level design is bland compared to Souls games.

      I dropped Nioh somewhere in the middle, is Nioh 2 better in this regard?

      • 2 years ago

        >is Nioh 2 better in this regard?
        Nioh 2 is basically the exact same game as Nioh 1, but it does have a handful more enemies and a slightly better level design.

  4. 2 years ago

    elden ring is more relevant today than nioh 2 was at launch
    never hear about this game anywhere but here

    • 2 years ago

      This is the only place where i see the nioh series being talked about, irl i know a lot of people that don't even play games that are still interested in Elden Ring.
      Peak clown world, normalgays will never understand the true kino that is Nioh and Nioh 2

      says something about the quality of a game tbh. We live in a society and all

    • 2 years ago

      normies don't talk about good games whats your point?

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Jesus Christ, brutal but accurate

  5. 2 years ago

    troony moment

    • 2 years ago

      yeah reddit ring was woke

      • 2 years ago

        nioh 2 was made before demons souls demake started the type gender meme. just wait till nioh but chinese comes out, it will be type as well lmao

    • 2 years ago

      ER has 10x the women/trannies that Nioh games have but okay. Wouldn't be surprised if there were videos of people trying to confirm cast members as trannies. Meanwhile anyone still playing Nioh is just playing it.

    • 2 years ago

      t. ranni fricker

  6. 2 years ago

    Is this game worth buying? Give it to me straight, no memes and no bullshit, if you are wrong there will be consequences.

    • 2 years ago

      It is Demon's Souls with significantly better gameplay and build variety but worse atmosphere and lore. If that sounds like your cup of tea then play it.

      • 2 years ago

        Why demons souls rather than a newer souls game?

        • 2 years ago

          because its mission-based, no interconnected world like Dark Souls or anything.

        • 2 years ago

          He is setting you up for failure. Don't go in expecting to play it like any of those games. You are going to want to engage with every single combat mechanic the game has. Change your stances and ki pulse/flux. Use burst counters and put like 20-30 points in both magic and dex for talismans, ninjutsu etc. Blocking is better than dodging most of the time. Most of all though just be aggressive. Learn the muscle memory for flux so you can constantly have ki (stamina). If you just play it like a souls game you are going to be bored as frick.

      • 2 years ago

        >attack, attack, attack, boss stunned, attack, attack, attack
        Button masher shit.

        • 2 years ago

          While you're not entirely wrong, there are some perfectly executed parries in there, as well as ki management and weapon swapping. It may look like "just button mashing" to someone who never played it, but the enemy in that webm (Fuki) is troublesome even for a seasoned player, and a newcomer would struggle to do the same motions against him without biting dirt (and he's a regular mob, that could easily pass as miniboss, same for many other DLC mobs).

        • 2 years ago

          Lets ignore the perfect parries and interactions with the enemy clearly attacking in between the false claim you're making eh? Too be fair i do hate the bloated life of NG+3 and beyond Nioh but that is entirely optional and at that point you can potentially get sets/gear that melt shit all the same.

      • 2 years ago

        >worse atmosphere and lore

      • 2 years ago

        holy shit what the frick makes you people think that using underleveled weapons against high level enemies makes this game look good
        no one cares how much skill it took to pull this off when it's so fricking boring to watch

        • 2 years ago

          I don't know that guy's build but that looks about right. Enemies aren't made of paper in this game except a few of the basic humans. Like

          While you're not entirely wrong, there are some perfectly executed parries in there, as well as ki management and weapon swapping. It may look like "just button mashing" to someone who never played it, but the enemy in that webm (Fuki) is troublesome even for a seasoned player, and a newcomer would struggle to do the same motions against him without biting dirt (and he's a regular mob, that could easily pass as miniboss, same for many other DLC mobs).

          said that is also one of the most difficult basic enemies in the game. You are given a shitload of combat options. What fun would it be if every enemy died in a few hits? You need to understand that the game wants you to combo all of your different attacks together while managing your ki. Fights actually feel like fights.

          • 2 years ago

            my build is shit by design and i kill stronger enemies in less time

            • 2 years ago

              >literally throwing a looney toons bomb

      • 2 years ago

        literally cant even tell whats going on here
        maybe wo lung wont have so much visual puke

        • 2 years ago

          Wo Long will be even faster according to the devs.

        • 2 years ago

          Watching it in this format makes it look terrible. I can't speak for everyone but it never bothered me when I'm actually playing it. There are white particles that swirl around your character and right before they hit you you can ki pulse to get your ki back. I never had any issues seeing them or anything like that. It all just kind of fades from your vision when you are in the middle of a fight and you can concentrate on the enemy. Apparently there is a mod that removes them though.

        • 2 years ago

          wu long ding dong ching chong is Chinkoid cancer by default.
          it's pig disgusting in nature. literally repulses me - which no game has ever managed to do in my entire life, with its portrayal of chinkoid bugmen homosexualry.

        • 2 years ago

          It's even worse when you actually play it. The rainbow vomit never fricking ends.

      • 2 years ago

        jesus christ what a dogshit combat system mash mash mashmash special attack mash mash special attack 2 but with a scripted move mash mash

        • 2 years ago

          Stop talking about things you clearly have no knowledge of.

      • 2 years ago

        Don't forget the other things that are stupid/bad about it
        >Shit level design
        >Extreme difficulty imbalance (people like to cry about "artifical difficulty" in souls and even though it doesn't apply here or to souls, the sheer amount of difficulty spikes and pits makes making a graph out of it look like sine wave)
        >5 different mechanics that govern character growth yet all of them are poorly explained and only 2 of them actually makes any kind of sense (ilvl is fricking pointless and only makes playing the game more confusing for new players)
        >Most if not all of the extra character options are rendered moot by enemy design that forces players into overly defensive or offensive situations (souls also fails at this but it atleast hides it better, being a roll simulator and all that)
        >Graphical design and style makes the screen look like a abstract painting at times, somehow being worse than even Korean lootgrind MMOs at worst

        inb4 "soulsdrone".
        I don't really like souls that much either and I instead prefer DMC or Dragons Dogma if I'm looking for a more "RPG" action game. Either way, this fricking tribalism over a series that probably won't get a sequel for a long time or ever beat THAT SERIES in sales is fricking stupid, so please stop.

        • 2 years ago

          >Shit level design
          Its functional and more arcade oriented then just being some aesthetic. It has similar looping checkpoints to Souls games/older games. Meanwhile most Souls levels are easy to run through especially in later games and not well designed. But your small meme picture brain thinks "aesthetics = good level design.".
          >Extreme difficulty inbalance
          No? Nioh 1 and 2 besides some DLC bosses are flat out fine and the difficulty doesn't spike and become a gear check until around NG+3 and by then you've played the game twice and can choose if you want that life
          They aren't poorly explained you just need to read for more then a second instead of R1/circle
          Not really but it can be a bit overbearing i agree. A player just beginning might be frustrated trying to learn to ki pulse and instead decide to turtle all day as to not die and play simple because learning constant cancels can be hard.

          No one believes Nioh can beat troonysoft in sales. Its just fun to see them fling shit. But i guess i agree? There is only so much i can replay DMC games before i want something new even if its not as good. I think both Nioh 2 and DMCs better titles are great. Hell i think most From games are fine even ER. But i do think they are made for people incapable of adapting to deeper mechanics.

          • 2 years ago

            >But i do think they are made for people incapable of adapting to deeper mechanics.
            >My button masher is deeper than yours!
            You know, every single argument for how Nioh is "deeper" than it competitors always comes down to
            >There are more buttons to press=it's more DEEP

            But in reality, the game never pushed players to reach that depth but it's nice that it is there for people who want it. Trying to point it out as being a better aspect vs any other game is sort of a moot point when the game never actually expects the player to utilize that depth and they instead just design obstacles around players who barely grasp how to use any of the most basic aspects of the game.

            This isn't even a riff on Nioh, it's more of a riff on most if not all action games since they all fall into that same trap. Even something like DMC with all of it's deeper levels of play does this exact same thing, that doesn't make the game worse, but it does pointing out that depth as being better a moot point there too.

        • 2 years ago

          Why did you even use green text newbie, you wrote entire fricking paragraphs. Just b***h using regular text dipshit, there’s no need for green text.

        • 2 years ago

          t. Didn't play the game or got filtered before completing NG

      • 2 years ago

        >It is Demon's Souls with significantly better gameplay
        who are you trying to kid? you never played Demon's Souls in your life.
        gb2 your Reddit game.

      • 2 years ago

        So why play Nioh when Sekino has all 4 of those qualities?

        • 2 years ago

          sekiro doesn't have shitty borderlands colored loot

    • 2 years ago

      Only if you aren't a Soulsborne / Elden Ring / Sekiro fan. If you are, avoid.

    • 2 years ago

      if you enjoy great combat and looooting or can tolerate it at least it's great. however it cut most of the stuff that the souls is famous for, such as a big interconnected world, world building, lore, you name it, the game is nearly an action game, it has mission structure, most missions are just a bunch of hallways and whatnot, no exploration, but the action is top notch, and there's a ton of content. assembling builds come late game isn't that hard either, the game is fairly generous with good loot, which is I think the main problem of looting games.

  7. 2 years ago

    >go back after playing ER
    >enemies outplay me hard

  8. 2 years ago

    Wish I could fully enjoy this game by being allowed to go autismo with builds, especially elemental ones. I'm trying to become fire punch, and many enemies straight up can't be set on fire; same with any other elements that are not purity/corruption. Maybe I'll try to mix in thunder with water and do something storm-related.

  9. 2 years ago

    I’ve never seen this game discussed on this board outside of the context of FS games.
    Kinda seems like the playerbase is insecure or something. :/

  10. 2 years ago

    it's fun to play. they somehow forgot that part in elden ring

  11. 2 years ago

    Less bloat, more sauce.

  12. 2 years ago

    Yeah, Elden Ring only has TWELVE TIMES the people playing it right now. Outlived as frick. That's also why this garbage only ever gets FromSoft bait threads instead of real discussion.

    Take your dogshit lootgacha simulator back to resetera or reddit or wherever the frick you came from.

    • 2 years ago

      He is baiting you, bud. It works every single time so he keeps doing it. You're so fricking stupid you actually got tricked into thinking game is bad too.

      • 2 years ago

        Nah, I actually pirated it so I know for certain it's shovelware.

        • 2 years ago

          Must suck to have shit taste. From a pure gameplay perspective this is probably the best ARPG in the last decade.

    • 2 years ago

      >Dude shitting in diaper doing daily speedruns


  13. 2 years ago

    I love Nioh, the only thing that really annoys me about it is the absurd amount of particle effects, EVERYTHING GLOWS, looks like trash but plays like a dream.

  14. 2 years ago

    lol the game is easy just wear heavy armor spam triangle and use the axe while occasionally using soul core attacks preferably the wheel cat lady's

  15. 2 years ago

    why it still costs 60 australian euros?

  16. 2 years ago

    I literally only want to play Nioh because I've seen porn and created characters are all hot as frick. You mean to tell me I can run around looking like pic related? You've piqued my interest

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah but not enough sexy oufits or jiggle physics

  17. 2 years ago

    I'm at the level 100 mission, should i look forward to endgame?

    • 2 years ago

      Just enjoy yourself anon. Personally i stopped with Nioh 1/2 after NG+2 or so when i didn't feel the drive to get the stuff/make a build strong enough to keep up with the life NG+3 has on stuff. I do need to go back and play the last DLC though it came out so much later. But i think 2 playthroughs worth of content out of both games is great. The end game is definitely not for everybody. Since you can easily just play through NG/NG+ with fundamentals alone even with a shit weapon bar some DLC bosses but past that it becomes sort of a grind.

  18. 2 years ago

    Actually being fun does that.

  19. 2 years ago


  20. 2 years ago

    a cope thread, as usual

    • 2 years ago

      >2600 KINGS
      >vs 42000 normalgay shiteaters
      YEP Nioh cant stop winning.

    • 2 years ago

      is there anything more pathetic than niohtards? 90% of the playerbase are soulstards looking for something "like dark souls" while they're waiting for the next fromsoft game. this series is cursed to forever be in fromsoft's shadow and the moronic "fans" (all 10 of them) will cope about it for all eternity

  21. 2 years ago

    It's actually fun unlike elden epicmetabuildletmesoloher1shotsummonmagicazurcommetpvpstreamer ring.

  22. 2 years ago

    Daily reminder

  23. 2 years ago

    Frick you you stupid Black folk. I've been trying to get a nioh thread going for a few days already and it always dies with a few posts at most, but if the massive homosexual op starts with a shitty flaming bait you gobble this trash up immediately. Frick all of you you dumb Black folk. I hate this place so fricking much.

    • 2 years ago

      Everyone already played the frick out of it and talked it to death. If you wanted actual discussion you should have played it at release.

      >yet another case of niohbabs being unable to start up their own threads without shitting on superior games
      I don't think I've ever seen a fanbase so insecure.

      Why do you keep coming back? Your kind comes back every single time to say "NO my favorite game is better!".

      • 2 years ago

        >Your kind comes back every single time to say "NO my favorite game is better!".
        I suggest you read what OP started with.
        Also, just because I think From makes superior games, it doesn't mean Nioh is bad. It's good in some aspects and shits the bed in other.

        • 2 years ago

          >I suggest you read what OP started with.
          Yea, do you know why he makes the same thread every day? Because he knows that 50+ diehard Fromsoft fanboys will come to defend it and they always do.
          Every. Single. Time.

    • 2 years ago

      The problem is that the game is extremely divisive. It's like how souls were the same around the time it started getting popular, a lot of people had their egos hurt or just couldn't take the fact that the game was not for them so they started shitting on it every way they could.
      This being Ganker should clue you in that a lot of people here don't actually play these games, they just like feeling superior to other people over a subjective choice that they try to argue as an objective fact.

    • 2 years ago

      Sorry anon but there just isn't much to discuss of the game that isn't comparing it to dark souls or elden shit
      I've been playing grim dawn for a bit so I'm even out of Webms to post

  24. 2 years ago

    >yet another case of niohbabs being unable to start up their own threads without shitting on superior games
    I don't think I've ever seen a fanbase so insecure.

  25. 2 years ago

    LOL! lmao.
    I suspect that homosexuals who make Nioh, Bintendo's Turd In The Woods and Debil Must Crap threads are the very same type of subhumans.

  26. 2 years ago

    What are some good armour sets for a fists build?
    I used Sohaya for a large portion of the game, then switched to Kingo, and now I'm running around in One-Eyed Dragon.

    • 2 years ago

      Depends what exactly you are looking for. I never went full into a fists build but look at the different stats and see which would benefit you the most depending on your playstyle. It also kind of matters if you want light/medium/heavy.

  27. 2 years ago

    >Nioh thread
    >start thread by baiting and taunting better series
    every time

  28. 2 years ago

    I find bizarre that Ganker suddenly calls Nioh 1 a good game; it was always dismissed as a "shitty Souls clone", every single time I tried to make a thread about the game it either 404 or was shitposted to death, or when the topic of non-From Soulslikes came out on a Souls thread I was the only person in the room defending that game.
    Given how 2 isn't terribly different from 1 (it's the same game but with new content and new gameplay mechanics) and I've never seen a Nioh 2 thread on Ganker that isn't anti-From Software shitposting, I'm convinced that most of the people on Ganker who "like" Nioh and Nioh 2 are just trolls who don't care about the games themselves, or contrarians trying too hard be different.

    I personally just like Souls-likes and anything with sword combat (that isn't a WRPG; those games bore me to death).

    • 2 years ago

      Remnant 2 was a better souls "clone" than Nioh.
      It has a frickton of problems, but it manages to make a more intresting game than Nioh 1 and it is more fun playing through once than Nioh 2 since 2 doesn't start being fun until you've actually finished "building" your character. Before that point it just feels like a subpar action game with RPG mechanics.

    • 2 years ago

      >I've never seen a Nioh 2 thread on Ganker that isn't anti-From Software shitposting
      Then you weren't around the first couple months after release then again for the PC port. It had constant 24 hour threads. Like most games focused mainly on single player content though that fades with time.

      • 2 years ago

        I avoided the PS4 launch threads because I was waiting for the PC port and didn't want to be spoiled, and the few PC launch threads I checked were nothing but posts like

        I need Nioh 2 tier CC in every game.

        , people comparing their CC waifus. In a way reminded me of the average Code Vein thread, where no absolutely no one talks about the gameplay and just compares waifus.
        I doubt PS4 launch threads were any different, because almost no one on Ganker like the series.

        • 2 years ago

          That is just factually wrong though. Go look through the archives if you want.

          • 2 years ago

            No need to; I already know every single thread that isn't "post your Hide" is either top or bottom.

            • 2 years ago

              >I enjoy being wrong
              Okay, moron.

              • 2 years ago

                Except I'm not wrong. Ganker as a whole doesn't like the Nioh series and only uses it as a tool to attack From Software and its games. As simple as that.
                Well, coomers enjoy playing with the character creator and creating muscle waifus but that's it. They would be fine if there wasn't a game attached to said character creator.

              • 2 years ago

                You sound legitimately paranoid. What causes this victim complex and why is it so common around here?

              • 2 years ago

                >Every single Nioh thread on Ganker is a bait aimed to provoke or offend From Software fans
                >"You're just paranoid / suffer from persecution complex"

              • 2 years ago

                Okay we are going in circles. I told you, you can go look for all the game discussion if you want and there was a shitload of it. Every single thing about the game was discussed to death the first couple months after release. That included people posting their characters obviously. You said you don't want to though so it seems like you are just stuck in this weird mindset of wanting to be a victim. Enjoy whatever the frick kind of delusion you are partaking in. I refuse to be a part of it.

                Any recommendations regarding onmyo and ninjutsu?

                Quick change is nice. It is also good to just always have shuriken/kunai on hand. Power pills and the different elemental scrolls are also nice. There are feathers if you want a strong attack. It just depends on what exactly you want. Like half of them are really useful. I never use things like ground traps though. Some of the things are just situational but all of the stuff I named can be used in most situations.

        • 2 years ago

          It was like a troony /vg/ general. A very small group of discordtards making 90% of the posts every single thread. Very weird shit. And ofc they posted they characters often.

    • 2 years ago

      I always liked Nioh 1, just because a bunch of seething Fromdrones said it's bad won't make me change my opinion.

    • 2 years ago

      Nioh 1 had significantly better threads on here than 2 did, and you still missed countless threads of both that were almost entirely game discussion. The constant attempts to rewrite history on this god awful site are so tiresome.

  29. 2 years ago

    I need Nioh 2 tier CC in every game.

    • 2 years ago

      It's pretty telling how most players would dismiss Nioh 2 if it didn't have a character creator, even if nothing else about the game changed.

      • 2 years ago

        >most players would dismiss Nioh 2 if it didn't have a character creator
        Schizo did you forget your meds (again) today? Who told you this? Post no less than 5 creditable sources to back it up or I'm cumming down your throat.

  30. 2 years ago

    I played through the entire game up and through demons and never used any of the way of C samurai skills that up your damage but increase ki consumption, I don’t know if that’s necessarily bad or not, I just never used them. I used light armor too and never had a problem dealing damage or surviving. If anything it felt just right.

  31. 2 years ago
  32. 2 years ago

    So what's the hottest character in game?
    For me it's pic rel and the pale ghost girls

    • 2 years ago

      I want to FRICK Fuku!

  33. 2 years ago


  34. 2 years ago

    Any recommendations regarding onmyo and ninjutsu?

    • 2 years ago

      Experiment with them yourself, there's a large enough amount of varied options on both and all of them are generally powerful so it comes down to what fits your general playstyle and needs. Just keep in mind both are always available as assets as you'll find skill points in missions and they level just by using them.

    • 2 years ago

      respec and try everything

  35. 2 years ago

    game owns. kinda feel like replaying ng+ but with different weapons.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm not that far into the game, didn't know you can counter/parry youkai enemies

      • 2 years ago

        It's one of the first skills Odachi gets, Bolting Boar. Almost all the other weapons have a skill with guard frames, and Fists have a straight up Royal Guard-esque Daigo parry with a timed followup.

        • 2 years ago

          not sure if I understand what you're referring to but I did use an odachi and I know that there are counters (block at the right time like sekiro) and there is a parry (light attack while blocking) and as far as I know they only work on human enemies, not youkai like the on in the webm

          • 2 years ago

            >as far as I know they only work on human enemies
            Most of them are like that, but that skill is one of the very few exceptions. There's parry skills that are done by guarding at the right time (Timely Guard parries like Odachi Bolting Boar and Katana Backwave) and parry skills that are done via an input, with examples of both either coming with a grapple animation (like that webm) or just having the enemy bounce off and/or allowing a special followup. Fists' Takedown works on small skeletons, and Katana's Water Shadow and Haze also works on small skeletons and Kamaitachi's spin.

            Then there's skills like Cuckoo's Call on Odachi or Spirit Wind on Axe which have a period where they just guard attacks, and can therefore be used on just about any attack to counter them. Fists' Opportunist (the "Royal Guard" I mentioned) is closer to this so you can essentially use it to "parry" nearly anything.

  36. 2 years ago

    Please give this poor moron more tips to beat this b***h I've been stuck on her for years. Going to reinstall today...

    • 2 years ago

      Shuriken/kunai when she is in the air. It will kill her ki and make her drop to the ground so you can get some damage in. There are some anti para needles around in her level. If you run out of them get anti para pills in the ninja tree.

      • 2 years ago

        >I've been stuck on her for years
        jesus anon
        just summon and move on, you'll fight her again later anyway

        Carry some anti-paralysis needles with you so if you commit a mistake you don't get killed.
        Stay close to her when she's doing her ground combo but don't attack her unless she uses a guillotine kick; that kick has a long recovery so it's safe to attach her then.
        When she flies and starts throwing shit, run and stay just under her; after a few seconds she will yell and dive-bomb you; don't block, dodge and then attack her when touches the floor. It will knock her out, opening her for a massive assault on top of dropping a lot of amrita which will fill your living weapon bar. Attack her a few times but don't be greedy because she always follows that stun with her health drain attack.

        When she flies and does a horizontal flying attack, block. It's safer than dodging and if your stamina bar is full you should still have enough to run away.

        Block more, cancel block into dodge depending on the attack, change stance to use your different dodges, and make great use of dash and dodge attacks to stay on her. She's there to let you know you're infinitely faster and more mobile than she'll ever be. You can test punishes with low stance and then move up if you see you can get more. Her flight is intended to get you in the mindset of using your bow which you should be using, but you can also bait her to drop down for a heavy punish. In general you need to learn how to be more mobile and aggressive without sacrificing safety, Ki Pulse (later Flux) and stances enable this and it's what Onryoki and Hino Enma are there to show you.

        Thanks ahead of time, everyone. I am screencapping these and will check back later for more advice.

    • 2 years ago

      >I've been stuck on her for years
      jesus anon
      just summon and move on, you'll fight her again later anyway

    • 2 years ago

      Carry some anti-paralysis needles with you so if you commit a mistake you don't get killed.
      Stay close to her when she's doing her ground combo but don't attack her unless she uses a guillotine kick; that kick has a long recovery so it's safe to attach her then.
      When she flies and starts throwing shit, run and stay just under her; after a few seconds she will yell and dive-bomb you; don't block, dodge and then attack her when touches the floor. It will knock her out, opening her for a massive assault on top of dropping a lot of amrita which will fill your living weapon bar. Attack her a few times but don't be greedy because she always follows that stun with her health drain attack.

      When she flies and does a horizontal flying attack, block. It's safer than dodging and if your stamina bar is full you should still have enough to run away.

    • 2 years ago

      Block more, cancel block into dodge depending on the attack, change stance to use your different dodges, and make great use of dash and dodge attacks to stay on her. She's there to let you know you're infinitely faster and more mobile than she'll ever be. You can test punishes with low stance and then move up if you see you can get more. Her flight is intended to get you in the mindset of using your bow which you should be using, but you can also bait her to drop down for a heavy punish. In general you need to learn how to be more mobile and aggressive without sacrificing safety, Ki Pulse (later Flux) and stances enable this and it's what Onryoki and Hino Enma are there to show you.

  37. 2 years ago

    >dude lets just copy a boss from the first game for the dlc
    what the frick were they thinking?

    • 2 years ago

      Meanwhile Elden Ring is called "worst game ever!" due to reusing bosses.
      The absolute state of Ganker's hypocrisy.

    • 2 years ago

      It's a side mission to be fair (although you do fight one of those in the second main mission with the assistance of two NPCs and he's not the boss of the stage)
      Compare this to Nioh 1 which had the audacity to make you refight Yukimura as a main boss in the third DLC with his ninja simp tagging in when you got him to a third of his health
      Double boss fights were an utter travesty in Nioh 1 and I'm glad Nioh 2 mostly did away with it

  38. 2 years ago

    Both games suck, play jagged alliance 2

  39. 2 years ago

    Is this online worth anything or can I just piracy

    • 2 years ago

      Just pirate; the online is dead.

    • 2 years ago

      It's the best way to get glory. Glory can be used to buy skins and crafting materials. There is also the revenant system but that isn't as useful in the second game. When I say the best way I mean the only way that wouldn't require probably 10's of hours of grinding revs just to get enough for like 1 skin. They aren't necessary items or anything but having easy access to crafting items can be useful.

      Just pirate; the online is dead.

      I doubt that. Haven't played recently but it isn't like other MP games where you need a shitload of people on at once. It has power scaling and shit. If there are 1000 people currently playing I doubt you would have trouble finding someone to play with.

      • 2 years ago

        Even if the online were alive, there is no reason to buy Nioh 2 given how Team Ninja abandoned the series and moved on.
        It's the equivalent of buying Prey 2017: what's the point when it will never get a sequel or a similar game?

        • 2 years ago

          Oh so it's not dead. You just say it is because you don't want people to support them. Got it.

          • 2 years ago

            It is dead. I'm just pointing out that there is no reason to buy the game at this point.

    • 2 years ago

      Online is worth it if you got someone to coop. It's also worth it to farm glory when you put summon sign down so other players summon an AI version of you. It feels almost as good as getting (you)s

  40. 2 years ago

    I haven't used the smith even once, and only use the gear I loot. Am I missing out a lot?

    • 2 years ago

      The smith is literally worthless once you beat the first difficulty, don't worry about it.

    • 2 years ago

      Crafting isn't really necessary but you should probably at least reforge/temper stats onto your weapons.

      It is dead. I'm just pointing out that there is no reason to buy the game at this point.

      So if I booted up the game right now you're telling me I wouldn't be able to get a coop partner? I highly doubt that.

      • 2 years ago

        I still get people using my phantom every day, and can usually find a co-op partner in under 5 minutes, but yeah, it's not "as active", I suppose.

      • 2 years ago

        I'll clarify by saying don't worry about it on anything lower than purple. But tempering on purple weapons is still useful enough and it is pretty cheap. There is no reason not to do it unless you just like leaving DPS on the table.

    • 2 years ago

      You don't need smithing until end game. I didn't use it until ng+++

    • 2 years ago

      It's a fairly straightforward and extremely convenient way to get specific gear or make sure you have rare gear on (notable since Defense as a stat is not very impactful compared to the many other hefty ways of reducing damage/surviving), and Tempering is also simple and relatively quick to do while offering some very helpful effects that can take a huge amount of stress out of things. It's not strictly necessary however as you've found, since the main strength you get comes from learning the mechanics and applying them.

  41. 2 years ago

    >Paying money when you can get the game for free
    Since when you gays became such upstanding paypiggies?

  42. 2 years ago

    Better music for one

    • 2 years ago

      For me, it's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exinzBqPuDk

  43. 2 years ago

    One thing that I like about that game, that I rarely see mentioned is the fact that they use actual historical characters, places and battles. I quite enjoying reading up on some of them afterwards. I feel like the whole game would be even more enjoyable if I had a good grasp on Japanese history in the first place, but I still appreciate it.

    • 2 years ago

      Yea KT have been doing it for years so it isn't really discussed as much. I love that they had Dee and Kelley in the first game though.

  44. 2 years ago

    When is this shit going on a proper sale (-70%)?

    • 2 years ago

      There's a -100% sale right now.

  45. 2 years ago

    Shitty mmo/looter shooter gear system keeping the autists around to push numbers for no reason at all.

  46. 2 years ago

    >Dark Souls difficulty
    >Enemy encounter is difficult due to the combination or placement of enemies that back each other up. Placement of enemies usually tends to make it fair with some strategy, like pulling one-by-one or using ranged moves to take one out
    >Example: Channeler + 10 Hollow in the Church, multiple enemies that can stagger you into a ranged shot, or a big enemy to lock you into a bunch of the smaller ones. Try to abuse line of sight to funnel the small guys into the hallway and avoid the caster!

    >Nioh difficulty
    >Big boss enemy and an archer up there that does 50% of your HP if he hits you, he literally hits harder than the fricking boss
    >Nioh NG+ difficulty
    >There is now 2 archers up there, they now do 70% of your HP. You still have to kill the boss btw.
    >Nioh NG++ difficulty
    >There is now 3 fricking archers on that cliff, the boss now has an additional add and several bonus buffs
    >What? Your build doesn't have the "Reflect All Projectiles" Legendary? What the frick are you doing you idiot, you're trying to build something that isnt meta?
    >Well that's ok, just activate your "super OP no-damage-taken and loads of elemental dps" demon mode button and go nuts!
    >Wait, you're not building for Infinite Demon Mode either?

    I really fricking hated Nioh

    • 2 years ago

      You have a bow/rifle/cannon. They are accessible with the click of a single button. You also get bonus damage for headshots. If you temper your ranged weapons they pretty much 1 hit kill most humans in NG. It doesn't matter though because that scenario sounds fake. What boss room has archers? Am I just forgetting?

      • 2 years ago

        Nearly EVERY scenario in Nioh 1 had a cheese archer just to piss you off. You're probably just forgetting, but once you realize it, it is incredibly fricking tedious. Half the DLC content is infuriating with that knowledge.

        • 2 years ago

          In a boss room? Yes dude, the game has archers. You have a rifle.

          • 2 years ago

            I could understand it if the ranged weapons weren't so damn easy to use. It is just constantly equipped though. You just press L2 and there it is. 1 second later you are aiming your rifle. Get a headshot and that enemy isn't there anymore.

        • 2 years ago

          >Nearly EVERY scenario in Nioh 1 had a cheese archer just to piss you off
          100% this, every time there was a ledge you couldn't immediately reach, there was someone shooting at you from there. Everywhere there was a corner you couldn't see behind there was someone waiting to jump you.
          Thankfully Nioh 2 has a much more tasteful amount of these things.

    • 2 years ago

      Don't make such ignorant and incorrect shitposts alongside images from good games.

    • 2 years ago

      You literally never played the game

      • 2 years ago

        I think I played enough of it

        • 2 years ago

          That's someone else's gameplay time. You clearly never played the game.

          • 2 years ago

            >no no no YOU CLEARLY NEVER PLAYED IT
            >and if you did play it YOU WERE FILTERED
            Niohgays always showing their mental illness lmao

          • 2 years ago

            Nah thats definitely me, Im playing through Nioh 2 right now but I got a bit burnt out by the 2nd world so I put it down for a bit. Definitely less archers, thankfully, but the combat straight up assumes you played Nioh 1 with how difficult it starts out.

            • 2 years ago

              No, it's not you. Because no Nioh 1 boss battle has archers.
              You're taking someone else's gameplay time to shitpost.

              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago

                Literally how, what do you need me to prove that its my game time. I can tell you for a fricking fact I played the entire game mashing the Heavy Attack string on Spear for the entire game and was able to breeze through combat. What more fricking evidence do you need you seething copelord.

  47. 2 years ago

    >What went right?
    It cattered to people who actually enjoy video games instead of "I want to be wow-ed"-gays

  48. 2 years ago

    This series only ever gets mentions in comparison to Souls games. That’s all I need to know about it.

    • 2 years ago

      >other people are reductivist morons and shitposters so that means I should be too

      • 2 years ago

        A game not being able to stand on its own and needing to use more popular games as stepping stones is a pretty big red flag if you ask me...

  49. 2 years ago

    should i skip nioh 1
    i cant ever bring myself to finish it

    • 2 years ago

      You know how modern games streamline and remove features in the sequel in the name of "reaching a broader audience"?
      Nioh 2 adds new mechanics on top of every existing mechanic in Nioh 1.

  50. 2 years ago

    >Why yes, I do use fist weapons exclusively, how could you tell?

  51. 2 years ago

    Both of them suck so I choose neither.

  52. 2 years ago

    This game is literally just Borderlands but for Souls refugees.

  53. 2 years ago

    I love the gameplay.
    But god damn the itemization and soul matching mechanics suck.

    • 2 years ago

      The itemization gives so many easy to use features and sorting, filter and selecting options that I have to wonder how few games you people have ever actually played. Soul Matching is literally just pick weapon, pick another weapon with higher level and same+ rarity, done, of all the things to single out. The closest thing to an issue with it is it being expensive when regarding normal level, and that isn't actually an issue.

      Nioh 2 is great as long as you're fighting yokai or generic human enemies.
      The way the human bosses blatantly cheat and ignore rules that the player has to follow aggravates me to no end.
      They have gigantic ki. And they can parry out of nowhere because they input read. And they have absurd damage output. And they have the HP of 100 players. And they have infinite casts of whatever magic/jutsu they carry, which they can carry pretty much all of them at once regardless of cost. And they activate ki buffs without pulsing, just by changing stance. And they swing big weapons that have huge reach with speed you can only match with a sword on low stance that will only hit directly in front of you. And their charge attacks come out instantly. And they have burst attacks that don't matter if you counter because human ki just regenerates on the spot. And they have unblockable grabs. And they have random super armor like yokai do, except it's not tied to ki because frick the rules.
      And then there's the one that can fly, and the one that has infinite uses of gust talisman meaning he's pretty much completely immune to ninjutsu, and the one that has infinite ammo on a gun he can fire without aiming, and oh my God, what a fricking shitshow.
      And, by the way, every single fricking weapon has two blatantly unfair human boss dojo fights in order to unlock all their skills.
      Every time I think about replaying this, I remember these bullshit fights and decide I could probably find something better to do.

      Human bosses aren't great but when you dump a bunch of random shit like that in a clumsy rant it just shows that you need to practice more. They actually follow almost all the rules we do, that's the entire reason the worst ones are as bad as they are, but they can still be rolled over almost entirely if you properly abuse Ki damage and maintain pressure. Even all the stuff you reach at has a lot of ways around it.

      • 2 years ago

        >when you complain about the game it just shows that you need to practice more
        lmao this really is a refuge for soulsgays
        every criticism is just deflected out of hand with the good ol' "git gud"

        • 2 years ago

          A mindless rant and "thing suck" isn't criticism, even I gave more criticism by naming a potential issue with Soul Matching. If you want actual advice I can offer it but I won't bother if someone's clearly not in the mood to listen to anything I would say.

          • 2 years ago

            Ah yes, "thing suck". Everything I pointed out is a way that human bosses have an unfair advantage over the player. Inflated stats, movesets the player can't use, super armor, infinite consumables, being able to pull buffs out of their asses. None of it is genuine complaints, it's all just "thing suck".
            This would be less pathetic if I at least knew you're being paid to deflect criticism from this game with canned git-gud non-arguments but, knowing Ganker, it's very likely you're doing it for free.

            • 2 years ago

              I clearly replied to two posts, the other guy was who said quite literally "thing suck". You instead are just b***hing about the challenge set any way you can regardless of how the game or any games work, instead of putting forward any genuine attempt and effort to understand and overcome it. If you actually did want to improve and play the game you might have taken me up on the offer for advice, but you didn't and there's little other reason why you'd make a post as a plea for pity, so this only shows exactly what you're actually here for.

              • 2 years ago

                >taken me up on the offer for advice
                Always forget I share a board with humanity's best and brightest. You got your head so far up your own ass about this game that your fecal matter is making decisions, which probably explains why you so vehemently defend all of its design flaws like your life and sustenance depended on it, and for free to boot.
                The game has problems, and one of them is human bosses who blatantly designed unfairly for the sake of challenge. I'm really sorry that this statement hurts you so deeply, but it's true.
                And I'm not actually sorry.

              • 2 years ago

                Not him but holy shit dude.
                >Inflated stats, movesets the player can't use, super armor, infinite consumables, being able to pull buffs out of their asses
                Are these the problems? Have you played a video game before?

        • 2 years ago

          He explained that you are just misunderstanding the game. It isn't unfair design. It is you not understanding or not being able to execute methods that would help you overcome the challenges. You need to be aggressive. You need to break the boss's ki. You are on a level playing field. Instead you just want to say "no the game is unfair". Well this might be hard to hear but no the game isn't unfair. There is a way to deal with every situation. That way is usually be aggressive. There are some instances where that could backfire but for the majority of the game it is just a matter of execution. Do you react this way any time somebody tells you to get good? Getting better at a game isn't some Souls exclusive thing. Get good or learn more. Or just summon someone who can do it for you.

  54. 2 years ago

    Nioh 2 is great as long as you're fighting yokai or generic human enemies.
    The way the human bosses blatantly cheat and ignore rules that the player has to follow aggravates me to no end.
    They have gigantic ki. And they can parry out of nowhere because they input read. And they have absurd damage output. And they have the HP of 100 players. And they have infinite casts of whatever magic/jutsu they carry, which they can carry pretty much all of them at once regardless of cost. And they activate ki buffs without pulsing, just by changing stance. And they swing big weapons that have huge reach with speed you can only match with a sword on low stance that will only hit directly in front of you. And their charge attacks come out instantly. And they have burst attacks that don't matter if you counter because human ki just regenerates on the spot. And they have unblockable grabs. And they have random super armor like yokai do, except it's not tied to ki because frick the rules.
    And then there's the one that can fly, and the one that has infinite uses of gust talisman meaning he's pretty much completely immune to ninjutsu, and the one that has infinite ammo on a gun he can fire without aiming, and oh my God, what a fricking shitshow.
    And, by the way, every single fricking weapon has two blatantly unfair human boss dojo fights in order to unlock all their skills.
    Every time I think about replaying this, I remember these bullshit fights and decide I could probably find something better to do.

    • 2 years ago

      Lmfao just use tonfas or some other ki depletion weapon, not one human enemy gave me trouble and I didn’t even bother with like 30% of the game options for damage or content, I never even used the Samurai tree damage boosters/ki consumption increase choices or even unlocked them, never touched onmyo, 350 hours, none of it mattered because ki weapons just wreck their shit(they wreck everything’s shit really).

  55. 2 years ago

    >mission gives me an NPC helper
    >summon revanents and watch them fight the NPC

  56. 2 years ago

    Should I play Nioh 1 before 2?
    Also any cool armors? I'm a giga heavy armor chad so I gotta have my armors.

    • 2 years ago

      Nioh 1 is a great game itself and has its own bosses and missions that are worth playing, but Nioh 2 largely builds upon it and improves in just about every way possible. This does mean that starting with 1 will give you good practice with the core mechanics (provided you actually make that effort to do so) before 2 adds additional ones, but both games have massive levels of content and depth that you can put thousands of hours into if you want and if you were to only play one game you'd probably go with 2. Story is also not a very big factor at all in this game but 2 does have a few moments that are a bit cooler with knowledge from 1. Speaking of which, 1 has a dedicated main character in William while 2 has you create your own character, and both games have an option to transform into different NPCs.

      If you're a fan of samurai armours then yeah there's a ton of great looking ones, including heavier stuff. There's also a Refashion option to let you make anything look like anything else.

      A game not being able to stand on its own and needing to use more popular games as stepping stones is a pretty big red flag if you ask me...

      Good thing this game doesn't need to do that at all. You should know now more than ever that mass public perception is often heavily flawed, ignorant and based on first impressions that rarely if ever hold up.

      • 2 years ago

        >Good thing this game doesn't need to do that at all
        >Never gets discussed outside direct Souls comparisons

        As I said before, that's all I need to know about it.

  57. 2 years ago

    I tried the alpha, saw enemies dropping the same item "but this time it has 2 extra damage points!", quit and uninstalled it.
    Any game that handles look in such a way is trash.

    • 2 years ago

      you have autism

  58. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      So basically Team Ninja gave up on Nioh and decided to outright copy Elden Ring and Sekiro? wow.

      • 2 years ago

        >Sekiro and Elden Ring invented Ninja GaIden

    • 2 years ago

      >character creation like Nioh 2
      Somehow I doubt that it'll be as good as the CC in Nioh 2.
      Or allow for breasts half as big,

      • 2 years ago

        In the interview they said pretty explicitly that they were using the same general creator, just with options to fit the settings so it'll be less Japanese tattoos etc. and more Chinese ones.

    • 2 years ago

      >more action compared to Nioh 2
      Not 5 seconds pass by in the game where I'm not pummeling an enemy into oblivion (or the opposite)
      How much more action-y could it get

      • 2 years ago

        >From watching the gameplay, I could tell that the speed of combat has definitely been increased when compared to Nioh. Make no mistake though, this isn’t the over-the-top action Team NINJA made itself famous for with NINJA GAIDEN either. It’s kind of somewhere in between

        • 2 years ago

          Personally I wouldn't put much faith into what a journo would say regarding the game's combat or pace. It's highly unlikely they've ever scratched the surface of how fast Nioh could be pushed (or Stranger of Paradise for that matter), so we just have to try and read between the lines and wait for actual gameplay. The things about seamlessly combining offense and defense sound very interesting though, it said something about being able to block during attacks. My mind initially went somewhere like MGR but maybe it's more like a timed parry that doesn't interrupt the action at all, which could be really cool. Imagine Opportunist or Soul Shield but you can do it during any attack, and the challenge is being able to juggle both consistently without pause while enemies are constantly bearing down on you and doing the same shit.

          • 2 years ago

            Sounds cool. I hope they show us gameplay BEFORE gamescom but it's seems unlikely.

            • 2 years ago

              Considering it's supposed to release in a year I feel like (hope) that they might even have a demo version of some kind relatively soon, they've gotten into the habit of doing that and there's not really much time until release overall if they were to do it.

  59. 2 years ago

    Ninja Gaiden always winz baybey

  60. 2 years ago

    >this is the only Elden Ring thread bumping on Ganker

  61. 2 years ago

    Every game series is dealing with some moronic console warring from dedicated shitposters that make it their personaly and people still have the gall to say Ganker is the only good place to discuss video games

    • 2 years ago

      >and people still have the gall to say Ganker is the only good place to discuss video games
      I don't think a single person is saying that. It is one of the few places that is lax on censorship though unfortunately. It just sucks that I share a board with these fricking genuine morons. They buy into it so easily.

    • 2 years ago

      >Every game series is dealing with some moronic console warring
      Not this one, though. Entire series available wherever you want to play it, as all of them should be.

  62. 2 years ago

    It's already on steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1448440/Wo_Long_Fallen_Dynasty/

  63. 2 years ago


    I'm mostly just throwing shit out there, but I'm sure if they were able to do similar things there would also be guard breaks and unblockable attacks. After all they'd need to have them for you if you can guard and attack at once. I guess what I'm describing would be like the NG doppleganger fights, but with clearer methods to enable proper varieties of combos and damage.

  64. 2 years ago

    it didn't outlive anything. God, it's so forced how Nioh false flaggers are trying create some imaginary rivalry with Elden Ring that doesn't exist.

  65. 2 years ago

    fists and switch glaive best weapons

    I wonder if that chinese game TN will play like nioh

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