>outshined by his rival, replaced as the MC of his own series, turned into a literal dog and killed

>outshined by his rival, replaced as the MC of his own series, turned into a literal dog and killed
What went so horribly wrong?

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  1. 3 months ago

    I don't know. I only played the first one. Gave off the vibe it was an american made megaman zero clone.

    • 3 months ago

      >american made

    • 3 months ago

      Ah yes, my American Megaman clone with these character designs.

      • 3 months ago

        where's our sexualized girls, zerobros...

        • 3 months ago

          MMZ had better things.

          • 3 months ago

            Sex with her voice

        • 3 months ago

          A shame we never got our Mega Man Ciel with sidekick Alouette wearing skimpy clothing

    • 3 months ago

      Easy, it was just a worse Megaman.
      It was filled to the brim with Chunni, the essence of Blazblue slop.
      And it didn't have the strength of gameplay to back it up, nor the quality of writing at MM's best.

      Worst part is, this isn't true. Infact, let me reveal the reality of this. It was made by the FRICKING ORIGINAL team of MMZ. Who fled Capcom and joined Inti Creates.
      That's why it feels like a bootleg MMZ clone, cause it was made by the same frickers.

      • 3 months ago

        Turns out the only thing making MMZ challenging was the dogshit GBA aspect ratio.

      • 3 months ago

        >the essence of Blazblue slop.
        I will now play your game

    • 3 months ago

      I also had this reaction. It had very strong "westerners trying to anime" vibes.

    • 3 months ago

      My pet peeve is that they changed the names for multiple characters, which wouldn't be as much of an issue, if they also didn't have voice acting that says the original japanese games.

  2. 3 months ago

    Because Adepts are demons that need to be wiped out

  3. 3 months ago

    >Zerogay developers go out of their way to shit on the obvious X stand-in
    It's not that hard to figure out. Copen really should have just been the protag from the start tbh

  4. 3 months ago

    Nothing, ever since the first game gunvolt's destiny was to suffer

  5. 3 months ago

    Just following on from X
    I played the first one way back and didn't like it, would coming back with my newfound score autism make it more fun?

    • 3 months ago

      What you didn't liked about it? If it was the gameplay the sequels might bring you back, a lot of people prefers copen's gameplay to gunvolt, and 3 plays completely differently too

      • 3 months ago

        I remember expecting more of what I liked about MMZ and the kind of bare bones platforming plus how easy playing for survival was compared to MMZ really turned me off.

    • 3 months ago

      >would coming back with my newfound score autism make it more fun?
      Most certainly, going for S+ really makes these games shine except for iX2, that one is just not that fun on a fundamental level.

  6. 3 months ago

    He deserves it for dressing like a homo

    • 3 months ago

      You made me remember that they removed his braids and covered his midriff for the western release because he looked too gay

      • 3 months ago

        for once westerners made a good decision

      • 3 months ago

        This was the same localization that inserted headcanoned xe/xem pronouns for one of the villains right?

  7. 3 months ago

    GV was born to suffer, both in his world and outside of this world.
    Here hoping he reincarnates into the world of GalGun or something, GV... had a hard life.

    • 3 months ago

      >Here's hoping he reincarnates into the world of GalGun or something

      >He doesn't know

  8. 3 months ago

    inti being moronic when it comes to stories. But that being said i am glad he isn't the protagonist anymore since copen is better

  9. 3 months ago

    Many such cases.

    • 3 months ago

      Copen isn't doing too hot in his own series either, inti are just sadists

  10. 3 months ago

    >replaced as the MC of his own series, turned into a literal dog and killed

    Wait what? What happened? I only played 1 and 2.

  11. 3 months ago

    I don't like the combo/multikill based scoring, especially with copen or the miko who need to stay in the air to keep their combo
    I'd much prefer a basic system like the zero games where you just need to go fast, kill everything, and not get hit.

    • 3 months ago

      Same, despite loving the Gunvolt series I wish inticreates didn't felt the need to be so unconventional on the gameplay, it's like they're really afraid of people saying their games are just more MMZ, but sometimes that's exactly what I wanted

  12. 3 months ago

    Gunvolt peaked at GV2. IX1 was slightly below it.

    Everything after that was downhill.

    My only real regret is the entirety of IX2. What the frick was that all about?

    • 3 months ago

      GV3 is the best game in the franchise, storygays can choke on my nuts.

      • 3 months ago

        100% this and it's not even close

        storygays are insane too , the story is there so fricking little babies playing on they're Nintendo Switch can even enjoy the game. it's not for adults.

      • 3 months ago

        >storygays can choke on my nuts.
        People like GV2 and iX because Copen is really fun to play though, not because of the story

      • 3 months ago

        GV3 has other issues besides the story. The gameplay, while fun, is very disjointed and messy. And it's obvious that they had no idea what to do with Kirin's gameplay up until their arc chain epiphany a year before release. It's obvious that they basically took a zero clone and stapled AC to it. The rest of her kit, mainly her ex skills, are meant for a more grounded playstyle and the ones that do compliment AC do so by happenstance.

        They also gutted GV's gameplay and basically made him a diet Kirin that you get punished for using under normal circumstances.

        GV2 is a superior game to GV3 and the only thing GV3 has over it is the sheer amount of content it has.

      • 3 months ago

        100% this and it's not even close

        storygays are insane too , the story is there so fricking little babies playing on they're Nintendo Switch can even enjoy the game. it's not for adults.

        People have a right to be mad after how they wrongly advertised 3 as a true sequel with the same story focus as the previous games.
        Not to mention shit like the Sailor Moon parody secret ending which was just an insult to anyone who cared.

    • 3 months ago

      >My only real regret is the entirety of IX2. What the frick was that all about?
      It's a game that shouldn't exist and only does because of the CEO counting the GV3 chicken before it hatched and making stupid collab deals, plus the director falling prey to Inti Creates' "must reinvent game" syndrome when he was given barely 1 year, an understaffed team, and had to work with a whole new engine.

    • 3 months ago

      >My only real regret is the entirety of IX2. What the frick was that all about?
      It's a game that shouldn't exist and only does because of the CEO counting the GV3 chicken before it hatched and making stupid collab deals, plus the director falling prey to Inti Creates' "must reinvent game" syndrome when he was given barely 1 year, an understaffed team, and had to work with a whole new engine.

      Man and I was really invested in iX2’s story. We got barely anything of their worldbuilding which I was looking forward to.
      I also preferred the old gameplay. I know skillful people prefer the rewarding aspect but that’s not for me.
      It feels like early in the Gunvolt franchise everything was going right with extra drama tracks and notes expanding on the setting. How did everything fail so hard? HOW DID BLASTER MASTER ZERO SUCCEED AGAINST ALL ODDS

      • 3 months ago

        >It feels like early in the Gunvolt franchise everything was going right with extra drama tracks and notes expanding on the setting. How did everything fail so hard?

        The main story for all intents and purposes ended with GV2 and the main writer didn't really know where to go from there. That's the short of it really. As much as people lose their shit over the secret ending cliffhanger and the whereabouts of Acura, GV2 was the end of the story. Cyan was "gone" merged with Michiru, living her life happily. Which is what both GV and Acura ultimately wanted. That was the end and anything after would have to be a new story. GV3 was destined to "fail" as the finale of a trilogy.

        • 3 months ago

          GV3's story feels like it could have been the ending to the story- 3 games from now.

          My theory is that they had the ending in mind from the beginning, and then word came down that the series was being shelved and they just skipped to it without any of the planned build up.

          • 3 months ago

            >My theory is that they had the ending in mind from the beginning, and then word came down that the series was being shelved and they just skipped to it without any of the planned build up.

            That just isn't true. They revealed as much in various interviews. There were certain plot points planned out early on, but GV's story were largely written as they went. Each game went through major story iterations throughout their development.

        • 3 months ago

          >as the finale of a trilogy

          You wish

        • 3 months ago

          >and the main writer didn't really know where to go from there
          What the main writer actually thought is unknown. He didn't even get to fully write 3 due to being tasked with making iX2 halfway through.
          What is known is that
          >The director felt it was finished with 2 and that a 300 year timeskip would be best
          >The sound director also seemed to feel GV's story might be over with 2
          >The giant timeskip concept however was disliked by everyone but the director

          I think the biggest missteps were
          1. GV2's secret ending existing if there was no plan for a followup.
          2. GV2 not resolving GV's unfinished business with QUILL (more specifically Zeno and Moniqa), so to many it didn't feel like his conflict was over yet. Him joining their archenemy Sumeragi in 3 only for QUILL to not even be named made the feeling that the story was unfinished worse. Another point is Zeno's power being repeatedly teased but never revealed, so people wanted a boss fight and got more dissatisfaction when the mystery went nowhere.
          3. iX1 not focusing on Copen post-GV2, who unlike GV had a story that was just beginning. If not done with GV, that probably would have been the best time to resolve Xiao's plot and the loose end that is QUILL. As a spinoff iX1 itself was great, but with the subsequent dumpster fire of iX2 and displacement and abandonment of the original Copen and Lola it wasn't the right direction for the series itself.
          Still, there's no excuse for how badly GV3 messed up when it's obvious it would have come together better if Xiao was Zed's backer and replaced the alien fetus as final boss. On release day damn near everyone thought that thing actually replaced Xiao in a last minute rewrite.
          All of this was exacerbated by Inti Creates' not very honest statements and secrecy obsession in the run up to GV3's release, which led to the backlash being much worse. A god damn GV2 interview was more open about what the director actually wanted story-wise than any GV3 interview was.

          • 3 months ago

            I mixed the main writer up with the director my bad.

            But yeah, I pretty much agree with every point you made here.

  13. 3 months ago

    >Outshined by his rival
    If only they didn't make Copen's gameplay go to shit for IX2
    I wish that was the case, He was made into a baby at the end of GV3 and that makes me sad.

  14. 3 months ago

    Various things.
    The director being a selfish sadist who's obsessed with old manga.
    The fixation on drastically changing the gameplay in each entry. This is a problem with the company in general, actually.
    Lack of long-term thinking.
    Why exactly they thought turning Gunvolt into a dog remains a mystery though.

    • 3 months ago

      Making GV a cyber diva to be Kirin's sidekick was probably rejected

  15. 3 months ago

    Reminder GV3 was in dev hell for so long they had pull in ever other inti dev who work on different series just to finish the damn thing

    • 3 months ago

      wow dude, why the frick are you ignoring my post?

  16. 3 months ago

    Outshone. Not Outshined. Unless they're both shining shoes and Copen did a better job.

  17. 3 months ago

    I never really considered the Gunvolt series a Mega Man clone. If anything, it feels more like a KH2 clone but in 2D, especially with its convoluted mess story and those challenging optional bosses and super hard mode. GV3 even brings back old final bosses from previous games as secret bosses. Honestly, I wish more games would do this. I love the kind of games that let you feel overpowered as shit and then throw in super bosses that push your skills to the absolute limit. Beating them with a perfect run and no damage is just pure satisfaction.

  18. 3 months ago

    >people just now finding out Inafune is a hack
    He literally does this as a pattern. He hated X, he always hated Megaman. Inafune has shit on Megaman more than anyone has and he continues to do it through obscure means by creating Megaman likes and shitting on them. The guy has an agenda against the blue bomber I just don't understand why. It has been this way since the 1990s.

    • 3 months ago

      Based Inafune. Megaman X has always been overrated shite, a clunky version of the original series that survives off nostalgia alone

  19. 3 months ago

    The biggest complaint has always been that Gunvolt himself isn't fun to play. They should have just completely reworked him for 3 but instead they decided to replace him entirely as the MC and relegate him into being a stupid super mode.

  20. 3 months ago

    Gunvolt 3 was such a bad game, like holy frick it only got good after you get to Mr. Sun fight and that's literally the end of the game.

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