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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    Love me vampire Sword.
    Wish more games had weapons that you grow from an infant state (and may or may not be sentient)

    Did all the DLCs too. Had a lot of fun with my friend

  2. 4 months ago

    Why do threadsabout this game never reach above 50 replies and the game has only like 500 players but other open world exploring games like Palworld become NR1 most played game on steam and on V theres like 20 palworld threads at the same time and on VG a palworld 750 bump limit general fills up and has to be remade every 2 hours or less.
    What did Outward do wrong?

    • 4 months ago

      Not an RPG

      >What did Outward do wrong?
      It's faster to tell what Outward did right, the music.
      Evevrything else is garbage.

      • 4 months ago

        >It's faster to tell what Outward did right, the music.

        Chersonese is an absolute banger
        Shame it's lost in this shit game

        • 4 months ago

          The music is really good in general, though I still can't fathom how the composer of all people was the only person in the entire team who knew what he was doing.

          It's a damn shame, the game had such incredible potential but not a single thing came out right outside of the music, it's infuriating.

      • 4 months ago

        Outward is one of the few games I frequently and consistently return to. I'd say it did a lot right. Jank is its own reward. Outside of glitches and bugs jank simply means it's unconventional and therefore not 'common sense'. That's an admirable thing to be.

        • 4 months ago

          Your abysmal standards in games matter little, especially if you say something as stupid as jank being a good thing, let alone a reward, Outward is barely functional as a game and is full of poor design choices that more often than not are completely contradictory to what it sets out to do.

          And most importantly, it's not a fricking RPG in any way or shape.

          • 4 months ago

            >weapon damage types
            >magic system
            >restoration of resources through shops or procurement

            >but it isnt an RPG

            • 4 months ago

              Holy shit, Rondo of Blood is an RPG now?

              • 4 months ago

                would be. if it wasnt a platformer. I mean you are aware of the type of RPG games that Castlevania and the like spawned? or are you too young to have had a SNES? OR are you just a fricking spastic with one of the tiniest brains known to an adult man and never learned to associate and attribute properties of similar things?

              • 4 months ago

                >would be. if it wasnt a platformer.
                Valkyrie Profile isn't an RPG then?
                >I mean you are aware of the type of RPG games that Castlevania and the like spawned?
                No, because action games with stats aren't RPGs, whether they have platforming or not is irrelevant.

              • 4 months ago

                what do you want here. To have someone to argue with for no reason about what defines an RPG. im not your teacher. im not here to coddle you through a socratic method of asking you "how many RPG mechanics does a game need to have before its deemed an RPG".

                >so ___ isnt an RPG then?
                >what about ____
                >but ____ isnt an RPG because its an action game
                how about you shut the frick up, go jerk off to more 4 homies in a row purism and stop wasting everyones time. this is most drawn out "not an RPG" ive ever been drawn into

    • 4 months ago

      >What did Outward do wrong?

      It's impossible to create a good looking character - which turns people off right at the very start before they even started playing the game.

    • 4 months ago

      >What did Outward do wrong?
      I'm honestly not suprised nobody wants to play this long term when basic stuff like combat is gatekept behind a huge grind of either farming potions or being godlike at this game

    • 4 months ago

      > What did Outward do wrong
      Eurojank aesthetic

  3. 4 months ago

    and onward!

  4. 4 months ago

    what a coincidence i just started up a replay
    >hardcore because the death system is just a minor annoyance otherwise and takes all the fun out
    >want to use shriek + some hex/wind magic for big decay damage
    >make mad dosh fast because i know the ropes
    >jump all over the map getting geared up and ready
    >sneak into caldera and spend ages getting the stupid boat in the right place
    >still gotta clear out a couple big jellies in the basement
    >alright chumps let's do this.mpv
    >immediately get aggroed by all three who fire their rape rays in a confined space with no cover
    >die instantly
    >no one is coming to save you.jpg
    i know i signed up for this, but man

  5. 4 months ago

    Have had the game on my radar for a while and just picked it up.

    Two of the biggest complaints with it I see are that the world feels empty and that the npc's are hollow/boring. How on the money is this? Does the game have a modding scene?

    Should I install to ssd?

    • 4 months ago

      >How on the money is this?
      Very, I am not kidding when I say that 90% of the NPC you see around are literally background items to make the game feel busier than it actually is, it's especially noticeable in Berg where there's like 7 NPCs out of 60 that can be talked to, the rest is stationary background objects that loop a single animation.
      >Does the game have a modding scene?
      Kind of, check Nexus, there's not much really.

    • 4 months ago

      >he fell for it

    • 4 months ago

      It's not about NPCs it's about being a lone adventurer in a hostile world. Most NPCs are just trying to get by. There's a reason the Blue Chamber Collective is so autistic about crime and punishment.

      • 4 months ago

        even being a duo of adventurers. The game isnt ruined like so many co-op RPGs by the inevitability of having the players doing shenanigans for fun with each other during the super dense super serious story the game has going on.

        >jailed for reasons
        >manage to break our way out
        >spend 20 minutes arguing over where the frick my backpack is.
        >find it and continue
        >fast forward to the end of the game, we get teleported all the way back to Chersonese
        >realise my backpack is still in the endgame dungeon on the floor

        decided to quit the game and end our adventure as retired godkillers there for our playthrough and not do any postgame content because it would mean trekking across the ENTIRE FRICKING WORLD for all my items. absolute fricking catastrophes of your own making are 10/10 in adventures, doubly so in this game

  6. 4 months ago

    this is the gayest game of all time, bar none. it's combat, map design, overall design, and lack of design are slow and stolen from better thought out games. I hate this game so much. please do not purchase it, you will not enjoy yourself for at least 20 hours and then you will find a shallow, empty world that's justified with a tiny amount of class autism and "exploration." that's without mentioning the game breaking bugs and tedious inventory system, which is plagued by bugs. dont do this to yourself

    • 4 months ago

      if you wanted to convince anyone of anything at all you should probably start by not sounding like youre fricking 10 years old

  7. 4 months ago


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