>Overcosted in $$$ and points. >Terrible, un-fluffy rules. >Near total lack of internal synergy

>Overcosted in $$$ and points
>Terrible, un-fluffy rules
>Near total lack of internal synergy
>4+ WS on Ruststalkers
It's bad. It's totally fricked. How would you fix them?

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  1. 2 months ago

    I wouldn't. I'd just stick to them in 30k.

    • 2 months ago

      But I don't care much a bout the Primarch power-hour. If anything, 30k shit like the Myrmidons need to catch up into 40k. Frick those guys look sick.

    • 2 months ago

      You dont!

  2. 2 months ago

    All of 10th edition needs to be deleted. Whole game needs to be remade from the ground up, using the current 30k core rules as the foundation.

    • 2 months ago

      The Edition itself is fine imo, just whoever's in charge of balance is fricking insane. Insane over-corrections from every issue from minor to major ones.

      • 2 months ago

        >The Edition itself is fine imo
        I don't care about your opinion, you don't know shit about game design.

        • 2 months ago

          You are socially dysfunctional, log off for the day.

          • 2 months ago

            No I'm just right. 10th is atrocious and if you can't see that you are too much of an npc to matter.

            • 2 months ago

              Yeah I'm gonna have to agree. 10th is a dumpster fire.

            • 2 months ago

              As a filthy casual who played years ago, what's briefly wrong with it? Win rates seem pretty balanced between the factions, objectives and cp puts decisions in the hands of the players rather than slugging it out. I can't recall what edition I used to play, might have been 2nd but from what I remember, large point battles were a foregone conclusion early in the fight, balance wasn't good at all, and a lot of times people didn't really want to bother turning up, setting up just to get done in by abaddon or some psyker magic that took half the army off the board in one go.

              • 2 months ago

                >Win rates seem pretty balanced between the factions
                Who gives a shit? You can balance win rates in any dogshit unfun game. Winrates are completely meaningless until the game itself is actually good. Balance is the last thing to matter. A perfectly balanced game in terms of winrate can still be a miserable experience to play.

                The game has become so abstracted as to be cartoonish to the absurd. It's soulless and non-immersive. Customization has almost completely vanished. Scenarios are silly whacky arm-waving balloon man nonsense about standing in Very Important Circles just a literal stones throw away from several other Very Important Circles. Morale is a nonfactor, character-squad-attachment mechanics are blitheringly moronic, battlefields are much too small with points too bloated, bullets can still magically fly around corners due to the idiotic line of sight mechanics, there are no overrun mechanics so a literal single grot can stop a land raider in its tracks from moving, still no armour facings or fire arcs so a leman russ can fire every weapon out of its butthole and shooting it in rear armour does nothing different to shooting it in the front, both meaning maneuver and positioning are meaningless, abilities all feel like gamey MOBA shit or just a re-roll buff, faction identities have been weakened and homogenized, frick I could go on all day. Every single clause in this post could have a multi-page dissertation alone written on how detrimental it, or its lack, is to the fun and cinematic gameplay around which 40k was originally designed and intended for. I have never seen the fun sucked out of a game to such a degree, not that 9th was exactly stellar itself but 10th doubled down on most of its problems while adding whole new ones and only fixing like two things.

              • 2 months ago

                You make fair points.

    • 2 months ago

      >taking the opportunity to remake 40K just to copy another dogshit GW game

  3. 2 months ago

    One of the designers has a fixation on having Skitarii be a horde faction and until that changes nothing is going to get better. You could given them access to the 30k range and he'd make Tech-thralls the only playable unit.

  4. 2 months ago

    >the WORST imperium faction
    >fricking kroot got more love

  5. 2 months ago

    come home robot man

  6. 2 months ago

    who cares, what's good/bad in 40k is entirely decided to sell more shit, now kys gwpiggie

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