Overrated crap

Overrated crap

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    No. Far Cry 3 got a very mediocre reception. What is the overrated crap is Blood Dragon which is the exact same mediocre shit as Far Cry 3 except now with neon lights which to morons automatically makes it a good game. Crap gameplay. Crap graphics. Not funny. Every moron that thinks Blood Dragon was good can break their own dick off in their ass.

    • 2 years ago

      >Far Cry 3 got a very mediocre reception
      everyone shit their pants when it was shown at e3 and it came out to great reviews from critics and audiences what the frick are you talking about

      • 2 years ago

        Who cares what other people think? The only reception that matters is the one I gave it and I gave it a very mediocre reception.

        It was the same crap as that shitty Wolfenstein game. Everyone creaming their pants over the "great gameplay" and "deep writing" and then I actually played it myself and discovered it's just a crappy console shooter and the writing is not deep, it's just stupid.

        • 2 years ago

          ah you're a homosexual teenager
          just say so next time anon really saves everyones time

    • 2 years ago

      > Far Cry 3 got a very mediocre reception

    • 2 years ago

      well said brother

    • 2 years ago

      Counterpoint: unlike most FC games, BD has the decency to be near its end by the time that you grow bored of the FC formula. In most mainline titles, you still have around 50% of the main content left by the time that the game has worn out its welcome. That is enough to make it one of the better games in the series.

    • 2 years ago

      I like BD's art direction but there's no game there. Nothing can hurt you except for dragons until midgame, and then just nothing can hurt you. It's not even really a game at that point, just a joke without a punchline.

    • 2 years ago

      >Blood Dragon which is the exact same mediocre shit as Far Cry 3
      moronic contrarian opinion. Blood Dragon took modern Far Cry gameplay and slimmed it down and made it more fast paced.

      • 2 years ago

        >you're a moron. this turd that I'm eating is not as thick and meaty as that other turd over there

        • 2 years ago

          seethe more homosexual

          • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      I think 3 got generally good reception but i otherwise agree

      Counterpoint: unlike most FC games, BD has the decency to be near its end by the time that you grow bored of the FC formula. In most mainline titles, you still have around 50% of the main content left by the time that the game has worn out its welcome. That is enough to make it one of the better games in the series.

      i was bored as shit after 1 level of blood dragon and dropped it immediately. it didnt help that i had already played far cry 3 though. i just remember seeing the cyborg harvesting animation and realizing it was the animal harvesting animation from the base game but with the organ recolored to look electronic and thinking wow this is lazy. Little did i know they would recycle all this shit for another 4 full price titles

    • 2 years ago

      Wrong. BD is better in gameplay department.
      Each outpost has several different entries.
      Movement speed is higher, falldamage is lower. All weapon upgrades are fun and add something interesting to the gun.

      • 2 years ago

        >Movement speed is higher
        Why do people act like this is good by itself without taking enemy tuning into account? The bots aren't smarter or deadlier so it's not a plus for combat system as a whole.

  2. 2 years ago

    >i played a highly influential game 10 years after the fact and i thought it was just mid
    nobody cares. the game was great when it came out.

  3. 2 years ago

    But Michael Mando was great

  4. 2 years ago

    it's overrated because you are playing it in 2022 when you've already played a ton of far cry 3 derivates with the quirky badass bad guy and ubisoft towers.
    It was amazing and somewhat original back when it was released

    • 2 years ago

      >It was amazing and somewhat original back when it was released
      Tbh even then, it basically was just Far Cry 2 but with the certain roughness and less mass-appealing elements sanded away. The biggest gameplay relatedadditions were adding leveling up, crafting mechanics, and stealing the map reveal towers from Ass Creed.

  5. 2 years ago

    How is 5? I'm new to the franchise and have an opportunity to play it via Game Pass.

    • 2 years ago

      good if you haven't played earlier entries because they're all pretty much the same game

      • 2 years ago

        Best flow in the series.

        It's fine. Better than 3 just because it effectively IS 3 just more refined. There's no gay ass towers to climb. Biggest issue is the forced story missions. Otherwise, yeah, it's just fine.

        Thanks lads, sounds like it's worth giving it a spin

        Well I think most aspect of that game are enjoyable.
        FC5 was when Ubisoft acknowledge the whole "reveal the map with towers" was annoying and you don't have to do it.
        You can go all around the map, it has a paradoxical freedom though.

        Essentially, similar to Rainbow Six Wildlands, you got X main bad guys, 3 zones, with each their own main and side quests, you can tackle whatever at any time, do a bit of X a bit of J, you are not steered or locked into one.

        But alas the story is the weakest point, is especially offensive toward the player's agency (writer is the same as bioshock infinite) 3 endings, all dumb and incoherent.

        If you ignore the story everything else is great, lots of ways to hurt people, all sort of gadgets you can carry all at once, lots of skills you had to acquire in FC3 are there from the start, to unlock more you don't have to grind but you are encouraged to play differently, try out things.
        Fishing I found it quite fun.
        The music is pretty good, all 3 zones have different tunes too, driving is pretty great, is nice to have the skysuit pretty much near the start, I think planes and choppers are OP though.

        First Far Cry you can do coop all the way through (story included), heck if you want to play I am always down to play it again with someone, whether is xbox or PC (because of Xcloud).

        Thanks for the elaborate reply, anon. I remember reading some controversies regarding the story but I'll give it a go for the gameplay.

        game was in development for a while and they had it going to be 100% deliverance hunted by hopped up rednecks this is maga country so on.
        then trump actually won and they had to dial back on a lot of content.

        the meth/crackhead hillbillies statement on the opiod crisis changed into literally zombies
        the cult of joseph seed went from conservative gun nuts to psychedelic doomsday believers
        of course the cult became racially diverse
        the main character had his voice removed because the lines where way too anti maga

        Lol, I think I remember some of the politics surrounding this game around the time of its release. I'll give it a go since I have GP. Glad to hear they dialed back the messaging, though.

    • 2 years ago

      Best flow in the series.

    • 2 years ago

      It's fine. Better than 3 just because it effectively IS 3 just more refined. There's no gay ass towers to climb. Biggest issue is the forced story missions. Otherwise, yeah, it's just fine.

    • 2 years ago

      Well I think most aspect of that game are enjoyable.
      FC5 was when Ubisoft acknowledge the whole "reveal the map with towers" was annoying and you don't have to do it.
      You can go all around the map, it has a paradoxical freedom though.

      Essentially, similar to Rainbow Six Wildlands, you got X main bad guys, 3 zones, with each their own main and side quests, you can tackle whatever at any time, do a bit of X a bit of J, you are not steered or locked into one.

      But alas the story is the weakest point, is especially offensive toward the player's agency (writer is the same as bioshock infinite) 3 endings, all dumb and incoherent.

      If you ignore the story everything else is great, lots of ways to hurt people, all sort of gadgets you can carry all at once, lots of skills you had to acquire in FC3 are there from the start, to unlock more you don't have to grind but you are encouraged to play differently, try out things.
      Fishing I found it quite fun.
      The music is pretty good, all 3 zones have different tunes too, driving is pretty great, is nice to have the skysuit pretty much near the start, I think planes and choppers are OP though.

      First Far Cry you can do coop all the way through (story included), heck if you want to play I am always down to play it again with someone, whether is xbox or PC (because of Xcloud).

    • 2 years ago

      The gameplay is adequate, albeit even more simplified than usual (say goodbye to hunting a dozen bears so that you can get enough bear ballsacks to craft a larger vallet and climbing fifty identical towers to reveal the map). Storywise, it is pretty bad; breaking the main plot into 3 separate plots with no connection between them was a mistake, and even without that, it relies way too much on "lol u got captured and now have a wacky drug trip with the area's main villain". I would rate Ubisoft Far Cry's (the first one is way too different to be included on this list): Far Cry 2 > Blood Dragon > Far Cry 3 > Far Cry Primal > Far Cry 5 > Far Cry 4.

    • 2 years ago

      5 is probably the best

    • 2 years ago

      story is fricking stupid but you can drive a camaro whilst throwing empty beer cans out the window

    • 2 years ago

      game was in development for a while and they had it going to be 100% deliverance hunted by hopped up rednecks this is maga country so on.
      then trump actually won and they had to dial back on a lot of content.

      the meth/crackhead hillbillies statement on the opiod crisis changed into literally zombies
      the cult of joseph seed went from conservative gun nuts to psychedelic doomsday believers
      of course the cult became racially diverse
      the main character had his voice removed because the lines where way too anti maga

    • 2 years ago

      Better than the rest. 6 was boring as hell tbh though there were some cool mechanics I liked. And oh that soundtrack.

  6. 2 years ago

    It was a good game you dumb zoomer. It felt like Skyrim with guns

  7. 2 years ago

    Agreed. I got up to just past the "boss fight" with Buck and uninstalled the shit. Fricking dull.

  8. 2 years ago

    >bait of this low quality
    >still gets 10+ (Yous) in minutes
    the state of Ganker. All fields, btw.

  9. 2 years ago

    skyrim with guns

    • 2 years ago

      more like shit with guns
      (skyrim = shit)

  10. 2 years ago

    Zoomers learning about reality will never not be fun to watch

  11. 2 years ago

    what are some games similar to far cry but not ubishit

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        played it as a kid allready

        Open World?
        Stalker, Rage 2,Mad Max, Metro Exodus,
        Dying Light and Dead Island?

        you didn't post this screenshot for a certain S joke right?

        thanks man, just looking for some nice open world shooter

        • 2 years ago

          >open world shooter
          Red Faction guerilla,Saboteur,Saints Row series,
          dunno about Homefront Revolution, I enjoyed the coop missions but never played the campaign.

    • 2 years ago

      Open World?
      Stalker, Rage 2,Mad Max, Metro Exodus,
      Dying Light and Dead Island?

      5 is probably the best

      you didn't post this screenshot for a certain S joke right?

      • 2 years ago


  12. 2 years ago

    just like BotW

  13. 2 years ago

    it's literally you on an island and a bunch of dudes spawn around you randomly and you can shoot them. it's barely a tech demo. like if BeamNG drive made a shooter. might as well play a mobile game

  14. 2 years ago

    Far Cry was never appealing to me. I love open world games and shooters but somehow shooting things in a big open world gets old really quick.

    • 2 years ago

      >gets old really quick
      it might be different if there was actually some variation in the outposts. that and a new setting may do it for me. i haven't tried 6 yet

      • 2 years ago

        >if there was actually some variation in the outposts.
        The outposts would work significantly better if the game had them adapt to the player's play style.
        >start of the game - vanilla outposts with no specialization
        >player takes down most outposts with sniping - more barriers that break the sightlines are added to outposts
        >player takes down most outposts with long range explosion spam - roofs, roofs everywhere
        >player takes down most outposts with close-range stealth attacks -areas surrounding the outposts cleared up, more enemies that make sneaking harder present in outposts

  15. 2 years ago

    Reminder that the story of FC3 is meant to be ironical, but a lot of gamers living in a society took it at face value because they identified with the main character's issues. And also because the power fantasy -style gameplay was too much fun to be taken as a critique. The writer has actually seethed publicly in interviews over this misconception.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't see what's ironic about FC3's story. It felt genuine enough to me.
      There is a certain message to it (repeated from FC2 in fact) that a lot of people playing it might not have picked up on, sure.

  16. 2 years ago

    Why is every Ganker thread overly serious people who are clearly upset IRL now?

    • 2 years ago

      The internet is serious business.

  17. 2 years ago

    None of the farcrys every really grabbed me enough to play. Not at release and not the other day when I could have played any of them for 5 bucks.

  18. 2 years ago

    just cracked 6 after months waiting for this...and holy shit, Ubisoft never managed to make something good like 3 again.

  19. 2 years ago

    5 was still my favorite. The gameplay has pretty much been the same loop since 3, but the soundtrack and cohesiveness of 5 just sold it better for me.

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