>Overwatch 2 is undergoing a hasty redesign behind the scenes, relaunching as "Overwatch Next" and is essentially Overwatch 1 trying to u...

>Overwatch 2 is undergoing a hasty redesign behind the scenes, relaunching as "Overwatch Next" and is essentially Overwatch 1 trying to undo the damage
>Diablo 4 has lost most of its original development staff and the seasonal team is taking over and are working on a expansion to act as a soft reboot
>Dragonflight is the remains of a cancelled mobile game co produced with chinese partners that was bolted onto World of Warcraft to pad a massive gap after the catastrophic response to patch 9.1. This lead to a ship in tone that the players have noticed and found off putting. 11.0 Is to be announced at Blizzcon with a shift to a free to play seasonal battlepass model similar to Destiny 2 with smaller scale "micro expansions" sold as optional premium dlc that will include elements like new dungeons that require these dlc packs to access.
>Odyssey has been revamped for the 3rd time and will not be ready for multiple years at this point with worries that its survival crafting focus is already going to be outdated by the time it releases
>Hearthstone is at the lowest engagement metrics its ever been at. Attempts to increase monetisation per player has failed and its considered on its last legs
>Diablo Immortal is extremely profitable and its userbase retention has far exceeded expectations.
>Microsoft has expressed interest once the merger goes through to break up Blizzard as a singular entity to distribute its IP's amongst their studios while closing and reallocating the billions of dollars in californian real estate the company has been sitting on and trying to force a return to office policy to make them look like they are still needed.
>WoW Classic has moder players than Retail World of Warcraft right now. Cataclysm Classic is not in the works.
>Company is a rotating door of staff that are quickly leaving and replacements are not sticking around long seeking better pay and working conditions.

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  1. 8 months ago

    >lost most of its original development staff
    because they’re pajeets on a short contract

  2. 8 months ago

    >that its survival crafting focus is already going to be outdated by the time it releases
    Black person it's already outdated right now

  3. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      His gaping butthole

    • 8 months ago

      source: he made it up

    • 8 months ago

      His gut.

  4. 8 months ago

    Does anyone actually play or know anyone still playing Hearthstone?

    • 8 months ago

      The few people I know only play that autobattler mode, that's it. They don't even know what's the meta of the real game anymore.

    • 8 months ago

      All the TCGgays moved to Legends of Runeterra, YuGiOh, or MTG Arena.

      • 8 months ago

        >legends of runeterra
        AFAIK that game is pretty much dead. does it even get updates anymore?

        • 8 months ago

          riot just hired more staff for LoR and TFT

          • 8 months ago

            that is surprising. I haven't heard anything about LoR in years, besides the outrage that they made a KDA themed expansion to shill their new skinline in league.

            • 8 months ago

              I played LoR religiously for the past 2 years - masters every season in both formats, played every seasonal, evey open, etc. The game is alive, but that's it. It's never going to be more or less what it is. It's probably the best and most balanced card game out of all I've played, but it's a card game and sadly nobdy cares about it. Right around the time the last expansion came out the servers were basically dead for 6 days in Europe, right about that time I bought myself a PS5 with a couple of games and I never touched the game again. I don't hate it, it's not bad, but I don't want to play it anymore.

    • 8 months ago

      The few people I know only play that autobattler mode, that's it. They don't even know what's the meta of the real game anymore.

      Battlegrounds is pretty good conceptionally and I wish some company that wasn't complete dog shit tried something similar.

      • 8 months ago

        there was a similar game called storybook brawl made by ex-hs devs or some shit
        and unfortunately they were ex-hs devs so they were morons who raped the games balance then hitched themselves to the ftx boulder and brought the whole thing down

    • 8 months ago

      I still watch that one youtuber who care about nothing but making extremely autistics one-turn-kill combos.
      Haven't played myself in fricking years.

      • 8 months ago

        Mark is continuously based and some of those meme one turn KO decks are ladder viable

    • 8 months ago

      i watch a streamer every now and then (about once every 3 months) to see what fricking moronic cards they make
      its crazy how little you understand when you haven played since the expansion with the solo dungeons

      • 8 months ago

        >expansion with the solo dungeons
        Kobolds & Catacombs was absolute kino, I wish they'd make more dungeon runs but it's obvious the few remaining devs are focusing on Battlegrounds since it's the only mode people still play

    • 8 months ago

      My uncle is a priest who plays hearthstone while writing his speeches and eulogies.

      • 8 months ago

        does he actually?

    • 8 months ago

      I occasionally boot up the autochess mode, it's pretty fun. You can also grasp the meta within 2-3 games no matter how long you've been away, and for that I value it over other autochesses.

    • 8 months ago

      Battlegrounds is the only good game mode. Standard Rank take too much time, effort, and money to stick with.

    • 8 months ago

      i play regular standard hearthstone
      it's fricking shit, last expansio was garbage, there's only 2 good expansions and 2 good mini-set in standard currently and these are overshadowed by the 3 other shit expansions and 3 shit mini-sets

    • 8 months ago

      Wild is alright around rank 10

    • 8 months ago

      All the TCGgays moved to Legends of Runeterra, YuGiOh, or MTG Arena.

      Shadowverse is, I shit you not, the biggest esport in Japan. It's kind of weird, especially since the last good expansion was Eternals and it's been an awful race to OTK shitfest since.

      • 8 months ago

        >Shadowverse is, I shit you not, the biggest esport in Japan
        Completely fueled by Cygames gacha

    • 8 months ago

      i enjoy watching Trump play arena but i dont know anyone personally who plays and I havent played myself since like 4 years

    • 8 months ago

      A few of my friends exclusively play the battleground mode from time to time

    • 8 months ago

      I have a friend who plays just because he's poor and can't into MTGA

    • 8 months ago


  5. 8 months ago

    >>WoW Classic has moder players than Retail World of Warcraft right now.
    kek is this real? any sources?

    • 8 months ago

      Every available metric has higher numbers for classic than retail. I don't care for classic myself at all but the boomers who love it really love it while retail is just kind of slowly bleeding out.

      Last i saw almost all of wow on twitch was classic.

      • 8 months ago

        t b h its not surprising
        soul vs soulless
        and while soulless might win when its new and flashy for longterm soul will always be superior

      • 8 months ago

        because retail wow sucks hot fricking shit but what the boomers don't understand nor do they seem to care about is that the money they give blizzard for classic will never go into classic, it will be funding the very game they abandoned

    • 8 months ago

      Accurate with what i heard.
      All of the "remastered" shit that is getting added to retail right now is going to be the ones used for the re-launch on steam and xbox store, they want the game to look "new" but the damn thing lacks Metzen and Samwize Didier's art and is all pixarized and illumination garbage.

      Check the logshit later, technically with all realms combined with heroic and mythic, there is less than 200k or so players active in retail, brazillian and SA realms has less than 20 guilds active and none did mythic, totalizing less than 2000/2700 active players in both regions
      Blizzard also reduced the server load of the most populated servers to near 5000 players, said servers are also ridden with chinese bots using VPN.

      Also Classic is going through a bot Infestation in Wrath and Classic.

      • 8 months ago

        Classic has always had a bot infestation, but blizzard either doesn't care or benefits from it in some way so they keep it.

        • 8 months ago

          They added the Wrath token because if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

      • 8 months ago

        >Check the logshit later, technically with all realms combined with heroic and mythic, there is less than 200k or so players active in retail
        theres over 2 million characters logged for m+ this season you stupid Black person
        >brazillian and SA realms has less than 20 guilds active and none did mythic
        There are 13 guilds on Ragnaros alone that are 9/9M you actual dumb Black person

        • 8 months ago

          oh, oh baby boy...

          • 8 months ago

            Youre trying to tell me that the average person is running m+ on 10 alts?
            You already got blown out for your blatant lies about the raiding scene, just stop posting and try again next thread

            you mean the garbage where people uses at least 20 account alts weekly to grind and decide which main they will use?
            Because that cant be count as single use accounts either /wowg/ tourist

            You clearly dont know how m+ works. Nobody is doing m+ to decide what to main and nobody is running on 20 alts

            • 8 months ago

              >u cle
              I wasted and hated most of it from Legion til BFA, and i had no regrets nuking keys.

          • 8 months ago

            The shill expects that the poopsocker who has 20 characters in the same server who does this shit counts as 30 players

            • 8 months ago

              >classic is so popular bros!
              >d-dont ask about alts
              >Retail? Obviously they just have 20 geared out alts they play
              delusional classicgay cope

              • 8 months ago

                I don't even play classic either /wowg/shill kun

              • 8 months ago

                the discussion is about the claim that classic has more players than retail
                all numbers show the exact opposite

                >M+ gays are using single characters as cope for the number of active players
                I think foxxo posted this thread at /vg/

                The average player has 1 geared character, of course it correlates with population
                the 200k number is easily disproven because the average player isnt running m+ on 10 characters
                Larpers got caught lying twice and are now running damage control

              • 8 months ago

                Why is it so hard to believe that you can't have more than one character in raid viable gear? I had a lock I raided on, and all the other classes (except shaman, because frick shaman) maxed and decked out in full welfare epics plus the occasional altraid drops.

                I'll gladly admit I quit around the middle of lizard king, but I doubt blizz moved away from the welfare epics because that would make the less casual friendly.

        • 8 months ago

          you mean the garbage where people uses at least 20 account alts weekly to grind and decide which main they will use?
          Because that cant be count as single use accounts either /wowg/ tourist

        • 8 months ago

          >characters logged for m+

      • 8 months ago

        >but the damn thing lacks Metzen and Samwize Didier's art and is all pixarized and illumination garbage.
        What does Samwise even do at Blizzard? I know he still makes art but he doesn't work on Warcraft. I wonder how he feels about Warcraft's change in art direction?

        • 8 months ago

          Art Director

    • 8 months ago

      >any sources?
      none because it's fake.

    • 8 months ago

      People will compare logs of Classic to Retail but it's not really a good comparison. Classic only has raiding as endgame and they do it because it's easy, whereas Retail has loads of crap endgame content that stay at home moms can play like running old raids solo, pet battles, mogsmountscheevos, etc.

    • 8 months ago

      Not hard to beat retail numbers. Classic has wotlk, vanilla classic, and classic hardcore going right now. Wotlk alone is more active, but add the other two and it's not even close.

    • 8 months ago

      Blizzard went full Epstein logs on classifying their playercount as much as possible a long time ago, but it's pretty plain to see that hardcore servers have stolen any hype that Dragonflight could capitalize on besides being unrepentantly furry.

      • 8 months ago

        The starter towns in classic HC are more populated than Valdrakken in retail, it's pretty funny to see

  6. 8 months ago

    Imagine Blizzard going bankrupt and shutting down all their servers.
    >there are dweebs out there with over 10k hours in WoW on toons they'll never login with ever again

    • 8 months ago

      >WoW finally dies
      Maybe game devs can stop committing suicide trying to "kill WoW". Imagine.

    • 8 months ago

      As someone with a ridiculous number of misspent hours on that game, that's completely fine, put it out of its misery, game hasn't been good nearing a decade now

  7. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Wow Amber Heard looks like THAT???

  8. 8 months ago

    i believe it

  9. 8 months ago

    fake and gay larp

    • 8 months ago

      you aren't your blood elf female "gooner", you are not a biological woman.

  10. 8 months ago

    >Microsoft has expressed interest once the merger goes through to break up Blizzard as a singular entity to distribute its IP's amongst their studios
    the whole thing was almost believable until this

    • 8 months ago

      I'd say that's probably the most believable part of it.
      Blizzard has some moronic organization issues seeing their output.

      • 8 months ago

        >Blizzard has some moronic organization issues seeing their output
        I think you're on the right track but I'd go even further and say Blizzard has people in decision making positions within the company that actively sabotage their output, WarCraft 3 Reforged should have been an easy thing to hit out of the park and rebuild some good will with your consumers and it seems it was purposely sabotaged during it's early stages of development and organtization when everything was looking good for the people they were bringing back to work on it or consult on it
        Also Diablo 4 was supposed to be a return to the gritty story telling of Diablo 1 and 2 and I think when they brought on sensitivity consultants that is another case of sabotage from within the company

    • 8 months ago

      it was always said that Bethesda will get Warcraft and make a new studio for it.

      is the remains of a cancelled mobile game co produced with chinese partners that was bolted onto World of Warcraft to pad a massive gap after the catastrophic response to patch 9.1. This lead to a ship in tone that the players have noticed and found off putting. 11.0 Is to be announced at Blizzcon with a shift to a free to play seasonal battlepass model similar to Destiny 2 with smaller scale "micro expansions" sold as optional premium dlc that will include elements like new dungeons that require these dlc packs to access.
      Fricking what? This is fake.

      Is not, wait til Blizzcon but anon exagerated a bit Is going B2P with ESO premium like service, the trading post was the testbed for it

      • 8 months ago

        What's that?

        • 8 months ago

          >smaller scale "micro expansions" sold as optional premium dlc that will include elements like new dungeons that require these dlc packs to access.
          That's basically Elder Scrolls Online's model.
          They just need lootboxes.

      • 8 months ago

        Bethesda getting Warcraft would just be sad, going from one doomed company to another would have me wondering if the IP is just cursed.

        • 8 months ago

          >doomed company
          Arkane is a doomed company, Bethesda as whole is still a healthy company.

          • 8 months ago

            What % of starfield was made by Indian subcontractors?

            • 8 months ago

              Everyone is using indians because No one wants to pay for chinese or east asian devs anymore.
              And this is related to Blackrock and Vanguard ESG money which backfired so badly that there is a pile of lawsuits at wallstreet against both and they ordered to cut the ESG shit.

              • 8 months ago

                >cut the ESG shit.
                Wasn't it just renaming?

              • 8 months ago

                Insider talk is out, disney is on a verge of bankruptcy as all other companies who went neck deep into the ESG Shit and the bills have arrived, and they dont have money to pay them up.
                Even Pedowood bubble embraced tis shit so bad that is about to burst.

                they really thought that people wouldn't react and eat the shit

              • 8 months ago

                They can't save ESG's mission statement after this carbon credit fiasco.
                prostitutes & Millennials will go along with their moronic ESG projects, which will implode eventually due to low profitability if they even are profitable in the first place.

          • 8 months ago

            Bethesda's soul is gone. Then, Ganker would probably argue it never had one in the first place

        • 8 months ago

          Todd only cares for introducing Night Elves into Tamriel

    • 8 months ago

      This makes complete sense. Blizzard is an expensive money hole. The ips have value though

    • 8 months ago

      That's the most believable part, Microsoft isn't acquiring Actiblizz for the "talent", they want the IPs.

    • 8 months ago

      they've needed to split their IPs to entirely independent management for at least a decade. sc:ghost and especially the management of the rmah and pvp (what pvp?) in diablo 3 made it obvious they were afraid to do anything that wasn't some kind of complete blockbuster or that overlapped other IPs.

    • 8 months ago

      if you didn't realize it was fake from the start your brain is actually rotten by this site

    • 8 months ago

      That's the most believable part. Why would MS keep breastmilk stealers together? Break them up and fire the Breastmilkers.

      • 8 months ago

        diablo 4 proved that blizzards name can sell a product. zoomers didn't care about diablo at all until 4 released.

        • 8 months ago

          >diablo 4 proved
          it's been this way for a long ass time
          as long as blizzard spends marketing dollars especially on shit like twitch bounties then their games are guaranteed to rake in millions, the game and any controversy surrounding it or the company do not matter literally at all, just marketing

          • 8 months ago

            Games have basically become 100 million dollar shitty summer movies.
            If you spend enough on production value, and enough marketing it, it will sell.
            Thank you based corporate butthole, i can't wait for the next mouthful of shitty AAA games.

            • 8 months ago

              >spend enough on production value
              you dont even need that
              look at all the shit like only up, amongus, valheim, vampire survivors, battlebit, the list goes on
              literally nothing matters except marketing
              the only thing you need to do to succeed in gaming is pay a handful of big streamers to play your game, it will just snowball from there as all the influencer homosexuals try to hop on the next hype wave and all their viewers try to fit in, then get all their friends to also play, etc

  11. 8 months ago

    >diablo 4 shit the bed because of incompetence and a bad design
    >shunt it to a secondary team and hope the expansion will save it
    and people say its not like 3 at all.

  12. 8 months ago

    is the remains of a cancelled mobile game co produced with chinese partners that was bolted onto World of Warcraft to pad a massive gap after the catastrophic response to patch 9.1. This lead to a ship in tone that the players have noticed and found off putting. 11.0 Is to be announced at Blizzcon with a shift to a free to play seasonal battlepass model similar to Destiny 2 with smaller scale "micro expansions" sold as optional premium dlc that will include elements like new dungeons that require these dlc packs to access.
    Fricking what? This is fake.

    • 8 months ago

      >9.1 is a disaster that may go down in history as the terminal blow for the game
      >massive dev abandonment during the scandals leaves them brain drained
      >a wow mobile sequel is cancelled leaving them and their partner both sitting on a whole mmos worth of wow assetts
      >Suddenly wow ships its tone
      >Ui replaced with tablet game ui
      >Tendy store right out of a mobile mmo
      >All mechanics from Zereth Mortis onwards fit more in mobile games
      >Dragonflight announce, is like wow but tonally "off"
      >Their partners reveal "Tarisland" which is suspiciously complete and close to wow

      If you haven't seen people going "why do the dragons look like chinese mobile shit now??" for a year and dont put two and two together you aren't paying attention. They hired a bunch of unskilled labour they are trying to train up with 20 to replace every one they lost that are currently paraded out going "i made three rocks today!". You think they are actively making WoW yet? and that blizzard invested millions in a scrapped mobile mmo and didn't reuse those assetts when in a complete user freefall and desperate to move on from shadowlands quickly?

      • 8 months ago

        >If you haven't seen people going "why do the dragons look like chinese mobile shit now??"
        Nobody says that except losers on Ganker who are obsessed with China

      • 8 months ago

        >People make fun of this shit
        >A leak in 4ch foresaw the trading post bullshit

        • 8 months ago

          People forgets trading post will be their own ESO Premium store

          • 8 months ago

            It was fun seeing the wowslurpers trying to damage control when Blizzard started selling trading post stuff

            • 8 months ago

              The only difference is that ESO Premium Store has good shit in it they give for free once in a void moon, Trading post even after the game goes B2P and copies what ESO does will continue the same.

              • 8 months ago

                the hilarity of this is that all of the serious ERP moved to ESO and Zenimax gave the tools for guilds work with it, including events.
                WoW destroyed all of the goodwill they had with the community who carried them even with the Goldshire inn shitshow.

              • 8 months ago

                >on ESO with their unmodded elder scrolls tier female models
                It's the furries, aren't they?

              • 8 months ago


                is the remains of a cancelled mobile game co produced with chinese partners that was bolted onto World of Warcraft to pad a massive gap after the catastrophic response to patch 9.1. This lead to a ship in tone that the players have noticed and found off putting. 11.0 Is to be announced at Blizzcon with a shift to a free to play seasonal battlepass model similar to Destiny 2 with smaller scale "micro expansions" sold as optional premium dlc that will include elements like new dungeons that require these dlc packs to access.


                >Odyssey has been revamped for the 3rd time and will not be ready for multiple years at this point with worries that its survival crafting focus is already going to be outdated by the time it releases

                MAYBE NOT A FAKE


              • 8 months ago

                nobody on wowg likes wow

              • 8 months ago

                yet the schizos comes down here to defend it like

                >source: my gaped butthole
                kys op
                taking a shit in your garbage thread and closing it

              • 8 months ago

                I remember going on there one time and all it that was happening was Vulpera players constantly posting screenshots.

      • 8 months ago

        >>9.1 is a disaster that may go down in history as the terminal blow for the game
        The content of 9.1 was fine. The big problem was that it came way too late. Like a whole month late.

        • 8 months ago

          i saw guilds around since vanilla that died almost overnight with this patch. it killed the game and people didn't come back. theres a reason blizz is saying to shareholders "uhhh the retention is stable?" and frick all else about wow because the playerbase has hit rock bottom so no shit its stable.

          • 8 months ago

            this is the weakest larp ive ever seen lmao
            No guild from vanilla died because of an average raid tier and new mega dungeon

        • 8 months ago

          Even 6.1 was better

      • 8 months ago

        Expect the wow team is larger than its ever been at like 400 people. Not that it’s evidence for quality but at least get your facts before you shitpost.

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah because they took a bunch of devs with ZERO mmo experience and threw them onto the game for on the job learning. Thats not hundreds of skilled people bringing things to the game. Thats hundreds of unskilled, inexperienced labour being expected to learn on the job so 20 people might be able to try and do the work of one that left and took decades of experience with them.

          Its unironically joever.

          • 8 months ago

            You dont need to have MMO experience to make assets moron

      • 8 months ago

        They are actually producing a ton of content for the game at the moment, it's just all incredibly trite and throwaway and casuals (the vast majority of players in any mmo) have nothing worthwhile to do. They also made the boneheaded mistake of making levelling take 6hrs, when levelling used to be the main thing that kept casuals occupied when the game was actually successful. The management of the game is a masterclass in stupidity.

      • 8 months ago

        IT sounds schizo but I believe it. The art direction is completely off. WoW used to combine cartoon look but with a bit of edge and badassness to it. Now it looks like a bizarre Disney style furry mobile game. I have never been more repulsed

        • 8 months ago

          you're replying to a legitimate schizo that constantly makes these threads about wow or blizzard or their other games with 0 sources
          you'd be moronic to take this homosexual ESL serious

          • 8 months ago

            The parts about WoW are probably true. There was a cancelled mobile WoW game that had been worked on for years and are they just going to let those assets languish? You can see classic has 10x the engagement of retail based on publicly available log data. WoW retail has been gradually creeping towards F2P since they first opened the ingame store and quarterly financial reports show 'services' (microtransactions) grew past sub fees long ago.

            • 8 months ago

              didn't read
              and also, jesus christ man

              • 8 months ago

                Why post if you're not going to read dumbass

              • 8 months ago

                you're simply not worth the time if you trust a Ganker troony larper that never provides any sources for xir claims, and is also an ESL to boot

              • 8 months ago

                There's tons of publicly available sources that make the post at least plausible, you are actually too dumb to argue with

              • 8 months ago

                post some then

  13. 8 months ago

    >I remember the Ganker leak about the paid season pass and the seasonal content (both became real)

  14. 8 months ago

    I wish they'd just put wow in maintenance mode and work on a successor. The codebase is irreparably fricked and everything is tained by its age.

    • 8 months ago

      a successor to WoW would have all the same problems that come from the company and not the game's age

      • 8 months ago

        It's actually a big problem since a lot of legacy knowledge has left the company and all the zoomers can't keep it stitched together. Look at how disgusting tabards and chest models are, somehow they're unable to make bespoke models instead of having them be flat textures or literally just a retextured chest.

        • 8 months ago

          Graphics is the least of their worries. Even if they make wow2, they'll still have the same moronic, dangerhaired esg hires on the writing team that has been actively driving away the userbase since dragonflight launched.

  15. 8 months ago

    meanwhile i'm enjoying the new season of D3

    • 8 months ago

      how?? it's the worst game on the battlenet launcher

  16. 8 months ago

    >no word on Starcraft
    Is this good or bad?

    • 8 months ago

      It's dead, Jim. I tried years ago just to get into some bot matches with randoms to have some fun, but waited 20-30 minutes with no bite. it's probably like WC3 where the only people left playing are people who have played it for 20 years so going into ladder match making is asking to get fricked.

    • 8 months ago

      Wait for 'leakers' to catch up with the latest news about Microsoft wanting to make something with Starcraft.
      This is the best give away that OP is full of shit and made up fake stuff.
      No way he wouldnt know about Starcraft details if he actually had leaked info.

  17. 8 months ago

    >Diablo Immortal is extremely profitable and its userbase retention has far exceeded expectations.
    Very depressing

    • 8 months ago

      >china and india gets internet and earn more than a dollar a day
      >immediately spend it and go into debt on gacha and cash shop games
      >devs see dollar signs forever

  18. 8 months ago

    So they're gonna sell Overwatch 1 a third time? Kek.

    • 8 months ago

      It'll be called "Overwatch 3" and Blizzardkeks will eat that shit like the shit eaters they are.

  19. 8 months ago

    Frick Blizzard, I don't give a frick about them anymore.

    • 8 months ago

      Basically this.
      My former all time favourite game developer.


      Who gives a frick anymore. It's Disney star wars from gaming. Venture Capitalism ruins fricking everything.

      • 8 months ago

        >capitalism is...BAD
        >games getting more complex is...BAD
        kys commie

  20. 8 months ago

    so, where are their billions coming in from? transactions? immortal?

    • 8 months ago

      Blizzard is the weak link of the group

  21. 8 months ago
  22. 8 months ago

    Seems like all Blizzard ever does is trying to "undo damage".

  23. 8 months ago

    is at the lowest engagement metrics its ever been at. Attempts to increase monetisation per player has failed and its considered on its last legs
    ever since Tavern Pass the game fell off, with only Battlegrounds still being the format still seeing decent play
    Only way they could save it now is to give everyone entire sets for free but even then I don't think it would be enough

  24. 8 months ago

    Any more information about Overwatch Next?

  25. 8 months ago

    >working on a expansion to act as a soft reboot


    reaper of souls saved D3, here's hoping they can do it again!

  26. 8 months ago

    so excited to play OW3 which has half the content as OW2 which had half the content as OW1

    • 8 months ago

      >exciting new balanced 4v4
      >preseason is a competitive e-sports streamer only event that you watch on twitch
      >type parasocialcuck in the chat to unlock exclusive skin
      >announce official blizzard discord channel
      >all channels are locked except 1
      >join daycareformorons channel
      >make a pug with my new friends
      ngl it might actually take off

  27. 8 months ago

    where's the PVE mode that warranted them stealing overwatch 1 from me?
    can i at least have the game back?

    • 8 months ago

      You're getting a "new" game. No your skins and progress don't carry over, you'll have to buy everything all over again. Including the characters and PVE missions. Meanwhille Sombra is mid 30s.

      • 8 months ago

        >put thousands of hours in ow
        >try out ow"2" at a friend's behest some time after it's shat out
        >all my stuff is gone
        >put a ticket in

  28. 8 months ago

    The major difference? Paypiggies will have to buy all their premium skins again.

  29. 8 months ago

    everything you posted is wrong though

  30. 8 months ago

    is the remains of a cancelled mobile game co produced with chinese partners that was bolted onto World of Warcraft to pad a massive gap after the catastrophic response to patch 9.1. This lead to a ship in tone that the players have noticed and found off putting. 11.0 Is to be announced at Blizzcon with a shift to a free to play seasonal battlepass model similar to Destiny 2 with smaller scale "micro expansions" sold as optional premium dlc that will include elements like new dungeons that require these dlc packs to access.


    >Odyssey has been revamped for the 3rd time and will not be ready for multiple years at this point with worries that its survival crafting focus is already going to be outdated by the time it releases


  31. 8 months ago

    Diablo Immortal chads we won

    • 8 months ago

      jesus christ the poos can't even crop their shitty memes correctly

  32. 8 months ago

    I am shocked every time I come to the realization that people still care about overwatch, is this 2016?

  33. 8 months ago

    dont really give a shit, what about vicarious visions? are they forever lost in the blizzard blob?

  34. 8 months ago

    >Wanting to turn OW2 into 1
    What? Isn't it already that?

    • 8 months ago

      They'll turn on the 6v6 flag, undo the balances, undo the time-of-day changes on maps, add the deleted mode and maps for said mode and hope people will eat the shit again.

  35. 8 months ago

    2 is undergoing a hasty redesign behind the scenes, relaunching as "Overwatch Next" and is essentially Overwatch 1 trying to undo the damage
    I don't believe it but this would be so funny

  36. 8 months ago

    >"Overwatch Next" and is essentially Overwatch 1
    >Its actually 'Prior'

  37. 8 months ago

    oh boy, what rehashed stale boring concepts will the 20 year old Chinese girls who work at Blizz come up with next?

  38. 8 months ago

    just because your mad it doesn't mean that all the shit you made up is true

  39. 8 months ago

    >Microsoft has expressed interest once the merger goes through to break up Blizzard as a singular entity to distribute its IP's amongst their studios while closing and reallocating the billions of dollars in californian real estate the company has been sitting on and trying to force a return to office policy to make them look like they are still needed.
    Might be true, given how incompetent MS is

    • 8 months ago

      b-b-b-but chad daddy phil says next years gonna be an exciting year for xbox fans.... 15th times the charm!

  40. 8 months ago

    >source: my gaped butthole
    kys op
    taking a shit in your garbage thread and closing it

    • 8 months ago

      let me guess, someone cross posted this to /wowg/ and now the sad old 40 year old brand defenders are showing up?

      i wish you well on your journey brave hero of the horde, surely THIS will be the final scathing rebuke that saves your dying 2004 hotbar mmo!

    • 8 months ago

      Brownoid /wowg/ shitter detected

  41. 8 months ago

    There is zero reason to keep Blizzard around. Whatever culture was there is gone already. Every IP they have would be better with a fresh set of eyes. That new era should start with a relic led Warcraft game. Then get Coalition on a Gears of Starcraft as fast as possible.

    • 8 months ago

      >Gears of Stacraft
      Frick I would coom so hard
      Riot has the right idea, just take your successful IPs and give them to competent studios to make neat spin-offs

  42. 8 months ago

    >No Starcraft 3
    >No Warcraft 4
    Blizzard can gas itself

    • 8 months ago

      >Look at HotS
      >Look at Warcraft 3: Reforged
      >Look at Overwatch
      >Look at Diablo 4
      >He wants Blizzard's moronic, incapable hands anywhere near a sequel to his beloved IPs

  43. 8 months ago

    >11.0 Is to be announced at Blizzcon with a shift to a free to play seasonal battlepass model similar to Destiny 2 with smaller scale "micro expansions" sold as optional premium dlc that will include elements like new dungeons that require these dlc packs to access.
    Not even Blizzard is this stupid.

  44. 8 months ago

    >Diablo Immortal is extremely profitable and its userbase retention has far exceeded expectations.
    This is fricking depressing, can we nuke China already

  45. 8 months ago

    >you will never strap Winston to an operating table, gently assuring him it isn't going to hurt as you take your saw to his skull
    >you will never gently remove 40% of the mass of his prefrontal lobe, watching in delight as he slowly loses himself as you carve away his higher brain functions
    >you will never bathe him and cradle him daily to prevent bedsores as he is in recovery
    >you'll never see the childish wonder in his eyes when he awakes, essentially an easily stimulated doll for you to play with
    >you'll never teach him how to drink from a bottle, or gently spoon mushed up snacks you chewed yourself into his mouth to feed him
    >you'll never tuck him into bed, gently stroking all over his body as he murmurs and falls asleep
    >he'll never inquisitively suck on your rock hard wiener lathered in peanut butter, licking up the precum mixture greedily as a tasty snack and gripping your shaft like a lollipop
    >you'll never frick his ass raw as he sobs into the pillow before pouring acid all over him as a punishment for when he's naughty
    >you'll never greedily slurp up his drool every morning to wake him up, suckling his cheeks for the sweet nectar
    >he'll never call you Harold in his slurred, barely coherent voice as his feeble mind mistakes you for his former scientist caretaker

  46. 8 months ago

    >M+ gays are using single characters as cope for the number of active players
    I think foxxo posted this thread at /vg/

    • 8 months ago

      its literally the only metric they have left. Did you notice how all of a sudden they stopped going into FFXIV threads posting WoW twitch numbers when it turned out 95% of wow twitch content was classic not retail? or how about they stopped doing their whole "imagine not being a pvp chad like me" deal when it turned out LESS THAN 200 PEOPLE were actually doing the highest bracket of rated pvp anymore?

      WoW is a dying old game nobody cares about anymore and the addicts with no standards sticking around till it or they die, whichever comes first, cannot deal with that. It can't just be 200kb of MOUNTSMOGGSCHEEVOS it all has to mean something! they can't have wasted two decades of their life on a meaningless waste of time nobody will ever give a single metric or imperial frick about but them.

  47. 8 months ago

    The fact that there are still so many coping blizzdrones and that some of them are in this very thread is baffling
    Even I was set free of my Stockholm Syndrome when they announced Dragonflight, no intelligent person would still want to play wow after the garbage fanfic that was Shadowlands

    • 8 months ago

      Dude fricking ASMONGOLD is free of the maze now. Imagine being more buckbroken than a human raccoon living in a dumpster.

      • 8 months ago

        >guy is literally too shit to beat normal mode raids
        imagine thinking that people who hate WoW are anything other than bad players eternally asshurt their guild benched them
        You wont find a single good player who complains about WoW

        • 8 months ago

          >good player
          mate its a 20 year old hot bar tab target game. thats like going "dude i'm so fukken 1337 at aquaaqua wetrix. Like thats not something impressive or shocking. If you still pay blizzard rent for your characters in a game this over the hill it doesn't impress anyone it just looks kind of sad. Why would you trust the opinion of someone thats wasted minimum a third of their existence on this shit for a rational, unbias opinion on their addiction?

          • 8 months ago

            >mate its a 20 year old hot bar tab target game. thats like going "dude i'm so fukken 1337 at aquaaqua wetrix.
            and yet both you and asmonbald are too shit to handle it

            • 8 months ago

              >and yet you dont compete in the special olympics
              you sure showed somebody somewhere something bro. Stacy finally noticed you and your stepdad ron finally accepts you.

              • 8 months ago

                You CANT handle WoW, just like the bald moron couldnt
                You can try to be smug to cope, but we both know you played once and had to stop when the difficulty ramped up
                Thats the difference, you failed at WoW like everything else in your life

              • 8 months ago

                dude if you stuck through BFA, it's not a badge of honor. You're a beaten housewife.

              • 8 months ago

                Its a dead game nobody cares about bro. What are you expecting here? its like going "heh, shows what you know, clearly you aren't the best speedrunner at this videogame ljn released in 1989 that nobody has thought of in 30 years!" like what are you expecting? people to suddenly care? to feel bad about not doing what exactly? their 200kb file on a server and what mountsmoggscheevos they have?

                This game means literally nothing outside its mazed audience. Any self perceived achievements mean literally nothing at all. To anyone. Nobody is going to be jealous of a man who says "you couldn't eat as much shit in one sitting as me!" and in videogame terms thats you buck kun.

                WoW is an old, dead game for furries, troonys and queers. Nobody is ever, ever going to give a single frick about what you have done in it. Throwing a scrunched up paper bag into a bin from across a room is about the same level of giving a frick other people have which is to say none at all.

                Are you expecting me to be jealous that you pay rent to a dead mmo ran by gay furries? whats your endgame here bro?

      • 8 months ago

        I don't believe this hell just show up every patch from now on then praise it until others hate it

    • 8 months ago

      the moment this thread was posted at /wowg/ it went to shit.

      its literally the only metric they have left. Did you notice how all of a sudden they stopped going into FFXIV threads posting WoW twitch numbers when it turned out 95% of wow twitch content was classic not retail? or how about they stopped doing their whole "imagine not being a pvp chad like me" deal when it turned out LESS THAN 200 PEOPLE were actually doing the highest bracket of rated pvp anymore?

      WoW is a dying old game nobody cares about anymore and the addicts with no standards sticking around till it or they die, whichever comes first, cannot deal with that. It can't just be 200kb of MOUNTSMOGGSCHEEVOS it all has to mean something! they can't have wasted two decades of their life on a meaningless waste of time nobody will ever give a single metric or imperial frick about but them.

      They even tried to shit at the ESO threads for a while.

      >Gears of Stacraft
      Frick I would coom so hard
      Riot has the right idea, just take your successful IPs and give them to competent studios to make neat spin-offs

      That was the original concept of Starcraft Ghost, if Microsoft has the balls to get the finished game, polish and remaster it to retcon SC2, they will do it.
      They pretty much waited for the community to decompile N64 Perfect Dark right now.

      • 8 months ago

        >the moment this thread was posted at /wowg/ it went to shit.
        you mean you started getting blown out by people smarter than you? Sucks to be you, maybe larp better or stop seething about Blizzard?

        • 8 months ago

          Too obvious, 2/10

        • 8 months ago

          Exposing yourself this hard /wowg/ tourist.

          • 8 months ago

            >nooooo you cant post on Ganker and /vg/
            the state of your coping

            • 8 months ago

              If you can be identified for the parasocial relationship you have with a bad video game's specific shill thread then correct, you aren't allowed to keep posting here like you're a neutral party.

            • 8 months ago

              If you used Ganker legitimately you'd understand that most everyone here thinks your board is basically a Discord colony filled with attention prostitutes and dramagays. I don't know why you'd oust yourself as a fricking /vg/ user of all things

              • 8 months ago

                if you used Ganker legitimately you would know that its reaction to WoW is completely contradictory to how it reacts to every other game, because its 99% poor 3rd worlders who cant afford a sub fee and washed up boomers who cant play the game well
                Every time you talk about WoW on Ganker people want it dumbed down to journalist difficulty because the window licking boomers who worship vanilla cant handle more than 2 buttons. You make that kind of post in any other game thread you would be told to frick off instantly

                If you can be identified for the parasocial relationship you have with a bad video game's specific shill thread then correct, you aren't allowed to keep posting here like you're a neutral party.

                nice buzzword, too bad you dont even know what it means

              • 8 months ago

                >nice buzzword, too bad you dont even know what it means
                Nice deflection, too bad it doesn't actually contradict anything i said. Stop becoming emotionally attached to product that, if it feels anything at all for you, loathes you.

              • 8 months ago

                >its reaction to WoW is completely contradictory to how it reacts to every other game
                The only thing special about WoW on Ganker is how often the threads degenerate into shitfling wars with XIVgays. Your game gets shit on just like every other popular game, and if you actually think it's unfairly treated then you should probably talk to a psychiatrist about curing your persecution complex.

              • 8 months ago

                literally no other game on Ganker is complained about for being too hard

              • 8 months ago

                You were clearly not here for Elden Ring, so maybe try lurking for more than 2 minuted before you make sweeping claims about a board

              • 8 months ago

                Fromshit is literally worshiped for being hard and scaring journos

              • 8 months ago

                A quarter of the Elden Ring threads were people whining about bosses holding their attacks for too long and tripping people up who had rollspam reflexes from playing 3 as well as how damage scaled too hard in the endgame.
                Again, lurk more you stupid Black person.

              • 8 months ago

                >a couple people on Ganker said it so really Ganker was totally complaining
                Ganker fricking loves elden ring and fromsoft. Anyone complaining about Elden Ring (or any fromgame) is just told to git gud
                How about you git gud at WoW instead of crying about it for 10 years

              • 8 months ago

                WoW isn't fricking hard and the only people I have seen ever talk about how hard it is, is homosexuals arguing with XIVtroons about whose game is harder.

                have a nice day /vg/ Black person

              • 8 months ago

                >WoW isnt hard
                yet you cant handle it, strange
                must mean youre just really really dogshit at video games

              • 8 months ago

                >yet you cant handle it
                Please cite the post where I made this claim

              • 8 months ago

                your unrelenting asshurt made it clear, despite your inability to admit it

              • 8 months ago

                So you're a schizophrenic, gotcha

              • 8 months ago

                Anon, I have been in threads for ER almost constantly. It was mostly people crying about "input reading", hold up attacks and shit.

              • 8 months ago

                It's free to be as difficult as it likes, but if you make a game revolving entirely around killing mythic end bosses don't be surprised when the only population left playing is those who kill mythic end bosses.

              • 8 months ago

                >but if you make a game revolving entirely around killing mythic end bosses
                good news anon, there are 4 difficulties of raiding

              • 8 months ago

                It’s wowgays that are contradictory, they expect 100million players and none of them to be casual

              • 8 months ago

                Nobody has ever said that, nice try
                You have no rebuttal for Ganker jerking off every hard game except crying about difficulty in WoW though

              • 8 months ago

                You’re saying it now itt

              • 8 months ago

                because wow isn't real difficulty
                bloating enemy hp isn't making things harder

              • 8 months ago

                >i-its artificial difficulty
                peak shitter cope

              • 8 months ago

                i'm not a troony to play troony mode
                i can't be a shittier if i don't care enough to do it at all blizzdrone

              • 8 months ago

                >I-i could totally do it
                uh huh sure buddy

                Its a dead game nobody cares about bro. What are you expecting here? its like going "heh, shows what you know, clearly you aren't the best speedrunner at this videogame ljn released in 1989 that nobody has thought of in 30 years!" like what are you expecting? people to suddenly care? to feel bad about not doing what exactly? their 200kb file on a server and what mountsmoggscheevos they have?

                This game means literally nothing outside its mazed audience. Any self perceived achievements mean literally nothing at all. To anyone. Nobody is going to be jealous of a man who says "you couldn't eat as much shit in one sitting as me!" and in videogame terms thats you buck kun.

                WoW is an old, dead game for furries, troonys and queers. Nobody is ever, ever going to give a single frick about what you have done in it. Throwing a scrunched up paper bag into a bin from across a room is about the same level of giving a frick other people have which is to say none at all.

                Are you expecting me to be jealous that you pay rent to a dead mmo ran by gay furries? whats your endgame here bro?

                >heh, shows what you know, clearly you aren't the best speedrunner
                what a laughable strawman, you really are getting desperate huh?

              • 8 months ago

                i didn't say i could totally do it because i haven't played wow in years fricking moron
                but you keep triming that timer so you can cut your dick a few more inches

  48. 8 months ago

    >everyone taking this post as truth
    I want to see blizzard die too but jesus

  49. 8 months ago

    Immortal is extremely profitable and its userbase retention has far exceeded expectations.
    and so, every single new game made by acti-blizz-microsoft will be a soulless mobile piece of shit from now on.

  50. 8 months ago

    >catastrophic response to patch 9.1
    That's pretty funny considering how 10.1 is the exact same content-wise, except that its new zone died even faster than Korthia.

  51. 8 months ago

    >ship in tone
    >moder players

    Why are people buying this ESL nonsense?

  52. 8 months ago

    Immortal is extremely profitable and its userbase retention has far exceeded expectations.
    Because Diablo Immortal is unironically super kino. Diablo IV should have been Diablo Immortal but with better graphics

  53. 8 months ago

    >Cataclysm Classic is not in the works.

    Yeah it is, sadly.
    What's with Ganker and it's fake Blizzard leaks?

    • 8 months ago

      >resub to visit the experience ....of the exact same levelling zones that are in retail
      For what purpose.

  54. 8 months ago

    is at the lowest engagement metrics its ever been at. Attempts to increase monetisation per player has failed and its considered on its last legs
    This alone makes this pretty believable, HS has gotten worse and worse in design but they don't seem to understand that trying to turn it into a slot machine instead of a strategy game is what is killing their ability to monetize it. Oh well.

  55. 8 months ago

    Don't care, still playing World of Warcraft and still voting Trump.

    • 8 months ago

      I'm glad to see republicans are in favor of trans-focused media!

  56. 8 months ago

    >Hots not even mentioned
    It's over

    • 8 months ago

      >still having hope for HotS

    • 8 months ago

      It's dead, Jim

  57. 8 months ago

    If you think everything posted here is fake you are fricking delusional blizzdrone with stage 4 copium addiction, working at blizz must be grim as frick.

    • 8 months ago

      Wrong! MetzenKINO will save not just WoW, but EVERY Blizzard IP!

  58. 8 months ago

    >retoilets trying to cope with the fact that classic is more popular
    hilarious. their world, shatterd. their mogs mounts and cheevos, all for nothing.

    • 8 months ago

      classic literally cant even fill 2 servers per region

  59. 8 months ago

    I think WoW is fun.

    • 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      If you avoid the endgame and instanced group content, then yeah, it's a pretty decent time.

  60. 8 months ago

    >Microsoft has expressed interest once the merger goes through to break up Blizzard as a singular entity to distribute its IP's amongst their studios
    At this point this is the only good thing that could realistically happen to any Blizzard IP

    • 8 months ago

      Is it? Microsoft hasn't exactly been pumping out good games from any of their owned studios.

      • 8 months ago

        Literally anyone would be better than blizzard who doesn't even use their IPs to begin with.
        Not to mention literally any other company would have lower costs than blizzard.

  61. 8 months ago

    >Only thing working is Classic
    Imagine being so much of a failure as a dev you have to rely on the previous team

    • 8 months ago

      or so much of a failure that a private WoW server running incels would be more profitable with their copy of a code 20-year old code than the modern game.

    • 8 months ago

      Didnt you ready that Diablo Immortal is their most successful game because whales are literally subhuman?

      • 8 months ago

        I tried it out just because i saw they added an actual new class. Its was fun for a day

  62. 8 months ago

    >Company is a rotating door of staff that are quickly leaving and replacements are not sticking around long seeking better pay and working conditions.
    Oh, how mighty have fallen.

  63. 8 months ago

    Kek you drama queen morons
    By twitch numbers, last 365 days:
    >Wow (425M) #10 has the double total hours viewed than the next three MMORPGS combined: Albion (76M), OSRS (72M), Black Desert (64M).
    >Hearthstone #24 (155M) mogging is even more embarassing: MtG physical&digital combined(37M), YGO:MD (20M), LoR (5M)
    Idc about the others, but diablo 4 is probably the most popular arpg, and diablo immortal the most popular in mobile.
    Im no blizzard apologist and i adming they are at their lowest point quality wise but the problem they have isnt a lack of popularity

    • 8 months ago

      >By twitch numbers
      you could have just told us you were a moron and close the thread, would have saved time

      • 8 months ago

        Why is that a bad metric anon?

        • 8 months ago

          Because companies like blizzard have tie in drops, ya frickin dummy. They're padded numbers.

    • 8 months ago

      and how many of those are retail bro?

    • 8 months ago

      Now seperate the classic numbers

    • 8 months ago

      Why the frick would anyone watch or play that shit? The game is like if Runescape and Diablo had a moronic baby that were raised by UO autists with a hardon for mobile games that are designed to waste your time as much as possible

    • 8 months ago

      what about artifact?

    • 8 months ago

      99% of those viewers are watching classic HC streams, your argument inadvertently supports OP

      • 8 months ago

        don't bother

  64. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      When did you realise it was a sissifying psyop and thats why so many fat, balding old wowbucks now thinking they are women?

  65. 8 months ago

    Why do people still LARP about Blizzard massively overhauling everything they have like it’s a doomsday save for them even though doing literally nothing still maintains 90% of their drones

    • 8 months ago

      Because they've been bought out by a fishmonger and are about to be gutted if they can't prove value.

    • 8 months ago

      doomtrannies cannot live without blizzdrama, and if there is none they need to invent it themselves. they cannot move past blizzard and are eternally obsessed and butthurt like a bitter ex who can never move on from a past relationship. they have been mindbroken by a video game company.

  66. 8 months ago
  67. 8 months ago

    None of this is grounded in reality except for the (guess) that they want to push for return to office, something you could have guessed seeing literally every other fricking conglomerate.

  68. 8 months ago

    You were just fine until
    >Cataclysm Classic is not in the works.
    This has already been confirmed.

  69. 8 months ago

    the fundamental issue happens when game companies hire devs that have little interest to play their own games

    • 8 months ago

      Dogfooding is a fricking garbage concept and has zero relation to the quality of a product.
      You don't need to be a tentacle to know how to make good tentacle porn.

      • 8 months ago

        It is important when you're a subhuman game dev that can't hack it in any other industry.

      • 8 months ago

        >You don't need to be a tentacle to know how to make good tentacle porn.
        But you need to want to be fricked by a tentacle at least.

      • 8 months ago

        How hard is it to play a fricking video game?

        You have the dev tools to literally jump at any part of the game, just sit your fricking ass down and play for 30 minutes you b***h.

    • 8 months ago

      Playing your own game is the baseline, playing other peoples games and playing your games plural are how you actually get in touch with your audience.

      WHen you don't have a baseline to work with and you don't know you came from you get moments like


      the "do you guys not have phones" line makes more sense when you realize the guy saying it has probably never played a phone game to begin with which makes it way more understandable for him to say that. He just thinks it's another game to 'get excited for'

  70. 8 months ago

    2 is undergoing a hasty redesign behind the scenes, relaunching as "Overwatch Next" and is essentially Overwatch 1 trying to undo the damage
    i recently got into ow after a 5+ year break and its been pretty fun, i dont understand this

    • 8 months ago

      doomtroons need to paint as grim a picture as they can, the truth doesnt matter to them

  71. 8 months ago

    Fake, spam, next.

    • 8 months ago

      You saved our game bro!

  72. 8 months ago

    > with a shift to a free to play seasonal battlepass model similar to Destiny 2 with smaller scale "micro expansions" sold as optional premium dlc that will include elements like new dungeons that require these dlc packs to access.
    I remember hearing this before troonyfligth was announced.

  73. 8 months ago

    >>WoW Classic has moder players than Retail World of Warcraft right now. Cataclysm Classic is not in the works.
    >Company is a rotating door of staff that are quickly leaving and replacements are not sticking around long seeking better pay and working conditions.
    This is the only part of this LARP that I believe.

  74. 8 months ago

    >Overwatch 2 is undergoing a hasty redesign behind the scenes, relaunching as "Overwatch Next" and is essentially Overwatch 1 trying to undo the damage
    well that is a complete and obvious lie

  75. 8 months ago

    WoW's decline is all pic related's fault. Sure the expansion itself was okay, but it literally laid the ground work for the game as we know it today and it's been downhill ever since.
    Frick Legion
    Frick Legionbabies

    • 8 months ago

      This. I liked Legion with its class halls, artifact weapons, dungeons and raids, but it was the expansion that started many bad things, such as borrowed powers and having to grind for them.

      • 8 months ago

        >being optimistic about The Modern Era before it even starts
        If only they knew...

      • 8 months ago

        Dragqueenflight is massive flop. There's no hope for nuWoW

      • 8 months ago

        The writing is amateurish garbage, every lore Youtuber already quit because of how appalling it is. It makes Avengers look like Shakespeare

        • 8 months ago

          worse, they are literally copying the MCU and disney since most of the people there are also buddies with obsidian devs

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah Shadowlands dumpster fire of a story had so much shit ripped wholesale from MCU, and somehow they still managed to frick it up

      • 8 months ago

        >the wow era
        >the dead game era
        >the shit dead game troon era
        >the more shit dead game troon era

      • 8 months ago

        As a Hunter main with Alchemy and Engineering I was amazed that Legion managed to buttfrick every facet of my character while also releasing the world's homosexualiest hero class that swiped half the shit melee Survival should have gotten.

    • 8 months ago

      It would have been fine if they had kept the good parts. Like Class Halls were some of the best shit they ever did. Legiondaries were fine once they figured out you had to have a system to get specific ones. And the actual dungeons and raids were pretty good too. But no, they dropped the good stuff and only kept the annoying stuff.

      • 8 months ago

        I thought Legion's dungeons were ass aside from court and nelth's lair, especially coming off of the gorgeous and interesting designs of WoD's dungeons.

    • 8 months ago

      That's why it (always) should have been the Finale!

      This. I liked Legion with its class halls, artifact weapons, dungeons and raids, but it was the expansion that started many bad things, such as borrowed powers and having to grind for them.

      In that case all of these would be seen as the last final effort, to gather everything, throw it at the baddies, wipe them out and win!
      If it ended there, it wouldn't later manifested in such garbage.

  76. 8 months ago

    Can I work for blizzard but live in Canada?
    Surely blizzard wouldn't be exclusionary to the location impared peoples out there

    • 8 months ago

      nope you have to go to california

  77. 8 months ago

    I actually didn't hate Diablo Immortal surprsingly but I stopped playing due to being tired of getting +3 levels over the cap and feeling like I was gaining nothing for my time. Most people also sucked. I was horribly geared and would start getting the bonus chests from top damage right when I hit the level where you stop having reduced damage done to the boss. PvP was fun when it was people of my gear level and no whales. But that was 1/50 matches. Pay2Win in PvP is a fricking joke.

  78. 8 months ago

    Big Zam is just way too big for starcraft

  79. 8 months ago

    2 is undergoing a hasty redesign behind the scenes, relaunching as "Overwatch Next" and is essentially Overwatch 1 trying to undo the damage
    Maybe start with something more grounded next time you decide to larp.

  80. 8 months ago

    Nothing about Heroes of the Storm, the only recent Blizzard property that has even a fraction of the effort put into it as classic Blizzard. Hopium tanks running on fumes, captain, can't hold out much longer

  81. 8 months ago

    >working on a expansion to act as a soft reboot
    Could someone explain to a moron (me) what that means?

  82. 8 months ago


  83. 8 months ago

    >>WoW Classic has moder players than Retail World of Warcraft right now. Cataclysm Classic is not in the works.
    Cata Classic is already confirmed to be in the works, moron. Blizzard has even made changes that were polled specifically for Cata classic such as porting the retail Pet and Mount UI's.

  84. 8 months ago

    Try harder. How do you "bolt" a cancelled mobile game onto a pc mmo.

  85. 8 months ago

    >wow going f2p
    its already been seen form the leaked ms docs that they plan to add it to the gamepass
    how did a thread like this even get almost 300 replies?
    should've died 10 posts in, with the first 9 calling the OP a homosexual

  86. 8 months ago

    >esl jibberish

    I'll still play dragonflight for like a month each patch mainly because of the dungeon system. FF14, GW2 doesn't have anything close to a fun dungeon experience with an actual reward system. It's also 10 times as busy as FF14 even months after a patch, so there's flexibility when you want to do dungeons.

    • 8 months ago

      >brings up other MMOs to deflect in a general Blizzard thread
      You are afraid.

    • 8 months ago

      >20 M+ groups in your entire server region
      >This is meant to be impressive and not a sign of a dead game

      • 8 months ago

        m+ has a limit on how many groups it shows
        you have to either refresh or use the search function, it will never show everything

        • 8 months ago

          It couldn't be that participation is down 2/3 from last season and at an all-time low, it must be the tool not showing all the groups

          • 8 months ago

            that's how the tool works, homosexual

  87. 8 months ago

    Diablo Immortal is unironically good.

  88. 8 months ago

    >Overwatch 2 is undergoing a hasty redesign behind the scenes, relaunching as "Overwatch Next" and is essentially Overwatch 1 trying to undo the damage
    Fake news but they should do 7v7

  89. 8 months ago

    Don't care. Still not gonna play ffxiv. Sorry homosexual

  90. 8 months ago

    >he's still being tormented every day by the FF boogeyman

    • 8 months ago

      Nah. It was fun watching your shill campaign implode tho

      • 8 months ago

        Don't care ffxiv is a second life lobby

        cope until dead

  91. 8 months ago

    I think Blizzard is about to put Heroes of the Storm on Steam
    There have been a couple of patches lately, the game hasn't been patched in months

    • 8 months ago

      That would be so great, HotS is a legitimately good game and does lots of things better than LoL or DotA, just abandoned because they couldn't make it work for esports, as if that's the sole determinant of a game's quality

      • 8 months ago

        Honestly I agree
        It's a damn shame that Blizzard kicked the legs out from under their own game right as it was starting to grow

        • 8 months ago

          They saw the rivers of money LoL was making from esports and tried to replicate it which did enormous damage to Overwatch, HotS and WoW and the company has never really recovered. WoW endgame is still bizarrely esports oriented when very few people watch the MDI and RWF streams and people have never watch arena streams for the entire history of the game, because it is impossible to follow

  92. 8 months ago

    The first is fake news but it wouldn't surprise me if they are considering selling us OW a third time despite everyone having already paid for the game years ago

  93. 8 months ago

    diablo 4 is a really cozy game, logged on last night servers seemed packed(in the last 3 weeks of a season no lose) guess no one listens to the content creators
    go play p2e loser

    • 8 months ago

      not even bait, just a garbage shitpost

    • 8 months ago

      >Servers packed
      You can see like, 7 people or something low at once... the bar is not very high.

  94. 8 months ago

    >wow f2p
    leaks have been saying this for over 10+ years
    it will never happen because of activision and this is why these "leaks" are fake

  95. 8 months ago

    Who cares?
    Seriously, who the frick cares about any Blizzard property anymore? Only the most dumbfrick normie morons still go out for this shit, or brainwashed Blizzdrones that have spent so long playing their slop they've formed their entire lives around it.

    Just go play other, better video games. There's nothing of worth in Blizzard anymore.

    • 8 months ago

      >Just go play other, better video games
      name 5

  96. 8 months ago

    kingdom come is the great filter

  97. 8 months ago

    Don't care ffxiv is a second life lobby

  98. 8 months ago

    Yes, yes, Mrs. Lincolin, but: When is Diablo 2+LoD/Remastered Steam?

    That is literally the only thing I give a frick about from NuBlizzard. As soon as that releases on Steam, "Blizzard" can die (as they did in 2005).

  99. 8 months ago

    Immortal is extremely profitable and its userbase retention has far exceeded expectations.
    that's funny because the Diablo Immortal team are a bunch of massive under-acheivers. one of the new "contents" they released consists of: "click on a crack in the environment and a spooky demon voice taunts you while spawning a few mobs" yes that's literally it, there's a quest to click on a bunch of cracks that spawn a few nothing mobs.

    • 8 months ago

      The PC 'beta' hasn't been improved since release and still is appallingly barebones. I don't even care about the predatory monetization model, Immortal is their worst run game of all time

  100. 8 months ago

    >thinks being good at wow is being good at videogames
    How delusional can you be when the addons play the game for you because the people designing the fights can be assed to add visual clarity

  101. 8 months ago

    Blizzard isn't Blizzard anymore. -Donald J. Trunp

  102. 8 months ago

    >Microsoft has expressed interest once the merger goes through to break up Blizzard as a singular entity to distribute its IP's amongst their studios while closing and reallocating the billions of dollars in californian real estate the company has been sitting on and trying to force a return to office policy to make them look like they are still needed.

  103. 8 months ago

    >doesn’t mention them knocking the dust off HotS
    Fake leak.
    The only good blizzard game survives

  104. 8 months ago

    Remember how amazing they used to be?

    I miss being excited about games.

    • 8 months ago

      The real question is when are you going to move the frick on

      • 8 months ago

        I'm not a normalgay, vidya is all i have.

  105. 8 months ago

    >Microsoft has expressed interest once the merger goes through to break up Blizzard as a singular entity to distribute its IP's amongst their studios
    If this actually happened I would laugh so hard at morons that were championing this buyout kek.

    • 8 months ago

      They managed to frick up free win games like Warcraft 3 Reforged, a game that is STILL not fixed to this day, they are internally dysfunctional to the extreme and begging to be broken up

  106. 8 months ago

    Friendly reminder that FFXIV is not an MMO

    • 8 months ago

      just give it up, hairsplitter-kun
      none of the other genre titles are taken literally and many dont make any sense (for example, rpg, when you play a role in almost every game)

  107. 8 months ago

    Just. Fricking. Copy. TF2. PLEASE. FFS.
    >Have a blueprint for success
    >Copy characters
    >Don't copy stuff that matters
    Imagine OW with alt equips tradables and 8v8-12v12 maps it would sell fricking lods

    • 8 months ago

      Team Fortnite 2 is gay
      Overwatch is gay
      You are gay

      • 8 months ago

        Don't care Black person all anybody wanted from OW was TF3 since TF3 isn't happening. Frick you

        • 8 months ago

          I'm afraid you did a racism on Ganker, which is not allowed. Please keep in mind that this is an advertiser friendly website.
          You stupid homosexual.

    • 8 months ago

      Overwatch 8v8 would actually be really kino. I don't think 12v12 would work unless there is no limits to heroes and would still need to cap it at 2 or something per character for balance reasons. More weapons to add variability would be the real deal, one big problem with Overwatch is that it gets repetitive and stale really fast. I've never met someone that played for more than a year. Most of my friends dropped it after 6 months which is low for a multiplayer game.

      • 8 months ago

        Overwatch was made for big city maps anyways I can't stand this triple pasteurized flavorless 5v5 payload only deal. They should embrace unorganized casual play there's nothing to lose since they've already finished scamming and losing every e-sports investor possible. Also, let modders actually touch the character kits so the community can make a balance mod.

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