oWoD Vampire

Which vampire clan was the most annoying for a player to roleplay and why was it Malkavian?

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  1. 3 months ago

    Malkavian and brujah players are the worst imo

    • 3 months ago

      My players always had fun as malkavians. They were some of the best to have in a group since they are literally GM plot device the clan.

      Probably just bad players more than anything.

      I've never once had a player want to be a brujah. Literally never. New and old players alike. I think they are the least liked and played clan.

  2. 3 months ago


  3. 3 months ago

    WoD is the Sonic the Hedgehog of TTRPGs.

    • 3 months ago

      And you're the the New England Patriots of sucking wiener.

      My players always had fun as malkavians. They were some of the best to have in a group since they are literally GM plot device the clan.

      Probably just bad players more than anything.

      I've never once had a player want to be a brujah. Literally never. New and old players alike. I think they are the least liked and played clan.

      You homos just come onto the internet to tell lies? Brujah is one of the 3 most popular clans lol.

      • 3 months ago

        I've literally never had a player want to play one. I've even had a player play like a brujah, but she was a toreador.

        Even I find them to be somewhat boring as a clan, outside the whole true brujah shit.

        • 3 months ago

          Malkavian sure, but honourable mentions to Tzimisce. I've never played with a Tzimisce that wasn't a embarrassing edgelord.

          There's some fun Brujah concepts to play, I think, but unfortunately a lot of people don't see beyond the most basic interpretation of their clan, so they just play angry punk anarchists always.
          I had a good amount of fun playing a philosophy professor who's been embraced by a Brujah who was seeking a discussion partner. High Willpower, lots of Resolve, not so politically ideological but holding very strong moral convictions, played as a committed stoic that went to great lengths not to frensy, less like a pot of simmering rage that sometimes boils over and more like a pressure cooker. It's not a very original concept, but it worked fine, and the character honestly felt like it had a richer internal life than a lot of the other characters in that chronicle.

          i also legit had more players ask to play truhjah (4) than brujah(1) in the 12 years i been st-ing

          i never said yes mostly because the character concepts always seem lame, but they did ask

          Trujah is so snowflakey.

          • 3 months ago

            Many people want to roleplay Malkavian as Joker or a Jester. They do weird randomlol bullshit and when consequences come to then, they sperg "b-b-but I was ro-ro-ro-roleplaying my character!".
            There's also an issue that people think "Malkavian Derangement = Real Life mental illness" and some STs force people to roleplay derangements as that. Not saying you need to be disrespectful towards mental conditions, but equating both is a disservice for why Malkavians get derangements when embraced at first place. I see more and more STs being unable to balance both concepts.
            Does not help at all V5 books also go for this stance. In Chicago V5, they made a plot point that Evan Klein's multiple personality disorder probably isn't real because "people in real life with this disorder doesn't behave like him". They got far to the point saying that other Malkavians with that disorder before being Embraced are the ones more vocal about this, which is funny because Evan's disorder was also something before his Embrace. So yeah, Malkavians are forever tainted.

            The thing with Brujah is you having normaly these two concepts: Revolt Brujah or Scholastic Brujah. Which both are fine, but you need deepth. And normaly many people don't do it. In the end, this is the result: Every Clan can be interesting, but you need player effort in doing it.
            Last two VtM characters I played were pre-gen characters from Clanbooks: "The Student of the Abyss" from Lasombra, and "Anarch Thaumaturge" from Tremere. I made an effort to make both of them unique and the result was pretty good.
            I'm currently playing with the Tremere and I'm still getting on my feet on how to roleplay. We are in our third session and I feel I finally connected with him. Now a new player is going to join us and he wants to first play as a Ghoul and then become vampire. He chose me to be his Domitor and since I already got a Ducheski family as my Retainers, he's going to be one of them. I'm quite excited for that.

            • 3 months ago

              >Every Clan can be interesting, but you need player effort in doing it.
              Yeah, that's essentially the dynamic. There's nothing wrong about "common takes" on clans or their basic subversions, but you've got to give it some texture. Having them feel unique in some way also helps, but I honestly think things like seeming to have a layered personality and deep connections to other characters and NPCs is more important in the end. That also leads to better roleplaying situations and more story hooks.
              I've also played simple variations of clanbook pregens, for instance there's a Gangrel pregen somewhere called something like "Roller Derby Girl" which I basically copied, and then just made a list of everyone significant she'd know and thought about how those relationships worked and what they said about her personality.

              I think what it is, is that Brujah are very 'punk' which is fine and cool and you can tell interesting enough stories, but literally every other clan feels Classical in design.

              Like all the other clans feel inspired from vampire archetypes taken to logical extremes and realities. Brujah just... Feels punk which is cool and all... But doesn't feel like a classic vampire so it doesn't capture players much. Even the Trujah capture players more from ancient vampire like archetypes.

              Brujah just feels specific to vampire the masquerade and I can't really point to other media with vampires or vampire like creatures quite like them.

              >literally every other clan feels Classical in design
              I get what you're saying, and there's a reason the Brujah aren't a clan in Requiem, but I can only half-agree. Most of the clan concepts are kind of muddled if you really look at them, and some of them are post-hoc justifications. The clans were a late addition to the game's development, introduced as quasi-classes because playtesters thought it was hard to create vampire concepts without them.

              As for other media that features something like the Brujah, I think it's basically The Lost Boys. Near Dark is somewhat close too, I guess.

              You just immerse yourself in escapism to distract yourself from the fact that you're a fricking loser in your daily life. Got it.

              >Anecdotal evidence


              Brujah professor. Wow bro, that' like so totally frickin subversive and breaking the mold and not. You're so high brow and different. Lol, it's literally a character template in the 1e clanbook.

              Lmfao, you're such a homosexual hack. Only thing that's worse than a snowflake is you losers that act like you're like the anti-snowflake and then coming up with midwit shit like this. God this was such a shit game even before V5.

              Lol you're basically illiterate.

          • 3 months ago

            I think what it is, is that Brujah are very 'punk' which is fine and cool and you can tell interesting enough stories, but literally every other clan feels Classical in design.

            Like all the other clans feel inspired from vampire archetypes taken to logical extremes and realities. Brujah just... Feels punk which is cool and all... But doesn't feel like a classic vampire so it doesn't capture players much. Even the Trujah capture players more from ancient vampire like archetypes.

            Brujah just feels specific to vampire the masquerade and I can't really point to other media with vampires or vampire like creatures quite like them.

            • 3 months ago

              the lost boys with kiefer sutherland has the aesthetic but it's maximum goofs

      • 3 months ago

        i also legit had more players ask to play truhjah (4) than brujah(1) in the 12 years i been st-ing

        i never said yes mostly because the character concepts always seem lame, but they did ask

      • 3 months ago

        I don't watch nigball, idk what that insult is supposed to mean.

        • 3 months ago

          You just immerse yourself in escapism to distract yourself from the fact that you're a fricking loser in your daily life. Got it.

          I've literally never had a player want to play one. I've even had a player play like a brujah, but she was a toreador.

          Even I find them to be somewhat boring as a clan, outside the whole true brujah shit.

          >Anecdotal evidence


          Malkavian sure, but honourable mentions to Tzimisce. I've never played with a Tzimisce that wasn't a embarrassing edgelord.

          There's some fun Brujah concepts to play, I think, but unfortunately a lot of people don't see beyond the most basic interpretation of their clan, so they just play angry punk anarchists always.
          I had a good amount of fun playing a philosophy professor who's been embraced by a Brujah who was seeking a discussion partner. High Willpower, lots of Resolve, not so politically ideological but holding very strong moral convictions, played as a committed stoic that went to great lengths not to frensy, less like a pot of simmering rage that sometimes boils over and more like a pressure cooker. It's not a very original concept, but it worked fine, and the character honestly felt like it had a richer internal life than a lot of the other characters in that chronicle.

          Trujah is so snowflakey.

          Brujah professor. Wow bro, that' like so totally frickin subversive and breaking the mold and not. You're so high brow and different. Lol, it's literally a character template in the 1e clanbook.

          Lmfao, you're such a homosexual hack. Only thing that's worse than a snowflake is you losers that act like you're like the anti-snowflake and then coming up with midwit shit like this. God this was such a shit game even before V5.

  4. 3 months ago

    Just bee yourself!

    • 3 months ago

      Just pee yourself

  5. 3 months ago

    because all the other special snowflake shit can be banned by just saying camarilla 7

  6. 3 months ago

    Ravnos are worse

  7. 3 months ago

    Malkavian, Tzimisce, Ravnos, Lasombra and Tremere gather the most annoying players.

  8. 3 months ago

    >you don't know how to roleplay a malkavian
    >says the ghoul with 4 dexterity 4 on firearms, specialty on accuracy, a couple of uzis with holy white phosforus bullets, 2 celetity, divided actions and attacking by the back
    >that's 16 lethal damage!, anyways, you are a bad roleplayer, no one knows how to roleplay a malkavian correctly

    • 3 months ago

      >Cel 2 on Ghoul
      Is that some 5e thing?

      • 3 months ago

        extra turns

      • 3 months ago

        No. Ghouls in V5 take aggravated damage for every power above 2 because those require Rouse Check and since they can't do this, they take aggravated damage instead.

        Ghouls could always have Disciplines above 1 in Vampire, but required a Low Generation Domitor to do this.

  9. 3 months ago

    The last time we had a Malk player, it was actually great. He played the character totally straight, but asked us if we could each take on a second role as one of his inner voices (and let us come up with that character).
    Gave us a little side fun through the game, allowed him to play a crazy Malk without it being overwhelming, and lead to a fun side-effect where we felt like our characters were slowly going crazy just having the Malk around. Was a great time all round.

    Now when we had a pervert playing a Tzimisce, that was a deeply unpleasant afternoon.

    • 3 months ago

      >The last time we had a Malk player, it was actually great. He played the character totally straight, but asked us if we could each take on a second role as one of his inner voices (and let us come up with that character).
      >Gave us a little side fun through the game, allowed him to play a crazy Malk without it being overwhelming, and lead to a fun side-effect where we felt like our characters were slowly going crazy just having the Malk around. Was a great time all round.

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