How do you handle the massive real life wealth disparity in P2W MMOs, /vm/?

If you're just a regular guy, you pretty much can't do any endgame activities in any PvP-based sandbox P2W MMO because it's filled with obnoxious zoomer crypto millionaires who all have their private rich people cliques, so it becomes pointless to play after a while, and it especially becomes pointless to invest any money in the game, because you know these people will invest more, so your investment might as well have been thrown into a well.

Are there any PvP sandbox MMOs that don't suffer from this at this point in time?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Even if I had all the money in the world I wouldn't buy ANYTHING in an online game, and I truly can't wrap my head around why anyone ever would.
    Because buying items in a game totally defeats the purpose of a virtual world.

    The purpose of creating fake economy is to let that economy be its own thing... Like its own little experiment, or its own separate world that we play in.
    When you taint that experiment with real world economics then I don't even know what the point is... It's neither real nor its own thing. It's something totally meaningless.

    So by paying for in-game items I would be contributing to the very thing that removes the purpose of me wanting to play in a virtual world in the first place.
    Like paying someone to suck all the fun out of your life. It's moronic.

    So to answer your question
    >How do you handle
    I don't handle it. I just ignore those """games""" altogether.

    • 2 years ago

      That's my exact opinion on it too, but people I like playing with play a game like that, so I'm stuck there. But I know it's not going anywhere, and it's just depressing, the fun has been sucked out of it a long time ago, and it's only getting worse as more and more non-P2W players are leaving and selling their accounts to P2W players.

      • 2 years ago

        You're a fricking cuck lmao. Yeah guys I play games I hate and make me depressed because muh friends. I play games for muh friends. You're actually a moron.

    • 2 years ago

      >I just ignore those """games""" altogether.
      sounds awfully like "I just don't play any MMOs"

      • 2 years ago

        Every sandbox MMO seems to devolve into that even if it's not officially P2W, at least when it's not you can get the worst of the worst banned.

    • 2 years ago

      >The purpose of creating fake economy is to let that economy be its own thing... Like its own little experiment, or its own separate world that we play in.
      >When you taint that experiment with real world economics then I don't even know what the point is... It's neither real nor its own thing. It's something totally meaningless.
      congratulations anon you realized that humanity CANNOT escape this

      • 2 years ago

        Only because of shitty greedy developers who don't give a frick?

        • 2 years ago

          human nature is like that. we can't help recreate our financial system and all its failures in videogames because this is how things are meant to be.

          • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              how old are you

              • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      The kinds of people who pay2win are the spoiled brat children of rich parents
      Normal employed people get frustrated by lack of inventory space or maybe buy a tent in BDO

  2. 2 years ago

    Albion Onine.

    • 2 years ago

      stop shilling this garbage in every thread talking about mmorpgs

      • 2 years ago

        It's a PvP sandbox MMO that isn't p2w. I answered OPs question. Is this another schizo thread where we talk about MMOs that don't exist without ever naming any examples?

        • 2 years ago

          PVE gays pretend that good PVP mmos don't exist, despite the fact they last longer then PVE trash that usually shuts down or goes singleplayer live service after 5 years.

    • 2 years ago

      Do you play it? What's the average new player experience like?

      • 2 years ago

        There's a tutorial to teach you the basics and some quests but you are on your own an hour in.
        You can find players that never left the starter area.
        Your best source of information are beginner guilds and the help channel. The mods are very helpful and they work for free.

  3. 2 years ago

    Time is money, so every game with grinding is P2W. I just don't play them.

  4. 2 years ago

    You don't, which is why they fricking die.

  5. 2 years ago

    PvP spergs can't help themselves but kill playerbase for games they play. It is also way more egregious now than ever before, people understood concept of not slaughtering the entirety of your prey population before. Nowadays they unironically take pride in forcing people quit, and when P2W is involved, there's no point in even trying.

    • 2 years ago

      Not sure what fantasy world you're talking about, lowbies have been getting ganked since UO. Go play your care bear crap, they make them still. You try World of Warcraft?

      • 2 years ago

        Exemplary low IQ post.

        • 2 years ago

          Sucks to be poor 🙂

        • 2 years ago

          Mad cause you lost an afternoon's worth of time in a videogame champ?

    • 2 years ago

      >Most multiplayer games are PVP
      >Grindgays hate the concept of PVP on an MMO scale because they think it'll be like wow shit where you spend 500 hours to farm a purple item, only to lose it to a random gank
      I don't understand.

  6. 2 years ago

    >can't do any endgame activities in any PvP-based sandbox P2W MMO because it's filled with obnoxious zoomer crypto millionaires who all have their private rich people cliques,
    they need minions and shoeshine boys too, get to it

  7. 2 years ago

    Doesn't sandbox mean you drop everything on death? That sounds like a nightmare even for whales.

    • 2 years ago

      Its why EVE is fine with PLEX but WOW and OSRS is ruined by the WOW token, OSRS less so because they cater exclusively to Irongays now.

    • 2 years ago

      No, just open world PvP where you can attack anyone so it means that the main content is preventing other people from playing the game (doing bosses and other things in the open world that actually reward you with stuff).

      Even if they dropped everything like in EVE, it's no big deal because the P2W gankers will only engage when they can win, so they will amass more and more shit exponentially as the game progresses.

      • 2 years ago

        >Its griefing if people attack me when im dodging groundfire

        • 2 years ago

          Who are you quoting?

          • 2 years ago

            You homosexual, I litterally sub my account with a fricking destroyer and never paid a dime because morons like you put all your loot in a paper tanked frigate

    • 2 years ago

      i don't play gacha games at all, to begin with they need to be made for literal toddlers with creditcards, and i'm only interested in games that reward skill and that allow me to dunk on whales as well as everyone else.

      there was only one time when i experienced something that's actually worse than even P2W, and that was when i used to play a MMO on a private server. the staff there was african levels of corrupt (on top of running what is essentially a scam operation), so even if i wanted to invest, someone who's connected could just copy and paste my character and add a +1 without any money involved. as a new player i'd mostly do solo content so that wouldn't affect me, but as i progressed it only became harder not to quit because i'd even get wiener blocked from content by my own guild due to corruption, so i just left that game entirely, and soon after both the guild and the server imploded (again due to corruption and drama)

      >Are there any PvP sandbox MMOs that don't suffer from this at this point in time?
      darkfall rise of agon seemed fine the last time i checked it but it isn't a modern game.

      it doesn't need to be like that. sandbox is just a mmo where you can do whatever the frick you want because the content isn't streamlined. if it has full loot then you want to only go out with stuff that you can easily replace.

      >That sounds like a nightmare
      it is not that bad if the game has horizontal progression, besides nothing will make me want to pull my hair harder than losing x% of exp upon death on a grindy PVE MMO that forces me to repeat the same fricking thing over and over and over again for hours without an end. i'm never playing a game like that ever again.

  8. 2 years ago

    What are some p2w """sandbox""" MMOs (no full loot because muh gear) that allow me to attack other players without their consent?

    • 2 years ago

      Just play a BR you cuck.

      • 2 years ago

        Battle Royale is fricking cringe

    • 2 years ago

      Korean shit like Archeage and BDO are the biggest budget ones, Ashes of Creation which is a copy of Archeage might come out in 20 years, that's about it for active games.

      EVE for full spreadsheet, Albion and Mortal Online for shit games.

  9. 2 years ago

    What is the problem? Just buy crypto lmfao.

  10. 2 years ago

    >How do you handle the massive real life wealth disparity in P2W MMOs
    By not playing them, simple as, then that way they'll die like they should have already done.

    • 2 years ago

      They never will because people will still play them and pay more than 5000 of you ever will.

      • 2 years ago


  11. 2 years ago

    Simple, you don't play pay 2 win games and you bully the frick out of morons who do.

  12. 2 years ago

    by playing Eve, where someone who's """""pay2win""""" is usually an unskilled moron that gives juicy killmails

    • 2 years ago

      Let me tell you about an alliance called Justice League of Space

      Me and my friend just came back after a hiatus and our corp wasn't around anymore so we started our own. We generally liked to do nulsec roams and prefered that as our content so we joined this alliance who was recruiting.

      The leadership were fricking moronic, this was just when skill injectors came out and they all injected into Rorq (Pre-buff POS boosters) and carriers/caps. The actual locals pretty much let us sit in these 3 worthless pipeline systems and these fricktards kept talking mad shit pretending like they made it big because they can mine in dogshit space with their moron boosting rorq and no one wanted to fight pre-EHP nerf post-space aids capitals.

      Well this other corp joined the same time we did, and we actually just used the space to go kill shit and steal loot,, which of course pissed off the actual locals, who kept trying to bait us into fights but we always knew what the frick was coming.

      However during a 'moving OP' the fricking morons warped a rorqual to a fricking gate, at which point our FC from the other corp was like "Know what, frick this dogshit" and we AWOXED that rorq and joined the locals who grew to like us because we took good fights instead of playing hotdrop dogshit like our leadership.

      Sure they can "pay 2 win" but jesus christ when they kept losing carriers im pretty sure we made them rage quit since they didn't even bother paying their sov bills after a month

      You can't pay 2 win good logistics and basic sense or diplomacy.

      • 2 years ago

        >>Well this other corp joined the same time we did, and we actually just used the space to go kill shit and steal loot,, which of course pissed off the actual locals
        So basically the game would have been better off without you and people like you?

  13. 2 years ago

    Don't play P2W games.
    If I can pay for an in game advantage, the game is not worth my time.

  14. 2 years ago

    I just completely refuse to play any MMO with a cash shop. Don't care the specifics. FFXIV, GW2, New World, whatever the frick, don't care, not interested in getting nickled and dimed.
    I'll pay monthly to get the whole game if it's a good game and nothing else.

  15. 2 years ago

    The most important thing I learned in P2W/F2P MMOs is that rich people are evil, every single time without fail. Even if they try their best to pretend they're not (which they usually don't since there's no consequences).

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