Path of Exile

so, what went wrong?

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Bestiary, for me. Lower IQs took a while longer to read the writing on the wall.

  2. 2 years ago

    Wrote themselves in a corner making the game faster and faster until absurdity, then when they realized they needed to dial it back, their remaining players would lynch them if they did. The result is being stuck in a perpetual state of zooming around maps with overpowered builds that choke out anything else and cater towards a small group of autists.

  3. 2 years ago

    The balancing where everything can oneshot you regardless of defences so the only viable builds are glass cannons that obliterate everything (including bosses) several screens away.

    • 2 years ago

      Well it is more that once you have a good level of defenses (30k combined Eva/Armor),100% suppression, and ideally ailment immune+50% or more Chaos Resistance then you are better off pumping into damage rather than investing more defensively.

    • 2 years ago

      >>The balancing where everything can oneshot you
      Diablo 2 had this problem with Lighting enchanted elite mobs.

      Who the frick thought it would be a good idea to replicate this bug?

      • 2 years ago

        >Diablo 2 had this problem with Lighting enchanted elite mobs.
        Every enchanted mod can kill you, and the worst is probably cold enchanted in diablo2, just need to overcap resistances so lower res + conviction gets you to something like 45% all res

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, if only there was a mechanic that punishes glass cannon builds, like I dunno, reflect or something...

      • 2 years ago

        reflect punishes every build, no matter how tanky is it. Try playing Determination + Grace Champion, you will 1-shot yourself anyway.

        • 2 years ago

          I never really understood why reflect was made so crippling in maps to the point where a reflect map is a death sentence. All they had to do is scale it like Atzihri's 1% all damage reflect and make it boss/rare only, because it reflects 15% of damage dealt against every mob, even hitting normal mobs blows you up due to AoE.

          Right now, reflect is just a map tax, and it running unidentified maps can just randomly get you killed without any possible way to counter it other than retooling your entire build. Adding in more reflect reduction mods for every class isn't the right way to go about it, it's redoing the mechanic entirely.

  4. 2 years ago

    >tfw new player
    >friend makes me a tank build cause i like tanks
    >get 1 shot anyway
    >try other things
    >can't play the way i want cause its not meta enough
    >everybodys quitting anyway
    how long do i need to wait to try this again? i hate this

    • 2 years ago

      You missed the boat, anon, it isn't going to get better. The devs are sinking it on purpose to get cut loose by their Tencent overlords.

      • 2 years ago

        not even this new splitting steel champion fills the void this game is giving me and its even more painful to have to tell my friend who wants to play more that i just cant stand how shitty it feels to play while also being slightly fun enough to want more out of it

      • 2 years ago

        fricking hell, gamedev is just sordid beyond belief

    • 2 years ago

      I have been searching for a "tank build" since I've started playing, and I'm not sure if one exists. I'm playing a Gladiator this league and I wind up with this weird dichotomy of being virtually immune to attacks (I have around 80% evade chance, 90% block chance, 75% physical damage reduction, and 80% resistances to all elements), but then anything doesn't actually "hit" in terms of game mechanics like burning ground destroys me and my defenses are nothing special against spells. Some bosses I can go AFK for an hour and they won't have killed me by the time I get back, and others can kill me in under a second because they bypass all my defenses.

      I think there's some high end equipment that can greatly enhance your survivability like historic israeliteels and very specific uniques, but they're out of reach for most players to find on their own and some can't be used until you're a very high level anyway. I'd rather the game just get rid of those edge cases altogether and dial monsters back on the whole.

      • 2 years ago

        How? Do you have max spell block? Are you using a shield with +% HP on block?
        How much HP do you have? If spells hit too hard, are you using Ruby/Amethyst/Sapphire flasks? What's your uptime on endurance charges/fortify?

        • 2 years ago

          I have:
          5000 Life
          22000 Armor with Determination Aura
          14000 Evade, Enemies Blinded, -25% to enemy accuracy via Dread Banner (Equates to about 80% chance to evade against normal mobs)
          90% Chance to Block Attacks, 0% spell block (+25% when I sub out Flesh and Stone for Tempest Shield)
          88% Spell Suppression @ 56% of damage prevented (68% comes from the passive tree)
          80% resists for fire/lightning, 79% for cold, -16% for chaos
          +100% increased effect of life flasks coupled with instant healing mods (Basically each potion fully heals me every use), life flasks have bleed/blood/poison immunity on use
          Topaz Flask that uses itself when shocked, provides immunity to shock (For lightning mirages/obelisks)
          Granite/Basalt flasks with around 100% uptime, pushes my armor up to 30k
          20 Fortify, up usually against bosses unless I can't hit them
          CWDT Molten Shell

          Things I don't have because of gear or not enough passive points:
          Critical Immunity
          Curse Immunity
          Chill/Freeze/Ignite Immunity
          Spell Block in significant amounts

          Now don't get me wrong, some enemies I can wade through and not take a hit because of the huge evasion/block chance, but spellslingers who do nothing but cast are still dangerous, as are enemies that have burning/corrupted ground, ways to apply ignites, or any sort of damage over time, and some rare mobs can still destroy me in a hit like Crystal Skin or Magma Barrier ones if I don't evade every single one of their AoE hits, as can a lot of delve mobs depending on what they spawn with.

          There's not really any single build that can both tank all content reliably and still do damage on a budget, even if there is a big difference between, say, a Juggernaut and an Assassin in terms of general durability. You're not going to be able to avoid getting one shot everywhere without also just outright avoiding hits altogether, and you might as well play a high damage build if that's the case.

      • 2 years ago

        >POE/Deeblo itemization, but the actual gameplay is more like Gauntlet or Dynasty Warriors. Some kind of manual block button

        • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          What they should do:
          >Make Endless Delve and Endless Heist into its own mode that you can embark on instead of the campaign so you can do them in place of the ten acts you've seen eternally
          >Do some basic expansion on Delve to have "quest nodes" where you unlock your ascendancies, same for specific heists as well
          >Endless Atlas is also a mode, putting you straight into an Atlas of Worlds style gameplay from the start
          >Unique, multi-zone maps fill the role of telling its quests/story

          >Remove randomized loot drops from the world
          >Finishing a map/delve/heist brings up a loot screen with what would've dropped in the instance, similar to Ritual's system
          >Can select what gear you want from the pool or take the currency items generated instead
          >NPC vendors in town sell crafting bases and gems only, what item level they offer is based on your objective completion (Atlas points, delve quest nodes, unique heists)

          >Crafting Bench is overhauled, can use currency in new ways
          >For example, Chaos Orbs can be combined with a new currency type to roll a single modifer type, like a physical or caster mod similar to harvest crafting
          >Focus is on generating items that are actually useful for your build instead of endless identifying rares that wind up having useless stats
          >Essences remain as they currently are and allow you to guarantee one specific modifer
          >Harvest now has unique mods to compensate for its crafting system being moved to the base table

          >Imprinting magic items is now easier to do
          >Can very easily get a single mod that you want on an item, somewhat easily get two mods, three is more difficult, 4+ requires a lot of currency or luck
          >Ensures players can generate at least mostly useful items without a huge grind, though far from perfect

  5. 2 years ago

    I quit a long time ago, don't really know what's happening in modern PoE but a few complaints I had back then:
    Overall, they had a strict adherence to their vision and philosophy, which isn't necessarily bad or good but I generally didn't like what they did. Map sustain for example, people complained about that for so long and GGG had some dumb arguments against it until they finally gave in and fixed it.
    Every single patch, they overtune content to oneshot players and undertune drop rates so it sucks. Every single patch, people complain until it gets fixed. It has to be intentional, GGG can't be that moronic.
    Made huge balance changes and overhauls every patch, nerfing lots of skills, but usually not buffing underused skills. Every time I went back I had to go through and see if the skills I liked were still good or if they were garbage now, which was really tedious.
    Increasing complexity of the game makes it harder to get into for new players and for old players it's harder to keep up with what's going on in the game casually.
    Game is based around multiplayer economy and trading. As a fairly casual SSF player most of the game wasn't accessible to me, with the crappy loot drop rates and all. I really liked Legion because it had good loot and gave me the chance to play with items like a 6L chest for the first time.
    Itemization is boring. Most of the interesting mechanics are on uniques, which are either garbage meant for leveling, niche build-specific, or really rare.
    They didn't succeed at delivering the original promise of the skill gems, where you could mix and match them to customize your abilities the way you wanted to. They added a bunch of damage multiplier gems instead and it turns out stacking those together for bigger numbers is much more effective, despite being boring.
    A trend towards increasing game speed and powercreep. Game mechanics stopped mattering since it's all about killing everything instantly or dying instantly.

  6. 2 years ago

    I played it a few months ago. Got to the the end of Act 2 but quit because I had other games to play.
    It was fun but seeing this shitstorm made me realize that I was lucky enough not to sink my time anymore in this.

  7. 2 years ago

    I have no idea what you guys are talking about.
    The player count looks as healthy as always.
    Talked with a friend that plays it all the time and he has no complaints on the fun factor.
    Seems like higher enemies takes much longer to kill but then has much higher rare drop chances. Good for the players that don't want to spam the same boss over and over again.

    • 2 years ago

      if you don't know anything at all about the game, don't bother posting.

      • 2 years ago

        i guess you are right but i can look at the line go up and down and seems pretty normal to me. so the only complainers are a vocal minority.
        though i have tried the game last year so it's not true that i don't know anything at all about the game.

        • 2 years ago

          >complainers are a vocal minority
          this is a reddit, redditors hate reddit, meme you picked up from your friend who is huffing copium because he's addicted and/or a contrarian and/or a metaslave.
          >much higher rare drop chances
          >spam the same boss over and over again
          these alone shows you know nothing about the game or loot mechanics or skills or general itemization as of now.

    • 2 years ago

      Pretty much. Regardless of what people on Reddit complain about, Path of Exile is still considered the best modern ARPG available and it continues to remain popular.

      • 2 years ago

        i just compare it to diablo and path of exile is so much better

        • 2 years ago

          i just compare it to old path of exile and it's so much worse

    • 2 years ago

      It's the biggest player dropoff ever.

      • 2 years ago

        not every patch can be a whopping success, bound to be a slope sometime

        • 2 years ago

          anon, it's like that since expedition with only sentinel getting bit better but then they quadrupled down for kalandra

          • 2 years ago

            so you're saying can't put a new layer of makeup on the same prostitute for 10 years and expect her regulars to keep being excited, you need to do surgery on her to bring in new customers even if it may alienate some old customers (who were losing interest anyway).
            i agree with you.

            • 2 years ago

              >still no idea what he's talking about
              none of this applies, they already alienated their old customers and became the mainstream ARPG years ago. now the CEO is having a midlife crisis with frick you money and is alienating the new addicts.

      • 2 years ago

        as long as paypigs come back play and pay at league starts retentions are nothingburger
        they probably want lower retanetions because it cuts server costs
        the most important thing is ppl comming back and playing at league start and the it has been growing ever since

    • 2 years ago

      >Seems like higher enemies takes much longer to kill but then has much higher rare drop chances. Good for the players that don't want to spam the same boss over and over again.
      Ahh, yes. This worked so well for the release version of Diablo 3. Super well received. Chris's vision of "opting in" for higher difficulty and rewards is totally fulfilled by random rare monsters that can appear anywhere in any content and one shot you -- especially so when the game has a death penalty. The game had been about certain builds excelling at some content but not other content, and you were able to make calculated decisions about what content/difficulty to attempt with your character, but they've now thrown that out the window. Ironically, current D3 now does a better job at fulfilling that sort of game philosophy.

    • 2 years ago

      you have no idea what you're talking about. you shouldn't have an opinion on this. shut the frick up.

  8. 2 years ago

    percentage chance for item base drops
    percentage chance for item quality upgrade material drops (low for useful shit)
    percentage chance for implicit modifiers (able to be modified with a percentage chance of destroying the item)
    percentage chance for the number of explicit modifiers on an item
    percentage chance for specific explicit modifiers to appear via the use of crafting currency
    percentage chance for those explicit modifiers to be acceptable at all
    percentage chance for elder, shaper etc influence mods to appear (with random values)
    percentage chance for two influences via use of awakener orbs (again random values)

    This isn't even close to comprehensive. The entire fricking game is a gambler's wet dream, a skinner box made digital. Some people love gambling and will defend it, arguing that every game is just like it. I respect your opinion, but I could almost feel my brain melting as I sped through yet another map, hoping for some arbitrary amount of currency or base items to drop so I could continue gambling.

  9. 2 years ago

    I think people are missing the mark on discussing difficulty and zoom vs tough fights. The number one cause of the last meltdown was the absolutely pants on head moronic philosophy GGG had taken on loot and power advancment. At this point it is clear that the devs want the game to be a loot casino. Every last node of deterministic progression is slowly getting stamped out - harvest nerfs, crafting changes. Currency is getting moved out of regular content and getting pushed into RNG x-influanced rare mob loot goblins. There's a reason why everybody does Expedition and Heist now - they got looked over in the league content nerfs. And also I can bet these will get nerfed in the future. Finally, the minion nerfs are another telling sign of design failure. Why were they nerfed? Because, *gasp*, they didn't relly on their gear that much and could work very well just with skill tree and gem combos. In other words, they were more immune to the gear casino, and thus got literally called as "freeloaders" in Kalandra reveal stream, and then got nerfed out. To conclude, what is really sad, is that none of this casino design seems to stem from greed, but instead from the devs themselves, who for some reason think its how the game should work, and who treat determinism as literal satan.

  10. 2 years ago

    >what went wrong?
    hm, from the top of my head
    >removing every deterministic way of crafting gear
    >therefore adding more RNG bullshit
    >cutting drops down by 90%, and I'm not exaggerating
    >adding Archnemesis mobs that are absurdly tanky and can one-shot majority of builds
    >progressing a slog, every item upgrade must be earned in a much longer time
    >trading is still some medieval shit when you have to copy message from the website and whisper other players in game. Even ancient Ragnarok Online did it better
    >build diversity is non-existent, due to lower player power only meta builds can sensibly reach and beat endgame bosses

  11. 2 years ago

    Just hit level 95 this league, I want to try a new character. I can't decide between a minion focused guardian, infernal blow inquisitor, or a cold occultist. I kind of want to do the occultist, but I know absolutely nothing about cold skills and how to run them so I can reliably freeze things, or at least just chill them at the cap.

    Is the creeping frost DoT worth using? It looks like it could be a neat skill, but I don't think it can freeze since it doesn't hit. My other character is just on general mapping, but I want to run an occultist for Heist/Delve.

    • 2 years ago

      Try cold CoC occultist, insane DPS ceiling.

  12. 2 years ago

    too many poorly balanced mecanics. this game a soup mess

  13. 2 years ago

    if i was king of the world, i'd make online games with addiction mechanics illegal. no country should do this to their intelligent young men. i wonder how chris sleeps at night.

  14. 2 years ago

    The fact that 10 acts added nothing to the game. It was fine as 4 or 5 acts and 3 difficulty settings. It was simpler that way and that's a good thing. They didn't even add voice lines to the exiles past act 5 so you should ask, was this half assed 10 acts really worth it?

    • 2 years ago

      The lack of voicelines was one of the little things that bothers me more than it should. I don't really like the post-act 4 story anyway and the atlas feels completely disconnected from the rest of the story, but I quickly noticed npcs stop reacting to my exile specifically and it wasn't until recently SOME of the exiles got dialog about the events going on.

      Maybe it would've been fine had the game been like that from the start, but I went from feeling like a character in the story to just a passive observer when I hit act 5. In fact, the only dialog changes I can remember based on characters post act 4 is Utula remarking how a Templar teamed up with Karui slaves to fight the order back and Nessa having two different lines based on your character's sex pre-boss encounter.

      • 2 years ago

        Those voice lines are actually the only lore we get about our character's personality. It may not sound much but it's very important for immersion.

  15. 2 years ago

    Everything about it is wrong. It's also not a RPG.

  16. 2 years ago

    Casual ladder:

    Hardcore ladder:

  17. 2 years ago

    It's just a glorified cookie clicker. I click q and the screen dies. At this point I'm doing the content to incrementally do 5 percent more damage every chapter. Boring. Moving on to something more interesting.

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